Self Detonating Lone Wolf Vanguardists

Frazier Glenn Miller Jr. at his arraignment
Frazier Glenn Miller Jr. at his arraignment


After sitting down and thinking about it, I have decided not to write a general article about the subject of violence.

Upon reflection, the term “self detonating lone wolf vanguardist” and the damage that these people routinely inflict on the White Nationalist movement encompasses virtually all of the recent incidents which I wanted to address.

What is a “self detonating lone wolf vanguardist”? In his book Blood and Politics: A History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream, Leonard Zeskind depicted the White Nationalist movement as being torn between “two political trends” which “vie for strategy hegemony”:

“Within the movement, two political trends, mainstreaming and vanguardism, view for strategic hegemony. The differences between the two are somewhat akin to the distinctions between reformists and revolutionaries. They both seek the same goal but differ over the manner in which they work toward it.

Broadly speaking, mainstreamers believe that a majority (or near majority) of white people can be won over to support their cause, and they try to influence the existing structures of American life.

Vanguardists think that they will never find more than a small minority of white people to support their aims voluntarily, and they build smaller organizations of highly dedicated cadres with the intention of forcefully dragging the rest of society behind them.” (Zeskind, p.xix)

What is a “lone wolf”?

“A lone wolf or lone-wolf fighter is someone who commits or prepares for, or is suspected of committing or preparing for, violent acts in support of some group, movement, or ideology, but who does so alone, outside of any command structure and without material assistance from any group.”

In other words, a “self detonating lone wolf vanguardist” is someone who is radically alienated from society and who has given up on persuasion, a fantasist who is inclined toward violent methods of bringing about eschatological political change, who usually acts alone or with an accomplice in the name of a movement without the support or assistance of any group, and who typically explodes, lashes out, or “self detonates” without warning in rampage shootings, murder-suicides, and bombing campaigns.

Some examples of the “self detonating lone wolf vanguardist” include Buford Furrow, Jr.James von BrunnWade Michael PageKevin HarphamJ.T. ReadyCurt Maynard, and James “Yankee Jim” Leshkevich. Their attacks can range from hopelessly incompetent rampage shootings – Frazier Glenn Miller, Jr. – to sophisticated and deadly acts of terrorism – Timothy McVeigh and Anders Behring Breivik.

Here are some thoughts on how to keep “self detonating lone wolf vanguardists” from damaging the Southern Nationalist movement:

1.) Staying Grounded In Reality – Unlike the White Nationalist movement, the Southern Nationalist movement needs to stay a reality-based, face-to-face social movement as it grows, and avoid falling into the trap of becoming dependent on online anonymous forums and blogs. The internet tends to bring out the worst in isolated, marginalized people, and Southern Nationalists should stick to using the internet as a communications tool.

2.) Leadership & Organization – It is demoralized lone wolves who self detonate.

In order to avoid this problem, the Southern Nationalist movement needs to stay tightly organized with established leaders who can emphasize that resorting to violence should be a collective decision, not an individual one. The White Nationalist movement is diffuse, disorganized, anonymous and internet based. The movement as a whole lacks structure, leadership, and organization.

“Do your own thing” is part of the hippie code. We shouldn’t tolerate an equivalent of VNN Forum “doing their own thing” in our name.

3.) Christianity – White Nationalism is based on race and ideology.

Southern Nationalism should emphasize Christian morality in order to attract the sort of people who can relate to their neighbors while simultaneously deterring the budding Hannibal Lecters who congregate at VNN Forum. White Southerners share a common culture and this is an asset which can be used to our advantage.

4.) Positive Action – The current emphasis on activism is a great way to channel the energies of our people in a positive direction that adds strength to our organization. Frazier Glenn Miller lashed out in anger because he was demoralized.

5.) Mainstreaming – As long as we emphasize that we are focused on winning over our fellow White Christian Southerners, the Southern Nationalist movement should remain unattractive to self detonating lone wolf vanguardists.

6.) Jews – Finally, when it comes to addressing the Jewish Question, we should acknowledge that there is a conflict of interest with Organized Jewry and the negative influence it exercises over our culture, but we should emphasize that our solution to that problem is to become a more powerful interest group by growing our numbers, raising money, and becoming more active and better organized and more vigilant in defending and asserting our interests.

