Migrant Workers Claim Modern Slavery In Florida

In Florida, illegal aliens pick tomatoes in labor conditions worse than slavery
In Florida, illegal aliens pick tomatoes in labor conditions worse than slavery


In Florida’s tomato fields, a Hispanic helot underclass toils in the burning sun to pick tomatoes for McDonald’s and Taco Bell in slavery-like conditions.

“Slavery” is being used here in the pejorative sense as “a labor system which we dislike.” It is extremely irritating when people who know nothing about slavery attribute the pitfalls of the “free labor” system to slavery.

In the Old South, slaves on large plantations had better access to healthcare than most poor Whites. They enjoyed a form of social security on plantations, sick leave, and lived longer lives than “free laborers” in the Northern states. In fact, the diet of slaves was superior to the diet of modern blacks, and slaves on cotton plantations only spent around 34 percent of their time per year on the cotton crop.

Since slaves were the property of their masters, the costs of educating them, housing them, policing them, feeding them and providing for them in sickness and old age, not to mention the costs of raising them from childhood until they were old enough to become profitable laborers, were all absorbed by the planter. The “free labor” system privatizes the profits of exploitation while offloading all the costs onto the public.

These tomato farmers in Florida can rely on an inexhaustible supply of cheap labor from Latin America and the Caribbean. In the Old South, the slave trade was banned, so slave labor was quite expensive. These “modern slaves” more closely resemble the Irish “free laborers” who were used to dig canals in the North or the Scots-Irish mineworkers who were exploited in early twentieth century Appalachia.

Note: Barry Estabrook has an interesting book about Florida’s tomato industry and the “slaves” who are picking them, Tomatoland: How Modern Industrial Agriculture Destroyed Our Most Alluring Fruit.

In 2011, Florida’s Arizona-style immigration law was killed by opposition from the Florida Farm Bureau, largely because of the threat it posed to the blueberry crop, which is driven by diet fads and which is equally senseless to grow in that environment.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yeah, true. But, the propaganda power of the tem “slavery” is extremely powerful, overwhelming for most Whites, it’s like “democracy”, we aren’t going to win any support besides some extremely intelligent, principled White thinkers by publicly defending any “slave” system over a somewhat voluntary labor system, which is what rich as$ h&$& like that Georgia Onion King and Libertarian cult leaders and followers do.

    We have to learn to use language, arguments and tactics that do work, that do win the hearts and minds of our people.

    What works is to call the rich agribusiness owners “Neo slave owners” who exploit 3rd world immigrants, legal and illegal in temporary voluntary servitude with most health, housing and education costs passed off on White tax payers.

    We’re against Neo slavery and demand that agribusinesses pay living wages to American worker (Whites), mechanize. Or have extremely strict Canadian style guest worker programs where agribusinesses provide foreign national guest workers with decent housing, standard health care and the workers are on birth control with no options of anchor baby birth right citizenship. Eastern European socialist countries used to do this, including mandatory abortion for non White, third world guest workers that got pregnant in countries like Social East Germany.

  2. ‘the diet of slaves was superior to the diet of modern blacks’

    Of course the Masters knew they should feed the ‘farm equipment’ better, at the right times, to allow them to work at maximum efficiency under heavy demand conditions, like Russian serfs who were given beef by their masters during the plowing season and other very demanding times. But hold those extra calories during the down times or they’ll be spoiled and build up surplus energy for mischief!

    Doesn’t preaching ‘Negro Slavery Appreciation’ like this tend to contravene the ‘Mainstreaming’ WN propaganda plan?

  3. In the Old South, masters were responsible for their slaves from birth through childhood through adolescence through their prime working years and beyond until old age and finally to death.

    That’s not remotely the same thing as exploiting a 25 year old “free laborer” for around half a year, telling him to get lost the other half of the year, and then washing your hands of him when he is injured or too old to work efficiently and he is no longer your problem.

    The tomato pickers in Southwest Florida are “free laborers.” The only difference between them and other free laborers in Florida is that they are illegal aliens, so they aren’t covered by various federal and state laws, and thus don’t enjoy any of the various ways the “free labor” system has been amended over the years to make it less exploitative.

    The same glorious “free labor” system was imposed on Appalachia and other parts of the South after the war and produced the same result.

