2014 American Renaissance Conference – (Burns, TN – April 25th – April 27th)


Preston Gilmore, communist neckbeard, is the lead organizer of the 2013 and 2014 Amren counterprotests
Preston Gilmore, communist neckbeard and aspiring sociologist, is the lead organizer of the 2013 and 2014 Amren counterprotests

Seeing as how the 2013 Amren protesters actually showed up with Red flags, it won’t come as a surprise to anyone to learn that the lead organizer, Preston Gilmore, who is associated with the Clarksville SDS at Austin Peay State University, Occupy Clarksville, and Industrial Workers World (IWW), is a communist:



Eric Schechter, eco-anarcho-zen-commie
Eric Schechter, eco-anarcho-zen-commie

Eric Schechter, a retired math professor at Vanderbilt, was also at the 2013 Amren conference and the League of the South’s Murfreesboro rally:


Jonathan Beasley, English professor at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN
Jonathan Beasley, English professor at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN

Jonathan Beasley, an English professor at Austin Peay State University, is a close associate of Preston Gilmore and was at the 2013 Amren counterprotest. He can be seen standing next to Gilmore who is carrying the Red flag below. Beasley is expected to come to Amren again this weekend. I’ve provided his contact information above.

Note: The same communists from the Clarksville SDS and their friends from the Tennessee Anti-Racist Network are planning to come back this year. Art Dishman from Murfreesboro will be there. Mandela Satsuma is going to try to do the NSM in Chattanooga and Amren in Dickson all in one day.

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. No, here’s why.
    1) Why would I pay money to hear the same thing Jared Taylor has been saying for years when it is free on YouTube?
    2)Why would I chase a conference all over Tennessee that will more than likely be cancelled anyway?
    That is enough to keep me from going or supporting Amren’s ineffectual advocacy.

  2. Ever since the conference began taking place at that govt. edifice in Tennessee, it has not been cancelled, as far as I know. That used to happen when it was held in private locations, but both the AmRen and NPI conferences are now held in public buildings, and since that change occurred, none of them have been cancelled.

  3. I’m not an Asiaphile or sympathetic to an entity that allows that to be juxtaposed next to White advocacy. A few White/Asian relationships aren’t the problem. The problem is that it seems like Asiaphilia is often promoted as some kind of alternative, and its promoters are given a lot more leeway than Whites who have a problem with the promotion of it.

    I also think that the way AmRen sanitizes its comment section to try and dictate the exact flow and direction of comments is really embarrassing for a group that quotes Thomas Jefferson at the very top of their website:

    There is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the world.
    Thomas Jefferson

    But then their “conditioning” says something else:

    What we hope for is something like Bayesian conditioning. We hope that when our people see what gets to stay up and what gets taken down, that it sinks in and only write the kind of comments that wouldn’t be taken down.
    AmRen moderator

    Yep! We don’t fear truth. But be sure to just write the things we won’t remove. Can’t say exactly what those things are or spell it out for you, but you’ll know when we remove it. Carry on.

    More like Race kinda,sorta,halfwayRealism if you ask me.

    For all of you future website Svengalis and saviors of the White race out there, make sure you don’t contradict yourself with your first introduction to the world.

  4. Very perceptive, Celestial. And how are Talmudic- and Neocon-controlled Tea Party ‘discussion’ forums any worse than that? Some FULLY Mainstream liberal forums are actually freer than many ‘conservative’ mainstream-ING sites, OD being a notable exception at present.

  5. I just don’t understand why ppl like in the vid lump together “racism” and “fascism.” Fascism is really an economic system and you can easily have “Multicultural Fascism.” Idk…it just doesn’t make any sense.

  6. I don’t read Amren. Too boring. I’ll take Alex Linder, Andrew Anglin and Kevin MacDonald over the perennially tepid and censorious Amren any day. But at least it appears Taylor has finally put together a program with no Jews on it. Once the videos are available, I’ll probably review the talks by John Morgan, Jack Donovan, the biologist and the man from SA. White folks ought to walk out when Derbyshire takes the stage.


