About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. ‘historically ignorant speculation (…) As a humble carpenter from rural Nazareth this would have been Jesus’s first tongue’:

    I have some academic background in this field, and you don’t seem to know Nazareth was only a stone’s throw from Sepphoris, home to Greek-speaking Gentiles as well as Aramaic speakers — and isn’t ‘humble carpenter’ speculative?

  2. Carpenters were artisans and only a half step up from a goatherd. The majority of the residents of Palestine spoke Aramaic. I’m sure Jesus could speak every language. Isn’t he supposed to be omniscient?

  3. ‘useless religious’:

    ‘Useless’, except when you USE religion ‘as a tool’, right? You think White Christians are too stupid to discern atheists who want to lead them?

    You are mistaken. Christ is all. There is no other sure foundation for any nation.

  4. Love for one’s people, land and decency is the foundation for a homeland, Mosin. God wanders through accordingly.

  5. “All this talk of Greek is nonsense stemming from the fact that The Gospels were written in Greek decades after the stories they presume to tell. Even at that the early Greek versions are studded with Aramaic words especially of place names e.g. “Golgotha” and “Gethsemane”, especially in the Gospel of Mark.”

    Rude, so you don’t call Massachusetts by it’s Indian Name, because it’s not an “English” name, and we know that only Englishmen ever lived in that fair state, right?

    Moreover, you act as though the visual, and personal EYE-WITNESSES who knew Christ AND the Apostles, who wrote down their Epistles after the Canon was closed, didnt ‘rat’ on these ‘false authors,’ BECAUSE>>>>>>???

    No, they knew the people first hand, and were eye witnesses (as St. John says in the Gospel). Even a liberal such as John Robinson, who authored ‘Honest to God’ in 1963, wrote ‘Redating the New Testament’ prior to his death, thus confirming the traditional, conservative, God-honoring tradition that the last book of the bible (even the Apocalypse) was written no later than 96 A.D.- little more than a ‘generation’ from Christ’s resurrection.

    The more I read your comments, the more I see you are a christophobic bastard.
    Which means, your opions are Sh*t.

  6. This is required reading for Southern Christian readers who think they want a religiously diverse future ethnostate including ‘good Southern Roman’ and ‘good Southern Talmudic’ elements: http://www.traditioninaction.org/religious/m013rpProtestantsChristians.html

    ‘Pius XII stated unequivocally: To be Christian one must be Roman. One must recognize the oneness of Christ’s Church that is governed by one successor of the Prince of the Apostles who is the Bishop of Rome, Christ’s Vicar on earth’.

    hey Mosin, you’re so concerned about the South, which unit of the Confederate Army did your ancestors serve in?Troll crackpots like you and Father John+ have ruined this site,, which was probably your aim in the first place. And by the way, my “good southern Roman” great grandfather was wounded at the battle of Chancellorsville when his Alabama regiment leading Jackson’s famous flank march charged the Union left flank. Of course I wouldn;t expect a yankee pig troll like you to understand..go back to Russia,,

  7. And hey Mosin…Pope Pius IX was the only European leader to recognize Jefferson Davis as the head of an independent state..again another fact a Yankee ignoramus like you wouldn’t know

  8. “Pius XII stated unequivocally: To be Christian one must be Roman….”

    why does anyone care what men in dresses think, especially when they are usually overweight, too? I know I’m supposedly a jew, according to Dalton or Reynauld or something, but how many other men in fur outfits and shiny red shoes do you take seriously? Probably none. I just don’t get it.

