About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “he and his family have publicly stated they regret the “coarse language” he used”

    What coarse language? “Anus” and “vagina” are the perfectly normal and medically correct words he used for the body parts in question and should do not cause offense to anyone.

    “Butthole” and “cunt” are examples of coarse words.

  2. Our people finally took the gloves off and fought a culture war issue on those terms, and (for the most part) not hiding behind ideological abstractions like “first amendment” or “constitution.”

    Now, let’s use that momentum on immigration.

  3. …and to share in churches: about the free lance fundamentalist preacher who survived persecution without renouncing his faith.

  4. “…and to share in churches: about the free lance fundamentalist preacher who survived persecution without renouncing his faith.”

    What “freelance” fundamentalist faith are you talking about? You have stated that man is not saved by Faith alone. What religion is this? It certainly isn’t Protestant Christianity for which denial of salvation through God’s grace alone is heresy. Calvinists in the past would have had you burned at the stake. Now they only predict misery in this world and eternal hellfire for your like in the next.

    What strange religion does this lay preacher witness to? Is he even Christian? Are you?

    What is your denomination’s theology Mosin. Do you also reject the Nicene or Apostle’s creed? The Trinity? The physical resurrection of Jesus Christ? You go on and on and on and on about adherence to Biblical Christianity yet you deny its tenets.

    What is the name of your church Mosin? Let us hear the truth out of you at least for once so we can judge for ourselves that you are not a heretic and troll.

    What is this Christian religion and its teachings that you constantly say is the only solution to our political problems but that you yet refuse to identify? I have a sneaking suspicion that you are a Quaker and are afraid to admit it.

  5. This is good news. It is not enough for A&E to get the kwazoo right up the wazoo – Duck Dynasty fans will want to see them grovel.

  6. Have we noticed the left’s new word to terrorize and silence White people is “hate”?

    ‘Racism’ is out, ‘Hate’ is in.

    Its like they’ve got all their people, on a consistent message already!

    And I see the actor that got in trouble is using it, which makes me suspicious:

    Phil Robertson:
    “never incite or encourage hate.”

    Phil Robertson:
    “I love all men and women. I am a lover of humanity, not a hater.”

    The left really are that devious. You should take a look at what they were doing to encourage White Guilt on the TV show Bonanza.

    What? You thought it was a conservative TV show? Ha, ha!

  7. “Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles; lest the Lord see it, and it displeases Him, and He turn away His wrath from him.” —-Proverbs 24:17

    One of the grossest things pop culture teaches is rejoicing in others’ failures. Right along with “cashing in” on others’ losses (which is sort of their whole system of life). Oh, and putting the “lotto” and “american idol” (same thing) in every town, so the only dream is of big money you never earned or was the product of your own hands.

    Better not to gloat.

  8. If some folks thought Phil Robertson was using “coarse language”, they should read Ez. 23:20. Like Robertson’s remarks, it’s descriptive, but not coarse.

    Robertson isn’t a “free lance fundamentalist preacher”. He’s a member of the Church Of Christ, and is under their discipleship.

  9. Before getting too excited about this please reread Jack Ryan’s blog from 12/24 about Christmas Bonanza Duck Dynasty.

  10. “Imagine what would happen if White America could ever get organized on a permanent basis.”

    If blue collar white heterosexual christian males went on strike for 2 weeks, BRA would grind to a halt.

  11. Amuricans will fight to the death if someone threatens to take away a TV show….


    Oh well, yeah it’s a victory, one in the W column.

    Patriots are sure to call for this Robertson guy to run for President of the United States, along with other folk heroes like Ted Nugent. I’m thinking this Duck Dynasty family is about ready to join Sarah Palin and go nuclear Neo Conservative, Christian Zionist with heavy emphasis opposing (White) racism, with big crusades to share the gospel of free markets, American Judeo Christian “family values” with Blacks, Mexicans, Arabs, Somalians, 3rd World People of color.

    Less government
    Lower taxes
    More personality responsibility

    We must “tear down the walls” that divide Amuricans and the world and take back Amuricah so that Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream will be realized, blah, blah, blah

    (I’m going with the idea that anybody now featured on ZOG, BRA MSM Tv as a Right Wing Conservative folk hero is going to take the 30 pieces of silver in some way to stay on TV, it’s usually the Neo Conservative, Christian Zionist, Libertarian way)

  12. “If blue collar white heterosexual christian males went on strike for 2 weeks, BRA would grind to a halt.”

