Trad Youth Attacked At Slut Walk 2014


Early report from Matt Heimbach:




“4 of us against the slutwalk, the Reds attacked us, surrounded us with sheets, screamed in our faces and praised the murder of women and children in the gulags, in Dresden, and in the Ukrainian Holodomor. They chanted, they shoved, they spit, they even tore our cross into pieces and spit upon the very name of Christ from a sign we had that sad “Jesus loves you” but through all of that, Trad Youth stood its ground. No one will intimidate us, no one will stop us, and these are our streets.”

Oh my … our friends on the Left are such tolerant, open minded, non-bigoted, and non-violent people.

Note: I know who is going to May Day this year and it would be a terrible idea to try something similar.

About Hunter Wallace 12394 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. They have “slut walks” but claim there is “rape culture” and consider almost any intercourse rape. These people are hysterical.

  2. Celestial, Matt’s photobomb with the neo’s wasn’t such a big deal. He’s a young man. I once heard on the radio that if everyone had to take full responsibility for everything they did in their 20’s, most of us wouldn’t leave the house in the morning.

    That’s sure as s*** true for me. Besides, there was no holohoax, so the nazis’ bad name pivots on whether one digs National Socialism.

    My problem with that, besides that it’s not great PR, is that exposing the truth of Hitler and Nazism is mostly important historically. I think in terms of the future and only learn and take inspiration from the past.

    I’ll ask respectfully: what type of activism would you like to do?

  3. Mosin, the ethnic clashes in the Balkans have been going on for hundreds of years. Both sides have committed crimes, atrocities, massacres, and genocide against each other. In no way did I ‘cover any bloody tracks’. Both sides have been in the wrong.
    Yeah, you’re dang right I said, “Don’t trust the Russians”. My maternal Finnish ancestors lived under the Russian heel for about 100 years. My Grandfather Kumpulanian always told my mother and her siblings, “Never trust the Russians”. Heck, one day when he was at the post office filling out his alien registration form, the clerk upon seeing his name asked, “Mr. Kumpulanien, are you Russian?” Grandpa replied, “No, I hate the G-D Russians!” For a normally devout Finnish Lutheran to use such language show the bitterness the Russian oppression left on the Finnish people. So humanure on you if I don’t like or trust Putin’s Holy, Orthodox, Mother Russia!

  4. This incident illustrates that some of Alex Linder’s most important principles are fundamentally sound. Jews and the militant cultural left don’t win through reason, persuasion, or spreading the right ideas across the culture. They win by using violence and various forms of suppression.

    So anyone who puts even a slight shred of the blame on reasonable White Nationalists for WNsms lack of success in the world is not thinking clearly, an enemy spreading divide, rule and disinformation, or just plain dumb. Certainly anyone who thinks the presence of a few detectives in WNsm is more to blame for the lack of success than the decades-long campaign of constant organized attack by Jewry and its front groups ought to be written off as a serious participant in debate.

  5. Several years ago, I came to the conclusion that I would rather live among the blacks in my own community than the Anti-Christ of Kirksville and his followers at VNN Forum.

  6. Your expression ‘ethnic clashes in the Balkans’ is obfuscation to cover the Crusades to conquer ‘the heretics’ to expand Roman dominion in Slavic lands, that took place not over hundreds of years but over one thousand years, often pitting one ethnic group against another. Now the Russians have been ‘consecrated’, and all fifty American STATES have been ‘consecrated’ — and Southrons, that includes all of YOUR states.

  7. I’ll ask respectfully: what type of activism would you like to do?

    I’m not really a conservative(definitely not a Conservative) and I don’t base my racialism around name-the-Jew, so my activism is probably not going to inspire you. I’m much more interested in practical ideas that revolve around local projects and networking. Rallies and protests and counter-protests just don’t motivate me, and attention-whoring most definitely doesn’t interest me.

