Vantards, In Retrospect


Here’s a collection of articles that I have written about vanguardists and their periodic meltdowns over the years:

Beware of Vantards

Jews and Vanguardists

Brown Herring J.T. Ready Self Detonates In Quadruple Murder Suicide

On Violence: A Rejoinder

Spokane Bomb

Violence and Vanguardists

Why Vanguardists Can’t Win

For 10 years now, I have argued with Alex Linder about his position on exterminating the Jews. Most recently, Jim Giles and I got into a heated argument with Linder about that in our Skype debates.

Note: For those who are unfamiliar with the distinction between “mainstreamers” and “vanguardists,” check out Leonard Zeskind’s book, Blood and Soil: The History of the White Nationalist Movement From The Margins to the Mainstream.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s hilarious that you supposedly have been wasting your time for 10 years trying to argue against exterminating Jews, but still you continue posting on the VNN forum. We know you are not most people, but most people would completely distance themselves from people who think this way, not engage them. That’s really kind of strange. Anyone that talks to you about exterminating any kind of people are certifiably insane. There is zero justification for exterminating any group of people, period. VNN and Stormfront are full of people who think this way.

    Here is some classic Brad for you:

    “Within the context of a Southern nation-state, then and only then could a “White ethnostate” be created. We could start creating it by first securing the whitest counties in the South and placing them off limits to blacks. We could also start zoning blacks into certain areas in our larger cities.”

    “The parts of the cities which are zoned as “Whites Only” would increase over time. The black population will diminish when we stop subsidizing it and create incentives for them to move elsewhere.”

    Of course, your comments make it sound like you have some right to move blacks anywhere. It’s not your business to tell any group of people where they can live, nor is it mine. It seems like you have this belief that you own this country, and have some right to tell people where they have to go, you don’t. The truth of the matter Brad is you tell yourself that you are better or different. Alex Linder is Coke and you are Pepsi.

  2. Zoning laws are technically a part of the urban planning process and subject to the democratic process on some level.

    Telling people where they can and cannot live is a public issue on all levels. Gated communities for example. They only function meaningfully when they are racially segregated.

  3. No, it’s not.

    Those people should be engaged whenever possible. Their terrible arguments should be debunked and discredited precisely because there are people like you who disingenuously claim that their actions reflect on all of us.

  4. HW

    Don’t try arguing with a crackpot lib or a liberTARDian. Best thing to do is to get out of their way to let them make fools of themselves in front of the whole world.

  5. A White Nationalist, is a White Nationalist, is a White Nationalist.

    People like Glenn Miller need professional help, not people on message boards carefully complaining about Jews. Brad Griffin was just talking the other day about how important and how much he had talked about the Jewish Question on his own website if memory serves correct. Just because you’re not advocating for extermination doesn’t make you better. Some White Nationalist tiptoe when talking about Jews. You still call Jews “a problem”.

  6. “Just because you’re not advocating for extermination doesn’t make you better.

    Actually it does. You are just a Jew troll that equates any criticism of Jews with genocidal extermination. You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to push the same old, same old NAZI equivalence slur on anyone who merely doesn’t like Jews.

  7. Spelunker, please take your lectures to Barbara Specter, the jew who openly advocates for the extermination of europeans by invasion.

  8. Spelunkstein, besides voting solidly for secession, Hunter has mentioned at least one more NON-violent method to bring the future southern White (and southern Talmudic) ethnostate (the ‘republic’, monarchy or oligarchy of ‘Dixie’) into actual existence: Giving southern Negroes sufficient financial incentive (monetary gifts, credit, free moving assistance, etc.) to make them CHOOSE to MOVE NORTH, across the Line, out of the future southern White (and southern Talmudic) ethnostate. However the WORST resident enemies are colonising Whites from north of the Line, and they may be much harder to convince to leave by nonviolent methods.

  9. That’s like saying every liberal is a terrorist like Bill Ayers. It’s not true. It is not even persuasive to people like Leonard Zeskind who have studied White Nationalism for decades.

