About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Rudel, not all Baptists subscribe to notions you mention. The ones most likely to subscribe to Mosin’s notions on church history are the Landmark Baptists or the Primitive Baptists. These folks are a small minority in the wider Baptist community. Their ideas, even among conservative Baptists, are regarded as historical fantasy. They took anything that looked like the Baptists (Paulicans, Waldenians, Cathars) and proclaimed them to be Baptist. McGoldrick, a Baptist scholar, in his “Baptist Successionism”, ably refutes this “Trail Of Blood” myth by showing that nearly all of these groups either apostate, schismatic Catholics or gnostic dualists who had more in common with the modern New Age movement, than they did with the Baptists. I’ve explained this to poor Mosin before, but he prefers to believe in his ancient Welsh Baptists myth rather than the true facts of actual history.

  2. ‘Sounds like an thoroughly apropos description’:

    The term is much too mild. The war against Iraq is more worse than a debacle, fiasco, failure or farce. It is deliberate, murderous crime on a massive scale.

    ‘I’ve explained this to poor Mosin before’:

    Don’t ‘poor Mosin’ me, you proud Pope worshipper and defender of harmful myths and bloody crimes.

  3. ‘more worse’

    I meant much worse.


    Just one of those compromising ‘Protholics’ undermining the churches. Southerners, beware of miseducated young new pastors coming to your pulpits.

  4. Can we segway back to Southern interests?

    The white version of Sunni-Shia can wait.

    Q1: Is the south a net oil producer?

    Things that make foreign oil more problematic help the South, esp Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. Any comments?

    Q2: Are there any plans to get involved in primary season in order to topple another incumbent?

  5. I really think Mosin is a troll trying to divide and dilute white unity. Nobody could be that stupid accidentally..except maybe his running buddy Butzhead.

  6. Mosin, thanks for proving my points about your willful ignorance. Instead of responding with a logical reply, you resort to an appeal to emotion and ad hominem. Grow up man, grow up. BTW, McGoldrick is hardly a “Protholic”. He’s a convinced Baptist. But, I suppose if someone ably refutes your fantasies, a good smearing is in order. And Southerners, if a young new pastor miseducated in the myths of Mosin graces(?) your church’s pulpit, set him down and force fed him some real church history until he comes around or leaves.

  7. “if a young new pastor miseducated in the myths of Mosin graces(?) your church’s pulpit”

    That is the chief problem with these heretics. Their preachers are not seminary educated ordained ministers in the broad world-wide Apostolic Succession. This is clearly evident when they claim not to even be Protestants. They are a cult much like other cults like Mormonism or Jim Jones temple.

  8. Rudel, I think the main problem with Mosinite ministers is that their education is incredibly skewered. They’re only exposed to very sectarian history texts, instead of being given a chance to see all other sources. I was in a very sectarian group myself as a youth, so I know how that goes. Once I started to read widely, I came to realize the historical claims of my group were bogus. And my old group, like Mosin, engaged in slamming anyone who dares to question the received history.

  9. Reports are that the federal immigration authorities are not even checking buses coming across the border from Mexico. Most report a total breakdown of immigration enforcement, and that the federal government is providing transportation, housing, meals etc. for these hordes of Roman Catholics coming into the USA from Central America. Yes, I’m sure Roman Catholic Cardinal Danny Dinardo and his priests are thrilled with all of this fresh meat, so to speak, coming their way…

  10. ‘Their preachers are not seminary educated ordained ministers in the broad world-wide Apostolic Succession’:

    A few really do have earned degrees from accredited seminaries, but they’ve rejected the lies, and they’re NOT leading others down ‘the broad world-wide’ path to destruction.

    ‘McGoldrick is hardly a “Protholic”. He’s a convinced Baptist’:

    He’s a false Baptist out to convince Baptists that they were wrong after all, and that they came from and still need Romanism. Southern White Christians, beware of such wolves in disguise.