  9. No you don’t so called “Dixie Girl”. Of course you don’t get it…you are a species of ignorant white trash that has afflicted our Southern people for ages. You don’t give a damn about the South or our struggle for independence..which is why I think you are a troll…all you ever do is bitch about the Catholic church..while nonwhites invade us//hey..why don’t you go roll on the floor and spout some Pentecostal gibberish..while handling your snakes…Hey…do you take men wearing wigs and stockings seriously? I do..Washington..Jefferson..as far as overweight..I bet a piece of trailer park trash like you qualifies/

  10. ‘Pope Pius IX was the only European leader to recognize Jefferson Davis (…) another fact a Yankee ignoramus like you wouldn’t know’:

    The infamous ‘Infallibility Pope’ might have hoped to advance Romanism in the South, where it had many more adherents (thanks to the admission of French Louisiana) and much more influence (old aristocracy such as the Carrolls) than in the North. But all the efforts of the Jewish de facto President of the CSA (Rabbi Judah Benjamin) didn’t move the Antichrist to really do anything more helpful than call Davis ‘the honorable President’. Davis was of course known to have been brought up under Roman influence, not far from New Orleans, and his was the first American administration to include a Roman cabinet member, and a Jewish secretary of state!

  11. ‘which unit of the Confederate Army did your ancestors serve in (…) yankee pig troll (…) go back to Russia’:

    My ancestors were Christian objectors to Lincoln’s war, and other unjust wars, and some came over from Wales and Germany afterwards and did not participate. NONE of us came from Russia, Reynauld, but some of my ancestors were persecuted by Roman Catholicism in Europe, and by ‘high church’ Protestantism in Britain.

  12. “the visual, and personal EYE-WITNESSES who knew Christ AND the Apostles, who wrote down their Epistles after the Canon was closed”

    Total bullshit. There are NO contemporary accounts of Jesus during his lifetime.

    “the last book of the bible (even the Apocalypse) was written no later than 96 A.D.- little more than a ‘generation’ from Christ’s resurrection.”

    60 plus years is more like three generations. Give it up “Fr.” There are no historical accounts of Jesus just propaganda written many years after his supposed existence. There were lots of Jewish religious fanatics running around Palestine at the time claiming all sorts of things. Once the Temple was destroyed, the displaced and dispossessed crazy yids started writing down all sorts of crap-ola.

    Christianity is a Jewish slave religion for the slaves they became under Roman conquest.

  13. O for crying out loud Jewdel. It’s not difficult to prove there was no JewMSN following Jesus of Nazareth around with a camera crew and he didn’t make it to the yada yada Jew chat shows either.

    The Gospels were written within the New Covenant and for the New Covenant (to be interpreted by the living source of authority within the New Covenant) within a generation after our Lord’s death – certainly the Epistles of Paul and the Gospel of John.

    And the historian Flavius Josephus – a Romanised Israelite of the Tribe of Judah wrote The Antiquities of the Judahites (commonly mistranslated The Antiquities of the Jews. Jesus was a Judahite, not a Jew and a Roman historian writes about him from a historical perspective.


  14. Josephus, being a Talmudist, naturally turn-coated and played to the winners, tailoring his writing to include what the Romans wanted to hear.

  15. The Josephus-Luke vocabulary correspondence study in your link is interesting, but it seems unlikely from a common sense perspective, and Origen said Josephus did NOT recognise Jesus as the Messiah, so it may have been a manner-of-speaking or an addition. The Spirit and Word testify sufficiently, so we don’t NEED Josephus.

  16. Lynda says:

    ‘And the historian Flavius Josephus – a Romanised Israelite of the Tribe of Judah wrote The Antiquities of the Judahites (commonly mistranslated The Antiquities of the Jews. Jesus was a Judahite, not a Jew and a Roman historian writes about him from a historical perspective.’

    The lines concerning Jesus in the works of Josephus have been found to be fraudulent. Most scholars agree. Read for yourself and judge with an open mind. The evidence is compelling. Eusebius, the most likely culprit.

  17. “And the historian Flavius Josephus”

    Like I said, there are no contemporaneous accounts of Jesus’s life. Josephus wrote as an Imperial Historian in Rome in the 90’s A.D.

  18. Here’s a great commentary with brutal propaganda photo of Islamic extremists murdering, persecuting Whiter Christian people (Armenians) in Iraq and Syria.


    Opposition to violent, backward Islamic immigration is the key to nationalist, populist victories. Our LS protests against Tyson Foods flooding middle TN with Bantu Somalian Muslim workers were very well received.

    We have to go with what works in the South. Just make bad, alien Islamic immigration the propaganda enemy.,it works.

    Why not go with what works?

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