Diversity Sucks

United States

Liberals are shocked:

“After 20 million-plus simulations, the authors found that the same basic answer kept coming back: The more diverse or integrated a neighborhood is, the less socially cohesive it becomes, while the more homogenous or segregated it is, the more socially cohesive. As they write, “The model suggests that when people form relationships with similar and nearby others, the contexts that offer opportunities to develop a respect for diversity are different from the contexts that foster a sense of community. …”

Here’s an excerpt from Thomas Sugrue’s Sweet Land of Liberty about the open housing movement in the North:

“Most banks had little or no experience with mortgages for blacks. No one had ever heard of a planned interracial community. It was a canon of actuarial science that blacks lowered property values. Finally, one New York-based bank with experiences lending to blacks, broke the ice. Its support pulled Concord Park from the brink of financial ruin.”

A few decades ago, it was “a canon of actuarial science that blacks lowered property values,” and “no one had ever heard of a planned interracial community.” The idea that “diversity is our strength” would have been laughed at by realtors.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Liberals are shocked.” Yes, when people live in a dream world, it’s shocking to have reality bite you in the ass like Bruce, the shark from Jaws!

  2. There was an even better quote in the book somewhere. It was about how realtors used to have to swear a professional oath to exclude blacks to uphold high property values. I’m trying to find it.

  3. ‘realtors used to have to swear a professional oath’

    No honour among thieves. ‘Realtors’ are salesmen-middlemen, a parasitic breed similar to lawyers and ‘insurers’.

  4. “….when people form relationships with similar and nearby others, the contexts that offer opportunities to develop a respect for diversity are different from the contexts that foster a sense of community….”

    No one asks: “what is ‘community’ really?”

    Under Diversity, a community CAN ONLY BE about money, lol.

    In diversity, it can never be about white ethnics, (whether white rural baptists, or irish inner city catholics, or european orthodox immigrants, etc…) being in a state of social cohesion, being together with their own white sub-ethnic groups.

    In a diverse situation, it is only about “Buying In.” Without any irony, freaky Realtors really say things s/a, “Can you afford this community.”

    Real community, real togetherness, cannot be bought.

    In diversity, you can also hook up over “values” or “beliefs” to some degree. But that is all. Money or similar interests.

    Diversity is extremely superficial, and demands the breeding of a superficial public (who will not understand the joys of real community, nor that it was taken from them, and who, if they are not content with materialism, will just take some SSRI drugs and shut up.

    Perhaps why on news Axelrod just said something about how EVEN MORE mental health junk should be pushed on the public. (The underlying assumptions of psychiatry are totally incompatible with any real religion that involves God. In Shrinkdom, the whole sense of Life is different, what it is to be human, why were are here, how we are supposed to go about things, reasonable goals to set, etc…)

    You cannot be a Christian and be involved with the psychiatric solutions and perspective, imo. (Therefore, when new “health care” demands one see a psychiatric worker, a Christian will not be able to say no).

  5. Dixiegirl,

    I STILL hold. . .that the suburbs ought to be either glorified by romance and religion or else destroyed by fire from heaven, or even by firebrands from the earth.

    – The great Chesterton.

  6. “Diversity is Our Strength” is yet another lying phrase concocted by the hook nosed nation wreckers. It certainly isn’t a strength in Israel. “Mexicans do the jobs Americans won’t do” is another lie. Any white with any racial identity is a “white supremacist”. The Sept.11 attacks happened because “they don’t like our freedom”. They justify America’s never ending pointless wars with Israel’s enemies as “fighting for our freedom”. The amazing thing is many white Americans actually buy into all this crap.

  7. On a more positive note, it may be possible to have such sorting by neighborhoods and still have diverse cities. I asked Neal whether he thought that cities that were made up of a federation or mosaic of distinct neighborhoods were more likely to succeed than ones comprised of several more fully mixed neighborhoods. He told me that his model essentially predicted that, regardless of size, more segregated areas – be they neighborhoods or cities – will be more cohesive. He added in an email, “Or even, a more segregated earth will be more cohesive, and a less segregated earth will be less cohesive. Putting diversity and segregation together – you could have a metro that is cohesive and diverse, but it would also need to be highly segregated.”

