
American Thinker

Here’s a good article on Neo-Puritanism as the moral creed of Americanism:

“Alexandra Pelosi’s HBO documentary Fall to Grace tracks the evolution of New Jersey’s disgraced, self-dubbed “gay-American,” former governor, Jim McGreevey. In one passing scene, McGreevey enters a church ostensibly more welcoming than the judgmental Catholic Church of his childhood. The message board on the church front reads — and this is a close paraphrase — “Lord help us overcome the sins of racism, sexism, classism, and homophobia.”

Had the message board been bigger, the good pastor might have added nativism, Islamophobia, and xenophobia. In a postmodern world that prides itself on “non-judgmentalism,” these have emerged as the seven new deadly sins, and God help the man, woman, or child who commits one. …”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Dan, I’ve never accused Jared Taylor of being jewish, although I know of people who have. To me he looks like a WASP. What motivates him to lie about the jews, I don’t know. Okay, ‘lie’ probably is the wrong word. He tells a fundamental ‘untruth’ about them, which is quite obviously untrue to any european who has had to live around them in significant numbers.

    Kyle Rogers I accused of ‘wanting to be one.’


    Also, a yankee just is not someone who came through Ellis Island (not one of my forbears did, BTW). You really have no place trying to purport to speak as one. You don’t even come from the northeast. You have about as much understanding of ‘yankees’ as I have of holy rollers from Michigan, which is limited to interactions with friends in NYC and some superficial impressions from my college years. More of my knowledge of these folks come from what I’ve gleaned in pro-white sites and from popular culture.

    One example of how wikipedia and book-learning don’t cut it: I lived in Pa for a time, and found that your link about how the Poles integrated with the irish only tells about half the story at best. The ethnic tensions – even in the ‘famous’ schism in Scranton – were not as pronounced, to the best I could glean, as wikipedia depicts. It’s hard because I knew various people, some all irish or german catholics who considered the clash minimal to almost completely discreet to the church hierarchy; friends who were half irish and half polish (or russian) seemed to be more aware of how ‘political’ the irish were in that city. Overall, though, it was a place where the irish and white eastern europeans, especially the catholic poles, integrated comparatively seamlessly and peacefully…unlike the situation vis a vis the italians, who presented an entirely different scenario characterized by segregation and disaffection which can be felt there to this day, although not to any degree approximating the clashes in NYC/NJ.

  2. 1. In re: Taylor and Rogers, the bottom line is that you think they are somehow hurting the cause of our race just because they don’t spend every waking second holy rolling about “DA JOOOOOS!!” And then you turn around and preach “unity” within the pro-White movement? Risible!

    2. Yankees vs. Northerners is a distinction without a difference, and you’re only making that distinction to absolve yourself and your tribe of culpability for their centuries-long history of fratricidal crimes.

    3. The SN’s who criticize Northerners/Yankees don’t live with them like I do. I’m a traitor to the liberal-egalitarian culture of my fellow White Northerners, and I’m damn proud of it. I don’t claim to speak for them. I claim to oppose them and everything they stand for.

    4. While the Midwest isn’t as liberal as the Northeast, we invariably support them when push comes to shove. One of the biggest things I despise about my state is how the Detroit metro area is the second most segregated metro area in the Union next to Madison, WI, and yet all the whites hear preach “equalitywhiteprivilageracismslaverysegregation” yadda yadda yadda. You probably have to listen to the “people” and then look around at the all-white neighborhood in which you’re having the conversation with them to truly grasp their blood-boiling hypocrisy. I don’t want to hear no bullshit about how they are “brainwashed” by the media or the education system. No. These people CHOOSE to believe the non-sense that they spew, and they spew it DESPITE the fact that they:

    A. Fled from the richness of diversity in post 1967-Detroit like the sniveling cowards that they are. (They’re cowards because of how they reacted to the medicine they prescribed for the South)

    B. Reside in all-white neighborhoods, many with gated communities.

    I’d sooner spend the rest of my life living off Marie Antoinette’s bread cakes then suffer a legion of whites that preach “diversity for thee but not for me,” because the so-called “indifference” of the French monarchs to the peasants doesn’t hold a candle to the indifference of white Northerners who continually torment an entire tribe of their own race (White Southerners) that never did ANYTHING to them and in fact wanted SEPARATION from them.

    5. Who the hell told you there are holy rollers in Michigan? I once visited a church in the summer of 2010 where the praise team got down on its knees and started speaking in tongues, but there ain’t no one up here that compares to that insulting Mandy Moore clip you delighted us with. Your friends in NYC are once again making stuff up, as Yankees love to do when they find someone that needs “correction.”

    6. The point of those wiki links on the Poles (I’m 25% Polish myself, BTW) is that they were viewed as genetically distinct from the Anglo-Saxon natives, and correctly so I might add.

    7. No, integration was not peaceful for any White ethnic group. You being Irish, you ought to know all about the clashes they had with the native Anglo-Saxons in New York, Philadelphia, Boston, etc. Contrary to WN belief, “Gangs of New York” is not very sensationalized. It’s a pretty accurate portrayal of the contempt the native English Americans had for the Irish and their violent, degenerate behavior (no White ethnic group has the right to invade the nation of another White ethnic group just because they are of the same race).

