Far-Right Fever for a Europe Tied to Russia


The League of the South invited Vladimir Putin to their 2014 national conference:

“But the event, part of an energetic push for votes by France’s surging far right ahead of elections this week for the European Parliament, also promoted an agenda distant from the customary concerns of conservative voters: why Europe needs to break its “submission” to the United States and look to Russia as a force for peace and a bulwark against moral decay. …

Russia offers the prospect of a new European order free of what Mr. Chauprade, in his own speech, described as its servitude to a “technocratic elite serving the American and European financial oligarchy” and its “enslavement by consumerist urges and sexual impulses.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. countenance: “It’s this mentality that our movement needs a socio-economic collapse in order for us to start winning.”

    Golden Dawn would still be polling 0.1% if not for the Greek economic collapse. This past Sunday, they polled 8100% better than they did before the collapse.

    If you aren’t hoping for a collapse, what are you hoping for? Smooth sailing? What else do you think will both force the Southern people to take sides and weaken the US enough that it won’t be able to resist Southern independence?

  2. Long Live Dixie

    I’m definitely happy for Golden Dawn and cheering them on.

    But that still doesn’t solve the fundamental problem, that EN has a reputation of being the province of destitute losers.

  3. Thanks Hunter.

    First news is not good:

    In the Netherlands, an IPSOS exit poll on public television suggested Wilders’ Freedom Party would finish fourth with 12.2 percent, behind three pro-European parties, the centre-right Christian Democrats, the centrist Democrats 66 and Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s liberals.

    Wilders blamed the disappointing score on a low turnout, saying that “by staying home (voters) showed their loathing for and disinterest in the European Union. The Netherlands has not become more pro-European.”

    In the last European Parliament elections five years ago the Freedom Party came second. Andre Krouwel, a political science professor at Amsterdam’s VU University, said Wilders had failed to get enough of his supporters to turn out.

    They will win three seats, down one from 2009. The UK also voted today but the exit polls are embargoed until the Europe-wide results are announced Sunday night.

    Sarkozy buds in:

    In France, ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy, absent from daily politics since being defeated in 2012, intervened at the last minute in the campaign as his conservative UMP party risks being beaten into second place by Marine Le Pen’s National Front.

    In an implicit swipe at his unpopular Socialist successor, Francois Hollande, Sarkozy called for a radical shake-up in the way the EU is run, with a Franco-German economic zone taking leadership of the euro zone at the centre of Europe.

    He also called for the suspension of the EU’s open-border Schengen zone of passport-free travel, which had failed to prevent an influx of migrants, and its replacement by a stricter pact open only to countries with tougher immigration controls.

    Even the milquetoasts are becoming immigration restrictionists in Europe.


  4. . . . behind three pro-European parties . . ..

    Isn’t it slick how the mainstream media and politicians have effectively turned “European” into a synonym for “European Union”. In so doing, any nationalist party is automatically labelled “anti-European”. The exact opposite is true – it is the EU that is anti-European and the nationalist parties that are pro-European.

    As for Wilders – I can’t think of a more pro-Jewish/Zionist stooge in any elected office. He out-Jews even John McCain. There are rumours that he is part-Indonesian, but I haven’t seen certain confirmation of that.

  5. countenance: “But that still doesn’t solve the fundamental problem, that EN has a reputation of being the province of destitute losers.”

    What is the EN?

  6. Those who critique ethnonationalists, aren’t themselves, worthy of the nation they were born in.

    Simple as that.

    If your nation is not the race and people from which you derive your ‘natio’ as the Latin has it (and not the ‘proposition BS’ we see substituted for real ethno-nationalism) then you are nothing more than a squatter, no matter how many generations your family has been here, or what ‘laws’ Congresscritters have passed.

    It all comes back to that old phrase, ‘for US, and OUR posterity’ with the understood additional clause, ‘and NO OTHERS.’

    Xenophobia is no phobia at all. It’s merely common sense.

  7. Long Live Dixie says:
    May 23, 2014 at 12:21 am
    . . . behind three pro-European parties . . ..

    Isn’t it slick how the mainstream media and politicians have effectively turned “European” into a synonym for “European Union”. In so doing, any nationalist party is automatically labelled “anti-European”. The exact opposite is true – it is the EU that is anti-European and the nationalist parties that are pro-European.

