Live Thread: Ukraine Crisis


Here are my thoughts on the Ukraine crisis:

1.) None of our business – The geopolitical showdown in Ukraine between the US/NATO and Russia is none of our business, but the usual neocon warmongers like John McCain, as in Libya, Iraq, and Syria, were reliably on the ground, meddling in the situation, and inciting the Ukrainians to overthrow to overthrow the democratically elected pro-Russian Yanukovych government.

2.) US/NATO Policy – In 2005, Western favorite Victor Yushchenko was installed as President of Ukraine following the 2004 Orange Revolution, which was backed by the US State Department, the National Democratic Institute, the International Republican Institute, Freedom House, USAID, and George Soros’ Open Society Institute. In 2010, the pro-Western Yuschenko was succeeded by his 2004 rival, pro-Russian Victor Yanukovych, who was overthrown last month in the Maidan protests.

In other words, the US has been trying for years now to aggressively expand NATO and the European Union up to the borders of Russia. The smokescreen of “democracy” has been invoked to install pro-Western lackeys in power in states like Ukraine and Georgia, but the US was happy to support the violent overthrow of “democracy” when it produced the Yanukovych regime which tilted toward Russia.

3.) Global RISK  – Russia has responded to the fall of the Yanukovych government in Ukraine in exactly the same way that the Kennedy administration responded to the pro-Soviet Castro regime in Cuba.

During the Cold War, the US tried and failed to overthrow the Cuban government, but succeeded in overthrowing the governments of Guatemala in 1954 and Grenada in 1983. Among other places, the US meddled in Suriname, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and El Salvador to protect its interests from Soviet encroachment.

The important point here is that the US acts in the same way as Russia to preserve its hegemony in what it considers its own backyard.

4.) Vital Interests – Insofar as Southern Nationalists have any vital interest at stake in this conflict between Ukraine and Russia, it is staying out of it and hoping that the US Empire is undermined closer to home as a result of it.

5.) Ukraine and Russia – Ukraine and Russia should be left alone to sort out their own problems in their own part of the world – the Ukrainians have legitimate nationalist aspirations and economic grievances, and Russians have legitimate reasons to be concerned about US and EU intrigue on their border.

6.) The GOP – In their eagerness to condemn Obama’s “weak foreign policy,” the Republicans have only shown they are more unfit to govern than the Democrats. If John McCain were president, World War III would be underway by now.

7.) Vladimir Putin – Vladimir Putin has been romanticized by White Nationalists and is not the figure that some people have made him out to be. I’ve enjoyed his rhetorical swipes at Western degeneracy as much as anyone else, but I am always left wondering whether this is a sincere conviction or just more KGB geopolitical posturing.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Putin is defending his hold on Crimea by not rushing to take eastern ukraine, the west has been told if they push too far, the price will be more land grabs. The rest will be done electorally as the usurper government in kiev collapses. China is on board and the russian central bank has sold gold to stimie a panic. The olympics turned out to be a folly, but putin is making the most of the situation.

  2. plekhanov, desperately denouncing someone as insane does nothing to further an argument. And for the record, sanity is defined by whether one can grasp concrete, material reality. Interpersonal ‘relational’ reality is always subjective. Authentic mental illness always features psychosis – the inability to recognize physical reality. Some manic depressive thinks he’s Thomas Jefferson during his mania; a schizophrenic hears voices that aren’t there, etc.

    It’s a very simply threshold one makes or doesn’t. The reality is that the Ukrainian ‘revolution’ was funded by the jews in the US and their zionist lackeys here. There is abundant evidence to prove this. Same is true for the ‘gender rights’ movement in it’s latest incarnation as ‘trans rights.’

    You also conveniently delete my recognition of the fact that there has always been inter-tribal tensions between northwestern europeans, slavs, etc. Of course there have been and always will be. And of course I know the Poles hate the Russians. I come from the NYC metropolitan area and have a history degree.

    I don’t doubt your ‘sanity’ to rebut your somewhat pathetic and transparent attempt to impugn mine; I think you either lack character or have some emotional or exigentially-compromised perspective which prevents you from countenancing the truth. The jews went in to Europe (this is fact) at the invitation of the european aristocracy with the intent of sucking off the european peasants. Throughout the medieval period and even well into the Enlightenment, the jewish and european hierarchies battled over who would wield ultimate control over a transforming society.

