About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Isn’t this what Hitler asked every morning? Stalin before him, Lenin before him, Hindenburg before him, the Czar before him.

    Nothing good! Came the answer.

  2. Allow me to say something positive about Haiti.

    If the United States were Haiti, Haitians would have brought down the government a long time ago. It looks like Ukraine is following in the footsteps of Egypt and is undergoing a similar regime change.

  3. Sailer has some good things on this. Briefly, it seems to me Putin is a sort of pseudo-nationalist, who gives sops to cultural conservatives as part of his coalition, but really wants a Russian imperialist multinational empire. Russian nationalists in the east look to Putin’s empire for support, Ukrainian nationalists in the west look to the EU and US for support. Check out the Right Sector video at Sailer’s. For me, it’s amazing, but then these are my people.

  4. This whole event seem so Hollywood scripted. City mob toppling the gov leaving the rural folks hang out to dry?

  5. On Putin,

    The Czar is the Czar. That’s what the Czar did in managing the Russian Empire.

    Ultimately he’s a realist and he’ll be looking out for the Russians in Ukraine and get the best deal possible for them. He saw the writing on the wall in East Germany when he was KGB station chief around the time the wall was torn down.

  6. If there is a cessession the Crimea would end up as a Russian province.

    The interior would be Ukraine and the eastern bit around the rivers look like Russian provinces.

    Do Ukrainians expect much coastline if they decide to split off?

  7. I’ll take a stab at explaining current Ukraine.

    Ukraine is like the former Yugoslavia – on the surface it looks to be a promising pretty (ethnically) homogenous European country – lots of great tennis players, basketball players. But the history is extremely violent as Yugoslavia is was at the intersection of warring cultures – Western Germanic Catholics (Croatians) Eastern Orthodox Russia to the East (Serbs) Turkish Islam South and mixed in (Bosnians). These differences seem foolish to those of now thinking in a pan European White way, but the historic grudges are just under the surface. The terrible slaughters in World War I, World War II started in Balkans, Yugoslavia so everybody accuses other side of bad things, siding with the Nazis, Communists or White Bosnians collaborating with Turks. Since it’s forbidden to say NS Germany was right in Workd War II, opponents of Serbs accuse Serb Nationalists of being the “new Nazis”, which in many ways they were.

    Ok, on to Ukraine. It’s very similar as ancient grudges are resurfacing.

    Ukraine from the Middle Ages to the Bolshevik coup, Soviet terror was a feaudal , agricultural nation with allegiance to Russian princes, Russian Czars. But, like Yugoslavia, Western regions might lean to Germanic Catholic princes, religious orders. Ukraine is home to fierce warrior Cossack military orders, bands of horse riding ruffians – kind of like our motorcycle gangs. Cossacks fight Turkish Muslims and were the most fanatical fighters of Jews, Communists etc. but, whever Czarist Russia went to war with anyone up through Napolean to World War I, Cossacks are in the thick of it.

    Bolshevik Soviet terror really hit Ukraine, no one suffered worse. Jew Led Bolsheviks collectivized Ukrainian farm land starved half the population, Jewish Communist hatred of Ukrainian Cossacks or just Ukrainian Christian peasants was a huge driving force for Soviet atrocities in Ukraine. It was so bad that Ukrainians mostly went with NS Germany in World War II. Ukrainians and Croatioans were the two Slavic people that went with NS Gaermany in World War II.

    oK, so you have the basic history, grudges. 40 years of non Jew Bolshevik Soviet rule from the 1960s of the whole area glossed over these hatreds, but like Yugoslavia they were always there below the surface.

    Ukrainians are now breaking out in irrational nationalism – and blame modern Putin’s Russia for the horrors of Bolshevik, communist times. Russia, just considers Ukraine in their sphere of influence, doesn’t want NATO on their doorstep, also doesn’t want anymore of the Russian empire sphere of influence breaking away, dissing Russia. The Russians also play an unfair game, exploiting Russia’s huge casualties in World War II on “the West” – thus the EU, NATO, the United States is slandered as being “the New Nazis” that want to slaughter Russia, encircle Russia etc.

    It’s like the troubles in Ulster/northern Ireland . Why are Irish, British White people killing each other over trivial Christian sectarian difference, grudges from centuries ago? It’s what we do.

    Now add in, Jewish intrigue and always the lure of poor Eastern European nations wanting to join the supposedly more prosperous West of Germany, Austria, Northern Italy etc and you can understand that there is conflict, disorder. People are just not happy with their lives and have historic enemies they hate.

    Hope that helps.

  8. Any thoughts on the similarities of ‘unrests’ in oil-rich Venezuela and resource-rich sub-Saharan Africa to which THOUSANDS of American troops are being sent now?

