Logistics and Demonstrations

Al Sharpton hosts anti-Stand Your Ground rally in Tallahassee
Al Sharpton hosts anti-Stand Your Ground rally in Tallahassee


After five demonstrations in Southeast Georgia, Middle Tennessee, North Georgia, Upstate South Carolina, and North Florida, it is clear that we have a logistical problem which is an obstacle that prevents us from turning out more activists at our rallies.

By logistics, I mean that we have supporters who are available and who have the will power to attend our demonstrations, but who lack the physical means to travel long distances. This is going to become a bigger problem as we schedule events in states like Maryland, Virginia, and Kentucky which are hundreds of miles away and far more expensive to travel to individually for most of our activists in the Lower South.

Everywhere we go we end up gaining some people while losing others mainly because of the difference in driving distance. The following headline out of Tallahassee should be sufficient to illustrate our logistical challenge:

“More than 1,000 marchers joined the Rev. Al Sharpton, the parents of Jacksonville teen Jordan Davis and Miami Gardens teen Trayvon Martin and others Monday calling for changes to Florida’s hotly contested Stand Your Ground law. …

Speakers urges an estimated crowd of 1,200 to register to vote and make their voices heard at the ballot box while enumerating issues they have to Stand Your Ground. …”

Yesterday, Al Sharpton led a protest in Tallahassee against Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law and turned out over 1,000 black activists.

How was Sharpton able to accomplish this? It seems that the National Action Network sponsored buses all across Florida and bused in over a thousand black activists from all corners of the state. Hundreds of blacks who otherwise probably lacked the physical means to attend the rally showed up at the Florida State Capitol.

While it is impossible for us to replicate Sharpton’s MSNBC television show, there is no reason why we can’t do a better job at car pooling or figuring out a better way to transport our own activists in between the Lower South and Upper South. I expect there will also come a time when we we will be faced with the challenge of transporting our activists in between the Eastern South and Western South.

If there is a millionaire out there who wants to contribute to the cause of Southern Nationalism, a fleet of buses or the funds for sponsoring buses is something that would have an immediate impact.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yeah, I just couldn’t swing the 9.5 hour trip to Tallahassee. I did have a couple of other things going on this past weekend, but even absent those it would have been a long shot. Fortunately I’m all set to attend the Richmond event next month.

    • It would be impossible for me to just pick up and attend a demonstration in somewhere like Northern Missouri or Texas much less for everyone else around here to drive there individually. Fortunately, this is a practical problem with a practical solution, so discussing it might actually be fruitful.

  2. When I was in Ulster I participated in a march in Londonderry – several hours away from Belfast where I was staying. We met at the local pub (which was a privately owned club by working class Ulster Protestants) early in the morning. A bus was waiting. The local marching band (which practiced throughout the year for ‘marching season’) and lots of people from that part of Belfast got on the bus. We filled it up. It was a double decker. Most of those people would have been unable to drive all the way across the country for the march. But it cost very little for the bus ride there and back. This was replicated in towns across Ulster. Of course, we in Dixie don’t have just a single major city like they do in Ulster, which makes logistics much more difficult for us, but we could work something out, I’m sure.

  3. There are all kinds of bus services in cities that take people on pub crawls, go to gambling casinos. Look in to them.

    Face it, our people like to do group travel, drinking. It’s something to do.

  4. @Palmetto In Ulster it’s an economic issue. I you are Protestant, why the heck would you want to take a 20% or better cut in wages, benefits, and your standard of living so you can be part of the Roman Catholic Republic of Ireland? Gee, you lose at least 20% and get the Pope thrown in too. LOL.

    I’ve told Hunter this before, you have to raise money on the telephone, in the mail, and by personal visits. You have millions of sympathetic people out there, all you have to do is get some fund raising momentum going.

    I think you are doing a powerful job, with no economic incentive like in Ulster.

  5. Send for Haim Solomon

    During the American Revolutionary War, the Polish-born Haym Solomon (1740–1785), who immigrated to New York and was a friend of George Washington, was a key financier who helped fund the Continental Army. Solomon became the agent to the French consul, as well as the paymaster for the French forces in North America. In 1781, he began working extensively with Robert Morris, the newly appointed Superintendent for Finance for the Thirteen Colonies. Often working out of the “London Coffee House” in Philadelphia, at one time Solomon sold about $600,000 in bills of exchange to his clients. At one point, when Washington’s war chest and the treasury of the Continental Congress was completely empty, Washington determined that he needed at least $20,000 to finance the campaign. When Morris told him there were no funds and no credit available, Washington gave him a simple but eloquent order: “Send for Haym Salomon”. Haym again came through, and the $20,000 was raised. Washington conducted the Yorktown campaign, which proved to be the final battle of the Revolution, thanks to Haym Salomon.