    ‘I really think Mosin is a troll’:

    Of course ‘Reynauld’ is vigorously defending his Papism. Anyone who stands against it, standing for ‘the good old way’, is immediately marked as ‘a troll’ and ‘divisive’ by the Papist propaganda forces.

  11. Mosin, I’m not vigorously defending any Papism. I’m probably more of an agnostic than anything. The current Catholic bishops suck big time on immigration and a lot of other matters. The old time Catholics were good southerners and served with distinction in the Confederate Army, like,
    Catholics and Protestants got along well in the antebellum South. Not that I’d expect a paranoid Yankee ignoramus to know that.

  12. The Coalition of the Willing of the willing invaded Iraq at the bidding of its Dark Masters (Israel) on the pretext of weapons of mass destruction (later proven to be a patent lie). The objective was always to create SNAFU in Iraq.

    But what they did was a FUBAR.

  13. @After

    “Things that make foreign oil more problematic help the South, esp Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. Any comments?”

    After independence that would help but beforehand it means more resistance to independence.

    The ideal might be no oil at all beforehand and a lot discovered the day after independence.

  14. Texas is gone. I’ve said it before and that assessment comes from pro-whites living in Texas, and from my experience of having to deal with the wealthy Texan elite, who have more allegiance to Texas than to the US (but not to Dixie). I wouldn’t count on their oil.

    Does anyone suspect that this drama unfolding in the middle east is mostly a pretext to get ‘us’ into that area, so ‘we’ can be ready to intervene between Russia and Ukraine/EU…and possibly between Greece/Russia and the EU?

  15. Gadsden… I knew that. I just don’t read over what I write. (I’m actually from the U.S, family in revolution, etc.) And about “they’re only exposed to very sectarian history texts, instead of being given a chance to see all other sources…” I think I’ve mentioned the horrors of being sent to catholic school and the weirdness of the skanky “sisters.”

  16. Good old Dixie Girl..making excuses for her basic ignorance of American history by blaming it on the Catholics.. Hey..you know you can check out books from a secular public library that you can read without supervision from the horrible nuns..why dont you and Mosin and Butzhead find some other website to sabotage? Hunter has established this website to further southern secession and the formation of a new Southern Republic and all that you three trolls do is to try and reignite the religious wars of the 16th Century here…do I detect the hand of the Jew so called “Dixie Girl”? After all..you always criticize Catholics..but never Jews..very telling

  17. poor old Dixie girl couldn’t learn American history because of the big bad sisters..sorry troll…go peddle your antiwhiteBS elsewhere

  18. Mosin Nagant.. a regular on a site in favor of southern secession..who chooses as his screen name a Soviet rifle which has murdered millions of Christians..I rest my case

  19. Mosin, throwing out a unverifiable claim, “he’s a false Baptist” shows how weak your argument is. By what authority do you prove he’s a “false Baptist”? Unless you have some objective proof, your claim is ad hominem. What I do know is that McGoldrick is well respected in the conservative Baptist community for his scholarship. You however, who claims to know it all, won’t even tell us what religion or church you belong to, yet you expect us to believe your fantasies on your authority. Sorry Mosin, that’s not how it flies in the real world. If you want people to take your claims seriously, give us your sources so we can do some fact checking. Tell us the name of your faith and church, so we know where you’re coming from. Otherwise, why should we give you any credibility at all?

  20. ‘a regular on a site in favor of southern secession’:

    ‘Reynauld de Chatillon’, one of the PAPIST apologists and promoters at work regularly on a SOUTHERN website!

    ‘a Soviet rifle’:

    The Mosin was created for the Imperial Russian military, and used on MANY sides besides the Bolshevik. Should I use ‘Longbow’ (as in: Welsh longbow) as a ‘nom de guerre’, that weapon was also used on other sides including the Roman-Norman Elite against our people. http://warbowwales.com/#/the-welsh-longbow/4557703062

  21. Truth is self-evident and it needs no resume or references, Daltstein. The Elites and those who work on the side of the Elites love to parade their names and sources of authority and taunt their opponents of the ‘lower classes’ with: ‘Show us by what authority you speak’!