    Food and Clothing drives
    Job placement
    Skill Building & Apprenticeship programs
    Small Business promotion
    Merit-based Scholarship programs
    Fitness & Health promotion and events
    Child Care services for single mothers and struggling families
    Adoption Placement program
    Elderly Outreach programs
    Strong network for local growers and small farmers
    Environmental Protection & Beautification programs
    *I could probably name a dozen more off the top of my head*

    Like I said, I probably don’t have to worry about running into many costume clowns and even “real” pro-White people when jumping into these types of social circles. But that’s kind of the problem, isn’t it?

  8. I would rather live among the blacks in my own community than the Anti-Christ of Kirksville and his followers at VNN Forum.

    You want to raise your child surrounded by Blacks rather than Whites?
    Interesting new thought-track you have there.

  9. Make sure y’all clear your next exercise of free speech with Spelunker first. He’s more concerned about offending anti-Whites, aka “Antifa”, than he is in supporting your right to be heard. Anti-Whites can do whatever they want, any time they want and anywhere they want. But heaven forbid! Pro-Whites must never offend them.

    Just the fact they you exist offends anti-Whites.

  10. Linder made a bad mistake over the years by tolerating on his forum the posters who gave indications of being pretty serious detectives. His reputation and credibility have suffered for it, and by proceeding in that way, he undermined all of his other work. Ironically enough, Linder is like Jared Taylor in this respect. Taylor, despite his track record, undermines his credibility by how he handles the JP. Should Taylor’s entire body of work be written off because of that? I say no, because Taylor is right about many other things. Similarly, if Linder is right on select points, such as the impact of organized attack on holding down WNsm versus other things, he’s right.

  11. Yes.

    There’s absolutely nothing that recommends the people at VNN Forum: they are hateful, deranged, vulgar, VICIOUS, violent, and anti-Christian. That’s not the kind of neighborhood in which almost any normal White person would ever want to live.

    Over at VNN Forum, there is such an enormous cultural black hole there that murdering people isn’t considered immoral. 99 percent of White people would take that as a cue to hang the next right and go as fast as possible in the opposite direction.

    Race matters, but so does culture. VNN Forum is one of the things that made me realize that lots of White people don’t share my culture, and that I honestly don’t like them, and wouldn’t want to live among them, even if they are White and no blacks are around.

    Craig Cobb managed to alienate everyone in Leith, ND.

  12. There’s absolutely nothing that recommends the people at VNN Forum: they are hateful, deranged, vulgar, VICIOUS, violent, and anti-Christian.

    Really, every one, all the people that post there?
    Not true. Not even close in fact.

    But don’t let that stop you.

    • The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson is from here.

      It would be much easier to live next door to Peterson and his family – actually, Peterson’s relatives still live near here – than Alex Linder and most people at VNN Forum.

  13. Celestial Time,

    Food and Clothing drives
    Job placement
    Skill Building & Apprenticeship programs
    Small Business promotion
    Merit-based Scholarship programs
    Fitness & Health promotion and events
    Child Care services for single mothers and struggling families
    Adoption Placement program
    Elderly Outreach programs
    Strong network for local growers and small farmers
    Environmental Protection & Beautification programs
    *I could probably name a dozen more off the top of my head

    Strikes me as in line with certain elements of the Golden Dawn model, building support through outreach, or perhaps the community organizing half of Greg Johnson’s metapolitical concept. Your ideas have a lot of potential. But now I’ll ask respectfully, what do you think would happen if you or some other non-defective tried it on the ground? I suspect if you organize a food drive and job fair for unemployed white folks near you, it won’t be Alex Linder trying to suppress you. You ought to give up this flawed idea the Hiter fetishists and such things are the fundamental problem in the larger scheme of things.

  14. Fascinating stuff Hunter. Who knew living amongst throngs of negroes could be so wonderful! Thanks for that.
    As more and more people experience the darkening of their cities and towns, I am sure this testimony will prove a great comfort. Just hope it applies to Mexicans too 😉

  15. Celestial Time is right.

    More of the things he listed, less VNN.