  7. Fascism is really an economic system and you can easily have “Multicultural Fascism.”

    Like in the United States? That’s the truest comment you have ever made on this blog Dix.

  8. Brad, can I play too? (Slut Walk)

    Drake Shelton added Matt, The Thomas and Aleksandr as friends yesterday…

    “Le Moyne”

    “Benjamin Jones what happened to the cross? i didnt see it while i was there?
    April 21 at 11:06pm”

    Where have I seen this Le Moyne sweatshirt before?:


    Oh, that’s right, I remember…

    Slut Walk

  9. While we are on the subject of American Renaissance, did you happen to see the video that was posted on their site of Jared Taylor asking a few Republicans questions about immigration? It’s interesting, though tragic, that every time the subject of immigration comes up GOP’ers can speak only in tired old tropes.

    You can see the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkI5FWRSWjo#t=11

  10. Pitiful, but there are still millions of whites who need to see that. Amusing how fast that moderator stepped in when that guy shouted 70% vote Democrat. He set the speed record for most gop cliches in 5 to 10 seconds.

  11. I have learned a great deal from Jared Taylor. Even if I disagree with him quite strongly on some points the effect of engaging with his ideas has been that I’ve developed a certain way of looking at the world that allows me to understand goings on to a degree I never otherwise would have achieved. But it’s clear that he’s learned very little over the years about effective messaging. Fundamentally, the reason is he’s a holdout for an old-style nationalist revival. That’s why there’s such a large incongruence between his policy prescriptions and his rhetorical stance. If all he wanted was to end immigration and to gain complete racial freedom of association he wouldn’t bash other races as hard as he does. Instead he’d be doing all he could to work with them to see to it that his preferred policies are implemented. Doing so would vastly increase the likelihood of his policies being implemented but would at the same time all but kill any chance of the sweeping racial revolution he dreams of.

    As for the commie loons who show up to protest, it’s unreal that otherwise (apparently) intelligent people can be so fantastically delusional. I may dislike certain aspects of WN but at least it makes sense; in contrast, virtually nothing that these commie freaks believe makes any sense at all.

  12. Lew, you said yourself you don’t read or comment there so I’m within my rights to suggest you’re not really aware of what’s going on. There is ample discussion of the Jewish angle of various issues in the threads, and most of it is quite reasonable. The kinds of comments that get scrubbed are those that insist – typically crudely – that the Jewish angle is the most important angle (by a wide margin) of any issue. We’ve all seen what effect that message has on people mesmerized by it – they focus with laser-like intensity on Jews to the exclusion of every other consideration. Amren has been very wise to pass up that mug’s game.

  13. I’ve heard the same thing for years. Amren deletes serious criticism of Jews while allowing Jews to criticize whites. If that has changed, better late than never.

  14. Spelunker, what are your political affiliations, exactly? What are your beliefs? If you’re not pro South or pro White, why are you even here?

  15. At this point the WN’s and other fascists should be focusing on solidarity with the communists against social democracy (Obamaism, republicans, mainstream society). The sideshow of these “street battles” does no good.

  16. I just don’t understand why ppl like in the vid lump together “racism” and “fascism.”

    Because of cultural marxism which is bourgeois navel-gazing through a marxian lense.

  17. Spelunker, what does that even mean? I understand looking from different views, but you clearly are not interested in this viewpoint at all. After I look into something, find out it’s not my style, I don’t usually stick around. I move on. Even if you want to see the other side’s point of view, you’ve been here long enough. All you’re doing now is just rubbing into the wound. What’s the point? Does this get your rocks off or something? I mean, I’m not over at some Liberal Communists website, posting my blog about how retarded they are. Why don’t you just let folks with different beliefs be?

  18. OK, I will depart at your request Logan, but when I’m gone and you’re bored and lonely, you can come see me anytime big boy.

  19. Wrong, Silver, Amren deletes almost all comments referencing the Israeli Lobby, no matter how civilly stated. They also allow incredibly vicious, shallow and childish comments about blacks yet the mere factual report of a jew’s actions that aren’t complimentary get repressed. Sometimes documented (not that writing something down makes it the slightest bit true) facts about the jews get repressed. Posters are allowed to attack other whites in defense of the jews yet their adversaries are repressed, again, no matter how civil they remain.

