Live Thread: Ukraine Crisis


Here are my thoughts on the Ukraine crisis:

1.) None of our business – The geopolitical showdown in Ukraine between the US/NATO and Russia is none of our business, but the usual neocon warmongers like John McCain, as in Libya, Iraq, and Syria, were reliably on the ground, meddling in the situation, and inciting the Ukrainians to overthrow to overthrow the democratically elected pro-Russian Yanukovych government.

2.) US/NATO Policy – In 2005, Western favorite Victor Yushchenko was installed as President of Ukraine following the 2004 Orange Revolution, which was backed by the US State Department, the National Democratic Institute, the International Republican Institute, Freedom House, USAID, and George Soros’ Open Society Institute. In 2010, the pro-Western Yuschenko was succeeded by his 2004 rival, pro-Russian Victor Yanukovych, who was overthrown last month in the Maidan protests.

In other words, the US has been trying for years now to aggressively expand NATO and the European Union up to the borders of Russia. The smokescreen of “democracy” has been invoked to install pro-Western lackeys in power in states like Ukraine and Georgia, but the US was happy to support the violent overthrow of “democracy” when it produced the Yanukovych regime which tilted toward Russia.

3.) Global RISK  – Russia has responded to the fall of the Yanukovych government in Ukraine in exactly the same way that the Kennedy administration responded to the pro-Soviet Castro regime in Cuba.

During the Cold War, the US tried and failed to overthrow the Cuban government, but succeeded in overthrowing the governments of Guatemala in 1954 and Grenada in 1983. Among other places, the US meddled in Suriname, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and El Salvador to protect its interests from Soviet encroachment.

The important point here is that the US acts in the same way as Russia to preserve its hegemony in what it considers its own backyard.

4.) Vital Interests – Insofar as Southern Nationalists have any vital interest at stake in this conflict between Ukraine and Russia, it is staying out of it and hoping that the US Empire is undermined closer to home as a result of it.

5.) Ukraine and Russia – Ukraine and Russia should be left alone to sort out their own problems in their own part of the world – the Ukrainians have legitimate nationalist aspirations and economic grievances, and Russians have legitimate reasons to be concerned about US and EU intrigue on their border.

6.) The GOP – In their eagerness to condemn Obama’s “weak foreign policy,” the Republicans have only shown they are more unfit to govern than the Democrats. If John McCain were president, World War III would be underway by now.

7.) Vladimir Putin – Vladimir Putin has been romanticized by White Nationalists and is not the figure that some people have made him out to be. I’ve enjoyed his rhetorical swipes at Western degeneracy as much as anyone else, but I am always left wondering whether this is a sincere conviction or just more KGB geopolitical posturing.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. One of the leaders of the new US/NATO-backed government is a guy who heads the Svoboda Party, Oleh Tyahnybok. This POS went to Chechnya where he fought WITH Muslim terrorists against the Russians. He has also been accused of torturing and beheading captured Russian soldiers.

  2. My position is as follows:

    1. America stay out.
    2. Ukrainians are dupes who should turn on the Jewish led coup
    3. Let the principle of local autonomy win out.

    Of interest, Jewish Facebook recently bought WhatsApp for 19 billion in cash (4 billion) and shares (15 billion). A staggering and unjustified amount, but sensible if one knows that one of the co-owners is a Jewish Ukrainian, Jan Koum. One should also know that spending money is nothing to the Jews as it is an inexhaustible fiat resource courtesy of the Federal Reserve. Remember that as you trudge off to your slave (Slav?) job to earn a few shekels.

    Ukrainians must understand that Jews consider their national territory to be THE WHOLE WORLD, and if Ukrainians want to be serfs, continue to do business with the Jews.

    Recall ArchJewess Nuland of “fuck the EU” fame. She told the hapless WASP ambassador from the US to the Ukraine that “we want Yats in there”.

    “Yats” is in there as an unelected PM. And his first order of business is strip-mining the economy (as I predicted). “Yats” masquerades as a Ukrainian Catholic but he was outed as a Jew in the 2009 Presidential Elections.

    I call upon all whites to stop being stupid dupes and understand that Jews are in it for Jews, not for us.