    Mel Gibson never went over this in The Patriot, did he?

  6. Earl Butz writes:

    “I’ve told Hunter this before, you have to raise money on the telephone, in the mail, and by personal visits. You have millions of sympathetic people out there, all you have to do is get some fund raising momentum going.”

    JR replies:

    Fundraising is a very important skill. We have to be able to ask rich people for $ money. Loy’s of people gave $ to John McCain, Mitt Romney. Somebody wrote, called them to ask for $. Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel was a great fundraiser for Bill Clinton.

    Peter Brimelow at Vdare is an OK, good fundraiser. I give $ to Brimelow/Vdare.

    Our side has good issues, many good writers, but we tend to suck at organization, fundraising, plus, we always waste our time on no hope Presidential campaigns,

  7. Hunter,
    The main problem is that all of our able bodied folks WORK FOR A LIVING. Their disposable income is confiscated by a South/white-hating u.s. government, and given to people like Sharpton who use it to destroy us. It’s hard to rally thousands of Southern nationalists at any given time or place under those circumstances.

    I don’t disagree that we could, and should, do more on the logistical front to help turn out folks out, but we’re fighting this war with a blindfold and one had tied behind our backs. Perhaps it’s time to encourage a massive, South-wide tax revolt. Imagine what WE could do with OUR money if we kept it in our own pockets!

    • Mark,

      This scenario assumes that we have people who are able and willing to travel to demonstrations, but lack the logistical means to do so. I had in mind the upcoming events in Maryland, Virginia, and Kentucky or events in the Lower South which activists in the Upper South are unable to attend for the same reason.

      There are any number of legitimate reasons why our people cannot attend demonstrations. Medical issues, for example. Conflict of schedule is another reason. My wife is giving birth on June 6. I won’t be able to attend events around that time.

  8. If you book a bus at the opposite end of a route going to the rallies people could carpool to meet the bus along the route.

  9. Hunter, I have been involved in political activism on and off since forever. I have some quick recommendations for you and everyone else involved in demonstrations:

    * Read: Dig up and study any of the numerous manuals on political organizing and fund raising. There are tons of tactics you can use. People have done it all before, learned the lessons, and written them down for the rest of us to use.

    * Grants: There just may be some organization or foundation which can cut you a check.

    * Online contributions: there are ways to work this (I recommend you get a professional to set it up for you).

    * Network: Link up with every other Southern Nationalist, Alternative Right, WN, paleconservative, and etc., group out there on the Internet. Conduct united action demonstrations in which everyone “shows the flag”…and contributes cash.

    Good luck.

    By the way, I used to live out in your part of the world (Alabama-Tennessee at various times).

  10. Hunter,

    It’s critical to study the literature of political activism. People have done it all before and can show the way to victory. Here are some books I’d recommend. They are generally available on Amazon or online:

    “Rules for Radicals” by Saul Alinsky. OK, Alinsky was a big leftie, but since his “rules” worked they are worth studying.

    “Networks and Netwars:” by the RAND Corporation. This book’s principles have been used by much of the political spectrum to organize via the Internet. There’s also some discussion of fundraising in the era of globalization.

    “Psychological Operations:” various manuals published by the government which provide guides to what used to be termed agitprop and is today called information operations. (Your tax dollars paid for all this, so you might as well use it!)

    You might also look at websites such as:


    (It lists various student conservative and libertarian manuals, as well as tips for activists—this carries over to what you are doing. Some of the material can be dated, but is still worth perusing).

    One other thing: the alternative right in Europe is making considerable headway. It would be worthwhile to contact groups which have similar objectives and get some “lessons learned”–including logistics, fundraising and internet organizing.

    Again, good luck!

  11. How well are these demonstrations advertised? Did the people driving by on Saturday expect to see demonstrators there?

    A few things that could be done locally before each demonstration are, assuming there are a few local members:

    – Heavily flyer the county and surrounding counties where the demonstration will be, starting from about a month out. Repeat every several days.

    – Put one or more ads in the local newspaper(s).

    – Have a well-spoken member call in to a local political radio show and discuss the event.

    – Place yard signs advertising the event at freeway off ramps.

    – Set up tables at local events that happen to be scheduled around the same time, like gun shows, county fairs, etc., to get the word out.

    – Announce repeatedly on sites like this, SNN, the Facebook page, and DixieNet. People forget about these things unless they’re reminded.