    8. In regards to the Poles, they voted for one liberal/”progressive” politician after another and cried like little girls over the 1924 immigration act. Then they had a bitch fest in the 1970s when affirmative action was implemented and they suddenly found themselves on the other side of the Grievance Coin. The White ethnics, like the Mexicans and other brown folks today, supported their own group interests, not the interests of the country they immigrated to. It’s natural to act in your own group interests, but shit hits the fan when you don’t keep it to your own nation and your own borders. Put it another way, the milk stays white but gets very sour when you dump a bunch of (low class peasant) Europeans into the same mass of land and let them run a country. These days their elected representatives, like Ed Markey, want to purge “hate speech” from the internet. What will Yankeedom come up with next?

  3. ” We finally have a bona fide mental patient! Call Dalton! He will have to wait his turn, ladies first, NYYankees!

  4. Age before…wisdom, Dalton –

    Every single person on here, with the exception of the uber-sane Schplunkstein, has ‘ODD.’ Senator Markey’s hate crimes bill is not only angling to ‘monitor’ ‘hatespeech’ all over the internet, but can be said to be ‘inciting hate/violence.’

    And people want to know why so many young white women date black men…when the alternative is often internment.

  5. ETA: I meant ‘Oppositional Defiant Disordered’ ‘patients’ can be said to be inciting hate and violence.

    Has no one read about the black ‘teens’ who beat, to his eventual death, the white guy in Ohio? The court called at least one of them ‘mentally ill and let him off without any time or punishment;’ the others got ‘sentences’ like a year’s probation. Black hatred of whites is being deemed a mental illness, and serves as the ultimate get-out-of-jail card for ‘african-americans.’

    Recently the black rapist of a 14 year old white girl in Texas was let go and sentenced to community service in a…rape crisis center. The white girl will surely be called ‘mentally ill’ and more and more white women will be interned when they report, only to ‘receive therapy’ from…the very elements of society, psychiatrists and blacks, jews, etc. – who raped them to begin with.

    Mostly the psych system is working feverishly to make sure all white unemployed homeless people are deemed ‘mentally ill’ to avoid what would otherwise be massive uprisings. Feral blacks play the crazy card and get sympathy and returned to the streets; whites will be locked up and chemically lobotomized.

  6. Re: ‘mental patient…call Dalton’:

    ‘The Doctor’ would require lifelong SOMA medication for all but the One Half of One Percent, mostly Talmudic but also Roman (!!!) Global Southern Elite, in his dream of a future Golden Circle ‘Dixie’ and World. Muslim Terrorism problem solved, no more independent ‘pilgrim churches’, and no more resistance from the slaves!

  7. NYYankees, the problem isn’t psychiatry, but the politicalization of it. Once that is removed, the psychiatrists can concentrate on treating actual psychiatric illnesses.
    Mosin, you’re a paranoid hoot!

  8. Maybe Snowden should be treated for ‘Paranoia’ too, as well as captured and punished for treason.

  9. ‘the problem isn’t psychiatry, but the politicalization (…) once that is removed, the psychiatrists can concentrate on treating’:

    By ‘politicization’ you mean the checks on what they would do if all the checks were removed.

  10. Mosin, I honestly feel sorry for you. It’s really sad to see you read into my words sometime that’s not there.

  11. Apuleius says:

    ‘He seems to rely overly much upon his personal experience, and discount other sources of information on this phenomenon that might help better frame it in context.’

    It is not a bad thing to rely much upon personal experience. He’s been researching all aspects of this for more than forty years, biblical, extra biblical, holds seminars, communes with people constantly and has gleaned information from more than 18,000 people responding to his surveys.

    Apuleius says: ‘Personal experience is limited and contingent. Others have been here before, and their experiences can inform ours.’

    Sure, but some people claiming to be authorities don’t know anything. Like a writer telling everyone all about Paris who has never been there, rehashing information he read about in history books or brochures that could be different from reality.

    You can read a book about riding horses and pal around with jockeys, but you would have to get in the saddle and learn to ride by experience before claiming to be an accomplished equestrian.

    Apuleius says: ‘ Like most New Age types, who in my experience tend to gravitate towards what I would call “liberalism expressed through the misappropriation of ancient spirituality,”

    He is not a New Age type has said so repeatedly. He claims beliefs, religious or otherwise can keep some people locked in a box. They are ensnared and refuse to venture beyond their limiting constraints. Experience is a great teacher.

    Apuleius says: ‘ Of course, the problem of evil is a very dense philosophical problem, so maybe he was just trying to limit the scope of his presentation or trying to make it as palatable as possible.’

    He does not deny evil. He does say there are hellish like areas or zones. Too much focus on evil and malevolent beings can keep people fearful, therefore he does not focus too much on the topic. Robert Monroe and Tom Campbell have noted the same.

    To my thinking, the world and it’s history provides ample evidence of evil forces, entities or whatever, compelling people to commit the most unbelievably horrific actions.

    Apuleius says: ‘ Again, like most New Age types, who come from a Western, Christian cultural matrix, he wrongly claims that things like Final Judgment and Hell are exclusive to Christianity.’

    He was Lutheran as a child. I don’t recall him saying it’s exclusive to Christianity. But you are correct that he had not witnessed anything like a place of hell fire and brimstone.

    The fascinating genius of geniuses, Nikola Tesla, often experienced what we would call altered states of consciousness, excursions, dimensional shifts?

    Excerpt from a book about his life:


    During my boyhood I had suffered from a peculiar
    affliction due to the appearance of images, which were
    often accompanied by strong flashes of light. When a
    word was spoken, the image of the object designated
    would present itself so vividly to my vision that I
    could not tell whether what I saw was real or not. . .