It is self evident that rampage shootings, bombing campaigns, and murder-suicides solve nothing, create sympathy for our avowed enemies, and are destructive to our public image and reputation. These are things which should be avoided at costs.

In summary, we should offer a practical solution to a known problem, stay a reality based movement, channel the energies of our people into positive activism, focus our attention on organizing and winning over our people, and emphasize Christian morality and the leadership principle. If we can do that, we should be able to avoid becoming mired in a similar morass.

Update: Alex is back.

Predictably, Alex is lashing out at others rather than wrestling with his own conscience – he would have to have one to exhibit remorse.

I’ve told him for 10 years now, publicly, that “exterminating the Jews” was a terrible idea, and I never backed away from that position. It was sound advice. Now Rounder has acted on his terrible idea, will probably get the death penalty, destroyed his own family, has killed three innocent people, and destroyed the lives of their families.

I’m not the one who is going to have to live with that though.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. HW:

    If you want to assert the division between yourself and the psychos, so be it. You are a smart guy and I am not going to disagree with you. But I think it’s enough already. There are other more productive issues to turn the focus upon. I think your question about who really benefits from this event is a great angle and a good opportunity to turn the spotlight to where it really belongs. After all, this guy Miller has really made a sock puppet of himself. Who owns the hand?

  2. ‘wordists are one of the most ridiculous factions’:

    A ‘wordist’ might be someone whose words are conflicting with your words.

    ‘Haven’t you ever heard of hybrid vigor?’:

    If race-mixing was invigorating, thoroughly mixed European-Asian-African Hispanics would be extra-healthy giants, and line-bred blonde Nordics from small isolated gene pools would be weak and runty. But heterosis is a one-generation flash in the pan, and then the wages of the sin begin to be paid, down to the last ‘one drop’ traces.

    Was that dark creature a Jewess, Rudel? You frequently post pictures here of Roman Catholic and Talmudic women to convince us of something. Tamer of Savages once posted a lewd picture here of a Negress that he considers attractive.

    Strange women not our kind are an evil influence even stronger than alcohol. But Truth is stronger than both of them. I wouldn’t be surprised if a harlot also played a role in preparing Miller’s ‘self-detonation’.

    Murderous hateful anger (unlike righteous indignation) is rightly said to be ‘the food of pride, that makes us FEEL right when we are not right’. Only true Christian conversion, involving thorough repentance and submission and the indwelling Presence can subdue the all-consuming monster of pride.

  3. Another day, another article in the Star, still no dot connecting to Linder, VNN or Kirksville:

    Roll that together with the op-ed in that same newspaper that KC-based Leonard Zeskind had, and they’re telling you everything about Glenn Miller except for that, and Zeskind is naming all the WN boogie woogies (and some non-boogie woogies) except for the boogie woogies he was actually a part of, Linder and VNN.

    There has to be a reason why mum’s the official word on Linder and VNN.

  4. “Is the League for or against the use of violence and under what circumstances? Is Shane Long’s call for people to join him on the “battlefield” on May 1st a collective decision or an individual one? Do Cush and Hill support Shane’s decision to frame their event this way? Is this event sanctioned by the “National” League?”

    No comment Dr. Mike?

  5. “In order to avoid this problem, the Southern Nationalist movement needs to stay tightly organized with established leaders who can emphasize that resorting to violence should be a collective decision, not an individual one.”


  6. Spelunker, what exactly positive thing(s) are you doing to advance the interests of White people?

  7. Instead use the word anti-White to describe specific people that are caught being anti-White.

    Unless those specific people belong to the panoply of Jewish organizations which stand foursquare in favor of the reigning anti-white double standards. In that case, say nothing. Do not call them anti-white. Do not draw attention to the conflict of interests. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.

  8. Pussies rant. I engaged in pure rage. I also stated over and over and over that I was Strictly Legal. The only solutions I offered and advocated were strictly legal solutions implemented by a court of law after a fair trial or by Active Duty Military Company & Field Grade Officers and NCOs to defend the Constitution against Domestic Enemies who are duty bound to do so. And I called Linder out on his ‘extermination’ policy like no one else. I’m banned at VNN and Stormfront and consider the bans compliments.

