Self Detonating Lone Wolf Vanguardists

Frazier Glenn Miller Jr. at his arraignment
Frazier Glenn Miller Jr. at his arraignment


After sitting down and thinking about it, I have decided not to write a general article about the subject of violence.

Upon reflection, the term “self detonating lone wolf vanguardist” and the damage that these people routinely inflict on the White Nationalist movement encompasses virtually all of the recent incidents which I wanted to address.

What is a “self detonating lone wolf vanguardist”? In his book Blood and Politics: A History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream, Leonard Zeskind depicted the White Nationalist movement as being torn between “two political trends” which “vie for strategy hegemony”:

“Within the movement, two political trends, mainstreaming and vanguardism, view for strategic hegemony. The differences between the two are somewhat akin to the distinctions between reformists and revolutionaries. They both seek the same goal but differ over the manner in which they work toward it.

Broadly speaking, mainstreamers believe that a majority (or near majority) of white people can be won over to support their cause, and they try to influence the existing structures of American life.

Vanguardists think that they will never find more than a small minority of white people to support their aims voluntarily, and they build smaller organizations of highly dedicated cadres with the intention of forcefully dragging the rest of society behind them.” (Zeskind, p.xix)

What is a “lone wolf”?

“A lone wolf or lone-wolf fighter is someone who commits or prepares for, or is suspected of committing or preparing for, violent acts in support of some group, movement, or ideology, but who does so alone, outside of any command structure and without material assistance from any group.”

In other words, a “self detonating lone wolf vanguardist” is someone who is radically alienated from society and who has given up on persuasion, a fantasist who is inclined toward violent methods of bringing about eschatological political change, who usually acts alone or with an accomplice in the name of a movement without the support or assistance of any group, and who typically explodes, lashes out, or “self detonates” without warning in rampage shootings, murder-suicides, and bombing campaigns.

Some examples of the “self detonating lone wolf vanguardist” include Buford Furrow, Jr.James von BrunnWade Michael PageKevin HarphamJ.T. ReadyCurt Maynard, and James “Yankee Jim” Leshkevich. Their attacks can range from hopelessly incompetent rampage shootings – Frazier Glenn Miller, Jr. – to sophisticated and deadly acts of terrorism – Timothy McVeigh and Anders Behring Breivik.

Here are some thoughts on how to keep “self detonating lone wolf vanguardists” from damaging the Southern Nationalist movement:

1.) Staying Grounded In Reality – Unlike the White Nationalist movement, the Southern Nationalist movement needs to stay a reality-based, face-to-face social movement as it grows, and avoid falling into the trap of becoming dependent on online anonymous forums and blogs. The internet tends to bring out the worst in isolated, marginalized people, and Southern Nationalists should stick to using the internet as a communications tool.

2.) Leadership & Organization – It is demoralized lone wolves who self detonate.

In order to avoid this problem, the Southern Nationalist movement needs to stay tightly organized with established leaders who can emphasize that resorting to violence should be a collective decision, not an individual one. The White Nationalist movement is diffuse, disorganized, anonymous and internet based. The movement as a whole lacks structure, leadership, and organization.

“Do your own thing” is part of the hippie code. We shouldn’t tolerate an equivalent of VNN Forum “doing their own thing” in our name.

3.) Christianity – White Nationalism is based on race and ideology.

Southern Nationalism should emphasize Christian morality in order to attract the sort of people who can relate to their neighbors while simultaneously deterring the budding Hannibal Lecters who congregate at VNN Forum. White Southerners share a common culture and this is an asset which can be used to our advantage.

4.) Positive Action – The current emphasis on activism is a great way to channel the energies of our people in a positive direction that adds strength to our organization. Frazier Glenn Miller lashed out in anger because he was demoralized.

5.) Mainstreaming – As long as we emphasize that we are focused on winning over our fellow White Christian Southerners, the Southern Nationalist movement should remain unattractive to self detonating lone wolf vanguardists.

