The Velvet Glove


Here’s the link to Keegan Hankes’ article about the League of the South in the latest issue of the SPLC’s Intelligence Report.

Update: SNN responds.

Note: I initially had a lot more to say about this, but decided that I would rather write about something else this evening. Craig Cobb’s fiasco in Leith and the demise of vanguardist groups like the National Alliance, White Revolution, and Volksfront – a total contrast with what we are doing – speaks for itself.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The Christ was not a Jew. (Tell us what the Talmud says about the Christ).

    Jews DO NOT convert. It’s blood, not dogma. It’s easy to have lots of money when Your Team has exclusive money printing franchises almost everywhere on the Earth. (Which is an important issue, that must be addressed.)

    Hunter – if you think Miles is a Christian – you are gone for good.


  2. Wrong again Stephen. If you’re going to bring Jews, religion and metaphysical orientation into the conversation, try to get it right. First of all, Jews claim direct descent from the Pharisees and are stained in perpetuity for their role in the crucifixion according to your own church. Metaphysically, Jews are Talmudists, Kabbalahists, and Satanists, and they take inspiration from Moloch and God only knows what other primitive Canaanite blood and sacrifice cults. Jesus identified Jews were the synagogue of Satan for a reason. Jesus is not the only one to link Jews to evil on a metaphysical level. Why you persist in defending Christianity’s and indeed all of humanity’s most implacable historic enemy is puzzling.

  3. ‘I’m not sure it’s a good idea to name yourself after a rifle (…) Mosin over uses the charge Talmudist as well. To connect unwitting comments to that book you do need to provide citations’

    Two good points, John. (1) Changing a screen name is confusing and I don’t have time to think of a good one now. You may suggest a better one. (2) I agree ‘Talmudist’ has been way overdone here, lost force, and I’m tired of it. Regarding citations, you must realise ‘Talmudist’ and ‘Talmudic’ have been used much more broadly (including references to behaviour, culture, genetics) than in reference to the content of the Talmuds.

  4. A whole herd of hobby horses being ridden today. One question for you jewser obsessives, are those jews you speak of anti-White? By this I mean do they work to silence whites or stop whites from thinking, saying or organizing on their races’ interest.

  5. Regarding shape-shifting conversos, I’ve seen a few examples up close. One joined and rose to high position in a rapidly growing, very evangelical and Arminian ‘Jesus movement’ group; then joined and rose quickly in a ‘mainstream’ evangelical denomination; then, for the sake of glory and adventure, completed the Roman Catholic catechism (and ‘mystagogy’), converted, and pursued the diaconate; but later, ‘reverted’ back to conservative Judaism and high position in a synagogue while assisting paganism and witchcraft and remaining atheist consistently all along, and still continuing to use Protestant credentials to give very good, Baptist sermons and perform marriage ceremonies when calls or opportunities arise.

  6. Captain John – have you read ANY of the Talmud?
    If not – START.
    It’s not overdone. People don’t know about the contents of Satan’s Bible.

  7. Denise, the New Testament says Christ was descended from the tribe of Judah. The New Testament shows the very first converts to the faith were Jews, Jews who were persecuted by the founders of Talmudism. Marranoism doesn’t disprove genuine Jewish conversions to the Christian faith, it only proves some Jews “converted” for less than honorable reasons, just like many Gentile did over the years. BTW, you shouldn’t be telling people to be reading in the Talmud about Christ. It’s a bunch of lies and it might poison their minds against him. Some may even become (gasp!) Jews!

    Sam, I believe the Catholic faith is the historical Christian faith. I believe it because I can read all the histories written since 33 AD and see that the beliefs I hold now were there in the beginning. This is what I tell Non-Catholics why I’m a Catholic. I don’t bother to attack what they believe, I explain what I believe. And as for your Black Legend nonsense, please read some real history like Kamen’s “The Spanish Inquisition” that gives a balanced historical perspective instead of Black Legend bullpoop.

    Lew, when have I ever defended the Jewish religion on this blog? I have believed for the last 27 years that Judaism was a denial of the old and New Testament revelations. I believe the Talmud is a diabolical book. I believe those who follow it are the children of the devil. What I don’t believe is this unscientific, unbiblical garbage that Jews are the biological children of Satan, like Christian Identity and other flakey belief systems claim. These silly folks confuse theology with biology. The Jews are not what they are today because of biology, they got that way because they rejected God’s revelation in the Old and New Covenants. Please read the New Testament, especially Romans 9-11. The problem is spiritual, not biological.