  22. You chose for your screen name some Russian Rifle..why didn’t you chose the model 1853 Enfield in .577 caliber..the one that the Confederacy chose as its basic small arm,, the one that my horrible Catholic great grandfather used when his regiment at the head of Jackson’s flank march around the union lines. Doesnt matter. You use the name of some Russian rifle..pretty obvious that you are jew troll

  23. Truth is self-evident and it needs no resume or references, Daltstein. The Elites and those who work on the side of the Elites love to parade their names and sources of authority and taunt their opponents of the ‘lower classes’ with: ‘Show us by what authority you speak’!
    who the hell is daltstein?

  24. ‘McGoldrick is well respected in the conservative Baptist community’:

    That’s what YOUR side calls ‘conservative’. If he was conservative you wouldn’t respect him, and TRUE conservatives don’t respect ANY ecumenical compromisers and sound doctrine corrupters no matter what fancy words and arguments they use, no matter how many books and articles they publish, no matter how good they are at academic and denominational politicking.

  25. Reynauld, regardless of the involvement of a relative FEW Roman universalists in the Confederate armies, the South can’t ultimately be BOTH Roman universalist AND White Christian, any more than it can ultimately be both White Christian and Talmudic. This is plain common sense fact.

  26. Dr. Daltstein, MD, is the Resident Re-Educator.

    Muh doctor. I really don’t think Dalton is a jew, although he acts like one with his constant projections onto others of his internal mental and psychological issues, a defense mechanism he developed from having been raised in a cult. Judaism wasn’t the cult though.

  27. Reynauld, I’m Daltonstein. It’s just Mosin’s pathetic way of denigrating me when he’s made to look small because of his profound willful ignorance.
    “Truth is self evident.” No, it isn’t. The Bible says to prove all things. Even God had to prove himself to mankind by the miracles he did that were mentioned in both Testaments.
    The venom you spit out against what you call “the elites” tells me that you have been dressed down because your little knowledge has puffed you up, and those with real knowledge put you in your place. Bummer, ain’t it?
    His side calls McGoldrick “conservative”. He did his homework on the groups that many ignorant people considered “Baptist” and found they fell short of the mark. Your rant about your opponents tells me more about your inadequacies as a learned person, than it does about them.
    NYYankees, if there’s anyone doing any big time projecting here , it’s you and Mosin. You’re constantly projecting your sexual hang ups about Jews and Blacks on to us, just like Mosin projects his hang ups about “papists” and Jews. You and Mosin come across as strident and hysterical ninnies. Please, give it a rest, and spare the rest of us your silly blather.

  28. ‘The venom you spit out against what you call “the elites” tells me that you have been dressed down’:

    That Elites exist and are evil is evident to anyone with experience, good will and common sense. But those who fight on the side of the Elites, such as Daltstein, work constantly to turn our attention from Them, hence his latest ploy of psychologising about my supposed ‘projecting’, and my ‘inadequacy’, etc.

    ‘“Truth is self evident.” No, it isn’t’:

    Yes, it is, in the sense of my statement that it doesn’t require citing human sources of authority. The Elites already have all the authority, but Truth is independent.

    ‘His side calls McGoldrick “conservative”’:

    Don’t tell me. I’ve actually heard him lecture, heard him pray, and though he sounds nice and extra spiritual, he’s still a false conservative helping to confuse, demoralise and destroy, NOT to conserve, White ethnic Christianity.

    ‘I really don’t think Dalton is a jew, although he acts like one’:

    I agree, NYYankees. ‘One drop’ is usually not enough by itself. The influence of the Papal Cult is also very harmful, and the synergy of the two must be considered.