    You sound like Karl Marx. This is a good thing BTW.

  13. “(I’m going with the idea that anybody now featured on ZOG, BRA MSM Tv as a Right Wing Conservative folk hero is going to take the 30 pieces of silver in some way to stay on TV, it’s usually the Neo Conservative, Christian Zionist, Libertarian way)

    Unfortunately you are right. Few people are willing to stand on principle nowadays just for the ornery hell of it. Unfortunately many of them are on the far left like Dennis Kucinich and Ralph Nader.

  14. Well at long last I agree with Jack Ryan, he’s either headed straight to neo con heaven or was set up that way to begin with. In the second part we’d disagree per usual, because one suspicion I have is that TCP actually wanted to highlight an issue that ultimately divides Whites instead of uniting us.

    This is talmudvision after all folks.

  15. I’m not your enemy. Neither are the fags, outrageous and annoying as they might be.
    They are just a zionist distraction.

    Here’s our enemy:

    For those of you who consider jews ‘white,’ I submit the above video spot of Bill Maher for Traitor of the Year, only from my side it’s the irish half that needs to be hung. I simply do not consider middle easterners to be white.

  16. Rudel wrote: ‘What “freelance” fundamentalist faith are you talking about? You have stated that man is not saved by Faith alone. What religion is this? It certainly isn’t Protestant Christianity for which denial of salvation through God’s grace alone is heresy. Calvinists in the past would have had you burned at the stake. Now they only predict misery in this world and eternal hellfire for your like in the next. What strange religion does this lay preacher witness to? Is he even Christian?’

    I thought it was clear that the ‘free lance fundamentalist preacher’ I referred to was NOT ME, but Phil Robertson, who appears to be Baptistic, although not to the point that he can’t get along with Bereans in Pennsylvania who don’t baptise at all. No I’m certainly not a Berean, a Baptist or a Quaker. You even asked whether I’m a Papist (!!!) in another thread, which goes beyond grasping at straws, just plain impossible! Your Lutheran or Reformed catechism may have failed to inform you that NOT ALL Protestants believe in salvation by grace or faith alone, though we don’t say we are Protestants.

  17. While the network will continue to run the show as long as it’s profitable, it will also try to buy off the other side (which ‘has only BEGUN to fight’!) by airing ‘a national public service campaign promoting unity, tolerance and acceptance among all people’ — while Cracker Barrel and other retail corporations will continue to change course whenever the wind changes direction.

  18. I remain skeptical & think this Duck, Duck episode is from Distraction/CIA inc. Watch as the ducks get all in a row & come out for War on Razzizm/Po Folks/Marriage/Mooselims/ etc.

  19. “I’m certainly not a Berean, a Baptist or a Quaker.”

    The what is your religion Mosin? You constantly go on and on and on about some some sort of generic “Christianity” that is fundamentally necessary to undergird political progress but you blatantly refuse to define it. What do you believe, what is your church, and what is its theology?

    You can’t expect us to take your imprecations seriously if you won’t come clean about just what those are.

  20. Mosin, Rudel.

    Need I point out that the word ‘sola’ is NOT IN THE SCRIPTURES in the Greek?

    But was inserted by Luther, because it ‘seemed right’ to him?

    As an Orthodox cleric asked me to do, when I brought up the Sproul book on ‘saved by grace, alone’ – look up St. John Chrysostom. I did, and St. John says, quite simply, ‘So we are saved by grace,’ and then talks about the Eucharist, the priesthood, and all teh rest.

    We are saved by grace, but it is never ‘alone’ apart from everything else. We need the church, the sacraments, the body of Christ in fellow believers, and the Law of God, even AFTER we are ‘saved’. That’s why St. Paul said to ‘work out your salvation.’ It demands our constant attention, to the day we die.

    Sorry for preaching to the choir, but y’all are just too riled up with each other.