6.) Jews – Finally, when it comes to addressing the Jewish Question, we should acknowledge that there is a conflict of interest with Organized Jewry and the negative influence it exercises over our culture, but we should emphasize that our solution to that problem is to become a more powerful interest group by growing our numbers, raising money, and becoming more active and better organized and more vigilant in defending and asserting our interests.

It is self evident that rampage shootings, bombing campaigns, and murder-suicides solve nothing, create sympathy for our avowed enemies, and are destructive to our public image and reputation. These are things which should be avoided at costs.

In summary, we should offer a practical solution to a known problem, stay a reality based movement, channel the energies of our people into positive activism, focus our attention on organizing and winning over our people, and emphasize Christian morality and the leadership principle. If we can do that, we should be able to avoid becoming mired in a similar morass.

Update: Alex is back.

Predictably, Alex is lashing out at others rather than wrestling with his own conscience – he would have to have one to exhibit remorse.

I’ve told him for 10 years now, publicly, that “exterminating the Jews” was a terrible idea, and I never backed away from that position. It was sound advice. Now Rounder has acted on his terrible idea, will probably get the death penalty, destroyed his own family, has killed three innocent people, and destroyed the lives of their families.

I’m not the one who is going to have to live with that though.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. May I suggest an additional line item?

    7. Healthy hobbies. Encourage and facilitate our people’s interest in useful non-political non-movement pursuits. Not instead of politics and the movement, but something we can do besides them, or when they frustrate us.

  2. 3.) Christianity – White Nationalism is based on race and ideology.

    Southern Nationalism should emphasize Christian morality in order to attract the sort of people who can relate to their neighbors while simultaneously deterring the budding Hannibal Lecters who congregate at VNN Forum. White Southerners share a common culture and this is an asset which can be used to our advantage.

    Just whatever you do don’t try and turn it into Christians vs Non-Christians like Linder does.

  3. countenance says:
    April 16, 2014 at 12:24 am
    May I suggest an additional line item?

    7. Healthy hobbies. Encourage and facilitate our people’s interest in useful non-political non-movement pursuits. Not instead of politics and the movement, but something we can do besides them, or when they frustrate us.

    Jack responds:

    Strongly agree.

    Take up some hobbies that regular White people do – not political, not weird, strange, foreign, kook stuff. Something men women and healthy children might like to do.

    Board games
    Folk events – ethnic heritage festivals like Scottish Highland games.

    Don’t be a loner, drop out, societal misfit, loser, nut case, kook – some violent psycho that attacks museums, old folks centers, kindergarten schools killing lot’s of White children.

    Yeah, take up some healthy hobbies.

  4. Italian Casa pound seems to have a wide variety of activities:

    The social center has its own musical band, Zetazeroalfa, an association of civil protection and promotes sports (hiking, parachuting, diving and other disciplines), union activities, and recreational activities, including a theater company, web radio, web television and a monthly magazine.

  5. HW, I appreciate your efforts, another $50 is coming your way.

    It’s so refreshing to hear someone say not that killing people is “counterproductive”, but that it is wrong!

    The plain truth is that by having 4 children per couple and being reasonably organized, whites can reverse the genocide; all within the confines of civil society.

    The only thing standing in our way is the bomb-throwers and lunatics. I have the feeling that many were attracted to racial causes because it seemed the most anarchic and anti-social thing to do at the time. 40 years of “leadership” from folks like Don “Dominica” Black – who stated that he was shocked to see someone like Miller resurfacing in the “movement”, but he “didn’t want to make a big deal out of it”, and who also does the finger-in-the-wind on any issue that involves his Nazi-phile core supporters (see the coup in Ukraine). Being a leader means that you’re the guy that has to set the moral compass, and give people a choice of living within the confines of a moral framework, or getting out.

    The League of the South, like the Texas Nationalist movement have wisely distanced themselves from the bomb-throwers. Will the Mantra people do the same? After all it isn’t just the number of signs being held up, but who is holding the signs.

  6. Crying, “I am not a nut like so and so.”, only does one of two things; It re-enforces the idea that you are a nutcase or it makes you sound like a whiny coward. Either way you are on the defensive. Go ahead, take the next step, acquiesce.
    The fact of the matter is that Glenn Miller was espousing his idiocy long before VNN ever existed. Alex Linder may have in fact taken his cue from him. Once again, Glenn Miller acted ALONE. That is it.