    Even though I reached out and passed my hand through
    it, the image would remain Fixed in space.

    In trying to free myself from these tormenting
    appearances, I tried to concentrate my thoughts on
    some peaceful, quieting scene I had witnessed. This
    would give me momentary relief; but when I had done it
    two or three times the remedy would begin to lose its
    force. Then I began to take mental excursions beyond
    the small world of my actual knowledge. Day and night,
    in imagination, I went on journeys-saw new places,
    cities, countries, and all the time I tried hard to
    make these imaginary things very sharp and clear in my
    mind. I imagined myself living in countries I had
    never seen, and I made imaginary friends, who were
    very dear to me and really seemed alive.

    This I did constantly until I was seventeen, when my
    thoughts turned seriously to invention. Then, to my
    delight, I found I could visualize with the greatest
    facility. I needed no models, drawings, or
    experiments. I could picture them all in my mind. . .

    End of snip.

  12. “It is not a bad thing to rely much upon personal experience.”
    Not my intention to demean experience. Quite the contrary. Personal experience is indispensible. One might say that experience produces that immediacy, or lightning flash of intuitive apprehension that leaps past the limitations of discursive reasoning.

    “Sure, but some people claiming to be authorities don’t know anything.”
    Discernment is critically important, as you so rightly point out. Hence the admonition in many traditions to beware false prophets/teachers.

    “He claims beliefs, religious or otherwise can keep some people locked in a box. They are ensnared and refuse to venture beyond their limiting constraints.”
    Not unlike Plato’s allegory of the cave:

    “But you are correct that he had not witnessed anything like a place of hell fire and brimstone.”
    Which is why I made the comment about over reliance on experience. He seems to approach and then draw back from what W.B. Yeats referred to as a “Vision of Evil.” I found his seeming coyness regarding this possibility somewhat annoying. Admittedly, I might have misunderstood his point here.

    “The fascinating genius of geniuses, Nikola Tesla, often experienced what we would call altered states of consciousness, excursions, dimensional shifts?”
    The earliest reference to NDE that I know of can be found in Plato’s Republic: the myth of Er. There are many, many more extant examples. Tolstoy and Blake are two that come immediately to mind. Not to mention the many others obscured by changes in language and imagery that occur with the passage of time.

    Of course, there are problems inherent in describing what is essentially an ineffable experience, not to mention the tendency of many in modernity to dismiss such phenomena as self-evidently ridiculous.

    Nevertheless, once you have had such an experience, there is no turning back. It is what it is, and at a certain point, it really doesn’t matter how anyone else judges it.

    Deo Vindice

  13. Correction: the rape victim in Texas was black, not white:

    This story then proves another contention of mine, which is that Texas is the #1 womanhating state in the nation. If the girl *had* been white, it never would have went to trial. Silly me, I should have known. She’d already have been drugged up…

    Very few judges would outright state that a victim’s past sex life should weigh on his/her decision. I have no idea what the actual truth is, but suspect the perp should have been more severely punished given that he admitted to pushing past no at an early stage.

  14. Dalton, without politics what is there to psychiatry? It’s all a political assertion.

    That could change, *if* the ‘doctors’ wanted to actually practice medicine. Manic depression is genetic, and I’m fairly certain schizophrenia is as well. But instead of becoming more focused on the science of the few mental illnesses that exist, the ‘field’ of psychiatry just keeps expanding.

    BTW, I do think there exist personality disorders which impede clear thinking and interpretation of reality, but relational reality is always subjective, and further, these syndromes are self-imposed. Underlying every one is a choice that the person makes. These people don’t need drugs; they need to change their attitude ultimately.

    Only actual psychosis – break with material reality – reflects ‘mental’ illness.

  15. @ Dan Poole

    1. Both Taylor and Rogers peddle jewish anti-white lies. I hardly see how that is pro-white, or promoting of ‘unity.’

    2. What ‘tribe’ are you ascribing me to with your contention that mine engaged in fratricide, or that I make excuses for this crime on their part?

    3. How can you be an ‘SN’ but live in the North? Why don’t you move?

    4. Try not to project onto the northeast. You don’t even live here. White Flight was going to happen regardless of the influx of blacks in most urban areas. This is fact and if you came from NYC/NJ you’d understand that.

    5. I had a gay friend in NYC who claimed her Michigan family thought it worse to have left god than to be gay; “Blame the sin, not the sinner.” Of course, she responded by endlessly obsessing over gay marriage, even though she had no kids and didn’t stand to benefit from anything beyond a civil union. Seemed pretty holy roller-esque to me.
    It’s also an example of how the holy rollers make the gay marriage issue the crucible that it is, only the zionists use it to divide whites, knowing how effective a tool it is.

    6. So slavs are slavs. Duh.

    7. You say, “Contrary to WN belief, “Gangs of New York” is not very sensationalized. It’s a pretty accurate portrayal of the contempt the native English Americans had for the Irish and their violent, degenerate behavior (no White ethnic group has the right to invade the nation of another White ethnic group just because they are of the same race).” First off, where did you deduce that I myself identify as ‘WN?’ The irish would be in rigorous agreement with you that ‘no White ethnic group has the right to invade the nation of another,’ I can assure you.

    8. Your assertion that the europeans only came into this country only to support their group interests is ridiculous. The italians are the only ones who came to somehow sustain their own would-be nation (I do not consider jews europeans), but even some of them gave to the US. There was no safety blanket for the europeans; they came and built from scratch whatever they achieved, with the exception of the WASPS who came and received land grants, etc. The majority of the poles came and worked the coal mines, and other labor-intensive jobs, without any AA to gain entrance into elite universities upon arrival or first generation.