    If you find these easily proven assertions (like that the jews went into Europe not to carry themselves but to suck off the peasants’ labor, or that they in fact do not have higher IQ’s ‘innately’ than europeans to explain for their ‘success’) and the interpretations and conclusions I make from them ‘insane,’ you’re kind of admitting you’ve lost the argument.

    The jews as a people won the struggle. They are the wealthiest ethnicity in the US per capita and while their ‘adaptive group strategizing’ has enriched a very discreet element of Whites, the majority have been dispossessed and as a group we face a looming genocide.

    If you’re in this for the elite and wealthy, perhaps that accounts for your perception that I am not ‘sane,’ and my sense that you may be a cowardly parasite. Any Whites who cannot carry themselves are not in my view wholly White.

  3. @plekhanov RE March 2, 2014 at 11:43 pm

    Where did you copy this garbage from? It couldn’t be in your head.

    I had a rough idea, but the specific figures are the purchasing power parity adjusted per capita GDP figures from the World Bank.

    Germany, Greece or averaged?

    Germany’s per capita GDP is $41,200. Greece is $24,300.

    Do you realize that these numbers are not producible in principle in the huge, corrupt, shadow economics’ Russia (or Ukraine)?

    Why not? Economists can and do make estimates of black market transactions frequently, and reproducible international surveys exist to give us an idea of the amount of bribery. And if anything a large black market means GDP is understated.

    What’s “purchasing power parity”? Do you realize that the cost of life in Moscow is one of the highest the world?

    Purchasing power parity is a statistical technique which adjusts economic output by local price levels rather than exchange rates. It gives a better picture a country’s true standard of living given widely different price levels for goods and services across countries.

    The cost of living in Moscow is indeed high, but it’s specifically one of the highest in the world for expats. Moscow is also only 8% of Russia’s total population (though presumably a disproportionate share of Russia’s economic output).

    Do you realize that Kazan is the Center of Islam in Russia — the capital of Tatarstan sitting on the huge oil and gas resources?

    Yes, and this is 100% irrelevant.

    What “etc” more prosperous cities in Russia do you know?

    Why is this important? What point are you trying to make? If the thread were about the United States, would you find listing only Washington, San Francisco, and Houston as unsatisfactory?

    And so on. “Lies, damn lies and statistics”. You have no clue what you are talking about — just pasting “statistics” from somewhere.

    The statistics I’ve posted are compiled by the World Bank, who apply similar methodology to all countries. Naturally the figures are not–and cannot be–100% accurate, but they give us an valid basis for cross-country comparisons.

    You’re trying to make ignorance of economic data into some sort of noble cause and relying on vague cultural preconceptions.


    This is a good stuff to read, fresh from March 1st, 2014:

    In particular:

    Ukraine has a per capital income of $3,300 per year, about the same as Egypt and Syria, and less than a tenth of the European average.

    Your source for economic data for Ukraine is a columnist, which suggests to me you don’t even know where to begin in doing comparative economic research. Not that there is anything wrong with Spengler in general.

    The problem is that in this case Spengler has used the nominal GDP per capita of Ukraine, which does not take into account the local price level. It is not a useful metric of a country’s actual standard of living and level of production. Egypt and Syria in turn have PPP GDP per capitas about twice their nominal level, making the real fraction one-fifth of the European average.

    Waiting to see — for how long?.. For what purpose? Are you a scientist?

    I’ll be waiting until it happens–or it doesn’t. The purpose is pleasure, though it’s also relevant from an investing standpoint. Russian equities are valued at far lower multiples of their earnings (or book value for that matter) than Western ones. A change in perceptions would lead to a huge increase in their prices. My profession is irrelevant to this discussion, but I am a businessman.

    The only useful outcome of these amateur foreign experts’ discussions is the hopeful destruction of the myth that Putin and the “White, Christian Russia” will be the savior of the oppressed white American people. Forget about it — rather work on educating yourself, helping others to discover the truth, donate to really effective thought centers like VDare and contribute to building the voting block that will allow the whites to slow down their slide into the political irrelevance. (Search for “GAP” at VDare.)

    Making Putin the American White’s token ideal won’t help the possibly real future GAP. And the GAP is likelier than the South breaking away from the Union and walking free.

    This has nothing to do with my original remarks at all and rather furthers your pet project. I suspect “GAP” is an abbreviation for “Generic American Party”, the pet project of turning the GOP into a soft WN party. Whatever. Your education seems too narrowly focused as evidenced by your embarrassing venture into economics.