    Your assessment is simply inaccurate.

    It will never cease to amaze me that people from the South appoint themselves authorities on the jews and how the various races/ethnicities integrate. It’s as if northerners, especially northeasterners, have to hew to your terms regarding blacks, but then we’re lectured about the group only we know the most about – jews.

  20. I will say this for Taylor: he does a very good job of maintaining equanimity on the issue of gays. He’s also an invariably impressive speaker, even as I don’t identify with his parochialism regarding ethnic issues. I just don’t think black DNA is what got us into the mess we’re in.

  21. Great research Hunter – outstanding!

    Anti Communism still plays very well with Conservative a Whites in the South. We need to publicize this information that open anti American Communists are on the faculty of colleges and Universities in Middle Tennnessee.

    Hunter, have you submitted this article for consideration as a lead article for American Renaissance?

  22. Hunter I wish I could be there. If possible have someone take as much video footage of the protesters as possible.

  23. Tamer believes ‘WN’s and other fascists should be focusing on solidarity with the communists against social democracy’:

    Rather, WNs should OPPOSE every form of fascism, communism, oligarchy and cosmopolitan Elitism. Jeffersonian, White ethnic AGRARIAN democratic, Mixed-Polity is undoubtedly the best government for a Christian White nation — but it requires the people for it.

  24. One of the counter-protesters ‘aspires to be a Sociologist’! Sociology is one of those Talmudic pseudo-sciences that produces nothing good and useful.

  25. ‘Anti Communism still plays very well with Conservative whites in the South’:

    CONSERVATIVE Whites north of the Line also dislike communism, but ‘Anti-Communism’ plays especially well with Southron Martial Norman-Cavalier NEO-‘conservatives’ who are always looking for any excuse to wage even more endless war against ‘the commies’ as well as the Muslims, the Gooks and all other peoples in the world. It is an irrationality that is constantly turned to the advantage of the Enemy of Whites.

  26. Re: ‘a surprise’: It took a little while for the eggs to become completely rotten, then?

    Slightly off topic, but good hopeful news for all Christian Whites everywhere: http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-27132609 White Nationalist blogs should also be purged of filthy speech, and all sources of internet porn (about 80% of internet porn originates in the United States) must be destroyed, too.

  27. Yankees that’s not true. I’ve participated in numerous explicit discussions there. The distinguishing feature of these discussions was that pertinent facts were cited and points were made calmly and rationally. Comments that invoke the JQ in order to generate hostility do get deleted, yes. If they weren’t deleted discussions would quickly degenerate into the kind of mindless “naming” one finds at VNN. It may be unfair that some of the viler anti-black comments are not deleted while occasionally even very mild anti-Jewish posts are but the fact is blacks are a vastly more effective racial rallying point than are Jews. (I’m not above giving credit even to people I despise: what you have at Amren is a case of what WLP described as “[people] can see the nigger, but they can’t see the Jew.” Too bad for him he went completely off the deep end.)

    As for being a southerner, good God, you could not be more wrong. I’m not even American. I post on American blogs because race is truly a global issue, and what occurs in America is of crucial importance to the shape events might take elsewhere. To ward off accusations that America is none of my business, the majority of my family lives in America (Detroit!) so I do have a personal stake in what goes on.

  28. Back in October, I went over to Montgomery Bell State Park in Dickson, TN after our Murfreesboro and Shelbyville protest.

    I didn’t go to the previous two Amren conferences there. I knew the people we had seen in Murfreesboro would be back for Amren. I drove around the park, walked through the hotel, and studied the position where they would assemble again.

    At the time, I had another idea in mind, but that didn’t work out because of the park rules.

