Live Thread: Ukraine Crisis


Here are my thoughts on the Ukraine crisis:

1.) None of our business – The geopolitical showdown in Ukraine between the US/NATO and Russia is none of our business, but the usual neocon warmongers like John McCain, as in Libya, Iraq, and Syria, were reliably on the ground, meddling in the situation, and inciting the Ukrainians to overthrow to overthrow the democratically elected pro-Russian Yanukovych government.

2.) US/NATO Policy – In 2005, Western favorite Victor Yushchenko was installed as President of Ukraine following the 2004 Orange Revolution, which was backed by the US State Department, the National Democratic Institute, the International Republican Institute, Freedom House, USAID, and George Soros’ Open Society Institute. In 2010, the pro-Western Yuschenko was succeeded by his 2004 rival, pro-Russian Victor Yanukovych, who was overthrown last month in the Maidan protests.

In other words, the US has been trying for years now to aggressively expand NATO and the European Union up to the borders of Russia. The smokescreen of “democracy” has been invoked to install pro-Western lackeys in power in states like Ukraine and Georgia, but the US was happy to support the violent overthrow of “democracy” when it produced the Yanukovych regime which tilted toward Russia.

3.) Global RISK  – Russia has responded to the fall of the Yanukovych government in Ukraine in exactly the same way that the Kennedy administration responded to the pro-Soviet Castro regime in Cuba.

During the Cold War, the US tried and failed to overthrow the Cuban government, but succeeded in overthrowing the governments of Guatemala in 1954 and Grenada in 1983. Among other places, the US meddled in Suriname, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and El Salvador to protect its interests from Soviet encroachment.

The important point here is that the US acts in the same way as Russia to preserve its hegemony in what it considers its own backyard.

4.) Vital Interests – Insofar as Southern Nationalists have any vital interest at stake in this conflict between Ukraine and Russia, it is staying out of it and hoping that the US Empire is undermined closer to home as a result of it.

5.) Ukraine and Russia – Ukraine and Russia should be left alone to sort out their own problems in their own part of the world – the Ukrainians have legitimate nationalist aspirations and economic grievances, and Russians have legitimate reasons to be concerned about US and EU intrigue on their border.

6.) The GOP – In their eagerness to condemn Obama’s “weak foreign policy,” the Republicans have only shown they are more unfit to govern than the Democrats. If John McCain were president, World War III would be underway by now.

7.) Vladimir Putin – Vladimir Putin has been romanticized by White Nationalists and is not the figure that some people have made him out to be. I’ve enjoyed his rhetorical swipes at Western degeneracy as much as anyone else, but I am always left wondering whether this is a sincere conviction or just more KGB geopolitical posturing.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. So we have a Sino-Soviet expert in the comments section?

    Where were Jeppos comments on the Great White Ukraine three months ago?
    Strange that a rather vociferous warmonger shows up like that.

  2. The Baltic Republics joined EU a while back. Estonia switched to Euro a coupe of years ago, Latvia this January 1st. Are they worse off being in EU than… where else? The huge Russian populations are staying in these Baltic countries, complaining about the need to learn the local language but not rushing into the paradise that the Putin’s enthusiasts make Russia to appear.

    I am not pro-EU. But for some poor, raped nations, entering EU may be the only path to get out of the misery they are currently in. I suspect that a free referendum in another whites’ paradise, Belarus, would favor entering EU by a large margin. Because of the locally understood alternatives.

    With that said, re “jeppo, on March 2, 2014 at 2:41 pm”:

    Actually the EU’s external borders are closing fast. In the UK now almost all of the immigration is from other EU states rather than from outside Europe

    A huge problem for the countries like UK and Germany is the (started this year) free movement of nominally white people from EU/South, Bulgaria and Romania. “Roma” and “Cinti” — they can’t be called “G*psies” in Germany anymore.

    Ukraine, if a EU member, will have to face the same inflows, but “Ukrainians” hardly realize or worry about that now. It’s the “future”, or possibly “never”, and the Ukrainians have to survive “today”. And they have more experience with G*psies than the countries further from their origins.