  4. In other good news Russian Nationalist Biker club/gang has moved in to the Crimea.

    “The Night Wolves”

    Biker Clubs have proven to be the best almost White Nationalist irregular fighting force in the post World War II.

    We simply can’t organize and keep out of jail open White Nationalist Outhern Nationalist organizations that have any “fight ” look or act.

    But biker clubs are usually all White they do group activities and they have the right mix of being tough, not too pro system.

    I liked when the Texas biker club ran off the invading Black Panthers when they tried to intimidate a White community standing up for a neighbor that shot Non White home invaders.

  5. The problem is that in this case Spengler has used the nominal GDP per capita

    It’s more accurate to say that the problem is his citing GDP at exchange rates.

  6. I am supporting the GOP in the 2014 Congressional Elections because I see some check on the Democrats as helpful; but truth be told, I despise the apparatchiks of the Republican Party.

    McCain is among the more vocal offenders, but it is a disease that permeates the American Right and makes losing to the cultural Marxists more likely than not.

    What is my beef with them?

    The warmongering.

    They want to score points against Obama for “weakness”; who are they scoring points with? The average white? Certainly not? Rich neocon thieves, Jewish and otherwise? Sure.

    The cynicism. These people want to make an enemy of one of the great statesmen (if not the only one) of the 21st Century, Vladimir Putin. They want to harass and provoke Russia, despite the fact that the Russian people were the primary victims of Jewish Communism and should be seen as allies towards a world of traditional values, national sovereignty, and private property. Recall Romney identifying Russia as our number one geostrategic threat. I think it is non-white immigration into white countries. See the difference?

    Likewise they want to mix things up with Muslims (while calling for such inanities as visas for Syrians and Afghanis and Iraqis…). If Muslims stay in their own lands, they should also be seen as allies towards traditional values, national sovereignty, and private property.

    Some have expressed dismay and fatigue over the naming of the Jew. Well, I’m sorry, but you cannot cure the disease with out the proper diagnosis. Probably some of the Jews in America are “conservative”, could they be reached? Could they be persuaded to subordinate themselves to the broader white agenda and not be disloyal? Possibly. But most are anti-white to the core.

    I remember one Jewish Professor of mine quipping to me that he “didn’t like white music” after I made some remark about the Beach Boys. At the time I wasn’t hostile to Jews nor any part of a white separatist, but that remark stuck in my craw. He would have been fired for a similar remark about black music. I remembered how he was trying to explain that to me when I expressed incredulity only digging the divide deeper between us. That person can’t be reached.

    I can’t even say that I hate Jews, because I don’t. I hate anti-whites. If a Jew is pro-White and will take up the struggle against anti-white Jews, I will gladly welcome that person. I recall the Interior Minster of Israel yelling at some dark-skinned proles “this country (Israel) belongs to the white man!” If the white Jew realizes that white genocide includes them, then we can do business.


    The self-proclaimed government in Kiev has appointed two of Ukraine’s richest men to govern large industrial regions in the defiant east. One of the reasons for the Maidan protest was the influence the rich have on politics in the country. …

    The newly-appointed Dnepropetrovsk governor is Igor Kolomoysky, Ukraine’s third-wealthiest man, with an estimated fortune of $2.4 billion. He co-owns the informal commercial group Privat, which includes Ukraine’s largest bank Privatbank, which Kolomoysky heads, as well as assets in the oil, ferroalloys and food industries, agriculture and transport.

    A former ally of Yulia Tymoshenko, Kolomoysky reportedly had a falling out with her and refused to finance her election campaign in 2010, which the ex-prime minister subsequently lost to Yanukovich. Kolomoysky was reported to be a principal sponsor of the UDAR party, which is one of the three fueling the street campaign to oust Yanukovich. Kolomoysky has a dual Ukrainian-Israeli citizenship and controls his business empire from Switzerland. …

  8. Mr Putin has me & my peoples much more to heart than Mr O & his gang of Chicongo T’ugs. Mr Putin isn’t the one cramming queertum down the worlds throat. Mr Putin upholds traditional western values & traditions. Mr O seeks to destroy all the old values & traditions & replace them with perversion & 1984. If Mr O, the prime pussy, actually
    does pick a fight over Ukraine, it’ll only be because he can kill lots & lots of white folks. In case nobody noticed, their is a slow rolling (but building) white genocide going on here in the USSA carrying out by Mr O’s unofficial “internal security force” aka black street gangs & thugs, everyone of who is fully financially supported by USG programs & handout.