  3. I’m guessing the EU have blundered into this without thinking it through with the US jumping on the bandwagon. If so by preventing his guy from shooting up the pro-EU demonstrations Putin now has the edge as the other side are the ones who settled things with violence first.

    I hope he does a deal with the Ukraine nationalists though as currently they are pig-in-the-middle between EUSUK and Russia and as Russia is currently pretty much the only White country not ruled by the banking mafia if it’s a choice between Russia and EUSUK winning it has to be Russia for most patriots.

  4. “This POS went to Chechnya where he fought WITH Muslim terrorists against the Russians.”

    Two honest nationalisms can fight and often do. Ideally Russian nationalists and Ukraine nationalists can come to some kind of deal as EUSUK is the enemy of all.

  5. Yanukovich press conference: he points out that once the factories stop in the East, the people of the East will rise up and join the Crimeans.

    Yanukovich is playing to his base (recall the electoral map of the Ukraine) and is hinting at Jewish plans to strip mine the country.

  6. There would be a military coup before the US military directly attacked a nuclear power. That being said though, never underestimated the stupidity and gullibility of the American public. Very likely, the Russians will open a large naval / military base in Cuba as a retaliation. I think this would be a great thing as it would cool the heels of this empire and put the necocons in line for the blame.

  7. It looks like the powers that be are moving towards a referendum in the Crimea and elections in the Ukraine and will let the chips fall where they may – in other words, Putin will be allowed to use non-military means to take the Crimea; hard to have a live thread with moderated comments…

  8. It’s very simple Hunter, the Jews, and, the globalists are now frightened they may have stirred the wrong pot in the Ukraine. That there will be all sorts of unintended consequences to their actions. I hope it comes back, and bites them in the ass really hard.

  9. Crimea FYI

    Crimea is made up of not only the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (the only autonomous region in Ukraine), but also the city-state of Sevastopol. Sevastopol is where both the Russian and Ukrainian Black Sea fleets are based. These are the only 2 (out of 27) administrative divisions (oblasts) of Ukraine where ethnic Ukrainians are a minority. There are other oblasts in the east and south where Ukrainian speakers are a minority because a significant number of Ukrainians speak Russian as their first language.

    A.R. of Crimea

    Population: 1.97 million
    Russians: 58.3%
    Ukrainians: 24.3%
    Crimean Tatars: 12.1%


    Population: 380,000
    Russians: 71.6%
    Ukrainians: 22.4%
    Crimean Tatars: o.5%

    These demographic stats are from 2001. Since then it’s likely that the percentage of Russians has gone down while that of the Crimean Tatars has gone up, as has been the pattern since the fall of the Soviet Union. The Crimean Tatars are Muslims who were exiled by Stalin to Central Asia in 1944 for collaborating with the Germans, and only started returning to Crimea in the late 1980s.

    Crimea was part of the Ottoman Empire until the late 18th Century when it was annexed by Russia. It’s only been part of Ukraine since 1954. Up until the Crimean War in the 1850s, Crimean Tatars were the vast majority of the population, with small Greek and Armenian minorities. After that war, Russians and, to a lesser extent, Ukrainians started flooding in in large numbers. There was a significant Jewish population that was killed or driven out by the Germans in WWII, and a significant German population that was killed or driven out when the Russians retook it. Other minorities were also exiled by Stalin, leaving it almost entirely Slavic after the war.

    It looks like Putin and his Crimean puppets want to hold a referendum on independence on the same date as Ukraine’s scheduled elections, May 25. Obviously he thinks he can win this vote. In the 2010 Ukrainian elections, Yanukovych’s Party of Regions won 80 out of 100 seats, so the pro-Russian side would seem to have a lot of support. But the Crimean Tatars are fanatically anti-Russian; the other day when pro-Russians held a rally in the Crimean capital of Simferopol, a huge number of Tatars showed up and started fighting with the Russians.

    The Russian plan seems to be to set up Crimea as a pro-Russian satrapy outside of Ukrainian control rather than annex it outright. They’ve already done the same in Georgia (Abkhazia and South Ossetia) and Moldova (Transnistria). But ethnic Russians made up only 60% of Crimea (A.R. of Crimea plus Sevastopol) in 2001, and probably less than that now. And by all accounts the Crimean Tatars, along with the resident Ukrainians and other minorities, will fight tooth and nail against any sort of Russian takeover. So we could end up seeing a full-fledged civil war within Crimea.