    Uh. That’s what we used to have in the cities up north. Ever hear of Little Italy? Those were the exact type of neighborhoods targeted by block busters encouraged by the Fair Housing Ordinance. One of the first White ethic enclaves to be so targeted as early as WWII was a Polish neighborhood in Detroit when FEDGOV decided to build low-cost housing for the Black workers migrating from the South.

    You can read all about what happened to those kind of neighborhoods in a book called “The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing.” The author contends that it was an attempt of the WASP ruling class to “Americanize” the Catholic ethnics by dispersing them and driving them into the suburbs. I don’t know how much the strong neutrality regarding Germany by the ethnics during the build up to WWII had anything to do with implementing this policy.

    There are all kinds of ironic consequences coming out of this.

    The irony is that ALL the things being pushed today by TPTB, tight urban communities that did not use up a lot of land, that had a huge reliance on public transportation (Agenda 21, anyone?) was already in place thanks to these neighborhoods. As long as each group had their own piece of turf to return to, everyone was happy to contribute to urban economies by going to work, spending their money in the cities, patronized the theaters, the restaurants, and museums, etc.

    Another irony whose full effect we are finally seeing now that Diversity has enriched some Jews a`la Carter Strange, is that, thanks to the automobile, Blacks have easy access to “safe” White neighborhoods even out in the suburbs. The Aussie who was murdered was jogging through such a neighborhood by a carful of bored “yoofs.”

    Yet another irony is that a cohesive community can only be possible if there is some sense of safety and security. But George Zimmerman continues to be hounded by the media and FEDGOV because he took the logical steps to foster those things in the diverse community that HE lived in.

    Now, I guess TPTB are trying to enact the same policy that transferred whole populations of Whites in reverse by trying to drive Whites out of the suburbs back to the cities through the use of Section 8 Vouchers and low-income housing. But these cities are already in ruins. And there comes a time when the Whites throw up their hands and stay put, figuring there is no where to run to.

  8. Once whites regain the freedom to think, say and organize this nonsense that so perplexes our intellectuals will basically disappear. “Diversity” is joke, a fraud put upon us by a clown show cult, none of it makes any sense, not even conservatives can make it sound good.

  9. Anti-White PTB enact policies that make it impossible for us to escape the strength of DIEversity. We can run but we can’t hide. Anti-Whites demand that non Whites must hunt us down to the ends of the earth and “assimilate” with us.

    DIEversity is a code word for White Genocide.

  10. @Clytemnestra

    It was their own damn ethnic Roman Catholic politicians who pushed for the projects/urban renewal in America’s cities during and after WWII. Mostly the Irish Catholic bastards, but, the Poles and the Dagos were dumb enough to vote for them and support them. Just like this whole Mexican/Latino/Hispanic/ Catholic thing today.

  11. For some, Jews are the root of all evil, for others, it’s Catholics. Meanwhile, let’s forget about those DIEversity promoters who believe ALL White people are the root of all evil.

  12. Last year I had sent Paul Ryan a link to Hunter’s excellent expose on the ‘Color of Crime’. I do not believe he read it.

    Blacks have been waging war on White America . The media finally has picked up on the so-called ‘knockout game’.

    A few jews were attacked so NOW it is big news!

    Derbyshire wrote an article advising parents to have a talk with their children instructing them to stay the hell away from negros for their own safety.

    The fool, Ryan being a lover of diversity offers dangerous advice on how to revitalize the Republican Party.

    Paul Ryan to Republicans: ‘Go into inner cities, go into minority communities’


    Former vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan thinks Republicans need to take their limited-government message to voters “who are unfamiliar with hearing us.”

    “Go into inner cities, go into minority communities,” Ryan told The Des Moines Register in a telephone interview on Monday. “Go into communities that have not seen or heard from Republicans in a long time.”