    For all the whiners who squeal about Mr Putin being tough, anti-human-rights & so on,
    the record speaks for itself. Mr O is Oppressor #1 & bullies anyone he perceives as weak
    especially here in the USSA. Mr O is the one with NSA all over his own people. Mr O is
    the one who seeks to suppress the Press. At this point, Russia is much more free in the
    traditional liberal sense than the USSA

    The fight in Ukraine seems to be between Jewish interests & neo-Nazi forces. I stand
    with the Nazi’s in Ukraine & Mr Putin in Russian. Like it or not, the reresurrected Russia is the champion of western civilization & the white race.

    Of course, lol, if it came down to neo-Nazi’s vs Mr Putin, I’ll stand with the Nazi’s. The world has never needed National Socialism more than it does today.

    /H hypie out H\

  9. When/If the “Ukrainian Nationalists” want to rid them selves of the IMF/EU/World Bank, to whom will they turn for help?

    None other than Putin!

    For no one in the West will stand idly by while they displace the Jewish Bankers.

    Putin will gladly help them.

    The irony here is thick. The lesson? Lesser Nationalism is hopeless against the New World Order with out international cooperation.

  10. Another interesting little tidbit about the Ukraine is that they are on the diversity visa lottery list, so if any of Igor’s pals have to bail to America yesterday, the door is open.

  11. I noticed that some sites I’d been increasingly interested in like isteve are currently wall to wall pro-putsch in Ukraine.

  12. ugh.. couldn’t take over 3mins of this…
    the jews don’t have an interest in anything that doesn’t benefit them.

  13. I would also call into question the half-life of the revolutionary regime.

    All this to (so we are told) hasten the exit of Yanukovich in 2014 rather than 2015?

  14. Hunter Wallace says:

    ‘The self-proclaimed government in Kiev has appointed two of Ukraine’s richest men to govern large industrial regions in the defiant east. One of the reasons for the Maidan protest was the influence the rich have on politics in the country. …Kolomoysky has a dual Ukrainian-Israeli citizenship and controls his business empire from Switzerland. …’

    Some revolution, eh?

    I’m thinkin’ when all the smoke clears Hymie will have even more loot and power than before.

  15. “Afterthought says:
    March 3, 2014 at 11:48 am
    Putin is defending his hold on Crimea by not rushing to take eastern ukraine, the west has been told if they push too far, the price will be more land grabs. The rest will be done electorally as the usurper government in kiev collapses. China is on board and the russian central bank has sold gold to stimie a panic. The olympics turned out to be a folly, but putin is making the most of the situation.”

    How were the Olympics a “folly”?

    No terrorism, excellent sports, Russia looks good, stable, opening ceremonies beautiful. Pussy Riot tries the only political protest, Cossacks whip them, Putin looked great. oK, Russian Hockey team lost at home to Finland, but Russia did well in the total medal count.

    Looked good to me…

    Especially women’s biathlon.

  16. Three days ago on this very thread I predicted: “This looks like a no-win situation for Putin and the Russians. They have nothing to gain and everything to lose.” Now Time magazine weighs in:

    At home, this intervention looks to be the one of the most unpopular decisions Putin has ever made. The Kremlin’s own pollster released a survey on Monday that showed 73% of Russians reject it. In phrasing its question to 1600 respondents across the country, the state-funded sociologists at WCIOM were clearly trying to get as much support for the intervention as possible: “Should Russia react to the overthrow of the legally elected authorities in Ukraine?” they asked. Only 15% said yes – hardly a national consensus.

    Just like Americans rejected Obama’s attempt to start a war with Syria, the Russian people want nothing to do with Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. 73% to 15% against the war, it doesn’t get much more lopsided than that.

    The 2008 invasion of Georgia had much broader support, because Georgia is not Ukraine. Ukraine is a nation of Slavs with deep cultural and historical ties to Russia. Most Russians have at least some family or friends living in Ukraine, and the idea of a fratricidal war between the two largest Slavic nations in the world evokes a kind of horror that no Kremlin whitewash can calm.

    Exactly. This white-on-white, Slav-on-Slav violence perpetrated by Putin rightfully horrifies all right-thinking Russians. It should disgust all pro-white people everywhere.

