National Review on Nelson Mandela

New York

The final word on “mainstream” conservatism:

Note: The GOP recently praised Rosa Parks for her role in ‘ending racism.’

Among world leaders, Nelson Mandela had unmatched moral authority. When George W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2002, he said, “It is this moral stature that has made Nelson Mandela perhaps the most revered statesman of our time.” Bush could have done without the hedge word “perhaps.” Mandela was by far the most revered statesman of our time. Every July 18th is Nelson Mandela Day. The United Nations declared it so, in 2009. Mandela was born on July 18, 1918. Yesterday, the great man died at 95.

The reverence the world feels for him has to do, in part, with the nature of his adversary: the white, racist apartheid government of South Africa. A Havel or a Sharansky could not achieve equivalent stature: Hatred of their adversaries is far less universal. White racism is held to be probably the greatest evil of our time, and Mandela was a lion against it. …”

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This sums what we’re dealing with nicely.


    So, we are now “blessed” with a pope that is openly supporting the globalists’ agenda.

    “The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.” J. Edgar Hoover, The Elks Magazine (August 1956)

    Fifty seven years later…..

  2. It’s long, but it is necessary to get to the last two sentences.

    “”In the 1960’s British-born Dr. Anthony Sutton was a Fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institute when he discovered that, in spite of the Cold War, the US was supplying the USSR with its technology, including weapons used against American soldiers in Vietnam. Sutton dug deeper and discovered that Wall Street had sponsored both the Bolshevik Revolution and the rise of Nazi Germany. The resulting books which are on line cost Dr. Sutton his academic career. In 1983, Dr. Sutton received a list of Skull and Bones members and immediately recognized the names of many men who controlled American policy. He published a book entitled “America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones” (1986). He updated and republished this book just before his death last June at age 77. Here are some of his conclusions. “The Order” is ” a purely American phenomenon with German origin.” Dr. Sutton compares it to the Round Table, Cecil Rhodes’ secret society at Oxford also known as “The Group.” The American and British entities consist of 20-30 dynastic families each. Jewish banking interests connect them. “The links between ‘The Order’ and Britain go through Lazard Freres and the private merchant banks… ‘The Group’ links to the Jewish equivalent through the Rothschilds in Britain… ‘The Order’ in the US links to the Guggenheim, Schiff and Warburg families.” (23) As Dr. Sutton notes, the “Order” had definite anti Semitic tendencies but by the 1960’s, many Jewish names started to appear among the 15 annual inductees. See list of Skull and Bones members. Dr. Sutton believes the “left” versus “right” split is fraudulent and used to control the debate and condition citizens to think along certain lines. Left-wing magazines like the “The Nation” and “The New Republic” and right-wing magazines like “The National Review were “artificially set up.” The former were financed by Whitney money while the latter by Buckley. Both are “The Order.””

    What are we surprised at? This is why our side is so ineffective.

  3. The Federal Reserve system owned & controlled, directly or indirectly, by the people above (dynastic families and their bankers) is chartered in perpetuity by the McFadden Act, passed by Congress in February 1927. Many people believe its charter is up this year:


  4. It took the African dung beetle to invent the “wheel” south of the Sahara. Think about this for a moment. Not a single shitskin even looked at a dung beetle rolling a sphere of dung and thought: “that is a good idea”. Not one of them. They are sickened creatures, worth less than a shit eating bug.

  5. Captain John Charity Spring MA says,”…Not a single shitskin even looked at a dung beetle rolling a sphere of dung and thought: “that is a good idea”. Not one of them. They are sickened creatures, worth less than a shit eating bug.”

    Ha Ha!

    I quit reading National Review…maybe… 12 years ago. Long time ago. They were rotting even back then.

  6. Respectable conservatism has been living for years in a philosophical compound called Xanadu with a “Nothing for Whites” sign on the front gate. And as its last remaining dignity shatters on the floor, a final word accompanies its final wheeze: “Nelson.”

  7. There’s something that’s been bothering me since Nelson Mandela’s death, that’s been sitting on the tip of my tongue. I haven’t been able to get it off there until now.