    “Fight to live another day”: for the Ukrainians today, in general, the EU membership is that. For the white EU-er, having Ukraine in the Union may turn out to be a minus or plus — you can’t say today.

  3. “Why is that whole area (Ukraine, Russia, Belarus) still so much poorer than Western Europe?”

    They were 2nd world because of communism then the oligarchs looted them down to 3rd world. Russia has been crawling back to 2nd world since Putin. Ukraine is still infested with oligarchs though – and on both sides: anti-Russia and pro-Russia oligarchs. If Putin gets the south and east under direct control he might get rid of the ones there.

    If Putin takes the south and east and then makes a deal with the west Ukraine nationalists maybe between them they could get rid of the lot but that’s probably wishful thinking.

  4. Hunter Wallace, on March 2, 2014 at 4:16 pm:

    Why is that whole area (Ukraine, Russia, Belarus) still so much poorer than Western Europe?

    In the original Ukraine Crisis thread I said two things applicable here: 1. A simple answer to such questions cannot be given. 2. Ukraine doesn’t produce much that is of any interest outside of it. Ditto for Belarus and Russia, except for Russia’s resources, which feed very centralized coffers. But this would be too simple and incomplete explanation.

  5. Re: Belarus, etc.

    Their years living under Soviet communism might have somewhat insulated them from Western decadence, but the price they paid was not being able to modernize their economies. That’s why they’re so poor and looking to the West for scraps. It’s because they’re desperate and have no choice.


    Because Counter Currents has an international focus, you ought to write to Greg Johnson and ask about publishing your views on Eurasianism in the form of guest articles on his site. Your analyses are just too good to stay buried in comments.

  6. “So it’s pretty clear that Putin sees a future Russia as part of the non-white Muslim/Asian world rather than part of Europe and the white West. “- Jeppo

    Jep, that’s an assumption you cannot make. It’s a false inference. Because you don’t understand the Slavic mind, you think that going against the post-Papal Godless West is somehow ‘anti-European.’ Hardly. Europe’s Roman Empire lasted a THOUSAND years longer in the East, than it did in the West. And the Orthodox worldview clearly sees them RULING over the ‘goyim’ rather than ‘multiculturalizing’ them. THAT mindset is a Wester, PAGAN mindset.

    I’m afraid you’re using Western mindsets to try and understand the Eastern mind, which is going to give you a lot of falsehoods masquerading as Truths- sort of like Barack masquerading as a White Man.

  7. “To put this in perspective, Ukraine is poorer than Mexico.” – HW

    To put it into EVEN BETTER perspective, Ukraine is WHITE.
    Mexico…. well, you know Mexico.

  8. Jeppo, your comments on Putin are right on target. My Finnish grandpa warned his kids to never trust the Russians. Your comments are sound reasons not to do that.

  9. Sorry Lew, Jeppo,

    You’re either with Victoria Nuland or you’re with Putin.

    I appreciate the concern over Asian/Muslim contamination in Russia, but is it dislike the contamination we have right here at home? Or in the EU? I will never forget going to the Eiffel Tower and seeing a bunch of black Africans mucking about; nor going into Notre Dame a few days later and seeing a black priest conduct the mass! Putin’s anti-Western bloc helps us envision an end to the New World Order, after which we can separate ourselves from the aliens around us; your “pan-Occidental” notion.

    I appreciate the concerns over “freedom”, but Hunter Wallace et al wouldn’t be sent off to the Gulags in Putin’s Russia; they would have been killed as reactionaries under the Commies. In many Western countries there are Hate Crime laws which would get any race naturalist in prison. The misfit type of white nationalist may be suppressed under Putin (and then go bitch about it on Stormfront), but guess what, they will be suppressed anywhere! Not because of their ideology, but because of their misfit lawlessness.

    It really boils down to who is angry with Putin? My enemies. Who is happy with Putin? Me. He is far from perfect but who else would respond to the West’s violation of the 1994 treaty with their subversion of Ukrainian sovereignty (for Christ’s sake IDF were killing police in Kiev man!)? They used the Olympics to hurt Putin; now his back is pretty much to the wall. I hope he wrecks them.