  21. countenance and westie –

    Phil had been a very outspoken critic of gays for years before Duck Dynasty aired; there are videos of him from 2010 addressing some gathering and speaking with much more vitriol than during his recent interview. I think there is little chance the producers didn’t know exactly who and what they were dealing with – a man who abhorred homosexuality and who felt compelled to speak out about it.

    And however one feels about the issue, there’s no debate that focusing on it serves to divide whites, and causes the sympathetic whites to consider the resisters of ‘gay rights’ to be ‘intolerant.’ Religion in general divides whites. I for one don’t think it belongs in the public arena at all, but not for the same reason the liberals et al want to abolish it. I also recognize a major difference between a christmas tree and a creche – one is religious and the other merely festive (I was raised christian and even as a kid sensed the difference). The tree really has no theological symbolic significance, and makes the darkness less oppressive.

    I just doubt the zio-producers didn’t have some at least semi-formed agenda with their promotion of this white family. They want a race war so as to cause chaos and to weaken whites. When whites divide along any lines, here religious/cultural, we are more vulnerable.

  22. ‘Sorry for preaching to the choir, but y’all are just too riled up with each other’

    But who is ‘the choir’, if Rudel denies the resurrection and Deity of Jesus?

    ‘St. Paul said to “work out your salvation.” It demands our constant attention, to the day we die’

    Exactly, and not ALL of those called ‘Protestants’ fail to grasp that.

  23. Re: NYYankees: ‘Religion in general divides whites’:

    The LACK of religion or choice of the WRONG religion DOOMS whites.

    Re: NYYankees: ‘I for one don’t think it (religion) belongs in the public arena at all’:

    I think it belongs in the forefront of every arena, since it is the fundamental truth that our eternal destinies and everything else depend on.

    Phil Robertson would have been left alone if he had kept it to himself. Jesus said he didn’t come to bring peace, but a sword.

  24. It’s certainly a victory, but I think it’s foolish to overlook the fact that A&E’s economic interests align with reinstating Phil Robertson. There was serious activism, but that was entirely eclipsed, and more than likely a non-issue with respect to his reinstatement, given how much money A&E was set to lose.

  25. True, Brett. It’s not persuasion by conservatives, but more likely a purely MONEY decision. Nevertheless conservatives can call it a little victory, along the way of decline.

  26. Just in case you think, that the JEWS think, that WE and THEY, are equal!


    “On December 27, 2013, Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan, Israel’s deputy minister for religious studies, said that “even gay Jews have higher souls than all non-Jews, gay or straight“. However, that doesn’t mean, he hastened to add, that he supports LGBT community.

    Ben-Dahan, who belongs to the extreme anti-Arab Orthodox Zionist HaBayit HaYehudi Party, made the statement in an interview published by Israel’s Hebrew daily newspaper Ma’ariv on Friday.

    Ben-Dahan also said that, while not being anti-gay, he would still actively oppose any pro-same-sex marriage bill, “just as he would oppose marriage between a Jew and a gentile,” Ha’aretz reported….”

  27. “Religion in general divides whites. I for one don’t think it belongs in the public arena at all, but not for the same reason the liberals et al want to abolish it.”

    NO, Yankee, it isn’t religion, it’s GOD that divides the Elect (who shall rule) and the non-Elect (who are damned). What has transpired is that the Jews (impostors and non-Elect, to boot!) have spread ‘tares’ in the ‘wheat field’ of White Europe, thus creating the confusion and apostasy, as anyone with half a mind can see.

    Religion is the ONLY thing that will bring Whites back together, for only we are created as the ‘brethren’ that Christ came to save- for only we are the ‘Israel of God.’ [ Gal. 6:16]

  28. I read that about Ben Dahan and that ‘HaYehudi’ party. Yehudi my patootie. These HaYehudis are not from Judah or Judah’s tribal land: Judea. They are Khazarian Yahoos from the steppes of khazoo. They never so much as stuck a toe in the Holy Land.

    To make matters worse, all the White JudeoXtian Zionists, Bapduhs and Pentecostal whackjobs believe the entire stupid schtick about the ancestors of the Jews coming from the Holy Land – from Judea, as well as their homicidal gas chamber mythologies and their holocaust shakedown. Indeed the entire guilt industry delusional system.

