Far-Right Fever for a Europe Tied to Russia


The League of the South invited Vladimir Putin to their 2014 national conference:

“But the event, part of an energetic push for votes by France’s surging far right ahead of elections this week for the European Parliament, also promoted an agenda distant from the customary concerns of conservative voters: why Europe needs to break its “submission” to the United States and look to Russia as a force for peace and a bulwark against moral decay. …

Russia offers the prospect of a new European order free of what Mr. Chauprade, in his own speech, described as its servitude to a “technocratic elite serving the American and European financial oligarchy” and its “enslavement by consumerist urges and sexual impulses.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If and when the Limbaugh Conservative starts seeing international affairs through the lens of the cultural struggle at home, we will be on the down slope to victory. Just had a conversation with a neighbor the other day who is a mid level officer in the military who quipped about how bad things were getting in the Ukraine thanks to Russia. Great white man, but just plain brain-washed.

    This transformation among American rightists is proceeding, with the young more ready to change, as usual.

  2. Afterthought.

    I usually have solid success with these brainwashed, patriotard White Amurikah types who are still obsessed with fighting the ….


    Me: “Uhmmmmmm, so are you really worried that Russians like Anna Korunkova and Maria Sharapova are coming to:

    Get you?

    I wish they would come get me.

    (More me….)

    Uhmmmmm, I heard the ban on Gay/homosexuals has been lifted in the US military, but…. Aren’t there any straight guys left who appreciate beautiful European women like the Russians?

  3. No longer dismissed, as they were for decades, as fringe cranks steeped in anti-Semitism and other noxious beliefs from Europe’s fascist past, the National Front and like-minded counterparts elsewhere on the Continent are expected to post strong gains in this week’s election, which begins on Thursday in Britain and the Netherlands and then rolls across Europe through Sunday.

    But they are unlikely to form a cohesive bloc: Nationalists from different countries tend to squabble, not cooperate.

    The soft-nationalist AfD party is forecast to win about 6 seats (out of 96 German seats) but they won’t join the Euroskeptic group in the European Parliament because UKIP are too radical for them. So they’ll probably join the Conservative group with the UK Tories instead.

    UKIP won’t join a new Nationalist group in the EP because the Front National are allegedly still ‘tainted’ with racism and anti-Semitism, according to Nigel Farage.

    The Front National don’t want Jobbik in their new Nationalist group because they are allegedly too militant and radical, according to Marine Le Pen.

    Even if Jobbik and other excluded far-right parties had the numbers to form their own Ultra-Nationalist group in the EP (which they don’t have and won’t get), they wouldn’t partner with Golden Dawn anyway, whom they consider extremists.

    And, though I’m not 100% on this, I don’t think Golden Dawn are too eager to cuddle up to Germany’s neo-Nazi NPD (who are forecast to win a seat), with their differing views on the late War and all that.

    So that’s a lot of degrees of separation just between the various conservative nationalist parties, broadly defined.

    The good news is that these conservative nationalist parties have a very good chance of finishing first in at least 7 different nations: the UK, France, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark and Finland. This is completely unprecedented.

    This Rightist bloc will probably form up into three different political groups, Conservatives, Euroskeptics and Nationalists, along with a few excluded and unaffiliated parties, totalling maybe 150 seats.

    The Centrist bloc (Christian Democrats, Liberals and Social Democrats) will probably win around 500 seats, with a very close race between the CDs and the SDs for first overall. The Leftist bloc (Greens and Socialists) should win about 100 seats.

  4. I recently read the book The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt and it confirmed my view that people’s minds are rarely changed by persuasive arguments. Most people’s beliefs are strongly influenced by their perceptions of other people’s views and their emotions. Now that I know this I’m wondering whether racially conscious whites in the West should be looking for somewhere to flee to rather than trying to convert race denialists. Russia seems to be a potential destination.

  5. Cannot Tell, fleeing to Russia is like Yankees fleeing to the South. We don’t appreciate transplants just as much (I’m sure) Russians don’t. We’d be better off “fleeing” (regrouping) in a Southern State, and work from there. If things ever got too bad, which it’s not.