  7. I apologise, I posted the last comment in the wrong article. Please relocate at your earliest convenience Brad.

  8. Jack Ryan et al.

    Alluding to one of my outside interests, did anyone else other than me see the lunar eclipse last night? Luckily, here in central Missouri, it cleared out just in time, and it was probably the best looking lunar eclipse I’ve ever seen with my own eyes. Thankfully there were other people around here interested in seeing it.

    This kind of thing would have scared our superstitious distant ancestors.

  9. What are the odds that Linder and VNN is a honey pot vs Linder just being a sociopath who managed to find a small band of losers that were even more pathetic and sociopathic than him?

  10. I would not ignore the role of the media, the legal system, the educational system, and mainstream religion in the creation of individuals such as these. How many times can you watch the knockout game and have them tell you it is just a myth and that race was not involved before your cork pops? The next time it happens, when it’s you, just remember it’s your own fault, you need to unpack your backpack full of white privilege, you creepy ass cracker. We are inundated continuously with a message that only create a sense of isolation and desperation. When people finally begin to wake up to it and understand who is driving it and why, it is not surprising at all that they would be full of the desire for vengeance and yearning for extermination.

    You do not need to condone everything other whites do. You do not have to approve of it or support it. You have every right to your own opinions about what it right or what is moral or what is effective. But you are wrong to be doing a lot of hand wringing and breast beating over the actions of someone that you are not responsible for. That is exactly the kind of behavior that makes those actions so useful to your enemies. No matter what some other jew has done, you will never see jews airing this kind of laundry for the whole world to see. You will never see blacks doing it. You will only ever see whites tripping and pissing all over themselves to distance themselves from the unsavory behaviors of some other white. It is divisive, it is a weakness, and you should refrain from it.

  11. Re: jmf

    There ought to be a division between people like us and the type of people on public display here at VNN Forum:


    I don’t have to look any further than my own Facebook feed to see how our own people would react to something like this being done in our name. It is the kind of polarizing action that only appeals to a very, very small sociopathic minority.

    I can assure you that lots of our own people are not down with what Glenn Miller has done in Kansas City. There are people on my Facebook feed who are unsettled and who are reacting to some of the comments that have been made about it and what happened out there had nothing to do with us.

    Browsing some of the comments that I have seen on VNN and Stormfront, I have felt my own stomach turning. My gut feeling when I see stuff like that is that it is not something that I want to be a part of, and if that is my knee jerk reaction, it makes me wonder how the average person is reacting to it.

    Also, I got to know Rounder fairly well over the years, and it saddens me that he chose to throw away his life like that and hurt other people in the process. I also have no doubt where he got such an idea. It was Alex’s terrible idea. I told him it was a terrible idea, not to feud with him or “stab him in the back,” as he is saying, but because it was so obviously a terrible idea that throwing cold water on it was the right thing to do.

  12. You will only ever see whites tripping and pissing all over themselves to distance themselves from the unsavory behaviors of some other white. It is divisive, it is a weakness, and you should refrain from it.

    I’m highly suspect of anyone not distancing themselves from murderers and the virulent attitudes that gave that violence a voice and possibly even the idea to murder. He didn’t murder black people or people in the media or government. You should refrain from burying your head and pretending that a supposedly pro-White man didn’t just murder three completely innocent White people. It’s not just a weakness, it’s a personality defect needs to be curb stomped into submission.

  13. Jack Ryan suggests ‘don’t be a loner (…) take up some healthy hobbies’.

    We would add: Christian conversion, service to neighbours and a life of honest hard work instead of ‘pleasure’.

  14. This is a bull that needs to be headed off at the pass.

    Let’s assume for the sake of argument that Glenn Miller was successful. There is the Linder crowd which would be cheering, “right on, right on,” but there is a far larger crowd that would be disgusted by it, and lots of people in that far larger crowd would start heading for the exits.

  15. “Christian conversion, service to neighbours and a life of honest hard work instead of ‘pleasure’.”