    The economic impact on Russia is already staggering. When markets opened on Monday morning, investors got their first chance to react to the Russian intervention in Ukraine over the weekend, and as a result, the key Russian stock indexes tanked by more than 10%. That amounts to almost $60 billion in stock value wiped out in the course of a day, more than Russia spent preparing for last month’s Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. The state-controlled natural gas monopoly Gazprom, which accounts for roughly a quarter of Russian tax revenues, lost $15 billion in market value in one day – incidentally the same amount of money Russia promised to the teetering regime in Ukraine in December and then revoked in January as the revolution took hold.

    In one single day Putin has disappeared $60 billion of Russian investors money. This in an already poor country. What will happen tomorrow? How do you say “sell, sell, sell!!!” in Russian?

    The value of the Russian currency meanwhile dropped against the dollar to its lowest point on record, and the Russian central bank spent $10 billion on the foreign exchange markets trying to prop it up. “This has to fundamentally change the way investors and ratings agencies view Russia,” said Timothy Ash, head of emerging market research at Standard Bank. At a time when Russia’s economic growth was already stagnating, “This latest military adventure will increase capital flight, weaken Russian asset prices, slow investment and economic activity and growth. Western financial sanctions on Russia will hurt further,” Ash told the Wall Street Journal.

    I hope no one here is holding any rubles in their portfolios. Putin is simultaneously destroying Russia’s stock market and its currency. I’m sure the Russian people will be perfectly happy to go back to living on black bread and gruel, just like in the good old days under Brezhnev.

    Even Russia’s closest allies want no part of this. The oil-rich state of Kazakhstan, the most important member of every regional alliance Russia has going in the former Soviet space, put out a damning statement on Monday, marking the first time its leaders have ever turned against Russia on such a major strategic issue: “Kazakhstan expresses deep concern over the developments in Ukraine,” the Foreign Ministry said. “Kazakhstan calls on all sides to stop the use of force in the resolution of this situation.”

    A few days ago Kazakhstan was just another obedient client state of Moscow. Now Putin’s unnecessary war has alienated Russia’s most strategically situated ally. Will he invade them next?

    China, which has long been Russia’s silent partner on all issues of global security from Syria to Iran, has also issued cautious statements regarding Russia’s actions in Ukraine. “It is China’s long-standing position not to interfere in others’ internal affairs,” the Foreign Ministry reportedly said in a statement on Sunday. “We respect the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.”

    Sorry, Afterthought, but China is *not* on board with Putin on this. They can’t get much clearer than stating that they respect the “territorial integrity of Ukraine.” The Chinese are saying that Crimea belongs to Ukraine, not Russia.

    So in the course of one weekend, Putin has spooked all of the countries he wanted to include in his grand Eurasian Union, the bloc of nations he hoped would make Russia a regional power again.

    This is simply fantastic news. Let this evil, anti-white Eurasian Union be consigned to history’s dustbin. I take back everything bad I’ve ever said about Putin. Way to go, Vlad!

    The only gung-ho participants in that alliance so far have been Kazakhstan (see above) and Belarus, which is known as Europe’s last dictatorship. Its leader, Alexander Lukashenko, has so far remained silent on the Russian intervention in Ukraine. But last week, Belarus recognized the legitimacy of the new revolutionary government in Kiev, marking a major break from Russia, which has condemned Ukraine’s new leaders as extremists and radicals. The Belarusian ambassador in Kiev even congratulated Ukraine’s new Foreign Minister on taking office and said he looks forward to working with him.

    Belarus is barely a country, it’s more like an appendage of Russia. Belarus is like a pilot fish to Russia’s great white shark. If Putin really has lost Belarus, then there’s nothing left. He is now completely friendless and totally isolated.

    Russia’s isolation from the West will deepen dramatically. In June, Putin was planning to welcome the leaders of the G8, a club of western powers (plus Japan), in the Russian resort city of Sochi. But on Sunday, all of them announced they had halted their preparations for attending the summit in protest at Russia’s intervention in Ukraine. So much for Putin’s hard-fought seat at the table with the leaders of the western world.

    It was Yeltsin who got Russia a seat at the big table, now Putin is cavalierly throwing it away. What an absolute fool. Russia belongs at the G8, which is essentially the board of directors of the white West, plus Japan (honourary whites). I’m totally against kicking Russia out of the G8, I really hope they don’t. But Putin’s rock-bottom stupidity is endangering his country’s fundamental interests and he’s giving the anti-Russians lots of ammunition. Let’s hope that the G8 does meet in Sochi, but with a new Russian leader.