  10. The Russian Federation is no longer substantially poorer than Western Europe. The per capita GDP now exceeds $23,000 on a purchasing power parity basis, and in the more prosperous cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, etc.) professional salaries are now competitive with Western Europe. There are of course still substantial structural problems with the Russian economy, but on the whole considerable modernization has occurred in the past 15 years.

    Belarus isn’t doing that badly either, with a per capita GDP of around $16,000. Belarus maintained much of its Soviet planning apparatus and thus never experienced “shock therapy”. The downside is that Belarus is unlikely to ever converge with the West economically, but being a middle income country with 1% unemployment isn’t so bad.

    Ukraine is the real basket case here. It’s per capita GDP is only $7,500 and a quarter of the population is under the poverty line. It experienced the same catastrophic 1990s as Russia, but its 2000s were far less prosperous. Lacking Russia’s large foreign exchange reserves, it has suffered much more since the Lehman shock sparked the global financial crisis.

    Structurally, Ukraine’s economy is similar to Russia’s but without the oil and gas. A very heavily industrialized country, but its industrial products are largely uncompetitive on the world market. They can’t compete with Northern Europe or Japan on quality, and they can’t compete with the Chinese on price. And since the country is so divided, it seems to be impossible for a Putin-like figure to create the stability needed for serious reforms (either integration with the Russian economy, or radical devaluation and austerity and integration with the EU).

    The roots of the relative impoverishment in Eastern Europe predate the Bolshevik Revolution. The hajnal line ended in Poland, and east slavs never had a strong cultural conception or legal regime of private property. Property was communal, and capitalism was only very weakly established in the early 20th century. The Soviets successfully industrialized and educated the country (though its a myth this was their accomplishment alone, the late Russian Empire started this process), but abolishing private property and parliamentarian government entirely prevented convergence with the West.

    In the West, capitalism began strongly establishing itself as far back as the High Middle Ages!

    It will be interesting to see if Putinism succeeds in eliminating Russian backwardness once and for all.

  11. I would date the start of the financial collapse to September of 2007 when the President of Deutsche Bank USA went on CNBC and announced that he could no longer value the assets he was holding, and that the Federal Reserve was lending him money on non-US Government securities. (in violation of their charter)

    A lot of people didn’t get this, but, the smart did. Lehman Brothers and the panic started a year later in September of 2008.

  12. Very well said Afterthought.

    I am proud to be 25% Russian. I see Putin asbeib the best Russian leader since my ancestor Catherine the Great.

    He’s tough but fair with all non Ruusian Whites, protecting his explicitly Russian people in Ukraine and Crimea, same as AH did for Germans in Poland, Sudetenland , Volga Germans in Russia etc.

    Plus Puting is firm but fair with trouble making homosexuals.

    That’s about as good as it gets.

  13. I hope Americans don’t fall for the anti-Putin and anti-Russian propaganda being spewed by the US media and politicians.

    First of all, this is a problem between Ukraine and Russia; it is not our business. Second, Putin and Russia are moving to secure the Crimea–including the Black Sea Fleet naval base at Sevestapol–just as the US regime would move to secure, say, Cuba if it were in danger of falling under the sway of a major power.

    There is division within Ukraine between those who wish closer ties with a decadent West (the EU and the USA) and those, mainly Russian speakers in Ukraine, who desire closer ties with a conservative, Orthodox, anti-Muslim and anti-PC Russia.

    We Southerners, as Christian traditionalists, ought to sympathize with those in Ukraine who would object to closer ties with the USA-EU regimes simply because of what they now stand for: multiculturalism, tolerance, and diversity; anti-Christian policies from abortion to homosexuality; open borders and the demographic displacement of native Whites; an aggressive foreign policy, including war, in the name of spreading liberal democracy. On the other hand, Russia today stands against such things. That is why I cannot support the USA-EU coalition against Russia.

    I hope you’ll consider withholding your support as well.

  14. The best little EUMaidan insurgency Soros $$ can buy has certainly shlepped ‘regime change’ for Kiev in matter of days. Enter Snr US State Dept Sec for the EU – Jew Victoria [Nudelman] Nuland telling Kiev – “We want Yatz [ Rothschild widget and bankster Jew] ” Looks to me like Yatz is the point man for Jew Bank Inc in Kiev and quicker than a rat up a drainpipe he is busy, busy getting the Ukraine under IMF control. As I write, Jew Bank Inc is already rolling out a structural adjustment package (STRAP) for that sad nation – the cradle of Varingian Rus.