    Folks seem to becoming disillusioned, so that’s a good sign in my book. I’m not too sure about Mississippi and Alabama, though.

  6. “The League of the South invited Vladimir Putin to their 2014 national conference:”

    Maybe we should invite Alexsandr Dugin next time.

  7. Logan Smith, you’re right. People forget that we struggle for our blood and our land. The two are inseparable.

  8. “Maybe we should invite Alexsandr Dugin next time.”

    Or my personal favourite, Golden Dawn spokesman Ilias Kasidiaris.

  9. In terms of historical analysis we might want to look at the various fascist regimes in Europe in the 20s and 30s. Spain Italy Austria Romania Poland Finland Hungary.

  10. Uneasy about this. Russia’s “multipolar world” drive to break US hegemony looks forward to replacing it with a Eurasian empire, something that will be utterly foreign at the very least and possibly exude intense hostility to we Anglos in particular. Russian society is rotten and Putin’s petro state is running out of cash, these geopolitical stunts are out of desperation…and what reason do we have to trust these people? The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend.

    Let’s not even get started on Dugin’s unsubstantiated claim that America has no deep identity.

  11. Holly: “Uneasy about this.”

    In a way, I agree with you here. Putin is no nationalist. He talks of protecting ethnic Russians in Ukraine while simultaneously allowing Muslims to fill Russian cities in the heartland of his country. He has banned nationalistic parties from contesting elections. He has cracked down ruthlessly on many of his nationalist opponents. He supports “hate speech” and “Holocaust™ denial” laws. He makes a major public celebration every May 9th of Europe’s death in 1945. He shows obvious nostalgia for the Soviet days.

    Putin is also not a friend of the West. He supports the colonisation of the Baltic states by Russians (thus forcing the Baltic states into NATO to deter a Russian invasion). He continues to occupy traditionally Finnish land in East Karelia. He opposes the return of East Prussia (now Kaliningrad Oblast) to Germany. From a Western point of view, the Russification of parts of eastern and northern Europe has not been a good thing. It has replaced people who are more genetically and culturally similar to us.

    I view Putin as being the least bad of Europe’s leaders – which isn’t saying much considering how bad the others are. His actions might be able to help us for now. In fact, if we gain our independence, he might even support us just to weaken the US. But in the long term, it would be far preferable if a strong and nationalist Germany or a strong and nationalist England emerged.

    Holly: “Let’s not even get started on Dugin’s unsubstantiated claim that America has no deep identity.”

    Dugin is 100% right about that. That’s exactly what Southern nationalists have been saying.

  12. I’m leery about this rah-rah cheering for Putin. The man is a former KGB agent. Nearly all of his close associates in his government are former KGB ops. Russia is the first known government in the world to become a state controlled by it’s intelligence service. The old KGB was the arm and shield of the Communist Party. The FSB is the government. A government who’s main job is to spy on and commit acts of espionage against it’s own people and foreign governments, instead of just providing essential services to it’s own people. To get a clearer view of what Putin’s Russia is all about, go to http://www.inatoday.com/ What you will see will shock you. And order his book , too.

  13. If Bongo lights the powder keg in Europe his only war aim can be the destruction of as many whites as possible including his own troops & “collateral” damage.

    I for one will welcome Russian army to these shores as LIBERATORS not invaders.
    The “invasion” has already been successful. Our once great cities lay in ruins. Our conquest is pretty much complete. Our ethnic cleansing is on-going. We are murdered
    by african monsters at their leisure & for their pleasure. Our political elites who are not
    replacable is fully intent on wholly replacing our population with subjects who are more worthy of their greatness.

    How do you say WELCOME in Russian ?

  14. May 22, 2014 at 1:42 pm
    “I’m leery about this rah-rah cheering for Putin. The man is a former KGB agent.”

    JR replies:


    AH the savior of Germany, Europe was once dismissed as Antifa, some bohemian artist, a vegitarian no less, joined some Commie sounding Lefty party The German Workers Party, morphed into something even worse sounding German National Socialist Worker’s Party!