    “_and why does Dalton do what he does?’ It’s because of the spirit of God given to me and every other Christian in the world at baptism.

  8. That Roman ‘Catholicism’ is not the Biblical, original, historical Christian faith is evident to anyone with common sense, and the so-called ‘black legends’ of Romanism in various countries have strong bases in reality.

  9. Denise wrote: ‘It’s not overdone.’

    I agree, in that sense. I meant (see above) that it can, like any other word, be overused until it loses rhetorical ‘force’. There are many other synonyms.

  10. Roman Catholics have censored and restricted all kinds of good, legitimate research, knowledge and thought. See the warning above not to study Talmud. Romanism has also restricted Bible reading without official assistance.

    Is that the kind of religion that should be allowed to rule, guide or influence southern ethnonationalism and the future independent nation of ‘Dixie’?

  11. Mosin, the true history as recorded by the ancient Christians shows a faith that has all the basic elements of historical, traditional Catholicism. It’s “evident to anyone with any common sense”.

    The Black Legend was mainly a creation of the British Intelligence services of the 16th century. One only has to read Kamen’s book and Dame Francis Yates book, “The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age” to have knowledge of this.

  12. Mosin, the Catholic Church created the system of education used in the western world to this very day. Your claim that we discouraged education and research is just another black legend lie.

    The Talmud should not be studied by a layperson or even a cleric unlearned in Hebrew culture. The Talmud is a book of vain speculations, contradictions, hair splitting rationalizations, blasphemies that could trip up the unwary. The best way to learn about the Talmud is to read a book like Hoffman’s “Judaism Discovered” Jones’s “The Revolutionary Jewish Spirit” or Schafer’s “Jesus In The Talmud”. That way you can understand the basics of Jew logic (?!) and culture without wasting time in the real Bible of the synagogue of Satan.

    “Restricted Bible reading without official assistance”. Well considering how many sects, cults, schisms and flapdoodles have made a mess of things by incorrect Bible interpretation, I’m happy as all get out that the Church restricted Bible reading, (especially in public) with official assistance. Considering the Holy Scriptures were written over a 1500 years period, and the New Testament wasn’t canonized until the 4th century, we Christians need educated people who can explain the history, the culture, and the proper interpretation of the faith with official assistance. Otherwise, we would end up like the Jews saying, one one hand or one the other hand, into infinity.

  13. “the Catholic Church created the system of higher education used in the western world to this very day.”

    Yes, modern colleges and universities evolved from seminaries.

  14. At the risk of offending Palmetto Patriot I would like to reply to something written by the resident Hebrew apologist.

    Stephen E Dalton says: ‘The Talmud should not be studied by a layperson or even a cleric unlearned in Hebrew culture. The Talmud is a book of vain speculations, contradictions, hair splitting rationalizations, blasphemies that could trip up the unwary.’

    In other words, let us continue to be duped by jew liars and spin doctors.

    Recently, revered Talmudic Scholar and former Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, died. Nearly a million devoted jews flocked to his funeral. In a country of 6 million that is a most impressive turnout.

    Rabbi Ovadia Yosef quote: “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel.

    “Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat,”

    Yosef also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected as Jews should do so for a donkey, in order to prevent financial loss to Jews.

    “With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”

    Despite jew protestations this is the sentiment imbedded deep within the Talmud.

  15. “Rudel, you could have also said “from the monasteries” as well.”

    Only to the extant that these monasteries also supplied the seminary scholarship necessary to administer the sacrament of Holy Orders and ordain priests. Many monasteries existed where the abbott may have been the only ordained priest in the entire place. Priories might be a group of monks led only by a deacon and hermitages were places of contemplation of a single monk.

    Personally, I’ve always preferred friars over monks as friars go out and about spreading the Gospel rather than gazing at their navels all day.

  16. Sam, your reading comprehension must be close to zero. I have never defended the Talmud or the Rabbis. I said the Talmud should not be studied by someone unfamiliar with Jewish culture. The book contains unbelievable and perverted twists of logic and morality, incredible blasphemies against Christ, Christians, the Gospel, and his Virgin Mother, and outright crass superstitions. I recommended several books so OD readers who wish to become Jew Wise can do so without wasting their time in the Talmud. How you can call that letting people to be “duped by Jew liars and spin doctors” is beyond me. But, then again, your reading comprehension is very low.

  17. Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘I said the Talmud should not be studied by someone unfamiliar with Jewish culture.’