    You project your own WASP self-loathing onto the rest of us. You are an angry young nerd – a self-loathing white racialist, as it were. I could take you a bit more seriously if you eschewed female pejoratives when criticizing a co-ed group.

  16. Apuleius says:

    ‘Tolstoy and Blake are two that come immediately to mind. Not to mention the many others obscured by changes in language and imagery that occur with the passage of time.’

    Blake was an interesting character. He was way out there. I first learned of him when reading books by Neville Goddard who wrote of his experiences in other worlds or dimensions.

  17. I’m sure we’ve strayed too far off topic.

    BUT, I must share this inspirational account of Tesla and his alternating current motor breakthrough.

    When the acute sensitivity reduced to normal,
    permitting him to resume work, he took a walk in the
    city park of Budapest with a former classmate, named
    Szigeti, one late afternoon in February, 1882. while a
    glorious sunset overspread the sky with a flamboyant
    splash of throbbing colors, Tesla engaged in one of
    his favorite hobbies–reciting poetry. As a youth he
    had memorized many volumes, and he was now pleased to
    note that the terrific punishment his brain had
    experienced had not diminished his memory. One of the
    works which he could recite from beginning to end was
    Goethe’s Faust.

    The prismatic panorama which the sinking sun was
    painting in the sky reminded him of some of Goethe’s
    beautiful lines:

    “The glow retreats, done is the day of toil”

    “It yonder hastes, new fields of life exploring”

    “Ah, that no wing can lift me from the soil”

    “Upon its track to follow, follow soaring”

    Tesla, tall, lean and gaunt, but with a fire in his
    eye that matched the flaming clouds of the heavens,
    waved his arms in the air and swayed his body as he
    voiced the undulating lines. He faced the color drama
    of the sky as if addressing the red-glowing orb as it
    flung its amorphous masses of hue, tint and chrome
    across the domed vault of heaven.

    Suddenly the animated figure of Tesla snapped into a
    rigid pose as if he had fallen into a trance. Szigeti
    spoke to him but got no answer. Again his words were
    ignored. The friend was about to seize the towering
    motionless figure and shake him into consciousness
    when instead Tesla spoke.

    “Watch me!” said Tesla, blurting out the words like a
    child bubbling over with emotion: “Watch me reverse
    it.” He was still gazing into the sun as if that
    incandescent ball had thrown him into a hypnotic

    Szigeti recalled the image from Goethe that Tesla had
    been reciting: “The glow retreats . . . It yonder
    hastes, new fields of life exploring” a poetic
    description of the setting sun, and then his next
    words– “watch me! watch me reverse it.” Did Tesla
    mean the sun? Did he mean that he could arrest the
    motion of the sun about to sink below the horizon,
    reverse its action and start it rising again toward
    the zenith?

    “Let us sit and rest for a while,” said Szigeti. He
    turned him toward a bench, but Tesla was not to be

    “Don’t you see it?” expostulated the excited Tesla.
    “See how smoothly it is running? Now I throw this
    switch–and I reverse it. See! It goes just as
    smoothly in the opposite direction. watch! I stop it.
    I start it. There is no sparking. There is nothing on
    it to spark.”

    “But I see nothing,” said Szigeti. “The sun is not
    sparking. Are you ill?”

    “you do not understand,” beamed the still excited
    Tesla, turning as if to bestow a benediction on his
    companion. “It is my alternating-current motor I am
    talking about. I have solved the problem. Can’t you
    see it right here in front of me, running almost
    silently? It is the rotating magnetic field that does
    it. See how the magnetic field rotates and drags the
    armature around with it? Isn’t it beautiful? Isn’t it
    sublime? Isn’t it simple? I have solved the problem.
    Now I can die happy. But I must live, I must return to
    work and build the motor so I can give it to the
    world. No more will men be slaves to hard tasks. My
    motor will set them free, it will do the work of the

    Szigeti now understood. Tesla had previously told him
    about his attempt to solve the problem of an
    alternating-current motor, and he grasped the full
    meaning of the scientist’s words. Tesla had never told
    him, however, about his ability to visualize objects
    which he conceived in his mind, so it was necessary to
    explain the vision he saw, and that the solution had
    come to him suddenly while they were admiring the

    Tesla was now a little more composed, but he was
    floating on air in a frenzy of almost religious
    ecstasy. He had been breathing deeply in his
    excitement, and the overventilation of his lungs had
    produced a state of exhilaration

  18. NYYankees,

    1. Over the last 24 years, Taylor has woken up more Whites through Amren than you, me, and pretty much everyone else here put together. Rogers is single-handedly responsible for changing the national narrative on the Trayvon-Zimmerman affair, which exposed to millions of Whites the lengths that blacks will go to protect one of their own no matter how guilty he is.

    Course, I shouldn’t expect you to understand any of this after that bombshell you left about the White Duke Lacrosse players being responsible for the fraudulent Witch Hunt against them. You have a very perverted understanding of guilt and innocence.

    2. Your tribe is Yankeedom, hence why you call yourself “NYYankees,” (duhhh). You’ve specifically identified with Anglo-Celtic Northern Whites, but you defend Northerners regardless if they are Anglo-Celtic or not. The one exception is when you hilariously called Michigan the “Stinky Great Lake” state in a lame attempt to insult me. I should thank you for that, because now Courtney and I have a new inside joke whenever we talk about the latest chicanery from the North. (She gave a great interview on The Political Cesspool this April during Confederate History Month)

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot: Your Northern ancestors slaughtered…what was it?…over 400,000 White Southerners? And raped an additional 50,000 Southern women? Sam Dickson documented it all in a classic essay.