    The key here is to look at what is done, who hates Putin, AH, us, what do Russian and German sports, media look like?

    Stephen, did you not “notice” the best Olympic Games since Berlin 1932. Putin ‘s Winter Olympics was outstanding, an international White folk fest, not a single Black, mud , Muslim or queer causing any trouble . A couple of Pussy Riot FEMEN protesters unfurled a flag and were quickly surrounded by Cossacks , who took the whip to them.

    What’s not to like?

    The reality is that our guys got back Russia, the Soviet Union, even the KGB by at least the mid 1960s.

    Stephen, get out of the Reagan 1980s Conservative obsession with “The Russians”.

    Russians were/are, will always be great.

  15. Putin has exactly the right level of authority, the right mix in handling the tribe, Muslims, Obama, queers etc.

    He doesn’t rant and rave about Jews or the worst queers, just puts them in their place.

    And remember what place Putin put the worst Yid Oligarch of zyukos Oil who tried to set about American style Jew TV networks, American style opposition parties:

    That Yid’s place was a public cage/jail – then he got sent to Siberia hard labor camp!

    His pic:


  16. JR, I’m not going by 1980’s angst about the Evil Empire. I’m going by what Putin and Russia are like today. Go to http://www.inatoday.com/ Read Toby Westerman’s articles about what Putin and Russia are actually doing. Buy and read his book on the Neo-Communist empire.
    The Olympic Games do not reflect the reality of what Russia is really like. They were propaganda set pieces just like the 1936 Olympics were for Germany. As for Russia being ‘great’, the nations that were oppressed by the Czars and the Commissars has a vastly different opinion of Russia than you do.

  17. Russia actually shares borders with Islamic states.
    Some Muslim presence in Russia is to be expected.

  18. “The Olympic Games do not reflect the reality of what Russia is really like. They were propaganda set pieces just like the 1936 Olympics were for Germany. As for Russia being ‘great’, the nations that were oppressed by the Czars and the Commissars has a vastly different opinion of Russia than you do.”

    Dude, are you for real? Did you even watch the Winter Olympics? The only propaganda was the western press predicting Muslim terror and World War Gay.

    Putin simply hosted a sports event. The Propaganda originated in the studios of NBC and CBS.

    You live in a parallel universe Dalton.

  19. Y’all do realize that the Russians have actually had frontier wars with Islam? In Crimea they are slowly ejecting the Muslim Tatar?

  20. LLD and Dalton are right on Putin, IMO. hypie, are you not familiar with what the russians did to the german women when they took over in WWII?!

    It’s somewhat bizarre that northwestern europeans in the ‘WN’ or American ‘Nazi’ camp (one guilty one being some at DailyStormer) would rush to the side of a slav against their own kin, especially given what those slavs have done historically to us. If people who are willing and capable can assimilate, fine, but lionizing Putin is going off the reservation, so to speak. And for those who expect and even want me to crank out on the joos in the Soviet Union, I’ll have to disappoint because Soviet aggression was not purely jewish anymore than American or EU imperialism is today.

  21. NYYankees is not really thinking in the here and now:

    “LLD and Dalton are right on Putin, IMO. hypie, are you not familiar with what the russians did to the german women when they took over in WWII?!”

    JR notes.

    And during the same time frame, the American Democrat party was the party of White Southerners – “yellow dog Democracts/Dixiecrats. Rhodesia was a very nice place to live and work for people like us.

    OK, so the moral of this story is…

    Things change.

    Here ‘a another change:

    “Gay” used to denote a lively, healthy interest in the opposite sex.


    Our people seem to have a hard time adjusting to change or dealing with reality, most prefer to live and think in some idealized pasta, which was never really the way it was presented anyways.

    I was 7 year sold in 1968 during the Summer of anarchy, Black riots inChicago and other US cities. I ain’t nostalgic for this past .

