Review: White Man March 2.0


Here’s a summary of what was learned yesterday:

1.) First, it was a great idea to distribute the plastic easter eggs, 1 WN activist in California did that by himself and generated some publicity. Why couldn’t thousands of WNs have done this all across the world?

2.) Second, a group of about 16 WN activists held an “Anti-Racist Is a Code Word for Anti-White” banner in Trafalgar Square in London. Why couldn’t this have been replicated all across the world on a much larger scale?

3.) Third, it looks like 1 WN activist hung a banner on an overpass in La Jolla, California. What’s stopping more WN activists from doing this? It’s been done twice in Birmingham, AL and each time it has been on the evening news.

4.) Fourth, there are reports of activity in Northern Kentucky and Central Virginia from the same groups which participated last time, but it is pretty clear that fewer people participated in White Man March 2.0.

5.) Fifth, White Man March 2.0 was kneecapped by the Glenn Miller rampage shooting, and especially by the WN infighting and lack of cooperationThe Daily Stormer, The White Network, Rodney Martin & Seb Ronin, the criticism at websites like RADIX Journal, etc. – which caused Kyle Hunt to quit in disgust.

The moral of the story: once again, WN activism has been crippled by the same familiar set of problems, first and foremost, a lack of leadership and organization, and secondly, by things like apathy, petty infighting, and extreme individualism coupled with fear the tendency of dysfunctional fringe elements to seize the spotlight.

It’s not a conspiracy. All of these things could be fixed.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. There was no planning nor leadership for the second one. Some enjoyed the first one so much, they wanted to do it again ASAP. Others wanted to wait for next year’s month of March. One leader said he would not do it again, because you can’t trick the anti-White media into promoting a Pro White message, using the same method more than once.

    The same guy also said, if you want to use the anti-White media to spread your message, don’t think in terms of “marching in the streets”, think in terms of publicity stunts.

    What they do only looks strange to you, because you don’t have the same objectives they do. They aren’t about building membership organizations, nor putting boots on the street, they are about seeding memes.

    • Maybe.

      Even so, if spreading memes was the goal, there is no reason why more people couldn’t have distributed the Easter eggs. It would have worked, but there was just no energy and enthusiasm from the WN movement, not even the “e-activism” touted on Twitter.

  2. Easter eggs was clever, because it got the media to freak out and spread the Pro White message for them. I assume the idea came from the individual that thought it up and did it, because none of the leadership mentioned it before hand, nor have they claimed responsibility. It was just spontaneous Pro White creativity at the individual level.

    And you are correct about WN. 99.9% do nothing but chit-chat about random topics on message boards, so they are completely harmless. And its the same on far leftist message boards and on conservative message boards as well. Its the 0.1% that will actually do something, that are a threat to the established order.

    Bob Whitaker has said, if you can get just 50 people willing to do something, you have an Army. I assume he learned that the hard way.

    As long as you don’t confuse BUGS with WN you’ll be fine. BUGS is a think tank that tries to influence White thought. When you see WN or anyone else using BUGS memes, that doesn’t mean the two are one and the same. It just means BUGS memes are doing their work.

  3. I’m very interested in activism.

    Even though this wasn’t a League event, we learned something from it and it is something we will incorporate next year. For example, the reaction to the Harrison billboard inspired us to put up our own billboard in Tallahassee, and the reaction to that has inspired us to put up two new billboards in Alabama and Georgia.

    In Birmingham, AL, we noticed that the overpass demos with the “Diversity = White Genocide” banners made state and local news twice. Unfortunately, those banners were quickly taken down, but we could easily put up a billboard on I-65 for several months.

    Here’s my idea for a future billboard project: the billboard would read “Danger: Enter At Your Own Risk” and “Welcome to Thugham: Home of The First 48.” It would feature a black gentleman holding a smoking gun and maybe crime scene tape or the chalk lines of a dead body.