    I believe in self defense and oppose vigilantism. Vigilantism is an anathema to me. Wyatt Earp, an officer of the law with a badge on his chest, was my hero. I have but one exception to vigilantism and that would be if someone harmed my blood.

    For example, Alex Linder, Don Black, David Duke and the anonymous cowards of the ‘White Nationalist Movement’ would not be safe if I was Reat Griffin Underwood’s father.


    Alex Linder murdered Reat Griffin Underwood, William Corporon and Terri LeManno. The blood of the little boy, the grandfather and the mother is on Alex Linder and the ‘White Nationalist Movement,’ an anonymous group of Internet cowards and now accomplices to murder. If Linder doesn’t kill himself it’s a good sign he is in point of fact a police informant.

    You anonymous posters disgust me. You are pieces of human shit.

    P.S. Linder chose not to kill himself.

  9. Of course the SPLC will be all over this.

    What I’m trying to figure out is why the MSM isn’t. Why Linder and VNN are the great unmentionable facts in the Miller life story.

    My only guess is that they don’t want to give Linder and VNN any publicity. But the fail in that is that they’re giving all sorts of other groups, that Miller had little or nothing to do with, some publicity.

    The only other possibility is that Linder and VNN have been assets of the other side all along. But that’s a stretch.

  10. The only other possibility is that Linder and VNN have been assets of the other side all along. But that’s a stretch.

    I wonder. Mark Potok has stated that if an Alex Linder didn’t exist the SPLC would have to create one. Perhaps they already did.

  11. “Spelunker, what exactly positive thing(s) are you doing to advance the interests of White people?”

    Why should I be concerned about advancing one group of people? Sounds kind of supremacist. I prefer to be concerned about the advancement of all people, after all, we are all human and all have to live on this planet together.

  12. Silver wrote:

    I wonder. Mark Potok has stated that if an Alex Linder didn’t exist the SPLC would have to create one. Perhaps they already did.

    I respond:

    I think the better way to think of it is this:

    There may well be some gentlemen’s agreement between the Poverty Palace and the Alphabet Gang, that the latter doesn’t thump Linder-VNN with their iron boots, (when they easily could), allowing the Linder-VNN swamp to spout off and every once in awhile pop off in a rage of violence, so that the former has a fund raising pretext. And far from being tin foil head gear territory, actual credible academic research has exposed and proven the back scratching and log rolling relationships between the SPLC and the FBI-ATF-etc.

  13. @countenance

    But that doesn’t make sense, the SPLC is at the head of the Jewish conspiracy, and from what I read in places like OD Jews control all if the media, therefore, why aren’t the MSM putting up what the SPLC is puttin down? I’m so confused. There either is a Jewish conspiracy or there isn’t.

    I haven’t looked at any MSM coverage yet, but I’m guessing that they don’t want to do what a Brad’s trying to do and place the blame on one person when it’s White Nationalism as a whole that is to blame.

  14. If you think “WN as a whole is to blame,” and you think they think it, then why won’t the MSM actually cite the name of the forum and the impresario of the forum where Miller actually spent most of his time? Not mentioning Linder and VNN at all while blaming “WN” in the generic for what Miller did is like telling the tale of the Valentine’s Day Massacre and blaming “mob violence” in the generic but not mentioning the name Al Capone at all.

  15. ““Anti-fa” have a long track record of initiating violence, not Matt Heimbach. Of course you already know that.”

    I’m not Anti-fa. I don’t condone violence. I condemn all violence, from any group. On the subject of violence, that is the only sensible position. I respect peoples right to self defense. I don’t respect people’s belief that they can purposely place themselves within harms way and be able to reserve the right to claim self defense.

    Anti-fa likely doesn’t agree with my belief. I don’t speak for them. Anyone that believes violence is the answer to whatever your problems are will be proven wrong in the end.

    If you are not for peace, you are against it. I’m for peace. What are you for?

  16. Re: jmf

    As far as I am concerned, it is a settled issue.