    I think all this talk from the elements of the right wing that range from lamestream conservatives to the aracial hard right about Mandela’s communist past is misplaced. I think that Mandela’s communism was only ever a front for his racialism. However, if Mandela could have found another temporary ideology to help him in his mission to overthrow South Africa, he would have used it.

    The issue is race, pure and simple. Mandela used “communism” as a fulcrum to overthrow white South Africa just like black urban politicians in the United States are using lamestream liberalism to overthrow and take over one city after another. Detroit is what you get when blacks take over a formerly white city, South Africa is what you get when blacks take over a formerly white country.

  8. Memo to the GOP,

    Sucking up to Mandela will not get you any credit with blacks. It will not get you any credit with Jews. It will not get you any credit with liberals.

    It will alienate working class white voters though.

  9. I love the “Irish Savant” website. I’ve seen “our” Denise, I believe, comment there. Anway, here is what the “Uhuru Guru” commented on Mandela. Interesting.

    “Savant, you’re a kind soul and quite the gentleman. I sadly am not. Now I’d like to divest you of your few well-intentioned but seriously misguided notions regarding this latter day black son of Christ…

    Mandela was most certainly no “principled” man, unless you had another sort of principle in mind. After studying at Fort Hare University (courtesy of the horrible racist White regime and partly funded by some bleeding heart liberal missionaries) he was expelled for disrupting classes, intimidating fellow students and stirring up trouble.

    Attracted to the hedonistic pleasures of wine, women and song, he migrated to Johannesburg and found a job working as a legal clerk. Mandela never properly qualified as a lawyer – he never finished his bar exams nor his LLB law degree, failing exams on no less than three times.

    He drank himself into a stupor every night, and when his first wife Evelyn dared complain about his drunken philandering, he beat her into a pulp – something he was exceedingly good at since he practiced boxing as a sport.

    Evelyn divorced her deadbeat boozer husband and he quickly married Winnie, who also got beaten regularly. He once smacked the daylights out of her – in front of the kids – for daring to swallow razor blades in silly protest at his constant whoring and drinking.

    Somehow he managed to hold on to his law clerk job and soon ingratiated himself with the Jewish community. In short time, he took a job with the Jewish firm Sidelsky, Witkin & Eidelman. The rest is history.

    His new best chums Goldreich, Slovo, Goldberg (the list reads like a fucking Tel Aviv phonebook) saw great potential in Mandela, so the Yids (always searching for a puppet to hide behind and lend authenticity to what at face value appeared to be a legitimate indigenous struggle for rights and dignity, but was in truth a cynical Zionist diversion to exploit for their own nefarious purposes) – started plying him with money, booze and most dangerously – political bullshit which became the core of his delusions of grandeur.

    Not long after, Mandela joined the almost exclusively Jewish SA Communist Party and was whisked off to Algeria and Ethiopia for terrorist training. He was taught bomb-making and military skills by Soviet commissars and secretly visited Moscow for political indoctrination. It was on his return to SA that he was arrested and briefly jailed.

    Within four years, he was again arrested, this time for the famous Rivonia Treason Trial. Mandela and his mostly Jewish co-conspirators had brought in about 500 TONS of materiel as supplied by the Soviets. Rocket launchers, land mines, explosives, hand grenades as well as thousands of AK-47 rifles and ammo.

    Mandela attempted to start a race war in SA, the end goal being the establishment of a communist dictatorship through which he would lord over all and sundry, whilst The Chosen pulled his puppet strings. This was no man who “cared for and stood up for his people” as you so sweetly put it, Savant.

    This guy was an egotistical, murderous, bloodthirsty megalomaniac who fancied himself as a Che Guevara, Stalin or Fidel Castro.”

    My God, and he looked like such a sweet old man.

    If you are interested in the rest, it’s at:


  10. The Guru also posted a link to a video. It’s really graphic and extremely disturbing. But, I feel it’s important to see. It is unimaginable to see your horrific future on film. This is what our leaders have done to whites in South Africa. It’s what they have planned for us as well. I think I am going to vomit.

