Trad Youth Attacked At Slut Walk 2014


Early report from Matt Heimbach:




“4 of us against the slutwalk, the Reds attacked us, surrounded us with sheets, screamed in our faces and praised the murder of women and children in the gulags, in Dresden, and in the Ukrainian Holodomor. They chanted, they shoved, they spit, they even tore our cross into pieces and spit upon the very name of Christ from a sign we had that sad “Jesus loves you” but through all of that, Trad Youth stood its ground. No one will intimidate us, no one will stop us, and these are our streets.”

Oh my … our friends on the Left are such tolerant, open minded, non-bigoted, and non-violent people.

Note: I know who is going to May Day this year and it would be a terrible idea to try something similar.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Mosin, Southern France at that time in history was a hotbed of the Cathar heresy. The political structure there was very Pro-Jewish and Pro-Muslim as well. And as I’ve said before, these ‘poor, persecuted people’ were prone to violence and subversion. That’s why the King of France had to finally wage war against them. Their subversive doctrines on sex were destroying families, and their teaching on oaths would have destroyed the political unity of the French nation. What is it about the true facts of history that you don’t understand?

  2. “Rudel, is that Latin phrase the one about God sorting them out? Please translate.”

    My favorite rough translation is: “Kill them all, God will know His own” although in my day one saw Airborne units with skivvy shirts with the slogan “Kill ém all and let God sort them out.”

    Although not perhaps his literal words, in his actual historical report to the pope on his action at Béziers he certainly conveyed a similar reason as his justification for massacring all 20,000 inhabitants as you echo in your own post. Some say he actually used the very exact spoken term at the time of the battle in describing his motivations.éziers

    Mosin, you are quite right in attributing these depredations over the centuries to the political and territorial ambitions of noblemen and kings. Religious justification for war from the Crusades in the High Middle Ages right through to the Napoleonic Wars were a mere smokescreen for territorial gain and looting for booty.

  3. Re: ‘destroying families’: A valid point in a few cases. But true celibacy is still better than marriage where it is possible and necessary, for a very few called to preach in danger of persecution, like Saint Paul — but the vast majority of Christians should marry (as I have) rather than burn. The celibacy of some firebrand Albigensian preachers conflicted with the celibacy required by the Roman heresy for its own priests and other religious.

    ‘That’s why the King of France had to finally wage war’:

    He was drooling over the opportunity to ‘legitimately’ invade and expand his territory.

    ‘Pro-Jewish and Pro-Muslim’:

    Debatable. It was the uneasy border land between the Muslims, Jews and Muslim-Jews of Spain and the ‘Catholic’ Jews and other Jews of the northern Mediterranean coast, so there was a lot of trade across the line as well as conflict. Jews were and always had been much more abundant there than in, say, Wales or Denmark. The target of the Crusade was not Jews or Muslims but Whites.

  4. There probably was not 1,000 people in the whole of Medieval France, Mosin.

    As for the Midhi in the South of France, the population was predominantly Jewish. They cloaked their ethnicity in a gnostic heresy and were a constant source of usury and subversion against the French gov’t . The longsuffering French put up with them for centuries, but when they started hiring mercenaries and raising armies the two populations were bound to rumble. And they did.

    In the world according to Mosin, a Catholic nation state is the only population on the planet that is not entitled to defend its interests by force of arms. In a world of unregenerate men, everybody (except Catholics, of course) is nice to everyone else and sings Kumbaya around the campfire.

    As for the nations that were once the Christian East of Byzantium, the Crusades were mounted in the West to liberate those nations from Sharia law. It was Islam that conquered the nations of E Byzantium and their baptised populations. It was Islam that put so many of the indigenous Christian population to the sword. The Christian West is supposed to suffer the Islamic invasion in the West and watch the bloodbath of the Christian East. Sure. Mosin. The Christian nation state takes up arms in these situations.

  5. “As for the Midhi in the South of France, the population was predominantly Jewish.”

    An absolutely preposterous statement. Stop posting drivel. In fact, just stop posting at all.

  6. Hey Lynda, thanks for the backup! Mosin’s Anti-Catholic bigotry makes it impossible for him to see anything the Church and it’s members do in a positive light. He thinks that all these gnostic sects were ‘pilgrim churches’ and that they were ‘persecuted innocents’. But as both of us have pointed out, these groups were pests, or dangerous, murdering, sectarians. And his willful blindness about the Muslims is incredible! Any knowledgeable historian will back either of us up that it was the Muslims who were knocking off the Eastern Christians. Of course, our boy Mosin knows more than all the historians of the world that came before him. Yah sure!
    Rudel, Lynda may have made an error in saying most of the people in the Midi were Jews, but the Jews were very powerful in that area for centuries. They and the heretical groups such as the Cathars, wre willing to cooperate with each other in gaining political and economic power. That’s why the Church would almost always crack down on the Jews and the heretics at the same time, they knew these people would cooperate with each other in their Anti-Christian objectives.

  7. “Rudel, Lynda may have made an error”

    She doesn’t know jack shit about anything, most notably the population of Europe in the Middle Ages. I’m surprised that you defend such an ignoramus. Her credibility is nil.

  8. To whom it may concern, this is one of many sources that lists the standard estimate of one million deaths. Others seek minimise it at a few hundred thousands. The actual battlefield casualties in the beginning of the Crusade were certainly in the tens of thousands, but the extent of population loss through the rest of the Crusade and Inquisition that continued for years can only be guessed.

    Rudel, you’re right about Lynda’s credibility. But neither she nor Dalton are stupid. They’re both calculating propagandists.

  9. @Spelunker-

    >I’d like to hear from more people who witnessed the confrontation or see more evidence. That doesn’t mean that I don’t think they were or weren’t attacked.

    The fact that there hasn’t been an article to counter our record of the event should be rather telling. It obviously didn’t go down the way they wanted it to. If you’re really going to run with the “boob grazing” angle, the best of luck to you.

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