About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Some WNs seem ecstatic about Islamist triumphs in the Middle East. While it is nice seeing some eggs on the face of the US government, I know that should a caliphate arise, it will spell trouble for ourselves and our kin in Europe. Nothing good can come of this.

    Still, a caliphate is probably what many Muslims want. So long as they stay out of Europe, then whatever.

  2. The Whiter you are in the Middle East, the more anti Islam you are.

    Shah of Iran, high caste Persians detest the dark, hairy Muslim mobs. Maronite Christian Lebanese are the best looking Arabs in the world, very sexy women. Rest of Lebenon is nasty Muslims, so they hate Israel, everybody does.

    Syrian strong man Assad is backed by Putin’s Russia – Assad looks very a White, protects remining Christians in Syria .

    Egypt military took over when nasty Muslims won a democratic election, this “Arab Spring” was Muslim mobs, raped White Western reporter.

    Only White Muslims in the world are Bosnians, consider traitors by Serbs, rest of Balkan Whites.

    We lose to Muslims, we suffer fate of Greeks in Constantinople, French Pied a Noir in Algeria or now in nasty Algerian Muslim slums in South of France, industrial slums outside of Paris.

    No, sorry. Islam is enemy if Whites. It’s a different type of enemy than the Jews, Jews that are out to get us will take Muslim side against us, they have always done so. Jews got kicked out of Spain in 1492 in large part for taking Arab Muslim moor side against Spanish a Whites, selling White girls in to sexual slavery to Muslim buyers.

    9-11-01 was done by nasty Muslims, that’s what happens when you let Muslims flood in to your countries. Japanese don’t let Muslims flood in to Japan.

    So don’t support Neo Con Jew wars against Muslims, but don’t get soft on Muslims.

    Islamic world is a lot like post colonial black Africa – violent anarchy is the norm.

  3. Will the endgame for iraq be partitioning into 3 states? or will the various powers around her take slices out of her? will obama step back in there? I honestly think the least worst option is to just wash his hands of this.

  4. neocons being neocons

    They still want to attack Syria so they instigated this to get US warplanes in place in Iraq which, once they’re in place and bombing Isis, could be switched from attacking Isis to attacking Assad.

    If Obama says no then the current crisis will fizzle out and Iraq will split in two which is what should have happened years ago.

    Basically, storm in a teacup unless Obama is pushed into Iraq 2.0.

    Standard operating procedure applies: promote the opposite of whatever neocons want.

  5. “I honestly think the least worst option is to just wash his hands of this.”

    Yes, whatever the right thing to do in Iraq is, the last 13 years have proved the people in Washington are guaranteed to screw it up so best stay out of it.

  6. Only two forms of government are possible with a Muslim population:

    1. A brutal secular strong man


    2. A fundamentalist despotic religious theocracy

    Deposing #1 will always result in #2. We should have thought of that in 2003. Actually “we” did.

  7. Test2 writes:

    “Standard operating procedure applies: promote the opposite of whatever neocons want.”

    Jack replies:

    It’s tempting to fall in to this way of thinking ie “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. David Duke went for this. I see it as a mistake.

    We should and must work for “our people”, obsessing about Jews gets us to lose focus, attempt impossible alliances with destructive groups like the worst Muslims, Black nationalists groups that say they hate Jews, but often these groups just hate Whites, hate the West see Jews, Israel as part of us.

    Plus, Jews are all over the place. Those of us who think we are forming effective alliances with radical Islam against Neo Conservative Jews, miss the key point that anti White Jews are flooding the USA, Europe with the worst, nasty Muslims.

    No, the right approach is to simply do what is best for our people. Putin’s Russia seems to be doing everything right and yeah, Neo Conservative Jews hate Putin which shows he doing something right.

    Also, I think the Jew Neo Conservative thing has pretty much run it’s course. Jews that desire our destruction are going for other things now, mostly cultural Marxism.

  8. @ “Countenance”

    Spot on.

    As much as I dislike Fareed Zacharia and the CFR, in their publication “Foreign Policy”, just prior to the 2003 neocon-led (essentially Jewish) invasion of Iraq, that author posited that the upcoming invasion would indeed be folly and result in disaster. He essentially and quite correctly argued that Arabic-Muslim governments have historically been run by “Strong men” and that if we did invade the result would be replacing Hussein with ourselves, and that we were far less capable of governing Iraq than the then current (and relatively popular) “dictator.”