    As for Wilders – I can’t think of a more pro-Jewish/Zionist stooge in any elected office. He out-Jews even John McCain. There are rumours that he is part-Indonesian, but I haven’t seen certain confirmation of that.”

    JR replies:

    Hunter, can you ban this person? He’s constantly trolling, posting nonsense, all kinds of weird rumors, conspiracy theory, slandering successful nationalists.

    In this case, the very successful Dutch anti Islam leader Geert Wilders who is under constant threat of assassination by Muslim extremists in holland and throughout Europe. This blow hard LLD somehow knows all the answers and has all the secrets how every successful nationalist/populist leader in Europe is supposedly part of some all encompassing Zionist plot, complete now with Part “Indonesians” posing as Whites!

    This kind of rumor mongering nonsense totally alienates the general public and leads to ridiculous loons coming in trying to get us to align ourselves with All Qaeda under some weird Idea that we’re fighting the Zionists.

  8. Long Live Dixie: “Dugin is 100% right about that. That’s exactly what Southern nationalists have been saying.”

    A gentleman named James Hedman made a critique of this in “Roots Without Soil”
    By Matt Parrott on CC that deserves a repeat –

    “Dugin has no understanding of the deep roots of the various American colonies and hence America in general. I would have thought at least a passing knowledge of the American experience of the Seven Years War (or the French and Indian War as it was called here) and most especially our War Between the States would have helped him avoid the mistake of claiming the United States has no pre-Modern history. My own home town was ruled by seven different Kings of England for instance.

    He would do well to expand his reading of American history. I would suggest David Hackett’s Albion’s Seed and Kevin Phillip’s The Cousin’s Wars to start. Some knowledge of the sugar plantation culture of the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico instituted by the Spanish, French, English, and Dutch might give him some insights into the cultural roots of the American Deep South too.”

    NYYankees: “…are you not familiar with what the russians did to the german women when they took over in WWII?!”

    I’m not a sympathizer in the least, but to their credit, there is evidence floating around that those marauding Soviet rapists were disproportionately of Asiatic origin.

    “It’s somewhat bizarre that northwestern europeans in the ‘WN’ or American ‘Nazi’ … would rush to the side of a slav against their own kin”

    You’re not alone in your revulsion.

  9. The western political, media and financial elite support unlimited mass immigration and unlimited cultural disintegration which lead inevitably to the stealth genocide of white people. It makes perfect sense to support anything that undermines those elites. This includes Putin whenever he is doing anything that helps us by weakening them.

    That doesn’t mean blanket support – just when it helps us.

  10. “Because of the way the Czarist and Soviet governments of Russia treated the Finns, I have very little use for the Russian worship I see here on OD.”

    Dalton, what difference does YOUR family’s history of a hundred years ago, make to the larger scene as it unfolds, TODAY? Your position as as useless as that of a Negro saying: ‘Because white men ruled over my ancestors, and treated us as slaves in 1860, I’m going to hate all white men, in 2060.’


    In other words, you claim to be a catholic, then you claim to be a jew, then you claim to be a Finn. In ever instance, all I hear is someone from a lesser race, not having the manliness to make something of themselves today, but always blaming it on others… dead four generations ago.

    And for the person who keeps iterating about the “Russian” raping in WWII. Those were not Russians, they were the ‘New Soviet Man’ – a totalitarian, pagan, utterly amoral generation, raised fully in the flower of Jewish Marxist Internationalism, not the kulaks, and/or the White Russian Nobility of fifty years before. Moreover, just like Dalton’s kvetching about an event lost in the mists of time, those men are dead and gone, and, while perhaps their sons are now old men of seventy, at least THOSE men have had the chance (as more and more of Russia does, today) to REPENT of the evil their fathers had done… or does valid forgiveness not figure in your judaized worldview, also?

  11. Here’s a far better statement of what I was trying to say, from a fellow RC, Dalton.

    “Putin not only publicly rejects the moral relativism of the West, under his guidance Russian social legislation is being consciously rooted in traditional Christian concepts of right and wrong.