    Alex Linder has been a fountainhead of terrible ideas for years now. I’ve been publicly criticizing and exposing his bad ideas for well over a decade now because of his influence over angry, alienated and misinformed fantasists. In particular, I have pointed out all the flaws and half truths in his genocidal narrative on multiple occasions.

    It’s true that I talk about the Jewish Question, but my conclusions and solution to the problem are opposed to Linder’s account. We have sparred on that subject and many others for years now. He’s a well known antagonist of mine.

    It’s true that Jews are powerful and have a negative influence in our culture, but gunning down random elderly people is morally repulsive, and it is not an intelligent response to the perceived problem. I’ve done far more than most people to pushback against the “it’s the Jews” talk on display here and elsewhere.

  10. Hunter is correct. ‘Mainstreaming’, with all its Benjamins, is so different from WN that it merits its own political category.

  11. Yes. The jewess Barbara Lerner Specter is hoist with her own cannard. She openly declares herself and her Jewish organisation to be at the forefront of opposing any nation of White people – especially a White nation living on its ancestral land.

    In the gospel according to Barbara, everyone else can have their own nation state – Jews (of course the sacred Jews must have their own state), Africans, Asians etc. Whites? No. They have to be multi-racial and multi-cultural. And the political Jews who control those governments are sending out expeditions to find ‘immigrants’ and enable them to come to those nations. Their shabbas goy proxies at home spread out the banquet of entitlements for all the cultural ‘enrichers’ that the Jews have imported.

  12. Spelunkstein is a noob.

    He’s obviously not familiar with the vanguard, it’s ideology, the points on which it differs from mainstreamers, and its history. They’re all one big crowd of “Nazis” to him.

  13. Media Mutters is blaming lamer cons, lamer cons are blaming Media Mutters in general and Max Blumenthal in particular.

    They’re both irrationally throwing pies in each other’s faces.

    Read this and the previous two OD threads. HW gets down to the bare metal of the hard drive in very short order in why this happened. He even got it almost entirely right before the truth came out. After that, you should be nonplussed, the book should be closed on the matter in your mind.

  14. Spelunker says:
    April 14, 2014 at 8:09 pm

    A White Nationalist, is a White Nationalist, is a White Nationalist.

    People like Glenn Miller need professional help, not people on message boards carefully complaining about Jews. Brad Griffin was just talking the other day about how important and how much he had talked about the Jewish Question on his own website if memory serves correct. Just because you’re not advocating for extermination doesn’t make you better. Some White Nationalist tiptoe when talking about Jews. You still call Jews “a problem”.”

    An anti-White, is an anti-White, is an anti-White.

    Anti-Whites make a very good living out of calling White people “a problem”. They repeat that White people are the only racial group in history that ever did bad things and we must pay.

    Here’s Jared Taylor talking about college professors, inciting against White people, until the inevitable attacks occur. What is the difference between college professors and the VNN crowd?

    Nothing at all.

    You Swine Happy Now? Blacks killing Whites to right perceived historical wrongs – Jared Taylor

  15. Jason Blakely

    How indignant was JT in that video?

    He used the word “swine” in reference to human beings.

    Which by JT’s standards is cussing and swearing like a drunken sailor.

  16. @countenance
    I gained new respect for him after watching that. He held them responsible for their actions. He did not let them get away with calling themselves “anti-racist”.

  17. No, the real problem is that it is taboo to talk openly and honestly about Jewish power and influence in America, and that fuels conspiracy theories on the interent, which fester and gestate at places like VNN Forum, predictably, into genocidal rampages.

  18. @Spelunker
    You so called “anti-racists” always characterize Whites as the “race problem”. You target all of our countries and only our countries, for massive immigration and forced integration. Which means if you get your way, Whites will not exist anywhere.

    Your actions do not make you “anti-racist”, nor do they make you a “Defender of the Jews”. They make you a persecutor of the White race.

    You are just a Genocidal anti-White like all the rest.