    It is instructive to note that uber-Zionist Theodore Hertzel’s long-term plan (penned in the 1930’s) for the Middle East included the dismemberment of the larger states into small, ineffectual entities rife and ridden with sectarian conflict (Google “The Zionist Plan for the Middle East”). What we are being witness to is the execution of that long-term plan in motion, we being manipulated and deceived into believing that this general insanity is the result of recent history and current politics which it certainly is not. This murderous chaos is being given to us by the same Tribal bastards who penned the Hart-Cuellar Act (1965 Immigration Act), the stated intent of the legislation being (paraphrased) “a permanent demographic change in the U.S. so that white Christianity is never again a threat to Judaism.” If you question the veracity of this statement, I suggest you read Dr. Kevin MacDonald’s book, “The Culture of Critique.”

  9. You know “stay out of foreign entanglements” is an easy strategy to follow, just not any money in it. The USA is the loser in all of this. We have lost soldiers, treasure and rights. The Iraqis have lost lives and a sense of Western normality and end the end maybe their country. As viewed by a Southern Nationaist, the current outcome bodes well. Fed.gov is weaker and people are waking up to the folly of supporting it. The States are the long term benefactors from this fiasco.

  10. Please excuse some of my misspellings. As a dyslexic you see the word correctly, only to find out later you were incorrect.

  11. Fixed it…..
    You know “stay out of foreign entanglements” is an easy strategy to follow, just not any money in it. The USA is the loser in all of this. We have lost soldiers, treasure and rights. The Iraqis have lost lives and a sense of Western normality and in the end maybe their country. As viewed by a Southern Nationalist, the current outcome bodes well. Fed.gov is weaker and people are waking up to the folly of supporting it. The States are the long term benefactors from this fiasco

  12. Just got off the phone from somebody back from shopping at a box store. A new line opened up and a fat military couple beelined in front of all the other people waiting. THEN they gave all their credit cards, and scanner cards AND the military proofs that got them all their fat discounts on the public. Another friend lives near really bossy catholic gasden flag flying “mer-cans”) from the greasiest parts of the northeast who lecture everybody about the ‘stupid hicks’ and such (who happen to pay their bills)….um WHO CARES? The public who does not believe on living on others against their will…has to pay for them. That’s all that should ever really be said about “military.” They feed themselves, they decided they wanted to do so by working for people like Romney and Obama, and that’s that. Just like any tax-supported peoples.

  13. Seriously… it takes a certain mentality to actually believe the Public Service Announcements (PSAs)/ propaganda tv ads (also paid for by the non-tax-supported-public)—- the only people who get those ads are the military, welfare, schoolteachers and latin immigrants, lol. (Soon doctors will and we will see doctor politicians also)…

    If you have to have a tv commercial made by the government for your job, TO SELL IT and how important it is to the people who are forced to pay for it—- well, that sort of indicates that the public HAS TO HAVE propaganda to pay for you, lol. (In other words, they do not really think you are necessary—b/c propaganda is endlessly produced to “teach them” what they must say about you.

    A lot of people, even as little kids, really want to get away from that! They say wow…is there anything I could do that DOES NOT require tv commercials made by the government to sell me to the people who have been forced to go without things (important things like children, families, homes, and such) in order to pay for me instead of themselves???

    How could I live with myself if I was in the military, or on welfare, or schoolteaching or whatever requires all these propaganda commercials?

  14. Ok…so I turned on fox 5 for the first time in awhile to find out about this…and there were two latin type women in bright red dresses with their boobs hanging out, and some latin looking man (who was probably irish) and they were all gesticulating (they all talk with their hands A LOT and so were practically hitting each other, precisely why in our culture we were taught never to go around spewing and swinging our hands wildly, especially not while saying stupid, commonplace things, which is what they were doing….) Anyway, there was nothing about this, just “news” that involved sweeping generalizations about (supposed) male versus female behavior…. no wonder I never watch that. The females were wearing really ugly gaudy jewelry also.

    Without the latins, I don’t think we would have evolved this endless running-the-bulls style machismo militarization—- and instead we would have had the old Wasp thing of DIPLOMATS (real ones) who have brains enough to negotiate so commoners would hardly would even know the politicians were there and could just live their lives.

  15. And— you hardly have to go to other countries for “foreign entanglements,” LOL. The real “Foreign entanglements” are a trip to south florida, or new york, or nova, etc…and just trying to go grocery shopping or get a job if you are an english speaker in the new “america.”