    Ryan, a congressman from Wisconsin, was responding to a question about whether lessons can be learned from Republicans winning in blue states, like Gov. Chris Christie’s victory in the governor’s race in Democratic-leaning New Jersey on Nov. 5.

    “Absolutely,” Ryan answered. “It shows that we have to go and campaign in non-traditional areas, non-traditional neighborhoods, and by showing up not just a few months before the election, but by being in these communities all year round. That will make a difference. (snip)

    Ha ha.

    Let us suppose a perky GOP White gal takes him up on his advice? We all know the possibilities.

    In the chance she isn’t beaten, robbed, raped or killed what would she say to a welfare queen having 11 niglets, Obama phones, EBT cards, subsidized housing and tons of freebies?

    How would that sow be lured away from the endless supply of goodies offered by Obama and Co.?

    Handing Shaquanda a copy of the Constitution and a brochure detailing Ryan”s prudent fiscal policies and plan for America will not sway a heffer knowing only – Gibs me dis! Gibs me so mo o dat !

  13. Those diversity promoting politicians & media personalities are 9 out of 10 times either Jews or Catholics. That’s the way it is…

  14. “Mostly the Irish Catholic bastards”

    Careful there, Butz. My maternal grandmother was Irish Catholic from a family Beyond the Pale. I don’t want to have to hunt you down and rip out your throat.

  15. @Rudel

    LOL. Now the truth comes out.

    My stuff is real. The grandsons of a famous Irish Roman Catholic politician, and I, don’t even acknowledge each other anymore, and their mother, and my mother were friends. All I can say is fuck you, and fuck them. You Catholic bastards keep it up, and we will have another Civil War. Don’t make any silly threats either. LOL.

  16. “Don’t make any silly threats either. “

    Earl really, it would give me the greatest pleasure to beat the shit out of you at the earliest opportunity. That’s not a threat in the least bit whatsoever. Btw, I’ve never denied on this site my 1/4 Irish heritage but regrettably for you I was raised a staunch Lutheran and am impervious to your Catholic bashing. The memory of my sainted grandmother (as they say) is another matter entirely and you have been duly warned.

    How’s that snake handling of yours coming along anyhow? Have you been bitten yet?

  17. @Rudel

    Why don’t you sing “Danny Boy” for us while you are at it…you are just another internet tough guy, and sooner or later your threats will get Hunter into trouble. My advice to Hunter is just give your information up to the cops like Linder did or does…you got a screw loose too Stevie boy. LOL.

  18. Hey Earl and Sam, about my remark, Y’all understand the concept of a joke, don’t you? Get a life, boys! LOL!!

  19. I saw this on Amren. I commented,
    “Diversity is, of course, the opposite of unity.”
    I got a reply from somebody calling themselves Sensitivity Training,
    “Only a White privilege hate criminal would say that.”

    I am not sure if they are joking, liberal trolls or just lexicologically challenged.

  20. The Diverse is the “opposite” of the Universe. Right?

    It’s a shame that Diversal isn’t a word.

  21. Milgram’s ground breaking integrated development, Concord Park, ended up a majority black neighborhood, as white owners who had been given financial incentives to buy into the development, began to exit – although the liberals are pretty quiet on that.

    “…And Concord Park, Mr. Milgram’s first integrated development, gradually lost most of its white families. By 1982, only five remained.”

    from his obituary in the Philadelphia paper

  22. Folks, you don’t own the universe.

    Whether you like diversity of not, different kinds of people exist.
    Why is it that a fictional race of people — whites — are always the ones seeking to harm entire groups of diverse human beings? Yet, you want to complain that people might view you as racist and disordered?

    Stop living in the future and worrying about population numbers. Make your white babies now. No one is stopping you. Except white women are just as likely to be as interested in brown and black men who treat them nicer than white males who are brutes and delusional about their presumed superiority.

    Grow up, white people. Your skin color does not make you special. You are human like everyone else, with strengths and limitations. Why would people of color view you as superior when no proof of this exists? You need more substance than you demonstrate with most of these comments.