    Meanwhile, on a lighter note, Sodom and Gommorah has been found – exactly where Josephus (who actually was of the Tribe of Judah) stated it was in his “Antiquities of the Judahites” [not to be confused with Khazarians and Idumeans who style themselves ‘Jews’].

    This is like Roma and Nigerians swarming into Eire and styling themselves ‘Irish’. Multiculturalism leads to this confusion and that is probably the entire point of this Babylonian melting pot.

    Sodomites, however, are always from Sodom – no matter where they abide. Check out those great balls of pure sulphur burning with blue flame. The anti-Christs currently infesting all levels of Fedgov and its entire police state apparatus are certainly juicing the fags and revving them up for their victory dance.

    They will succeed in elevating the A-hole over the land of the free and the home of the brave before the rain of fire and brimstone.

    Sodom and Gommorah Found

  29. “They are Khazarian Yahoos from the steppes of khazoo.”

    Wrong again L”y”nda. Genetic testing says otherwise. Ashkenazi Jews have significant Semitic blood, just like their fellow Arabs. The rest is white European not Khazarian. The Jew Arthur Koestler was wrong in his book “The Thirteenth Tribe.”

  30. ” it’s GOD that divides the Elect (who shall rule) and the non-Elect (who are damned). What has transpired is that the Jews (impostors and non-Elect, to boot!) have spread ‘tares’ in the ‘wheat field’ of White Europe, thus creating the confusion and apostasy, as anyone with half a mind can see.

    Religion is the ONLY thing that will bring Whites back together, for only we are created as the ‘brethren’ that Christ came to save- for only we are the ‘Israel of God.’ [ Gal. 6:16]”

    Superstitious gobbledy-gook. Please stop posting this nonsense. No one in their right mind believes any of it. When you die, you die. Only your offspring and the effects of your deeds live on. Make the most of your life because nothing comes after.

  31. Rudel, I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again.

    You cannot know what your ultimate fate will be, because YOU aren’t GOD.
    You are not omniscient, omnipotent, but merely human.

    Secondly, why don’t YOU stop posting this lying filth. Just because some Ay-rabs live in the Levant now, and the Khazarim are related to them, doesn’t mean that either group is ‘Semiti.’ Because, until we find DNA from J.C. himself that is a perfect Match with the AshkeNAZI DNA, it’s quite possible to postulate that those who ARE ‘Judeans’ and those who merely ‘say they are Judeans, but are not!’ [Rev. 2:8,9] passed each other on the migrations of tribes out of the Holy Land, both before J.C.’s incarnation (during the Captivity) as well as after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, in A.D. 70.

    You’ve established nothing, proven nothing, refuted nothing.

  32. Lynda, you’re wrong about two things.

    The Askkenazi Jews aren’t Khazars. All up to date genetic testing done on Eastern European Jews show Semitic Haplotypes and DNA. Please read up to date articles and books on this subject so you will be up to speed.

    That YouTube link you provided about S&G is put out by people associated with a man called Ron Wyatt. He’s regarded as being extremely unreliable in the Protestant community because his research is considered very sloppy. And to the best of my knowledge, no one outside his group of followers have been able to validate his claims.

  33. Re: Mosin

    There are plenty of Christians here, but the vast majority of them don’t feel compelled to hijack every comment thread to ride their pet hobby horse, no matter how unrelated, and turn the discussion into a theological debate.

    It’s fine to discuss religion when it is RELEVANT to the topic, but that is not always the case.

  34. As a matter of scientific fact the DNA comparisons are made between modern populations and bones from archeological digs in Roman Palestine so it is YOU who are the ignorant ass. Stop posting.

  35. Re: Hunter’s policy of censoring ‘incorrect’ Christian comments:

    So HOW is Christianity ‘unrelated’ to the post topic of Phil Robertson and the Sodomites, and the Talmudvision network? Since yesterday, you have deleted not one, but several post-topic-relevant comments of mine — since two FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTORS (one a Papist and one an atheist, who themselves constantly ‘bring up religion’ in thread after thread) made repeated emphatic demands for an end to my posting.

    Is there no free speech zone remaining for believers on this blog, which you CLAIM is ‘violating the taboo’ against being ‘Pro-‘ Christian (whatever THAT means)?