    (The new “america” which is: old grannies being forced to pump their own gas at the “self-service” stations, old grannies standing there in the rain and cold pumping gas! And old grannies —not quite old enough to use the handicap parks—having to walk a half mile to the grocery store entrance past drug dealer thugs to get a carton of milk. And old grannies trying to negotiate the bizarre reality of clerks putting one of item of grocery into one cheap ripping plastic bag, so the old granny must carry fifteen cheap plastic bags to the car (they used to have paper bags and they would fit all the groceries!) Welcome to america!

  16. All those American soldiers lost their lives or were horribly disfigured and left to rot in Obama’s VA hospitals, the traitor Bowe Bergdahl was exchanged for the Taliban leadership, over a trillion dollars was sunk into trying to bring “democracy” to Iraq.

    And for what? The US federal government can’t do anything right. It squanders lives and wealth. It can’t even go to space anymore. The US is a shitty little pathetic Third World country presided over by an incompetent negro.

  17. …to continue… Are our brave warriors fighting for the old grandpas? The old grandpas who can’t retire on their pensions and have to be wall mart greeters b/c they tried not to live on others and take the state pay? Right…that must be what those brave men are fighting for…not their middle class lifestyle that the people paying for them can no longer afford…

    Because there is no “breakdown of the middle class.” There is a new Welfare-State Middle class… which is the fat military couple cutting in front of the people who pay their bills, the military couples with CHILDREN— who took away the rights of the earners to have children (since they have to pay for the state employee children instead)… They —with schoolteachers, welfare, and obamacare bed-pan-slingers— are “the middle class” under fascism/socialism.

    That is what they are fighting for (themselves taking money to feed themselves).

  18. Yes, Hunter… well, I do feel sorry for the situation, in that people simply don’t know what to do to make a living anymore…which is why they really do it, not to “fight for our freedoms” (what? the freedom to not keep a person’s own money? Or the freedom to use the blessings and God-given talents that God gave, for the furtherance of your own selves and families, instead of to just pay for other peoples…etc.)

    It’s positively european.

  19. A couple of absolute centering facts before I go into my two cents:

    1. Our enemies in Washington, New York, and London worked with the Saudis and their satellite Arab Monarchies to

    A: Topple Gaddafi
    B: Fund an uprising in Syria
    C: Launch a genocidal campaign against Shiites in order to divide the “Shia Crescent” (Western and Northern Afghanistan, Iran, Southern Iraq, Syria, Lebanon)
    D: Topple the Muslim Brotherhood and install General Sisi as overlord of Egypt

    2. Our enemies directly funded “moderates” and covertly funded Sunni Jihadists. Recall John McCain posing with the ISIL while calling for Assad’s head

    3. The Embassy in Benghazi was the African starting point of a “rat line” that was funneling weapons to jihadis in Syria

  20. What does this all mean for those who want to get out from under the government of their Enemies in D.C., New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Detroit?

    1. Because of the sickening waste and mess that our enemies have put us in, there is a chance that a post-WW1 style demoralization will sweep through whites especially those who are too young to remember Nixon and Reagan “taking back America”.

    2. An alternative vision is desperately needed, and I believe is spreading in the form of isolationism, anti-redistributionist, and territorialist feeling. We need to continue to promote partition of the country as THE solution to white woes.

    3. The GOP is a prime target for take over, as with the election of Eric Cantor, the last Jew in the GOP Congressional Caucus. Catholics, like William F Buckley who purged the John Birchers and their fellow travelers from the party, must become a prime target of propaganda, because the Red-Blue divide is synonymous with the areas that are majority Baptist and majority Catholic. I don’t know how, but white Catholics must be convinced that their interests lie with pan white unity, rather than old dividing lines of religion and class. This becomes easier with a Marxist Pope.

    I could go on and on, but something big is happening; call it peak Empire or Peak Jew, or both. The hegemonic position that the US had at the end of the Cold War is over. The bills are coming due, we can either pay them like good little slaves or default in a historic way and move in a brand new discretion. I prefer the latter.

  21. Saddam was the leader Iraq deserved, the overall best given the state of that people.
    Assad is is leader the Syrians deserve and need.
    Khafaffi was the leaders the Libyans needed, same for Egypt.
    Freedom and democracy given to those unready for them are the cause of much bloodshed.
    These men are being/were toppled so that their populatuons would be defenceless against western banksters.