  4. ‘We have to learn to use language, arguments and tactics that do work, that do win the hearts and minds of our people. What works is to call the rich agribusiness owners “Neo slave owners”’:

    It’s too late now for those who have constantly praised slavery on OD to change their tune (without thorough repentance) and begin attacking global corporate agribusiness (in Florida and elsewhere) for its practice of slavery. Only those of us who have consistently decried slavery in EVERY form and instance have the right to call it what it is.

    • Global corporate agribusiness uses the same “free labor” system that was on display in early twentieth century Appalachia or the British Raj or in textile plants in modern China. It’s just a purer form of “free labor” without things like, say, child labor laws or minimum wage laws or worker safety laws. In the antebellum North, the “free labor” system existed alongside slavery, and slaves in the Deep South had a longer life expectancy than the “free laborers” in Boston, Philadelphia, and New York City.

  5. ‘That’s not remotely the same thing as exploiting a 25 year old “free laborer” for around half a year, telling him to get lost’

    Nor is it remotely the same as bringing them to the job forcibly, preventing them from ever quitting or leaving, and capturing and punishing them if they try to escape. When you understand ‘Do unto others’, then you will recognise slave exploitation in all its forms. The love of money, pride and lust lie at the root of all of it.

    • In the Old South, a chattel slave was the legal property of a master. Illegal aliens in Southwest Florida aren’t slaves. They are “free laborers” who are more thoroughly exploited than slaves because they are non-citizens and federal laws don’t apply to them.

  6. Tomatoes are absurdly easy to grow. They could put processing plants in major cities, and tell people, “want to sell tomatoes to us? Order seeds from us, grow the tomatoes from those seeds, and bring your harvest to our processing plant and we’ll pay you on the spot.”

    Or have a truck that goes down the highway and has certain “stops” where they meet hobby tomato growers, buy their stuff on the spot, load it on the truck, and drive on to the processing plant.

    They could pay 15 cents a pound and get mountains of tomatoes delivered to them from hobby gardeners looking to earn some side income.

    Someday Capital is going to discover the massive economic potential of buying from millions of hobby gardeners.

  7. ‘These tomato farmers in Florida can rely on an inexhaustible supply of cheap labor from Latin America and the Caribbean. In the Old South, the slave trade was banned, so slave labor was quite expensive’:

    Then imagine what would have happened if the slave trade had NOT been banned! Why not admit it was all wrong to begin with.

    • If the slave trade had not been banned, then the South would have imported European laborers like the North, and the “free labor” system would have existed here, and the workers would have been even more heavily exploited than black slaves were on Southern plantations. Again, the slaves on Mississippi cotton plantations had it better than “free laborers” in Philadelphia and London.

      Imagine what the South would have been like without the Union. Without Yankees and Quakers, there would have been no one to relentlessly agitate for racial equality and civil rights, and we wouldn’t be in the position we are today, which is staring at demographic oblivion thanks to the Immigration Act of 1965, which the South voted against when it had the chance to do so.

  8. The overall problem of importing blacks did help to create these conditions. However the demographic disaster is a post ww2 event. I’m becoming more and more convinced that it’s a Jewish plot, the more I look at it the less I’m inclined to blame subgroups of whites. Even an auto de fe like ww1 couldn’t quite doom us.

  9. ‘slaves in the Deep South had a longer life expectancy than the “free laborers” in Boston, Philadelphia, and New York City’

    That is something we have to look forward to! Soon the global Tyranny will be able regulate our diet, stop tobacco and other harmful habits and so increase our life expectancy over what it is now when we are merely free labourers making harmful mistakes, running amok, having accidents — when we are finally, blessedly FULLY enslaved like those lucky Africans were!

    ‘If the slave trade had not been banned, then the South would have imported European laborers like the North’

    I fail to see the causation or how that would have followed. Free family farmers LEFT the South after struggling for generations in competition and conflict with slave-powered (plantation) agribusiness. Even more and even cheaper slave power becoming available for various industries would have further REDUCED opportunities for free labour.

  10. The coal mining industry was the highest paying wage labor job in America until after WWI. Even though, the Irish, Italians, Poles, and various Slavs, plus the Blacks had been brought in by Northern mine owners to drive the cost of labor down by flooding the labor market.

    Henry Ford’s much talked about $5 dollars a day which was treated like a big deal by the media in 1912 had been on the low side of mining wages for decades.

    The flood of foreign labor, and the decrease in demand finally caught up with the coal industry in the 1920’s.