    Not everybody has to do street theater. Some people should, some people should do what CT does. There’s enough room in our movement for both.

    But we should be focused on practical effective things.

  16. ‘almost my entire life in the Alabama Black Belt in one of the blackest parts of America’:

    The theory that White identity requires plenty of non-White contact doesn’t explain why 98-99% White rural western PA has been called ‘the third most racist area’ in the fifty states.

    ‘we should be focused on practical effective things’:

    That would be faith and repentance, first of all. Then live out the faith. Gott mit uns.

  17. I’m not saying I think it really is the third most racist, but it didn’t receive that for being liberal minded and welcoming either.

    ‘Gott mit uns’ was not meant to imply that I’m some kind of Hitler or Nazi fan. I should have written, in English: Then the Almighty will bless our people.

    Regarding the World Wars, I hold the genocide of Germany was a true holocaust. Hitler was brought up in the darkness of heresy, and spiritually unfit to lead the nation. The invasion of Russia was criminal madness.

  18. Latest from AA battle in Michigan:–politics.html

    I think we can expect quite a backlash; Sotomayor’s dissent was longer than all of her adversaries combined.

    Celestial Time, I think you have great ideas, and that practical means achieve great ends, and can be integrated with ideological ones. I only scream out on here because a) we’re arguing rhetorically and b) it is impractical to keep parrotting the lies the Feds and Bilderbergers are purveying about especially crime, like Sandy Hook or black on white…or black on jewish.

    I really think this country could be at some kind of overt as opposed to tacit war by the summer, or that at least chaos might break out in some areas. It’s only April and already there are near riots in the streets of Albany, councils and militias meeting in the west to defy the Feds, etc., and benefits are going to continue to be cut, although I suspect it’ll be in areas like unemployment where more whites receive aid. Then there’s Russia.

  19. NYYankees

    There’s something else that speaks to HW’s point.

    Who spearheaded MCRI in Michigan getting on the ballot? Ward Connerly, black.

    Who did more to help white people in Michigan, Ward Connerly or Alex Linder? QED.

  20. Mosin, I don’t know what you mean by “heretics”. What I do know is the Balkans were a breeding ground for damnable heresies like the Paulicans and the Bogomils. Neither the Romans or the Eastern Christians had any use for them, and would launch crusades against them. Since, as I have said before, these heresies were extremely subversive, so both parties had a lot of reasons to crack down on these folks.
    I stand by what I said about Russia. The Orthodox Church in Russia is a state controlled organization. It has been that way since Peter The Great set up the Holy Synod around 1704. That’s why many Orthodox Christians inside and outside of Russia refuse to have anything to do with it. Also, many aware Protestants and Catholics stay away from the ROC too. IMHO, the ROC needs that consecration to throw off the control of the Russian state, so it can cease being a sock puppet for it.

  21. Hunter Wallace says:

    ‘There’s absolutely nothing that recommends the people at VNN Forum: they are hateful…’

    That certainly makes them unique. LOL

    Everyone hates and loves. We like and dislike to varying degrees. Passionate hate and fervent love are extremes.

    We are motivated by love and hate.

    We pretend we do things out of love – more often than not it is hate.

    Justified or not depends on which side you identify with or whose ox is being gored.

    When Americans cheered the carpet bombing of Iraq were they expressing love for their country or hate for the enemy? Mixed emotions, perhaps?

    TWBS was incredibly destructive. Atrocities committed by both sides.

    Motivated by love or hate?

    When a religious fanatic excitedly chops the head off an infidel or when a psycho holy man tortures so-called heretics and burns their living bodies at the stake are those actions really produced from love?

    Let’s not fool ourselves.

    Just go through all the anti-yankee threads and comments on this site.

    Hatred oozes page after page.