    To the contrary. Reading the Talmud without jew spin is one of the BEST methods of understanding the roots of jew culture.

    It needs to be exposed, examined, not hidden.

    Dalton: ‘ The Talmud is a book of vain speculations, contradictions, hair splitting rationalizations, blasphemies that could trip up the unwary.’

    Not entirely correct. Jews like to pretend that it is just a compilation of all sorts of stuff thrown against the wall. No, it is much more. It is a great revelation of their collective insanity and absolute hatred for all things goyische.

    Yes, every word is studied, analyzed, revered and often memorized by Talmudic Scholars.

    Antigoy texts when exposed to the light must be laughed away or minimized. Merely misinterpretations of uneducated, unlearned antisemites. Damage control!

    Crispy Cremes Dalton : ‘ I’m happy as all get out that the Church restricted Bible reading,’

    It shows, but you really should expand your horizons – figuratively not literally.

    Verses that must have been restricted by your superiors.

    Proverbs 23:20-21 warns us, “Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and- gluttons- become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.” Proverbs 28:7 declares, “He who keeps the law is a discerning son, but a companion of- gluttons- disgraces his father.” Proverbs 23:2 proclaims, “Put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony.”

    Chew on that for a while thou obese inquisitor of heretics and defender of psychopaths.

    If not sure of the correct meanings of said scriptures be sure to ask a Priest (non-pedo if any exist ) for the Church approved interpretations.

  18. Stephen, I’m with Sam and Denise on this one. The true nature of the Jew can’t be appreciated unless one reads at least some of their filthy book.

    That said, I’m surprised (pleasantly) to see you recommending Hoffman. There is no doubt, however, your “mainstream” people believe that Hoffman hates Jews. It’s well known that Hoffman doubts the 16 trillion figure. What will you do when the SPLC starts alerting “normal” people that a committed member of LOS recommends a Jew-hater’s writings?

  19. Rudel wrote: ‘Personally, I’ve always preferred friars over monks as friars go out and about spreading the Gospel.’

    However you prefer that the Gospel NOT be spread NOW (‘testifying stinks up the site’) and claim you don’t believe the Gospel at all. You should say you prefer solitary hermits who kept it to themselves.

  20. There is not ONE ‘black legend’ (Jesuit propaganda term) but many ‘black legends’ of the true evils of Romanism in various countries.

    NOT reading the Bible ‘without official assistance’ and NOT examining the original sources of Talmudism directly is very Jesuitic, and Talmudic, advice!

    Crediting heretical Papism with creating and advancing higher education is entirely wrong.

  21. To all the above, are all of you totally dense? As far as the Talmud is concerned, it’s a waste of time to read it without expert help. The Jews themselves spend years studying the damn thing, and they argue and disagree among themselves, just like the ancient rabbis did, about what this passage in the Old Testament or the Talmud means to this very day. I don’t see the advantage of studying something that’s intellectual and moral poison. As I’ve already said before, you’re better off in reading what some scholar who knows the culture of the Jews wrote about it, otherwise, you will waste years of your time in a vain intellectual pursuit of garbage.

    Sam, have you ever read what St. Peter said in his second epistle? Kindly read II Peter 1:20-21 and II Peter 3:15-16. Sounds to me like he’s saying scripture isn’t all that easy to understand. Sounds to me like you might need an expert to explain things to you, eh? BTW, I think it’s sad you had to resort to ad hominem attacks on me. It’s the sign of a mind without an argument. In fact, most of the argument you poor folks used were just that. Sad.

  22. What Sam, Mosin, and Lew said.

    But Sam put it flawlessly:

    “Sam says:

    November 22, 2013 at 1:37 am

    Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘I said the Talmud should not be studied by someone unfamiliar with Jewish culture.’

    To the contrary. Reading the Talmud without jew spin is one of the BEST methods of understanding the roots of jew culture.

    It needs to be exposed, examined, not hidden.

    Dalton: ‘ The Talmud is a book of vain speculations, contradictions, hair splitting rationalizations, blasphemies that could trip up the unwary.’

    Not entirely correct. Jews like to pretend that it is just a compilation of all sorts of stuff thrown against the wall. No, it is much more. It is a great revelation of their collective insanity and absolute hatred for all things goyische.

    Yes, every word is studied, analyzed, revered and often memorized by Talmudic Scholars.

    Antigoy texts when exposed to the light must be laughed away or minimized. Merely misinterpretations of uneducated, unlearned antisemites. Damage control!