  11. ‘Without Yankees and Quakers, there would have been no one to relentlessly agitate for racial equality and civil rights, and we wouldn’t be in the position we are today’

    A Talmudist might call that something like a Freudian slip. Notice what group is left out. Only white groups of white people are responsible for the position of white people today?

    • Pretty much.

      The truth hurts, doesn’t it? The Quakers were far more active in pushing for abolition, civil rights, and racial equality than Southern Jews.

      In Pennsylvania, the Quakers had succeeded in getting abolition, black citizenship, civil rights and repealing their anti-miscegenation law by the time Jefferson was president.

      Compare Pennsylvania to South Carolina. There were more Jews in South Carolina, but more Quakers in Pennsylvania, so anti-racist nonsense flourished more in the former than the latter.

  12. Be glad they did, even if you don’t admit it on a Confederate forum. If Anglo-Celts had NOT abolished the slave trade as soon as they did (and remember, Britain was the first country to do so!) imagine what demographic condition we’d be in today! Imagine more and cheaper slaves for CENTURIES, cheap and abundant enough to be used everywhere, even as ‘throw-aways’, for all kinds of uses. Everyone could afford at least one imported Negro for the barnyard or kitchen, with no need to look after their health so carefully as if they were scarce and expensive.

    • Why are we in this demographic condition?

      It’s not because of blacks who were a greater percentage of the population in Colonial America than they are today in 2013. As recently as 1910, blacks were a greater percentage of the Southern population. Even in Mississippi, which is the blackest state in the South, the black population is nowhere near its historic high. In the 1960s, America was whiter than it had ever been at any previous point in its history.

      No, the real difference is the Hispanic and Asian population, which was marginal in the 1960s, but which has exploded solely because of the Immigration Act of 1965 which passed Congress because the North overwhelmingly voted for it like the federal civil rights laws. Most of the Northern states were over 90 percent White until that self inflicted disaster which had nothing whatsoever to do with slavery.

      The same problem is on display in Britain, Canada, Europe, Australia and elsewhere. There were never any black slaves in Sweden, but look at that place today. No, it was insane liberals who brought about this crisis, not slaveowners; Britain, France, the Netherlands, Spain, indeed, all the former slaveholding countries didn’t develop this problem until over a century after the demise of slavery in their colonies.

  13. ‘There were more Jews in South Carolina, but more Quakers in Pennsylvania’

    More of them were based in the main New England harbor of the slave trade, too. North and south of the Line, they were engaged in the very profitable (but not for us, especially not in the long term) slave importation business.

    • If Jews are responsible for abolition, anti-racism, civil rights, racial equality and so on, then South Carolina should have been the biggest bastion of anti-racism in North America. See also Barbados and Jamaica which had lots of Jews. Instead, it was Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, and South Carolina had by far the harshest race laws of any of the colonies.

      What’s the difference? Not Jews, there were more of them in South Carolina than Massachusetts or Pennsylvania. The difference was Congregationalists and Quakers and their leveling theology which was absent in the Southern colonies.

  14. I met some Quakers last weekend. I got into a political argument — merely saying that a lot of young women nowadays choose to be single welfare moms as a lifestyle. This Quaker woman literally face palmed and looked like she was going to have a heart attack, and then started disputing the veracity of my claim. I said, “It’s all over youtube! They are bragging about it! Look up ‘it’s free swipe yo ebt,’ I can show you it on my cell phone right now!”

    She suddenly realized that she’d lost the argument, refused to watch the music video by Chapter Jackson, and unleashed a stern lecture on me about cruelty and poverty and privilege et cetera. The other (middle class professional) people around had heard what I said and didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. So the Quaker woman (in her 70’s) came off as a liberal loon who had no idea about the realities of modern life. Someone said they thought she was going ot have a heart attack.

  15. Don’t ever think that the Quakers, or any other religious cult, isn’t more interested in themselves than in anyone else. You can be sure the Quakers profited from the theft and destruction of Southern property.

    I came across some interesting slave facts for Fayette County, Pennsylvania which is on the north side of the Mason Dixon Line. Fayette County was originally in Virginia, and the census of 1790 shows over 500 slaves being owned in Fayette County. By 1820 with a few exceptions, they were gone.

  16. Mosin,

    Everyone basically does have a pet nigger anyway. We are all subject to the Schwartzcommissar now.

    Did the Afrikaners keep slaves btw?