    Putin is the anti-Obama, moving to occupy the cultural-moral vacuum left by America. As we celebrate multiculturalism, LGBT rights, and abortion on demand, Putin repudiates Hollywood values.” Pat Buchanan, https://www.vdare.com/articles/nationalism-the-specter-haunting-europe

  12. Jackass Ryan: “Hunter, can you ban this person? He’s constantly trolling, posting nonsense, all kinds of weird rumors, conspiracy theory, slandering successful nationalists.”

    You must have me confused with someone else. I’m not constantly doing anything here since I only post here occasionally. I’ve gone months at a time without a single post.

    I don’t buy into most conspiracy theories and I can’t recall posting any rumour besides the one (that I acknowledged was a rumour) about Wilders being part-Indonesian. So much for your lie that I post “all kinds of” rumours.

    I also can’t recall slandering successful nationalists, though I do recall you visiting SNN some months ago and using crass insults towards one of the regular female SN members there – as well as liberally throwing around the “troll” claim to those who disagreed with you.

    Jackass Ryan: “This blow hard LLD somehow knows all the answers and has all the secrets how every successful nationalist/populist leader in Europe is supposedly part of some all encompassing Zionist plot, complete now with Part “Indonesians” posing as Whites!”

    Giving my thoughts on Wilders is not the same as talking about every nationalist leader in Europe. I’ve had nothing but praise for Golden Dawn in my posts here. I have spoken favourably here of Hungary’s Jobbik, Sweden’s Party of the Swedes, and Bulgaria’s Ataka. The other day, I said the League should invite Alexsandr Dugin to one of our conferences. By the way, what I said about Putin the other day doesn’t count. He’s not a nationalist.

    Jackass Ryan: “This kind of rumor mongering nonsense totally alienates the general public and leads to ridiculous loons coming in trying to get us to align ourselves with All Qaeda under some weird Idea that we’re fighting the Zionists.”

    Allying with Al-Qaeda? You’re really stretching now, aren’t you?

    The information about Wilders’s Zionism is easily verifiable. He certainly hasn’t tried to hide it. He has visited Israel dozens of times. He spent a couple years living there working on a kibbutz. He has often been seen wearing a yarmulke and has given speeches in synagogues. He has stated more than once that he feels a special bond with Israel. He has claimed that Israel is an outpost of the West. He has said that Muslim immigration is bad for the Jews of the Netherlands. You get the idea. If you don’t believe me, simply look it up. You only embarrass yourself by denying something that is known to anyone who has read about Wilders.

    As for the Indonesian rumour – it’s been around for years. It’s not as though me mentioning something that everyone has heard of is going to alienate the general public. Again, I clearly acknowledged that it is a rumour.

  13. Jackass Ryan: “Hunter, can you ban this person?”

    One more thing on this. This site advertises itself as being “pro-South”. Since I am a pro-South Southerner and since I am a League member, on what grounds do you justify calling for me to be banned from this site?

    Is it because I think repulsive, meddlesome Yankees like you should be excluded from our struggle for freedom from your people? More and more, you fit the stereotype of the typically obnoxious and self-interested Yankee and you only show that I am right when I say that we should exclude your people. It’s your interests and pet causes you are pushing, not Dixie’s.

  14. Putin is a musketball headed oriental tyrant that is in the thrall of an even worse kind of judaic than most of you know: the caftaned lice of the East. Europe, a basketcase continent should be dominated by a good-natured western White America, not a trans-siberian horde.

  15. Language shapes thinking. A mind shaped by Hebrew and Cyrillic should disgust any Westerner.

  16. Tamer, obviously you’ve never heard of the fact that both Cyrillic and Hebrew, are dervied from GREEK?

    As in “founding language of the White West?”

    Yahuda’s ‘Hebrew is Greek’ comes to mind.

    As well as Sts. Cyril and Methodios, who helped the Rus become literate, after they became Christians….

    Please, check sources before putting foot in mouth, next time.