  22. Pro-whites and Anti-Fa should get together and form their own state. They deserve each other.

  23. ‘The genocide of Germany was a true holocaust’ was not very clear. By ‘genocide of Germany’ I meant the destruction of German people by the Allies.

    Dalton, the efforts of the corrupt Byzantine Eastern Romans to control independent ethnic orthodoxy in the Balkans, and fight Western Rome for control of the territory — and the efforts of the Western-imitating Czar, and later Bolshevik efforts to control orthodoxy in Russia are NOT effective smokescreens for your criminal cult to hide its history behind. The facts are already out of the bag, though pretty well hidden in most of Jewpedia. Now you recommend the Consecration (you said ‘the ROC needs that consecration’) that intends the destruction of all genuine Russian orthodoxy including the Old Believers, like the old orthodox ethnic Christians of the Balkans.

    Now THIS is truly heretical, but Russian Old Believer and Balkan ethnic orthodoxies are NOT.

  24. The primary targets and victims of Roman crusades and interventions throughout history to this day have been non-Roman ethnic Christians, not Muslims. Hence the loss of the Christian Near East and North Africa, and for a while much of Iberia and the Balkans to Islam, and much of Europe and North America to multicultural secularism.

  25. Mosin, you’re so detached for historical reality it’s beyond belief. Any reliable history of those times shows the Muslims and the heretics were the main target of the Eastern and Western Churches. As for hiding the “crimes” of the Western Church, I’ve never done that. The “crimes” of the people of God in the Old Testament, Eastern and Western Churches have always been an open book. So has the false doctrines of the heretics you gush over. The big difference between your heretics and us is they don’t have the historic faith. Any honest study of these people shows they were gnostics who’s weird beliefs angered everyone, the clergy, royalty, nobility, and the common people. The real orthodox in faith fought against these wackos, and effectively destroyed their influence over those areas.

  26. I was there yesterday. The woman speaking into the microphone charging up the slut-walk attendees asked specifically for the slut-walkers not to engage with the “counter-protesters” (her words).

  27. ‘The “crimes” of the (…) Eastern and Western Churches have always been an open book. So has the false doctrines of the heretics you gush over’:

    Eastern churches besides Eastern Rome in its heyday have been more tolerant of other ethnic Christians than the one that wears the ring and aspires to rule them all — and the history of the ‘heretics’ who were persecuted and exterminated is by no means an open book. Your group have done your best to cover it.

    ‘Any reliable history of those times’:

    ‘Reliable’ being of course what your group wants history to be. My thesis is bold and controversial but on the mark.

  28. “Pro-whites and Anti-Fa should get together and form their own state. They deserve each other.”

    Sounds like the contemporary USA. Nothing new there. People with incompatible aspirations and worldviews are already forced to live together by their “government.”

  29. Rudel needs to either post a picture of himself in a fight with Marxists, or keep his opinions about the physiques of others to himself.

  30. “Matt needs to lose that beer gut and learn to box.”

    Perhaps you really meant that Matt needs to lose the beer gut AND the (Jack In The) box gut.

    He also needs to lose the beard, unless he wants to go on looking like a Jewish rabbi.

    Re: Linder – Anyone defending that psychonazi is insane. And stupid. Just plain stupid. And those who know this are banned from VNN because Linder can neither defend nor deflect these accusations.

  31. ‘He also needs to lose the beard’:

    What’s wrong with a man’s beard, Odd? I thought Matt looks more like an Orthodox Old Believer, an Anabaptist or a Confederate general, or a Duck Dynastian, or just a normal White MAN.

    Did God make a mistake when He made healthy males of our race grow beards? Shaving the male beard off completely, or making feminine partial beards and fancy mustaches, to go along with earrings and nose and lip rings, tongue piercings and splittings etc. is what is TRULY Talmudic and unnatural!

  32. Beards are a mark of a real Man- a true Adamic. It is not a coincidence that historically, Negroids, Sinoids, and Amerindians don’t grow facial hair. It’s a genetic marker for God’s Adam.