  17. A “slave” is generally deemed to be property of another and not compensated with currency for his/her work. I would agree that the work conditions for tomato pickers are poor but this “slavery” is totally voluntary. It’s just more psyche warfare from the Left although I’m glad Estabrook is targeting corporations. He may look at it as slavery, but south of the border it’s a desirable opportunity.

  18. ‘If Jews are responsible for abolition, anti-racism, civil rights, racial equality and so on, then South Carolina should have been the biggest bastion of anti-racism in North America.’

    But it was! ‘Golden Circle’, African-slavery-based multiracial elitism is/was as anti-white as can be. Look at its effects that can hardly be undone!

    Antichrist influence is adaptable, forming/guiding/directing both African-slavery-based multiracial elitism and modern, overtly ‘anti-racist’ (anti-white) multiracial global elitism elsewhere.

    • Just the opposite was true.

      In South Carolina, racial differences were well understoond, virtually no one believed in racial equality, and an aristocratic, hierarchical social system evolved that put greater restrictions on “democracy” and “equality” than anywhere else in the United States.

      In stark contrast, Pennsylvania abolished slavery, repealed its anti-miscegenation laws, and gave blacks full citizenship and civil rights on the basis of the theory of racial equality (advocated by Benjamin Franklin). That’s the way it was in Pennsylvania until the Irish rioted in Philadelphia in the late 1830s and blacks were stripped (temporarily) of their citizenship. Thaddeus Stevens, the father of the 14th Amendment, represented Pennsylvania in Congress.

      The Quakers were the vanguard of anti-racism long before the Jews. There were Jews in South Carolina and other Southern states, but they generally went along with the status quo. It was fanatical Quakers in Pennsylvania who insisted, on the basis of their leveling theology, that slavery was a sin and that Africans were their biological and social equals, and that the whole White race bore the guilt of slavery, and who insisted that the Constitution be overthrow to make blacks their equals.

      In the 1930s and 1940s, CORE was led by Quaker pacifists who sowed the seeds of the Civil Rights Movement. As Thomas Sugrue points out, no one except the Jews and the communists were more heavily involved in promoting the Civil Rights Movement than the Quakers. This disease that we are all suffering from today can be traced directly to their leveling theology and the impact it had on their own state and through the federal government on the rest of the country.

  19. If Jews are responsible for abolition…

    No they’re not. But Jews *are* largely responsible for the introduction of chattel slavery in the Americas, possibly the biggest disaster to ever befall this hemisphere. Jews are responsible for all kinds of awful things:

    Stalin’s Jews

    We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish

    … An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name “Genrikh Yagoda,” the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the “bloodthirsty dwarf.”

    Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife. In his Book “Stalin: Court of the Red Star”, Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women.

    Stalin’s close associates and loyalists included member of the Central Committee and Politburo Lazar Kaganovich. Montefiore characterizes him as the “first Stalinist” and adds that those starving to death in Ukraine, an unparalleled tragedy in the history of human kind aside from the Nazi horrors and Mao’s terror in China, did not move Kaganovich.

    Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We’ll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD’s special department and the organization’s chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist.

    In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges. In a fascinating lecture at a Tel Aviv University convention this week, Dr. Halfin described the waves of soviet terror as a “carnival of mass murder,” “fantasy of purges”, and “essianism of evil.” Turns out that Jews too, when they become captivated by messianic ideology, can become great murderers, among the greatest known by modern history.

    The Jews active in official communist terror apparatuses (In the Soviet Union and abroad) and who at times led them, did not do this, obviously, as Jews, but rather, as Stalinists, communists, and “Soviet people.” Therefore, we find it easy to ignore their origin and “play dumb”: What do we have to do with them? But let’s not forget them. My own view is different. I find it unacceptable that a person will be considered a member of the Jewish people when he does great things, but not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable things.

    Even if we deny it, we cannot escape the Jewishness of “our hangmen,” who served the Red Terror with loyalty and dedication from its establishment. After all, others will always remind us of their origin.


    God bless the Israeli press. You’d certainly never read this in the American MSM.

  20. It’s funny, because they actually wish they were slaves, having someone looking after them and caring for them when they get sick or injured or too old to work, having their affairs managed directly instead of being given a pittance and told to figure it out or die in a ditch.

    So they vote to make everyone slaves, to the government.

    The word “slave” means non-relative dependent.