    The bagel has already landed in Kiev – all the advisor Jews swarming the new EU client regime are straight off the tarmac and into the capitol.

    By allowing mob violence to succeed in ousting its democratically elected president, tossing out their constitution and arresting all members of parliament belonging to Yanukovich’s party, Kiev has violated Yuri Bezmenov anti-subversion rule no 1: “never let these schmucks bring the nation to crisis”. And now they are set to drag NATO into it. That was probably the plan all along.

    Vladimir, now with boots on the ground in Crimea, does not take orders from Nudelman, but she has given Yatz his script. All the advisor, minder, helper, fix-it, bankster Jews around Yatz are there to STRAP down Ukraine and to poke the Bear. The Crown ultimately controls the axis of this conflict and the world is on the brink of financial chaos and war. I guess that about covers it.

  15. Afterthought, But Putin is not building an alternative to the US-led NWO so much as a Russian-Asian centered variant of it.

  16. Obama didn’t need to be elected. It’s one thing having them around, quite another having them elected to the executive.

  17. Re: Thorfinnsson, March 2, 2014 at 7:02 pm.

    Where did you copy this garbage from? It couldn’t be in your head.

    The Russian Federation is no longer substantially poorer than Western Europe.

    Germany, Greece or averaged?

    The per capita GDP now exceeds $23,000 on a purchasing power parity basis

    Do you realize that these numbers are not producible in principle in the huge, corrupt, shadow economics’ Russia (or Ukraine)?

    What’s “purchasing power parity”? Do you realize that the cost of life in Moscow is one of the highest the world?

    and in the more prosperous cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, etc.)

    Do you realize that Kazan is the Center of Islam in Russia — the capital of Tatarstan sitting on the huge oil and gas resources?

    What “etc” more prosperous cities in Russia do you know?

    And so on. “Lies, damn lies and statistics”. You have no clue what you are talking about — just pasting “statistics” from somewhere.

    Ukraine is the real basket case here. It’s per capita GDP is only $7,500 and a quarter of the population is under the poverty line.


    This is a good stuff to read, fresh from March 1st, 2014:

    In particular:

    Ukraine has a per capital income of $3,300 per year, about the same as Egypt and Syria, and less than a tenth of the European average.

    It will be interesting to see if Putinism succeeds in eliminating Russian backwardness once and for all.

    Waiting to see — for how long?.. For what purpose? Are you a scientist?

    The only useful outcome of these amateur foreign experts’ discussions is the hopeful destruction of the myth that Putin and the “White, Christian Russia” will be the savior of the oppressed white American people. Forget about it — rather work on educating yourself, helping others to discover the truth, donate to really effective thought centers like VDare and contribute to building the voting block that will allow the whites to slow down their slide into the political irrelevance. (Search for “GAP” at VDare.)

    Making Putin the American White’s token ideal won’t help the possibly real future GAP. And the GAP is likelier than the South breaking away from the Union and walking free.

  18. All Putin is doing is making sure that the Russian population inside the borders of Ukraine are looked after.

    If Mexico had a coup and a sizable number of Americans were actually residents there, I’d expect the US to get very sensitive about a coup directed at the Gringo collective. The Ukrainians are not likely to treat them very well. Putin would be negligent if he abandoned his own folk.

    This is Russia’s Sudetenland in many ways.

  19. Jack Ryan, on March 2, 2014 at 9:41 pm:

    I am proud to be 25% Russian. I see Putin asbeib the best Russian leader since my ancestor Catherine the Great.

    Not Alexander II the Liberator? (Ah, it’s not uncommon for “proud Russians” to be unfamiliar with the Russian history.)

  20. You don’t have to drill very far on to find a lot of hand-wringing over “nazis.” Russia’s most visible English-language media repeats jewish memes verbatim. Maybe we should take the hint…

  21. If you look at the Hasbarat infected site isteve you quickly realize which voices are anti Russian and absurdly pro Ukrainian. by your friends shall you be known.