  9. I blame the Olympics.

    Though I am saddened by this victory for the Globalist Jews, there is perhaps a silver lining: partition of the Ukraine setting (another) precedent for partition in the United States.

    The typical Ukrainian is looking at the higher standard of living to their West and wants to gravitate to that; the growth rate is higher to their East, however. Once the Ukraine is opened up to “foreign investment” (read Globalist Jews and their infinite money printing machines) they will no longer be sovereign, and will be governed by the Globalist Jewish organ known as the EU.

    Putin has not played this well, partly due to the Olympics, but if we look back to Libya, he appears to the distant observer to have trusted the West. Does Bernard Henry Levi (personally on the ground both in Libya and the Ukraine) seem trustworthy to the distant observer? Is Libya working out? is Egypt? Is Iraq? Is Afghanistan? Is Syria? Is “South Sudan”? Is the Ukraine?

    That last question will be a painful one to any true Ukrainian nationalists in a few years when the country no longer exists, and the economy is owned lock stock and barrel by the foreign banks and the government is in receivership overseen by a “former Goldman Sachs employee”.

    With each mis-play of the chess board we get closer to global government where unlimited migration will be law and white people will be blended out of existence, to include the Jews, ironically or perhaps justly.

  10. The Ukraine is looking more like the best little colour-coded revolution / insurgency that Soros money can buy. As Yuri Bezmenov would say ” those schmucks have brought the nation to crisis”. The revolutionaries funded and equiped by the Western ZOG pole of the Judaic axis have been organising this civil war for years towards the goal of an EU superstate.

    The fact that the agents in command of the insurgency in Kiev have rejected all overtures to form coalition with the government tells me that The Crown wants a Soviet – one Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals under a totalitaran Jew owned/shabbos goy operated super state with a solid control grid of cattle equality for the proletariat.

    In this political theatre, it looks like the role of Russia is to be the anvil, while the Jew proxies of the insurgency [who have been injected and enabled to frack away at the existing demographic divisions] seize power as ruthlessly as possible. Once they’ve got it , they will ‘normalize’ the Ukraine by hammering it into the form mandated by their Jew owners. This will be an important step towards the Communist / Globalist objective of the emerging Jew superstate JEU – ‘one Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals’.

  11. The color coded map of the Ukraine election of 2004 is telling. Seems like the country is situated nicely for an even split between the purple and the orange regions. One side predominantly ethnic Ukrainians and the other Russians and several other factions.

    I was surprised to see photos of statues of Lenin being torn down. I did not realize those monstrosities were still in existence.

  12. “Why are Irish, British White people killing each other over trivial Christian sectarian difference, grudges from centuries ago? It’s what we do.”

    NOt only do you ignore the ONLY real item of concern, you actually believe that the Roman filioquist West has a shred of legitimacy! Sorry, but that’s about as dumb as thinking the USA is still a republic… OR a democracy, under Obama.

    Orthodoxy is NOT Catholi-schism, and Catholi-schism is not Christianity. First point.
    Ethnic rivalries are always tied to religious adherence. For Race and Religion DEFINE a person’s ethnicity. If you doubt me, tell a Jew he’s neither a race, nor anything approaching one of the ‘Chosenites,’ and watch the froth form at the mouth!

    Thirdly, the article above was pretty much clear. The WEST, (both US and EU) are trying to do in Ukraine what the failed to do in Libya, and Egypt. OWN the Ukranians, and give them (just like the Georgians) a ‘puppet government’ that will do what the jewish bankers say. Golden Dawn’s website has an article analyzing just that idea.


    as well as an honest analysis of why the West was so ‘FAGBITCHYMEAN’ to Putin and the Winter Olympics- they worship at the crotch of the Sodomites, and the Phallus of the Nigger. This nation is ripe for destruction. Let it fall.

    But don’t pretend you know diddly about East/West relations, when you don’t even understand your own dying culture…

  13. “Can someone briefly explain what is going on there?”

    The Empire of the United States is backing a coup against a democratically-elected leader in order to pull Ukraine into NATO and keep it away from Russia. They are drunk with power and will stop at nothing short of complete domination of everything. This is not the first time they’ve tried. Back during the Bush regime, a fake Orange Revolution was staged. Recently, neocon Victoria Nuland was caught making a phone call in which she was discussing which opposition leader the US wanted to run the government once the coup occurred.

    If you want to know more details, check out Antiwar.com and The American Conservative – Phil Giraldi has a couple of good pieces on what’s going on. They also have stories about the US trying to overthrow the Venezulan government (also democratically elected) and stories on the fake Orange Revolution that happened in Ukraine about 10 years ago.