    Whatever turns you on, Mosin. Too much hard work has killed many a man.

  16. Mosin Nagant:

    There are millions of alcoholics and they don’t go around shooting innocent people and shouting “heil hitler”.

    His ideology was on full display: exterminationist, Nazi.

    Blaming alcohol is the grasping-at-straws “party line” that so many are using to deflect blame from their “movement” instead of accepting the blame and taking actions to confront wrongdoing. I expect more of this as the “old guard” and their acolytes are marginalized within white activism and they turn to hives of scum and villainy such as VNN. What can we expect from Cobb when he is released?

    Imagine that the ranks of white activists grows ten-fold: Nine out of ten white activists are likely to have little connection to white advocacy except for the Mantra and Libertarian / Infowars migrations. Many of them will be former “Free Republic” types who figure since the GOP’s “token brown guy” strategy has lead to the most racially polarized elections in American history, they might as well drop the pretense and be pro-white.

    Naziism and totalitarianism aren’t going to get us where we want to go.

  17. Afterthought, read that comment in the context of all my comments. I wasn’t grasping at a straw to justify first degree murder. I was taking advantage of a convenient opportunity to stab at the sin of drunkenness. Actually I agree with you.

  18. HW:

    “Browsing some of the comments that I have seen on VNN and Stormfront, I have felt my own stomach turning. My gut feeling when I see stuff like that is that it is not something that I want to be a part of, and if that is my knee jerk reaction, it makes me wonder how the average person is reacting to it.”

    Not that I ever was a big fan of Stormfront (it’s too anarchic for my tastes), but I checked it regularly to see what the “movement” was focused on from day to day. For me the canary in the coal mine was the Ukraine coup. I was dumbfounded to see anyone claiming to be pro-White applauding the obvious work of NWO Jews (keep in mind we already had the recording of Nuland wanting “Yats” in there). Yet there was a powerful contingent of people spamming the boards with agitprop and slandering people pointing out the obvious (myself included). Don Black’s position was “I can see both sides”; even though he really understood what was going on, he didn’t want to upset his “base”.

    Likewise on Glenn Miller, his main goal was to distance Stormfront from Miller, not realizing or accepting the fact that he gives succor to past and future Millers, essentially wink-winking at all kinds of garbage. Like so many others, Don Black wants to shift the subject to black-on-white crime (see also Linder) or explain away Miller by talking about extenuating circumstances like alcohol. All the while he misses the reality that whites will defeat genocide, and the only thing really hindering us are the bomb-throwers.

  19. This much is absolutely certain: actions like those of Glenn Miller in Kansas City are guaranteed to harm the reputation of the WN movement, reinforce its marginalization, and narrow its audience. The right thing to do, morally and tactically, is to discourage that kind of behavior.

    There’s not even the smallest trace of a silver lining in it. It is bad in every possible way. Even if we grant that Linder’s platform of “exterminate the Jews” has nothing to do with Rounder’s actions, his actions show us how Linder’s programme would be received if that idea was ever acted on.

  20. MN:

    I accept that, but when reading “probably nothing would have happened” I totally disagree. Eliminationist rhetoric leads to murder.

  21. Here’s an example of a reputation point that I received at Stormfront:

    “You are a mentally defective coward. I wish you a painful, horrible death.” – 100% White and Proud

  22. Re: Jews

    We should advocate booting them out, as dozens of countries have done throughout the ages. Allowing them to stay is equivalent to setting yourself for an endlessly repeating viscous cycle. One that may result in our extinction.

  23. “We should advocate booting them out, as dozens of countries have done throughout the ages. Allowing them to stay is equivalent to setting yourself for an endlessly repeating viscous cycle. One that may result in our extinction.”

    They are self destructing through intermarriage and very low fertility rates (except for the ultra-Orthodox.)

  24. Afterthought, while his ideology definitely contributed to his crimes, I believe, based on years of seeing and hearing about violence committed by people who were bombed on booze, that alcohol abuse was what caused this horrid tragedy. Alcohol, consumed in excess, lowers inhibitions that would normally self censor this kind of behavior. Miller must have consumed enough liquor to nullify the censor to do what he thought of doing for years, and three people ended up dead. BTW, read “The Secret History Of Alcoholism” by James Graham. He shows how alcohol addiction has changed the course of world history.