    How much military force is Putin willing to expend to impose his will on the 40% of Crimeans who want no part of Russian domination? And what will the West do in response? Probably nothing militarily besides material support for the Tatar/Ukrainian insurgency inside Crimea, if it materializes. Maybe impose sanctions, kick Russia out of the G8, block their entry into the OECD, etc. This looks like a no-win situation for Putin and the Russians. They have nothing to gain (a Crimean puppet state descending into civil war) and everything to lose (the undying enmity of their fellow Slavic Ukrainians and a united and hostile West).

  10. As I was searching Youtube for Obongo’s speech on Ukraine I saw a video of US Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power who was making a statement on Ukraine.

    I was curious as to her ethnicity. I know our Ste Dept. and upper echelons of government are staffed with yids, but she did not look jewish to me.

    What”s the deal? I Googled her.

    Ultra lib, bogus expert married to — Cass Sunstein. Ha ha.

    They have all the bases covered.

  11. Jeppo what’s with your avatar and it’s afro? Just asking b/c I find it distracting on a pro-White site. I may be a ‘yankee’ but at least I’m WHITE! Maybe I’ll start using a Pippi Longstocking pic. Seriously, though, I find it disturbing and confusing amidst the chaos that’s only intensifying…

  12. Jeppo what makes you think the West will be so united? I see Obongo’s threats as totally hollow saber-rattling and suspect that Putin does too, for the most part. The EJewSSA can send aid in but I don’t see most americans or europeans cottoning to sending in troops at this point. The Jews have played their card so repeatedly it’s become silly to people. No one believes anything the media or authority says anymore.

  13. “This looks like a no-win situation for Putin and the Russians.”

    Other way round. The question is simply how much Putin will take – just Crimea or enough of eastern Ukraine to create a land connection.

  14. @NYYankees,

    Here’s a comment by RagnarKarr at your link:

    Yeah I’m sure he is going to stroll right in there and say he is formulating plans for the deportation and extermination of Ukrainian jews. that would go over great. These internet white supremacists are a fucking joke, do you say shit when Putin sucks up to Russian jews? Do you know what would happen if jews started being murdered by the hundreds in Ukraine right now? The fucking blue helmet UN troops would come in, like they stop genocide in Africa! You fucking idiots on this site act like a motherfucker can wave a magic fucking wand and create a National Revolution throughout a gov’t. The deputy Prime minister is Svoboda, nationalists hold various top spots in the gov’t. DO you all really think that they would say the truth of their feelings? Maybe I’m wrong and the magic fucking jews control everybody and there is no escape from their clutches. I find it quite disturbing that people on this site will denounce these people for talking nicely to jews and won’t say shit when Putin does the same in Russia

    Ha ha, so true. The internet Nazis who are so quick to point out the mote in the eye of the leader of Right Sector are strangely silent when it comes to the beam in their hero Rabbi Putin’s eye. But then Right Sector are actual fighters who successfully overthrew the Yanukovych regime while these kowardly keyboard kommandos have achieved nothing, ever. So I guess there’s a lot of resentment there.

    Jeppo what makes you think the West will be so united?

    Well, for starters…

    PARIS (Reuters) – France, Germany and Britain expressed alarm on Saturday over fast-moving developments in Ukraine’s Crimea, urging all sides to avoid further escalation and calling on Russia to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty.–sector.html


    (Reuters) – France, Germany and Poland said on Friday that they were “very worried” by events in Crimea and urged all parties to refrain from any action endangering Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

    In a joint statement by their foreign ministries, the three countries said that Ukraine’s crisis could only be solved in a lasting manner if all political forces subscribed to that goal.

    “We are very worried by the unstable situation in Crimea,” the ministries said in the statement distributed in Paris by the French foreign ministry. “Everything must be done to reduce tension in the eastern region and encourage all parties concerned to talk.

    “We reaffirm our support for the territorial integrity of the country and we urge all parties in Ukraine to refrain from any action that could endanger it.”

