The Velvet Glove


Here’s the link to Keegan Hankes’ article about the League of the South in the latest issue of the SPLC’s Intelligence Report.

Update: SNN responds.

Note: I initially had a lot more to say about this, but decided that I would rather write about something else this evening. Craig Cobb’s fiasco in Leith and the demise of vanguardist groups like the National Alliance, White Revolution, and Volksfront – a total contrast with what we are doing – speaks for itself.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. ” a total contrast with what we are doing – speaks for itself.”

    Okay, granted you are doing things differently than those groups did, but… you are getting attention from “anti-racist watchdog groups” like SPLC. If your group ever becomes strong enough to worry those Jewish organizations then how long will it be before your group also is infiltrated and tracked (if it is not going on right now) and becomes so vilified by the kosher klan that your group becomes as untouchable as those you mentioned above? It is certain that they do not like you any better than the Skinheads.

  2. So what?

    We don’t care about their blog posts. I’m accurately quoted in the article saying “we wanted to show our many sympathizers that the League is full of normal, ordinary White Southerners.”

    I’m not worried about infiltrators like Keegan Hankes who are just going to show up at our rallies and hold our signs for us. We aren’t doing anything illegal and “infiltrators” won’t turn up anything because we act the same way in public that we do in private.

    Good luck with vilifying us. They didn’t succeed in Uvalda or Murfreesboro or more recently with State Sen. Frank Niceley who turned around and attacked them.

  3. “I’m not worried about infiltrators like Keegan Hankes who are just going to show up at our rallies and hold our signs for us. We aren’t doing anything illegal and “infiltrators” won’t turn up anything because we act the same way in public and private.”

    True enough, for now. So, assuming that you grow to a large enough number, and you start to command some serious attention from the government, what will you do? Will you all vote Republican? At some point in time if all goes well for you, you will have to say; “we want out of the union and want to form our own country”. This is where the infiltrators will be valuable- if not now. Somewhere in his writings Revilo Oliver wrote that (I paraphrase here, and he was speaking about the value of diplomacy); ” in the end the only thing that matters is force or the credible threat of force. The US government is not going to let secession occur without a fight. You can’t vote your new country into existence.

  4. And by the way, I am not attempting verbal harassment here, I am only curious since I have seen many groups come and go. There is always the recruiting phase and then the occasional organized demonstration, sometimes along with a lot of shouting about going to the voting booths and “voting the bastards out”, etc. As I said, I am just curious as to whether there is any thought given to the end-game.

  5. “Avoiding raising a weak child is activism; everything else is nothing.”

    No raising any White child is better than not. And one person’s “weak” linebacker is another ones brain surgeon.

  6. Re: George

    1.) Speaking for myself, I didn’t vote for George W. Bush, John McCain, or Mitt Romney for president.

    2.) It would be nice to worry about that, but in the meantime we will continue to focus our efforts on getting the people who are already secessionists to join us. The Texas Nationalist movement has done a good job of that.

    3.) We don’t believe in voting the bastards out.

  7. @ George — first things first…first we have a united front among our national representatives or at least from our Southern Governors and legislatures that demand that our US representatives decline to be seated in the US Congress. Then see how things play out. One can wish.

  8. @George

    When you talk about the Council of Conservative Citizens, and the League of the South you are not talking about the kids playing under the street light.

  9. And one person’s “weak” linebacker is another ones brain surgeon.

    Thanks for the news bulletin, Rudel.

  10. The linked article claims that LOS (and also, by extension, OD) proposes ‘a theocracy with different rights for different groups’. The theocracy part is probably wrong, but ‘different rights for different groups’ seems to be an ACCURATE observation. There has been a lot of ‘appreciation’ expressed for ‘immense wealth creating’ African slavery under a combined ‘Norman’ white and ‘Sephardic’ southern-Talmudic Elite.

    The southern nationalist purge of ‘non-uniform off types’ like Heimbach and non-shirt-and-tie wearers reminds me of the televangelical megachurch founders’ saying that they could NEVER have grown their organisations to such massive size if they had not thoroughly searched out and thrown out all independent-minded or otherwise nonuniform members from the very beginning.

  11. A massive organisation of ‘yes people’ is a house of cards. Truth cannot be bought, sold or organised. The Almighty works in mysterious ways.

  12. Slavery is a moot issue.

    No one in the League of the South has ever owned a slave. No one advocates bringing back slavery either.

    The people who want to fight slavery should focus their efforts on Africa where it still exists.

  13. Here’s the image the League wants to project:

    Here’s the image that “independent-minded” White Nationalists want to project:

  14. I don’t know how independent-minded those non-LOS-type white nationalist groups really are. All groups and individuals not heeding the Biblical call to ‘come out and be separate’ will necessarily falter and fail.

  15. ‘people who want to fight slavery should focus their efforts on Africa where it still exists’

    What about the cosmopolitan, global Elite who are working, intentionally or not, to enslave all of US HERE, as well as them over there?