  19. LiberTARDian cultist

    The problem is that there’s hardly any reasonable rational middle ground on the matter. On one extreme there are either people like you who say that Jews are a total non-issue, or out and outright philo-Semites. On the other extreme, well, is the Linder-Miller-VNN crowd (and many others) who are 24/7/365 about “TEH JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZ~!1, blaming Jews for every problem, finding a Jew under every rock.

  20. Jason Blakely

    I am targeting countries? Dude what are you talking about? You realize I’m just one unimportant “White” guy with no power or influence, yet you’re telling me that I’m sabotaging races as part of my grand conspiracy. Brad, get this guy some help. He’s going to be Heil Hitler-ing soon.

  21. “No, the real problem is that it is taboo to talk openly and honestly about Jewish power and influence in America, and that fuels conspiracy theories on the interent, which fester and gestate at places like VNN Forum, predictably, into genocidal rampages.”

    Right, and that makes sense after you just told us how much you’ve talked about it in the past. It’s so taboo that Brad can’t even talk about it. Right. Got it.

  22. No, Spelunker, it’s the jewish creed and value system that is the problem.

    Why can’t they live on their own, in the homeland so many non-jews have died for? Why are they invading every european homeland instead of remaining in or returning to Israel? If Israel is not their homeland, then why aren’t immigrants allowed there? Why don’t you go troll the jews? All they do is talk about their alleged racial superiority and the imprimatur they believe it grants them to dominate others.

    Judaism is a belief which holds that a group of people must treat each other a certain way, so that their god blesses them with the right to steal other people’s land, resources, etc. The ‘Chosen’ people cannot exist in an exalted chosen status alone, hence their history of stalking and oppressing the european masses all over the globe.

    countenance, there is a broad spectrum of people who see jews as the central adversaries in Whites’ liberation. Unlike the negrophobes, many of us don’t harbor the irrational fear that faulty black DNA is the explanation for every anti-white policy.

    Most pro-Whites probably fall somewhere in between the two axes.

  23. Here’s another piece of unfinished business and and open sore we have to address.

    Some of the neos are discovering Miller’s support of Ron Paul, and are thus firing with all four barrels at Ron and also Rand.

    I could never figure out why the Vantards ever liked Ron Paul, what the attraction was. The only thing I can come up with is that the Vantards took Ron Paul’s foreign policy neutralitarianism as dog whistling that he really and secretly had it out for the Jews. When the politics of and accusations of dog whistling are stupid (which is why MSNBC loves them), and they’re risky from a communications standpoint, because one person saying one thing to ten people can be interpreted differently by all eleven people involved.

    But if TEH JOOOOOOZ~!1 were the big bug-a-boo of the Vantards, then this only means they should have avoided Ron Paul like the plague. Because Ron Paul was mostly a dogmatic adherent to libertarianism, which is mostly a Jewish ideological cult. What sense does it make for stridently anti-Jewish racialists to cast their lot with race denying open borders politicians and causes.

    WNs should have had zero attraction to Ron Paul, and since Rand is “evolving” away from his father’s foreign policy neutralitarianism, they should have even less attraction to Rand.

    Another theory to explain the irrational attraction that racialists (even those who aren’t hung up on TEH JOOOOOZ~!1) had toward Ron Paul could be found in a round about way in an AR thread this weekend:

    It boils down to this: WNs should hide behind libertarians, even though we know libertarianism is not racial, and in fact, anti-racial, so that we can disparately benefit from libertarian ideology. Yours truly, writing as Question Diversity, picks that bullshit apart plenty of times in that thread.

  24. Spelunker,

    You can’t even admit that you are Jewish. That’s what Hunter is referring to. Don’t mention the nepotism, networking and bigotry that you notice.

    That we are even discussing Miller (who appears to have gunned down two Protestants and a Catholic as it turns out) demonstrates the very real power that we are never allowed to mention. If you mention it you get destroyed by that power that ethnic group that doesn’t exist.