  17. Fr. John says to “get over it’. When the Rus “gets over” their desire to rule and dominate other countries, we will get over it. When the Rus show enough intelligence to kick out Putin and his KGB thugs from the government, we will get over it. When the Russian Orthodox Church stops being a lackey for the government, and starts acting like a real church, we will get over it.
    I happen to be a Catholic. Get over it.
    I happen to have Jewish ancestry. I use that knowledge I’ve gained over the years about Jews and Judaism since discovering my ancestry to educate SN’s and WN’s about the true facts concerning both topics. Get over it.
    I happen to be Finnish on my mothers side of the family. I happen to know a lot of Finnish history. If that history is somewhat Anti-Russian, tough. Get over it.
    Pat Buchanan is wrong about Putin. The real Putin can be found here at http://www.inatoday.com/ He’s nothing but a KGB thug who puts on religious airs. Get over it.
    “Hebrew is derived from Greek?” What an unhistorical hoot! The Greek alphabet is derived from the Phoenician alphabet, which is Semitic. Any good historical source should have told you that. Here’s one for you to bring you up to date. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_alphabet Get over your historical ignorance, please!

  18. “He has said that Muslim immigration is bad for the Jews of the Netherlands”


    All sane White people in a Western Europe, Uk, Australia, what remains of the a White West argue that mass Muslim immigration is bad, bad for everyone, including bad for liberals, gays even regular Jewish people living in the West.

    Only confused loons think we should ignore or welcome the Islamic invasion of our countries.

    Confused loons.

    Hunter can’t we ban some trolls?

    If it gets worse we will soon be attracting the likes of Glen Miller.

  19. These are the OD comment guidelines. They are simple, easy to understand- just common sense:


    Here are some key guidelines:

    3.) No Trolling – Do not troll others and bait them into reacting to you.

    5.) No Hobby Horse Riding – I’ve seen countless threads deteriorate into hobby horse riding. The most obvious examples are religious and subracial infighting. Most of the time the OP is irrelevant to these issues.

    6.) Use Common Sense – By that I mean keep your comments reasonable, civil, productive, and respectful. Stick to the high road. Make your point in an honorable way.

    8.) Conspiracy Theories – There are any number of websites that cater to conspiracy theories. This isn’t one of them.


  20. Jack Ryan, Long Live Dixie

    Re this contretemps between the two of you.

    It’s nothing more than this meme that’s been going around our circles for a long time that we’re supposed to ignore or soft pedal Islamic terrorism and Muslim immigration because somehow, TEH JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZ~!1 have “given us permission” to hate Muslims but not any other non-white group. IOW, THE JOOOOOOOOZ~!1 are trying to use us goy as pawns against Muslims for their own ends and desires.

    When and where have the Jews given us permission to hate Muslims? Every time I turn around, there goes some other A or J or D or L alphabet gang Jewish group bitching about “Islamophobia.” In the question of the proliferation of Mosque-itos in the Nashville area, Jews are firmly on the side of Muslims being allowed to immigrate into the country and Dixie and Nashville and open all the Mosque-itos they want, and Jews and Muslims in Nashville have hooked up to fight their common enemy in the white Christian Southerner.

  21. Jackass Ryan: “All sane White people in a Western Europe, Uk, Australia, what remains of the a White West argue that mass Muslim immigration is bad, bad for everyone, including bad for liberals, gays even regular Jewish people living in the West.”

    Nationalist parties in Europe that are not pro-Jewish make no such argument.

    Jackass Ryan: “Only confused loons think we should ignore or welcome the Islamic invasion of our countries.”

    Totally irrelevant. I have never said anyone in the West should accept the Islamic invasion. You call me a troll and then you totally distort my position. Rejecting Jews =/= accepting Muslims. Wilders is a fanatical philo-Semite. Anyone who has spent five minutes reading up on him knows that.

  22. Jackass Ryan: “These are the OD comment guidelines. They are simple, easy to understand- just common sense:”

    Anyone who disagrees with you is a troll. You even came to SNN and told regular members there that they are trolls. It’s only because Southerners are so nice that people like you are accepted in this cause.

    Citing rule # 6 (keep comments civil) is especially hilarious coming from you.

    I take it for granted that you’re a compulsive liar, but trying to make a case that I post about conspiracy theories is a bit much even for you. I have not posted a single conspiracy theory here.