    Maybe if Putin wasn’t handling the situation in such a cack-handed manner he could have driven a wedge between the EU and the US, the latter personified by KosherCon apparatchik Victoria “Fuck the EU” Nuland-Kagan. But the blunt instrument of an armed military invasion of Crimea has united both sides of the Atlantic against this blatant act of Russian imperialism.

    And now Putin’s newly-installed vassal in Crimea has announced that the referendum on independence has been moved up to March 30:

    KIEV, Ukraine — Crimea’s new pro-Moscow premier, Sergei Aksenov, moved the date of the peninsula’s status referendum to March 30.

    On Thursday, the Crimean parliament, which appointed Aksenov, had called for a referendum on May 25, the date also set for the urgent presidential election in Ukraine.

    “In connection with a necessity we decided to speed up the holding of the referendum on the stauts of the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea,” Aksenov said Saturday in Simferopol at a new government session, the UNIAN information agency reported.,0,2305350.story#ixzz2uigMcFLV

    Of course the Crimean people should be entitled to determine their own future, inside or out of Ukraine. But to say that this vote will be held under duress is the understatement of the year. And by “duress” I mean having gun-toting Russian soldiers illegally occupying the Crimean parliament, the airports, ports and land border with the rest of Ukraine. Therefore this referendum will have no validity whatsoever.

    Putin keeps doubling down on the stupid. What will he do next? Have his troops open fire on Crimean Tatars protesting against the Russian invasion, thereby uniting the Muslim world with Europe and America against him? Nothing would surprise me at this point.

  15. Kharkiv is not in Crimea, right?

    “On a day of frayed nerves and set-piece political appeals that recalled ethnic conflicts of past decades in the former Soviet bloc — from the Balkans to the Caucasus — pro-Russian forces were said to have taken control of a government building in Kharkiv, and a crowd in the center of Donetsk pulled down the blue-and-yellow Ukrainian flag and raised a Russian one. …”

  16. I think the process started a while back, HW. The Empire lost the conflict over South Osettia and Abkhazia, remember. It has lost the energy war in eastern and central Europe. And it was embarrassed in Syria. The Empire has been losing for a while.

    It certainly makes me happy.

  17. A spiteful Obama, backed by the usual neocons, tried to teach Russia a lesson for stopping his Syrian war but ended up making a blood enemy of a nation with hundreds of nuclear weapons, instead. No more Chicago thugs for president, please. Apparently, the Russians aren’t down with BRA.

  18. The spin about absence of anti-Semitism should not be accepted, Hunter. I read the Haaretz article, noting that the Israeli exaggerates his importance and plays both sides, calling himself ‘a hero’ and the Ukrainians following him ‘kids’, and in the height of the struggle giving the ‘kids’ money to leave the protest, go home and be safe; helping the police who were trapped and outnumbered 100 to one to not only escape but also take their weapons with them; and ‘working under Svoboda’, while assisting the propaganda of transporting injured protesters to Israel for treatment.

  19. Re: ‘working under Svoboda’:

    The anonymous Israeli says ‘I don’t belong [to Svoboda], but I take orders from their team’. Note that he was only one of a number of Israelis directing that group of Ukrainian protesters.

  20. Why would this turn out any different than Georgia?

    Maybe it won’t. What’s to stop Putin from marching in and taking whatever he wants? The chances of a Western military intervention are pretty much zero so I guess old Vlad can carve up Ukraine as he pleases, international law and the will of the people be damned. All hail the Judeo-Islamic Eurasian Imperium!

    One difference between the two is that Georgia was the aggressor in that little war (warlet?). This time Russia is the aggressor. Another, far more important difference IMO, is that Georgians are a Near Eastern, non-Indo-European people, so I don’t care about them. They got their non-white asses handed to them by the Russkies. Good.

    But Ukraine is a white Slavic European nation. What Putin has done here is instigate a pointless white-on-white conflict. I don’t see how any white racialist, pro-Russian or pro-Ukrainian, can be happy about that.