    There’s a divide between us and people like Linder. We’re not on the same side. We’re not going to work with him or treat him as legitimate. We’re going to focus on our energies on our own movement.

    I’m glad I was banned there. It is an excellent time to part ways. I was there mostly to argue and show that we can do positive things, but that argument is exhausted now.

  17. Why are you grieving your issues with Anti-fa to me? I don’t control them or have anything to do with them?

    Do I support facism? No. Do I oppose facism? Yes. Does that make me Anti-fa? Not in the sense that I belong to any organization, because I don’t, never have, never will.

    The May Day marchers have every right to a peaceful march in DC. Matt Heimbach and Shane Long have every right to a peaceful protest of said march in DC. If any skirmish breaks out on May Day, it could have been avoided by choice. Again, I’m for peace, what are you for?

  18. Shane and Matt are welcome to jump in any time, no reason Brad should be in the hot seat after announcing he’s not even going to be there.

  19. And I have no hatred for Alex Linder. I love him. He’s brilliant. Head and shoulders against otherwise giants. He makes everyone else look puny in comparison by his mind and logic and force of thought. He would have my devotion if but for a degree of difference that makes all the difference, i.e., “extermination.” A legal solution from such a mind would be something to get behind and support and build upon and ultimately prevail.

    But like a mean hive of bees, the queen has to be killed because no one wants those kind of bees in the beeyard. It’s a genetic thing. I’ve heard of geniuses being crazy and I think Linder fits the bill.

    An example of his wit and mind while under fire, cool as a cucumber. But no love:

    1) dumbass. insinuating little nancy-queer.

    2) i havent even read what happened jackoff. i know you poofterati think everyone else lies or sucks dick when their lips move, but i belong to a rather different class. as i stated, I’VE BEEN OFFLINE FOR TWO DAYS. right now i’m reading and trying to figure out wtf happened, but mostly doing unrelated shit that built up. i’m not an effeminate or queer or woman, i dont leap to conclusions until i know what’s going on.

    3) you dont let me comment on your site, but you’re going to come here and drop links on mine to get eyeballs. not happening, she-butch. rather, i will read the stupidity you put out and rip the 99% of it that makes no sense to shreds, just like the pillow in that green day video you used to enjoy your own company to.

    4) you want to antagonize me? antagnoize me, motherfucker! get in the ring and i’ll kick your bitchy little ass… we’ll feud. i need a good feud. you and cunt dumpling AKA Gummi Boy add up to at least a 1/4 cocktail weenie, i suppose..

    here’s what i’m going to do, and in all your angling, it never even occurred to you, just like all these fine folk the antis are quoting.

    i’m going to think to myself: “What is good for whites?”

    And then that’s what I’m going to do. but you could have known that without pretending to ask questions, because that’s what i always do.

  20. I think the better way to think of it is this:

    Yes, I think you’re right. I pay so little attention to Linder and VNN that I tend to only remember Linder’s (and VNNers’) most insane emanations so I can’t help but sometimes wonder whether it isn’t all some kind of front. But when I browse through that site and I’m reminded that despite his craziness Linder occasionally makes good points – ones that power structure would prefer not be made and spread.

  21. This was a despicable crime, and Miller should hang. Also despicable is how the left uses these sad but–fortunately–rare incidents to demonize any and all white advocacy–while ignoring the much more prevalent cases of minority-on-white crimes.

    We have just and legitmate concerns, most significantly a lawless government that is forcing us into minority status through a policy of displacement euphemistically known as immigration. Libs have always said that minorities have a right to stand up for their rights. Well, what’s sauce for the people of color goose is good for the Caucasian gander.

    Also they tell us to have “tolerance” for others, while using their schools and media for non-stop defamation of whiteness. They oppose “discrimination” while forcing “affirmative action” for nonwhites, many of whom, as recent arrivals, have no historic claim on this country at all.

    We are weary of snarks and hypocrites who tell us we should love all humanity, while holding our humanity in contempt. We will stand for our dignity, our legitimate interests, and the future of our children. Mock us if you will, libs. That will only increase our zeal and determination.

  22. The only other possibility is that Linder and VNN have been assets of the other side all along. But that’s a stretch.

