OD In 2014: Activism

Building for the future
Building for the future


In 2013, OD set out to change the image and character of the ‘movement’ in the South, and we are going to build on what we have started in 2014:

Internet Misuse – The internet has enormous potential as a fundraising, educational, and organizing tool, but the medium hasn’t been used properly.

Specifically, the internet has become an escape valve that allows people to retreat into a purely anonymous, online fantasy world – a pointless enterprise which is equivalent to role playing games like Minecraft or Everquest – where they can swap millions of messages and vent their frustrations without doing much else.

We have seen activist organizations that get millions of ‘hits’ online atrophy over the past two decades into websites where people go mostly to sit around and gawk at hideous crimes. It’s great that we are able to discuss stories which are censored by the Mainstream Media, but we need to channel that anger into building institutions which can give us the power to do something about it.

In 2013, we decided that we were going to change our relationship with the internet. We were going to use it as a tool to raise money, organize events, define our image, and communicate with the public in order to expand our real world network and start to build up our organizational strength in the South.

Social Capital – The internet is a troll’s paradise.

The anonymous relationships which are formed online tend to be extremely fragile and prone to disruption. If for no other reason, we wanted to get people off the internet and engaging in some kind of productive activity on a regular basis to build up trust and solidarity in our movement.

Violating Taboos – It is taboo in America to be explicitly pro-White, pro-South, and pro-Christian.

In 2013, we decided that we were going to publicly violate these taboos, and that we were going to do it on a regular basis in the South, and hope that our activism would eventually become the “new normal.” There are thousands of people out there who are pro-White, pro-South, and pro-Christian, but who are bottled up on the internet because of their fear of the consequences of violating the taboos.

By showing these people that their fears are exaggerated, we can embolden some of them to step forward and join us.

The Fear Element – It’s often scary to try something new, but much less intimidating every subsequent time you do it. In the case of violating our society’s taboos through public activism, people tend to lose their fear once they cross the red line, especially when they are doing it in ever larger numbers.

Defining Our Image – As long as we hide behind our laptops, the Mainstream Media will be free to define our image to the public.

The Mainstream Media has a narrative too: everyone who is pro-White is like Craig Cobb and Kynan Dutton on patrol in Leith, or Klansmen throwing chairs on The Jerry Springer Show, or the NSM in Atlanta. Fair or not, these media stereotypes are an obstacle that deter lots of people from going public with their beliefs.

By engaging in public activism, we have the opportunity to define our own image for a change, which we can later use to introduce people to our perspective.

Fostering Unity – Getting the CofCC and League of the South to start working more closely together is a rare example of unity in a fractured movement.

Gaining Experience – With each subsequent demonstration, we are gaining more and more practical experience with real world activism.

In sum, we want to take Southerners out of a toxic anonymous environment on the internet, get them meeting up on a regular basis, get them to know and trust each other, get them to engage in productive activism like violating the established taboos, get them to project a positive image while doing so, get them to overcome their fears for they can inspire and embolden others, get them working together with likeminded groups, and finally get them into our expanding real world social network.

Coming soon to Tallahassee, FL
Coming soon to Tallahassee, FL

It will take patience, perseverance, and calm deliberate action, but we will gradually increase our numbers, draw more young people into our network, and overcome some of the most serious obstacles (for example, being bottled up on the internet) that have been hindering our progress. As our numbers grow, we can pool our resources and begin to think of ways to spread our message on a grander scale.

That should suffice for now.

Update: OD has learned that the “Tennessee Anti-Racist Network” is planning to protest Amren again in April.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I like this new OD.
    Happy New Year and best wishes for 2014, in all the exciting things you have going on, most importantly the birth of your first son in a few months time. Amazing what a difference a single year can make!

  2. Well done. You guys continue to move in a positive direction.

    Also thanks for standing up for the Tom Watson statue. Building off the actual history of the South towards the future is the way to go.