    But you don’t really need low-church ‘Bapduhs’ who ‘can’t read and write’ when you are beginning to have much more capable and politically correct (‘mainstream’!!!) atheists, Papists and Talmudists (all of whom HATE Bapduhs) working for you.

    Going ‘Mainstream’ does not mean taking the stand with Christ, nor does it even involve taking a stand against systemic persecution of Christians, nor even allowing our free speech on your ‘pro-Christian’ blog. Rather it means following the Anti-Christ example of the secular, Talmudic and RC ‘MAINSTREAM’.

    • Re: Mosin

      1.) In cases where Christianity is relevant, for example, when there is an article that touches upon religion like the Phil Robertson article, it’s fine. I just don’t want EVERY comment thread, especially ones which are completely unrelated to religion like our activism threads, or the recent article about the demographic transformation of Florida, getting derailed into yet another off-topic theological debate that interests almost no one here.

      2.) There is no correlation between financial contributors and comment moderation.

      I’ve just grown annoyed with EVERY thread, no matter how unrelated to religion, being hijacked and turned into a theological debate here. I don’t care when commentators discuss religion when it is RELEVANT to the topic of the article, but I am sick of my comment threads being turned into theological debates. It’s killing the comment section and making the discussions on this website less interesting than they ought to be.

      3.) This isn’t a “free speech” blog. It’s my own personal blog. I use it to sound off on the things that I want to talk about.

      4.) I don’t care if Baptists, Catholics, Lutherans, pagans, atheists or whatever post here … so long as they aren’t being disruptive, or derailing my comment threads in order to ride their pet hobby horse.

      5.) There are lots of Christians who read this website and post here … and all of them, with the exception of you, can see the importance of staying on topic. Like I said, it’s fine to discuss religion when it is relevant to the subject of the article, but when EVERY single comment thread is being hijacked by one person in order to ride his pet hobby horse, it annoys everyone else who posts here and reduces their willingness to participate.

  36. Well it’s a new year. I even agree with Rudel and Stephen Dalton in their debunking of the Khazar thesis. Actually, their comments just save me the time of slogging through a topic I’ve avoided, because I as a northerner could care less where they come from ultimately. It ain’t Europe is all I know.

    Some of my pro-White friends in the north who were raised in the Christian church consider this Khazar story to be an attempted solution to the jewish problem, in that its adherents have some investment in championing the israelites and thus ‘solve’ the problem of jewish supremacy (a redundancy) and imperialism. If the southern folk can convince themselves the evil Khazars are impostors, they maintain their theological defense of the true israelites.

    Northern christians don’t care about the israelites. In Catholicism Jesus was a jew by happenstance. I either never or rarely heard the term ‘israelites’ growing up going to mass every Sunday. Another catholic friend attended parochial schools and college and reports the same basic take on Jesus’ jewishness – it was largely irrelevant, even back 20 years before my time.

    I don’t think northern protestants, which included one grandparent and tons of neighbors, friends, etc. imbued nearly as much significance in the jews or ‘israelites.’ My friend suggested that perhaps during the Protestant Reformation focus came back on the Old Testament, as a means of trying to contain all the abuses of the Church in the name of the New one. This theory may apply, but doesn’t account for the vast differences between southern and northern christians on this front. While the northern protestants may have highlighted the ‘israelite’ concept more than the catholics, I still sense a profound gap between the two groups’ stances. We all also had to live around the jews and wherever that happened, reality of who and what the jews are impinges on any fantasy that they are actually god’s chosen people, which isn’t to in any way validate that concept as it truly is alien to us.

    We are a tight-lipped, more private and reserved people who don’t believe in wearing our god on our sleeves or in slutting him out in the public square. To be cool as a kid I asked my catholic mother if I could get a ring with a crucifix on it in emulation of the tacky italians around me; she was indignant at the very suggestion that our god should be publicly showcased in any way. If anything, we northerners find it unchristian to impose or enforce God’s will on others; to do so is to dishonor Him for Christ led by example not dicta. To try to position oneself as some judge is to blaspheme God. We can only be Christ-like by aspiring to his example, and by holding ourselves accountable to our Father – not by usurping his role.