    This is Russia’s Cuban Missile Crisis. Either they mobilize their military and topple the coup attempt the way Kennedy’s advisers wanted to do with Castro or they become irrelevant and subject to a first strike by the empire (that’s how they’ll see it, just as Kennedy did – especially considering that the Empire has put considerable anti-ballistic missile resources closer and closer to Russia).

    I think this would be a really good time to have a street rally for independence here. I think it would get really good media coverage thanks to RT, which would love to shove it back in the empire’s face. Do you think someone could organize one here? All it would take is one news outlet to cover it for the news to spread in this current news cycle with the Ukrainian situation.

    On another note, this is another reason why secession is necessary. This evil empire will soon get us into a nuclear war with either Russia or China. They are arrogant and are backing those countries into a corner. This type of insanity must end. I’m tired of waking up EVERY DAY with this kind of story as the headline. It must end. With our people free, the chances of that decline dramatically. I think this is something that has to be done for the sake of the world.

  14. “Protests seem to be working here:”

    We need to have one here, right now to take advantage of the situation. Also, these protests need to have an objective, people shouldn’t just be protesting for the sake of it. The objective needs to clearly be secession and the restoration of our country to its people. No “white genocide” banners but signs saying “FREEDOM!” and the like.

  15. “If the United States were Haiti, Haitians would have brought down the government a long time ago”

    I hasn’t worked here yet because our people are still deluded into thinking they have a say in how things are run. This has been hurt by the 2012 loss and will be destroyed once Rand Paul is defeated by a war-mongering Hillary Clinton in 2016. It will be clear that there will never be another Republican president again thanks to democrat immigration treason.

  16. I’m usually not one to criticize displays of ethnonationalism by European nations, but in this case the Ukrainian nationalists are wrong-headed (and I’m not talking about the astroturf ones that were forged by the CIA). Michael Savage* has taken several callers to his show who were Ukrainian natives, and all of them said some version of “Russia bad/Putin bad.” Jack Ryan is correct that old animosities are rearing their ugly head.

    What the honest Ukrainian nationalists don’t grasp is that once Amurrika and the EU get you in their claws, they own your entire country in a way that crushes anything Putin wants to do. I hope for the sake of the Ukrainian people that their ignorance of Amurrikan-EU evil doesn’t result in the ruin of the nation they love.

    *He’s obviously no ally of anyone with pro-White convictions, but I listen to Savage anyway because I enjoy hearing him destroy Sean Hannity and other phony conservatives on a daily basis.

  17. Here’s a question: what is it that can be learned from these various revolutions that the US-NATO appear to be supporting, from Libya to Kiev? Is there some critical mass of Internet based activism, street protests and international backing which can bring down even the most repressive of regimes?

    Think about it…

  18. The danger that I see here is that Russia is being messed with in exactly the same way that Weimar Germany was being messed with. The Russians have behaved reasonably and politely for 24 years. This has led to retreat after retreat and small but significant concessions year after year.

    Eventually the Russian people will lash out something fierce. The People, not their Czar. That’s going to be a bloody gory moment I’d sooner miss.

  19. I admit that I didn’t bother to sift through the elaborated comments above — it’s obvious to me that most of them are drivel, delirium resulting from the chain reaction of ideologically based explaining. I’ll add a few loosely related glimpses on the topic. Value it as you wish — it’s an honest attempt of a person who has been reading on history, mixing with people, visiting places and growing up “in the neighborhood”.

    First, a postulate that I’ve long been considered to be true:

    No (interesting) question about Russia can be answered simply.

    The same applies to Ukraine, I’d say. So, I won’t be able to make things clearer for you. If you care, you have to do your own slow research, like Hunter does about Haiti. It may be a fascinating research, with unexpected results, and in the end you will probably realize that you just can’t explain anything simply.

    The glimpses now.

    Ukraine is a multiethnic region, and depending on the area, you will find various proportions of ethnic Ukrainians, Russian, Jews, Poles and Tatars there. Similar to the use of the word “Russian”, the word “Ukrainians” has to be parsed to find its meaning, either the “resident” or “descendant”. Historically, “Ukraine” and “Russia” — two territories populated by various ethnicity groups have been very close, culturally, linguistically and philosophically. Mostly — these are both huge territories and in both, you will find significant variations across the subregions. Then consider that Russia is a conglomerate of non-integrated and often or usually mutually-hating ethnicities. Generalizing is impossible here. You can’t speak for a unified “Russian” — there is none. Perhaps the same is true about a unified “Ukrainian” but I am not a Ukrainian and won’t speak for them.

