Live Thread: Slut Walk 2014 (Bloomington, IN – April 21st)



I know it is short notice, but I want to help get the word out about Trad Youth’s counter-demonstration against Slut Walk 2014 in Bloomington, IN tomorrow.

If any of my readers live nearby, you should consider going and checking it out. It sounds like it would be fun. I would love to see this spectacle myself.

Please share this on YouTube!

About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This stuff, social issues…in the north/midwest or south…strikes me (once again) as totally counterproductive. Or, at the least pure folly, here in the case of TradYouth.

    Who cares if silly ‘slutty’ girls wander around making fools of themselves? Thomas Buhls is out of line with his stance that men are at as great a risk of being raped as girls and women. Men are bigger than women generally, and that is that.

    Men are at risk for false accusations. So Buhls has a point about asserting that investigation is always necessary and women shouldn’t be assumed the victim.

    But just like no means no, a man has the capacity to be a physical predator, and a woman, a psychological/political one.

    Grow up Thomas, Matt P, and Brad G.

    This is either shameful to Whites or just a waste of time, or both. What concerns me is the deeper issue, which is that TradYouth can will do more harm than good by making reactionaries even more reactionary. Where does it end? Walk away and to better things, like saving your people.

  2. Nordic societies do seem to have pulled off things s/a nude beaches without horrifying consequences….is the real folly that these women are trying to pretend they live in a nordic society when they don’t. Would they walk around like that, alone and lost, in Cairo? Among a heavily trad muslim peoples, etc… Probably not… No, then they would put on the trad clothes of the muslims (or whatever) and say they are experiencing diversity. In this way, they just seem contradictory and don’t make any sense.

  3. HW:

    You should hold a contest. Best response to this statement wins a LoS battleflag – THIS IS NOT MY “I WANT YOU” FACE.


    May the best man win.

  4. The best way to end the slut walks is to completely ignore them. It’s all about attention and confrontation for them.

  5. Yes, they were. Ignoring a problem never makes it go away. It only makes the problem worse.

    Ignore your cheating spouse.
    Ignore your neighbor stealing your property.
    Ignore bullying.
    Ignore fire…. etc.

    Rather I suggest to confront problems, head on & violently if required.

    But we’re not completely defeated yet nor are we ready to do the hard things necessary to achieve greatness. Now run along and watch Dancing with the stars.

  6. NYY: free publicity? When the rank and file sees that only you show up you gain the pole position. We need the post-Stormfront groups to take the reins.

  7. Slut walk is repulsive to all normal and mentally stable people. Much like Glenn Miller. Their own behavior does more to harm their cause than any opposition could ever hope for. Also your analogies are terrible.

  8. NYYankees said: “Thomas Buhls is out of line with his stance that men are at as great a risk of being raped as girls and women.”

    Wrong. I never said that.

    You might have read that in one of the blog posts that I put up, but if you re-read the article and look at the by-line, you’ll notice that it’s by a different author.

    A person is never out of line when speaking out against rape culture. If it pleased you to know, male-on-male and female-on-male rape is _significantly_ under-reported. Male-on-female rape cases receive an extraordinarily higher rate of exposure, more sympathetic reception among the public, automatic support and defense for the female victim, and a stronger sense of seething conviction against a male perpetrator even under any level of scrutiny.

    “Saving our people” means more than drawing a hard line on race issues. Traditionalism does address race issues, but it also addresses social and religious issues. TradYouth is the “whole package deal” and we will oppose Liberalism, Modernity, and Secularism when and where it is convenient to us, and whether or not it is pleasing to every armchair commander.

    You know where we’ll be tonight (Monday the 21st…), so get off your duff and come join us. If you can’t come out and join us, then try to tell people what Slut Walk is and why they should oppose it. You might also consider dropping in to the facebook event page or the main facebook page and leaving a supportive comment as a show of support.

    Your choice. Get involved or get out of the way, but don’t spend your time tearing down the rest of the movement.

  9. Your choice. Get involved or get out of the way, but don’t spend your time tearing down the rest of the movement.

    You are part of a “movement” that believes it can give itself immunity from specific finger pointing by saying “Opposing Slut Walk does not mean a person supports rape, it means that he or she is demanding more from both men and women alike,” and pretending that it wasn’t, in fact, a stance that is trying to blame women? Are we talking about women showing too much ankle? What’s your exact definition of modesty? What are you demanding exactly? Why are you demanding that rape victims and their supporters prove something to you just so you won’t protest them?

    If you had any real ambition or weren’t just trying to agitate and piggyback on a social issue, then you would start your own support group or rally where rape victims could be given “the Right” support instead of protesting and agitating people who aren’t attacking you or even the notion of White advocacy.

    Hey, I’m not saying that the SPLC doesn’t lie, distort and try to take advantage of you and rape you any chance it gets—that’s wrong and I oppose it. I’m just saying that maybe the two of you need to reevaluate your lives and take a little responsibility. Maybe there’s something you’re doing that caused them to be that way or exacerbated the issue.