    So this southern compulsion to flaunt God in the public arena, much less to anoint yourselves some god-like judge in that act, really alienates us. We don’t have a specific issue attached to it, just an internal conviction which is shared culturally. Judge not lest ye be judged. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. One’s relationship with our Creator is private, and not for public consumption.

    I believe this issue of religion and its varying lived interpretations will continue to be used to sow dissent and division, but we’re probably too at odds for that to matter anyway, as there’s also the issue of the jews. I see most northerners holding them accountable while the southern leadership so far succors their theological predecessors.
    Zionists probably took down the NA so perhaps it’s the southerners who actually champion the truth who face annihilation.

  37. 1.) a.) Re: ‘In cases where Christianity is relevant, for example, when there is an article that touches upon religion like the Phil Robertson article, it’s fine’: But that is just the article under which the last deleted comment appeared, and much of it was IN RESPONSE to prior ‘theological’ attacks and probes by those ‘financial contributors’.

    b.) ‘I just don’t want EVERY comment thread…getting derailed into yet another off-topic theological debate that interests almost no one here.’ But I don’t comment on at least half of your posts, and not all my comments reference ‘religion’. But the Gospel is still fundamental, and is NEVER irrelevant to ANY issue, whether or not you and most of the readers believe or are interested.

    2.) a.) Re: ‘There is no correlation between financial contributors and comment moderation’: But there IS a correlation: Financial contributors, and group activists as well, tend to satisfied with the content of the blog and in step with the direction of the movement, and their comments generally are supportive, and supportive comments are NEVER deleted. Now is it really coincidental that those calls to stop my posting were followed immediately by the deletions?

    b.) ‘I am sick of my comment threads being turned into theological debates’: But we know it takes more than one commenter for any DEBATE to exist. How many times was I attacked and probed about my ‘theology’ and URGED TO SUBMIT a ‘theological’ response during the last week? I was responding, and not to myself.

    c.) ‘It’s…making the discussions on this website less interesting than they ought to be’: Yet SOME MIGHT have found it interesting (and in any case, eternal Truth is interested in YOU!) and even a welcome change (‘nice break’ or ‘balance’) from the reverberation chamber of calls for secession from the ‘Damnyankees’, the ultimate ‘fault of everything’ although BLACKS (not Talmudists and RC!) run America; and denunciations of ‘very old men with squeaky voices’ (and all other Libertarians) and Muslims (but NEVER Romanism as such!); and recountings of the benefits of slavery and of having a few ‘good’ (southern) Talmudists around — and all the embarrassing, absurd failures and stupidity of all the other, NON-‘Mainstreaming’ White Nationalisms; and brainstorming and planning the new programme of public demonstrations for the LOS and CofCC.

    3.) Re: ‘This isn’t a “free speech” blog. It’s my own’: But everything we have belongs to God, Who ALLOWS us to blog or comment, or whatever else we do. We are free to choose our way, but we must all give an account of our deeds in the Judgement — and it is NEVER right for anyone to SUPRESS the truth, and almost never wrong for anyone to EXPRESS it — though there is a point where continuing to cast pearls (‘dropping road apples’) becomes unwise.

    4.) Re: ‘in order to ride their pet hobby horse’: It is almost blasphemous to describe Christian testimony as a ‘pet hobby horse’. Imagine: if some of your nineteenth century southern Christian heroes were still ‘riding’ that ‘hobby horse’ on earth today, they might also be ‘derailing’ comment threads on your blog with THEIR ‘annoying’, absurd, Christian remarks.

    5.) Re: ‘it’s fine to discuss religion when it is relevant to the subject of the article, but when EVERY single comment thread is being hijacked by one person in order to ride his pet hobby horse, it annoys everyone else’: Ditto of what I already wrote, above.

    Thanks for letting this comment stand.

    • 1.) This is my own personal website.

      It is not a place for you or anyone else to carry on about your own pet hobby horse in the comment threads. You are hijacking multiple threads which have nothing whatsoever to do with religion and turning the comments underneath these articles into theological debates. I don’t mind you debating religion here … so long as it is relevant to the original topic or it is done in moderation. If you want to debate religion in every thread though, feel free to do it somewhere else.

