United States
Here’s another story which kept popping up in my newsfeed on the ride home.
A 28-year-old liberated woman, aka Elizabeth Raine, who runs the blog “Musings of a Virgin Whore,” is auctioning her virginity in order to be transformed into a “literal whore.”
Elizabeth Raine writes on her blog:
“I am an American. And despite our country’s obvious problems, which are admittedly infuriating on a daily basis now, I do know I am damned lucky to have been born in this country.”
Damned lucky. Ain’t That America. If you have a daughter, please don’t raise her to be an American.
Secede. In this foolish young ladies case, it’s sexcede!
As we are seeing with homosexual marriage, the problems with Americanism go far beyond just the race issue.
Uh, wasn’t it the Mississippi-born and Louisianna-raised Miss Britney Spears who made auctioning off one’s female virginity fashionable? I think it was…and I was duly ashamed to be american during the press’ ‘love affair’ with her, or it, or whatever…
And now the southern fashion calls for teen girls to take ‘chastity vows’ to their…fathers!!
Eek. You people call us perverted? Really?
I don’t think so.
@NYYankees, you are perverts, as Woody Allen himself said.
From the whore’s bio:
I am 28, and I think this is a very good age. It is certainly better than any other age I’ve ever been.
The “rationalization hamster”
She says the word “I” a lot.
Sorry to have to say this, but this woman has more business savvy than 99.9% of the destitute “hardcore” White Nationalists and other self-important moral demagogues I’ve run across in the pro-White sphere.
Belief in conspiracy theories and business savvy do not go hand-in-hand. NYYankees, if she is who you are referring to there, seems never to have encountered a conspiracy possibility she did not think was plausible. So maybe you’re just looking for an excuse to indulge in a little anti-Southern animus and demagogue your Cultural Marxist morals?
Uh, Lew, thanks to you, and Dan Poole and all the ‘cool kids’ who had fun at my expense at the prom, and to the entire pro-white blogosphere who find me a convenient scapegoat for their failures, but I am really not that important.
I don’t think Celestial is referring to me, but to the Virgin Whore…
I am neither 😉
Hunter, have you thought about using Disqus for commenting on your blog?
Yes, I have.
In fact, I installed Disqus and there was a huge flap about it in the comments. I also had trouble importing all the WordPress comments. I probably will install Disqus here at some point though.
I stand corrected. But what is the point of coming onto a site that promotes traditional moral sensibilities and griping about it? There is not enough deviance out there for you?
Don’t post something like this on a lot of WN sites, otherwise you’ll get a lot of blowback from “WNs” who say we have to drop the social issues because moral degenerates are the next great WN constituency, if and only if we don’t insult them, we can get them to hate the Jews 24/7.
Countenance, WN’s are retarded.