    “Saving our people” means more than drawing a hard line on race issues. Traditionalism does address race issues, but it also addresses social and religious issues. TradYouth is the “whole package deal” and we will oppose Liberalism, Modernity, and Secularism when and where it is convenient to us, and whether or not it is pleasing to every armchair commander.

    This perfectly illustrates why I rarely give any kind of support to fundamentalists or anyone teetering on the line of Fundamentalism. Let’s follow this bit of logic you’ve laid out:

    If you find it paramount to take large swaths of non-racial social issues, spend time and energy protesting them, and then treat that as paramount to “Saving our people,” then wouldn’t I—being a very well-endowed Secularist—have just as much of a reason to start tearing into groups who try and push for a Theocracy or say that adherence to religion is a fundamental principle to save our people? Should I go ahead and load up all the Modernity and Secularism I can find and start counter-protesting anything that attaches Christianity or religion to its name or principles?

  10. Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.

    —Sir Isaac Newton

    So be sure when you step, step with care and great tact. And remember that life’s A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you’ll move mountains.

    —Dr. Seuss

  11. It’s a great idea.

    When Putin’s nationalist forces effectively beat down degenerate “Pussy Riot” punk rock band that invaded Russian Orthodox churches, using modern day Cossacks that whipped the slutty, lesbo “protesters”, Putin achieved record levels of White support.

  12. Plus our poor and working class White folks resent lazy, spoiled college students. Richard Nixon got elected President of the United States appealing to resentments of corrupt college students.

  13. Using an analogy to Putin is really disingenuous. What laws are these women breaking? Did they vandalize something? Some police and other officials pretty much insinuated that women being raped are “sluts” that might have brought it upon themselves. Yeah, Jack, that’s gonna get you a ton of White support right there. I hope you’re content with the Sausage Fest.

    Why not use something a little more accurate like the Fred Phelps gang? That kind of counter-protesting is sure to get you lots and lots of White support. It’s worked out so well for them.

  14. It was supposedly borne from a police officer stating that women should avoid dressing like sluts in order to not be raped or assaulted. Some people decided to try and defend the cop’s position, and then the protests ballooned from there.

    That same police officer could have said victims of assault, rape and murder should avoid acting like “racists” in order to not be assaulted, raped and killed. I’d be willing to bet that might strike a nerve with victims, especially those who consider themselves pro-White and who get thousands of conflicting opinions on what a “racist” actually is.

    There’s absolutely nothing to gain by counter-protesting this kind of event.

  15. Okay, so I thought through the whole thing again. The reason I criticize, is because I support activism and cannot engage in it so easily in a region lacking much awareness. I would come march if it were convenient, and would gladly support TradYouth in their defense of common sense and decency, *except* that it seems to lack common sense to say
    “If it pleased you to know, male-on-male and female-on-male rape is _significantly_ under-reported. Male-on-female rape cases receive an extraordinarily higher rate of exposure, more sympathetic reception among the public, automatic support and defense for the female victim, and a stronger sense of seething conviction against a male perpetrator even under any level of scrutiny.”

    This paragraph just loses me. One problem is that rape means penetration of sexual orifices, not just molestation. Without penetration I’m not sure a man can claim he was raped, although assaulted or molested might cover it.

    But therein lies another problem. There is forcible assault, which I hardly think happens very often woman-to-man. Most men can fight off most women without too much difficulty, except where there may be a political institutional power a woman could exploit over a man in some kind of lower ranking kind of position, as in the military where a female general might use her rank to basically ‘force’ a male underling.

    As for drugs or alcohol, this presents another problem. Even where force isn’t used, there can be rape or molestation. Since women are on average weaker than men physically (not in all ways but in a contest of physical combat, etc.) they are more vulnerable to molestation or rape while intoxicated, since alcohol or drugs often weaken coordination and muscle strength.

    A man could suffer similar side effects and compromised status, but he is still generally superior in physical might to begin with. I know of a pro-White guy who claims to have been raped when an obnoxious and in his view unattractive female ‘assailant’ jumped him, after plying him with alcohol. But, he admitted that while she was ‘raping’ him he could have pushed her off of him, but didn’t feel like mustering the energy.

    Please guys, understand that that’s the kind of exaggeration that hurts the movement. I am early middle aged as the bratty Dan Poole pointed out, and I can tell you guys, all the younger set, that there are a lot of scars and trauma my generation (women who were in highschool/college during the 80’s and early to mid 90’s) of women carry around from that era. It truly was profoundly biased against us, particularly prior to around 1994 or 1995, when things pivoted dramatically in society and on college campuses and all anyone was talking about was ‘Date’ or ‘Acquaintance’ rape. Before that era a woman was assumed to be exaggerating or making things up or mentally ill or all of the above whenever she reported rape or assault between at the hands of an acquaintance.

    Some of the extremes you are encountering today in the ‘feminist’ (and my generation would scoff at the use of that term to categorize the silly ‘sluts’) movement are the continuing byproduct of the extremes we had to endure for a period.