    Those crimes were committed by YOUR Northern white people (including the Irish) and yet you defend them anyway and actually have the nerve to claim its the SOUTH that doesn’t leave the North alone.

    3. I’m not a Southern Nationalist, I just share their contempt for the North/Yankeedom.

    4. White flight only happened when the Northern urban cities were forcefully integrated. Yankees cheered and high-fived each other when FEDGOV enforced racial integration in the South at the barrel of a gun, but then they fled for the suburbs like the gutless wonders they are when FEDGOV gave them the same medicine in the late 60s and early 70s.

    5. Simply opposing the gay lifestyle, even in strong terms, is not indicative of Holy Roller behavior. Homosexuality is frowned upon strongly by more than just White people – as evidenced by that coalition of black pastors which called out Obama and Holder a few weeks ago. Trust me, if Michigan had a significant Holy Roller community, this state would never go blue.

    6. You’re still missing the point. You talk about American Whites as if we’re all somehow “united” as one blood against a “common enemy” of a foreign blood, and that’s balderdash! There are ethnic/genetic differences between Whites that render us incapable of ever uniting as one tribe.

    7. Jeebus Cripes woman, you run away from accurate labels faster than OJ ran away from the cops. Call yourself what you want. IDGAF. I deduced that you’re a WN from your “Whites Unite” trope and your “Name the Tribe” shtick, something that’s been tried and failed for over half a century now. Taylor has had comparatively more success waking up Whites than almost everyone else in no small part because he doesn’t scare the shit out of them by going balls out on the J question.

    8. In re: The Irish, if they would agree with me that no White ethnic group has the right to invade the nation of another, then how the hell do you explain this?

    9. As those three links in the last point prove, the Irish and all other White ethnic groups act in their own interests, not in the interests of the foreign country they live in. All this shit you’re spewing about “working the coal mines, “labor-intensive jobs,” “they didn’t need a safety net,” etc are just patriotard melting pot memes. Your “labor-intensive job” meme in particular is just a rehash of “they did the jobs Americans wouldn’t do.” Every argument you made here is an argument for ethnic displacement of one White group by another, and that is something that should be opposed at any time in any place. As for the “they didn’t need welfare” meme, Giacomo T. Vallone exposed what White ethnics like the Poles and Bulgarians really do when they immigrate to a foreign country like Italy:

    BTW, the Poles, Irish, and all other European immigrants greatly benefited from government-subsidized housing in the 1930s under FDR. There’s your safety blanket right there. So much for “giving to the U.S.!” I suppose they “gave” Amurrika the troops and ammunition she needed to slaughter and incinerate Germans by the millions. No wonder their descendants carry around “Repeat Dresden” signs at pro-White conferences! The only thing they “built from scratch” was the counter-culture revolutions of the 60s, particularly the “sex, drugs, rock and roll” one. Without generous government subsidies, benefits, and union laws in the 30s and 40s, the Middle Class of the 50s would never have existed. And even then it only lasted for what, 20 years? The “worked hard/picked themselves up by their bootstraps” meme is one of the greatest lies ever told about Amurrikan history. It’s being told to justify the mass importation of browns and Asians who “do the jobs Americans won’t do” and “renew our spirit.” It’s messianic garbage, all of it!

    10. What you see from me is the natural reaction from a European-descended man who was born without a nation and was instead born into a tribe of liberal, anti-white hypocrites (this includes the patriotards, who are just another wing of liberalism anyway).

  19. Dan I’ll redress your various unfounded accusations against me and sundry bizarre assertions when I have more time, a bit later, but have to say that #1 is already off the map. At no point have I ever said the Duke Lacrosse players deserved to be prosecuted. I may have said their behaviors – hiring strippers – made it easy for them to be victimized. And I’ll stand by that. But I never felt their actions somehow warranted *prosecution* for rape or whatever Mangum falsified against them.

    Amanda Knox played a role in her wrongful prosecution and persecution. She was annoying, irresponsible, presumptuous and out of line, in some ways. She was also 100% innocent of murder and having anything whatsoever to do with her roommate’s murder, as was her boyfriend. This concept of the way you act contributing to people exploiting you aren’t that hard for any mature person to comprehend.

  20. @ Dan Poole

    1. Where is your proof that Taylor has woken all these sleeping masses up? People don’t hear of Amren via the MSM (in spite of his constant succoring of jewish supremacy). People wander there once they’ve already been woken up. To claim otherwise is just fanciful thinking. Rogers singlehandedly ‘changed the national narrative’ on Trayvon Martin?

    Paging ‘Dr.’ Dalton, we have another mental patient…

    I had never heard of either CofCC or of Kyle Rogers until well after the Trayvon Martin case had ended. A wholly different website, unassociated with racial grievances, provided the true facts about the Martin case to me. My overwhelming sense is that most white americans gleaned the truth from the racially unaffiiliated agitators whose work pierced through the MSM’s fog of lies, none of whom were advocates for whites. Who runs that MSM, BTW…?

    Taylor tells outright falsehoods, as does Rogers, in the service of their semitic supremacist – and classist – agenda. They promote jewish-funded and orchestrated violence against whites. And you expect me or other white people to thank them for that?