    Anyway, these are migrant workers. If the wages are too low, they have no reason to be here. If the wages are not too low, they should quit bitching about the contracts they have made. Their presence suppresses wages for people who live here.

  21. ‘In the 1960s, America was whiter than it had ever been at any previous point in its history’

    But MUCH less Northwestern European, and the Protestant-Roman ratio was approaching the tipping point.

    ‘blacks were a greater percentage’

    But their NUMBERS have increased, and Northwest European non-RC have steadily decreased on both sides of the Line.

    Blaming WHITES for the anti-white trends and conditions that are destroying them is being anti-white.

    • Re: Mosin

      1.) Why is that? It’s because the “free labor” system in the North had brought in millions of Catholics who swamped the Anglo-Protestant population in the Northeast. That didn’t happen in Alabama or even Louisiana.

      2.) Blacks were a declining percentage of the US population until the North destroyed the Jim Crow South in the 1960s. Even today, their percentage of the population hasn’t changed much; it’s the growth of the Hispanic and Asian population which is reducing Whites to minority status.

      3.) The Quakers are responsible for the anti-White trends. For hundreds of years, their leveling ideology has inspired them to take “equality” to ever greater extremes, and here we are today living with the consequences of being in the same “Union” with them.

  22. “Antichrist influence is adaptable, forming/guiding/directing both African-slavery-based multiracial elitism and modern, overtly ‘anti-racist’ (anti-white) multiracial global elitism elsewhere.”

    You are not making any sense.

  23. Alot of poor Whites were made Share Cropper Slaves also–its just not the Chicanos or Mexies or Chink Coolies or Negroes. The Share Cropper Slave System and Industrail Slave Serfs and Slaves for Factories does not exist like it did many years ago. What we need is Automation–machines that will pick the veggies and fruit. We dont need Chicanos and any others for picking our food. But it aint gonna happen–will only get worse and worse. Either Civil War 2 or the Future of a Brown World…

  24. @Hunter

    H.L. Mencken pointed out that the Jews didn’t really become problematical until the 1890’s when they started to wash up on our shores in large numbers from eastern Europe. Up until that point they were considered to be just another German religious cult, something like historical re-enactors. How seriously can you take someone who claims he is a descendent of Moses, or Abraham? LOL. Yeah right.

  25. ‘Even today, their percentage of the population hasn’t changed much; it’s the growth of the Hispanic and Asian population which is reducing Whites to minority status.’

    Statistical sophism. If the Latins and Asians had not come, the African percentage would have increased MUCH more, as their numbers continue to increase, and Northwest European non-RC whites continue to decline.

    ‘The Quakers are responsible for the anti-White trends.’
    Quakers are whites.
    Therefore whites are responsible for the anti-White trends.

    South Carolina had more Jews than Pennsylvania and Massachusetts combined.
    South Carolina was the bastion of slavery, and the Jews concurred and participated.
    It is clear that Jews were not harmful to the institution of slavery, but whites were .

    • Re: Mosin

      1.) Not really. The black population has been stable for generations.

      2.) Asians and Hispanics are the sole reason that Whites are becoming a minority in the US.

      3.) Northern Protestants went into decline because the glorious “free labor” system swamped them with Roman Catholics. That didn’t happen in the South.

      4.) No, their nutty leveling theology is responsible. That’s why they agitated so hard for abolition and civil rights. They were second only to the communists in pushing for it.

      5.) Yes, there were far more Jews in South Carolina than Pennsylvania, and South Carolina didn’t repeal its anti-miscegenation law until over two centuries after Pennsylvania. The difference between South Carolina and Pennsylvania was Quakers, not Jews.

  26. Mindweapon, I just noticed that my reply to your comment above disappeared (deleted?) perhaps before you read it. I think you would have found it interesting. I am finished commenting.

  27. American Whites (RC or otherwise) have not declined in absolute numbers but only in proportion to non-whites, which you would know if you actually looked at the voluminous data available on the US Census site. Regular church attendance has certainly declined though.

  28. Hunter, it’s just straightforward logic that tells you that if blacks have maintained their percentage of the population despite the influx of hispanics and asians then their percentage would have been even greater than had there not been that influx. So simple, so obvious, and yet so easily ignored in your frenetic haste to portray southern whites as the most perfect people who ever lived.

  29. Prior to the 20th century, I would think most Jews in South Carolina were the German-Jew variety with different social attitudes than the banking cartel in NYC.