  29. Anyone who says democracy cannot be successfully imposed on the Arab world at the point of a depleted uranium shell is a RACIST. Anyone who says that neo-conservatives are bloodthirsty crypto-Trotskyists drunk with self-importance, narcissism and windy rhetoric is an ANTISEMITE.

    “I think part of the problem in Iraq has not been too much neoconservatism – it’s that there’s been too little.” — from a href=”http://stanfordreview.org/old_archives/Archive/Volume_XXXIX/Issue_2/Features/features1.shtml”>”Neoconservatism: An Interview with Douglas Murray”.

  30. Mosin , your latest posting proves my points. You refuse to back up your claims with evidence. Oh, you’re willing to spit out bigoted and prejudiced opinions, but not real proofs of your claims.

  31. Where is your proof or evidence? You have no real proof or evidence that anyone should join or obey your Roman cult.

  32. You’re still proving my point. You still refuse to give any proof for your claims, all you do is basically say, “I don’t like him/her/ or it”. Prejudices and sectarian bigotry are your stock in trade. If someone differs with you, you don’t try to understand or investigate why that person thinks differently, you just slap a label on them and condemn them. I really feel sorry for you. It must be a lonely life with an attitude like that.

  33. ‘Prejudices and sectarian bigotry are your stock in trade. If someone differs with you, you don’t try to understand or investigate why that person thinks differently, you just slap a label on them and condemn them’:

    Roman propaganda is your stock in trade, and if anyone dares to differ, you launch into all your talking points.

  34. The fact that I do not desire jews and/or blacks is not a ‘hangup,’ Dalton. Who’s the ninny?

    Here is a quote from a poster on memoryhole, exposing the constant stream of faked jewmedia stories designed to divide white men and women, and abolish the Constitution:

    “Jane Velez-Mitchell unearths the truth, which is that sometimes a sleaze is just a sleaze, and a slut a slut:


    One of Deegan’s ‘victims’ has stated that her participation in his house of harlotry was completely consensual. So this is a case where the governmedia seems to be attempting to spin and embellish this case into something it clearly isn’t, so as to equate and even unfavorably compare white men to the Ariel Castros.

    Then we have the White Male ex-lover gone psycho meme, which can be mixed in with the White Male ex-soldier gone psycho meme, or any variety of White Male gone psycho profiles that TPTB love to warn us about:


    I’m not certain about this story, released two days ago, but it sorta smells funny. While gun rights people could argue that it proves armed civilians can prevent ‘mass shootings,’ it more powerfully suggests that innocent martyred white women would be better taken care of by the benevolent trained and armed agents of The State, whose heroic representative in this mini-drama remains anonymous. The reports brag about 100 eyewitnesses yet names not one that I’ve been able to find.

    There is a war being waged on our psyches as well as our bodies. We as white women must submit ourselves and our children wholly to the loving guidance of Big Brother, who has no agenda other than to defend us from mean, exploitative misogynist white-woman-murdering White Males aka Oppressors of the World.

    Someone needs to tell that to Pam Gentry, Kristin Warneke (raped and lynched by black men aka ‘home invaded’ whose motive the police and judge insisted in court was only to ‘rob’ them) and to so many other white women victims. Just days ago blonde Jordan Monasmith’s black assailant was acquitted after the cops purposely tampered with the evidence upon his arrest:


    She is incredibly lucky compared to most white women thus targeted, which just goes to show how dire and tragic the situation is for white people generally.”

    That Deegan guy is a white man falsely accused of sexually enslaving three women in his Florida home. White women who are angry and outraged about (real) crimes against them, disproportionately committed – and orchestrated – by non-whites, are not all ‘projecting’ ‘ninnies’ or ‘bitches.’ Important discussions deemed ‘silly blather’ by useless bloviating theologians on here take place all over the internet. But in the pro-white sphere white women are ‘wandering womb’ ‘hysterics’ (‘hysteria’ means wandering womb).