  29. The Russians are banning swearing in the movies? Oh poop, besides Yiddish, Russian contains more swear words than any other world language. I predict this ‘ban’ will be successful as previous bans on vodka.
    As far as banning ‘filthy speech’ is concerned, idiotic speech is what really needs to be banned from WN websites. Crackpot conspiracy theories, support of loonies like Miller, obsessing with certain religious and ethnic groups 24/7/365 and blaming them for all our troubles, are far more dangerous than the swearing one might find on WN sites. Swearing means someone is ticked off, people who do the other stuff show a lack of learning, a good dose of paranoia, and very little comprehension of reality.

  30. Or maybe the paranoids who see ‘defective biology’ and some amorphous undefinable ‘mental illness’ behind every disagreement in the world need to be banned. After all, Diversity Cult is claiming blacks who hate-attack whites are simply ‘mentally ill;’ why should we endorse such an anti-white view.

    There is such a thing as concrete, empirical material reality, Dalton. It’s objectively measurable, and not defined according to some powerfreak’s dictate or whim.

  31. Silver, I wasn’t referring simply to you when I made that comment about southerners, although I will say it’s sort of odd that you feel you have some expert take on things going on in the US when you aren’t from here.

    Amren example: there’s a semi-regular poster on there, NeanderthalDNA, who chronically attacks anyone who disagrees with him on any issue related to jews. Once a poster who is from the midwest asserted that blacks cannot distinguish between whites and jews. I pointed out that in areas with high concentrations of jews blacks discern fairly easily between whites and jews.

    Neanderthal jumped in and started ‘correcting’ me about this, even though he’s a southerner who has never lived in the northeast. He went on to claim that New Englanders would consider me rude for pointing out jewish imperialism, which I found hilarious given that his commentary about blacks would cause my region’s folks (even in NJ/NYC) to completely socially ostracize him. I can’t imagine what New Englanders would say to a person who obsessed endlessly about ‘negro DNA.’ I happen to know outspoken pro-whites in New England who claim just the opposite.

    Yup, the southerners are an imperialistic people towards us northerners, no matter how much they try to claim the reverse.

  32. Just did ctrl+f Jew on a few articles and got nothing. Amren looks to be working the same way it always has to me, doing a good job diverting readers into wheel-spinning discussions of symptoms rather than causes.

  33. Forgot to add, that when Neanderthal and I began to debate, the mods pretty much allowed him to say ridiculous unsubstantiated things to me while deleting and editing my civil responses. That has been the pattern on Amren: rig any debate on the jews.
    I don’t write in the same idiom on there, given that people don’t debate much here, so the issue was not one of profanity or personal insult.

    The one comment I’ll likely never forget on Amren: when Katherine McChesney told me that I was ‘blinded by hatred’ after I scoffed at a hasidic jew whining about harassment from blacks on a NYC subway.

    I looked the other way at so much ‘hatred’ of blacks on there, many of whom are innocent in the system, lacking privilege or malevolent agency, to be told by a southerner that a people, the jews, who engage in such horrors – who try to deny (and orchestrate) at every turn the evil blacks’ horrific violence towards me and my people – should be indulged when a black barely did anything to them (and even the jews in NYC hate the hasidim).

    I don’t think I’ll ever forget it. I’ll also always remember another southern woman who said, “My god taught me that we are all his people; my mother taught me that I am not god.”

  34. Oh shit, I meant to write ‘god taught me that we are all his children..’
    I think I ruined the quote.

  35. Yankees, there are principles of racial politics that apply everywhere. Specific information related to local conditions is not particularly difficult to come by with the internet. On top of this, I have also lived in America, so I’m not unfamiliar with what the racial dynamics “feel” like there (in the southwest, at any rate).

    Lew, many commenters, aware of the moderation policy, prefer to refer to Jews obliquely, often opting for “ykw” in place of “Jew,” so it’s not surprising your ctrl-f-ing came up short. (Was there an obvious Jewish angle to the articles you examined?) I’m not sure about links, but I think I’ve seen people post them. Whether links to T.O.O. would get deleted I don’t know. I would link you to back-and-forth discussions I’ve had with a ludicrously philosemitic poster there, one”John Engelman” (whom many have suspected is Jewish, and who has had a frontpage essay published by Amren), which involved plenty of explicit material, but Disqus makes it a chore to dig back through old posts.