  23. GemGirl says:

    ‘Grow up, white people. Your skin color does not make you special.’

    I wonder if Jack Hunter is posting under a pseudonym?

  24. In response to Denise’s point on DNA and white skin — melanin is the substance that determines skin color. It does not dictate intelligence.

    So please spare us. I know a large number of people of color who run intellectual circles around so-called “superior” white people.

    And I know plenty of intelligent white people, but they are usually not the ones trying to convince entire groups that other people are inferior.

    Follow my logic?

  25. Sam says,November 21, 2013 at 6:45 pm: “Last year I had sent Paul Ryan a link to Hunter’s excellent expose on the ‘Color of Crime’. I do not believe he read it. Blacks have been waging war on White America . The media finally has picked up on the so-called ‘knockout game’.”

    Sam exaggerates far too much since the Knockout Game is an exception — not the norm. Individual black males who commit crimes have their own personal history, human flaws and mental issues that do not reflect an entire racial group. Individual white males who are mass shooters and serial killers also do not reflect their entire racial group and tend to target anyone in opportunistic situations that are not racially-oriented, similar to random violence from black individuals.

    Whites in the context of groups have a lengthy history of aggression and acting out against diverse people — under the influence of white nationalist organizations and official systems that give them “cover.” In other words, whites express their racist violence via group affiliations more often, including gangs and positions of authority such as police.

    Given the historical track record and propaganda stemming from false white superiority ideology, some segments of whites get their identity from a distorted mission to keep blacks and others in “their place” — so they pose a greater danger and want to justify acting out rather than deal with their own human insecurities and flaws due to feeling threatened by diversity.

    From the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) on Active U.S. Hate Groups: “The SPLC counted 1,007 active hate groups in the United States in 2012. All hate groups have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics. This list was compiled using hate group publications and websites, citizen and law enforcement reports, field sources and news reports. .” http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/hate-map

  26. GemGirl says: ‘Sam exaggerates far too much since the Knockout Game is an exception — not the norm.’

    The KO game is yet another manifestation of the anti-social, anti-White, predatory nature of the negro.

    Notice how victims are always unsuspecting easy targets?

    Old people, women, frail individuals?

    Where all all the videos of White KO game perpetrators?

    Rest assured, if ONLY one is produced you will say, ‘See, it’s not only blacks’ ignoring percentages and ratios.

    GemGirl says : ‘Individual black males who commit crimes have their own personal history, human flaws and mental issues …’

    Do they ever!!

    GemGirl says: ‘…. that do not reflect an entire racial group.’

    BS! Put the jenkem bottle away and get an education.

    Have you seen the many videos of flash mob attacks, flash robberies, vicious flash beatings and so forth?

    Whether an individual or a group – it’s a black thang. TNB!

    Check out the ‘reflections’ of racial realities provided by Hunter and get back with us.


  27. “The SPLC counted 1,007 active hate groups in the United States in 2012.”

    That’s because they are all effectively Jewish Communists of one sort or another! The hate White Christian Civilization with a rabid passion that knows no bounds of violence or lies in forwarding their radical egalitarian cause on everybody except themselves.

  28. Sam says: “The KO game is yet another manifestation of the anti-social, anti-White, predatory nature of the negro.”

    Please spare us. You overlook a history of white people being violent toward other races and continuing this violence through racism that impacts human lives economically and psychologically.

    Speaking of predators — Racists are sociopaths. They have no conscience, so one cannot reason with them anyway.

    If you want to blame the entire black race for the actions of black individuals, then you must not show double standards. Hold the white race responsible for the crime of white individuals.

    The KKK ain’t Boy Scouts and the Tea Party ain’t scholars.

  29. Sam, how would you know my level of education?

    I’m sure I can run intellectual circles around you and those like you who use selective information to support your biases.

  30. You could drown the entire black population in the US and you’d probably increase GDP, public safety and property value over night. Yes you are that much of a drag on human beings…yes you are. You could probably fire half the cops and remove the CCTV cameras the next day and cut taxation.

