May Day 2014: (Washington, DC – May 1st)

May Day 2014 is coming on May 1 in Washington, DC
May Day 2014 is coming on May 1 in Washington, DC

District of Corruption

I’m sure that some of you recall the Battle of May Day 2013.

Last year, Matt Heimbach and seven friends associated with the League of the South and the Towson White Student Union confronted the reds during the annual May Day parade in the streets of Washington, DC.

Carrying the Confederate Battle Flag and holding provocative signs that read “Commies are class traitors,” “100+ Million Killed by Communism,” and “Smash Left Wing Scum,” Matt and his fellow League activists wanted to send the message that leftwing communists don’t represent the White working class of the American South. Subsequently, a melee ensued that got national media coverage.

We talked about the Battle of May Day at the 2013 League of the South National Conference where Matt was presented with the Nathan Bedford Forrest award by Dr. Hill for his courageous actions. After the 2013 conference, Matt Heimbach moved to Indiana where he founded the Traditionalist Youth Network while the League of the South embarked on its activist turn in Uvalda & Vidala, GA in August.

As everyone probably remembers, Matt Heimbach and the League of the South had a falling out in October over Matt’s decision to work more closely with several White Nationalist groups like the NSM and Aryan Terror Brigade. Matt was kicked out of the League over that episode, but we remained in touch. In the SPLC ‘s Intelligence Report, I myself was quoted by Keegan Hankes saying, “I still consider Matt a friend.”

Well, all is forgiven … Matt Heimbach is back!

Matt Heimbach, Trad Youth, and the Virginia/Maryland League of the South will be holding a counter-demonstration, as previously planned, at the 2014 May Day Parade in the streets of Washington, DC.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Big mistake associating with the likes of Heimbach. His neo-nazi friends will certainly taint any progress y’all are making.
    Good luck on the protest anyhow.

  2. Don’t think this is a good idea.

    Announcing to the Antifas in advance that you will be taking to the streets and including individuals with open associations with violent Neo Nazis.

    Plus, it will happen on the Left’s turf, Washington DC – if there are confrontations, pushing and shoving, things thrown – both sides get arrested and you will have to go to DC jails filled with the lowest of the low Black criminals, perverts.

    The media already as video tape of Matt H preparing for an all out race war, he’s shooting military style rifles. Matt Hale was put away basically for life with less than that. No way our side is going to come off as principled, nice, good guys.

  3. I guess I’m alone in thinking this is a good thing. Maybe not the early announcement,but the arrangement of players.

    Matt Heimbach has a whole lot of political experience and contact with the various sectors of this movement and nationalism in general. I, for one, think very highly of the man.

  4. Again and again, I read that ‘fear of neo-nazis’ meme.

    Why bother being afraid of them? If they don’t wear their costumes, as if every day were an adult variant of Halloween/Kristallnacht, they have much ideologically that we share; sort of like the Reform jews and Chabadites have, as it were- lolol.

    But reading Matt’s TYN, I can at least see that he is operating on a far deeper, more ontologically-aware mindset, than many in the movement (whatever you want to call the movement- es macht nichts, in meiner Meinung) I read about on other fora.

    I’ve been reading the DailyStormer for a while now. Again, there seems to be a nascent Orthodox Nationalist swing in the moderator’s posts, while at the same time, a fallacious approach to legitimizing AH, which cracks me up.

    Idols (whether AH, Marx, Schneerson, or MLK) are merely dead, rotting ideologically aberrant men, who don’t have the canonization legitimization of a Church catholic, to guarantee their ‘orthodoxy.’ I consider them all to be so much dung, frankly.

    It’s only as we see our race, and our Christian religion as one and the same, will we EVER be able to fight against the Deicides, who have learned at least THAT lesson, over the centuries… even if it is totally bogus, and nothing more than a charlatan’s racial/religious ruse. [Rev. 2:8,9. John 8:44]

    May you enlighten Mr. Heimbach, and, if possible, may he enlighten you. And may you both prosper in your fight against a common enemy- the enemy of our People.
    [Matt. 1:21]

  5. I have to agree with JR and OT about Heimbach. He has allied himself with a foreign ideology that has nothing in common with Southern Nationalism. He has acted in a very foolish manner before the hostile mass media that doesn’t give him or anyone associated with him any credibility with normal people who reject Nazism. The media will never allow his association with the Neo-Nazi groups to ever vanish from the public conscience. To demonstrate with Matt would confuse the message of the LS with their ideology. Separate the two demonstrations, or the LS will receive a black eye that will hurt any future activities.
    Fr. John may mock the “fear of Neo-Nazi” meme, but the cold hard reality is, that once you’re associated with real Nazi’s, the average guy in the street whom we’re trying to reach will find you repugnant.