    I believe it was a German-Jew from the South who stated “we need more polish and less Polish” when referring to the Jews arriving in the US during the early part of the 20th century. I loved the line but don’t remember the context in which I read it.

  30. The black percentage of the American population declined through the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It reached a historic low in the 1960s when America was nearly 90 percent White and the South was whiter than it had been at any previous point in our history.

    Since then, non-Hispanic Whites have fallen to around 63 percent of the population (due exclusively to Hispanic and Asian immigration unleashed by the Immigration Act of 1965) while the black population has hovered around 12 percent where it has been since Eisenhower was president.

    Immigration, not the black birth rate, is driving demographic change in the United States. It was the same story in the early twentieth century when millions of European immigrants came to the United States and made the country less black than it had been in the nineteenth century.

  31. Snowhitey, the old-line German and Sephardim Jews hated the ‘new’ Eastern European Jews from the Slavic lands. Their attitude toward the newcomers was like the one Mrs. Drysdale had toward the Clampetts, “Those dreadful hillbillies!” They didn’t care for the strange language (Yiddish) they spoke, they abhorred their hyper-aggressiveness, and didn’t like their bizarre habits, like eating ice cream with a spoon, instead of a fork. The old-liners segregated themselves from the new Jews by giving them a separate section to sit in during synagogue services, if they allowed it at all, and by refusing to intermarry with them, under pain of social ostracism. Eventually, the new Jews became the Jews in the US, because of their aggressiveness in business and social realms. The old liners became a minority population among the American Jews.

  32. It’s just a matter of political alliances. In Philadelphia you had Quakers, and then added large numbers of Jews and large numbers of Catholics to arrive at the situation you have today. In South Carolina you had very few Jews, but, no Quakers, and very few Catholics—so no problems. Then again you got southern fried Ben Shalom, and whatever damage he has done for whatever reason. LOL.

  33. Most, if long established, would have been Sephardi. Look out for mysterious Lopes, Gomes, Garcia…Spanish names with a slight twist.

  34. Here is the American white/black ratio from 1900. It should eradicate the spacey notion that we are in a static relationship with blacks: “13% now, 13% tomorrow, 13% forever!”

    1900: 7.5
    1910: 8.2
    1920: 8.9
    1930: 9.2
    1940: 9.0
    1950: 8.8
    1960: 8.2
    1970: 7.5
    1980: 6.8
    1990: 6.3
    2000: 5.6
    2010: 5.1

  35. ‘the black population has hovered around 12 percent where it has been since Eisenhower was president’

    They did increase in actual numbers, although the percentage hovered around 12 percent, because the total population increased since Eisenhower was president — and even though they declined by as much as two percentage points during the period of predominantly Slavic and RC Irish and Med immigration in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, their numbers increased to maintain even that percentage.

    If the slave trade had not been stopped by Britain in the early nineteenth century, imagine what the ‘hovering’ percentage of Africans would have reached by now!

    ‘American Whites (RC or otherwise) have not declined in absolute numbers but only in proportion, which you would know if you actually looked at the voluminous data available on the US Census site’

    Of course I’ve seen the census figures. We are also aware of the long term effects of sub-replacement birth rate and of the current rate of miscegenation. To say that Northwestern European non-RC Whites have not declined except in proportion is misleading. I know it is argued that all other groups will soon fall into the same pattern of sub-replacement birthrate, and mix and dilute themselves with whites who are still the largest group, when they all adopt this Amerikan, cosmopolitan-multicultural lifestyle, so what’s to worry about?

    Coming back to the post topic now: Doesn’t continuing to preach the virtue of African slavery like this completely contravene the hearts-and-minds propaganda thrust of ‘Mainstreaming WN’? You seem not to object that the Latin tomato pickers are being enslaved, but to object that they are NOT BEING ENSLAVED PROPERLY — like the Africans were in the centuries prior to Abolition, who were held in bondage for life and had to be well cared for because they were very scarce (thanks to Britain interfering with unlimited importation) and expensive investments!

    Regarding the Friends movement (Quakers): It did CHANGE somewhat after Toleration, when the RANTERS and other Anti-Christians joined the movement — just as Puritanism changed in the era of Transcendentalism under Anti-Christ influence from Europe. To be fair to Quakers today, I do know some of the very few ‘primitive’ Quakers still existing in rural parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana, who still look (they still dress and talk ‘plain’) and think like that first generation of Quakers who turned the England of Cromwell and Charles ‘upside down’ by concentrating on the Gospel of Christ and personal holiness, not on DESTROYING Biblical Christianity and the white race.