    Thomas I just can’t agree with your paragraph, unless you could proffer some evidence supporting it. The terms you ground it in are too extreme when it comes to female to male assault. Did the result of the 90’s activism against men’s abuse of women (which I see as a societal problem as opposed to just one of men) result in a backlash against men? If the Slutwalk is it’s alleged legacy, I’d think so.

    I’m just asking people to take a more sober and measured approach to what indeed is a problem. Women and men will never be equal in a fight of upper body strength, etc. To allege that we are is just more imbalance. If women and the system are over-accusing and punishing men a challenge to that imbalance seems necessary.

    But laying it on too thick in one direction only undermines the moral high ground you critique from.

  16. Re: slut walking, When you’re opposition is shooting himself in the foot, or herself in this case, don’t get in the way. Let them keep shooting!

  17. Re: slut walking, When your opposition is shooting himself in the foot, or herself in this case, don’t get in the way. Let them keep shooting!

  18. Spelunker for someone who thinks TradYouth’s activism is a ‘fail’ you sure spend a lot of time on their website.

  19. Celestial Time,

    It was supposedly borne from a police officer stating that women should avoid dressing like sluts in order to not be raped or assaulted. Some people decided to try and defend the cop’s position, and then the protests ballooned from there.

    Of course this slut walk is worth protesting, if for no other reason than it trivializes a serious crime like rape and sex conduct in general by linking it to filthy and debased liberal ideas like sluttiness.

    When a woman in the full flower of her youth makes a conscious choice to dress to show it all off, nails, heels, plunging neck lines, short skirts, showing as much T and A as she realistically get away with, as a ploy for male attention, a percentage of that attention is going to come from dangerous undesirables. When women like that want attention, they’ll get it, but not always from men who willing to go home and jerk off if they can’t make something happen with her by the end of the night. Some of the young women at issue here attend parties, get drunk, and then with the men in attendance at these parties do everything but yank their dicks, and then end up wondering why they get taken advantage of.

    Thomas Buhls is rght; he and TY are the serious opponents of rape here. If his ideas were adopted across society a lot less of this kind of shit would be happening.

    Also, you drew out a weak parallel too. If a cop actually said that, here is the racial parallel of his words. It’s not a good idea to go into the hood wearing Klan robes and yelling about niggers. What these slut walkers are encouraging young women to do is the equivalent of just that except in the sexual market.

  20. Quoting Dr Suess is totally gay (and by “gay” I mean stupid).

    Went right over your head, buddy.

  21. TY’s stance is no better than the Sluts’ until they modify their take on rape of men by women.

    You can’t have it both ways, in terms of being a victim physically as the person raped, but the victim of false accusations. TY sounds like the Sluts when they allow a writer on their website to one up the Sluts’ absurd assertions.

    Mostly I’m shocked at how the younger people have become so lacking in accountability for their actions. Halloween has become an excuse for young women to dress in slutty costumes and walk around feigning martyrdom for having to show off their cleavage or whatever.

    My generation just called the Halloween slutty dresser neurotic or ridiculous or…a slut. But we also called promiscuous guys sluts where appropriate too.

  22. Celestial Time, if you went up to a group of blacks and called them niggers, you shouldn’t be surprised when they attack you.

  23. Is that the best job they could do with the signs? In all honesty – they look terrible. The signs look like an eight year old drew them. Presentation is everything, folks.

  24. I find it really sad how Trad Youth seems to misunderstand the purpose of the Slut Walk.
    It’s not to say that everyone should be loose… it’s to stop sexual violence. it’s to stop our culture from teaching it’s our responsibility not to be raped as opposed to teaching people not to rape. 1 in every 4 women have been a victim, 1 in every 33 men have been a victim, and 1 in every 22 men have been an attacker. marching is to stop people from believing “boys will be boys” who “can’t help themselves”… because women and GIRLS should not be afraid to walk down the street alone. We shouldn’t have to carry mace and knives everywhere we go… especially on campus… just because we have vaginas. Being raped is NEVER the victim’s fault, regardless of what they’re wearing or what they drank (especially if drugged). I was 7 years old when I was assaulted. I was wearing my pajamas. I was in my home. Was I “asking for it?” FUCK NO I WASN’T ASKING FOR IT. NO ONE IS. We are tired of seeing stories in the news about 11-17 year old girls “enticing” boys to GANG RAPE them. We are tired of reading statistics about rape, date rape, date rape drugs, and attackers who “had such a bright future” before they “couldn’t help” but ATTACK a defenseless victim. We are not promiscuous women promoting that everyone be sexually wild. We are sexual assault survivors… trying to stop other people from being blamed for being unfortunate enough to be attacked… trying to stop other people from being attacked… trying to teach our boys that they CAN help themselves… trying to teach rapists they need to be responsible for their actions… and that violating ANYONE under ANY circumstance is NOT okay.

  25. Bailey,

    Gang rape is almost exclusively niggers raping black, white and Hispanic women.

    There isn’t a gang rape problem. There is a nigger problem.

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