    The inter-connection of the two territories and “title cultures” has been historically very strong. About many leading cultural figures, one can’t even say, is he a Russian or Ukrainian one. Gogol — is a he a Russian or Ukrainian writer? Both! The greatest Russian writer, and the greatest Ukrainian one. And many less known names — “both!”. And many of them Jews. And many from Odessa. Odessa — a Russian, Ukrainian or Jewish city? It depends, in what context. Inseparable, for years, decades and probably centuries.

    Ukraine as the territory was one of the few most advanced republics among the 15 making up the former USSR. The territory’s population always tended to want to become independent. And the agriculture of Ukraine — the bread-basket, the orchard! And the beauty and grace — of the territory and people! “Of course, the independence will bring us prosperity… Those backwards ‘other republics’!”

    The Soviet Union — the abomination of unprecedented scale — got disbanded, and every republic got its independence. That mostly applies to Russia — Russia was always in the worst position while governed from the Moscow of the USSR. It was Russia in the USSR who lost the jewel of Crimea to Ukraine, not the opposite.

    Let me put it this way: in 1991, Russia got independent from the other USSR republics. As a result, Ukraine got independent too. Russia got its resources, Ukraine its “advanced industry”. Nobody in the world was interested in buying anything from the pre-historic “advanced industry” of Ukraine. Turned out, Ukraine was not interesting as the source or agricultural produce, either. The Chernobyl’s pollution had probably contributed.

    Nothing to sell, no money to buy anything for. The poverty followed.

    For years now, Russia has been an economic catastrophe. But compared to the current Ukraine, Russia is an economic haven. Ukraine is a super-catastrophe. And on top of this, the gangster-like rulers of the recent years. The ruler who triggered the latest weeks’ surge of protest by the openly dictatorial law, “Starting the day after tomorrow, I am your dictator and you can’t speak freely”. Imagine your own feelings. So, “tomorrow”, the people rise to prevent the day “after tomorrow”.

    The desire to free yourself from the dictator is not uncommon. The unity that the Ukrainian people showed is uncommon, though. Now, the people won over the corrupt and dictatorial government. Is the future brighter for the people of Ukraine (territory)? Who knows? Nobody. The road will be super-tough ahead. But what they have now swept away was not of the kind to keep, under any circumstances. So I wish the Ukrainian people (the residents of Ukraine) the best of luck and proving to the whole world, that we, the Slavic people, can. It’s their business, their struggle, to build the county suitable for their children. They do have a chance now. Don’t stand in their way.


  20. From the same news aggregator source http://www.sott.net/article/274429-US-is-helping-to-destroy-Fallujah-again , besides the Ukraine operation many more Neocon activities are taking place around the world, ‘bringing “democracy” to the nations’, including Iraq, which is getting a booster shot of ‘democracy’ in Fallujah right now: ‘
    Conflict and carnage on a scale unseen since the height of the Occupation nearly a decade ago have broken out in Iraq’s Anbar Province (…) The Pentagon is considering following up its arms shipments with the deployment of more troops in the region to train Iraqi forces. This would be fitting, given the atrocities the US military inflicted on this unhappy country along with a deliberate sectarian set of state institutions. It is almost ten years since the first round of collective punishment was inflicted on Fallujah — by US forces. The 2004 bombardment was a war crime. NGO’s and medical workers estimated that between 4,000 and 6,000 mostly civilians were killed. In addition, 36,000 of the city’s 50,000 homes were destroyed, along with 60 schools and 65 mosques and shrines, and up to 200,000 residents were forced to flee. Months later, the US admitted that it had used white phosphorous as a battlefield weapon in the assault on Fallujah. A documentary on the Italian RAI channel showed images of bodies recovered afterwards, which it said proved the incendiary, similar in effect to napalm, had been used against men, women and children who were burned to the bone. Unconfirmed reports suggest the Iraqi regime is using similar munitions this time around. One commentator who has seen through the current misinformation is former US marine Ross Caputi. Writing in The Guardian, he said, I am having flashbacks to my time as a marine during the second siege of Fallujah in 2004. Again, claims are being published that al-Qaida has taken over the city and that a heavy-handed military response is needed to take the city back from the control of terrorists. The first time around, this claim proved to be false’.

    Why do southern white voters who are supposed to be conservative and Christian continually elect Neocon Talmudistic warmongers?

  21. “Can someone briefly explain what is going on there?”

    The BBC has had live video of the Ukrainians pulling down numerous statues of Jewish communist leader Lenin all over the Ukraine.

    Btw, it has come out that Lenin was at least a half Jew on his mother’s side of the family, thus by Jewish law making him a Jew, and eligible for Israeli citizenship. Stalin censored that information, and it has been rumored for years, but is now a fact.

  22. Sam seems really right, and this from Jack, I don’t really get:

    “These differences seem foolish to those of now thinking in a pan European White way, but the historic grudges are just under the surface….”

