Communist Pete Seeger Is Dead

New York

Here’s some good news.

Note: This is from Seeger’s Wikipedia biography, “Seeger was born at the French Hospital, Midtown Manhattan. His Yankee-Protestant family, which Seeger called “enormously Christian, in the Puritan, Calvinist New England tradition”, traced its genealogy back over 200 years. A paternal ancestor, Karl Ludwig Seeger, a physician from Württemberg, Germany, had emigrated to America during the American Revolution and married into an old New England family in the 1780s.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. In the ancient world they were called Sirens for a reason. Nothing will dash you against the rocks faster than a musician. The second someone has a voice and can command an audience, gatekeepers show up (agents and various helpers) to direct that energy and ‘cult of personality.’

    When I was little, I was stunned at things like the Queen of England knighting Elton John. Why would politicos pay attention to pop stars? In the movie, The Queen, I think there was a reference to this. The idea was that The Queen’s motivation in kissing up to pop “stars” was to make herself more popular, which seemed unlikely.

    At some point, star-ing at the thousands of writhing, clapping masses, waving candles and such— it made much better sense why being a spectacle could get you knighted. Sirens crashing people against the rocks of Gibralter

  2. I liked folk music.

    So there were lots of preachy, lefty types.

    Amish White communal communities are OK, kind of…


  3. I always hated the whole lot of these “folk singers” before I even knew why. Hey, hey, the nasty old Kremlin crooner is dead!

  4. I remain inspired by Pete Seeger’s music. He didn’t bring a bunch of Negroes into this country and then sit on his fat ‘ass-hole’ while everyone else worked to carry him.

    The Weavers made some great soulful tunes. Seeger’s Where Have All the Flowers Gone is beyond beautiful. I grew up listening to the Kingston Trio sing ‘Tom Dooley’ in the house of my childhood best friend. She lived down the street and was the daughter of a good Southern woman. They both had beautiful blue eyes and dark brunette hair, like Scarlett O’Hara. Mrs. H. came from the wooded country of Mississippi or maybe Alabama, I can’t remember now. Mary Kay and I grew up playing in the woods, what was then a fairly large reservation, of our neighborhood, for there weren’t many kids in it, and imagination was free.

    Seeger founded The Weavers, and here’s their absolute best, ‘Michael Row the Boat Ashore’:

    Kingston Trio’s ‘Tom Dooley’:

    Kingston Trio’s Where Have All The Flower Gone:

    Sometimes Mrs. H would put Elvis on her old eight track tape and dance around the living room with Mary Kay and me. It was not wholly idyllic in that she suffered from a long term illness, but that never stopped her from getting up to touch up her makeup before Mr. H came home from work, or from instilling Mary Kay and me with the decent values of treating others with basic respect. I’m glad that, Brad, that you posted about this because I’ve been thinking of how I began to develop an affinity for my southern kin and the culture and values we share in common, which was later nurtured by my father’s love for country music. I also grew up a town away from my dad’s brother and his four kids. My oldest cousin would blast Johnny Cash in the basement and five of us would run around manically. This post jogged my memory of that soulful singing of Tom Dooley and the safety and comfort I felt in Mrs. H’s house. I wonder what she would have said about your disgust for Yankees.

    From ‘Michael Row the Boat Ashore:’

    Jordan’s River is chilly and cold
    Chills the body but not the soul
    The River’s deep and the river is wide
    Milk and honey on the other side

  5. Can some southerner possibly explain this, a comment from Amren (I peruse it but don’t comment as Taylor promotes lies about jews, like that they have higher IQ’s than Whites) I copied and pasted made by a southerner:

    “Jefferson Davis said it best in 1862:

    “There is indeed a difference between the two peoples. Let no man hug the delusion that there can be renewed association between them. Our enemies are a traditionless and a homeless race; from the time of Cromwell to the present moment they have been disturbers of the peace of the world. Gathered together by Cromwell from the bogs and fens of the North of Ireland and of England, they commenced by disturbing the peace of their own country; they disturbed Holland, to which they fled, and they disturbed England on their return. They persecuted Catholics in England, and they hung Quakers and witches in America.”

    I’m under the impression that most of the planters were anglicans. Correct me if I’m wrong, and that most of the rest of the southerners were scots irish presbyterians, who I thought picked up their presbyterian faith from the calvinists.