  22. “I’m sure israel is happy to see Syria’s Assad and Iran taking damage here.”

    Iran is currently looking like it might come out well ahead in this. On the other hand an Isis controlled territory stretching between Iraq and Syria is potentially bad for Assad but that is balanced by the possibility of direct Iranian assistance inside Iraq.

    If there’s benefit here for Israel – and full disclosure personally i don’t care about Israel as a country just the hostile Jewish elite in the West – it may be they’ve given up on getting the US to attack Iran and have decided to maximize the Shia-Sunni civil war instead in the hope the Arabs take out the Persians for them.

  23. nb This Iraq situation is an opportunity for Southern Nationalists to push the meme that sometimes partition is the solution to two groups of people (in this case Shia and Sunni muslims) who really shouldn’t be in the same political entity.

  24. Consensus tends to be demanded by those who will not shift their purported beliefs in the face of evidence and rational argument, thus it is demanded by the evil and the insane, meaning by those who lie about what their beliefs are, and thus have purported beliefs that are unaffected by reality, and those who genuinely have beliefs unaffected by reality.

    “Suit theories to fit facts rather than suiting facts to fit theories.” ~ Sherlock Holmes

    People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.
    ~ Isaac Asimov

  25. “the Red-Blue divide is synonymous with the areas that are majority Baptist and majority Catholic”

    Utter nonsense. There are damn few Catholics in Oregon or the rest of the Mountain West, or Baptists either. Even New Mexico, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and maybe Rhode Island are less than 50% Catholic. Mississippi is over 50% Baptist only if you count all the Negro congregations.


  26. The ISIS Sunni Muslim rebels are physically removing the last vestiges of the 1916 British-French Sykes-Picot Agreement which sliced up the remains of the Ottoman Empire by bulldozing flat the sand berm that delineates the Syria-Iraq border.

  27. The “Miss me yet?” poster should have Saddam’s image instead of Dubya’s. Also I heard that the US embassy is preparing for evacuation, I usually don’t buy “history repeats itself, but Saigon 1975 anyone?

  28. Rudel, really think the places you mention are majority catholic (or majority catholic-raised). Even if they disavow it as adults, what the pope does to wee ones carries on into adulthood more than they know. The roman emperors really have to go, or the people who founded america (wasps & descendants) must be offered some kind of “package” (don’t fascists love packages, lol)—- to be repatriated to north/west europe and somewhere without “latin” influence. There’s no reason the irish and jews can’t run america (like now), but the founders descendants need to figure out some new avenue.

  29. “what the pope does to wee ones carries on into adulthood more than they know.”

    I don’t know about the pope but earlier Catholic theologians such as St. Augustine in particular, greatly influenced Protestant theologians like Luther, Calvin, and Knox along with the Reformed Churches such as the Dutch Reformed and Presbyterians that they engendered. There is not a lot in Augustine that Calvinists do not agree with all the way from Original Sin, pre-destination, justification by Faith, and on to “just war” theory.

    As a disinterested non-practicing Lutheran I must say that once you remove some of the ecclesiastical cruft like vestments and extra sacraments of High Church Anglicans, Lutherans, and Catholics there is very little to separate the traditional theological tenets of RC’s, Reformed churches, and even evangelical but non-Arminian Methodists and Baptists other than the sola fide. Of course almost all of these mainstream churches have degenerated into teaching “social gospel”, abortion, and promotion of gay marriage nowadays.

    Papal infallibility and much of the non-Biblical Catholic “magisterium” that some RC fanatics on this site promulgate is relatively recent.

    I think the real reason the Orthodox church makes such as fuss over the Filioque in the Nicene Creed is the fact that they have an inferiority complex from having stayed ignorant peasant societies while the West pulled ahead politically and economically for the last 500 years.

    I think the key thing that makes a Christian a Christian is avowal of the Nicene Creed. Burning each other at the stake or using insignificant theological nit-picking differences as an excuse for wars of baronial or national aggrandizement is just so much BS.

  30. Over the past ten years, majlis ash-shura evolved into Dawlat al-Iraq al-Islamiyya and now “wa Sham”. This group has had prodigious infrastructure growth and media output for a decade now and its hardwork is simply paying off.

    Also the Baathists have been completely interwoven into the organizations higher levels due to Sufi-Baathist Izzat Ibrahim ad-Dourri (you want a white muslim) brilliantly blurring the line between Islam and Arab nationalism.