  25. Traitor Glenn Miller goes full on Nutzi and kills some gentiles who were unfortunate enough to be going to a jewish center to audition for a singing show or something. If this is what Millertime is about, I don’t want to be a part of it.

  26. ‘when reading “probably nothing would have happened” I totally disagree. Eliminationist rhetoric leads to murder’:

    Yet in this case, probably nothing would have happened if the ‘permitting factor’ had not ‘released his safety’. But pulling the trigger was still deliberate, premeditated.

    Rudel, some of those who don’t partake are the ones who are too unhealthy to do so (like those who don’t climb mountains are less healthy than those who do) hence the misleading statistic. It’s easy enough to partake. We do like moderately hard cider, and homemade sassafras root beer and birch bark beer ‘brewed’ with yeast and sugar.

  27. ‘They are self destructing through intermarriage’:

    They are destroying the Whiteness of Whites through the intermarriage, or don’t genetics matter, Rudel?

  28. Great post. We need to shun the nutters (RamZPaul mentioned this in a recent video as well), many of them are government agents provocateurs IMO. Also I would de-emphasize things like crime and IQ, in favor of self-interest and freedom of association. Also hate to nitpick, but McVeigh made it clear that he wasn’t a racist, and his accomplice Terry Nichols even had a son with his Filipina mail order bride.

  29. HW, I think that you’re taking this idea too far. The only person responsible for Rounder’s terrible crimes is…Rounder. In essence, you’re agreeing with Europeans, Canadians, etc. who argue that we should prohibit “hate-speech” because it may produce Auschwitz and the like. This is a ludicrous argument that if taken to its logical conclusion would serve to criminalize all sorts of speech…from the Koran to Eminem and passing through the Communist Manifesto and American Psycho. The list is endless and arbitrary. I despise Linder as much as anyone here or elsewhere mostly because I think he hurts us in a myriad of ways but the only person responsible for these killings is the old, mentally unstable drunk Rounder. May he finish his pathetic days in jail and rot in hell, if there’s such a place.

  30. FB,

    I haven’t advocating criminalizing “hate speech.”

    Insofar as this concerns us, the main question that interests me is what we can do to prevent something like this from happening and giving a black eye to the Southern Nationalist movement.

    I’ve outlined my suggestions above. Everyone agrees that it is lone wolves who strike out like this. That’s a strong argument for getting better organized – for “hate groups,” as opposed to “hate loners” – and having a leadership structure in place with the authority and legitimacy to quell violence within our own ranks.

  31. Alas, there are bad apples in every cause. However, we must not let the misdeeds of one mentally unstable person ruin the entire bunch. We must strive to educate and organize our people.The internet provides us an excellent opportunity to get our message out to the masses, much to the dismay of the Zionist power structure. The internet shall be their undoing, downfall, and the ultimate demise of their power structure. Yes, the old addage still rings true:the pen is still mightier than the sword.

  32. TJ said,
    “Re: Jews

    We should advocate booting them out, as dozens of countries have done throughout the ages. Allowing them to stay is equivalent to setting yourself for an endlessly repeating viscous cycle. One that may result in our extinction.”

    You’re a complete moron. How would you do this? Who will do this? Does this apply to all people born into the jewish culture and religion? Would this apply to people who have one Jewish parent? What about those who born into judaism who want nothing to do with it? Would you kick out Gilad Atzmon or David Cole?

    Perhaps this movement will go mainstream someday, but stupid comments like this aren’t helping it. And if it doesn’t go mainstream, we will know the reasons why. One of them being the mindset of idiots like TJ.

  33. As Greg said at Counter-Currents, there are layers upon layers of idiocy in Miller’s rampage shooting.

    Alex’s concept of “exterminating the Jews” is even more ill conceived. Even if Miller was inspired by his own demons, the reaction shows how “exterminate the Jews” would be received in practice … it was a windfall for the SPLC, and a polarizing black eye to WN.