    Well…if you move into the REALITY of identity politics, and the REALITY that people LIKE their RACES, culture, ethnic group, historical narrative, distinct ARTS, manners, folkways, AND SO MUCH MORE (in other words, if you are a nationalist) THEN all these “silly little historical grudges” would make GOOD GOOD sense.

    There are many definitions of “nationalism” today—- if you just mean MORE empire, MORE conquest, MORE “dumbing down” (where the people are just supposed to be one big, fat HUMANITY, and their non-“pan”-ness, their stupidity in “holding on” to their “bibles and guns” or language, or historical SENSE OF THEMSELVES is what you are saying nationalism is (which is how this sounds to me) THEN it’s not all that different from the worst brands of dumbed-down ‘liberalism’ now is it?

    History proves one thing— “a people” LIKE being “a people” and THEY ALWAYS eventually want living space.

    Genocide LAW says it’s ILLEGAL for them not to be able to have it. The state of being where they are ONLY PRETENDING to get along (like here, or try being Hungarian in Slovakia now, another yugoslav type situation, and many other examples)—- IS NOT A GOOD LIFE.

    To pretend that ONE white-subcultures “culture” (language, narrative, arts, history where they are the center of the universe, etc.) — is NOT what is really meant (usually) by “PAN EUROPE” is destructive of white cultures.

    The map here says it all. Just like “north-south” u.s., (now completely transformed BY POLICIES FORCING IT TO BECOME latin, full of latin people who did not live there before, like in South florida). This is NOT ‘PAN’ anything, it’s one white subculture pushing the historical subculture out, and with a lot of money behind it.

    So, just like yugoslavia, chzechoslovakia, and many others, this MAP shows that the people SECRETLY do NEVER want to be “pan” something, they want a place for them to live and carry on their lives.

  23. G Prune said on February 23, 2014 at 2:01 am: “disgusted event. Might as well call these protest niggas burning down the house.”

    A disgusting comment. No longer a “protest anybody” — the current power in the independent nation of Ukraine. The people. The white people, in case your eyesight is poor.

  24. And of course the u.s. would have people on the ground over there; and then everyone acting like that’s so wrong. and yes it is, but it’s not like China doesn’t have a EVEN MORE on feet on the ground on the u.s. west coast and in all the cities. Toronto is majority ASIAN. The policies of foreigners to the ethnicity of u.s. in the u.s. government pore latin people over the borders BY THE TENS OF MILLIONS. With so many latins and asians in the u.s. always protesting for a foreign way of life, why would it not be so all over the world. It’s what governments do (send their own people into foreign places.) Truly, you can blame the uk/us, but take a look at SAN FRANCISCO.

    the more interesting thing may be why on earth do they move WHICH people here and there…

    The Ukraine is a clear ethnic bloc and has clearly mixed border areas.

  25. @ Fr. John— “Ethnic rivalries are always tied to religious adherence. For Race and Religion DEFINE a person’s ethnicity.

    Preach on. And some people LIKE VERY MUCH having this fuller life, (that includes something other than the dumbed-down consciousness of court tv, gladiator sports, and the catharsis of endless crime programs, as if bad guys are ever really caught). They LIKE the historical arts of their cultures INSTEAD.

    THOSE CULTURES (language, arts, systems of manners, etc, etc, which are far MORE than just “being white,” or something) produce the sort of artifacts you find in the museums. Name ONE THING in the past twenty years that could stand up to the displays of early American furniture on the wasp frontier, homes, fabric arts, paintings, frontier narratives, sermons, poetry, etc, etc, etc…. or pick any other subculture.

    —-look at it this way: the “pan-white” subculture IS trash tv, gladiator-arena “sports,” etc. (Sports used to be tied to region, and region to ethnic group, and so it was a “nationalist” event, in that was one rooting for the “home” team, and so on, all about the “sportsmanship”… Now THEY BUY AND SELL the people, and the people they throw into the arena to get eaten don’t even have to be from the country, etc…

    This is sold by saying that what matters is MERIT, who is the “best”… but the “best” has also been redefined. For instance, in sports, there was a time when PART OF BEING the best, might involve character, not just kicking the ball or whatever. Back in reality, only certain people are imported, others not.

    Some groups get abortion rhetoric pushed on them. Some get anchor babies. Saw an article this morning, talking about WHO IS HAPPY. One thing happy people did, it said, was “get past their entitlement.” The picture showed a blonde, about four, with an ugly expression on its little face. It did not show an “empowered” so and so. THAT IS NOT “entitlement.”

  26. Judging from the Alt-Right Hasbarasphere they are pro-maidan protestors.

    So I’d guess that this is not going to be good for the Hill Billy, Red Neck populations in Ukraine.