  6. @Jack Ryan

    “No way our side is going to come off as principled, nice, good guys.”

    You’re repeated fear of guns shown in your posts has indicated that you have completely internalized the authoritarian socialist anti-gun propaganda of the Democratic authorities in Chicago.

    If you listen more carefully to the recent speeches given by prominent League of the South members posted on this site you will hear references to the possible and necessary use of arms in the final break from the federally imposed Union.

    Your hoplophobia is fundamentally incompatible with Southern culture and for that matter most of the rest of the United States where over 30 states have passed or inherited from the gitgo both concealed and open carry laws, common law justifications for the use of deadly force when protecting oneself and others, and a strong tradition of hunting with shotguns and high-powered rifles.

    I suggest you familiarize yourself with the Second Amendment and also to the justifications for its inclusion in the Bill of Rights made at the time.

    The right to carry arms is the right to be free.

  7. . . . once you’re associated with real Nazi’s, the average guy in the street whom we’re trying to reach will find you repugnant.

    The thing is that the NSM is not “real Nazis” at all. They’re clowns who project a Hollywood image. If a group like the NSM didn’t exist, the government would create one. There is little about them that is genuine National-Socialism. They’re also solidly pro-US, so that represents an obvious conflict of interest with Southern nationalism. I have never heard of the “Aryan Terror Brigade”, but they also sound like clowns. I don’t want the League associated with clowns who aren’t even SNs.

    Heimbach seems like a smart kid with a lot of potential, so I think it’s time for him to stop associating with rejects and to figure out what cause he wants to advance. Does he want to be a Southern nationalist, a white nationalist, or a Hollywood “Nazi”? People who want to be involved in numerous organisations tend to be hobbyists.

  8. Unless you have a full White biker club and you’re on White turf, don’t get in to street confrontations/fights with Teds, Antifa thugs, Black mobs, now homosexuals. Don’t expect the press or the Justice Department to be fair.

  9. Again and again, I read that ‘fear of neo-nazis’ meme.

    It’s not out of fear of labels that I don’t think the League should associate with the NSM, etc., it’s because I want to keep the League’s message in the realm of seriousness. In fact, I’ll go further by saying that if they’re not calling us “Nazis” then we’re not doing a good job.

    I think the League should form deeper ties with serious nationalist parties like Golden Dawn but should avoid reject groups such as the NSM like the plague.

  10. So Rudel, are you suggesting that League of the South activists initiate a gun fight with Reds, Antifas, Blacks on the Washington Mall on May Day?

    Network TV already has good footage of Matt Heimbach practicing his military riffle skills preparing for an all out race war, led by Nazis with German names.

  11. I think everyone was mystified by Heimbach’s decision to get involved with those WN groups. I understand the reasoning and sentiment – we shouldn’t play the associations game – but I think our approach makes more sense.

  12. Actually I was using a hunting rifle at a rifle range, not exactly military style training. More like a bunch of good ol’ boys who were hanging out together in the mountains of TN enjoying a day of fellowship and target practice.

    Secondly I did not call for a race war, I noted that racial conflict was inevitable on this continent. If there ever was a power vacuum left by the fall of the Federal government I think both racial and cultural conflict is bound to happen. Noting the fact that racial war is likely in North America or in Europe is not rejoycing in it or celebrating, just noting the likeliest scenario based on human history.

    The way to avoid racial conflict is by networking and establishing relationships with other ethno-nationalists, which I am actively doing, especially within the Black community. We are supposed to be neighbors, not enemies. Separate cultures and separate races living in our own Homelands with a positive spirit towards one another. Burying our heads in the sand will only leave anger, confusion, and violence in the event of a power vacuum, something I would like to avoid. Blacks have a right to their own communities and self determination as do we, something I always tell the media and make a point of working towards in my activism.

    The Traditionalist worldview as explained by Corneliu Codreanu and Julius Evola encompasses race, culture, and Faith are indispensible parts of a people. So am I a “White nationalist” Yes. My European family which extends from the Boer communities in South Africa to Russia and to Dixie are all of the same race and extended family.