    In recent years, one of Russia’s greatest points of contention with the West has been over NATO’s plans to build of a missile shield in Europe. Russia has seen this as a major threat to its security, as the shield could wipe out Russia’s ability to launch nuclear missiles at the West. The long-standing nuclear deterrent that has protected Russia from Western attacks for generations – the Cold War doctrine of mutually assured destruction, or MAD – could thus be negated, Russia’s generals have warned. But after Russia decided to unilaterally invade its neighbor to the west this weekend, any remaining resistance to the missile shield project would be pushed aside by the renewed security concerns of various NATO members, primarily those in Eastern Europe and the Baltics. Whatever hopes Russia had of forestalling the construction of the missile shield through diplomacy are now most likely lost.

    Just another example of how Putin’s military adventurism is weakening, not strengthening Russia’s geopolitical position. NATO will expand to include Ukraine, and probably Belarus after that. Maybe a new Russian leader will be amenable to his country joining NATO too, squaring the circle and uniting virtually the entire white world in a single military alliance.

    No less worrying for Putin would be the economic sanctions the West is preparing in answer to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine. Depending on their intensity, those could cut off the ability of Russian companies and businessmen in getting western loans and trading with most of the world’s largest economies. Putin’s allies could also find it a lot more difficult to send their children to study in the West or to keep their assets in Western banks, as they now almost universally do. All of that raises the risk for Putin of a split in his inner circle and, potentially, even of a palace coup. There is hardly anything more important to Russia’s political elite than the security of their foreign assets, certainly not their loyalty to a leader who seems willing to put all of that at risk.

    “A palace coup”, that’s exactly what needs to happen right now before Putin does anymore damage to Russia and Ukraine. Pray for some Russian patriots to depose this madman. Let him end up in a cage on trial, like Khodorkovsky and the Pussy Riot skanks, that would be just desserts.

    This is a MUST READ article and there’s a lot more at the link. Check it out:

  17. >Dual Ukrainian-Israeli citizen

    Well that was fast. The thieving bastards sure know how to strike while the iron is hot. After 2,000 years, they have it down pat.

    Jews are in their element right now. Looks like they’ve pulled off another one, a major swindle while whites gear up kill other whites.

    Even though as usual they’re not acting alone or without indispensable help from their goy allies, it doesn’t change the truth: Wars are indeed the Jews’ harvest.

    What to do? With no one there to stop them or even point out what they’re doing, Jews are gonna Jew.

  18. National Review on ‘Eurasianism’

    That article is typical Judeocentric horseshit. The threat of Eurasianism is not Nazi/Communist totalitarianism versus liberal globalism, as Shlomo would have it. It’s Asia and Islam encroaching on Europe and Christianity. It needs to be opposed on racial, religious and civilizational grounds; political ideology is irrelevant here.

  19. Let the posters on here who support the HNIC’s policy of Isolate Russia…

    Let them be numbered.

  20. jeppo:

    I frequently check Drudge for the latest, but all he had up today was “RUSSIACHINA”

    Ironically, the Russian Central Bank will likely make money as they buy up panic rubles and sell them later when they return to a rational price. Traders may have lost money, but investors didn’t.

    The addition of Crimea today and the other Russian speaking provinces by plebiscite in the coming months will add real wealth to Russia.

    The EU is downplaying sanctions as Russia has the energy whip hand over them.

    Also the UK with its influential Russian expat community:

    Your idea of Russian public opinion is laughable: here’s the antiPutin Gaurdian:

    So enough.

  21. ‘I hope no one here is holding any rubles in their portfolios. Putin is simultaneously destroying Russia’s stock market and its currency’:

    Or are ‘Russian’ banking and stocks simultaneously destroying Putin?

  22. Isolate Russia is the Head Nigger In Chief’s policy.

    You are with him, Lew, Jeppo…

  23. Jack Ryan: As an attempt to have the NWO accept Russia as a regular member of the world order on Russia’s own terms, it was an utter failure, no?

    As Christ said: “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.”

  24. Robert says:
    March 3, 2014 at 10:05 pm

    ‘Follow this guy—


    There is a video on his site of a Ukrainian clergyman giving a speech. It is perfectly justifiable and understandable for a Ukrainian Nationalist to hold those beliefs, in my opinion, however harsh they may appear to outsiders.