  27. This event is instigated by neocons both inside and outside the US government. The trail does in fact lead back to the jews, once again. Do not be surprised when they lead us into direct war with Russia (WWIII). I’m with Putin on this one.

    You can find some further insight at this link. Read the article, the comments, and the links in the comments.

  28. The situation in Ukraine is so fluid right now that it’s hard to even guess what will happen next. Right Sector rule the streets of Kiev with the army and police nowhere to be found. Timoshenko has been released from jail. Yanukovych has possibly fled the country, or maybe not. Now that the Olympics are over Putin might be ready to bare his fangs. Will Russia invade? Will there be a civil war? Will Ukraine be partitioned? Stay tuned.

    I see that the totally bonkers Paul Craig Roberts is insisting that the Ukrainian nationalists are merely bought-and-paid-for stooges of the neocons. So for the equivalent of about $20 in Jew-geld, these people suicidally charged a line of shotgun-wielding riot police, taking hundreds of casualties and dozens of fatalities, to win the final battle and take their country back. For twenty bucks I wouldn’t even get up off the couch, but I guess these Ukrainians really needed the money, even at the cost of their own lives.

    So what exactly do we know about Right Sector (Pravy Sektor), the heroes of the Maidan? Here’s what the Western media have to say about them:

    Here in Kiev, some members of the ragtag army of pipe-wielding, helmeted marshals and guards say they are supporters of the more mainstream right-wing Ukrainian-nationalist Svoboda (Freedom) party, which won about 10 per cent of the vote in 2012 parliamentary elections and whose leader, Oleh Tyahnybok, has a history of using anti-Semitic insults.

    But the people in the largest and most aggressive group, who generally refuse to speak to journalists, are members of Pravy Sektor, an umbrella group of fascist, nationalist, football-hooligan and right-wing extremist gangs – some with neo-Nazi histories – which is generally considered to the right of Svoboda and which tends to be very secretive. It has not, to this point, been a political party.

    A senior Pravy Sektor official, in a rare interview, told The Globe and Mail that the admiration his group has won from protesters for its heroic battles with police has led it to consider entering the electoral arena.

    “When this revolution is finished, then we will be willing to think about it – if we were able to do so much for the country, then why not? People are disillusioned with the official opposition, and we should be listened to,” says Artem Skoropadsky , a slight, mild-looking 32-year-old activist who agreed to an interview, after lengthy negotiations with the people on the fifth floor, over beers at a cellar restaurant.


    What do the Right Sector leaders have to say about themselves?

    Aleksandr Muzychko is a notorious nationalist leader. Back in 2007 he pledged to fight against “communists, Jews and Russians for as long as blood flows in his veins,” openly saying that leading the fight against all of the above mentioned groups is his “credo.”


    What do the Jews have to say about all this?

    Ukrainian Rabbi Moshe Reuven Azman, called on Kiev’s Jews to leave the city and even the country if possible, fearing that the city’s Jews will be victimized in the chaos, Israeli daily Maariv reported Friday.

    “I told my congregation to leave the city center or the city all together and if possible the country too,” Rabbi Azman told Maariv. “I don’t want to tempt fate,” he added, “but there are constant warnings concerning intentions to attack Jewish institutions.”


    So here we have a group of “racist, fascist, anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi, ultra-nationalist, extreme rightwing” streetfighters who have taken over — by force — a major European country for the first time since Franco’s 1939 victory in the Spanish Civil War. And still the mopes on this board aren’t happy.

    These nihilistic paleocons apparently won’t be satisfied until North America and Europe lie in ashes, just so they can say “I told you so”. Their heroes Putin and Yanukovych (and their entourages of thoroughly corrupt and largely Jewish oligarchs) have clearly lost this round. Now their dream of an anti-Western Judeo-Islamic Eurasian Imperium is in serious jeopardy.

    As for the people who think that Ukraine’s eventual accession to the European Union would be a fate worse than death, get real. All the post-communist countries of Eastern Europe that have joined the EU are much richer, infinitely freer and far less corrupt than they were only a quarter century ago. But not Ukraine or its post-Soviet neighbours Belarus and Moldova. Shouldn’t these people have the opportunity to join the First World too?

    Ukraine is a very poor country, with a per capita GDP of only $3,877. The per capita GDP of the US is 51,704, so if you want to live like an average Ukrainian just imagine taking a 93% pay cut. And corruption? Fuggetaboutit. Ukraine ranks 144th out of 177 nations according to Transparency International, tied with Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Iran, Nigeria and Papua New Guinea. Tied with friggin Nigeria! This is the regime that Paul Craig Roberts and his ilk want to preserve.