  23. countenance, what are you talking about? I have no sympathy at all for Muslims. Don’t let Jackass Ryan’s lies confuse you. That Yankee troll is trying to portray me as a pro-Muslim.

    It is true that Jews support US wars against Muslim countries, but it’s also true that Jews support mass immigration of Muslims into white lands. “Invade the world, invite the world.”

    Thankfully, there are very few Muslims in Dixie so it’s not a pressing issue for us right at the moment. Unfortunately, that’s not the case in much of Europe.

  24. Jackass Ryan: “Hunter can’t we ban some trolls?”

    Instead of being a drama queen about it, why don’t you just take it up with Hunter one-on-one? His e-mail address is at the top of this site under the “contact” tab.

  25. countenance, what you said about the Jews and the Muslims teaming up against Christians is true. History shows that Jews and Muslims have always teamed up in the long run against Christians. It’s a scandal that many Christians today don’t know this history. Among Catholics, it seems only the traditional Catholics understand this history. I’m pretty sure the Eastern Orthodox know about it, but I’m based on what I’ve seen and heard, the average Protestant, liberal or conservative, is utterly clueless.

  26. From the POV of those who rule the world through their financial leverage – the geopolitical situation (which they shift on the fulcrum) is in process of consolidation of debt owed to them by the nations they own.

    Russia is a revolutionized nation. It has been taken in the Revolution inaugurated 1789 in France. In Russia the model they set up was The Party (which is the Crown Jews of ‘Russian’ extraction) as the Apex which controls the apparatus of government, the apparatus of the police state and the military. Through The Party control of government apparatus it can look like the military takes direction from the latter. The Bank of Russia, however, may well be owned by the state. (Interesting, very interesting) And Russia has the highest abortion rate in the world – even with Putin’s financial incentives to Russian families to have babies.

    The US was founded as a revolutionary, masonic state. In this model, the Crown Jews own the nation through their bank of credit issue. They have evolved The Party which is called the CFR and it controls the apparatus of government and through that apparatus controls the police state and the military. The Fed Reserve Bank a Crown subsidiary owns the USA outright.

    Those who pull the levers of power in the world are managing the geo-political state of affairs through the dialectic of the Russia and NATO and allies; in economics the Anglosphere and the BRICs. To change the metaphor to poker – in their game the Rothschild state (a rogue nuclear power) and all like it (all Western intel orgs national – like MI5 and private like Academi) appear to be wild but are funded / controlled by them. They do the insurgencies through national proxies.

  27. What an insult to the Greek language by spuriously claiming it is responsible for two of the worlds ugliest (semitic and slavic) languages.

  28. LLD’s position maybe somewhat extreme, but he is the furthest thing from a troll this blog has seen. Jack Ryan, on the other hand, though his heart is more or less in the right place, is indisputably a nitwit of the first rank.

  29. You are right Stephen, in the Islamic invasions of Europe, Babylonian Jewry was the mint of the Umiyyad caliphates and the Ottoman. The Catholic nations of Western Christendom (under Rome) fought the Reconquista ( a 700 year war) and repelled the Ottoman invasions at Vienna and Lepanto. They did not succeed in liberating the Byzantine Christian East from the yoke of Islam and Sharia Law, but they gave it their best for longer than the USof A has been in existence.

    These nations were strong because they were regenerate in baptism and they were built up on the foundation of The Church – the Divine kingdom order for regenerate nations. Morally and ethically they made many political decisions that they should have corrected on the basis of Catholic doctrine – but they were strong because the nations as nations communicated in the powers of the aion to come through the Corpus Christi: the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinty of the God Man.

    As unregenerate apostates they have not a prayer against unregenerate, Satanic geo-policital, multicultural (Babylonian) conglomerations led by the organised forces of Anti-Christ, namely Jewry and its Crown.

    Christ the King must reign until all His enemies are under His feet. The unregenerate, apostate nations that were once the Western Christendom do not want that reign – therefore, they go under His feet. Unless…the Sacred Heart reserves a unique triumph for our Revolutiony Epoch, the epoch of Sardis. Which, as a matter of truth, He does.

    Seven epochs are determined upon the Church from the time of the Pentecost to close this age of the world (aion). Our epoch, is Revolutionary Epoch will draw to a close with the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to the glory of Christ the King. And the key to that triumph is Russia – the conversion of Russia.