  16. Here are 308 of his radio broadcasts, from the 1970?s to the 2000?s:

    I’ve seen that before. There’s a gap from 1983-1993. Was he not broadcasting during this time? If he was, do you know any way those broadcasts can be accessed? Also, is there any collection of his “Attack” and “National Vanguard” magazines available? I have a copy of the “Best of Attack/NV,” but I’d like to have the entire collection. I loaded a torrent that purported to contain the whole set but it went nowhere for lack of seeders. (Goes without saying that I agree with very little of what WLP said, but he was a lucid writer whose succinct statements often got the point across in a way that impressed me.)

  17. And by the way, I am not attempting verbal harassment here, I am only curious since I have seen many groups come and go.

    None of those groups ever led to a mass national movement, though. Like it or not, SN does have the potential to become that, and if it ever does rise to that level I’d expect many other groups (WN and even non-white) to hitch themselves to it, whether on the basis of reciprocal support or simply riding the wave. There are simply too many variables for anyone to definitively predict the eventual outcome of it all, so of necessity the attitude must be to cross that bridge when it’s reached.

  18. But I’m not sure I LIKE the term ‘independent-minded’, Hunter. Note that I used it (above) in reference to megachurch founders’ recountings of how they managed to launch their churches into rapid growth from obscurity: by discouraging or dismissing members who were ‘independent-minded’ or otherwise ‘didn’t fit in’ and ‘would have spoiled the image being projected’.

    • I like the term “independent-minded.”

      I would also use “unclubbable.” I have a lot of experience in dealing with these people. There are some people who are just too individualistic to cooperate with others for any type of common purpose. They are constantly bucking up against authority. They want to be able to do whatever they feel like whenever they choose.

      What matters most to people like that is expressing their own individuality. They’re not trying to connect with any target audience. Instead, they are just acting out their own fantasies, engaging in a type or role playing.

  19. ‘That’s your beloved free labor system’

    NOT free, nor loved by us. It is a THEFT system by and for the benefit of a wealthy Elite. Not run by Blacks either.

  20. ‘too many variables for anyone to definitively predict the eventual outcome of it all, so of necessity the attitude must be to cross that bridge when it’s reached’

    Radical protesters’ motto: ‘Act now, analyse later’.


    “Among the innovations of modern times following the decay of villeinage,” has been the creation of a new system of slavery. The primitive and patriarchial, which may also be called the sacred and natural system, in which the laborer is under the personal control of a fellow being, endowed with the sentiments and sympathies of humanity, exists among us.

    It has been almost everywhere else superseded by the modern artificial money-power system, in which man – his threws and sinews, his very being, are all subjected to the dominion of Capital – a monster without a heart – cold, stern, arithmetical – sticking to the bond – taking ever “the pound of flesh” – working up human life with Engines, and retailing it out by weight and measure.

    His name of old was “Mammon, the least erected spirit that fell from Heaven.” And it is to extend his Empire, that you and your deluded coadjutors dedicate your lives. You are stirring up mankind to overthrow our Heaven-ordained system of servitude, surrounded by innumerable checks, designed and planted deep in the human heart by God and nature, to substitute the absolute rule of this “Spirit Reprobate,” whose proper place was Hell.”

  22. Mosin just doesn’t get it. If this movement is to succeed, it can’t have a bunch of people running off in different directions, each with a different plan. We must have a goal and a realistic way of reaching it. Our goal must be based on our culture, as well as the way of reaching it. The pictures and videos featured in the comments show a series of individuals and groups who are totally detached from the average American. We’re trying to reach out to the average American by looking like him, behaving in a normal, social manner, and trying to understand his hopes and fears, and validating them, instead of projecting an unrealistic program to them that may be based on the hang ups of a group leader.

    Mosin also keeps talking about revival and repentance in order for this thing to work. Well Mosin, this may surprise you, but most of us are already moved by spiritual and moral values. That’s why we’re supporting the COCC and the LOS. If some of us regard you as a joke, it’s because you keep talking about religion, but you won’t even tell us what church you belong to, and frankly, you come across as a small town, sectarian, religious crank and bigot.

  23. ‘What matters most to people like that is expressing their own individuality. They’re not trying to connect with any target audience.’

    Besides (1) being ‘unclubbable’, ‘acting out personal fantasies’ alone, and (2) playing or ‘connecting to an audience’ in a ‘club’ or group that is blindly following the blind, there is the third possibility of a life of faith, living out the Gospel in the Church.

    If only the southern white ethnonationalist movement really WERE ‘theocratic’ as SPLC claims. Against such there is no law.

  24. @ Our goal must be based on our culture, as well as the way of reaching it…

    What IS your “culture?” You sound like a u.s. leftist, for instance calling people you don’t agree with “small town” and bigots and so on, as you just did above.

    My culture frowns on that.

    Anyway, there is no “white culture,” lol. There are white ethnicities separated by HUGE divides. Maybe you mean what the u.s. culture became in the past 60 years—like your trash t.v. and “football.” More like an “anti” culture.

      • Re: DixieGirl

        Let’s don’t exaggerate here.

        The average White person in the South is much more likely to be found screaming “ROLL TIDE” or “GO DAWGS” on any given Saturday like their counterparts cheering on the Oregon Ducks or Ohio State.