    Slavery was wrong, and peaceful preaching against it is good. But the violence of John Brown and Lincoln’s War of white against white were entirely evil.

    • Re: Mosin

      An extremely shitty “free labor” job like working for low wages in a tomato field IS NOT slavery no matter how many times you call it that.

      In the Old South, the “free labor” system existed alongside slavery, and the shittiest menial jobs (things like digging canals) were reserved for “free laborers” who were usually immigrants and who were expendable and replaceable. Slave labor was not cheap labor. It was skilled labor.

      Do you have any idea how much it cost to own just one slave? To have to provide for that slave its entire life? It was a huge capital investment. It wasn’t “cheap labor” by any means. The state recognized your ownership of the slave, which is simply not the case here.

  36. Snowwhitey, Hunter would know best, but actually a lot of the early jewish slavers seem Sephardic, not ashka-nazis. This is the case with Emma Lazarus’s Daddy, for instance. More slaves mean more in the deep south, where it was more latin, nearer the islands and latin borders, and where they fit with that, like Lazarus; his farm was in Louisiana.

    Earl is so right on this:
    The coal mining industry was the highest paying wage labor job in America until after WWI. Even though, the Irish, Italians, Poles, and various Slavs, plus the Blacks had been brought in by Northern mine owners to drive the cost of labor down by flooding the labor market.”

    Those “appalachians” region mentioned was settled by wasps, obviously, lots of english, (some coming over from the VA coast during Civil war, german, scots—- but the world wars brought in many refugees who were put there and in other mining places, like parts of PA. A survey of southern WV census will easily show the many foreign names.
    These were horrendous conditions, leading to ‘coal wars,’ martial law even in 1938, I think, people being ‘stuck up the holler’ without transport, indebted to company stores and so on. “the mexicans before the mexicans.”

    Funny thing is, due to all the griping of Splc (or whoever), they are just putting in ROBOTS, LOL.

    Soon enough, there will be no work at all for them, as White Men (made to feel so bad) will hop to it, and create a way for them not to have to work in the bad conditions…well, to not work AT ALL…

    The people who have made an Industry of processing migrants, (“advocating” for them) are hardly their friends

  37. And yes, Hunter, it seems pretty funny—

    If black slavery was such a big problem, THEN WHY ON EARTH keep bussing in more people of even more different types???

    As known, my theory is that catholic-jew alliances of the 1960s were set up so that jews got israel and romanists got america— and they would vote for each other on this (which they have), slopping the public trough (of the old wasp public) to their new proxies.

    This is why the war keeps going on for israel, and why the border bleeds endless latins; this makes perfect sense.

    Much violence is on their hands, due to the ethnic problems they caused, (obviously). And this is not all over europe, but if you look at demographics, south europe is relatively unaffected. (See portugal, spain, italy versus Norway, england, u.s., canada, etc.).

    If they are so concerned about blacks, they would quit putting tens of millions of latinos in their backyards, right? Surely, the majority catholic supreme court (same one that declared obamacare “constitutional” WILL HAVE A GREAT VICTORY over abortion when the demographic “shift” HAS ABSOLUTELY ASSURED no historical generational “wasps” majority (in their own country) can ever again be achieved and that the dark-age-welfare-taxation-warfare-welfare-autocrat-statist “way of life” is ASSURED. That’s when they will “expel” the jews again, too, (LOL).

    Such a playbook, right?

    • Re: DixieGirl

      It was the North that was overrun by Roman Catholics, and the cause was the North’s “free labor” system. The immigration of millions of Jews and blacks to the North was also caused by the “free labor” system. Blacks worked in the North’s industrial belt in WW1 and WW2 and Jews were just another group who were brought in to be exploited as cheap labor.

      In parts of the Northeast, there is a “let’s stick it to the WASP” mentality among Jews and Catholics. I’m not familiar with it here. It’s never really been part of our culture. The presence of so many blacks in the Lower South defused tension between Protestants and Catholics.

  38. Idk Hunter, you can’t lump the Northeast prods together, as their are many groups.

    And btw, similar conversation with a very old Amish couple. They were going on about demeaning the slaver southerners, so I pointed out a more balanced view of WORLD slavery.