      2.) As I said above, I haven’t given any thought to what everyone else here thinks about the issue. I’m the one who is sick and tired of seeing threads which have nothing to do with religion – for example, the recent thread on Florida’s demographic transformation – hijacked and turned into sectarian theological squabbles. I’ve deleted all kinds of comments here from people who have donated to this website when they are trolling or flaming.

      3.) I’m a Christian. My wife is a Christian. The vast majority of people you argue here with are Christians. That’s not the issue. The issue is your constant trolling and thread hijacking and turning completely unrelated threads into theological debates and the impact that has on the quality of the comment section.

      4.) Once again, you spend most of your time here antagonizing and arguing with other Christians.

      5.) We’re not debating this issue any further. If a comment is interesting and relevant to the original article, it will be allowed to stand. If it is more irrelevant hobby horse riding and thread hijacking, it is going to sent into the trash folder.

  38. Stephen E Dalton, Rudel, and NYYankees

    Why are you three so quick to dismiss the Khazar hypothesis?


    And if I may address a point specifically made by NYYankees:

    “adherents (of the Khazar hypothesis) have some investment in championing the israelites.”

    I have no idea what you and Dalton were taught in the Catholic Church, but Genesis 12 makes it very clear that the descendants of Abraham – the 12 sons of Jacob, the Israelites – are God’s chosen people by blood. Christian Zionism couldn’t have come into existence without Genesis 12. You may choose to ignore it if you want, but the existence of a chosen people is beyond Biblical dispute. Call me a snotty Protestant, but I’m not going to ignore something as clear cut as “I will make of thee a great nation…And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee.” You know all to well how those verses are used as bully clubs by Christian Zionists, so why do you turn around and ignore the importance of the Israelites of the Bible? I’m gonna be blunt: Any White Northern Christian who ignores or downplays the Israelites of the Bible isn’t very wise. The Israelites of the Bible ARE God’s chosen people, and the key question is whether modern day Jews are the descendants of those Israelites.

  39. “So this southern compulsion to flaunt God in the public arena, much less to anoint yourselves some god-like judge in that act, really alienates us.”

    Your entire comment is a sorry justification for the tried and failed liberal idea of the “Separation of Church and State.” At least Rudel freely admits he’s an atheist who doesn’t believe in any after life. Atheists don’t have any obligations per Matthew 28:19 like Christians do. If you’re a Catholic or Protestant Christian who keeps your Faith private because “we don’t believe in wearing our god on our sleeves or in slutting him out in the public square,” than you’re just putting God in a bottle and not doing anything useful. Sure enough, its Northern Christianity – specifically Northeast Puritanism, which I freely admit is Protestant – that’s mutated into atheism and the degenerate leveling culture that Hunter and Dr. Hill talk about. Northern Christians are like libertarians in California: They can’t protect themselves for 15 minutes. They claim to be all about “privacy” and “not imposing or enforcing your morality on others,” and then they wonder what the hell happened when the culture and way of life that they took for granted goes to shit. Enough of the quid pro quo delusions! Christianity and Christian morals should be the official public norm. Whatever its problems, the South gets this. The North, well, doesn’t.

  40. Thanks for laying down the law about trolling, hobby horse riding, thread hijacking, and flaming. The comment sections intellectual tone has improved almost overnight because of your decision. Mosin will probably have to be permanently banned, for I see no sign that he comprehends what you’re trying to tell him. The poor man is mired in deep seated biases and prejudices that prevent him from thinking rationally. In the meantime, I’ll do my best to uphold the rules myself.

  41. An interesting comment by NYYankees appears earlier in this comment thread: THAT NORTHERNERS REALLY DISLIKE ‘THE SOUTHERN COMPULSION TO FLAUNT GOD in the public arena, much less to anoint yourselves some god-like judge in that act, really alienates us. We don’t have a specific issue attached to it, just an internal conviction which is shared culturally. Judge not lest ye be judged. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. One’s relationship with our Creator is private, and not for public consumption.’