  25. countenance,

    it surely died in part because it was cosmotheist. If you say that idea was the core though, there are sure plenty of like-minded people today, unfortunately.

  26. Some consider the Tea Party movement to be ‘moved by spiritual and moral values’ — while it is in fact a ‘mixed multitude’ ranging from atheist Randians to observant Talmudists to Papists, evangelical Protestants — even Mormons and other cultists, and members of NON-Christian religions, as well as all races. Membership in LOS, CofCC, etc. is also at least officially open to all religions and races, although white Protestants vastly predominate.

  27. It is a measure of the loss or reversal of southern culture that those who will not join ‘the ONE Church’, and worship the Pope and God’s Mother are considered the ‘religious bigots’ on a southern forum.

  28. There’s an elderly Jew who converted to Christianity in the CofCC.

    The guy has been around for twenty something years. He is so old that he looks like he could keel over and give up the ghost any day now.

    It is gospel on the internet that people like that are the biggest threat to the success of WN organizations. In reality, the biggest threat to WN is their own unwillingness to do anything beyond bitching and complaining on the internet, or when they do to act like Craig Cobb and sidekick in public.

  29. Trying to reach ‘the average American’ (the ‘target audience’), trying to look and behave like the target audience, trying to understand and playing on their hopes and fears… sounds so contrived, psychological and Talmudistic.

  30. Re: ‘unwillingness to do anything beyond bitching and complaining on the internet, or when they do to act like Craig Cobb and sidekick in public’:

    Difference of opinion is not necessarily a complaint. No one I know personally acts like Craig Cobb and sidekick did in those featured videos, neither in public nor in private.

  31. ‘There is nothing “contrived” about the League demonstrations’

    I wasn’t referring to the demonstrations but to the discourse about analysing and acting like a ‘target audience’.

  32. Oh, now I know who you meant, Hunter. At first I thought you meant a conversion took place at a recent meeting.

  33. Dixie Girl, I’m from a small town, (Peoria, Il.) my Virginia ancestors helped found a small town, (Elmwood, Il. ) and I live on the out skirts of Peoria, near another small town. (Mossville, Il) and I’m deeply conservative. The reason I used small town in a derogatory way is simply because I don’t know any big town bigot’s. All the ones I know are small towners. And for the record, I hate big cities, especially the crazy traffic around them. And I hate the way a big corporation, like Tyson, moves into a nice small town and dump cheap foreign labor into it, lowering the quality of life for the people who have lived there for generations. I hope that clears things up for you DG.

    Mosin, the reason I consider you a bigot, (as well as a fanatic) is that you’re always running down everybody else’s faith, and promoting weird sects like the Quakers as great Christian movements. You’re so sure of your righteousness, yet you won’t tell us what faith you follow. Come on ‘pilgrim’ fess up. Tell us how to get from the south to Gloryland via your way.

  34. Denise, some Jews apparently do convert. I lived in Spain for 4 years and met some Right-wing Spanish Catholics whose family names indicate they may have been Jewish many generations ago. One of the nicest ladies I worked with was like this. Very Catholic. Very Spanish. She thought of that possibility (she wasn’t even sure) like many people here think of the possibility they may have some Irish blood. Anyhow, that’s a unique situation there because until very recently it was a monolithically Catholic culture and anyone who is not at least culturally Catholic is considered an alien. I believe the same thing happened to some degree in the Lower South. There are some families around here with Jewish-sounding last names which are not Jewish. They look like everyone else. If they are partially Jewish (again, I don’t know and they probably don’t know either) from back in the day you can’t tell it.

  35. I’m not referring to Sid.

    I think Sid and Miles are some percent Jewish, but to my knowledge both of them are Christians. I haven’t seen Sid do anything but discuss the “Letters to the Editor” section of the Citizens Informer.

  36. I’m not sure it’s a good idea to name yourself after a rifle. Far better and more respectable to manufacture or design one.

    Why pick the standard issue Russian/Soviet bolt action rifle? Not Lebel, Mauser, Enfield, Springfield … Etc?

    Mosin over uses the charge Talmudist as well. To connect unwitting comments to that book you do need to provide citations, Mosin!

  37. Denise, Christianity was started by a fellow who was Jewish on his mothers side. It was continued by his original disciples, especially the twelve apostles, who were all Jewish. All the original converts were Jewish. Not one of them was an Aryan. Sorry.

  38. Here’s a link to the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta:

    Do you see how well organized the Jews are? There isn’t a CofCC or League chapter in Atlanta or anywhere in the South that is nearly as well organized as the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta alone.

    The Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta had $33 million dollars of revenue in 2011 and their Executive Director has an annual salary of $291,439 dollars:

    There’s your problem.

  39. Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘Mosin, the reason I consider you a bigot, (as well as a fanatic) is that you’re always running down everybody else’s faith’

    This is truly rich, coming from the guy claiming his RC church is the one , true church of God, who vigorously defends the practices of persecuting, torturing and murdering people of various Christian denominations – not in submission to the Pope.

    Yet YOU have the audacity to accuse others of bigotry and fanaticism?!


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