2014 American Renaissance Conference – (Burns, TN – April 25th – April 27th)


Preston Gilmore, communist neckbeard, is the lead organizer of the 2013 and 2014 Amren counterprotests
Preston Gilmore, communist neckbeard and aspiring sociologist, is the lead organizer of the 2013 and 2014 Amren counterprotests

Seeing as how the 2013 Amren protesters actually showed up with Red flags, it won’t come as a surprise to anyone to learn that the lead organizer, Preston Gilmore, who is associated with the Clarksville SDS at Austin Peay State University, Occupy Clarksville, and Industrial Workers World (IWW), is a communist:



Eric Schechter, eco-anarcho-zen-commie
Eric Schechter, eco-anarcho-zen-commie

Eric Schechter, a retired math professor at Vanderbilt, was also at the 2013 Amren conference and the League of the South’s Murfreesboro rally:


Jonathan Beasley, English professor at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN
Jonathan Beasley, English professor at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN

Jonathan Beasley, an English professor at Austin Peay State University, is a close associate of Preston Gilmore and was at the 2013 Amren counterprotest. He can be seen standing next to Gilmore who is carrying the Red flag below. Beasley is expected to come to Amren again this weekend. I’ve provided his contact information above.

Note: The same communists from the Clarksville SDS and their friends from the Tennessee Anti-Racist Network are planning to come back this year. Art Dishman from Murfreesboro will be there. Mandela Satsuma is going to try to do the NSM in Chattanooga and Amren in Dickson all in one day.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘Theories are just that, Mosin, theories. Unless they can be proven, they are only speculations.’

    This coming from the man who champions killing heretics who do not believe water and flour made into wafers are miraculously transformed into the literal body of Christ after a priests invocation (mumbo jumbo) during Mass.

    Where is the proof for such a theory, speculation, belief?

    In your thoroughly indoctrinated imagination only.

    Stephen E Dalton says: ‘ Yes Mosin, I have some Jewish ancestry’

    We know.

  2. Sam- not only are you a heretic, but a blasphemer as well.

    you should be ashamed of yourself. It was people who believed in what you ridicule (even protestants) who founded this nation you are sucking off the corporate teat of….

  3. Sam, if you want to see proof of what the Church believed about the elements being transformed into the Lord’s Body and Blood, Read the Gospel’s, I Corinthians 11, Hebrews 11, and the Church Fathers. The evidence is faith. If you refuse to except the evidence, it’s your own fault.
    When are you going to actually read some real church history from primary sources, instead of that propaganda you and Mosin are always throwing at me? I can’t take either of you seriously until you do.
    When Christians organized states after the persecutions ended in 313 AD, they realized heresy would be a threat to both the church and the state. Heretics usually supported subversive political activity as well as their false doctrines. So heresy was considered treason against God and the state. Most heretics where reconciled to the Church without any heavy punishments. Only the bullheaded ones who persisted in their rebellion came under the most severe penalties of the church (severe penances or excommunication) or the state. (execution). Again Sam, start reading books that accurately quote from primary sources. Inquisitions by Ed Peters would be a good place to start.

  4. Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘Sam, if you want to see proof of what the Church believed about the elements being transformed into the Lord’s Body and Blood, Read the Gospel’s, I Corinthians 11, Hebrews 11, and the Church Fathers. The evidence is faith.’

    Are you daft? Faith is not evidence. If everyone in the world believed the moon was made of green cheese, would it be so?


    Fr. John+ says:

    ‘Sam- not only are you a heretic, but a blasphemer as well.’

    I’m a blasphemer for not believing your goofy traditions?

    Says who? You? A delusional, self appointed holy man? Laughable.

    You can burn some incense, chant, light a few candles and PRETEND you are God’s representative on earth … you are NOT!

  5. At last year’s AMREN protest, I had the chance to confront the protestors, in what turned out to be a pro-longed shouting match / debate.

    I spent a lot of that time having a civil and respectful discussion with Eric Schecter and (I presume) his wife.

    We discussed everything from abortion to epistemology … it was one of the most engaging memories I have from the entire conference.