    You contribute nothing to pro-White, Dalton. In your world Jordan Monasmith would be ‘diagnosed,’ force-medicated, interned and sterilized instead of welcomed and encouraged to stand up for herself and her people. You have no place in any White future.

  35. You have proved my point again, you poor man. You’re incapable of thinking outside the box. You act just like the cult members I used to know years ago. I hope and pray some day God will knock down the sides of your box and set you free from your calcified thinking. It would be terrible for you to spend the rest of your life like that.

  36. You’re the one in or representing a box designed to contain all humanity. I’m much better read, open minded and reasonable than you want to paint me. It’s just that you work for our enemy….

  37. Lunatic leader of world’s largest cult continues war against White people.

    Mass migration one of the world’s ‘grave issues’ says Pope Francis who calls on governments to help them reach Europe and avoid any more tragedies
    PUBLISHED: 10:03 EST, 30 May 2014

    The pope has urged governments to help migrants reach Europe, to avoid more tragic shipwrecks in the Mediterranean.
    In a letter to the International Labour Conference, Francis said that mass migration was one of the ‘grave issues’ confronting our world today.
    After touching on the issue of unemployment, Francis wrote: ‘Another grave and related problem confronting our world is that of mass migration: the sheer numbers of men and women forced to seek work away from their homelands is a cause for concern.’
    He wrote to delegates, meeting in Geneva this week: ‘Despite their hopes for a better future, they frequently encounter mistrust and exclusion, to say nothing of experiencing tragedies and disasters.’

    Francis called for a ‘concerted effort …to encourage governments to facilitate the movement of migrants for the benefit of all, thus eliminating human trafficking and perilous travel conditions.’

    Italy with its southern-most island of Lampedusa just 80 miles off the north African coast, is the first port of call for those seeking new lives in Europe.
    More than 40,000 have made the crossing in recent months often on overcrowded and unseaworthy boats.

    Italy says at least HALF A MILLION more are awaiting a passage to Europe, in camps run by criminal gangs, on the coastline of Libya.

    He met new arrivals during a visit to Lampedusa last year calling for residents to show migrants ‘brotherly responsibility’ and has called for unused monasteries and convents to be used to accommodate them.

  38. Romano-Talmudic alliance? Jeepers, somebody ought to tell all the Catholics in Iraq who are being killed by both the Sunni and Shiites, that victory is assured! To see what’s really happening, go to http://shoebat.com Not a trace of Mosin’s fabled “Romano-Talmudic alliance.

  39. Actually I wrote ‘Romano-Talmudic elite’, not ‘Romano-Talmudic alliance’, and apostate Protestant ‘daughters of the Whore’ and various other religious backgrounds are also represented among the ranks of the power- and wealth-worshipping, ‘1/2 of 1%’, rootless-cosmopolitan global elite.

  40. Mosin Nagant says:

    ‘Sam, your frequent use of the term ‘mass migration’ reminded me of ‘migration Masses’: http://ncronline.org/news/peace-justice/border-mass-bishops-call-compassion-immigration-reform

    We are being inundated with these freaks.


    The Catholic Church from the leadership to the lay members are largely responsible for the displacement and destruction of the White citizens of this country.

    Not being content with destroying us slowly but surely they now have orchestrated (per the pope’s admonitions) a wholesale invasion of low life scum, criminals, illiterates, drug dealers, murderers and diseased ridden non-Whites across the border.

    Traitors and fools all!


  41. A Day in the World of Dalton:


    It’s the psych system and police state combined that will deliver us fully into the USSA. People promoting this ultimate agent of anti-White shouldn’t be accepted into any pro-White circle, period.

    Same police state doesn’t think the little redhead battered so viciously by a black teen is not a hate crime. Yet they were so concerned about blonde women when Elliot Rodger allegedly murdered classmates.

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