    How is it that people still can’t see the obvious? The stretch would be that Linder and VNN are not assets. The possibility that Linder is not a paid provocateur or not purposely given a wide birth by authorities all of these years is ZERO. Racialists and those within the pro-White sphere gain absolutely nothing from Linder or VNN. The authorities and any other anti-White organizations and individual are the only ones gaining anything of value.

    You can start rattling off a long, long list of individuals who Linder and VNN cozied up to who have found themselves incarcerated, been proven to be informants, murderers, pedophiles, misogynists, rabid anti-Christians, and various other criminals and highly caustic individuals who have either self-destructed or are the types that you would expect to self-destruct at some point. Now try and name some long-standing members on VNN that don’t fit that description. It’s not so much that you find many of those types of people there. It’s the fact that Linder seems to warm up to those types of people more so than the people that try and remain civil and rational in their arguments.

    I’ve tried to have rational and very civil conversations with Linder in the past. He has this odd tendency to try and push that civility into this little game where he wants the tone to progressively get more and more hateful. You say one thing, he interprets it as something else. You don’t march in lockstep with his “exterminate Jews” mantra, you become weak or the cause of the problems. If you don’t have the exact same views of anti-Christianity as he does, then he uses that to goad you. Everything is geared toward trying to get you to a point where you start to resemble the type of person that would go to a Jewish Center in order to “exterminate Jews” like Linder has said needs to be done. Ask anyone who has dealt with him in the past and they will probably tell you that he seems to just fly off the handle for no apparent reason when the tone of the conversation isn’t virulent enough.

    If Alex Linder isn’t an asset of authorities—which he most certainly is—then what is it that a regular pro-White gains or aspires to be like when lapping up the rhetoric espoused by Linder and VNN? Do they, too, get to be an emaciated, perennial loser who lives a hermit’s life in Missouri? Maybe you can end up in jail or dead like many Linderites of past and present. Hey, who wouldn’t follow someone down that path. Right?

  23. HW, you don’t see how blaming Linder for Rounder’s actions reinforces the argument for hate-speech legislation? You may not advocate it (you’d be among its first victims) but that’s the logical conclusion of blaming Linder’s writings for Rounder’s actions.

    Also, you’ve not explained why you spent so much time posting on VNNForum if you feel (correctly) that it’s a collection of misfits, idiots, and federal agents.

  24. Linder’s mouth is as filthy as any of the White hating left wing activists I have encountered. They take great pleasure in shocking people with their depravity.

    Is there any proof this man is White? Demand a DNA test.

  25. Silver, that could be disinformation, in that his emanations included mostly extremist and even imbalanced rhetoric but also on occasion a few grains of solid truth to appear legitimate, and to attract followers. The devil speaks in half truths, as the saying from The Exorcist goes. I have found VNN very offputting on superficial glance so I can’t speak to specifics.

  26. I’ve sparred with Alex Linder because he is the most articulate spokesman of his position. Lately, I have also gone over there to prove that a Jewish conspiracy isn’t stopping Whites from getting better organized and projecting a better image.

  27. The most influential WNs prefer to ignore Linder.

    I’m one of the few people who has condemned his “exterminate the Jews” position. I have done so in front of his own audience. I have disputed his ideas whereas others have allowed them to fester.

  28. HW, you don’t see how blaming Linder for Rounder’s actions reinforces the argument for hate-speech legislation?

    I sure don’t see it. The cases for mens rea are light years apart when one case is a person voicing their personal opinions where physical violence can only reasonably be implied or suggested by the reader, and another person incessantly telling members that a group of people need to be exterminated. One obviously has more of an intention to incite and suggest explicit actions. Just so you know, there is already legislation and law that says you can not suggest violence or criminality when you know that your words will be taken literally, or taken to heart by those which you believe have a high likelihood to act on your words and speech when they might not have otherwise. You are culpable for what you facilitate, not just simply your words or actions.

  29. “If there is any violence at May Day, it will be initiated by anti-fa, and you know it.”

    Regardless of who would initiate it, I am publicly condemning the use of violence by either side now, you could do the same but yet you and the League fall silent. Your silence says much more than a million posts on OD, Stormfront, VNN. It’s a yes or no question do you support peace?