  31. We are in a lurch. We are in very very bad times. Even the wealthiest among us feel we have no money , our resources are lower than ever before. We must look to the Virginians for strategies they put in place long ago , centuries ago and that are still working. It’s all over the website black conservatives, land owning blacks, blacks tired of the socialist dialogue, black women who do not look like Michelle Obama and do not carry her genetic structure are more closely linked to the ideals of america then the mobs of creatures who in habit the inner city’s and even affluent suburbs of the North and West Coasts. Quietly they see their lifestyles fading away and being forced away too. They are terrified of homosexuality and terrified of loosing their land and their traditions. Quietly in Virginia they voted for David Brat a man who not even a native Virginian but a man who speaks about Jesus. The same can happen in North Carolina. Watch your land owning , farm based , Southern heritage black folks down there. THey don’t want integration they have their own churches, land and lives but they are as scared of “Progressive” thinking as you and I are they just can say it out loud for fear of back lash. REmember one thing They are registered to vote like never before because of the Obama campaign getting record numbers of blacks registered so he could win. They are registered so use that. No the political parties in this country don’t represent what we want but the way we ruled the South before was by watching very carefully the way we treated the colored descendents of rich white men. They voted with us every time , even fought with us and we maintained a lifestyle much better than most in the world. WE must rely on those old Southern standards again. There are tiers, there are differences among the Negroes in the South. We must remember those things to retain some sort of power . The other option is un thinkable. In North Carolina Blacks will vote republican out of fear of Clay Aiken , out of fear of violence, out of fear of 2nd amendment rights out of fear of loosing their land and the churches that sit on that land. Wake up rouse the troops and stand your ground North Carolina. Fight! Use all your enlisted men regardless of the color and stand your GROUND.

  32. Good comment and photo, Earl. The ‘Golden Circle’ Elite continues to import vast numbers of Antichrist- (Pope-) worshipping Latin slaves, to create immense wealth for itself, and outnumber, dilute and subdue TRUE white Christians.

  33. Calling Iraq a ‘fiasco’ is like calling Lincoln’s war, or either of the World Wars a ‘caper’.

  34. The atheist pontificates that ‘the key thing that makes a Christian a Christian is avowal of the Nicene Creed’. It doesn’t matter how one lives, as long as one pays that ‘key’ lipservice — and prior to Nicaea, Christianity as such did not yet exist!

  35. Saddam was a mans man. His last words before his execution were hardcore.

    “This is your manhood?”

  36. They were capers. I recently watched Monuments Men.

    Damn those Krauts for storing art in mines and caves while the allied firebombed Europe! Damn them to hell!

  37. The main benefit of this Crusade (so-called ‘fiasco’) in Iraq, like all previous Crusades, has been the destruction of ‘heretics’ (ethnic Christians) not submissive to Rome — ‘ethnic Christian cleansing’! 100% Islamic is preferable is to the existence of any trace of un-submissive, non-universalist ethnic Christianity, so the war has NOT been in vain. The Baptist South is next.

  38. Mosin, as usual, you’re the soul of willful idiocy and ignorance. Your claim that the main benefit of this Crusade in Iraq has been the destruction of heretics (ethnic Christians) not submissive to Rome and that 100% Islamic is preferable to the existence of any trace of non-submissive, non-universalist ethnic Christianity is damn lie. The last time I looked, the Catholics in that region were being persecuted and killed by the Muslims too. In fact, all the Christians in that region, indigenous, and Western imports like the Baptists are being crushed by the Muslim boot. For a better (and more truthful) picture of what’s actually going on over there fellow OD readers, go to http://shoebat.com Mosin’s ridiculous perversion of history will some become evident when you see what’s really going on over there.

  39. “Mosin’s ridiculous perversion of history”

    Mosin is a totally whack-o religious nutcase. He thinks that early Christians were “Baptists” (whatever crazy cult that might have been) that somehow magically arrived in Wales (of all ignorant benighted places) before the Romans did. That the mainstay of Southern Baptists are semi-literate Negroes and ignorant hillbillies should tell you something about that denomination’s crazy heretical beliefs which seem to vary as widely as the number of congregations. Baptists are only one step up from holly-rollers and snake handlers like the Pentecostalists.

  40. fi·as·co
    noun, plural fi·as·cos, fi·as·coes.
    1. a complete and ignominious failure.

    Sounds like an thoroughly apropos description of the ultimate result of our immoral invasion of Iraq, a country which never attacked the United States.

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