    Brad’s best article that I’ve read is the one in which he explains how these scots irish presbyterians became baptists, except I would change the title to ‘How the Southerners became nuts.’ I respect that some of this transformation derives from landing in a natural environment which differed dramatically from northern Europe, but some of it also seems quite extreme and I guess maybe irrational or something to my yankee sensibility, and compared to my presbyterian grandfather and yankee neighbors.

  6. Yankee Pete Seeger was a better man than Jew Woody Guthrie.

    Unlike Guthrie, Seeger never openly advocated the murder of 1,000,000 White southerners.

    Take a look at these Guthrie lyrics:

    “I’m gonna tell you fascists
    You may be surprised
    The people in this world
    Are getting organized
    You’re bound to lose
    You fascists bound to lose

    Race hatred cannot stop us
    This one thing we know
    Your poll tax and Jim Crow
    And greed has got to go
    You’re bound to lose
    You fascists bound to lose.

    People of every color
    Marching side to side
    Marching ‘cross these fields
    Where a million fascists dies
    You’re bound to lose
    You fascists bound to lose!”

    When Guthrie wrote “This machine kills fascists” on his guitar, he meant “this machine instigates violent genocide of White southerners.”

    Pete Seeger, on the other hand, was just a naive nice guy who wanted clean air and clean water for his grandkids. He was a “useful idiot” in the hands of truly evil men, but I don’t hate him for it.

  7. Oh, HE is the bastard that gave us all that musical garbage at the start of Vatican II!

    I had to sing this crap in 8th grade, in parochial school, cuz we had a Nigger Baptist for a teacher, who stunk (because he was black- ‘that’ smell) and my mother raised holy hell for allowing this ‘Commie’ to teach in a Catholic School! But to have to suffer the indignity of ‘Where have all the flowers gone?’ Puh-leez.
    Even at 14, I knew it was shit music.

    I now know Mom was righter than she knew.

    May he (Seeger) rot for all eternity.

  8. Like most left wingers, Guthrie was an ignoramus who didn’t have a clear idea of what fascism was. I always thought he was mild, I guess I never paid attention to that “this machine kills fascists” tripe. I thought it was hyperbole. A million dead White people, Woody, really? No, that is what you meant. For some reason Black racism, Jewish supremacy, Brown hatred, that never gets criticized by left wing fundamentalists. No, only White people can be evil in your warped religion.

    Keep on trucking, lefties. Hell’s waiting for you.

  9. jack says:
    January 29, 2014 at 2:26 am

    If death comes in threes lets hope the next 2 to go are Bono and Springsteen.

    I don’t keep up with the news here in South Africa, it’s all so predictable and depressing; so I was surprised to see a billboard on one of my rare trips into Cape Town last year announcing that I had just missed Bono’s show the night before. Last week I noticed a newspaper headline reporting Springsteen in town.

    No danger that I would have crossed the street to see either of them, but I find it interesting that the two you mention are the only touring performers that I’m aware of who played in South Africa in many years. Generally, that’s a sure sign their careers have tanked.

  10. There is much better, AUTHENTIC folk music: our immense heritage of ethnic ballads and hymns that are much more appealing, to me at least, than contemporary ‘fake folk’.

  11. I would trade a thousand Alt Right bloggers for one ideologically sympathetic musician of Seeger’s caliber.

  12. Here’s wikipedia’s entry on ‘Michael Row the Boat Ashore:’

    Side note: I’m trying to use Metapedia more and more as it’s not run by a jew whose editors completely distort, repress and slant things. In fact, the distortions are so severe that they’re causing a backlash. Some 9/11 skeptic claims Wikipedia called him a holocaust denier even though he’d never even visited the topic, and that when he tried to change the Wikipedia entry he’d get out-edited. This caused him to actually become a proponent of truth regarding it:

  13. Kudzu .

    Good news indeed.But some interesting connections here.Peggy Seeger was Pete’s sister.She was the second or third wife of English/Scottish communist Ewan McColl.He wrote ‘The first time ever I saw your face’ for her,a beautiful song by any standards.

    He also wrote ‘Dirty old town’, ‘Shoals of Herring’, ‘ School days end ‘ , ‘ Manchester Rambler ‘, Sweet Thames flow softly ‘ etc. In short,he had no small amount of talent,despite his political leanings.Far,far more at least, than his brother in law ever displayed and I would rather one ideologically sympathetic McColl to a thousand Pete Seegers.

