Far-Right Fever for a Europe Tied to Russia


The League of the South invited Vladimir Putin to their 2014 national conference:

“But the event, part of an energetic push for votes by France’s surging far right ahead of elections this week for the European Parliament, also promoted an agenda distant from the customary concerns of conservative voters: why Europe needs to break its “submission” to the United States and look to Russia as a force for peace and a bulwark against moral decay. …

Russia offers the prospect of a new European order free of what Mr. Chauprade, in his own speech, described as its servitude to a “technocratic elite serving the American and European financial oligarchy” and its “enslavement by consumerist urges and sexual impulses.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. A slav is not attacked for being a ‘WASP,’ ‘irish,’ or ‘pure’ northwestern european.

    Years ago, I was attacked for being white. By the regulars, at night. They didn’t inquire if I was of “your tribe”. Could have been killed. It’s hard for me to believe in your claims that “your tribe” is selected for extra-targeting — based on my personal experience and my news tracking.

    We are all equally endangered, you and I. Only the areas where we live make, for now, a difference. Building the barriers between the whites — the South vs. not-the-South, Irish vs. Italian, a “northwestern european” vs “other european” — is helping our common demise.

    It’s suicidal for the whites (to which I attribute myself) to be wasting the time and effort in petty quarrels and mutual insults, while the time is working against us at an enormous speed.

    Sometimes, more often now than a year ago, I think that we deserve to be wiped out. Full of ourselves, self-hating, disunited. I.e. in general — surely there are many wonderful, intelligent and brave white people in the world.

    The quarrels about which whites are the truest whites will speed up destroying us all, the best and inferior whites.

  2. “I don’t know if you’re aware of it, but Fr. John claimed Hebrew came from Greek.”

    The Greek alphabet is of Phoenician origin but the Greek language is Indo-European. The Phoenicians were Canaanites, spoke a Semitic tongue and wrote right to left like Arabs and Jews. They were excellent explorers and maritime traders and spread their invention of using letters for consonantal sounds throughout the Mediterranean and Middle East.

  3. “The Arabs invented the number line and zero too.”

    Indians. A lot of supposed Arab inventions / discoveries were Indian / Chinese but they reached Europe **via** the Arabs hence the confusion.


    Anyone who understands what is going on in the Ukraine will understand that Russia/China (and quietly India, Germany) are ganging up on the neocons and banking mafia.

    Anything that weakens the neocons / banking mafia helps the survival of white people in the West.

  4. test2 on May 25, 2014 at 3:44 pm: Anyone who understands … will understand that Russia … (and quietly … Germany) are ganging up on the neocons and banking mafia.

    Curious about your understanding of Russia and Germany: Which groups in these two countries? The governments? Some parties? (I just don’t see either but you may help me see something I’ve been missing.) And in what way, if you can answer my “who”?

  5. “Anyone who understands what is going on in the Ukraine will understand that Russia/China (and quietly India, Germany) are ganging up on the neocons and banking mafia.”

    The German Bundesbank is the goddam banking mafia. They are finally cracking the financial whip over Greece and other spendthrift nations that use the Euro much as the USA uses the World Bank and IMF to keep the commodity producing colonies in perpetual debt.

  6. “Curious about your understanding of Russia and Germany: Which groups in these two countries?”

    German industry is pulling the German govt. back from fully supporting the Atlanticist position because of energy supplies.

    You saw the same thing with Syria.

  7. @Rudel

    Okay, change what I said to the Wall St. / City of London branch of the banking mafia then.

  8. “Okay, change what I said to the Wall St. / City of London branch of the banking mafia then.”

    Now you are talking equity versus debt. The machinations of the different factions of big capital are complex and anything to do with the Middle East or petroleum and gas will include the oil men too.

  9. test2 says May 26, 2014 at 1:07 am:

    German industry is pulling the German govt. back from fully supporting the Atlanticist position

    Thanks. I’ll have to think and watch on that. You may be right but for now I am doubtful: the likely next Chancellor of Germany, Ursula von der Leyen, has expressed the intentions to make Germany more engaged into “the Atlanticist position”. See e.g.:


    Then, of course, you didn’t answer the second part of my question, on Russia.

    Because you can’t, because you don’t know — you have just retransmitted somebody else’s comforting propaganda, right?

  10. “Then, of course, you didn’t answer the second part of my question, on Russia.

    Because you can’t, because you don’t know — you have just retransmitted somebody else’s comforting propaganda, right?”

    1. Densely packed ad hominems are an ethnic signature.
    2. Your question about Russia made no sense.

  11. test2 on May 26, 2014 at 4:02 pm:

    “Then, of course, you didn’t answer the second part of my question, on Russia. Because you can’t, because you don’t know — you have just retransmitted somebody else’s comforting propaganda, right?”

    1. Densely packed ad hominems are an ethnic signature.

    You can avoid answering any question this way. So, “you can’t”. You had said an untruth.

    2. Your question about Russia made no sense.

    Reformulating it here, it should be easy for you to answer:

    Which group in Russia is ganging up on the neocons and banking mafia?

    Russia’s government? A party? Which party?

    In what way is that group ganging up the neocons and banking mafia?

  12. @test2

    Unlike you I have a degree in Economics from on of the world’s most prestigious universities. You on the other hand do nothing but blurt out simplistic second-hand Occupy Wall Street Movement buzz words as if you actually know what you are talking about.

    Should you wish you engage in meaningful conversation about international geopolitics and the various economic players in the field you are going to have to up your game considerably.

  13. Rudel on May 26, 2014 at 5:49 pm @test2:

    I have a degree in Economics from on of the world’s most prestigious universities.

    I’ve been long wondering about why your comments, including both the subject knowledge and the way you express yourself, generally come two heads above the ones made by an average contributor here. Easy to explain now: a good education is priceless. Please take it as a sincere compliment from me.

    You on the other hand do nothing but blurt out simplistic second-hand Occupy Wall Street Movement buzz words as if you actually know what you are talking about.

    That’s the unfortunate common attribute of the tough guys from the South, as I’ve observed. One of the key reasons for why the South will never be able to separate itself from the U.S.A. and become a white person’s hell. I regret the situation but this is what it is.

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