    Matt is a new convert to Holy Orthodoxy. He’s also twenty-something.
    Mosin, you’re ranting a bit. Leave Dalton alone. He’s completely blind to matters of grace and true Faith, following a Jewish cult, known as Post-Vat II Catholi-schism.
    Dalton, the Orthodox spit in the face of any supposed ‘consecration.’ The Theotokos considers Russia, and Mt. Athos ALREADY to be her special treasure, and the ravings of a mentally deficient Portugee named Lucia, don’t matter a hill of beans.

    Take your cult somewhere else, before a house drops on you.

  33. I am a proudly clean-shaven man, and so is my father. We’re capable of growing long beards but choose to shave them off. Even some of my liberal, neocon and Marxist male friends think I would look good with a beard, yet I maintain my father’s teachings in this matter. Now that I know that pro-white men are supposed to have beards, I’ll shave extra in Father John’s and Mosin’s honor. We agree about the fancy moustaches, men’s earings, etc.

  34. Mosin, our own historians recorded our triumphs and failures, our virtues and sins, our doctrines and struggles with heresies. They were just like the writers of the Old Testament, who also did the same thing. However, your beloved heretics were damn liars and con men. They misrepresented themselves to the general public, and when they thought they had a live one on the line, they would seduce him with their real doctrines. The various Inquisitions were brought forth to deal with these troublemakers, for they were misleading whole families, and sometimes whole regions like the Languedoc. Since these ‘poor, oppressed people’ were prone to violence and subversion, especially against the Church, an agency was needed to deal with these dangerous moles. Thankfully, the Inquisition in Southern France was able to stop the Albigenesan heresy with good evangelization, superb investigation, and a decisive victory by de Montfort on the battlefield. Even Lea, a notorious Anti-Catholic scholar said if the Albigenesans would have won, it would have destroyed European civilization. Of course Mosin, because of your knee jerk Anti-Catholicism, I realize your sympathies must always be with heresy. I only post this rebuttal to educate everybody else, since you won’t listen at all.

  35. @Shotmouth

    “Rudel needs to either post a picture of himself in a fight with Marxists, or keep his opinions about the physiques of others to himself.”

    I’ve shot and killed more Marxists than you best hope to hell you never see comin’ at you in your entire miserable fuckin’ life you smack talking pussy. Speaking of “shotguns,” ever see what a blooper loaded with a shot round does to a charging gook?

    No? I didn’t think so…

  36. “Since these ‘poor, oppressed people’ were prone to violence and subversion, especially against the Church, an agency was needed to deal with these dangerous moles”

    Hahahahaha! Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.

  37. Dalton is correct about Catholicism. Hopefully he’ll realize soon that Catholicism is incompatabile with racism, and that even most traditionalist Catholic groups are quite happy to fill themselves up with Africans, Latinos and Asians.

  38. ‘our own historians (…) were just like the writers of the Old Testament’:

    I’m sorry I am called upon to answer him once more: Dalton deceives no intelligent reader, and we know he is able to read between the lines of the slanted histories. But it is in his interest to join, and promote, this popular, prestigious, universal cult that is the chief enemy of all Biblical, ethnically- and nationally-distinct and independent Christian churches.

    ‘Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius’:

    They ruined southern France for POLITICAL reasons.

    The Pope’s Crusaders gave entire cities in the Saracen-ruled East the same treatment, and were also indiscriminate about religious adherence on the way getting there. Reminds me somehow of the ongoing Globalist genocide of the last remnants of Christians in Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Palestine. Southrons take heed, you’re in their gun sights.

  39. PGRT, many in the Catholic and Protestant Churches have brought into the false ideology of racial equality. They willingly deny that racial differences are more than skin deep. Their is no proof in any church tradition that the races are equal. The only tradition that I can see is that anybody of any racial background can become a Christian, and that people of different races can have a relationship with God because of Christ’s redeeming death.

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