    The comment section seems to have been cleaned up as well from some of the worst trolls. I hope you continue in this direction so you can draw in more family oriented people who will most likely never frequent a site where certain people for some reason can’t seem to make political arguments without including ubiquitous profanity and sexual perversity.

  3. @Anglo-Protestant American

    Your linked website is a total disgrace with its fawning Roundhead panegyric to Cromwell by Alexander Hamilton Stephens. Oliver Cromwell was a murderous tyrant and his decades long “rump Parliament” was the exact opposite of representative government. Long may he be spat upon.

    Equality by representative government is no guarantee of liberty. In fact democracy and “equality” is antithetical to it. I’d much rather live under a hereditary monarchy or aristocracy that guaranteed liberty and property rights than any democracy. Democracy is by its very nature doomed to degenerate into two wolves and a sheep voting what to have for dinner.

    Long live Charles I of England and Scotland!

  4. No Rudel what is a disgrace is your reading comprehension ability.

    1. Alexander Hamilton Stephens did not once mention Oliver Cromwell when he spoke before the Georgia Assembly so it’s hard to see how it’s a “fawning Roundhead panegyric to Cromwell.”

    2. The below is a direct quote from Stephens from the Speech where he talks about the English Civil War.

    “The sword was appealed to, to settle the question; a civil war was the result; great valor and courage were displayed on both sides; men of eminent virtue and patriotism fell in the sanguinary and fratricidal conflict; the king was deposed and executed; a commonwealth proclaimed. But the end was the reduction of the people of England to a worse state of oppression than they had been in for centuries. They retraced their steps. After nearly twenty years of exhaustion and blood, and the loss of the greater portion of the liberties enjoyed by them before, they, by almost unanimous consent, called for restoration.”

    You may pay extra special note of the part where he says “The end was the reduction of the people of England to a worse state of oppression than they had been for centuries.” Since I have to hold your hand and walk you through basic history as I usually do he is referring to the Commonwealth as being the worst state of oppression that the people of England had been in for centuries.

    So the question people should ask themselves at this point is are you a liar, do you just run your mouth in a knee-jerk fashion without properly examining sources that are placed before you or is the answer both?

    The truth is though Rudel besides you just having zero concern for honesty everyone who has read your postings for any length of time knows exactly why you have reacted to Stephens’ speech the way you did. It’s because you have a hyper-antagonistic dislike for England because of your Irish Catholic ancestry. When you read Stephens discussing the English Civil War without including numerous explicit insults to Oliver Cromwell you thought that this somehow made him an avid admirer of Cromwell. Of course no person steeped in an English historical narrative would act this way. Generally only well Fenians behave in such a manner.

    This proves my point once again that religious affiliation and ancestry cause people to have different historical memories which is why immigration needs to be carefully regulated and mass immigration not allowed. Because of the immigration chaos of the early 19th century we are now stuck with many people in the North who have these hang ups.

    Also the point of my posts about Alexander H Stephens and Jefferson Davis is not whether or not representative government secures anything but both Davis and Stephens identify the “Rights of Englishmen” which have inherited from our Anglo-Saxon ancestors as the source of our liberty. Stephens and Davis both say the South’s ancestors are English. It proves English identity. You know the thing that you despise and sends you into long unthought-out tirades.

  5. Re: internet misuse

    This movement MUST be built on a foundation of a day-to-day, person-to-person, face-to-face community of social and business interaction. That is what peoples and cultures come from. If that can be put in place, the rest will follow. On-line activity can supplement it, but cannot possible substitute for it. A primary objective of LoS websites should be to promote and assist the development of personal contact in specific physical locations.

  6. “you have a hyper-antagonistic dislike for England because of your Irish Catholic ancestry.”

    Actually I am a non-practicing Lutheran although I did have an Irish grandmother who I never met because she died before I was born. I’m glad you are content as a Whig.