    They do not know which side their bread was buttered on, lol. They were saying this EVEN IN THE WAKE OF WACO, even when MULTIPLE television propaganda shows are highlighting them and their way of life, and movies such as “The Devil’s Playground,” or “Breaking Amish,” and so on.

    They do not know what this focus on them means. (And they would, imo, if they had stuck to reading their Bibles a little more closely, rather than getting on a moral high horse).

    Sad to see.

  39. “To say that Northwestern European non-RC Whites have not declined except in proportion is misleading.”

    No it’s not it’s the truth. And for you and Butzhead: as far as RC Whites are concerned this German-Irish RC woman is widely considered to be the absolute paragon of classical Aryan beauty in living memory. Not a drop of Prot blood, OMG! LOL


    BTW, Irish immigration peaked in this country in the mid-19th Century not the 20th. Who do you think the troops were who burned down Atlanta?

  40. I did not say RC Irish immigration peaked in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. That would have been during the Potato Famine years. After Ireland had shed half its population, it could never contribute as many immigrants. Nor did I imply in my comment that RC Irish were something new, in the late nineteenth century. They had already immigrated by the thousands during the colonial years — and of course I make the distinction between them and the Ulster Scot Irish and other non-RC Irish who also arrived in the colonial period. If you read my comment again, you will see I was noting that Northwestern European non-RC immigration (largely German then) was surpassed by (the total of) Slavic and RC Irish and ‘Med immigration, during that late nineteenth and early twentieth century period.

    As for Grace Kelly, it is sad she was a Papist. I’ve heard she had other moral issues, but I’m not interested in learning or gossiping about movie stars and celebrities.

  41. Hunter Wallace says,”…
    Do you have any idea how much it cost to own just one slave? …”

    The numbers I’ve read were about the same cost as a SUV for a good quality slave.

    The Quakers may have started the Liberal decline but the Jews put it in high gear for their own reasons.

  42. Rudel are you trying to blame the Irish potato famine, or the communist-socialist revolutions in Germany on White American Protestants? You really need to pray your Holy Mary’s somewhere else. LOL.

    Maybe you should pray for the Holy Catholic Boehner, and the Holy Catholic Ryan while you are at it.

  43. Re: ‘it is sad she was a Papist’:

    I did not mean ‘it is SAID she was’. Correct as it stands. Not a mistype.

    Interesting passage from The Irish Savant article ‘The Great Slavery Wheeze’, which I’ll have to quote here since article links don’t connect well to that Google-restricted site:

    ‘It has been estimated that great as was the wealth generated by the slave trade in the half century before 1807, the costs of suppressing it added up to a similar sum: “by any more reasonable assessment of profits and direct costs, the nineteenth-century costs of suppression were certainly bigger than the eighteenth-century benefits.” It was costing financial capital – Britain did indeed pay heavily in “subsidies” to other European countries to induce them to give up or at least curtail their trade in slaves; somewhat less to numerous chiefs on the African coast for the same purpose; vast sums to its own slave-owners in the West Indies to purchase the freedom of their slaves in 1833; more again to meet the costs of maintaining a squadron on the coast of Africa. SOOOOOO. What this means is that not only do Britons not owe slave descendants anything, in fact Britons are owed a substantial sum from all those West African states, now proudly independent, whose ancestors kept providing “manpower” for the slave trade long after Britain banned it, and deployed her Navy to enforce the ban’.

    The cost of fixing the ‘mistake’ of African slavery had by the end of the nineteenth century already FAR EXCEEDED all the ‘immense wealth created’ for a FEW by the ‘mistake’ in the eighteenth century — and even now, in the twenty-first century, the cost continues to increase. The sins of the fathers truly are visited upon the succeeding generations.

  44. Rudel are you trying to blame the Irish potato famine, or the communist-socialist revolutions in Germany on White American Protestants?

    No, I was correcting Mosin Nagant’s misinformation. He is ignorant and a liar. Why I do not know as the historical statistics are readily available. It’s probably a symptom of his religious mania.

    Maybe you should pray for the Holy Catholic Boehner, and the Holy Catholic Ryan while you are at it.

    Why? I hate Republicans and RC true believers are just as crazy as Prots like Mosin. And I post pictures of RC Aryan beauties just to piss you off.

  45. It’s genes that count not religious delusions. The best thing Whites can do for their survival no matter where they live is to have White children.

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