    Whatever happens next in Ukraine, even civil war, it can’t get much worse than it already is. But it can get a lot better if it moves decisively towards Europe and the West, especially with strong representation from Svoboda and/or Right Sector in its next government.

  29. Commenting on the February 23, 2014 at 4:25 pm contribution by jeppo here.

    [ The situation in Ukraine is so fluid right now that it’s hard to even guess what will happen next. ]


    [ Will Russia invade? ]

    With what forces? Russia is a paper tiger who can do a lot of damage by polluting something but its current military forces are a joke. If Russia invades, it may have a shame of her life being beaten by the united poor Ukraine. Beaten with an extreme passion. Of course, Russia can bomb Ukraine for some white nationalists’ pleasure. Apparently, the Ukrainians are of an inferior shade of the white.

    [ I see that the totally bonkers … insisting that the Ukrainian nationalists are merely bought-and-paid-for stooges of the neocons. So for the equivalent of about $20 in Jew-geld, these people suicidally charged a line of shotgun-wielding riot police, taking hundreds of casualties and dozens of fatalities, to win the final battle and take their country back. ]

    Yes, I see such views as totally bonkers as well and am ashamed to find them supported by so much regulars on this site. How sick.

    [ … a major European country for the first time since Franco’s 1939 victory in the Spanish Civil War. And still the mopes on this board aren’t happy. ]

    Indeed, this is astonishing. The reaction to and the coverage of the Ukrainian revolution shows to me an intellectual bankruptcy of the west: the media, the Conservatism Inc. and alas (I am not sure yet) of the people who are spiritually close to the regulars of this site.

    I find it relieving though that the VDare.com’s coverage is narrow but sane. Not ideal, perhaps, but it is impossible to be ideal here, with the events unfolding so far, so quick and with the intellectual atmosphere in the USA being so fouled up. Well, Peter Brimelow has always seemed to be an intellectual giant and hero to me — but here the Slavic origins of his wife might be playing a role. The native knowledge plus the Slavic common sense.

    [ As for the people who think that Ukraine’s eventual accession to the European Union would be a fate worse than death, get real … Shouldn’t these people have the opportunity to join the First World too? ]

    Yes. The Ukrainians may be wrong in their idealistic expectations of the EU (I think they are wrong big time) but who are you to hold them back?

    But I don’t believe that the former protesters — the current possessors of the Ukraine — have been driven by the rose-garden EU expectations only or primarily. The membership in EU would have given them a chance to put an end to the gangster families’ being in power in perpetuity. Nobody knew that what just happened would be achievable. Now that Yankovych (you may find something about his youth’s history if you try) is down and out, the Ukraine may decide to stay out of EU with its problems. It’s their country and they won’t be worse off than two days ago, almost with any turn of events now.

    [ And corruption? Fuggetaboutit. ]

    Oh yeah!.. Even in comparison to Russia, they say that the Ukrainian practices are mind-boggling. I posted the link to the photos from what the populace have been calling “The Museum of Corruption” — the privatized residence by Yankovych . Here it’s again — take a look: http://zyalt.livejournal.com/1007568.html

    [ This is the regime that Paul Craig Roberts and his ilk want to preserve. ]

    And, depressingly, so many regulars here.

    [ Whatever happens next in Ukraine, even civil war, it can’t get much worse than it already is. ]

    Yes. Thank you jeppo.

    • As a rule, I don’t write about European politics because I don’t know the situation well enough to comment about it, and I am not in any position to do anything about it anyway.

  30. Was anyone briefed about it? It’s a bit off the map, a land far away that few of
    us know much about.

    There’s Nothing wrong with looking at a hidden hand in these events.

  31. Mosin Nagant,

    Any thoughts on the similarities of ‘unrests’ in oil-rich Venezuela and resource-rich sub-Saharan Africa to which THOUSANDS of American troops are being sent now?

    Looks like Venezuela, Ukraine and Syria will all be going down about the same time. They played this perfectly. We clapped like trained seals — or I did anyway — when the regime was turned back in Syria six months ago, forgetting that such outcomes are trivial setbacks for these people. I don’t like it, but let’s face it: the United States is a diplomatic, economic, espionage and military juggernaut with no competition on the world stage.

  32. Hunter Wallace, February 23, 2014 at 10:43 pm:

    [I don’t write about European politics because I don’t know the situation well enough to comment about it]

    And a good thing that you don’t, and a great thing that you realize that.

    Unfortunately, many commentators on this site don’t have such inhibitions. That’s why I’ve been thinking about stopping following it (began after Romney lost in Nov. 2012.) Too much philosophical crap with no practical importance. The contributions like NYYankies makes, giving me the small snippets of the reality surrounding the writers, something that helps me understand where things stand now, in the real life, make me visit this site often. I value your postings, too, Hunter.