    The White race is the only race to be baptised in its nations. This is a historical fact – even though the populations of these nations are baptised no longer. But God does not get new ideas; nor does He forget old ones. With God there is always order, precedence and hierarchy. Within the baptised nations there are two elect nations: France and Russia.

    In the first nation, France, the Sacred Heart requested the king of France to have the French bishops consecrate France to His Sacred Heart. France was to lead all Christian nations into the battles that ‘would soon commence’ against the Church and state. The king/s of France declined the request of the Sacred Heart and instead of leading all Christian nations in the revolutionary wars against throne and altar of all Catholic nation states, – France itself went under the jaggernaut when both throne and altar were overthrown in France on the tomb of Jacques de Molay.

    But God always saves the best wine until the last. Even though the Church itself has gone under this jaggernaut, not for nothing did the Roman Catholic faithful make countless hours of reparations and First Saturdays for Russia. In the end, this is going to pay for all, because the pope will consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He has long delayed (like the king of France), but our Lady stated that “in the end” he would do it.

    Lucifer is defeated. He was thrown down at the judgement seat of the world 2,000 years ago, but his kosmocraters are still seated in wickedness. The consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary will get them down off their high seats and make them taste it again.

    There will be an in hoc signatio vinces for Russia. Hail, Christ the King.

  30. “powers of the aion”

    I was wondering WTF an aion was until I saw you define it later on as an age of the world. Get a clue. It’s spelled “eon” nowadays just like Linda is spelled with an “i.”

  31. LLD and others.

    Please adhere to the sound, fair OD comment guidelines.

    OD is not VNN – where all kinds of people go off and rant and shout about all kinds of things – anything goes there, all are welcomed, there are no rules.

    Glenn Miller was allowed back there – so, that pretty much means…

    Anything goes.

    OD has rules.

    OD is working – successfully in the real world with intelligent, talented men and women who are doing effective, real world activism .

    I was proud to have contributed my solid press relation skills to make the LS protest against the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery a solid success.

    I am contributing my time and yes, money to advance the legitimate interests of our people.

    The OD comment section is not the place to just mouth off, shout nonsense.

    Please take this somewhere else, or just.

    Stop doing it.

  32. Countenance writes:

    When and where have the Jews given us permission to hate Muslims? Every time I turn around, there goes some other A or J or D or L alphabet gang Jewish group bitching about “Islamophobia.” In the question of the proliferation of Mosque-itos in the Nashville area, Jews are firmly on the side of Muslims being allowed to immigrate into the country and Dixie and Nashville and open all the Mosque-itos they want, and Jews and Muslims in Nashville have hooked up to fight their common enemy in the white Christian Southerner.”

    Jack replies:

    Excellent – very well said. Please google Occidental Dissent’s articles on this subject, I wrote many. Yes, the anti White Jews strongly, STRONGLY support mass Muslim immigration in to the USA, Europe, UK, Australia – the West.

    In particular, please read and distribute the best article on this subject that originally appeared in Instauration Magazine:

    Spain Might Have Had Some Good Reasons to Expel the Jews (1492).

    Jews got expelled from Spain in 1492 in large part for taking the Arab Muslim side against Whites (Catholic Spanish Whites) for doing things like selling White girls in to prostitution slavery to Muslim buyers. Similar terrible things are being done now in Merry Old England with Muslims grooming (raping) poor White English girls in to sexual slavery, prostitution and anti White Jewish leaders like Jack Straw enable the Muslim rapists. That’s what anti White Jews like Jack Straq do and have always done – take the worst Muslim side against our White people.

    All leading Jewish Congressmen, US Senators oppose any immigration restrictions of non Whites, including Muslims – of course this is for the USA, White countries – not for Israel. Jews may/do hate White Gentiles, they’re not idiots, Libertarians when it comes to Israel.

    All regular White people remaining alive on planet earth, strongly oppose mass Muslim immigration in to White countries, oppose nasty non White Muslims insulting, raping our women. What kind of idiot is indifferent to mass Muslim immigration in to our countries…..