    Crispy Cremes Dalton : ‘ I’m happy as all get out that the Church restricted Bible reading,’

    It shows, but you really should expand your horizons – figuratively not literally.

    Verses that must have been restricted by your superiors.

    Proverbs 23:20-21 warns us, “Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and- gluttons- become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.” Proverbs 28:7 declares, “He who keeps the law is a discerning son, but a companion of- gluttons- disgraces his father.” Proverbs 23:2 proclaims, “Put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony.”

    Chew on that for a while thou obese inquisitor of heretics and defender of psychopaths.

    If not sure of the correct meanings of said scriptures be sure to ask a Priest (non-pedo if any exist ) for the Church approved interpretations.”

    I believe in going to the source. I would not have believed how VILE the contents there-in are, had I not read loads of a Jewish translation.

  23. Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘To all the above, are all of you totally dense? As far as the Talmud is concerned, it’s a waste of time to read it without expert help.’

    Jew experts of course.

    Sorry Stephen, much of it does not require long winded explanations or convoluted interpretations.

    A lot of it is easily understood. Clear, direct and in plain sight, like the bagels you gnosh for breakfast… and lunch … and dinner … and multiple snacks throughout the day… and evening.

    Now, I’m making you hungry, right?

    Aw, go ahead and get some more cream cheese.

    Stephen: ‘As I’ve already said before, you’re better off in reading what some scholar who knows the culture of the Jews wrote about it, otherwise, you will waste years of your time in a vain intellectual pursuit of garbage.’

    You don’t need to spend hours, days, weeks or months sniffing a dead skunk. As with the Talmud, the stink will hit you hard and leave you gasping for fresh air.

    Very little contact is required.

    Stephen: ‘Sounds to me like you might need an expert to explain things to you, eh?’

    You are the one always clamoring for experts and religious authorities to tell you what to think. Not me. Speak for yourself, Friar Tuck.

    Besides, I could read biblical Hebrew (30 years ago) fairly well and spent a great deal of time researching Rashi, the Rambam and the Shulchan Aruch among other topics.

    The greatest and most revered Moshe ben Maimonides AKA Rambam was one huge anti-goy bastard.

    Commentaries upon commentaries and even had a subscription to the Jewish Press so I could read Meir Kahane’s columns. What a shmuck I was.

    I am far, far, far from being an authority-not even close. But I know enough.

    Now go over to Google and find some jew authors and lists of books for us to read.

    I learned to read and write Hebrew from a Rabbi’s wife. The jewish community center offered classes. I signed up but the classes were full.

    A Rabbi told me his wife taught Hebrew, she would tutor me – for a fee, of course. I accepted and studied once a week for more than a year at their home.

    They were friendly and courteous to me, but the relationship ended when I got too nosey about certain issues. They had a whack job for a kid. A real piece of work, but he taught me the real skinny on the way they roll.

    My wife’s sister was married to the scummy son of a very well known, very wealthy jew lawyer.

    I went to many functions and gatherings at her request.

    Boy, did I get an education. They spill the beans among themselves when they think everyone in the room is one of the gang.

    Anti-semitism is a disease (sic) one gets from being in close proximity to jews, unless one is a social climbing Shabbos Goy, Shiksa or avaricious politician.

  24. I’ve read that Martin Luther was informed about the contents of the Talmud by converted Jews. The story goes that Luther learned Hebrew, read it for himself, and was sickened by what he found. And who can blame him? Imagine the deep mental pathology required to conjure the image of Jesus boiling in excrement. Every group has their madmen. But Jews not only didn’t write off the additions of that particular contributor as the ravings of a madman in their ranks; no, rather than allow those words to be quietly lost to history to prevent embarrassment to the wider Jewish family, they carefully preseved them in their highest book.

    Goebbels defined chutzpah as incomprehensible shamelessness. Predictably, Jews like demanding that Christians censor the portions of the Bible that Jews find unacceptable, but when have they ever offered to clean up their filthy book?

    PP who I believe everyone respects and rightly so is concerned about WNst hobby horse riding. Fair enough. But I can’t be concerned about perceived anti-semitism (self-defense against Jewish aggression) in these communities when Jews never stop riding their anti-Christian, anti-gentile, anti-Southern and anti-white horse. They do it far more often than WNsts except they ride in their global media not on marginal web sites.