  14. What is shared by Seeger, Guthrie, that entire nut-bag of bozos is really the spirit of what’s commonly now called “Transcendentalism,” a sort of philosophical movement spawned by Emerson, H. D. Thoreau and their likes. It spawned feminism, the abolitionist movements (first slavery, then alcohol). They were the Utopianists. They were largely religious Unitarians. Them.

    I thought Emerson and Thoreau were okay, until I read (maybe here on O.D.) what they said about John Brown’s raid and started noticing other things about them. They have a smug hatred of Southerners. They lack any direct experience and are hypocrites.

    I recall when there was the hubbub about “All White Forsyth County” in Georgia. I was living in Chicago, but I heard on the one hand a man argue that it wasn’t at all “all white,” that there were blacks, Mexican, Indians, Asians, all sorts of people living there, but that it was just one of the largest concentrations of whites in the Atlanta area. I then noted there were bus-loads of people coming from Minnesota to protest (surely to HAVE BEEN part of the protest for “racial justice” which they’d maybe missed out on HAVING BEEN in the 60’s); so I looked it up in an almanac, and found that at that time (pre-Somalian) Minnesota was less than 1% non-white, including, Amerindians, Blacks, etc. I conjectured then that there were probably more non-Whites in All-White Forsyth County than in all of Minnesota. Yet they came down by the bus-loads about it.

    These people are brainwashed and nuts.

    I had a roommate from Bangor who told me outright how they were systematically and intensively taught to HATE the South, to HATE Southerners. And he’d never really even started to outgrow it. He told me one day how there was only one black at his high school. And, he said, “Do you know what we did?” And I said, “You voted him class president.” And, he said, I shit you not, “How did you know?” And, I confided, “because if we just had one in Georgia, I’ll guarantee you that we’d elect him governor.” But, his soul couldn’t budge from its trappings, that hatred being part of his raison d’etre.

    Our culture is so dominated by people who hate us, it shouldn’t be surprising that we have to perpetually discover that people whom we really like actually do hate us, when the subject comes up. It’s that Niel Young thing. “Southern Man” hadn’t been out a week before every garage band in Georgia was playing it, because we sometimes don’t comprehend the affect this sort of thing has on our more Northerly neighbors. It makes deep impressions in their young hearts in a way we’re somewhat immune to, simply not taking it seriously, though they do, in a most primitive and emotional way. Fr. John, it most likely did have a strong impact on your classmates that they spent all those hours singing “Where have all the flowers gone,” etc. And when Niel sang about “Southern Man,” yes he did mean YOU, not some other Southerners; the sound of your voice would put him immediately on guard, assuming you needed some kind of reconstruction, some alleviation of your “ignorance,” etc., and set him wanting at least to hear stories of how you’d overcome it and were now “against the South” yourself, for you to be acceptable to him personally, so you could then play “the repentant.” There is utterly no way you wan “win” at such games; so, don’t even try it, if you’re weak enough to be so inclined in the first place, which makes most of us sick when we see it (as in Jimmy Carter).

    And this is all sufficient reason to make me sick when I see the cultural know-nothingism one does find in many parts of the South. We should never relent in educating our folk to the highest level in the arts, music, literature, film, history, languages, etc. We don’t just want to be out driving their trucks or fixing their machinery while our kids are at school singing all these Rainbow “folk songs” or oven chanting that Union Oath they made us all chant when I was in school about it being “ONE NATION,” “INDIVISIBLE,” “WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.” Quite disingenuous, and we fell for it. The first two are about losing the war, and the latter is about nothing but the 14th Amendment, all intended to school us.

    So, yes, we can appreciate Seeger’s talent and creativity, and still at the end of the day, you’ve got say about him: What an ass-hole!

    Sorry to be so long, even if I’m not through, and probably never will be.

  15. @Kudzu

    LOL. I’ve never cared much for folk music, or this so-called country folk/bluegrass/mountain music with all of those weird instruments that must have been invented in New York City. Those voices and sounds are foreign to me, and always have been.

    Jimmie Rodgers had a recognizable American voice, and his songs of the late 1920’s early 1930’s talk about social conditions in an American way.

    Although, it is true, one Jimmie Rodgers, would be worth a million “conservative” bloggers, including those at Occidental Observer. #LOL. I’m with you. Btw, how’s you kudzu crop coming…LOL.