    2. NY Yankees was a famous, storied baseball team. This is where my name on here derives. There is no tribe called ‘NYYankees,’ sorry. There was also no single tribe that founded the South, unless you consider anglicans and scots irish presbyterians of a larger single tribe. Which would indicate you’re the one conflating ‘tribes,’ not me.

    I was insulting a lake, not you. I am not the one who reduces the struggle for whites’ survival to a personal power trip, like you and your Amren cohorts.

    My irish people raped no one in the South. The federal government, however, did have to intercede in a southern city to stave off southern women and fag jesuits from raping innocent northern women, and not two centuries ago, but in the last two decades. It’s a well-known case in which the college administrators in a city which is absolutely southern, despite Matt Heimbach’s protestations, were found directly civilly liable for heinous and very real sexual violations of what were northern white women.

    3. You’re a northerner but you hate…northerners. And worship at the Cult of Taylor.

    Is this really the place to work out your daddy issues?

    4. You showcase your brash foolishness by trying to speak to phenomena you know nothing about. The ‘white flight’ of europeans to the suburbs of NY and NJ from places like NYC and Newark, NJ, had little to do with integration and everything to do with the innate desire of these peoples to live in suburban environments. Next you’ll claim you personally witnessed all this ‘high-fiving’ that allegedly went on during an era you weren’t alive in, and by a people you’ve never lived amongst…

    5. I don’t trust liars, or individuals who lack self esteem and core character. To take no pride in those who raised you is to have no faith or belief in yourself, a condition you suffer which seems regrettably on display here.

    6. You say: “There are ethnic/genetic differences between Whites that render us incapable of ever uniting as one tribe.” Except when it comes to southerners, apparently. Perhaps you might defer to an actual southerner like Jim Webb before pontificating further. He, after all, was *drafted* by the southern people (truly in his case, as opposed to ostensibly) to speak for them. Try his book ‘Born Fighting’ about the Scots Irish. He doesn’t hate women, ‘feminists,’ northerners, or blacks. He was accused by the jews of being ‘anti-semitic’ for merely reporting that they were the richest ethnic group in the US, and that the appalachians were as poor as the poorest american blacks.

    7. So a college kid is assigning me a political party? And spewing nonsense again, about some obscure professorial eccentric who is allegedly ‘waking up’ whites by allowing his posters to engage in vile and bigoted commentary about black people ‘smelling’ on a near-daily basis? But you claim he doesn’t scare people off?! That explains how a site like Daily Stormer has surpassed Taylor’s in what’s been less than a year since it was created.

    #8 and beyond require more in depth response, although it’s obvious, Dan, that you ad lib and contort history whenever and wherever you see fit. It’s not clear, however, whether I should even bother responding to what’s mostly you working out your adolescent angst and adjustment issues while cloaking them as some kind of ‘pro-white’ political righteousness.

  21. “The ‘white flight’ of europeans to the suburbs of NY and NJ from places like NYC and Newark, NJ, had little to do with integration”


  22. “NY Yankees was a famous, storied baseball team.” [sic]

    “Was?” They are currently tied for first place in the AL East division.

  23. Rudel, exactly how many people do you know whose families moved through Newark and NYC into the outlying suburban areas during the ‘White Flight’ era?

    I know tons and tons, and their chief aim was to live in suburbia, not simply to escape blacks. White flight was absolutely going to happen regardless.

    The portuguese remained quite happily in their section of Newark and it, The Ironbound, is still a safe and thriving neighborhood. They wanted to live near their family businesses, many of which are ethnic restaurants and bakeries; to this day people drive in from the suburbs to enjoy their famous cuisine.

    It was entirely possible for the europeans to stake out their section of these cities. The fact is, most didn’t want to.

  24. “Rudel, exactly how many people do you know whose families moved through Newark and NYC into the outlying suburban areas during the ‘White Flight’ era?”

    Mine. I lived in East Orange in 1950 when it was 100% White. It is now 100% black.

  25. NYY
    “I know tons and tons, and their chief aim was to live in suburbia, not simply to escape blacks. White flight was absolutely going to happen regardless.”

    Bull. It is now and always has been primarily to do with schools and 1) people trying to guarantee their children’s education and 2) protecting them from inter-ethnic violence.


    addendum on Christianity

    Both sides may be right. Ideologically it might well be flawed but it provides group cohesion so Jews hate it for the latter reason.

  26. NYYankees,

    1. I said Taylor has woken up more people than everyone here combined, not that he’s led a Great White Awakening. Amren still garners twice the daily clicks & visitors of Daily Stormer (I like what Anglin says about Putin, so this is NOT a slam of the Daily Stormer).

    As for Rogers, you’re ignorance is appalling. In March 2012, he wrote an article for documenting how Zimmerman was getting beat up by Martin. His article went viral, as he was the FIRST reporter/writer on a mainstream site to show that Zimmerman was the innocent man. For an entire week prior to that article, the narrative was that Martin was an innocent kid walking by himself and that Zimmerman gunned him down for no reason at all. You may verify this with Hunter or Gordon Baum if you’d like. Rogers doesn’t get the credit he deserves because he’s a White Advocate. But it doesn’t matter: His Examiner article changed the national narrative. It was the 2nd or 3rd most clicked on article of all time on a mainstream website that garners 20 million clicks per month.

    The fact you’d never heard of the CofCC until last summer when the affair ended just proves your own ignorance once again. You’re not as in touch with the pro-White movement as you think you are. Have you even met any leader? Attended any conference? Networked with anybody? Do you do anything but Joooo bait all day? Have you done something productive for the movement even if its just writing for a website or two? Does anyone know who you are?