    A Cornpone Nazi kills two Christians and the Jews are still the victim. At least Breivik annihilated the youth leadership of a political party. That’s actually domestic terrorism writ large.

  25. NY Hankees, why don’t you give me some personal examples of how Jews have negatively impacted your life. Can’t wait for this list.

  26. Why aren’t Tim Wise, Noel Ignatiev, et al, held accountable for their ‘eliminationism?’
    Why aren’t all jews (particularly considering that the jewish creed pivots on ethnic unity against ‘the other’) held accountable for those men’s exhortations when blacks (with some help from hispanics) kill, rape and maim whites every day in this country?


  27. Yes, it is taboo.

    The ADL and SPLC, yourself, and others are constantly working to expose the real world identities of WNs, publicly shame them, and especially to try to get them fired by their employers for violating the taboos. Organized Jewry has even gone after some of the most respected political scientists in America like John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt.

    The long term effect of that is 1.) to drive discussion of Jewish power and influence out of academia and the public sphere, where it belongs, and underground into anonymous internet forums like VNN Forum where 2.) conspiracy theories flourish and people like Alex Linder gain credibility.

    I don’t want to brag, but not everyone has the time, the interest, or the attention span like myself to study these issues in all of their complexity. There are people like Glenn Miller out there who see what is happening to their race and culture and the simple solution put forth by people like Alex Linder – the Jews are genociding us, so we must exterminate the Jews – resonates with them.

    This is further complicated by people like you playing the associations game. In order to avoid being “associated” with people like Alex Linder, there are lots of people who know better – think of Kevin MacDonald – who won’t confront him because they don’t want to be “associated” with him, and what happens is that he ends up preaching “exterminate the Jews” on his forum and people like Glenn Miller respond to his message.

  28. Spelunker

    Murder is wrong. But I’ve never been murdered. There is no need to be personally negatively impacted by something in order to note and cite the thing as something which is wrong or negative or not ideal.

  29. Name one employer I’ve revealed… Waiting…

    If you call reading Facebook and reposting the names of the people who indicated being somewhere exposing, then yes, I guess.

    The names of every person I posted at your last rally were already posted elsewhere, they have just been consolidated. Aren’t you guys proud of your message? What’s the big deal? You are the one that’s acting like it’s shameful.

  30. We’re coming up on the end of the first business day after the event, and not one MSM source statewide or even nationally have connected the obvious dots to Linder, VNN and Kirksville, Missouri. And it’s not like it’s not something that’s hard to find out. Are the media just slow? Or are they holding it back for some reason? You’d think they’d be all over it by now.

  31. It’s not for a lack of trying on your part.

    You people are the greatest allies of the paranoid conspiracy theories. The message that you broadcast is – yes, it is true that the Jews are extremely powerful, and criticizing them is taboo and could cost you your job or worse, the Jews really do control America, and you can learn more about it at VNN Forum.

    As for the League of the South, we are proud of our message, and we are willing to be associated with it. The purpose of doing these demonstrations is to violate these taboos. That implies confronting head on your little tactic of ritual shaming that has worked so successfully with the WNs.

  32. What’s my message?

    Spelunkers not my real name, there are some really nasty characters who are bragging about things they’d like to do to me, and also that they will expose my name for all once they follow all of the “breadcrumbs”. These people are part of that whole “White Nationalist” crowd, I’m sure you’ve heard of it once or twice before.

    I certainly have nothing to be ashamed of.

  33. “Rounder” was recently in contact with Cobb before his rampage.

    Cobb stinks to high heaven. While Linder is simply insane, Cobb strikes me as a potential Fed pawn.

    This is a touchstone; as I did with the Ukraine Coup, I note the people that defend this atrocity or try to explain it away as beyond the pale. If the heavy hitters in the movement wanted to they could push out the bomb throwers and actually advance the cause greatly. Hitler wasn’t cool; like “Rounder” he aimed for the Jews and hit whites. Is it a mortal wound?