    No one has given any explanation for their reason for being there to force the confrontation. There was no confrontation in Richmond, will it be the same in DC? The choice is entirely Matt and Shane’s. I hope they make the right choice.

  30. Hunter,

    Good job using the term, “conflict of interest with Organized Jewry.” that is a term given to us by Kevin Macdonald.

    Jews – Finally, when it comes to addressing the Jewish Question, we should acknowledge that there is a conflict of interest with Organized Jewry and the negative influence it exercises over our culture, but we should emphasize that our solution to that problem is to become a more powerful interest group by growing our numbers, raising money, and becoming more active and better organized and more vigilant in defending and asserting our interests.

    Exactly. Some people say we can’t do that. What? There are 14 million Jews and half a billion Whites, so we are 36x more numerous than Jews. We are also smart and resourceful and determined when we want to be, and I think we are coming to a time when we want to be all of these things.

    Thanks for fielding this one. I didn’t have time, but someone from the Mainstreamers needed to deal with the PR fallout of this incidence and use it as a teachable moment. Great job Hunter.

  31. Regardless of who would initiate it…

    How is there a “regardless” thrown in when you know that one group is always the instigator and perpetrator of violence?

  32. @Mosin

    “You frequently post pictures here of Roman Catholic…women”

    I post pictures of the German-Irish Grace Kelly (the epitome of classical Aryan beauty), Irish goddesses Kelly Reilly:

    Mary Cathleen Collins (Bo Derek), Polish-Irish Meg Ryan, Frenchwoman Catherine Deneuve, and Scot and Irish (as opposed to Scots-Irish) Nicole Kidman who are all beautiful Catholic White women just to tweak the bigoted noses of you, Earl Buttzhead, Dixiegirl, and other idiots on this site who think religion trumps genes.

    Your not so faithful Lutheran truth-teller,

    – Rudel

  33. “I’m not worried about Matt and Shane initiating violence. I know both of them.”

    Well you’re certainly under no obligation to answer my yes or no question, even though it’s a pretty simple question. I’m pretty certain that if any violence does erupt on May Day other people are going to be asking other questions such as, “Why were certain people there?”, or, “Could this have been avoided?”

    I think pretty much anyone will be able to answer those questions.

    One has to wonder why Shane Long expects to shed more than sweat.

  34. “If there is any violence at May Day, it will be initiated by anti-fa”

    I’m looking forward to it (especially in light of the recent shootings) but I think the DC police will keep y’all far apart. I just hope you give better than you get if you are victims of assault and I’m sorry I won’t be there.

  35. “How is there a “regardless” thrown in when you know that one group is always the instigator and perpetrator of violence?”

    Ah yes, the permanent victim mentality. Regardless of what happens on May Day, one group is making a conscious decision to possibly put themselves in harms way.

    If the protest was canceled there would likely be peace.

    If the protest took place separate from the marchers there would likely be peace.

    I’m quite certain more difficult questions will be asked if violence breaks out. I’m firmly on the side of hoping that doesn’t happen and advocating that it not. I’ve seen no indication that this may happen from the Left, but I have from the Right, which is why the question is being posed, are you going to join me on the side for peace?

  36. “there is already legislation and law that says you can not suggest violence or criminality when you know that your words will be taken literally, or taken to heart by those which you believe have a high likelihood to act on your words and speech when they might not have otherwise. You are culpable for what you facilitate, not just simply your words or actions.”

    And I’m quite certain that these existing laws against inciting violence will be used by the SPLC if they decide to go after Linder and VNN.

  37. “I’m quite certain more difficult questions will be asked if violence breaks out. I’m firmly on the side of hoping that doesn’t happen and advocating that it not. I’ve seen no indication that this may happen from the Left”


  38. “I’m quite certain more difficult questions will be asked if violence breaks out. I’m firmly on the side of hoping that doesn’t happen and advocating that it not. I’ve seen no indication that this may happen from the Left”


    I second the motion of Bullshit.

  39. Ok Rude boy, we’ll see. I’m just going to go ahead and assume Brad, Matt, Shane, and the rest of the Rat Pack are stumped by their biggest enemy, a 5 letter word called “P-E-A-C-E”.

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