    If that is true, then I’m not typically northern, and apparently some southerners, as well as northerners, also despise the ‘flaunting’ of ‘religion’. It all depends what YOU think ‘Christianity’ means, how narrow or all-encompassing, private or public, liberal or Biblical YOUR ‘Christianity’ is. A few weeks ago, due to constant complaints and challenges from the RC and atheist-Lutheran commenters, I decided to stop posting on OD, but after a week or so the first Phil Robertson article appeared, which seemed to meet all your criterion of ‘relevance’ for ‘theological’ comments, and since it had already received several ‘theological’ comments, I re-entered only the Phil Robertson discussions. The ‘debates’ since then on some other (not ‘every single’) threads have required more than one commenter, and many of my comments were written only in response to repeated challenges, and even REQUESTS to respond by the other debaters.

    I can easily limit my comments to just once a week or so, or cease posting entirely, but I cannot, will not, change my understanding of the nature and threat of Romanism, Talmudism, etc., nor my understanding of Christian doctrine that applies BROADLY, not just to a few ‘strictly religious’ topics but to ALL issues of life.

  42. “I have no idea what you and Dalton were taught in the Catholic Church, but Genesis 12 makes it very clear that the descendants of Abraham – the 12 sons of Jacob, the Israelites – are God’s chosen people by blood.”

    I have no idea what the Catholic Church teaches although I suppose one could look it up somewhere. Ask Fr.John – I think he was once a Catholic priest. The absolutely last place I would go to for reliable scientific information is the Old Testament which was written by a bunch of warring Iron Age Canaanite goatherds some 2500 years ago give or take a few centuries. I mean fer chrissakes, the Jewish Diaspora after the fall of the Second Temple (which is after all the subject at hand) hadn’t even happened yet!!!

    I base my opinions on DNA analysis done on contemporary populations compared to ancient DNA analysis based on archeological digs done in Palestine. Askenazi Jews have picked up a lot of genes through intermarriage with their host countries over the last couple of thousand years (how else would Paul Newman and others get blonde hair and blue eyes) so I suppose that there is some Khazarian blood in some Jews who had Khazar ancestors in the past just as Paul Newman seems to have picked up more than his fair share of Slavic genes.

    I have to question the very existence of a unique ethnicity called Khazar based on your own reference which calls them a “tribal confederation gathered Slavs, Scythians, Hunnic-Bulgars, Iranians, Alans and Turks.” Sounds to me like nothing but an expedient short term military alliance of different tribes who banded together temporarily to fight the invading Mongols. There was no land of “Khazaria.”

    Another reason to find your author’s statements a bit suspect is his insistence that Yiddish is Slavic and not a dialect of High German. Most linguists would strongly disagree. I mean how reliable is a Kenyan newspaper really? That headline itself is totally misleading.

    I personally don’t give a rat’s ass whether Jews travelled up the Danube or the Don but Sephardic Jews are a lot closer genetically to Ashkenazi than was previously thought.

    The fact remains though that modern Jewish populations (both Sephardic and Ashkenaz) share at least 40% to 60% of their DNA with the ancient Semitic tribes of the Levant.

    Here is a recent chart that shows the proximity of relatedness of thirteen ethnic groups based on 18 different genetic variations and it shows that Jews land about midway between Middle Easterners and Europeans just as one would expect.


    I highly recommend the following site for up-to-date information on the genetic composition of different ethnic groups. The studies are in constant flux as more and more genes are sequenced but the general outlines are starting to come into focus.


  43. ‘They claim to be all about “privacy” and “not imposing or enforcing your morality on others,” and then they wonder what the hell happened when the culture and way of life that they took for granted goes to shit. Enough of the quid pro quo delusions! Christianity and Christian morals should be the official public norm. Whatever its problems, the South gets this. The North, well, doesn’t.’

    That is a very broad generalisation. Here we have ‘southern’ whites who don’t seem to belong to the Bible Belt at all, and I know many northern whites who are extremely active in preaching the Word, in and out of season, street preaching brothers, even one who boldly picketed a strip joint that tried to set up in a small town, shutting it down single-handedly.

    ‘The comment sections intellectual tone has improved almost overnight because of your decision’

    Really? NOW I see it!

    ‘Mosin will probably have to be permanently banned’

    Definitely so.

    ‘In the meantime, I’ll do my best to uphold the rules myself’

    You’ll be very, very good.

    Re: the raging Khazar debate: Isn’t it going off-topic, and borderline ‘theological’? Note well that I have had NO part in it.

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