  22. Lew, you have to ask what that means for us.

    I want America to split along ethnic lines; the strife in Kiev the past few months was like a miniature 1960s with the same New World Order Jews calling the shots and dumb goyim falling for it. (research Bernard Henri Levy)

    Putin’s response is what we hope to do here in America, break off what we can and move forward while the other part of the old nations collapses under its own economic weight. If we elect to retake the bantustans of NYC and Detroit in the far distant future, we may.

    Putin provides a necessary counterweight to the New World Order, without which they could EASILY run the board. Putin’s major failure, in my opinion, is in courting the Jewish West at all. Yes, he could become more supportive of the white resistance in the West, and perhaps he will, know that he knows that no matter how many curling matches he hosts, he is Amalek to the Jews.

    In my tour of various opinion outlets of the right, I tried to understand why I was seeing the idiocy I was seeing.

    For the Free Republic and the Fox news crowd, they look at this as a way to embarrass Obama (as if he cared) blind to the fact that they can never win an election as long as they alienate young whites with hawkish neocon nonsense.

    In the white nationalist sphere, there are so many ethnicity-first people who cannot see past being Polish or Ukrainian and their complex history with Russia etc to understand that those distinctions don’t matter in a world of white genocide; we hang together against the Jews, or we hang separately.

    The antiPutin is 2014’s Romney supporter.

    You’re either with Putin and Crimea or you’re with Victoria Nuland and “Yats”.

    Soon the Ukrainians will wake up to their nation swiftly ruined by “Yats” and his Jew puppet masters and they will lurch away from them. A double coup for Putin.

  23. Plekhanov; I searched for “GAP” at VDare, and this is what I got:

    Gender Gap 8 points, but Marriage Gap 21 points

    … or some of the other sites. As usual, NBC has the Gender Gap as the 1st question displayed: Gender Category Obama … 44 53 while the Marriage Gap is the 62nd question: Are you currently married? …

    Blog Post – Steve Sailer – 12/19/13 – 0 comments
    Race/ IQ Explanation Gap At “Achievement Gap Summit”

    … The black-white achievement gap continues to baffle America’s best minds . Just … being treated to the “Achievement Gap Summit,” a conference in Sacramento, California … Jack O’Connell and the Achievement Gap crowd ought to listen up, too. Ever since …

    Article – Jared Taylor – 12/04/13 – 0 comments
    The IQ Gap, The “Test Gap”, And Jack O’Connell

    … white teachers contribute to the racial gap in educational achievement by imposing excessively strict … O’Connell’s bullying ” Achievement Gap Summit ” held last week for 4,000 attendees in Sacramento. But … said. “The achievement gap is ‘ absolutely, positively not genetic ,’ O’Connell said.’All …

    Article – Steve Sailer – 12/04/13 – 0 comments

    Can you quit being obscurantist and explain GAP?

  24. Lynda; you are dead on.

    Now let me ask you a follow up: with the case so cut-and-dry, including the leaked phone conversation of ArchJewess Nuland, what are we to make of antiPutinism in pro-white circles? Latent national grievances? Stupidity? Or something far more sinister?

    I am truly sad for the people of the Ukraine, perhaps they don’t realize that the Soviet Oppression was Jewish in origin and not Russian? Now they know, I reckon, after seeing what Lenin II “Yats” has in store for them.

  25. Very well said Michael Hill.

    I was a tad disappointed Souhern traditionalists/nationalists didn’t do more to oppose the US war against Serbia to do .. What?

    Create a Muslim Albanuan Turko state in Central Europe.


  26. An anti-Russian Estonian has checked in with this intriguing comment:

    Moscow knows – and so does the West but it is not willing to admit it even to itself – that Western civilization in its decadence has reached the final stage of its degradation where only money and comfort count. Careerists and anglers, who are able to navigate the ship only in good weather, have risen to the top during decades of inert existence. They will lose their heads in a storm, and can only utter banalities and behave accordingly.