    Stephen, I am sincerely sorry you have to put with the anti-Catholicism here. It strikes me as unhinged. Personally, I think the Catholic Church made the right move in keeping biblical interpretation in the hands of an elite rather than the “common man.” A lot of common men and women, especially in the South to my regret, open their English translations of the Bible. They see the word “Israel,” turn on Fox News or Hannity, hear the word “Israel,” and they conclude Christians have a duty to serve God’s chosen as if today’s Israel has any connection to the Israel of the Bible. It’s what can happen when complex issues are left to the common man

    But your unfair generalizations about WNsts are no better than their generalizations about Catholics. You seem to blind to this, and blind to the implications of your promoting Hoffman. I can guarentee you that the mainstream people in your target audience regard him as holocaust-denying Nazi, the type you say LOS has to repudiate. Maybe you should repudiate yourself as a possible embarrassment, or just leave people who have different perspectives than you alone. Of course the reality is that people can’t decide for themselves about Hoffman because Jews have his writings under a complete cultural blackout. Not WNsts fault.

  25. Lew says: Goebbels defined chutzpah as incomprehensible shamelessness. Predictably, Jews like demanding that Christians censor the portions of the Bible that Jews find unacceptable, but when have they ever offered to clean up their filthy book?

    Good question. They never have, never will.

    Lew says: ‘Personally, I think the Catholic Church made the right move in keeping biblical interpretation in the hands of an elite rather than the “common man.’

    I’ll have to disagree on this.

    If you study the Reformation you would find that the leaders were very learned, educated scholars. Many could read, write and speak multiple languages of the day and were able to translate Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew texts.

    Latin was understood also, as their ranks were filled with ex-Priests, Monks, Theologians etc. who were appalled at the the hideous corruption and dastardly deeds of the Church and rebelled.

    Most of them were hounded, persecuted ruthlessly, imprisoned, tortured, killed by various methods and burned to death at the hands of evil despots.

    Sorry, they were not illiterates. They were the cream of the crop. The most noble and virtuous, sacrificing their lives in the pursuit of -TRUTH- not filthy lucre.

    Many died trying to translate scriptures into the dialects of the common man. Those without pedigree or royal birthrights, serfs, shoemakers, laborers, farmers and the like. Teaching them to read, study and interpret scriptures upon sound principles, line upon line, verse by verse, precept upon precept in order to elevate them and free them from perpetual bondage to a ruthless system designed to keep them stupid, ignorant and fleeced.

    Lew says: The story goes that Luther learned Hebrew, read it for himself, and was sickened by what he found. And who can blame him?

    I understand and would not blame him.

    He also visited Rome and was sickened by what he found. And who can blame him?

  26. ‘I am sincerely sorry you have to put with the anti-Catholicism here’

    I don’t remember much ever said here about Rome, for YEARS, until a few months ago when attacks began against ‘Low church’, NON-Roman and so-called ‘Pilgrim’ Christianity (a category that includes the majority of Christian southern whites). Even the ‘Jesuitess’ commenter from Australia, who promotes Romanism here, had never done that.

  27. ‘I think the Catholic Church made the right move in keeping biblical interpretation in the hands of an elite’

    To the contrary, I think the elite of heretical (not truly catholic) Rome made an effective but EVIL tactical ‘move’ in restricting the ability of its regular members (and some of its outer party) to discover that it is, in fact, NOT the Biblical Church of the New Testament.

  28. If Jesus truly is God, crucified for our sins, risen from the grave and coming again to judge the quick and the dead, bringing up religion here is NOT a mere ‘hobby horse’, and the Gospel is the only sure foundation for any white nation. Right doctrine, faith and obedience DO matter. Everything else is shifting sand.

  29. Palmetto Patriot says: “Notice that yet another thread has been overtaken by WNs complaining about Jews. I think this is a large part of why the WN movement is moribund in the USA.”

    At the risk of ignoring Palmetto Patriot’s point entirely, I’d like to refocus the conversation on the real enemy: THE JEW


  30. Brett, the Jews are only as powerful as the Non-Jews allow them to be. Yes, the Jewish culture is evil, but without the support of the Gentiles who allow them to get away with it ( supporting the Jewish mass media, allowing the Jews to have a role in education, financing, etc.) they would be absolutely powerless in our society. The Jews are a real enemy, but the leaders of our own kind are the ones who allow them to get away with their crimes. History shows time and time again that when the Jews lose the favor and protection of the ruling classes, they lose their power. Yes, keep your eyes on the Jews, but keep an even closer watch on the people who favor them.