  11. @countenance

    Steve Sailer once wrote up an analysis of the only published paper written by Obama’s father: the Obama p?re article was a “socialist” analysis of colonial impact on African economies, or something like that. And Sailer made exactly the same point as you make here: “socialism” was nothing other than a proxy for race for him.

    The same thing could be said of Obama fis as well: “income inequality”, “fairness”, etc: these are really just stand-ins for race.

  12. Sucking up to the communist and terrorist Mandela gets you no points with the negro or the jew. It just encourages them to know that they are winning and Whites are losing.

  13. Snowhitey, thanks. Lots of Mandela information on that Google-restricted, ‘objectionable content’ blog (where you can watch everyone’s activity on the Live Traffic Feed) and lots of coverage of all kinds of other interesting, relevant issues such as ‘who created 9/11’, a ‘wild conspiracy theory’ topic not to be discussed here on OD, according to the Comment Guidelines. For example: Under ‘most accessed posts’, I noticed an article that can create a normal appreciation of racial and cultural diversity in us if nothing else can:

  14. Rudel, as a ‘Reformed’ or ‘Lutheran’ self-proclaimed atheist, and denier of the Deity and resurrection of Jesus, your objection to Christian ‘prayer meetings’, and prayer in general, goes without saying. Your objection that this household hasn’t contributed any funds is also mistaken. In any case, most blogs don’t require contributions in exchange for making comments, even frequent comments. Your personal desire for me to cease commenting may be satisfied soon enough. Consider your ways.

  15. Fuck you Mosin. Your constant conspiracy theories, whack-o theology about people rising from the dead, and outright lies (i.e. Columbus was a Jew) are a blight upon this blog.

  16. ‘Columbus was a Jew’

    I said possibly so, according to some serious research in accredited academia.

    Ridicule of essential, Biblical, Christian doctrine is always shameful. Unity in essentials, liberty in nonessentials, charity in all things….

  17. “according to some serious research in accredited academia.”

    You lie. It was I who gave numerous references from credible sources not you. Quit your bullshit and if you care so much about Christian doctrine then stop lying about Columbus.

    You are nothing but a nutcase religious troll. Quit posting.

  18. Mosin,

    Americans are often the laughing stock of the world, and most likely will continue to be so. Their hubris blinds them to reality. Dare I mention the fluoride… oh, that’s right, we have the highest percentage of unemployed dentists in the world. Those #1 postions keep piling up for us.

    And, the only blight upon this site is Rudel’s maniacal, vulgar, and unprovoked attacks.

  19. Mosin, until a few weeks ago, I believed Colombus was Jewish too. Then I took a real close look at the earliest references to his nationality and birthplace, and realized he was never called a Jew by anyone during his lifetime or for three hundred years after his death. The ‘Columbus was a Jew’ idea is a modern fable that has no historical backing to it.

  20. @Snowhitey

    The only unprovoked attack I’ve seen is your one against me last week. Your know-it-all attitude is not backed up by any intelligent posts. You just cut and paste, and when you back Mosin you show an abysmal ignorance.

  21. Yet another source: (The same Jewish historian claims that Palestinians are not indigenous: ) I said it is POSSIBLE he was Marrano. DNA testing of some of the various remains that I’m aware of hasn’t proven the claim, and a simpler explanation is that a fully Gentile Columbus simply STYLED himself, in some of his writing and other respects, after the Hebrews who were respected for erudition and some of whom supported his enterprise. I see nothing wrong with examining both the sides, or should I say ALL sides (Catalan, Genoese, Marrano, etc.) on the ancestry question — except that it is off topic for all the posts on this blog. How did this digression ever begin?

  22. Columbus wasn’t a Jew. He had some business with a banker called Santangel, who may or may not have been a stakeholder in the great voyage. The crew was almost exclusively Valencian and Cattellan. I think that the boat Captains were shafted so far as the myth making of the voyage goes. The Captains appear to have been the real motivating energy behind the trip too. After Colon/Colum/Colombe was turned down by the Portuguese it seems that the ship captains who ran the three vessels were gong Ho about the trip. Success it seems has many fathers but only a handful of names get to have credit.