  21. The inside the beltway reaction is that obama is weak, i think he and his inner circle actually are pursuing a realist foriegn policy and dont mind being called weak. Weak is a misread. But better than being called seen as antijew which obama, hagel, kerry, and dempsey have all been accused of.

    Putin has been given the green light to take the russian majority populations. Its just common sense; sorry Jews.

  22. “Is this the moment when BRA’s Empire starts to unravel?”

    As mentioned it has been unraveling for a while but this might turn out to be the most public yet, and public matters because all the little countries that are only kept in line through fear will get more uppitty – and uppittyness feeds back to the most critical thing, the use of the dollar as reserve currency.

  23. “Kharkiv is not in Crimea, right?”

    Yup. Putin will want popular demonstrations in friendly cities ahead of any Russian troops.

    My guess as to the key names to look out for first would be
    Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk

    after that maybe
    Odessa, Zaporizhzhya, Dnipropetrovsk

    although it might not get that far.

  24. Obama Skips National Security Team Meeting on Russia, Ukraine

    A White House official emailed some reporters to say that President Obama’s team met today to discuss the ongoing situation on Ukraine. It appears President Obama did not attend.

    “The President’s national security team met today to receive an update on the situation in Ukraine and discuss potential policy options. We will provide further updates later this afternoon,” reads the full statement.

    Odumbo is probably planning his next vacation or getting an early start on March Madness baketball brackets with Spike Lee.

  25. “France, Germany and Britain expressed alarm on Saturday over fast-moving developments in Ukraine’s Crimea, urging all sides to avoid further escalation and calling on Russia to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty.”

    Ha, that’s a laugh! As if the EU, and the German/Jewish banker Bund isn’t ignoring every single nation’s ‘sovereignty’ over issues like ‘fag rights’ and differing cultures, religions and histories!

    They’re all a bunch of lying whores, and the US is right in the midst of them.
    I am ashamed to be called an American. This is Clinton/Albright/Kanne Clark and Serbia, ALL OVER AGAIN.

  26. Jeppo, can you articulate why you are so antiPutin? The man is doing God’s work, and it isn’t clear to me why I shouldn’t think so?

    It really is a litmus test for me whether someone is pro or anti Putin.

  27. “What’s to stop Putin from marching in and taking whatever he wants? ” – the difficulties inherent in force projection. They’ll have the wind at their backs in the ethnic russian areas, but not outside of there.

  28. The message boards and comments are all over the map concerning Swoboda and Right Sector. They may not be what they appear to be.

    Golden Dawn raises many red flags.

    Hard to determine which groups are legit and which are dubious.

    A game of charades with deadly consequences?

    Time will tell.


    Link to a swedish nationalist and military man (since fired). He tries to convey to Ukrainian nationalists just how enslaved swedes are under the EU’s ‘governance.’ He also counsels them to find whatever way they can between Russia and EUSSA.

    Sweden is even worse than I thought. If someone had shown me this stuff in highschool, I would have thought it science fiction. We passed 1984 some time ago, maybe in the last couple years…

    One hope is that as the european nationalists watch the Zionist plutocracy clamber desperately to find some actual weight to throw around, they will begin to see the chinks in the armor letting in the light to the future. The problem with spoiling the shit out of everyone – black and brown gibsmedat, white despair mixed in with degeneracy, and asian narcissism – is that when the elite decadents at the top look to the middle for support, there is none. Both colors of middle classes have been alternately indulged and doped, decayed and debauched to the point of near total atrophy.

    Even economic sanctions will be hard to inveigh upon the russians. This isn’t just the end of BRA, but of the Hebraized West, at least as we knew it. Watch and learn comrades. May the blood of the martyred young nationalists bless the soil of revolt.

  30. Long time lurker, first time poster here.

    I’ve been following OD’s treatment of current events in the Ukraine and thus far, Mr. Wallace has yet to receive a straightforward answer to his simple plea for a basic sitrep. Instead, it’s been a cascade of the usual Jewocentrism followed by policy analysis about as relevant as the Mare Moscowviense.

    This is odd because Russian foreign policy is one of the few givens in international diplomacy and has been for half a millennium: to the west, a buffer between it and Germany; to the east, a buffer between it and the East, i.e. China; and to its South, access to warm water via passage through the Dardanelles and Bosporus straits. I’m afraid that it’s SSDD without regard to whether it’s the Czar, Kerensky, or the Bolsheviks in Moscow.