    2. I know that damn well. Doesn’t change the fact that: A. You’re from New York. B. You identify as a Yankee. 2+2=4 sweetheart. Don’t run from who you are. I don’t run from who I am.

    I reduce the struggle for White survival to ethnonationalism, which is the ONLY way to get Whites to identify with any blood-based tribe. Racial nationalism ain’t happening, and I’m not sure I even WANT it to happen given all the whites that deserve punishment for their anti-white crimes and hypocrisy. In other news, I’m fully rooting for the Russians to blast the everlasting shit out of the Ukranians after that stunt at the Trade Union building.

    3. Your “Irish people” were a bunch of feral dogs who had such a low IQ and low impulse control that the African slaves were more civilized than your people were before they invaded Amurrika by the millions during the 1840s and 50s. It’s no wonder they were drafted into the Army. Lincoln knew they’d make the most vicious soldiers on earth. Oh sure, some of them didn’t want to participate, but so what? The Irish never should have been allowed to come here. A white tribe so incapable of feeding itself that it walks around naked and has babies on the sides of roads deserves to be put out of its misery, not enabled. Full documentation here:

    And here:

    They use their fields mostly for pasture. Little is cultivated and even less is sown. The problem here is not the quality of the soil but rather the lack of industry on the part of those who should cultivate it. This laziness means that the different types of minerals with which hidden veins of the earth are full are neither mined nor exploited in any way. They do not devote themselves to the manufacture of flax or wool, nor to the practice of any mechanical or mercantile act. Dedicated only to leisure and laziness, this is a truly barbarous people. They depend on their livelihood for animals and they live like animals.

    When it comes to Irish marital and sexual customs Gerald is even more biting: “This is a filthy people, wallowing in vice. They indulge in incest, for example in marrying – or rather debauching – the wives of their dead brothers”. Even earlier than this Archbishop Anselm accused the Irish of wife swapping, “exchanging their wives as freely as other men exchange their horses”

    Is it any wonder the Irish-infested Northeast sends politicians like Ted Kennedy and Ed Markey to Congress? Nope. Puritanism lived on through the Irish and the other pathetic serf class white ethnics even after the Anglo-Saxons were displaced.

    4. Yes, I’m a Northerner who hates most Northerners. And for reasons I’ve explained repeatedly.

    5. White flight after racial integration is so well-documented by everyone from Marxist professors to Dr. Kevin MacDonald that to deny racial integration – and the resulting social breakdown in the urban cities – was the cause of White flight is to deny that 2+2=4.

    Own it woman: Your tribe is a bunch of repulsive hypocrites, and it deserves what Linder prescribes for YKW. I posted the Boston Bombing photo precisely because I now delight when your tribe is maimed. Karma is a bitch, ain’t it?

    6. Yes, I take no pride in those who raised me. Why should I? I reject their egalitarian, atheist, anti-white values! I don’t believe the races are the same like they do. I don’t believe in separation of church and state like they do. I don’t believe in “equality” like they do. I don’t believe in feminism and free love like they do. I don’t believe in multiracial democracy like they do. I don’t believe in multiculturalism like they do. They raised me to be a self-annihilating slave, and I reject it! Why the FUCK would I ever take pride in them when they raised me with THOSE values? I grew up with these people, went to school with them, played with them, did all kinds of things with them. Their values and morals are from the pit of hell.

    7. Southerners are a united tribe in the same way that Angles and Saxons became a united tribe in 500 AD. It’s ok when two or three groups of similar cultures interrmarry and forge a new tribe. But with the north, it started out with demented lunatics called the Puritans, and it later incorporated the absolute worst stock that the White race has to offer: From the millions of Irish described above to similar ultra-low class serfs that would make the Untouchables in India look normal. And those serfs came from ALL OVER Europe, not just two or three closely related tribes. The Southerners became a people, the Yankees became sour milk.

    8. I for one don’t think lambasting any non-white group is a winning strategy, so I’ll grant your point about the Amren commenters. (Courtney doesn’t like them either you know). Then again, there are Jews like Paul Gottfried and Nicholas Stix who have written smart, scathing, pro-White commentary. No such black commentator exists with the exception of Elizabeth Wright. Just saying!

    9. Everything I said about European immigrants was the truth. In 1920, after 40 years of unchecked immigration, there wasn’t a middle class in this country. As Vernon Briggs documents in “Immigration and American Unionism”:

    “The majority of American families in 1920 lived in poverty, and many more just barely above its threshold. Most urban workers lived in crowded urban slums that lacked adequate sanitation and minimal public health services; disease spread easily, fires were frequent and general lawlessness prevailed.”

    FDR’s programs and laws changed all that. The Wagner Act of 1937 in particular was blessing to Euro immigrants and their descendants. When Unions were strong (and when their leadership didn’t sell out its rank-and-file), white ethnics were strong. Once unions went by the way side and taxes on the rich were cut massively, all the wealth trickled back to the top, and its been that way since at least 1980. As you can see, the middle class livelihood of white ethnics and their descendants rose and fell with government safety net (or lackthereof). When American whites get a helping hand, yes, they become part of the middle class (whereas blacks and browns can get all the assistance they want – see the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, the Fannie and Freddie boondoggle in the late 80s and 90s, and the post-1965 “war on poverty” – but will still never elevate themselves to the middle class). But they absolutely DO NOT and DID NOT “build prosperity from scratch.” European Whites have a history of doing that, but NOT White Northern Americans. Southerners built prosperity from scratch during the antebellum era (90% of them never owned slaves), but Northerners have no such history.