    Idiots…. fools, kooks…. Conspiracy mongering morons, nut cases, the kind of folks who don’t think anything odd when Ron Paul and Rand Paul try to give full US Citizenship rights to nasty Muslim terrorist leaders in Yemen on the technicality of ‘birth right citizenship”!

    I put my full time and money in to the LS protests against Tyson Foods flooding Middle Tennessee with low cost Somalian Bantu Muslim workers. I did not find one sane, regular White person in Middle Tennessee who supported replacing the White Southerners in the South with Black/Non White Muslims.

    Yet, we still have supposedly pro White Southern Nationalist coming on to OD slamming effective Dutch populist leaders for opposing Islamic immigration but for not hating Jews or hating Israel enough.

    Pathetic. but par for the course in our dysfunctional…


  33. My understanding is that the Russians were front line infantry and tankers.

    The horde behind them raping and murdering were Mongols and Mystery Meat.

  34. “What an insult to the Greek language by spuriously claiming it is responsible for two of the worlds ugliest (semitic and slavic) languages.”

    The Ancient Greek alphabet was derived from the Semitic Phoenician alphabet. Both the Latin (ours) and Cyrillic alphabets were derived from the Greek. The Arabs invented the number line and zero too.


  35. Jack Ryan: LLD and others.

    Please adhere to the sound, fair OD comment guidelines.:

    Follow your own advice if you expect to be taken seriously. You consistently throw out the “troll” label to just about anyone who disagrees with you. You talk of “intelligent” activists in contrast to those who disagree with you (thus suggesting that those who disagree with you are unintelligent). Your attitude wreaks of smugness and narcissism. Also, it would be much appreciated if you would stop distorting nearly every position I take. If you want a civil discussion, then set the example.

  36. Jack Ryan: I put my full time and money in to the LS protests against Tyson Foods flooding Middle Tennessee with low cost Somalian Bantu Muslim workers.

    It is an enormous mistake to allow you anywhere near the Southern cause. You are the poster boy of what Southerners need to be free of.

    Jack Ryan: Yet, we still have supposedly pro White Southern Nationalist coming on to OD slamming effective Dutch populist leaders for opposing Islamic immigration but for not hating Jews or hating Israel enough.

    Quit lying. I critiqued Wilders because he is a fanatical philo-Semite, not because he doesn’t hate Jews or Israel enough. I provided specific evidence in support of my claims, yet you continue to repeat the “conspiracy theory” nonsense.

    Here again you show your pompous nature. Any disagreement with your position is deemed illegitimate to the point that feel justified in questioning my genuineness as being pro-white and pro-Southern. There are very legitimate reasons for disliking Wilders. Many nationalists in the Netherlands and throughout the West dislike him because of his position on the Jews.

    Also, by prefacing your sentence above with “yet”, you clearly suggest (for the third time, I believe) that I am pro-Muslim. You just told me to abide by OD’s posting guidelines, but here you are intentionally provoking me.

  37. I don’t get how someone can bemoan the invasion of european homelands by muslims but then ignore who was most responsible for letting them in. For simply pointing out the cause I get labeled a conspiracy theorist. Jewish orchestration of muslim invasion of Europe (and increasingly the US) is not a ‘theory,’ it’s a fact.

  38. http://topconservativenews.com/2014/05/santa-barbara-rampage-was-motivated-by-hatred-of-blonde-women/

    Kyle Rogers has thrown me a bone. A spoiled rich jewish male has gone on a rampage killing people out of anger that blonde women rejected him; apparently he made good on a promise to target a sorority. His mother is allegedly arab, his father jewish. Why the hell can’t we hold all groups accountable who hate and want to kill us?

    I’m sick of jews being defended by people on a site, and in a movement in general, that’s supposed to defend the rights of white northwestern european women. Those who do have no idea what it’s like to live around a majority or even plurality of these people. Every reasonably attractive natural blonde woman I know who’s had to reports that they’re hostile and hateful, as are blacks.

  39. Re NYYankees’ “fact”: Am I mistaken to believe that the Muslim invasion of Germany has been orchestrated by das Deutsche Volk? (Originally, as an efficient way to work their way out of the labor’s lack, that being amplified now by the many Germans’ self-hating and the love for all things equal, good and fair.) Am I missing some Jewish leaders of Germany or is Germany not a “european homeland”?

