Ain’t That America: Emily’s Abortion Video

New Jersey

This kept popping up in my Facebook newsfeed on the drive back from Missouri … an abortion counselor from New Jersey got pregnant, filmed her abortion, and uploaded it to YouTube in order to show people how cool and positive it is to have an abortion. She claims to be “in awe” of the fact that she can “make a life” and destroy it.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The abortions aren’t the causative pivotal factor in the suicides; the emotional issues of the women who allow themselves to get into a position where they ‘need’ them are. I’ve known a few, although none who actually suicided, particularly those who got more than one suffer emotional problems at way higher rates than those who don’t.

    Although in truth, I’ve known of women who’ve gotten as many as two who don’t seem to lose sleep at night over them.

  2. Fr John is right. A liberal synagogue official told me long ago that ‘Talmud is what it all comes down to, but people don’t know it’. It’s the quintessential expression of the spirit of the ethny.

  3. “Although in truth, I’ve known of women who’ve gotten as many as two who don’t seem to lose sleep at night over them.”

    You’re right. That’s a different type of suicide. Suicide of the soul.

    Deo Vindice

  4. I remember the quote more exactly. It was “Judaism is PHARISEEISM, and all Jews, etc.”

    Since Phariseeism is Talmudism (another quote from either the same Deicide or another), the point is still proven. Unless Rudel wants me to quote chapter and verse.
    But I truly do remember having read this series of quotes, more than once in their literature.

  5. ‘Dolly Parton has recently stated her support for families like theirs’:

    That is a disgusting example of southern womanhood. She sings hymns southern-style, acts in immoral (Talmudic) movies and shows, dresses like a whore.

    If you think Dolly Parton is a disgusting example of Southern womanhood, then I really feel sorry for you. It must be painful for you to have to get out of bed in the morning and realize just how miserable your life has turned out to be, because all you see around you are people that refuse to live up to your personal standards of puritanical zealotry.

    Maybe you can pray for your life to not be so filled with misery and despair and anger and resentment. It’s worked out so well for you, right?

  6. Christian women don’t become Hollywood and Nashville celebrities. You must have better examples of southern womanhood than Dolly Parton.

  7. Amerika embraces pornographic expression, while Russian White people are being delivered from it:

    Yes, it worked out so well for America. So well, in fact, that it was the impetus for the sexual revolution, a weapons-grade anti-White mantra called “minority rights,” and a wretched form extreme individualism that began to destroy families and communities by creating more animosity and distrust among citizens. Out from the shadows and now brazenly open and firmly planted in the driver’s seat. What you see today in America can be attributed to the zealots of the past pushing too hard to try and control society.

    While I deeply respect Putin’s determination to not let the West push him around, he’s extremely naive if he believes he will not experience the boomerang effect if he pushes too hard.

  8. Mosin, I don’t think you get to speak as the voice of Christianity any more than you get to speak as the voice of all things Southern. Your words don’t inspire anything more than a handful of other losers and zealots. You create nothing but an atmosphere of whining and finger pointing. You are a relic. You and your puritanical zealotry will be retired and left behind. You might as well embrace it now, because it is your destiny. I was just talking to Jesus the other day, and he said to me, “Hey, why is that Mosin guy so fucked up in the head? He’s got to go.”

  9. Celestial Time, your Different Jesus (2 Corinthians 11:4) speaks to you in expletives?

    ‘What you see today in America can be attributed to the zealots of the past pushing too hard to try and control society’:

    Old-fashioned Gospel preaching against sin CAUSED all this sin? It can be attributed, but attributing doesn’t make it so.

  10. “acts in immoral (Talmudic) movies and shows”

    Name just one “Talmudic” movie other than documentaries about ultra-Orthodox Jews which only reference the Talmud in passing.

    It is the Torah i.e. first five books of the Old Testament, that is the Bible for Jews and Christians alike.

  11. Jezebel said ‘Your words don’t inspire anything more than a handful of other losers and zealots. You are a relic. You and your puritanical zealotry will be retired and left behind’.

    We are pleased to be left behind and not go along with your secularism. Your world will yet be turned upside down.

  12. Old-fashioned Gospel preaching against sin CAUSED all this sin?

    What sin? And what the hell is a sin?

  13. We are pleased to be left behind and not go along with your secularism. Your world will yet be turned upside down.

    Thank you for your prayers. I shall await the tidal waves and meteor showers. Do you have a time frame in mind?

  14. Celestial, Hereward was obviously referring to Acts 17:6: ‘these who have turned the world upside down’. We hope that the present order of the Global Elite will be ‘turned upside down’. What do YOU hope and work for?

  15. CT is a real dick.

    Yes, I won’t deny being well endowed in that area. But I’m also an unabashed and unrepentant racist, as well as being gifted in the art of breaking people down, whether it be emotionally, mentally or physically. Think of me as a budding Triple Threat in the pro-White sphere.

    Note: I didn’t even mention my witty charm and movie star good looks. I didn’t want to seem like I was showing off, because even a prodigy knows a little modesty goes a long way.

  16. This type of behavior is one of the reason why the image of white American women is getting worse. Notice the white male Hollywood stars that are marrying non-white women. George Clooney is engaged to a Lebanese woman from England. Matt Damon and Matthew McConaughey have married nonwhite women from Brazil and have children with them. In 1974 all of these white male Hollywood stars would have married blonde European American women. Why did these guys, who have the most choice in their pick of spouse, pick foreign nonwhite women?

    Other male celebrities like Tom Brady and minor celebrity Bobby Deen have married South American Caucasian women.

    Why did these men see white American women as not marriage material for themselves?

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