  16. ‘with all of those weird instruments that must have been invented in New York City’

    Earl, I also dislike Nashville cosmopolitan fake ‘country’ and some of its fancy instruments and electronics. Here’s a good, very old folk instrument you could make at home that needs no electricity: I think I might like it better than my violins, since it seems louder and richer with the extra drones and more harmonics. Also this on making your own pipes with local materials: Down with Martin Guitar, in Pennsylvania, that supports Obama.

  17. “Oops, my bad. I saw the curly hair, I heard the nasty lyrics, and I jumped to conclusions.”

    No, you’re not bad. He was a Jew lover and that’s the next best thing to being one.

  18. “Jimmie Rodgers had a recognizable American voice, and his songs of the late 1920?s early 1930?s talk about social conditions in an American way.”

    LOL! Just like Woody Guthrie. In fact they both even sound the same.

  19. Seeger and all the Communist folksies are the feel good component of Gramascian Communism – the Long March through the institutions. This Jewish front has to have inane melodies that that musically untutored can sing on their ‘I have a dream’ marches. Seeger and his weavers, spinners and dyers got the job.

    Back to the meat and potatoes – you have to go to France. Looks like the “Jour de Colere a Paris” backed that old anti-semitic (anti-semantic) canard out of the garage on a full tank of gas.

    St Louis, King of France – pray for France.

  20. No, Lynda, pray for your children and grandchildren. Maybe even for yourself.

    Don’t pray for a people whose entire existence is based on hatred of the gentiles.

    This is where I’m calling southerners out as nuts if you happen to be one. You want to save the people who orchestrate your genocide. This I will never understand.

    Anon – I come from the tri-state area and I can assure you we Whites in this area were not raised to hate our southern brethren, not one bit. We were vaguely massaged to disdain and even disapprove of your system, both economic and political, in as much as slavery grounded it.

    But at least in the late 70’s and 80’s when I was a child there was not this push to hate southerners. If anything, I grew up feeling like I wanted to maintain a distance from the concept of race and not be forced to be involved. On the gender front I was sort of indignant, but that is still all in the family as it were.

    There’s some video on here of some little boy with brown hair and blue eyes and an adorable little White face, waving a flag to champion his own future. Do you really think we White northerners could love our own reflection if we hated his? We are kin and tribe and blood is thicker than some piece of paper or federal edict.

    If only the southerners felt the same way…

  21. “Here’s Jimmie Rodgers visits the Carter family in Virginia”

    The Carter family??? I thought you said that you never cared for “this so-called country folk/bluegrass/mountain music with all of those weird instruments.”

    A.P. Carter was the foremost musicologist of “mountain music” and traveled the length and breadth of Appalachia visiting countless out of the way hollers and recording hundreds of the indigenous folk ballads many of which had come down through the years and across the pond from their Gaelic roots.

    Those voices and sounds are foreign to me, and always have been.”

    Not only are you ignorant but now we must consider your contradictory opinions downright stupid. Have fun listening to your “Nashville Sound” corporate dreck.

    Here’s some of that music that is foreign to you, performed by Doc Watson:

  22. Three cheers for Pete Seeger:

    You Chamber of Commerce Republicans and degenerate scions of the planter class who advocate for Southern Independence are going to go nowhere fast as long as you keep your contempt for hillbillies and the working man in general.

    It’s no wonder that thousands of Appalachian folks sent dozens upon dozens of regiments to fight for the Union. The planter class was no friend to the ordinary Southern family, 75% of whom did not own a single slave.

    • The plantations in the river valleys and lowlands were nowhere near Appalachia. The poverty of that area never had anything to do with slavery. It’s still poor today after generations of coal mining and logging.

  23. @Rudel

    You really make it up as you go along. For example, just about all of the so-called West Virginia regiments in the Civil War were raised around Pittsburgh, PA, or Columbus, Ohio! That’s a fact jack.

    Northern coal operators like HC Frick & Don Chapin brought in surplus populations of displaced Whites after the Civil War, and later immigrants from southern and eastern Europe to drive down wages in the mining industry. That’s the root of much of the poverty.

    I don’t know how you can compare a sunny Southern mountain voice, with a dark Northerner like Seeger.

    Probably, the only decent big Northern coal operator was J.V. Thompson, and the likes of Frick, the Mellons’, and others of that group drove J.V out of business. My great-great grandfather was a small scale coal operator, and a friend of JV Thompson’s, and died in a mining accident. He had was a Confederate. The story about him is, that he went down in the mine on the Pennsylvania side of the Mason Dixon Line, and he died underneath West Virginia, and they brought him up from the mine in West Virginia. So they didn’t know what to put on his death certificate. LOL. Probably, died in old Virginia, or something.