    The Memphis Police Association put up a billboard like that in Memphis and it was successful in driving away tourists. Seeing as how the Birmingham media hysterically promotes the “Comeback Town” narrative, a similar billboard might strike a chord.

  4. I just wanted to say to those who participated today, job well done! But I wanted to shed some light on a group of participants who were not covered in this article, and I think made the most impact. It was the group that went to Western Washington Univeristy and set up an entire booth for the White Man March!!! If you go to the white man march website and scroll down on the activity page, you will see the username “seapea” followed by four pictures of them at the university! Talk about being in the right place at the right time! We need to not only make sure that we have campaigns to shame the Anti-White rhetoric by calling in and sending emails like many of us did, but by showing up to the place and having a visual presence! This was excellently executed, and I think they deserve some praise! Hope to see you all out there next month! No one is stopping you but yourself!

    • Thanks.

      I had followed BUGS, Stormfront, and Horus’s Twitter feed, but I didn’t see anything going on in Washington. Is there somewhere else where photos are being posted?

  5. “The moral of the story: once again, WN activism has been crippled by the same familiar set of problems, first and foremost, a lack of leadership and organization, and secondly, by things like apathy, petty infighting, and extreme individualism coupled with fear the tendency of dysfunctional fringe elements to seize the spotlight.”

    This is leaderless resistance. You don’t need a central ‘leader’. Our goal is to spread a message and that is being done. People have an avenue for their creativity and urge to do something that is not constrained by political parties or ‘leaders’.

    WN has not been crippled. White Man March has separated the wheat from the chaff and was very necessary. We have seen the mindset of prominent ‘leaders’ in this movement when push comes to shove. We know who are supporters of positivity.

  6. ‘Leaderless resistance’ has been revealed to be ineffective resistance or non-existance resistance.

    WN is basically a dead movement. But as HW has pointed out, that is easily corrrected. It would just take a few serious people willing to organise and engage in professional activism.

  7. WN is basically a dead movement. But as HW has pointed out, that is easily corrrected. It would just take a few serious people willing to organise and engage in professional activism.

    But many times the “serious” people in this sphere tend to be those with less to lose and/or those with a lack of good organizational and leadership/interpersonal skills. Organization isn’t just one guy with a plan willing to tell other people what to do, when to do it, where to do it, and to what level it should be done. Organization does require leadership; and good leadership that can stand up to extreme resistance and scrutiny requires a ridiculously high level of delegation skills. Ask anyone in the corporate world or with experience running medium to larger businesses and teams and they will tell you that delegating power is one of the most, if not the most, important skills that makes a good leader.

    I’ve been around many factions of both Left and Right. I’ve never seen a group that was so bad at delegating power as White Nationalists. Seeing a White Nationalist ask questions or trying to engage an audience where he’s actually listening to input so power and responsibilities can be delegated appropriately is as rare as unicorn poop.

    People need to engage ordinary people with a lot more focus on listening to what those people say and how their concerns and input can be incorporated. White Nationalists and other self-described pro-Whites tend to look at people strictly as a recruit or convert who just needs to be told to read off a specific script that never needed or valued their input. People can say what they want about individualism, but White people are not drones and mass conformists like Asian people tend to be. We are more individualistic. It’s in our DNA, and if we can’t wish that characteristic away by clicking our heels, then we might as well find a way to use it to our advantage. Tactics and rhetoric have to be adjusted accordingly.

  8. To much 14/88 in the White Nationalist community. To much Hitlerphilia.

    Who occupies the leadership positions? Don Black? David Duke? That’s Storm Front. They are an anchor.

    Kyle Hunt, the BUGSers, Trad Youth? Much more lively, and they are growing the numbers, especially of the young. They need to hijack or replace Stormfront, and de-Hitlerize it. If people need a hero, there is always Putin.

    There needs to be more spill-over, and less ideological sheep penning.

    White nationalists, Southern Nationalists, libertarians, infowarriors, etc are “fellow travelers”, and there are many in the GOP who are essentially with us, though silently. People in one group need to be able to chip in to help people in other groups when the time comes.