    This sermon was supposedly delivered Rev. Mikhaylo Arsenych delivered in 2010. This is the translation provided with the video:

    Rev. Arsenyc : ” Today we are really ready for a revolution.Would the fighters of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army tolerate Tabachnik and Yanukovych today?
    The only effective methods of combat are assassination and terror!
    The right way to communicate with the enemies is to fire at them!
    Our message to them is the message of death by hanging. We’ll send all communists to the gallows-tree in our forest!
    The message is our cry for vengeance — take your weapon and chase all fear!
    It is not a good time to be afraid!
    We have been waiting for 20 years!
    The situation will get better only if each of us makes a contribution to the construction of our national state.
    We must first knock down the old house, and then build the new one.
    We must rebuild our political regime and create a new sovereign state.
    Only then will we live in our own country – in a country that takes care of our needs.
    We want to be masters in our own house and decide for ourselves.
    We want to be sure that our children will go to Ukrainian school.

    We want to be sure that no Chinese, Negro, Jew or Muscovite will try to come and grab our land tomorrow!

    Our success depends on each of us. We shouldn’t waver, we must keep covered todays political regime. The ground will be burning under their feet, like our torches are burning today!
    Our hand must be firm! Glory to the Ukraine!

    The Saker: Kuntzevich and Bandera would be proud. Personally, this reminded me of the kind of hateful propaganda the Radio-Television Libre des Mille Collines was spewing to its Interahamwe listeners in 1994 in Rwanda. And we all know how that ended.

  25. Sorry, Afterthought, but China is *not* on board with Putin on this. They can’t get much clearer than stating that they respect the “territorial integrity of Ukraine.” The Chinese are saying that Crimea belongs to Ukraine, not Russia.

    Here’s a link to the statement: This is a diplomatic expression of neutrality: “We hope they will work it out peacefully.” Absolutely not a declaration of support for Ukraine (or anybody really), just international CYA nicey-nice.

    Why would they support EU over Russia?

  26. Raimondo is flipping out over Right Sector and Svoboda “nazis” on twitter. Conservatives and libertarians are so useless.

  27. Good commentary by Buchanan. Didn’t know the Soviets killed 50,000 in Hungary. Damn. It should be clear why central and eastern European nations welcome the EU and NATO.

  28. Ukraine suffered 3 million famine victims under Stalin’s Judeo-Bolshevik tyranny in the 30’s. Small wonder they greeted German and Rumanian troops in 1941. No, we don’t have to send troops to Ukraine (just arms) – but much as I admire Putin’s swipes at Western decadence, pushback in MidEast and looking out for Russians – he sees collapse of Soviet Union as catastrophe; while I see the Red Army rape of Finland, Baltics, East Prussia and Balkans as the catastrophe of Western Civilization; and his kleptocracy is no model for the South. Besides, Russia sided with the North in 1863.

  29. My foreign policy these days is simple enough.

    Read half a dozen Jewish op ed writers, then advocate the opposite. If that 1/2 dozen approach consensus you know that they are not acting your interest.

  30. Putin was the sector chief in Berlin around the time the wall came down. He decided NOT to fire on the Germans who desired reunification. He’s a decent man, he could have gunned them down. He’s rational in that he wishes to protect Russian nationals and ethnics in Ukraine.

    Btw Lew, Russia was the big victim of the 1917-1955 period. The USSR suppressed and nearly annihilated Russia. The USSR was run by Poles, Ukrainians, Jews, Georgians… The Russians recovered a measure of control after Kruschev. And only after Kruschev.

  31. One geo-political reality that every single one of us should know — and we shouldn’t be listening to stupid niggers like Obongo or cooniving jewboys like Kerry — is this:

    If Russia attacks Turkey from the rear, Greece will help.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  32. The picture of John McTRAITOR, and the AIPAC podium, speaks volumes.

    Get the JEWS out.

    Just like what the Parisians said a month and a half ago.
    Hmmm. Sound familiar?

    How about Germany in the 1930’s? Weimar Germany = Obamanation.
    Whoring, Sodomy, massive inflation, native population oppressed. And the Jews, behind it all.

  33. “rather than the anti-Jew gibberish so prevalent at this site. Jews should be converted into your allies, because the Third World environment will wipe them out, too. Jews are good at detecting where the dangers are; turning their attitude in your favor requires a radical change in the rhetoric.”

    Pardon me for saying so, but take your fifth column philotalmudic sentiments, Plekhanov, and go over to Jerusalem today, or some other Pravda-like blog. We talk about the REAL issues on this blog, not propaganda from the Christ-killer’s infiltration wing.