  27. Dan your rant pretty much sums up the explanation for ‘the movement’s’ total inability to…move, for ten years I think it’s been? The last six of which have seen a scourge on the white middle class unlike any since the Depression…

    I’d be embarrassed for you but instead I’ll agree that we’re not of the same ‘tribe,’ or ‘race,’ – or ilk.

    Thank god for that, and to you for sparing me the bother of feeling semi-obligated to respond to your fantasist drivel.

  28. test2, the portuguese had no problems accomplishing either 1) or 2). Neither are the the irish in Queens, or the polish in Fort Greene, et al. Try again.

    The reality is that I lived among the Levittown settlers all my life. They never viewed Newark as a final destination; suburbia was always the end goal. The public arena debate pretty much ended in the late 80’s regarding NYC/NJ and ‘White Flight.’ In my various circles there never was any to begin with.

  29. NYYankees,

    I’m getting a joy seeing everyone gang up on you in the Emily’s Abortion Video thread. It’s high time more readers than me and Rudel call you out on your depraved morals, from sodomy to harpy feminism to contradictory Joooo-baiting (you hate them as a people but support their liberal values).

    Also, you gave away how wet behind the ears you are with the “no progress in 10 years” line. The movement has been stuck in the mud since AT LEAST the 1960s. I think you sincerely believe everything you say, you’re just so wrong about so much. Perhaps you joined the movement recently and are therefore prone to rash comments?

  30. Yeah, Dan, you got me. My nerd creds aren’t so impressive. I see the internet as a tool to educate and organize, not some refuge in which to take revenge on all the dumb jocks and cheerleaders who dissed me in highschool.

    Guilty. As. Charged.

  31. Ain’t no dumb jocks and cheerleaders around here. If anything, people like you remind me of my former pastors son and daughter. Holy shit did those two go off the deep end.

  32. Dan, I’m respectfully suggesting you quit while you’re ‘ahead.’

    Better people than you were dumb jocks, and even cheerleaders:,_from_Patchogue,_N.Y.,_and_Sonar_Technician_(Surface)_2nd_Class_Matthew_G._Axelson,_of_Cupertino,_Calif.,_taken_in_Afghanistan.jpg

    He was so beautiful. Your Chosen People won’t wring another ounce of privilege out of the blood of another innocent White man.

    Over. My. Dead. Irish. Bitch’s(or was it FemiNazi’s?). Body.

  33. “test2, the portuguese had no problems accomplishing either 1) or 2). Neither are the the irish in Queens, or the polish in Fort Greene, et al. Try again.”

    The exceptions – when they are exceptions i.e. not the whole of Queens – will be places where geography created a defensible enclave or cop/firefighter type enclaves where city workers had to live within city limits and so a blind eye was turned to integration in that enclave.

  34. “Guilty. As. Charged.”

    “Over. My. Dead. Irish. Bitch’s(or was it FemiNazi’s?). Body.”

    I’ve got another one for you:

    or maybe:

    Deo Vindice

  35. “In my various circles there never was any to begin with.”

    No wonder. You are a fully assimilated part Irish suburban princess who grew up in the rich green hills of Wayne County, NJ and doesn’t have a fucking clue about “white flight” or the suburbanization of America which occurred decades before you were even born. BTW it started in the 1920’s:

  36. NYYankees,

    I was tired and confused when you said last night that we are not of the same race, and that you “thank God for that.” But now that you posted that “Your Chosen People” accusation, it’s time to bust your bubble. Here’s my DNA results courtesy of

    I’m 100% White/European, just like you. And I’m 0% of the tribe you accused me of being part of. (=

  37. Dan, I wasn’t implying that you were jewish, lol, hence the single quotation marks around the words tribe and race. Just like I never said or implied that the Duke Lacrosse players deserved to be prosecuted.

    But you aren’t 100% White like me, that’s for sure.

  38. Rudel, your claim about a non-existent ‘Wayne County’ in NJ is about as accurate as your assessment of my background. Although I do come from part very lace curtain irish on my mother’s side, shanty-ish on one side of my father’s.

  39. @ Brad

    I was speaking figuratively, not in some literal DNA sense. If you have a people you don’t need DNA tests. Although, I look a helluva lot more ‘aryan’ than Mr. WASP supremacist.

  40. “Although I do come from part very lace curtain irish on my mother’s side, shanty-ish on one side of my father’s.”

    Fine, then Passaic County or wherever. The point is you are nothing but a thoroughly racially assimilated rich feminist white bitch who doesn’t have a clue about the history of White flight or the suburbanization of urban America.

    If you want to deny it please post your high school and graduation date.

    No? Then you are nothing but a a left-wing fraud. I grew up in your milieu and you can’t fucking bullshit me. GTFO!

  41. Are there even ‘rich’ people in Passaic County?

    What exactly is “a thoroughly racially assimilated rich feminist white bitch?”

  42. “What exactly is “a thoroughly racially assimilated rich feminist white bitch?””

    You. And don’t plead “poor”; it doesn’t fly as it it hardly relates to your current bank account balance. Perhaps the more accurate description would be thoroughly bourgeois in an SWPL way. Go away, you have no affinity to traditional White values.

    As a matter of fact, as far as I’m concerned your credibility rests solely upon the number of Northern European White children you have whelped.

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