  40. Rudel, I don’t know if you’re aware of it, but Fr. John claimed Hebrew came from Greek. I told him that it was nonsense, and provided a link to the same article you just posted. The man is a historical ignoramus.

  41. He’s part British part Malaysian.

    The grandfather made his name photographing Bergen Belsen (so he’s philosemitic)

  42. Re NYYankees’: I’m sick of jews being defended by people on a site,

    You’ve been politely asked to go away. Why stick around and sick yourself and others?

    a movement in general, that’s supposed to defend the rights of white northwestern european women.

    Who has made the supposing? Why not white mid-easterners? Why not men?

  43. Fr. John+ on May 24, 2014 at 2:04 am: about the “Russian” raping in WWII. Those were not Russians, they were the ‘New Soviet Man’ – a totalitarian, pagan, utterly amoral generation, raised fully in the flower of Jewish Marxist Internationalism, not the kulaks,…

    Apparently, the true “Russians” were hiding somewhere at that time, preserving themselves to produce that great Russian folk you admire from afar now. A half-a-year in a Russian village or town would cure your illusions but you won’t go there, of course.

    Stephen E Dalton May 25, 2014 at 1:16 am: Fr. John … is a historical ignoramus.

    A stubborn one, hiding his ignorance behind the pompous pontificating and not capable of critical revision of his stale views.

  44. Here’s the thing, Russki; you are not an anglo celt. Your people are not being genocided.

    Why not go back to Russia? I’ve been more than polite to you, but the fact is I speak to my people and I’m not entirely convinced they’re unwilling to listen to the facts of who is most responsible for our genocide. A few bored, seemingly senile, and/or irascible curmudgeons won’t keep me from bringing the truth to my tribe. If you as a slav have a problem with that, take it up with Brad, who owns this site.

  45. Tamer of Savages on May 24, 2014 at 7:55 pm: What an insult… two of the worlds ugliest (semitic and slavic) languages.

    Only a savage will call the beautiful Russian language “ugly”.

  46. NYYankees on May 25, 2014 at 1:37 am: “you are not an anglo celt.”True.“Your people are not being genocided.” Not for you to judge.

    Why not go back to Russia?

    Only an idiot would do that — if one knows what’s going on there. I am encouraging any American Putin’s admirer to relocate to Russia, though.

    I’ve been more than polite to you,

    Not “more than” but reasonably polite. So have been I to you (and replying patiently now.) I am not sick of you — others are. And if you claim your own sickness, why not go?

    Because you are liking it here, that’s why. So don’t pretend you are sick of this site’s comments.

    fact is I speak to my people and I’m not entirely convinced they’re unwilling to listen to the facts of who is most responsible for our genocide.

    How about my question about the Germany’s invasion? Do you have any facts to prove my supposition wrong?

    If you as a slav have a problem with that, take it up with Brad, who owns this site.

    I don’t: you are an interesting contributor.

    But you are anti-Slav then, right? Or at least you don’t want us the Slavs to be in your tribe’s company — we are like Jews to you now, right?

  47. A jew just went around murdering innocent people, probably targeting the evil hated blonde anglo celts his people have taught him he had a right to; I and others are attempting to bring some actual facts to light on various sites so that this jew’s hatred is not used to further endanger our people (we are all anglo or germanic celts), but you, plekhanov, want to accuse me of ‘hating slavs.’

    You are not my tribe and I make zero apologies for that. Your people have absolutely skated by in the NY/NJ metropolitan area while mine have been targeted for all variety of violence by jews and their minions; of this I am 100% certain. A slav is not attacked for being a ‘WASP,’ ‘irish,’ or ‘pure’ northwestern european. Diversity is well aware of who the anglo/germanic celts are.

  48. Not confirmed on the Jewish thing.
    However his grandad did photograph the pile of corpses at Bergen Belsen so he’s a Shabby Goy family.

    The kid has a Malay mother and an African step mom. Spent his childhood traveling to Asia and Africa.

    Let’s see how the Multicult attempt to spin this. Should be good.

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