    Events in the Ukraine now become far more explicable. To allow a pro-EU government to reign in Kiev brings NATO to the very borders of Mother Russia. And bringing the west in close is a big no-no of Russian history.

    The Ukraine has been part of Russia’s sphere of influence for centuries. Putin or some successor was bound to make this move. My own opinion is that Putin was encouraged to do this now because of his correct perception that the US public is war weary and that Obama is long embarked on a renewal of American isolationism. Not to mention the fact that his predecessors faced little but Western rhetorical opposition during their invasions of Hungary in ’56, and Czechoslovakia in ’68.

    Among the other givens is this one: since the Crimean War, no Western power (other than the twin strategic dumb bells Kaiser Wilhelm and Hitler) have futzed with Russia within its sphere of influence. And no one is going to start doing so now.

  31. Why is a nigger involved in a critical decision that affects a white nation?

    Fuckin’ yanks. You fuckin’ self loathing wank stains.

  32. Why are we devoting so many comments to this issue? What the hell does it matter to us? =and our national security? I don’t know anyone in Ukraine OR Russia. We have a helluva lot more at stake in stopping the mass 3rd World hordes pouring into this country. Let me quite an early American that the Neocons seem to have forgotten:
    “:The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop. Europe has a set of primary interests which to us have none; or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities. ” George Washington, farewell address, 1796

  33. Ukraine is Russian afaik.

    I’m not interested in kicking off a war there over Crimea.

    Btw the Crimean war was tangentially connected to decision by the Union to crush the Confederacy. It had serious geopolitical consequences.

  34. “Why are we devoting so many comments to this issue? What the hell does it matter to us?”

    Every time the neocons are knocked back abroad it weakens BRA.

    Ethnic map of Ukraine

    Notice the yellow shaded areas – they cover the region transferred from Russia to Ukraine in 1922.

    Electoral map

    Notice how the split aligns with the ethno-linguistic split

    Ideally (from a nationalist point of view) Putin would be able to finesse turning that old part of Russia in the south and east into an enclave and then make an alliance with the west Ukraine nationalists detaching them from EUSUK so both parts of Ukraine end up anti EU.

  35. “I’m afraid that it’s SSDD without regard to whether it’s the Czar, Kerensky, or the Bolsheviks in Moscow.” – Anon.

    Rather, the question to be asked is, ‘Why presume the West is correct in her analysis of this sistuation, AT ANY TIME?’ Therein lies an honest response to the Churchillian question.

    “Why are we devoting so many comments to this issue? What the hell does it matter to us? =and our national security?” – Reynauld

    Well, in not resorting to ‘it’s a small world, and the boundaries keep getting smaller,’ perhaps this quote might help, to those who understand the theological issues:

    For the USA has no legitimate reason to exist, if she departs (as she has) from her covenantal responsibility.

    “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams, signer of the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and our second President.

    “”[T]he only foundation for a useful education in a republic is to be aid in religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments.” – Benjamin Rush,Signer of the Declaration of Independence

    “T]he Christian religion, in its purity, is the basis, or rather the source of all genuine freedom in government. . . . and I am persuaded that no civil government of a republican form can exist and be durable in which the principles of that religion have not a controlling influence.” – Noah Wester

    More like quotes can be found here:

    The same damning indictment belongs to all of Europe; for, whether one likes it or not, ‘Europe is the [Catholic] Faith, the [Catholic] Faith, Europe. And no, I ain’t talking Papism!

    That’s the reason Putin matters… and the Obamanation, doesn’t.

  36. Jeppo, can you articulate why you are so antiPutin?

    First and foremost, Putin is a Eurasianist. He is in the process of creating the Eurasian Union, an EU-like free trade and free-movement-of-people bloc which he hopes will eventually contain 12 of the 15 (minus the Baltic states) former Soviet republics.