    Oswald Spengler in his “The Decline of the West” predicted more than correctly that money will bring down Western democracy (that is exactly what has already happened), and then the power of money will be conquered by force. Europe, fighting for the rainbow flag and gender quotas, is a complete impotent in that respect; the United States, on the other hand, when considering intervening, is thinking about moves of a broader global game and must inevitably take into account that average Americans do not have a clue where someplace called Crimea is located. Moreover, the United States is tired of the problems of the rest of the world and wants to take a rest. And we do not know whether it intends to wake up and do something if a small country like Estonia screams for help at some point

    Prepared to Die: The Right Wing’s Role in Ukrainian Protests (includes the Mila Kunis Question)

  27. Afterthought, on March 3, 2014 at 12:53 am:

    Can you quit being obscurantist and explain GAP?

    Sorry, Afterthought, I didn’t mean being obscurantist here: I thought that “the GAP” would be familiar to the readers of this site — I’ve seen it mentioned often at over the last year. Here are the two pointers I found with a search now:

    Rand Paul To GOP: Capitulate! (My Billionaire Friends Insist.) By Patrick Cleburne on February 16, 2014 at 12:58pm

    In other words the GOP needs to be the GAP (Generic American Party).

    GOP Or GAP? Peter Brimelow Speaks To Thomas Jefferson Club By Peter Brimelow on April 9, 2011 at 12:00am

    Incidentally, in my talk I use the term “Generic American Party” or “GAP” to make the point that while the Republican Party, or GOP, currently receives the overwhelming default mode support of the historic American nation, there’s nothing fixed about this—the GOP is certainly doing nothing to deserve it and may one day be displaced (or taken over) by a more explicit movement. I keep meaning to write this idea up but of course never have time.

  28. Lew said:

    “You don’t have to drill very far on to find a lot of hand-wringing over “nazis.” Russia’s most visible English-language media repeats jewish memes verbatim. Maybe we should take the hint…”

    I don’t get your angle on this.

  29. Slight divergence from main topic of the crisis and political ramifications.

    Despite the pronouncements made be some, Russia still sucks to put it bluntly.

    Her standard of living lags far behind the West.

    I can’t recall purchasing a single item, whether autos, appliances, computers , household items, food or clothing that was made in post Soviet Russia.

    I remember watching a documentary about the great Russian wrestler Alexander Karelin made during the 2000 Olympics.

    He was a national hero and was enjoying the perks of his celebrity status.

    He told the interviewer that he was finally able to obtain a refrigerator for his 8th floor apartment, which was cramped, ugly and broken down.

    He was on a long waiting list for the apartment and refrigerator.

    He was so excited that he personally went to the distribution center and hauled it away through the streets on his back, carrying it up the steps by himself.

    He was 6’4 ‘ tall and nearly 300 lbs of muscle.

    The Commie juggernaut sent from hell itself made life miserable for those unfortunate countries and souls ensnared behind the Iron-Curtain.

    The cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima have been rebuilt and are prospering after being NUKED in 1945.

    It would appear that radiation is less destructive to humans and civilization than the Red Plague.

    However, I’m sure ex- KGB operatives like Putin, government officials, Oligarchs and the Chosen are doing rather well in Mother Russia.

  30. ” I see Putin asbeib the best Russian leader since my ancestor Catherine the Great.”

    Dalton, you do know that russians consider Peter and Catherine not to be ‘great’, but to be Western upstarts who really srewed up the Russian civilization, even as they built St. Petersburg?

    As far as royalty is concerned, my mother’s side claimed Mary, Queen of Scots. But I’m not proud of that fact. I see it rather as a silly woman thinking she was the equal of a man. I find Elizabeth the First a far better model for a woman monarch, frankly.

  31. Lew, on March 2, 2014 at 10:49 pm

    But Putin is not building an alternative to the US-led NWO so much as a Russian-Asian centered variant of it.

    He is mostly opposing and covering rather than building anything.

    People here don’t understand the Russians’ mentality. The USA — and this includes the USA South, whom the Russian popular opinion considers to be the American retards (“villagers”), are despised by most white Russians. At the same time, Obama is more cool in a Russian’s mind than he is in the USA, where he can be seen and understood first hand. Obama would probably win a (free and fair) President of Russia’s election over the USA South’s hero Putin in a landslide (especially because Obama is perceived to be a liberal and educated anti-traditional-aggressive-American leader.)