  34. Spelunker says:
    “Spelunkers not my real name, there are some really nasty characters who are bragging about things they’d like to do to me, and also that they will expose my name for all once they follow all of the “breadcrumbs”. These people are part of that whole “White Nationalist” crowd, I’m sure you’ve heard of it once or twice before.

    I certainly have nothing to be ashamed of.”

    Coming right back at ya, Spelunk, only change ‘White Nationalist crowd’ to Diversity Cult… Another difference is that you can’t prove your claims, while mine are documented every day.

    BTW, do you think you’re convincing anyone here that you’re somehow tolerant of Southern Nationalists or Council of Conservative Citizenry but anti White Nationalists? Miller was a southerner, and worked with the FBI.

  35. Linder seems like a psychopath or a (probably Jewish considering the name) FBI plant. Look at the video interview with him, a real “Aryan” huh?

  36. In MOURNING over this foolhardy and destructive set of murders. Pray for the salvation of the victims, and that God will have mercy on Miller, that he may repent +

    I was not familiar with Miller, but according to Andrew Anglin he had an alcohol problem. That is another thing nationalists need: an anti-drug culture. Due to the pervasiveness of the vodka problem, the Russian MMA group White Rex officially embraces an anti-drug message, and patriots like Vladimir Zhirinovsky have called for a renewal of the temperance movement.

    With the plague of alcoholism gone, it would not be so hard to tame other vicious behaviors or habits we may have.

  37. Glen Miller has been an unsavory character for a long, long time. He was a paid Fed informant, testified against honest, effective a White separatists in Fort Smith Sedition trials.

    He’s been mentally unfit, abused booze – he looks at smells bad. Why would any effective movement, what this guy coming around?

    I take some criticism for deleting comments that violate OD comment guidelines and for suggesting to ban certain individuals.

    But, the Glen Miller case supports my common sense practice to have decency standards.

  38. Hunter I don’t know if Glenn Miller is going to hell, he could repent and have his sins forgiven. But sadly, If Linder continues to promotes the destructive, paranoid culture that exists on VNN, a meltdown in the future is sure to happen.

  39. The very fact that this leads the Ukraine Crisis, that it’s mentioned while this is kept local:

    Over the span of 36 hours from Friday afternoon into early Sunday morning, at least 36 people were shot, four fatally, in Chicago. More than half of those shootings were in the last 12 hours of that time period.,0,2196005.story

    Tells you all you need to know about who does what to whom and the strings that are being pulled. Good point about Meirsheimer.

  40. Mark Pitcavage must have stopped feeding his fat face long enough to comment:

    Takeaway fail quote:

    The USA is currently in the fifth year of a violent wave of right-wing extremism

    “Violent wave.” If you add Miller to the only other actual death caused in this “violent wave,” you get four kills in five years.

    Read the link provided in the comment directly above this one, to see that four kills is a warm WEEKEND in Bell Curve City ChiCongo.

  41. Some excellent responses here, Hunter. This is reminiscent of your best work in your early days as a WN (before you decided that movement was going nowhere and settled on SN).

  42. This is further complicated by people like you playing the associations game. In order to avoid being “associated” with people like Alex Linder, there are lots of people who know better – think of Kevin MacDonald – who won’t confront him because they don’t want to be “associated” with him, and what happens is that he ends up preaching “exterminate the Jews” on his forum and people like Glenn Miller respond to his message.

    From a broader perspective, even more damaging than the Millers and von Brunns who do respond to that message are the millions who, as a result of not wishing to be associated with that message, do not respond to any message regarding Jewish influence, power, hypocrisy and double standards. That is why, putting it as poetically as I could, I’ve asked, “Words that help and words that hinder: issue which from Alex Linder?”

  43. @Hunter

    It could be that all casinos should be shutdown as they inspire outbursts of anti-Semitic violence. A well known anti-Semite with 20 years of military experience leaves a casino reportedly in a drunken stupor, and shows up hours later 150 miles away to launch a dis-jointed attack on innocent bystanders at two Jewish community facilities. Makes a lot of sense. I hope we see some real reporting.

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