Lindsey Graham Has “Israel’s Back”

District of Corruption

A photo of Sen. Lindsey Graham has surfaced from yesterday’s “pro-Israel breakfast”($500 a person, $5,000 a couple) in Delray Beach, Florida:

Lindsey Graham In Florida

In May, Sen. Lindsey Graham’s resolution SR 65 passed the US Senate, which declares that the US has “a vital national interest in and an unbreakable commitment to ensuring the existence, survival, and security of the state of Israel.”

It also says if “Israel is compelled to take military action in self defense the United States will stand with Israel and provide diplomatic, military, and economic support in defense of its territory, people, and existence.”

The League of the South has an “unbreakable commitment” to the existence, survival, and well-being of the Southern people, not Israel, and we want you to join us on Dec. 7 in Greer and Traveler’s Rest, SC at our rally against Lindsey Graham.

Lindsey Graham has “Israel’s back.” Who has yours?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. $500/person or $5,000/couple.

    So how many Shylocks divorced their harpies yesterday to save four grand on A Moment with Lindsey?

  2. “The League of the South has an “unbreakable commitment” to the existence, survival, and well-being of the Southern people, not Israel”

    Well stated. The modern day political entity of Israel is nothing that I support nor should any Christian that accurately interprets the Bible. Certainly many Christian Zionist warhawks are big supporters of Graham.

  3. Hunter Wallace: Lindsey Graham has “Israel’s back.” Who has yours?

    Certainly not Graham and the sellouts in Washington.

    They are so worried over Israel’s security, but do not seem to be bothered by the fact that our communities, jails and prisons are filled with dangerous Mexican invaders.

    Do they think doctors and scientists are sneaking across our porous border?

    I wonder how many more drug dealers, gang members, illiterate welfare leeches and ruthless killers like Genaro Olaguez will be allowed to prey upon us.?

    Authorities arrest man in Calif. in slayings of 8 officials in Sinaloa, Mexico 13 years ago

    Published December 04, 2013 Associated Press

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Federal authorities in California have arrested a man accused of killing eight government officials in a Mexican city 13 years ago, and he has been handed over to Mexican authorities.

    Deputy U.S. Marshal Frank Newsom said Wednesday that Genaro Olaguez was arrested at a relative’s home Tuesday in Sacramento and booked into the county jail.

    He says the Mexican government asked U.S. authorities to detain Olaguez, who had fled to the U.S. after what officials describe as a massacre. Newsom says Olaguez, who is 53, is suspected of killing a commissioner and seven other city officials in Sinaloa, Mexico, on May 2, 2000.

  4. Lindsey also has Mexico’s back..and all the other third world dumps flooding us with their citizens

  5. Reynauld de Chatillon says:

    ‘Lindsey also has Mexico’s back..and all the other third world dumps flooding us with their citizens’

    Nancy Pelosi does not have a problem with that.

    Pelosi calls for Obama to halt deportations

    House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi privately has urged the Obama administration to halt deportations for some illegal immigrants, saying that President Obama needs to use more “discretion” to reduce the number of people he’s kicking out of the country.

    In an interview with Telemundo over the weekend, Mrs. Pelosi said that just being in the country illegally is not enough of a reason to be deported, and she said illegal immigrants must have something more serious on their records.

    “Our view of the law is that it — if somebody is here without sufficient documentation, that is not reason for deportation,” she said in the interview, which an immigrant-rights group posted on its website. “If somebody has broken the law, committed a felony or something, that’s a different story.”

    Drew Hammill, Mrs. Pelosi’s spokesman, said her comments are “a restatement of her long-held belief that being an undocumented immigrant is not a basis for deportation.”

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