    The Putin’s admirers here have no freaking idea what a Russian is and how his collective mind operates on his own territory. Therefore, fantasizing themselves to the total annihilation. Not that unusual, if you think about 1930-40s.

    Lew on March 3, 2014 at 12:26 am: … Russia’s most visible English-language media repeats jewish memes verbatim. Maybe we should take the hint


    (A non-Russian) Born in Southern Russia, she began her journalism career in her native town at the age of 18, after spending a year as a student in Bristol, NH, USA.

    (A non-Russian)

    Afterthought, on March 3, 2014 at 12:50 am:

    Yes, he could become more supportive of the white resistance in the West, and perhaps he will

    Why would he want that? Does he even know about “the white resistance”? And where is it?

    we hang together

    It’s a dream: the Russians will never hang together with Americans. With Germans, perhaps. Both despise America — not “Obama’s America”, the “America”. Deservedly or not.

    You’re either with Putin and Crimea or you’re with Victoria Nuland and “Yats”.

    Non-sense, both in the assumption of the unbreakable bond “Putin and Crimea” and in putting forth a false dichotomy here. One can be “neither”.

  32. I agree that if a party was to serve middle America well; it would do well at the polls. The problem is that they won’t be allowed to do that.

    The changes the GOP would have to make is to quit being war mongers and pursue a realist foriegn policy; and to be less for the rich and more for the middle class. Jews would not benefit so it won’t happen.

  33. What is very sad in Ukraine is that slavs – whites – will be killing other slavs to preserve or extend jewish privilege. It’s incredible that the Ukrainian nationalists allowed themselves to be so used by EU/American (United States of Zion) jews. Who was behind the Holomodor?

    An element of white russians, just like white europeans and americans, sell out and partner with the jews in their oppression of the white ukrainians. But the majority of whites in both ‘countries’ suffer under jewish hegemony.

    So who let these people in? The european elites did. A jewish scholar I know (the only fully honest one that is) thinks Josephus got it wrong. No 95,000 jews were abducted and enslaved by the Romans. It was more like 30-40 troublestarters max.

    Since the jews were noted to be literate, non-european and militantly xenophobic, they made the best pencil-pushing usuring mercantile class as they could be contained, and thus wouldn’t spread literacy among the european peasant masses, whose literacy the Church forbade and repressed through torture and capital punishment. The jews loved the arrangement as it guaranteed them privilege, for little work.

    I believe the advent of Zionism stems from the realization in the jews that the rise of literacy and industrialization and democratization of education would deny them their birthrate as The Chosen. Jews could not remain such in an even semi-merit-based society. So they had to rig the playing field against the europeans and foment a proxy race war against us through the Negroes, Hispanics, etc. Then they started with the gays. Ever wonder what the driving force behind this trans-psychosis is? Even gays have a limit on what they’re after. Each phase of the Frankfurt implementation plan unfolds a new frontier of anti-white. Apparently I’m oppressing some Y who thinks he’s an X. Rest assured that trans-mania is a trans-parent smokescreen for anti-white. Within about two minutes of the average trans-it blabbing about cis-privilege (I think that stands for ‘natural’ male or female) it is babbling on about White Privilege.

    The gays aren’t that bizarre ultimately and it’s a trap set for Whites to think they are. Most just want a life of decent respect, and have been manipulated into thinking this equates to ‘marriage.’

    Slav against slav, anglo against celt. South v. North, straight v. gay, humanity versus self mutilators.

    The jew always wins. The only way to salvage european civilization is to expel him.

  34. Mosin Nagant, on March 3, 2014 at 2:12 am: Any thoughts on similarities to Venezuela?

    Similar: people there and there, violence there and there.

    Should we also discuss Hungary 1956 here? I noticed your habit, Mosin, to lead most conversations sideways just as they begin to have some content. Please stop it if you are well intended. And don’t reply me, don’t waste the thread’s space — your comments are all over this site already, making it hard to read.

  35. Plekhanov, if you’ve never heard of purchasing power parity maybe you should just shut up right now.

  36. ““To put this in perspective, Ukraine is poorer than Mexico.” – HW” – were the Ukraine on our border, and Mexico on Russia’s border, I think the situation would be somewhat reversed.