  23. More on the Marranos, or Conversos or Anussim, from the same Jewish historian: Fas est et ab hoste doceri, ‘it is right to learn even from an enemy’, sometimes.

    Rudel, I did not re-use academic references you presented. I referenced other sources, and it is not falsehood but fact that there is no solid consensus among academics. Be patient and reasonable and wait for more DNA testing and other research that is sure to come, since Spain, Italy and Jews all want to claim him — and because determining the ancestry of Columbus has almost nothing to do with solving our present problems.

    If you are such a committed Anti-Christian, then it follows without saying that any commenter who recommends Biblical Christianity here MUST be ‘abysmally’ ignorant, and a ‘religious nutcase’, a ‘lying troll’ and a ‘blight’ on any website.

  24. I wonder what southern white readers, who I understand tend to be Christians (from ‘the Bible Belt’), think when they run across these WN websites where Christianity is trashed or generally ignored, and comment guidelines never restrict blasphemy?

  25. Rudel,

    Mosin appears to me to be a gentleman who treats everyone with respect, even his detractors.

    I certainly don’t believe I know it all. And, I seldom cut & paste. I may quote others a bit, but I don’t cut & paste often, other than the past 24 hours. That was a marathon for me. You exaggerate.

    And, stop calling people stupid. You have no idea what the mental aptitude of anyone on this site is. I’ve told you in the past to ignore me. You obviously lack self control. You take the enjoyment out of commenting here.

  26. I apologise for my part in continuing the Columbus ‘thing’ that keeps returning in thread after thread.

    Thanks, Snowhitey and DixieGirl, for your interesting, useful comments. Rudel, though we seem to differ on the KEY issue of whether the Gospel is true or not, on nearly all other subjects, of lesser importance, we aren’t discordant. Well, except music, because my musical taste is extremely narrow.

  27. A ‘music break’ wouldn’t be out of order, unless it were a song about Columbus. Maybe Jack has a selection.

  28. “F*ck you Mosin. Your constant conspiracy theories, whack-o theology about people rising from the dead….”

    I called you RUDE-l correctly. I’ve never met a man who had so much hatred and bile in his system- never. Well, once. You remind me of a sodomite who I once called a friend, who, when I said I believed his lifestyle was a sin and an affront to God, began acting as you do. Perhaps your hatred lies in your sinfulness, and your denial of same.

    Heck, even Stonelifter seemed a courteous Southern Gentleman, compared to you.

    Vulgar, hateful hominid. You aren’t a man, you’re just…… Ugh.

  29. I apologise for my part in continuing the Columbus ‘thing’ that keeps returning in thread after thread.

    I apologize for my intemperate rhetoric. I’m also sick of the subject myself and I find other Spanish, English, Portuguese, and French maritime explorers and/or conquistadors as equally fascinating as Columbus.

  30. “Why does the historiography tend to down play them?”

    As intrepid as they may have been it was Columbus’ initiative and drive that made him the Admiral of his voyages.

    As for the Boers, don’t be disingenuous. You know very well the disgraceful behavior of the English before and during the Boer War.

  31. ‘I find your insights into Catholicism well informed and extremely interesting’

    Rudel, I agree DixieGirl knows her stuff. Snowhitey also hits the target reliably and her Irish Savant reference today is one example. Two consistently good female contributors!

  32. The Loss That Never Was

    I expect anyone with half-a-brain is already sick to death of the liberal media’s non-stop lament over the long, long overdue death of Nelson Mandela, that evil black that directly caused the deaths of nearly 4 million white South Africans and the total destruction of that white nation’s infrastructure and economy, transforming it within two short years into just another poverty and crime stricken African congo. The liberals are calling him “the black George Washington and even (of course) Obummer eulogized him as “belonging to the ages” instead of the jungle . . .