    Am I a Southern nationalist? Yes. Within the European family we Southerners are a distinct and unique people. I wish the best for my race and all races, but Southerners are specifically my immediate family. We have a unique culture, language, and set of customs that are unlike anything found in the rest of the world. I wish to see the South free to find her own destiny, free from outside influence

    My belief system is inspired by the words of our great Southern writers and poets, the spirit of the Fire Eaters, the wisdom of the Orthodox Faith which has survived non-stop persecution over the last two thousand years, and the writings of nationalists around the globe such as Professor Dugin and Corneliu Codreanu. Traditionalism is not new to Dixie, it has always been here in one form or another. To put it into a box of “nazism” or “white nationalism” and kick it aside is a disservice to our ancestors principles and values and the situation or our current struggle.

    I am not a National Socialist, a communist, a Libertarian, a Democrat, or a Republican, I am a Traditionalist and therefore I am a Christian nationalist and a Southern nationalist. I wish to work with groups like to League to advance our people and our culture alongside networking with groups around the world who are battling for their own rights of self determination, in the European family and everywhere else in the world.

  13. Yes, this is going to haunt him.

    I think we forget sometimes that Matt is really young. There are a couple of people we know, not just Matt, who fit this description. Most people don’t develop firm political views until they get into their 30s and 40s.

  14. In my twenties, I was at various times a White Nationalist, an Objectivist, a Nietzschean, and even an atheist. At the time, I was searching for a larger philosophical context to make sense of my racial and cultural views.

    I was still in the “quest” phase:

    Quest: The crisis sets off a search for new ideas and new support groups. Rambo notes that in order for conversion to occur, the person must be connected within a religious community. The analogy here is obvious. Quite possibly, this could result in finding the many sites on the Internet that now put out intelligent commentary from a White advocacy point of view. These days, people who are in a quest for a new perspective and a new support group centered in White advocacy have lots of options available.

  15. Mathew Heimbach writes:

    “Actually I was using a hunting rifle at a rifle range, not exactly military style training. More like a bunch of good ol’ boys who were hanging out together in the mountains of TN enjoying a day of fellowship and target practice.”

    Jack replies:

    Understand. But the MSM was playing you from a Hollywood script of “evil Racist Nazi with guns” preparing to lead all out Racial war against Blacks, Jews, Gays, Liberals etc.

    Hell, the MSM made George Zimmerman out to be an evil, White a Conservative Racist killer of a little Black boy Trayvon Martin. There is more truth to your bad guy evil racist Nazi with guns image than what they had on George Zimmerman.

    My advice is to avoid street confrontations with a Reds, Antifa thugs, Queers, illegal immigrants. Concentrate on your private life, get a good job, start a family, form real world associations friendships that can help you make it, help our people.

    Getting on TV? Getting arrested for defending yourself, us from Antifa thugs, Reds, Queers, Obamanistas – that’s not good for you or us.

    Take care brother.

  16. “So Rudel, are you suggesting that League of the South activists initiate a gun fight with Reds, Antifas, Blacks on the Washington Mall on May Day?”

    No, and that isn’t what I said either. I said that members of the League have not ruled out the possibility that the use of arms may be necessary at some point in their struggle for independence.

    You on the other hand, consistently get your lace panties in a twist anytime guns are mentioned, enough in fact to lie about it when describing Matt’s use of an ordinary hunting rifle as being a “military” style arm.

  17. “My advice is to avoid street confrontations with a Reds, Antifa thugs, Queers, illegal immigrants.”

    Brad and others in the League have recently expressed the hope that the enemy will make fools of themselves and harm their cause by attacking peaceful demonstrations against Southron ethnic displacement. Whites throughout the country already endeavor to have a private life, get a good job, and start families.

    The whole point of active street demonstrations is to make folks aware that in the face of the cultural Marxist onslaught living the quiet life is not enough.

  18. Rudel,

    I will be in Missouri during the May Day rally, but in the future the League is going to have someone ready, prepared, and assigned to film everything the “anti-fa” do with a high definition camcorder, not a smartphone, whenever they show up at our demonstrations.

    In Richmond, I went over there and filmed them by instinct. I wanted everyone on here to see that our opposition is ridiculous and pathetic. Here in the South, they are not going to stop us from getting organized and building a real world social movement, especially in the small towns and suburbs and the countryside where our people live, as they have done in the North and the West.

    We’re going film everything they do, take it back home, and cut up the footage into photo stills and short YouTube videos, which we are going to post on the internet to DEFINE THEIR IMAGE. This is something we are already doing, but it could be done much better, especially if we had a film studio and someone with professional experience in making these kinds of videos.

    Oh, and our friend Spelunker has also given us an idea about outing their real world identities. Do a Google search for “Keegan Hankes” – the SPLC mole in Uvalda – and “Mandela Satsuma” – the one who targeted us in Murfreesboro – and see what comes up!