    Except for the last point, these things probably won’t increase the number of League members present, but they might increase the numbers of curious locals who might turn out to be prospective members. The downside is that these things take money, but with each new member recruited comes more money.

    As far as logistics, does every state leader at least try to organise car pooling? Also, I wonder if Saturday morning is the best time for an event. If someone lives eight hours away, he either has to miss work on Friday to be there by ten the next morning or he has to leave for the rally right after work and get there in the wee hours of the morning. This also means an extra day of hotel expenses. If the rally is on a Saturday at 6 pm, then the same person can leave that morning to arrive in time.

    A big advantage the blacks have is that their churches support them. Not only does that mean getting the word out by the thousands, but it also means they have access to church buses for their events.

  12. One more thought – can the local League leader pick a hotel and restaurant and try to negotiate reduced rates?

  13. “or he has to leave for the rally right after work and get there in the wee hours of the morning.”

    BFD. Sleep in the car and then freshen up at McDonald’s or the restroom at the grocery store.

  14. BFD. Sleep in the car and then freshen up at McDonald’s or the restroom at the grocery store.

    The idea here is to make it easier for Southerners to attend these events. Telling them to drive through the night, catch a few hours of sleep in their cars, and then shave and get dressed in a McDonald’s bathroom is not going to make it easier for people to attend.

    Does anyone have productive feedback?

  15. I was involved but mostly just around tons of activism in NJ, NYC, etc. People carpool and network to provide housing. When I was at college I both hosted some activists who drove from multiple states away, and also was hosted after driving. Sometimes we’d take a whole bus or van and then separate into different people’s dorms.

    I know this isn’t college, but it’s still an idea. See if there are locals who might chip in a couch to sleep on, maybe even a guestroom for a few people for the night. Then there’s more money for group transportation.

    The DOJ actually used federal money to ‘support’ the protests in Florida for Trayvon Martin, if no one caught that. BTW, the Feds are not anti-South; they’re anti-white. Why that’s so hard for southerners to understand I continue to ponder. Point is, White activists are up against the organized establishment, so we need to build and gather grass roots.

    Rudel you really are kinda rude sometimes.

  16. Re: Long Live Dixie

    1.) In the future, I am going to pin our events to the top of the page. There may have been readers here who forgot about the Tallahassee rally after two months of focusing on Haiti for Black History Month 2014.

    2.) Yard signs are doable, but cost money.

    3.) We distributed fliers in Murfreesboro and Shelbyville. I’m not sure if fliers were distributed in Tallahassee.

    4.) We tried to place an advertisement in the Vidalia newspaper, but it was rejected. Jack Ryan placed an ad in the Rutherford Reader.

    5.) There was a gun show in Tallahassee or somewhere near there the day after the rally. There are videos of League members distributing literature there.

    6.) The churches are not on our side. I personally distributed some fliers at churches in Murfreesboro.

    7.) We found out in Murfreesboro and Shelbyville that booking a hotel room and publicly announcing the location invites harassment from the trolls who monitor our websites.

  17. Re: Long Live Dixie

    The SECEDE billboard was costly, but it incited a reaction from the local media. It was also seen by thousands and thousands of people in Tallahassee. I enjoyed standing in the hotel parking lot and watching the cars drive past it.

  18. 2.) Yard signs are doable, but cost money.

    On second thought, maybe yard signs aren’t a great idea until we have money to burn. They’ll get one use and then be obsolete.

  19. “4.) We tried to place an advertisement in the Vidalia newspaper, but it was rejected. Jack Ryan placed an ad in the Rutherford Reader.”

    I guess the people running the paper are SWINOs (southern whites in name only). Who’s really surprised by this?

  20. Problem with yard signs is that they cost money but can and will be snatched pretty soon upon planting. This happens in political campaigns all the time in NJ, even on busy streets or the very private yard. People just grab ’em and then you’ve spent money without getting much out of it.

    Armies are out to get us, so they’ll be waiting and watching. Since I’m an evil alien, I can’t speak for the south…maybe it’d be less socially acceptable for adversaries to steal them if there’s widespread support in a neighborhood.

  21. Todd,

    We’re not surprised.

    In order to get a reaction from them, we have to do something really provocative like putting up the SECEDE billboard in Tallahassee.

  22. I tried to look up the owners of the Vidalia paper, but it isn’t on the website. I read somewhere that Warren Buffett bought up lots of small town newspapers in the southeast–not that there is a shortage of P.C. tyrants that own newspapers. Could this be one of them?

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