  24. “I don’t know how you can compare a sunny Southern mountain voice, with a dark Northerner like Seeger.”

    I didn’t compare him to Seeger you idiot. Learn to read.

    And who cares about whether or not your relatives brought in cheap foreign labor to work the mine after the war. The plain truth of the matter is that the Tennessee regiments were Tennesseans. And that’s a fact. They were still fighting the planters from Memphis for a couple of years after the war was over. That’s a fact too.

  25. @Rudel

    That’s the point I was making. With the exception of JV Thompson, the big Northern coal operators all brought in displaced Southerners after the Civil War, and then when they found they couldn’t abuse White Southerners, the Northern coal operators went to southern & eastern Europe, and also started using American Negroes for cheap labor in the mines.

    Btw, I’m not related to JV Thompson. But, JV was a friend of my family

  26. @NYYankees: I’m sorry I didn’t make myself clear. It isn’t all of the North. I referred to a roommate from Bangor, because that’s in New England, where I’ve had it from other sources that formal, systematic anti-Southern indoctrination, at least into the 70’s was the norm.

    Even my dad told me that even when my parents lived in Massachusetts in the late 40’s you’d hear radio plays featuring such things as a couple of white guys walking down the sidewalk, encountering a Negro on the sidewalk, would push him off in the gutter, saying, “Get out of the way, Nigger!”

    It suffused the entirety of mainstream American culture outside the South to one degree or another; heck, even inside the South, where you can even now find some “Ignernt, and proud of it” types, who think they are “preserving their culture” by adopting their own negative stereotypes, not recognizing that ignorance is never a “culture”; it’s just a laziness and a cop-out. Yes, even I, and other Southerners, have our beefs about the South.

    But, it was never total, or universal. My Bangor roommate’s girlfriend and then wife (from Wisconsin) seemed embarrassed by his perpetually bating me about the South, though I think I never seemed too annoyed about it, simply holding my ground, though trying to get off it; and he was still my friend, if my somewhat obnoxious friend.

    I went to graduate school in Chicago. At the first departmental party, thrown by a senior graduate student, the department chair’s wife asked me where I was from, and when I said, “Georgia,” she became noticeably shook up, almost spilled her drink, as she stuttered, “What did you come all the way here for?” He was patting her knee, “Now, now, dear, we have people come here from all over, even from China.” I pretended not to notice too much, beyond a slight smile, and said, “It’s only 700 miles, closer than New Orleans or Miami. I loaded the car and drove up.” They were from New York.

    But these things are trivial, even if any Southerner who has traveled outside the South can relate dozens, if not hundreds, of such petty encounters. Most Northerners actually seemed aware of it, even embarrassed about it if they saw you coming under such heat, and I think they seemed relieved when they noticed you were thick skinned enough to neither wilt nor become angry under it. In fact, I liked Chicago, and I thought they were normally hospitable and unconcerned with my Southern origins. But I have had friends who moved further east, who reported it was Mr. Bangor day in and day out, until they finally just had to move, recognizing that they could never be taken as “normal” in the environments they’d moved themselves into.

    Back in the ’80’s I found myself surprised to see on a television (I haven’t had one since about 1980) a show called “Frank’s Place,” which featured Southerners talking in their normal accents, which I’d not heard since Andy Griffith, even if Andy himself hammed it up a little. I recall first realizing that others saw us differently back in the early 60’s (must have been about 7 or 8) watching the Patty Duke Show, where she played herself and an identical cousin. They had a visitor from Georgia, maybe it was another cousin, who talked very oddly and said, “I do declare!” before almost every utterance. I had never heard anyone actually say that, or talk like she did. We’ve all been bathed in it. And as you go along, you become aware that that’s all some people know about the South or about Southerners. It’s easy. For many it becomes the basis of an anti-Southern moralism, where they take it as actually a moral duty to think this way about us. Enough so that busloads of them can be gathered at a moments notice to ride down to protest “All White Forsyth County,” to set themselves above all “racism” and “ignorance.”

  27. Pete Seeger, burning in hell finally!
    What an overrated hobo. I had the misfortune of meeting him once. His breath was awful! His songs are derivative, simplistic folk crap… subliminally (and not so subliminally) preaching the virtues of Marxism. What a decrepit old asshole.
    Pete Seeger actually admired Stalin,,,, my God,,,, Stalin!

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