  19. Heimbach: So am I a “White nationalist” Yes. My European family which extends from the Boer communities in South Africa to Russia and to Dixie are all of the same race and extended family.


    Supporting white interests elsewhere isn’t the meaning of white nationalism. That is white racialism and that’s something I share with you. I’m fairly certain that most SNists also support white interests in Europe, South Africa, and Australia.

    White nationalism is unique in that it says that the white race is our nation. That fundamental principle makes it distinct from Southern nationalism because Southern nationalism posits that the Southern nation is our nation. In other words, white nationalism takes a much more universalistic approach. It doesn’t see white people as an assortment of distinct folks, or nations, it sees white people as interchangeable units of a race – which explains why white nationalists have no problem with a white melting pot and often view SNism as hostile to their goals of a pan-white racial state in North America. White nationalism is something new and untraditional to the West. It’s so new that it’s barely even made any inroads in Europe. In Europe, the racialists are still German nationalists, Swedish nationalists, Greek nationalists, and so on. It’s in the places most influenced by the USA and Yankee universalism that white nationalism has found favour.

  20. Hunter, please try to look out for Matt H, protect him from those who would get him set up by the MSM television, those who just want to cause trouble, get drunk and get in to fights.

    Matt is a good young man, we can find productive things for him to do.

  21. White Nationalism is anti Nationalism, a Nationalist movement is born out of a nation (people) through, blood, culture, land and borders.

    What WN propose is internationalism, globalism.

    You can tell by their attitudes (not all but many) can’t even leave us to our own devices NOW – before we even can think of becoming independent. They push their “ideas” and thoughts and will onto our sites and groups constantly. Can you imagine if you were actually joined in a pan nation with them?

  22. Long Live Dixie I totally understand your point, which is why my second explanation was that I was a Southern nationalist. A Greek nationalist is a White nationalist in the folk sense but is still dedicated to his specific ethnic and cultural family of the Greek nation. In America the distinction between “White nationalism” and organic nationalism is because our Judeo-Masonic “nation” was forged without a clear cultural, religious, and racial identity therefore outside of the South we find European-Americans without an actual ethnic identity or as Professor Dugin would say “Europeans in exile.”

  23. CrimsonTide, I don’t think there is any official WN platform, and it seems to me that most proponents are advocating for liberation of europeans from zio-internationalism. But that could mean within the US, or anywhere. Right now many seem to recognize a need for an international ‘grassroots’ movement that generates momentum and recognition for individual independent euro-founded nations.

    I’ll state again that one thing I’ve learned on here and other boards is that both sides within the US (if there can even be said to be two discreet ones) engage in prescriptive lectures. In my experience the ‘traditonally conservative’ ones often come across as far more disrespectful and disregarding of the exigencies facing northeasterners than vice versa. But that’s only been my experience, obviously.

  24. I’m focused on getting White Southerners more active and better organized through the League and Council.

    In the last two weeks alone …

    – I’ve talked to one guy in East Tennessee

    – Six people in Alabama which includes one in Huntsville, one in Tuscaloosa, one in Eufaula, one in Phenix City, and two in metro Birmingham.

    – This evening I am meeting someone in Columbus, GA. I’ve also been talking to someone in Macon, GA.

    Building these networks and chapters is how we will build a movement in this area.

  25. Brad/HW, the entire irish nationalist movement, which isn’t monolithic, is anti-judeo. Same for the greeks, the nordics and what seems to be a shadowy german one (which would almost go without saying). The british resistance overall is anti-zionist and the power seems to be coming from the anti-judeo’s within that. Same seems to go for the italians, maybe too the spanish.

    Canada’s fractured White Nationalism also seems to posit the Jewish Nation as their core problem, from what I can discern, as does Australia’s. I’m just pointing this out in the context of contemplating the world scene and how American might has been distorted into imposing zionism on the european peoples everywhere.

  26. If the LOS stages a counter-demonstration on May Day in DC then unless there is a very strong police presence keeping the groups physically separated then they will be assaulted by the antifas.

  27. I’m wondering. Just what is the point of Southern Nationalists demonstrating in Washington, D.C., the Yankee capital? In my humble opinion, demonstrations should be on Southern ground to rally Southern people.

  28. Washington D.C. used to be referred to as “a sleepy Southern town.” In 1908 Congress almost passed a law segregating the city’s streetcars and when he was president Woodrow Wilson enacted a series of Jim Crow executive orders placing many federal jobs off limits to Negroes.

  29. “The core problem here is being passive, disorganized, and marginalized in obscure corners of the internet.”

    Then moderate and keep the focus on your educational articles on history, contemporary events of relevance to the cause, and organizing rallies with the requisite fundraising for same.