    The Jewish power structure will only be strengthened by rampage shooters. It can only be undone by the quiet and methodical organizing and fundraising necessary to construct a rival pole of power that can offset its destructive influence.

  34. I’m kind of new to white nationalism (I don’t usually use the term). I like a lot of the ideas, but there seem to be a lot of abnormal mentally unstable in some forums and comments sections.

    I posted a comment on Amren about how i thought VNN was crazy, and some guy named Hunter Morrow called me a kike (this is despite me looking far more Aryan than Alex Linder).

    Many of them seem to be about as bad as blacks in that they’re lacking self-restraint and basic reasoning skills.

    I agree with some of the anti-Semitic stuff, but openly advocating genocide on camera and in a public forum is completely retarded and definitely morally questionable.

  35. Saying Jews are a “problem” is nonsense. Haven’t you met any White anti-Whites in real life? If you shut ins ever left your houses, you might actually meet some. I am surrounded by them in my professional and personal life. To me it seems like every White is an anti-White.

    If you really are concerned about Whites going postal on Jews and giving your organization a “black eye, then don’t contribute to the problem by writing articles calling Jews a problem. Instead use the word anti-White to describe specific people that are caught being anti-White.

    Don’t you know that anti-Whites come in all races and religions?

    But I know you will never do this. You would rather “die”, than call anyone anti-White, so please stop complaining about a problem you have helped to cause.

  36. I’ll self detonate on your face, Lucille.

    But only if you make me a pastrami reuben on rye, right quick!

  37. It appears that this guy was not a “lone wolf” but a member of a radical organization involved in all sorts of criminal activities; at least, that is what I got from reading about his story in RT and Reuters.

    I agree with the general tenor of dissent on this site that these sorts of violent activities only hurt our cause. And it is immoral.

    As for the j__sh problem; I can’t deny that many j__s are hostile to the survival of our race and our civilization, as our many of our own people. Sometimes I feel that this malicious little tribe supports all that is evil and wrong in today’s world. At the same time I know some j__s who I like on a personal level and I wish that things were not as they are. Even so, I think that our people would do better to learn from the j__s. I don’t think that we should exploit other people as they do, or try to destroy other cultures as they do. But they are wise to act in their own interest and we should do the same.

  38. “Browsing some of the comments that I have seen on VNN and Stormfront, I have felt my own stomach turning. My gut feeling when I see stuff like that is that it is not something that I want to be a part of, and if that is my knee jerk reaction, it makes me wonder how the average person is reacting to it.”

    But yet you want to continue to be a part of it. Go ahead, follow your list to a “T”, you’re still “a part of it”. This is your chance, get out now!

  39. “Let’s assume for the sake of argument that Glenn Miller was successful. ”

    He killed 3 people. I’m sure in his mind that was a success.

  40. “In order to avoid this problem, the Southern Nationalist movement needs to stay tightly organized with established leaders who can emphasize that resorting to violence should be a collective decision, not an individual one.”

    Interesting point. This is why the League of the South and Trad Youth should cancel or alter it’s planned May Day protest in DC. Shane Long has urged people to come shed more than sweat with him on the “battlefield”. Heimbach has had to try and explain to potential attendees why they should come in business casual rather than steel toes and bomber jackets, characterizing the move as not going into it looking for “battle”. The thing is, it seems like they are looking for battle. It appears as though a confrontation is desired. The truth of the matter is there is no reason for them to be there, it’s their choice to confront the marchers which isn’t necessary. They could have a demonstration which does not interfere with the march. I hope that May 1st is uneventful and peaceful for all sides. The best way to make sure that happens is to make sure there is no confrontation. Choosing to stand in the middle of the street and directly block people’s path is not avoiding a confrontation, it’s forcing one. Good luck to all involved. I urge you all to choose peace.

    Is the League for or against the use of violence and under what circumstances? Is Shane Long’s call for people to join him on the “battlefield” on May 1st a collective decision or an individual one? Do Cush and Hill support Shane’s decision to frame their event this way? Is this event sanctioned by the “National” League?

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