    [<i and I am not in any position to do anything about it anyway.]

    The importance of discussing the Ukrainian revolution is not that you or another USA person can do anything to influence the events there but in helping those who want to learn here, in the USA, learn about the history and the present, and about the human nature and behaviors when standing against an oppressor.

    I am much inspired just looking at the faces of the Ukrainian folks who went against the brutal regime. Simple and intelligent. May their struggle and faces be remembered by our people.

  33. This event is instigated by neocons both inside and outside the US government. The trail does in fact lead back to the jews, once again. Do not be surprised when they lead us into direct war with Russia (WWIII). I’m with Putin on this one.

    I don’t think it’s manufactured, but the Western elites excel at co-opting mass movements that start with legitimate grievances.

  34. Jeppo writes:

    “So here we have a group of “racist, fascist, anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi, ultra-nationalist, extreme rightwing” streetfighters who have taken over — by force — a major European country for the first time since Franco’s 1939 victory in the Spanish Civil War. And still the mopes on this board aren’t happy.”

    Jack replies:

    Here’s why we’re not happy:

    They seem to mainly be fighting White Gentile Russians, opposing alliances with White Gentile Russians who are 95% exactly like them.

    Plus they want to join the EU, which has Soviet style hate speech laws against saying anything negative about Jews, Homosexuals, Black African invaders with AIDs, Muslims, anyone not straight White Indo Europeans.

    Jeppo writes:

    “Aleksandr Muzychko is a notorious nationalist leader. Back in 2007 he pledged to fight against “communists, Jews and Russians for as long as blood flows in his veins,” openly saying that leading the fight against all of the above mentioned groups is his “credo.”

    Jack responds:

    Aleksandr Muzychko sounds like one mixed up, confused White guy. (Is he really White? Straight?). What’s. he got against our kinsmen the Russians? He doesn’t like Maria Sharapova, Anna Kournikova? Maybe he should move to East St. Louis Illinois, few or no Jews, European Communists or Russians. What a idiot?

    Our side tends to think any White person protesting “the system” is sane, on our side. Nah, I back Putin on almost all things.

  35. plekhanov says:
    February 23, 2014 at 10:37 pm

    “Oh yeah!.. Even in comparison to Russia, they say that the Ukrainian practices are mind-boggling. I posted the link to the photos from what the populace have been calling “The Museum of Corruption” — the privatized residence by Yankovych . Here it’s again — take a look: http://zyalt.livejournal.com/1007568.html

    The White House is big and ostentatious as well, but no one bats an eyelid. You can’t name the leader of any country, who’s official address is a two bedroom bungalow.

  36. Plus they want to join the EU, which has Soviet style hate speech laws against saying anything negative about Jews, Homosexuals, Black African invaders with AIDs, Muslims, anyone not straight White Indo Europeans.

    The conditions in Ukraine are so wretched the nation is filled with young gentile girls who are forced into prostitution from lack of opportunity. Meanwhile, the now deposed leader in the Russian-aligned East lives in a palace. The pro-Putin side in these discussions does not seem to want to acknowledge the Western Ukrainians have legitimate grievances.

    Your argument is also little disingenuous given that one criticize Jews or Muslims in Russia either and that Putin is closely aligned with Jews and Western financiers himself; the head of Russian intelligence, appointed by Putin, is a Jew.

    Fradkov was born near the city now known as Samara, to a family of Jewish origin on his father’s side.[1]

    When people are starving, or when people are living one step up from starvation, and when the nation as a whole exists at the same level as Nigeria while Poland and Slovakia are booming, shutting up about the Muslims, homos and Jews probably doesn’t seem like too steep a price to pay to get in on the action.

  37. Also, regarding Fradkov, you Putin supporters please note the following:

    Given his vast political experience, [Fradkov] is often suggested as a possible successor to Vladimir Putin when his time in office comes to an end.[9]

  38. JohnH on February 23, 2014 at 11:54 pm:

    The White House is big and ostentatious as well, but no one bats an eyelid.

    Wrong: Mark Steyn has been pointing this out over and over. You don’t count him as “one”?

    You can’t name the leader of any country, who’s official address is a two bedroom bungalow.

    Overstating (a two bedroom bungalow) is a familiar tactics.

    Distorting (official address instead of “stolen property”) is a familiar tactics, too.

    “The Museum of Corruption” is not an state-owned property. This is from an easy Google inquiry (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/ukraine/10657109/Viktor-Yanukovych-leaves-behind-palace-monument-to-greed-and-corruption.html):

    The president controversially privatised the property, which had been a government residence since Soviet times, in 2007.

    You should have done a quick research yourself before posting your double lie. If you meant well, of course.

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