    I can still hear the pleading voices coming over ther shortwave radio from whites in South Africa, begging for help from the U.S. during the takeover when millions of murderous bucks were roaming the white suburbs in bloodthirsty mobs, looting, raping and killing every white they could find. But our government turned a deaf ear to their plight. After all, it was our own communist liberals under the orders of their masters the Jews that blackmailed the white South African government into handing over the reins of power to Mandela and his cutthroats in the first place . . .

    Mandela spent over 27 years in a South African prison for murder, terrorism and high treason before being released because of American liberal pressure. By rights he should have been taken out and shot decades ago, but because it would have caused thousands of bush babies to chimp-out, they spared his worthless life and sent him to prison for life instead. Bad mistake. Funny how the American press never talks about exactly why he was in prison, isn’t it? It’s that same old aversion to the truth liberals have always had. They did the same thing with Martin Loser Koon when he got snuffed, and to this day our liberals are still naming streets after that coke snorting, white woman chasing, homosexual bigamist communist rabble rouser. God’s beard!

    It’s no secret that I detest blacks though what is a secret is exactly why. Not that I don’t make that clear to everyone, it’s just that this particular fact has been systematically buried by my liberal foes. After all, you can’t label some-one a bigot is his reasons for hating a particular group are sound. The only way you can pull it off is to either lie about him or bury the truth. In fact I have several well known activist friends that have been victims of this tactic even longer than I have. This is truly a disgusting country . . .

    Well, I firmly expect this three-ring circus over Mandela to last at least a month and maybe even two. If there’s one thing our media is famous for, it’s beating a subject to death.

    Remember Koontrina? Man, that circus lasted three months! You couldn’t open a newspaper, turn on your radio or tv without being bombarded by the same old tired crap about it over and over again, with most of it focusing on the plight of all those “po’ abused niggahs” who were suffering because of mean ole’ whitey’s racist attitude. No matter what happens to niggers be it nature, an act of God or self inflicted, liberals will always and do always blame whitey for their troubles . . .

    My brother brought up a scalding point yesterday about our blacks and tv. He said that the lastest polls show that the black population has jumped up to nearly 21% of our population (courtesy of whitey’s food stamp money). But no matter what channel you turn to, there’s going to be one or more niggers staring at you with their ass-ugly faces. He wanted to know why we have at least a 60% share of black faces on tv if their population percentage was in the low twenties? I answered him with one word: JEWS . . .

    With the Jews it has always been about using blacks to help destroy the white culture and race. White America has a triad of strengths, and by using their liberal bootlicks, niggers and illegal invaders, they have been systematically dismantling all three. The triad consists of first -God, second-family, and third-country. And even though my own religious beliefs are nowhere near the modern definition of Christian, I do believe in using the Ten Commandments as a rule of behavior for all whites. The liberals have worked hard to destroy this. They have also worked extremely hard to destroy the family unit and our love of country, declaring that we are all “global” citizens now. Horse crap. Anyone with half a brain knows that there’s nothing around this stinking globe worth being a citizen of. Nothing but the filthy carnage left in the wake of millions of mindless, evil muds wanting in here. This land of ours may be a mess, but it’s the best we have …

    When Mandela died we lost nothing. We gained a tiny bit of peace of mind though, in knowing that at least there would be one less evil black to worry about . . . for now.

    Lowlifes have always had a really nasty way of being replaced almost as fast as we remove them. If there’s one thing about this worthless toilet of a planet, there’s no shortage of a-holes. Or as my late father used to say, “If I kicked every ass that needed it, I’d spend the rest of my life on one leg.”

    Amen . . .


  33. @Joom: “With the Jews it has always been about using blacks to help destroy the white culture and race.” When Europeans like Voltaire undermined Christianity, Jews learned how to make money from the process and destroy their enemies the White Christians. The Nati0nal Review is an example of the increase in mind control from Jews and liberal Ponzi-scheme Fed Gov manipulators. Ronald Reagan’s 1986 amnesty bill was the death knell for the GOP. William F. Buckley seems to gone full neocon around 1990.
    RamZPaul subscribed to the National Review when he was 12 years old (in 1975).
    In today’s MSM there is nothing right.

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