  31. My preferred solution is to deport every malcontent black to prison ships beached on the coast of Liberia. The Liberians could be paid to police the feral blacks who would be given a lump sum $10,000 to stay in Liberia after the sentence is served.

    Drive em out across the big water.

  32. Speaking of predators — Racists are sociopaths. They have no conscience, so one cannot reason with them anyway.

    Let’s unpack this idea. Sociopaths? Predators? Racists? All Conflated into one umbrella concept. They all have “no conscience”, that’s your take on the three respective categories of psychiatric, biological and political terms? LOL. Did you major in Pseudo-black studies?

    You call that a theory? most white racists are more comparable to prey than predators. Most white racists are also deeply worried about the breakdown of common decency and trust. I tend to think that almost all whites who move to the burbs or exurbs to raise families are functionally racists, they do not what to see their kids terrorized by coons. Sociopaths? Do you have an MD with a specialization in Psychiatry? I think not. You don’t know what a sociopath is. The only sociopaths you will have run into are probably nignogs.

  33. GemGirl says:

    ‘I’m sure I can run intellectual circles around you and those like you who use selective information to support your biases.’

    In your dreams.

    Selective information?

    What is selective about nigger ‘Knock Out’ games, flash mob attacks, rampant criminality and dysfunction?

    Or are you going to argue reality?

    Whites have not been perfect I would grant you that. But even with our faults we have managed to build the most desirable, advanced societies and civilizations.

    Why do members of every race flock to White countries if that is not the truth?

    The negro?

    Don’t make me laugh.

    Without YT they would be virtually indistinguishable from the chimps, living in huts or caves, climbing trees for bananas.

    The bottom rung on the ladder of humanity.

    If the negro had never existed on this planet– no loss whatsoever.

    If Whites never existed?

    Too horrible to contemplate.

  34. The knock out game is selective only because it describes a particular manifestation of black dysfunction. A rather theatrical and generally non lethal type of assault. A black version of Jackass MTV hijinks if you like. We could look at home invasion robbery or gangrape instead. Those two crimes are almost exclusively nignog in complexion. What about teen pregnancy? or HIV infection rates? Blacks are fucking degenerate.

  35. This is going to be fun. Begging the question… is there a connection between blackness and lower intelligence? empirical observation over the years would suggest that there is.

    “In response to Denise’s point on DNA and white skin — melanin is the substance that determines skin color. It does not dictate intelligence.”

    James Watson, the man who discovered DNA itself was hounded out of his laboratory Directorship for suggesting that there was a connection between DNA and black inferiority. You can study this PC witch hunt on your own time.

    “So please spare us. I know a large number of people of color who run intellectual circles around so-called “superior” white people.”

    How many niggers have won Nobel science prizes? I’m using nigger in the etymologically correct way, nigger derived from the Latin stem Niger for Black.

    “And I know plenty of intelligent white people, but they are usually not the ones trying to convince entire groups that other people are inferior.”

    No they probably just demonstrate it in day to day life, and I bet that pisses you off. Not of them are probably waiting for you to have a cat5 meltdown or you accusing them of some racist sentiment. They probably spend a lot of money avoiding black areas and places that blacks congregate.

    “Follow my logic?”

    Sadly no…

  36. GemGirl says:

    ‘Speaking of predators — Racists are sociopaths. They have no conscience, so one cannot reason with them anyway.’

    You have the nerve to discuss sociopaths/predators?

    Niggers are not routinely assaulted, robbed, raped and murdered by Whites, but by their fellow bruvas and sistahs.

    Or are you too stupid and dense to realize that?

    It ain’t Whitey shooting up Chicago, Philadelphia, New Orleans, East St. Louis, Detroit and scores of other cities.

    Niggers are being stacked up like cord wood in morgues all across the country.

    Oh yes, they are shot, stabbed and beaten to death mostly by other nigger sociopaths.

    Same story in Africa and every country where they tread upon the earth.

    The Black Plague destroys everything in it’s path.