    In point of fact, we (I say “we” to include the entire alternative-right spectrum), have a lot in common with some of these people – a lot more in common than either side of the debate realizes at times.

    And while our commonalities are only surface level (in most cases), they are enough to provide for a sensible and friendly dialogue between those willing to have it.

  6. Sam, “Faith is the substance of things to be hoped for, the evidence of things that appear not.” Hebrews 11:1 You’re only looking at what’s material and passing, faith looks forward to what is coming, and what will be made manifest in due time. Also, “God has made foolish the wisdom of this world.” I Corinthians 1:20 So if you call me and anyone else a “clown” because we refuse to buy into your ‘wisdom’ that means we’re doing the right thing.
    Fr. John, you have spoken truly to Sam. Even though you don’t care for what I’ve said in the past, you have told him that he blasphemes what is holy, and that he’s benefiting from the goodness of the Christian believing folks who founded this country. Sam ought to move to North Korea or Red China, and see how well unbelief works out in those countries.

  7. we (I say “we” to include the entire alternative-right spectrum), have a lot in common with some of these people – a lot more in common than either side of the debate realizes at times.

    If you only knew. A few of those in the protest camp would be floored and embarrassed if they knew just how much in common.

  8. ““Sam- not only are you a heretic, but a blasphemer as well.”

    Stop posting your incessant religious propaganda.”- Rude

    I will, if you will.

  9. ‘You can burn some incense, chant, light a few candles and PRETEND you are God’s representative on earth … you are NOT!

    Funny. The phrase chanted at both my diaconal and priestly ordinations ‘Thou art a priest forever, after the order of Melchizedeck’ pretty much concluded it for me… and the other ordinands, and the Bishops.

    Ps. 2:1, 4.

  10. ‘Inquisitions by Ed Peters would be a good place to start’:

    Of course you recommend an obviously pro-Roman source as the place for Sam to begin. Twisted history.

  11. Fr. John+ says:

    ‘Funny. The phrase chanted at both my diaconal and priestly ordinations ‘Thou art a priest forever, after the order of Melchizedeck’ pretty much concluded it for me… and the other ordinands, and the Bishops.’

    Ha ha.

    After the order of Melchizedek, no less?

    Oh, please accept my tithes and offerings. I had no idea. LOL.

    Costumed, pretentious fetishists can solemnly chant and proclaim whatever they wish among themselves.

    Are we obliged to believe God had anything to do with all that self- exaltation?

  12. When are all these “real world events” like Amren going to produce results? When is “mainstreaming” going to produce results? It has been about 25 years of this now and they are just as vilified as ever. I thought the suit and tie approach was supposed to bring respect and bring yuppies to our movement in droves? Where are all the people who are sitting on edge waiting to join us if only we wore the right clothes?

    Why hasn’t it worked? I thought it was just the “costumed crazies” that failed to reach people?

  13. Rudel,

    I’m hoping for a Druid comeback.

    From what little we have to go on they appeared to be natural philosophers.

    The ME stinks to high heaven.

  14. Rudel says:
    Fascism is really an economic system and you can easily have “Multicultural Fascism.”
    Like in the United States? That’s the truest comment you have ever made on this blog Dix….

    Yes, like the u.s. If people just stated this simple truth every single truth that “racism” and “facism”are not the same thing— this false linkage would disappear overnight. Propagating it seems about the only point of the history channel and fox news, and the truth that these are not linked needs to be repeated over and over.

    You can be a “racist” and have any politics and believe in any economic system. And fascism IS multicultural. (in fact, fascism tends to produce non-national “diversity”) Fascism more naturally tends toward societies where ppl have no ethnic ties and are only “workers” and nothing more, i.e. non-natioanlist.

  15. How sad. Even the media trys to portray Jarad as the bad guy. Notice the only things “bad” that he said made perfect sense. They selected only a few seconds worth of his interview, while giving the anti-white communist most of the air time. I’m sure the station was afraid that giving Jarad the same amount of time to defend himself would have won over most of the white audience. Jared is dangerous to the anti-white media. He actually makes sense.