    I happily remain a Jacobite (oppressors of Ireland that the Stuart kings were) along with many other Protestants who totally reject the coup d’état of your “Glorious Revolution” and the rise of the common man which followed. It is the source of all our troubles. Better that the American Revolution never occurred either. My interest in this site is to disparage your beloved constitutional monarchy in England and foment the breakup of your vaunted and esteemed republic here on these shores.

    I believe in ordered liberty and not democracy which is inimical to freedom. To hell with you.

  7. Re: jmf

    We’re having some success with that in the Eastern Lower South: Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee, and North Carolina. It has gotten to the point where everyone here knows each other, meets up regularly, and uses the internet only as a communication tool.

  8. HW: I’m glad to hear that. I would like to see some activity in Tuscaloosa (they’re here but everybody is indisposed) and Pensacola/Mobile.

  9. “Actually I am a non-practicing Lutheran although I did have an Irish grandmother who I never met because she died before I was born.”

    I am aware that you have dualistic German/Irish split identity that you constantly seek to reconcile in the comment section of this website, in my observation though the German side generally gets the short shift when the two are put in conflict.

    Since you claim to be a “non-practicing Lutheran” and a Protestant in your above comments though this must in some sense mean you affirm that Martin Luther was correct in disputing positions that were held by the Roman Catholic Church and he had the right to withdraw from that Church and resist its authority. If you don’t hold to this position then what you actually mean is you were raised a Lutheran but have since rejected the ideas of the founder that led to the establishment of that denomination making you then I suppose a “non-practicing” or ideological Roman Catholic. It would be nice to know which it is.

    “I’m glad you are content as a Whig.”

    I really don’t have a problem being known as a Whig, but supporting the Glorious Revolution hardly establishes the fact that an individual is a Whig. Tories and Whigs both were responsible for overthrowing James II and supporting William. Only a very tiny minority of people within England ever fought for the Jacobite cause and they were mostly Catholics. So the opposite of the term Jacobite is not Whig but rather Williamite.

    “I happily remain a Jacobite (oppressors of Ireland that the Stuart kings were)”

    How could they “oppress” Ireland? I thought they had the “divine right” to do whatever they pleased? Sounds dangerously like the rhetoric of the common man to me. Oh well for Ireland we may have to make some exceptions I understand.

    “Better that the American Revolution never occurred either.”

    Possibly, then we may have never had to deal with the mass immigration that brought you here. Also all the laws that placed civil disabilities and immigration restrictions on Roman Catholics in the British colonies that were done away with by the American Revolution might have remained in place much longer.

    Still the patriots who fought in the American Revolution who themselves are descended from the men who help found the Southern colonies are my ancestors and kinsmen not yours so I understand why I honor them and you don’t and why you will remain an enemy of the South that you have always been.

    “It is the source of all our troubles.”

    There is no “our” Rudel. You are a Northerner who regularly denigrates the South I don’t consider myself to have any meaningful linkage to you whatsoever.

    “My interest in this site is to disparage your beloved constitutional monarchy in England and foment the breakup of your vaunted and esteemed republic here on these shores.”

    The republic has been dead for 150 years.

    My primary interest is in the survival of the ethnically American population who are the descendants of the British colonists and those who have truly come to identity with them through assimilation.

    Also your opposition to “my” Glorious Revolution is also the opposition to the Glorious Revolution of Jefferson Davis, Alexander H Stephenson, Robert Barnwell Rhett and almost all NATIVE southerners involved with the Confederacy who are on record as admiring it. So as long as people understand that fact I am most pleased.

    “To hell with you.”

    Back at you, it’s not my fault you aren’t capable of correctly reading a short paragraph.

  10. “Only a very tiny minority of people within England ever fought for the Jacobite cause and they were mostly Catholics. So the opposite of the term Jacobite is not Whig but rather Williamite.”

    Totally wrong. By the time of the English Civil War, England had been a Protestant country for well over a century. The Cavaliers who fought for the Stuart Royalist cause were overwhelmingly Protestant. Perhaps you are confusing this with the ’15 or the ’45 although even then many Protestant Tories such as Samuel Johnson fought on the Royalist side. There really was no military action to speak of in the Glorious Revolution of 1688. The English just gave up and submitted to Whig rule along with accepting a puppet foreign king.