  22. Captain John: “Russia actually shares borders with Islamic states.
    Some Muslim presence in Russia is to be expected.

    I’m not talking about Muslims in their historic homelands on the fringes of Russia or in the wilds of Siberia. Do a Google image search of “Muslims in Moscow” and “Muslims in St. Petersburg”.

    The other day, Russians rioted in a Moscow suburb because of the special treatment the Muslim immigrants get. The fact that Putin is hated by Russian nationalists should be a pretty good clue about his nature. He’s also hated by nationalists in the Baltic states. Putin’s support for replacing Lithuanians, Latvians, and Estonians with Russians has obviously proven to be unpopular.

  23. captain something writes:

    “The Olympic Games do not reflect the reality of what Russia is really like. They were propaganda set pieces just like the 1936 Olympics were for Germany”

    JR responds:

    And? There is something wrong with great, all White sporting events that use effective time tested propaganda to inspire our people, give us hope?

    You would prefer, what?

    American Hip Hop rap musicals, the London Olympics celebrating the racial , cultural transformation of formely White Britain?

    How about MsNBC? CNN? NPR?

    Wow, OD’s readers are having a confused day today.

  24. “Dalton, are you for real?” I happen to be Finnish on my mothers side of the family. Because of the way the Czarist and Soviet governments of Russia treated the Finns, I have very little use for the Russian worship I see here on OD.
    As for the Winter Olympics, if you don’t understand that they were propaganda and publicity for Russia, you’re very naïve about the use of sports for politics and propaganda by governments.

  25. I’m well aware of Moscow demographics.

    How is this different from London, Paris, Berlin, Copenhagen, Malmo, Sarajevo, Amsterdam, Brussels, for that matter NYC?

    It’s not like you’d support the old Czarist policy of excluding undesirables from Moscow as an Imperial City.

  26. The other day, Russians rioted in a Moscow suburb because of the special treatment the Muslim immigrants get. The fact that Putin is hated by Russian nationalists should be a pretty good clue about his nature. He’s also hated by nationalists in the Baltic states. Putin’s support for replacing Lithuanians, Latvians, and Estonians with Russians has obviously proven to be unpopular.

    And no doubt some Jew boy at MSNBC will rewrite that as Putin’s Pogrom

  27. The only reason the average Russian decided to fight back in ww2 is that the Germans came to exterminate them. The starvation of St Petersburg by a Finnish and German siege train probably stiffened the Russian resolve inspite of their reservations about Stalin.

  28. Captain something writes:

    “The only reason the average Russian decided to fight back in ww2 is…”

    JR gives the answer:

    A: because they are Russians.

    Russians fight foreign invaders, always have, always will.

    Might as well express surprise that our American Southern kinsmen like their guns, like pretty Southern gals, like bass fishing, don’t take kindly to the worst Blacks sexually harassing, railing Southern women.


  29. “How is this different from London, Paris, Berlin, Copenhagen, Malmo, Sarajevo, Amsterdam, Brussels, for that matter NYC? ” – I believe that is the point.

  30. Captain and JR, how do you explain the Katyn massacres which essentially amounted to a genocide of the Polish nation? The soviets committed these atrocities, not the germans.

    I’d take a slav over a mongol or a hun, a northern italian over most but not all southern italians, and a french person over a spaniard in most instances. Not because the rule of ‘better’ applies to every individual, but because the closer they are to my people and our ways the easier it is to get along in a group or larger society. This is the common sense one develops in the tri-state area.

    Human beings’ tribalism is so ingrained and innate that those of us who’ve had to live amongst foreign races understand it cannot be overcome. My region doesn’t bother with race realism because by the time you start trying to get inside the brain of a person from a foreign tribe, and especially of another race, you could be killed. We make decisions based on how we look in large part because how we look tends to determine how we act. The mechanism seems involve healthy narcissism and deeper psychological ‘racial’ dynamics.

    But one thing we know for certain is that tribalism cannot be overcome. There can be a thin line between love and hate. Where I come from, the northwestern europeans both chose and naturally fell into ‘love.’