  16. I have read and posted on amren and other sites for about 20 years. About 3 years ago a hasbarat calling him or her self Katharine Mchesney appeared Her posts were mostly insane anti catholic stuff she claims to belong to the Presbyterian church USA different from the bigger Presbyterians she claims Catholics baptists Lutherans Methodists Unitarians church of God Russian and Greek Orthodox Armenian Coptic Maronite Chaldean Persian and all other sects and denominations are not Christian but Babylonian pagans
    Catholic priests have 666 tattooed in them The Vatican buildings were airlifted from Babylon and plopped down in Rome there are tunnels under the Vatican where the popes go down to plot with the devil
    There were some posts a few weeks ago noting that all the founding feminazis were Jews She responded that they were not Jews but Germans and that the “Vatican” was behind feminism as well as communism

    She also claims that the popes of 1920 to 1950 were behind Hitker and that the Vatican bank was the sole funded of nazi Germany
    Her most bizarre claim is that that Polish pope who helped Regean bring down the Soviet Union worked at Aushwitz during the war delivering the gas to the ovens

    That is why I doubt she is a lunatic bible thumper and a hasbarat Another thing she claims she lived most of her life in Santa Monica and worked in the entertainment industry

    I wish we could get rid of people like her if she is a her I think she is the person who posts as Max who claims to be a young German man who claims Catholics are responsible for Turk and Muslim immigration to Germany

    Both Katherine and Max have posted that Angela Merkel is Hitler’s daughter and was born and raised in the Vatican nursery to be a Vatican secret agent who will destroy Germany

  17. Nyankee
    You’re not the only amren poster who thinks Katherine McChesney is a hasbarat Jew instead of an anti Catholic lunatic fringe fundy holy roller

    I also think she or he posts under the name Max Max claims to be a young German man who fled Germany because of Catholics and has settled in an American area where he plans to create a White pro Jewish movement

  18. Jared Taylor won’t even come out against the Jews or hasn’t to my knowledge. AMREN is valuable but it must take a harder edge. The League of the South spoke with a softer tone when it came out but has finally taken a hard-edged stand. I think Dr. Hill and the rest figured it out, anything Confederate is going to be considered hate, even if it was a Confederate Flag atop a birthday cake. If they want HATE, then GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT. They’re going to call you a hater irregardless so put ALL THE CARDS on the table

  19. As for the comments about Fascism above, I prefer National Socialism as it is outright Pro-White in philosophy but that’s just me. The hard part about Secession is any new nation would have to be an all-out dictator style police state until the state of emergency was over with. The idiots like Oath Keepers who go around yelling States Rights do not know their system only works in a WHITE CHRISTIAN SOCIETY. The Confederacy in 1861, while having 4 million odd Negroes within it, still had a dominant White Christian Society. Today you have only a White Christian society in small towns and the backwoods. 99% of our problems came about because of URBANIZATION. No cities= no problems

  20. I mostly agree with Billy Ray Jenkins’ comment. They are going to call us all kinds of names no matter how soft spoken we are and no matter how carefully we walk on eggshells, so we might as well go with it. Don’t ever apologize for being pro-white, pro-Christian, or pro-patriarchal power structure. We should be polite enough–that is avoid being outright obnoxious jerks, but we should boldly go forth, we should aim to please our target group without shrinking from our detractors.

    Whether you agree with the Iraq war or not is up to you, but it serves a fine example in that Bush left all the oil to Iraq. Didn’t take a drop while the libtards never ceased to protest “no blood for oil.” The accusation never stopped. They were absolutely relentless in the onslaught from beginning to end.

    My conclusion is that he might as well have just taken the oil without apology since he was accused of it anyway. Donald Trump just flat out told us that he would take ISIS oil and he is mopping the floor with the other candidates.

    I haven’t gotten in any serious trouble for my racist views yet, though I don’t wear it on my sleeve either. But I’ve made up my mind that if anybody ever plays the race card on me I’m going to double down. No need to use the N-word, No need to call them chimps or pavement apes, but absolutely do not back down. If the enemy can get you to apologize, they win another victory and you go down as another loser. That is worse than saying nothing in the first place.

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