    In other words Putin is proposing open borders with 6 neighbouring Muslim nations with a population of 75 million. The Russian Federation already has an estimated 20 million Muslims, or nearly 15% of the population, so any merger with the surrounding Muslim states would sound the death knell for white Christian Russia. Russia under Putin has also joined the OIC, the group of 57 Muslim-majority nations, as an observer, and may one day apply for full membership.

    Russia is also a member of the SCO, a budding Asiatic military alliance, along with China and the Central Asian states, which is looking to expand to a bunch of other Muslim nations and India. Putin has been instrumental in pushing for the further consolidation and expansion of this anti-Western bloc.

    So it’s pretty clear that Putin sees a future Russia as part of the non-white Muslim/Asian world rather than part of Europe and the white West. And he wants to drag Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova along with him.

    Eurasianism, or the effective merger of white nations with their non-white neighbours, has its parallels in the West. Pan-Americanism, involving the further consolidation of NAFTA and its expansion to include the entire Western Hemisphere, has long been promoted by the Bush family, amongst others. Eurabianism, involving the creation of a Euro-Mediterranean Union to more-or-less supplant the EU, was heavily promoted by Sarkozy before being watered down by Merkel. Eastasianism, involving the conversion of ASEAN, the Southeast Asian group that includes Australia and New Zealand, into a political/economic union along the lines of the EU, is a longstanding goal of much of the Australian Labor Party.

    The antidote to these centrifugal forces threatening to tear the white West apart and dilute it and destroy it within non-white regional blocs, is to unite it in a pan-Occidental ‘Fortress West’, with free trade and the free movement of people within, and high tariffs and zero immigration without. See this comment for how it could possibly play out:

    As for Putin somehow curbing the malign influence of the Jewish oligarchs, that’s hilarious. Check out Lew’s link above for a more realistic assessment. Russia under Putin remains a cesspool of corruption, possibly even worse than it was under Yeltsin. Putin’s one great advantage over Yeltsin is that he’s been lucky enough to govern during a time of sky-high oil prices, which of course was none of his doing.

    And let’s not forget that Putin is an autocrat who tolerates little or no dissent. Speaking of dissent, how long do you think this website, with its racist, secessionist and anti-government themes, would remain active in Putin’s Russia? I figure about 15 minutes before the GRU shut it down and packed Hunter Wallace off for ‘re-education’ at some lead mine in Siberia.

    Now Putin has started a war against Ukraine with the goal of severing large chunks of that country, expressly breaking a 1994 treaty where Russia promised to respect the inviolability of Ukraine’s borders in exchange for Ukraine transferring all its Soviet-era nuclear warheads back to Russia. So when you turn on the TV news today and see the white-on-white violence in cities like Kharkiv, remember that all of that can be blamed on one man: Vladimir Putin, supposed hero of the white nationalists.

    • How would a Ukraine aligned with an open borders EU be any better off? The UK, Netherlands, France, Spain and other European countries are being overrun by non-White immigrants.

  37. ‘Why are we devoting so many comments to this issue’….while overlooking the similar case of regime change in Venezuela?

  38. How would a Ukraine aligned with an open borders EU be any better off?

    Better off compared to what? And is “better” or “worse” off the same for every “Ukrainian” (the territory’s dweller)?

    And why do you care about this far land? The multi-ethnic Crimea will be a royal pain for those who end up governing (“owning”) it — is it wise to insert yourself into those problems?

    Think locally.

    • Racially speaking.

      Jeppo’s concern is that Ukraine will be overrun by Muslims from Central Asia. Meanwhile, the UK is considering leaving the EU because it is being overrun by immigrants.

    • Re: plekhanov

      We’re enjoying the fact that Obama is being undermined.

      He’s obligated by the 1994 agreement to guarantee Ukraine’s borders. Obviously, he has no intention of doing that, and that broken promise has implications which go far beyond Ukraine. Like the Syria crisis, it undermines the US Empire in general and accelerates its decline. It will provoke new challenges to it.

  39. How would a Ukraine aligned with an open borders EU be any better off?

    Actually the EU’s external borders are closing fast. In the UK now almost all of the immigration is from other EU states rather than from outside Europe. And after the European Parliament elections this May, when an expected 20% of the vote will go to the hardcore anti-immigration parties, the borders will hopefully get even tighter. But that’s a topic for another thread.

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