  30. DC is not South of the Mason-Dixon line, the M/D Line separates the Northern portion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. This is Southern territory that has been conquered and colonized by our opponents. Standing up in DC shows the Reds we are not afraid of them and simultaneously we show the Federal regime we are willing to take this to literally the steps of the White House. I call that a double win

  31. “This is Southern territory that has been conquered and colonized by our opponents.”

    I know Marylanders on the Eastern Shore who are still Southerners (there are even a few in Baltimore) and the Western Panhandle still feels as much like Appalachia as West Virginia.

  32. @Long Live Dixie Ignorance

    “White nationalism is something new and untraditional to the West.”

    Balderdash. Madison Grant, Lothrop Stoddard, Gustaf Kossinna, Arthur de Gobineau, Charles Darwin, Samuel George Morton, Georges Vacher de Lapouge, Arthur Schopenhauer, Rudyard Kipling, Francis Galton, Winston Churchill and a host of other writers put forward these various ideas of Nordicism which were wildly popular throughout the 19th and early 20th Centuries.

    As usual, you don’t know WTF you are talking about.

  33. Mosin, stop your ridiculous goddamn calumnies. Winston Churchill was not queer, Jenny Jerome was not Jewish, and her father did not change his name as he was of French Huguenot ancestry and descended from Timothy Jerome who settled in New York in 1717.

    BTW, Christopher Columbus was not Jewish either as you falsely claim. There are municipal, guild, and baptismal records of both sides of his family going back for hundreds of years which prove this fact.

    I’m done with you as you are nothing but a lying piece of trash which is not surprising for a shit-kicking Welsh Tract Baptist who is descended from some of the lowest class, pig ignorant white settlers to ever set foot in America. William Penn had to give you all some swampland as the people of Philadelphia wouldn’t stand for it to have y’all around.

  34. “Nordicism is not equal to white nationalism.”

    Really? You could have fooled me. WN is just contemporary folks picking up on the themes and memes of Nordicism. Works by Madison Grant, Lothrop Stoddard, and Gobineua were still available in most public libraries when I was a young.

    AH who was utilized by liberals, Communists, and Jews to bring Nordicism into disrepute after WWII was mostly a German nationalist primarily concerned with the German “volk” with his main philosophy being akin to Southern Nationalism much as Dr. Hill mentions the Southern “folk” in his recent speech. Hitler certainly believed in the overall superiority of the White race in general but often contrasted the different European nations unfavorably in comparison to Germany.


    The second link depicts the Line being ‘drawn’ north of DC. When I complained to a Pennsylvanian of how different certain mores seemed in DC compared to NJ, where this person had transplanted herself, she placed DC south of the Mason Dixon.

    Blacks have been terrorizing Whites, particularly anglo celts, in DC since at least the 80’s, invading our neighborhoods and torturing women especially, and as time progressed, men too. Diversity descends upon this city-without-a-real-history, and feels licensed to do whatever they want to us, at least the young white college-aged kids. It’s been a black run city since I think 1965 when LBJ appointed a black Commissioner who later became the first official Mayor:

    My grandparents, one irish catholic originally from Albany, NY, and another a Protestant from Waterloo, NY, lived in NJ and then Georgia while my grandfather worked. They retired in the area of Severna Park, MD, and lived out the remainder of their lives there; my special needs aunt still resides in their suburban home. It did not seem distinctly southern or northern to me, although more of the south than north. Maybe I just got used to folks down there. It’s very catholic.

  36. While we are on the subject of “reclaiming the boldness of Christian civilization” as in the above vid – today is Palm Sunday. On this day the Church of the West commemorates the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem – when he was first hailed as King. By this I mean, his statement: “all authority in heaven and earth is given to me.”

    On Palm Sunday, the traditional liturgy of the W Church also sounds the more sombre note (now expunged from contemporary faith communities). I quote from the St Andrews’ Missal of 1945

    “Pilate in his cowardice was guilty of homicide; but the Jews in their hatred attacked the Son of God and were the murderers of God Himself.”

    Really, this is what the European people are up against in their struggle for basic civil rights like – freedom of association and the right to form their own nation state. And unless they choose to meet their opposition on their own spiritual and dynamic plane – (as their ancestors did) they can not succeed.

  37. Rudel: Really?

    Yes, really. The mainstream of white nationalism supports pan-Europeanism not Nordicism. White nationalism has some relation to earlier racialist movements but that doesn’t mean it is the same as them. For example, white nationalists cheer that Poles are moving to England and “bolstering” the white population.

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