    “you will remain an enemy of the South that you have always been.”

    I am most certainly not an “enemy” of the South and have considered the Confederate cause to be just since as long as I can remember. It’s the hot fetid weather I can’t stand as it is not fit for White men. Appalachia is another story altogether and I would gladly live among the Celts that inhabit the mountains whence they fled from indentured slavery to your ancestors if only I didn’t love the wide, uncrowded, and almost totally nigger-free West much, much more.

    I’ve also fought along side many a brave Southerner in battle which is more than you can say being that you are almost feminine in your effete ancestor worship. Genealogy and an unhealthy concern for third cousins is a hobby best left to old ladies. As for your purity of blood:

    1) I doubt that you could name more than a handful of your potentially hundreds of great grandparents from the Colonial period and

    2) You share very few genes with any of them due to the effects of genetic drift over many generations even in the unlikely event that none of them intermarried with the odd German and other assorted riff-raff. BTW, the Y-chromosome being as short as it is, it contains fewer genes so even your family name gives you very little in the way of a biological connection to your paternal namesakes from centuries past.

    “I don’t consider myself to have any meaningful linkage to you whatsoever.”

    Then don’t describe yourself as an American then.

    You certainly help pay my very meaningful Social Security and Veteran’s benefits. I rather like knowing that.

  11. “Totally wrong. By the time of the English Civil War, England had been a Protestant country for well over a century. The Cavaliers who fought for the Stuart Royalist cause were overwhelmingly Protestant. Perhaps you are confusing this with the ’15 or the ’45 although even then many Protestant Tories such as Samuel Johnson fought on the Royalist side. There really was no military action to speak of in the Glorious Revolution of 1688. The English just gave up and submitted to Whig rule along with accepting a puppet foreign king.”

    Why are you talking about the English Civil War again and not 1688 which is what is under discussion? I have ancestors who fought for the Royalists that has nothing to do with 1688. There are no “Jacobites” in the 1640’s you silly person.

    Thousands of men fought for the King for nearly a decade in the 1640’s. The fact that the English “just gave up” i.e. meaning in many cases riding off from James army and joining Williams should maybe tell you something.

    When did Samuel Johnson “fight” for the Jacobite’s?

    “I am most certainly not an “enemy” of the South and have considered the Confederate cause to be just since as long as I can remember.”

    Yet you oppose the very thing our ancestors say it was based upon.

    “I would gladly live among the Celts that inhabit the mountains whence they fled from indentured slavery to your ancestors.”

    Ah you mean the “Celts” (I dispute they are that) whose ancestors supported King William in Northern Ireland? Also I like your theory that the entirety of Appalachia is descended from escaped indentured servants, that’s cute.

    “I’ve also fought along side many a brave Southerner in battle”

    Your potato peeling and latrine cleaning days, assuming even that’s true from a man so fond of lying, in the U.S. military do not interest me. While I have no objections to your playing Gomer Pyle that makes you no different than say Colin Powell or Colonel Allen West. Big deal.

    “Then don’t describe yourself as an American then.”

    There you go confusing being ethnically American and being just a holder of debauched United States Citizenship that we share with blacks, Mexicans and so many others. So what? A moment ago you want to destroy the “vaunted republic” now you brag of defending it? Make up your mind.

    “You certainly help pay my very meaningful Social Security and Veteran’s benefits. I rather like knowing that.”

    I also pay for blacks welfare checks. The fact that both you and they are government spongers who drain the system doesn’t make either of you worth anything.

    Also thanks for ignoring my question to you about Lutheranism. You obviously are not one. Your silence speaks volumes.

    List of deserters from King James to King William. Note how many are descendants of Royalists from the English Civil War. (That is not still going on in 1688 Rudel.)


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