    Every so often I pitch in some cash, but I would love to see actual fundraising events to draw in even more, so that one billboard could lead to another and so on.

    Storm front allegedly gets 5 to 7 thousand per month, how many bill boards would that be?

  9. Re: Palmetto

    It’s a poor analogy: political activists are not comparable to terrorist cells. There’s nothing shameful or illegal or military oriented about opposing White Genocide by spreading memes.

    “Leaderless resistance” effectively means no resistance. It means sporadic, disorganized, inconsistent, and half hearted activism. I think Kyle needs to rethink this and reassert his control over the reins or else the movement is going to fizzle out.

    BTW, I sympathize with having to deal with ankle biters.

  10. I skimmed the radix piece when it appeared. It had the stench of conservatism about it. It struck me as a classic example of attacking to the right to gain favor with the mainstream.

  11. There needs to be more spill-over, and less ideological sheep penning.

    Yep. There also needs to be a way to facilitate more practical ideas being put onto the table, without the henpecking drama that always seems to follow.

    There could be someone out there with an idea and style that is 1/3rd of the golden mean. They might only need a couple of other people to supply that 2/3 that is missing. But White Nationalists would never ever, never ever ever find it, because they just don’t ask many question or break away from their regurgitated mantras that never seem to evolve or mature. The solution to an extreme is rarely ever an extreme.

  12. Promotion of 14 words is an anchor. But shades of the Axis leftovers, from a war which they LOST, hampers patriot recruitment. The Allies won the war, regardless of dirty tricks & the other side LOST. So get over it. Only by totally ignoring and freezing out the losers, can we then win the current race war.

  13. The idea that the success or failure of an event ought to be judged, as the author of the radix article appears to believe, by headlines from TPM, Gawker and Salon is so stupid it burns. Those outlets are just pushing click-bait for their readers. They’re not the intended audience for these events, so who cares what they think? Most of the comments under such pieces amount to little more than members of the Team Jew in-group signalling to each other like the trained monkeys they are.

  14. Kudos and accolades to all of the activists that participated. I, too, did my part to educate our people regarding the Terrible Taboo Topics of Today.In fact, the citizens of northwest Georgia are very receptive to our message. Perhaps the LOS or the CofCC can place a billboard in this area. If anyone is willing to donate a few signs, I shall place them at a busy intersection to maximize effectiveness. Alas, the infighting must stop!!! Let’s put aside our personal/political differences and work together as a unified front. Do right and fear no one!!

  15. The billboards generally cost about $2,000/2 months but that can vary greatly depending on the area. We are really only interested in high traffic, symbolic sites for the moment because this will increase the likelihood of reactions from our enemies and media coverage – therefore giving us a lot more exposure to the public. The first billboard was in part to prove that we could raise the money and put up a billboard with a radical message. We did that and now have raised more than enough money to put up two more billboards. One goes up next month in Alabama. The other will go up in Georgia this summer. We will also have one in South Carolina, I’m pretty sure, by the Fall – if not before then. By the end of the year I’m confident we can have one in each Southeastern State. That’s a start and if we do that then tens of thousands – possibly hundreds of thousands – more people will be exposed to the idea of secession and the name of our organisation.

  16. Celestial Time said: “Seeing a White Nationalist ask questions or trying to engage an audience where he’s actually listening to input so power and responsibilities can be delegated appropriately is as rare as unicorn poop.

    People need to engage ordinary people with a lot more focus on listening to what those people say and how their concerns and input can be incorporated. “

    I have long thought that what we need to be doing is simply meeting one another in person, and listening to each other. Being white in these times leaves you with a lot of grievances and a lot of questions. Our “leadership” (such as it is) should simply focus on providing people with emotional support and a safe place to vent, and should let activism happen organically.