  37. NYYankees, on March 3, 2014 at 3:30 am:

    What is very sad in Ukraine is that slavs – whites – will be killing other slavs

    They have been doing just that all the time: most recently the snipers in Kiev.

    You are overestimating the inter-slavic mutual love. Poles, Ukrainians and Russians have been killing each other for centuries. You will have a hard time finding a Pole loving Ukrainians or Russians.

    to preserve or extend jewish privilege.

    … and don’t mix in Jews here. It was all happening without them driving the process.

    … The jew always wins. The only way to salvage european civilization is to expel him.

    I am beginning to doubt your sanity NYYankees, sorry to say that.

  38. Afterthought, on March 3, 2014 at 3:17 am:

    I agree that if a party was to serve middle America well; it would do well at the polls. The problem is that they won’t be allowed to do that.

    I don’t see a better, more promising option than the GAP. Definitely not in Putin saving me, and not in the South walking away from the Union. As VDare writers noted, we have very little time (for the GAP) but we still have it.

    There is some hope for me in watching what’s going on in Europe — not in Russia. Various elections there this year may stimulate some change of mood in the USA.

    The changes the GOP would have to make is to quit being war mongers and pursue a realist foriegn policy; and to be less for the rich and more for the middle class.

    Right, that’s what Peter Brimelow talks about. He is very smart, brave and practical.

    Jews would not benefit so it won’t happen.

    They will benefit — this kind of stuff should be brought in front of their eyes, over and over:

    rather than the anti-Jew gibberish so prevalent at this site. Jews should be converted into your allies, because the Third World environment will wipe them out, too. Jews are good at detecting where the dangers are; turning their attitude in your favor requires a radical change in the rhetoric.

    Russians (in Russia) are living among Jews all right, while they cannot live well with many other ethnic groups. And — a rare case — I don’t blame Russians for the latter.

    Co-existing with Jews is an easier job than the non-fictional alternatives available to you.

  39. Silver on, March 3, 2014 at 4:12 am:

    Plekhanov, if you’ve never heard of purchasing power parity maybe you should just shut up right now.

    Silver, this is my first and last response to you (since I know who you are from your many past comments at OD):

    You can’t read and your comments suck. Please keep talking — it’ll be confirming my view of you every time you open your mouth.

    Have a good day now.

  40. Fr. John, It was Jack Ryan who claimed Czaress Catherine as his ancestor. I claim, as a result of genetic testing, King Niall of the Nine Hostages, the founder of Clan O’Neil, as my royal ancestor.

  41. Plekhanov, this is my reply to your order not to reply: You have just posted three comments to my two, out of the last forty-one recent comments, containing many more words than mine — and since the regime change effort underway in Venezuela is similar, and related to the regime change in Ukraine, mentioning it here is NOT out of order.

  42. Plekhanov, thanks for explaining ‘GAP’: ‘In other words the GOP needs to be the GAP (Generic American Party). GOP Or GAP? Peter Brimelow Speaks To Thomas Jefferson Club By Peter Brimelow on April 9, 2011 at 12:00am Incidentally, in my talk I use the term “Generic American Party” or “GAP” to make the point that while the Republican Party, or GOP, currently receives the overwhelming default mode support of the historic American nation, there’s nothing fixed about this—the GOP is certainly doing nothing to deserve it and may one day be displaced (or taken over) by a more explicit movement. I keep meaning to write this idea up but of course never have time’:

    I was there. I remember that talk.

  43. “People here don’t understand the Russians’ mentality. The USA — and this includes the USA South, whom the Russian popular opinion considers to be the American retards (“villagers”), are despised by most white Russians. At the same time, Obama is more cool in a Russian’s mind than he is in the USA, where he can be seen and understood first hand. Obama would probably win a (free and fair) President of Russia’s election over the USA South’s hero Putin in a landslide (especially because Obama is perceived to be a liberal and educated anti-traditional-aggressive-American leader.)”

    Know anything about this?

    One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. It’s time to tell a chunk of that story, complete with the relevant documents.

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