    This seems to be where any future for our race lies. How that might play out I do not know.

  31. Somewhat OT, but I want to write this because I know Jack Ryan will read this.

    I’m not going to name the names of certain blogs and bloggers of our sphere, because I usually like these people and their media a lot.

    However, I’m starting to see a meme develop in the WN-EN sphere that both bothers me and frightens me from a PR perspective.

    It’s this mentality that our movement needs a socio-economic collapse in order for us to start winning.

    This is why some of our people embrace this dubious “peak oil” doctrine. They want oil to run out, in order to hasten the collapse.

    It’s one thing for our movement to get stuck in the mud of its inability to string together a winning streak, and it’s one thing for our movement to embrace losing as winning. But we take it to a whole new insane level when we promulgate the message that ours is a movement that necessarily requires collapse, depression and destitution.

    Who in their right minds would want to trust and invest any power in people who say or at least imply things like that? If that’s what we’re banking on, nobody is going to trust us with real power even after a collapse happens if one does.

  32. countenance what is the alternative for the white middle class? With every day they clock in to work and pay taxes, they are further funding their own dispossession, displacement and even genocide. Do you not get that?

  33. And BTW none of those middle class whites are going to trust whoever, much less the race realist internet establishment, with power regardless. Pro-whites are going to have to get ‘real’ and drop hardcore ‘realism’ or else the white middle class will continue to remain alienated and basically paralyzed as they further fall into poverty and total subjugation. Upper middle class whites won’t join until there is some viable alternative to invest in, so until someone is able to reach out to some elements of both and build a coalition all the internet talk about ‘us’ seems moot, unless there’s a whole lot I don’t know about.

  34. countenance, a hoped for collapse has always been a part of the fanatical mindset of extremists on the right and left. These people are misfits who hate any established order because of their own personal flaws. So they want to change the world because they project their own flaws on to the societies they live in. Read Eric Hoffer’s “The True Believer” to get a good understanding of this mindset.

  35. Yes the Soviets. It’s worth making the distinction between the Soviets and the Russians.

    Soviets are not necessarily ethnic Russians. Stalin was a Georgian. Kruschev was a Ukranian.

    The German Soviet military parade at Brest Litovsk presided over by Heinz Guderian and Semyon Krivoshrein (a jew) tells me that the invasion wasn’t “Russians” per se.

    Additionally the victims of Katyn are interesting to read off.

    10% were Jewish. Another 10% were BeloRussian and Ukranian. I understand furthermore that one man actually shot 7,000 at Katyn Vasili Blokhin. The most prolific executioner in history.

  36. He was a Russian but his boss was a Georgian and other supervisors were Jewish like Genrik Yagoda.

    It’s important to realize that the Soviet period up until Brezhnev was characterized by ethnic minorities lording it over Russians.

  37. “Additionally the victims of Katyn are interesting to read off.”

    The Kingdom of Lithuania at its greatest extent comprised a majority of the Roman Catholic “Western” Slavs.

  38. I find it very difficult to side with Poland at all. They happily tucked into the Czechoslovakian corpse at Munich in 1938. What did they expect later on?

    It’s a troublesome nation on a number of levels. Not least of which: Chamberlain tosses away the Empire over their access to the Baltic.

  39. Let’s look at one of them:

    Henryk Minkiewicz.

    And another:

    Baruch Steinberg.

    Their biographies are like something out of The Grand Budapest Hotel.

  40. NYYankees

    If you’re saying our movement could afford a lot better PR, and give up an occasional inch in order to get a mile, then you’re right.

    Don’t run out and openly campaign on driving the Jews out of the media. That will get you almost zero votes. Do campaign on enforcing and beefing up rules and laws against media monopolies and cartels. That will get you a lot of votes. Then once you win and gain power, use the laws you have and the extra ones you hopefully get in quiet ways that disparately impact the Jews. Sure, the Jews will notice, and do a lot of complaining, but don’t give them evidence out of your own mouth for them to support their allegations.

    That’s just one small example.

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