  34. Good comment, Capt John: ‘Russia was the big victim of the 1917-1955 period. The USSR suppressed and nearly annihilated Russia. The USSR was run by Poles, Ukrainians, Jews, Georgians… The Russians recovered a measure of control after Kruschev. And only after Kruschev’.

  35. Here’s what the Jewish warmongers don’t understand. It’s probably better for all concerned that Russia retains control in Crimea. A Crimea dominated by a weak ass puppet is a liability for everyone. Abrams is essentially saying God Punish Russia. I see no benefit in pushing them or punishing them. Btw check out isteve, the Hasbarat are in full strength fantasizing about Kursk II! What vampires. Suddenly ww2 makes sense, if only in a completely negative way. They drool blood.

  36. Hunter Wallace says:
    March 4, 2014 at 4:14 am

    “If the Ukrainian government is controlled by Neo-Nazis, why is it handing out fiefdoms to Jewish oligarchs in eastern Ukraine?”

    Graevling answers:

    It is because these so-called Neo-Nazis are openly financed, protected and controlled by Jews. It is open secret that the leader of Svoboda party Oleg Tyagnibok is himself halakhic Jew – Frotman. He may use whatever anti-Semitic rhetoric, words do not matter. The actual deeds do matter.

    There are no independent nationalist forces in post-Soviet Slavic countries nowadays. The non-white ruling clique would never allow any nationalist movement not controlled by either their pawns or ones of their own ilk.

  37. It’s a good thing to see certain posters out themselves on this issue.

    The inner personality, the black light candle of the satanic really shines. And by Jahweh certain folk don’t half let that little light shine.

  38. “My foreign policy these days is simple enough. Read half a dozen Jewish op ed writers, then advocate the opposite.”


    I’m on the side of Russia and East Ukraine vs the neocons and West Ukraine vs Russia but anti-neocon takes priority.

  39. “The Mist Clears. Ukraine’s new cabinet.”

    Wow. Putin should be able to use that to detach the West Ukraine nationalists from the rest of the pro-EU coalition.

  40. I actually think this should work out Ok, or even rather well. A little White vs a white struggle is healthy, provided it doesn’t break out in to full scale war.

    Whites tend to do well in times of struggle , the Viking raiding days on England, Scadinavia didn’t have any problems with cultural Marxist women leaders or Muslim immigration in the Viking age.

    The “troubles” in Northern Ireland / Ulster killed a few thousand people over the 60s, 70s, 80s – less than Black murderers did in Chicago over that period. Non White, Third Worlders don’t want to immigrate to a perceived White vs White war zone.

    Also in IRA dominated neighborhoods in Belfast , the locals oppose anyone who isn’t like them, so burning out a Paki family is no big deal to Whites who do the same to some White guy flying the Union Jack. I’m pretty sure multi culturalism in the Crimea is set at Russians and Ukranians, with the occassional White tourist provided he isn’t a Jew or acting like Pussy Riot.

    Yeah, I feel pretty good now that Russia has gone back to 98% White Russian nationalism the same as it was before the Jewish Bolshevik Coup. There are just less Jews around.

    I am so proud to be 25% Russian.

  41. Some sort of Ukrainian White Nationalists shouts:

    “We want to be sure that no Chinese, Negro, Jew or Muscovite will try to come and grab our land tomorrow!”

    Jack replies:

    Typical, slanders some other White Indo European people who are 98% like them, similar to yahoo White Amuricans who glamorize World War I slaughter of Germans, wasted the 1980s arming nasty Muslim goat f$&@&$ Taliban fighting….


    I curse all White people who spread hatred and war mongering against perfectly nice, healthy White Indo European people, hope these idiot White hating Whites have to live in some all Black ghetto in Camden New Jersey, Detroit, Zimbabwe.

    As for me, I’ll be flirting with charming Russian and Ukranian women, women with beautiful Southern accents in the South.

    Alls fair in love and war, don’t really much care if some Russian hating dumb as& in the South starts ranting and raving about how much he hates YANKEES, Germans, Russians, THE FRENCH.

    Hope dumb, White hating Amuricuuuuns in the Suth and elsewhere get stuck on a camping trip with homosexual hillbillies and then they have to try to suck up to the queer hillbillies say how much they support homo marriage equality and how much they hate Vladimir Putin and the Russians because Putin and the Russians are against gays etc.

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