  31. Thanks for that Stephen. I should have been clearer. That was total sarcasm. The comment section at OD is a broken record 90% of the time. Palmetto Patriot is right when he says the Jew obsession is making the WN movement moribund. I’m sure I’m wasting my breath though. I’ll give it two more comments before the usual suspects are back to screaming about the Jews.

  32. Stephen,

    Do you have ever get tired of making that threadbare point @ 4:12, or are you a real-time example of message discipline in trolling message boards to MISLEAD?

    READ YOUR OWN COMMENT. As anyone with an 75+ IQ can see, your rebuttal only makes sense as a reply to the claim only Jews matter. No one says this. No one. Not once ever. That makes your point which you repeatedly make fallacious.

    You have twice ignored my point about you promoting the Nazi holocaust-denier Hoffman (according to Jews) to normal, mainstream people. By mentioning Hoffman, you implicitly concede that sometimes it is necessary to spread ideas that mainstream people will find bizzare and alienating.

  33. Brett, thanks for the clarification. It’s good to see another clear thinker on this blog.

    Lew, the reason why I make that “threadbare point” is because some people have threadbare minds, and some new folks might buy the “It’s the Joooos” only crap that certain people put out, so it needs to be constantly refuted. I myself brought into that foolishness years ago, but a constant reading of history showed me the folly of one cause explains everything. Some people however, refuse to give up their superstitious belief of the evil other that’s responsible for their troubles. They’re either irresponsible or mentally ill. I’ve known people like this all my life inside and outside the movement, and they never give up their foolish delusions. The only thing you can do is to stay away from them and warn others (not their others! LOL!) to do like wise.

    Hoffman does deny the Holocaust, as reported by the Jews. Big deal. A lot of people from all walks of life (even Jews!) have become skeptical of Holocaust claims and stories. All of these folks are vilified by the Gentile and Jewish gatekeepers as Nazi’s and Anti-Semites. So why should I care if some folks think Hoffman is an Anti-Semite? To the Jews and their Goy dupes, anyone who isn’t a Jew, is one anyway.

  34. Dalton the Jew’s posts perfectly EVERYTHING I’ve EVER said about Jews.

    Dalton the Jew can’t help himself. He’s a Jew. He has Jew DNA. He can’t HELP himself.

    It’s actually funny.

    Same and Lew and Mosin – his posts make me laugh. That are SO Jew, to the bone. To the marrow.

    To the DNA.

    You’se guys know what I mean….

    Brett – crawl up your own anal tract, will you?


  35. “The story goes that Luther learned Hebrew, read it for himself, and was sickened by what he found.”

    While Luther may have been sickened by the Talmud he was a Biblical scholar and translator and learned ancient Hebrew as a matter of course in order to study the Old Testament in the language in which it was written.

  36. The alien origins of Christianity are relatively irrelevant to me…. But,

    the day the Pope and/or the head of at least one major Protestant denomination proclaim that Christ’s salvation and Christian charity are exclusively for European peoples and no others are welcome in the Church is the day that I confess my sins, take communion, get baptised and beg Jesus for forgiveness. Until then, sorry, but because of this heirarchy, -race > religion- concern for the souls of racial others is an absolute deal-breaker for me and I will oppose Christianity as something alien and opposed to my interests.

  37. Jon, Christianity created the Western World you live in today. So, if you reject Christianity, you reject the West.

    Christianity isn’t alien to our interests as white people. The more non-whites convert to the faith, the easier it will be for us whites to live in this world. Think of what would happen if a large number of Muslims would convert. Most of them are non-white. Their conversion would stop a lot of acts of terrorism and full scale wars. That’s a deal maker not a deal breaker.

  38. “The West” is an abstraction. I care about the concrete: European peoples (the ones who lived for thousands of years and created great civilisations without Christianity). I don’t care about the West so long as White people continue to exist. We have in the past and can in the future with a Middle Eastern religion (however paganised it was made to accomodate itself to Europeans).

    The entire Mestizo problem is the result of Christianity (it wasn’t Pagans or atheists who sanctified the marraiges of Spanish and Indios). There is nothing in your book prohibiting such marriages. Whom would you rather your daughter marry, a converted Arab or an atheist of your same ethnicity?

    Muslims, with a median IQ in the 80s, who couldn’t engineer a decent refrigerator without Western help and have military discipline that’s rivaled by Southern Italians, are no threat to the West so long as they stay in their homelands.

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