    People join movements because they think they have something to gain, sad to say. We need to ask not what white people can do for us, but what we can do for white people. The answer is that we can give them a place to talk things through in the company of a few friendly faces, and NO PRESSURE to take a public stance. Every one of us has to work out our own convictions with our families, friends, neighbors, employers, and all the rest. People need guidance in this, and they need to be able to seek it without having their cover blown.

    If we can offer this to people, they will come back offering to help. Mark these words.

  17. “To much 14/88 in the White Nationalist community. To much Hitlerphilia.

    Who occupies the leadership positions? Don Black? David Duke? That’s Storm Front. They are an anchor.

    Kyle Hunt, the BUGSers, Trad Youth? Much more lively, and they are growing the numbers, especially of the young. They need to hijack or replace Stormfront, and de-Hitlerize it. If people need a hero, there is always Putin.”

    The 14 words is what we stand for and is what our unity should be based upon. I don’t agree with your view on de-nazifying Stormfront but I would say too many are attached to symbols than to

    Nobody needs to hijack anyone especially when they do different things. Kyle is a radio host. BUGSters is an activist group. Stormfront is a forum. They all do different things and do not conflict with each other so it is detrimental saying one needs to hijack the other. Don and David have always been supportive of the White Man March.

    Seriously Putin is no friend of White Nationalism.

    Hunter Wallace:

    ““Leaderless resistance” effectively means no resistance. It means sporadic, disorganized, inconsistent, and half hearted activism. I think Kyle needs to rethink this and reassert his control over the reins or else the movement is going to fizzle out.”

    No, it means people get off their asses and do something than make excuses that they will do nothing because they do not think the movement has a ‘leader’.

    Spreading good propaganda, showing people that our movement is active. Show what individuals and groups are serious and which ones are not. Did anyone tell Jimmy Marr to do what he did? Did anyone tell Kyle to do what he did? No, they used their energy, creativity and willing less to do something others had not.

    If Kyle explicitly calls the shots and criticizes people for not following his orders then how popular is he going to be? How are you going to discipline people when any organizing is Internet based?

  18. @Riley DeWiley

    I agree entirely. We are human beings and if people do not support each other then we can only expect the most diehard to stay with it.

  19. Sebastion Ronin just went outside the pale. He and the types like him are just anti-white. I can’t even be bothered to shame those who have none.

    Brad, I think there should be a closed forum from now on for members or something. Maybe one closed forum and another open one?

  20. What’s incredible to me is that–politics.html is happening while alleged pro-Whites attack each other.

    How Ronin and ANN are getting away with their attacks against a pro-White who’s doing good stuff is beyond me. I don’t trust critics who resort to pettiness, like Courtney from Alabama who seemed to come on here purely to aggrandize herself. Her obnoxiousness is mild compared to the clearly either jealousy-inspired or paid off ‘pro-whites’ who are attempting to discredit good work done by Kyle Hunt. It’s amazing how many people see this milieu of ‘pro-white’ as a vehicle for their egotism and nothing else. The decent well-meaning types have a true cause.

  21. And now on American National Network’s radio show on Hunt the paranoia about gays begins…I have no idea what Hunt’s orientation is but I am embarrassed by this constant compulsive ‘outing’ of gays. It’s puerile and sex-obsessed.

    Further, the older male speaker is now claiming there were bodies at Sandy Hook, which is an assertion with no proof. Then there’s the absurd finger pointing about ‘movement panhandling.’

    I’m sensing controlled op, or a combination of that and internecine competition. The irony is, the more I listen to this ‘expose’ the more legitimate Kyle seems in comparison.

  22. Putting messages in Easter eggs is a retarded idea. Whoever thought that one up should be run out of town on a rail. Seriously? It’s creepy and sounds like something a serial killer would do.

    Newsflash: people don’t like to be surprised with controversial material in something intended for children. People don’t like to be surprised period. Nor will they respond positively to anything that feels like an invasion of their privacy, like unwanted literature placed on their property.

    No stunts, no buffoonery.

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