  36. Hunter,

    Can we get a thread on Cliven Bundy please, this man is speaking the truth about Negroes.

    “I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

    “And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

    Truly they were better off as slaves, getting fresh air and sunshine as they learned dignity through honest labor

  37. ‘idiotic speech is what really needs to be banned (…) Crackpot conspiracy theories, support of loonies like Miller, obsessing with certain religious and ethnic groups 24/7/365 and blaming them for all our troubles’:

    Who supports Miller on this blog? Please provide evidence.

    Some ‘crackpot conspiracy theories’ are in fact factual, but ‘inconvenient’ for you — and the ‘certain religious and ethnic group’ that you think is wrongly blamed for EVERYTHING is one you have told us you are descended from!

  38. Mosin, I was talking about WN blogs in general when I mentioned Glen Miller. You did read what I actually said, didn’t you?
    Theories are just that, Mosin, theories. Unless they can be proven, they are only speculations.
    Yes Mosin, I have some Jewish ancestry, but I can only blame the Jews when hard evidence shows guilt. I rely on solid scholarship in books like “Jewish Influence On Christian Reform Movements” that quotes primary sources in making their points. A study of world history shows the Gentiles were quite capable of conspiring and plotting against their own kind without Jewish help. And when Jews do conspire, they can only get away with it when the Non-Jews are ignorant, complacent, willing to look the other way, or in on it. They are not all powerful. It’s obsessive fanatics like you who feed on your own morbid fears who buy stuff like this. Start reading some real history, and get over your paranoia.

  39. Engleman has asperger’s and I’ve noted a tendency among the white men asperger’s types to romanticize the jews. Many suffered social awkwardness or rejections as children, and harbor the fantasy, fed by limited adult encounters, that jews are somehow superior, more intellectual and therefore more tolerant of them. These white men often view asians similarly. Both the jews and the asians in certain dimensions will sometimes succor a ‘smart’ white man so they become their tools.

    Europeans are every bit as smart as the jews, contrary to Taylor’s premise, but americans have a non-intellectual, pragmatic ‘dumb jock’ bent which could seem less amenable to aspies, especially during childhood and adolescence.

  40. It might be a little mind expanding to contemplate that during the decades of the USSR many card carrying Party members felt that biology and natural selection may have had disparate impacts upon the various main races of mankind. Marx’s own
    writings are suggestive that he assumed as much. The notion that Leftists are all
    blank slate “environmentalists” is just hysterical revisionism. Facts need not dictate
    values. Reasoned discussion of the accessible facts ought to be the crucible for that
    task. From a left viewpoint, it may very well be that “genetic engineering” and forms
    of “Plural marriage” etc. would bring unwelcome facts into accord with Leftists values. But if there is no debate without bounds of at least cold civility, just how is
    that supposed to happen? I have first hand accounts of some American Renaissasnce
    Conferences, and my sources assure me that everyone they met there was well behaved, seemed to have no tolerance at all for anything unlawful, and we seeking information and dialogue. Un-American????

    • I know Jared Taylor.

      I was at the cancelled 2010 Amren conference in DC. There’s not going to be any violent talk. Like always, it’s going to be a fun and civil event for like minded people followed by dinner and a night of drinking and networking.

  41. Job One with this topic–pro or con–is to turn the voltage way down and the ears way
    up. A close acquaintance of mine has attended more than one American Renaissance Conference. I have always thought of him as somewhat of a neo-Marxist. He reports
    to me that he finds a good standard of civility and many persons, like himself, who are
    there not for “prepared thought food, spoon fed” but rather for facts and notions that can be treated as raw food and prepared by oneself over time. If all I knew about AR
    was what I read in some of the attacks (from people who seem never to have visited in person with Mr. Taylor or to have attended in good behavior any of the Conferences )
    I’d be worse than ignorant. I’d be misinformed and a victim of misunderstanding.
    I think Voltaire looks down on Mr. Taylor with support of freedom of speech and assembly. That’s a problem for y-o-u ??

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