    Low to zero impulse control. Given to violence. No common sense. I.Q.’s barely above primates. Non existent work ethic. Allergic to books. Living only to get high and get off. Can’t plan for the future. Kill each other for cell phones, sneakers and Purple Drank.

  37. Sam and Captain John Charity Spring MA — All both of you spew is bigotry, so you are not taken seriously. One cannot reason with you.

    White males who are brutes — like some of you posting here — are really angry at yourselves because you don’t measure up to what it means to be superior.

    You are angry because a lot of white women are as interested in brown and black men as they are in white men. Did it occur to you that if you treated them like human beings, white women would be more willing to have babies with you so you can increase the white population. This seems to be your major worry, which means you are blaming other people for your problem. Black and brown people are not stopping white people from mating, you know.

    Denise says,November 27, 2013 at 4:46 am: “Why is GemGirl attempting to defend Negroes?” Obviously Denise, you are not aware that homo-sapiens originated in Eastern Africa. Whites muted from the black race. Let that sink in what it means to mutate from an original source. Lots of resources out there can help you trace your genetic lineage back to African roots.

    That’s why you people are so hateful toward black people. You feel like orphans who were abandoned and want to punish your brown and black siblings.

    As far as whites who helped build Western civilizations, it comes to about 20% of the white population that actually did the hard work of thinking deeply and building nations — always with the assistance of brown and black people who did the actual labor.

    The majority of whites –80% — are trying to ride on the coattails of the relatively few whites who were brilliant or had above-average intelligence. You want unearned privilege (despite not being “makers” as you’d like to think of yourselves) and hate that most people see through your sense of entitlement.

    No matter how much you try to convince others that you are superior, the secret is out that most whites are mediocre. That’s why you hate diversity. Integration has shown people of color, up close and personal, that the ideology of white superiority is rooted in a fantasy versus reality.

  38. Sam says: “It ain’t Whitey shooting up Chicago, Philadelphia, New Orleans, East St. Louis, Detroit and scores of other cities.”

    But it is “Whitey” who creates and colludes with other whites to develop systemic conditions for the above things to happen by using institutionalized racism to oppress entire populations and create a sense of helplessness among some.

    “Whitey” also is doing serial killings, mass shootings, sexual assaults, aggression against people through official systems including law enforcement (police brutality); ongoing crimes against humanity, bullying,etc.

    White kids kill their parents and siblings for inheritances; white men kill their pregnant wives — now these men you should be mad at because they are decreasing the white population. White men kill their entire families because they think they own other people — instead of just take themselves out of their own self-made misery.

    All historical crimes — lynchings, rapes of enslaved people — black men and women, brutality against Native Americans, domestic violence against women — are primarily white males.

    Ian Watkins, Lostprophets Singer, Pleads Guilty To Attempted Rape Of Baby, Multiple Child Sex Offenses. Who tries to force on babies and animals?http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/26/ian-watkins-lostprophets-guilty-rape_

    And this from a White Supremacist, Joshua Cowles (AKA Massimo Carlucci) who ended up getting killed by fellow white people. On his blog The Life and Times of a Sociopath, in one item titled Maxims of a Sociopath, he wrote: “I don’t always rob people but when I do…………. I prefer gun point. There is just something malicious about stabbing a “friend” in the back that reeks of menstruation.”

    Former Klansman, Once Defendant in SPLC Case, Identified as Murder Victim
    http://www.splcenter.org/blog/2013/11/20/former-klansman-once-defendant-in-splc-case-identified-as-murder-victim/ The Louisville Police Department today identified a man who was shot to death two weeks ago as Joshua Cowles, the former recruiting director for the Imperial Klans of America (IKA) and one of the defendants in a lawsuit brought against group members by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) in 2007.

  39. “All historical crimes — lynchings, rapes of enslaved people — black men and women, brutality against Native Americans, domestic violence against women — are primarily white males.”

    This is total horseshit as any comparison of crime rates of Whites versus the great tide of color will clearly show. Quit posting your neo-Marxist lies here.

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