About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Oh and less than an hour away from Vernon, NJ, where Ethan Chaplin is being ‘reeducated’ or REMOVED from his home, the NAACP protests the ‘criminalization’ of black boys who tortured and killed a cat:

    But Dalton wants to diagnose Kerri Dalton, blonde woman stabbed 12 times in Middletown, NJ in 2013 by a black assailant with a history of torching cats, with some ‘mental illness;’ the psych system holds that all fair white women complaining about racial attacks against them are insane and all white men defending their people are domestic terrorists.

    Why is Dalton allowed on here? Do people not see how dangerous his projections are?

  2. My, my, my, I’m dangerous! And you’re ridiculous! Why on earth do you think I’d assume that Kerri Dalton or any other blonde woman would be mentally ill because she complained about a racial attack? No, I’d assume that her assailant was a psychopath based on the viciousness of the attack and his history of torching cats, regardless of his racial background.
    Why am I allowed here? I’m an intelligent commentator. Now, why are you allowed here? You and certain other Yankees are our comedy relief, NYY. Your hysterical blather is extremely funny. You ought to get a reality show. I’m sure the ratings would swamp Duck Dynasty. We Southron descended folks would watch it as a guilty pleasure, because it would confirm our deepest suspicions that Yankees are really nuts.

  3. Note that Dalton says NOTHING on this thread, and on this blog, against the Crusaders in Iraq. He mentions ‘the Muslim boot’, but never the Globalist boot that is crushing the peoples of Mesopotamia (Iraq) and many other regions on every continent, and causing extinctions of ethnic Christianities. Dalton’s constant silence about the extreme injustice speaks loudly.

    He rails against ‘Yankee’ Whites who originate north of the Mason Dixon Line, while he grew up north of the Line himself — and he regales us with the diversity of his half Saami (Lapp Eurasian) and one-drop Jewish ancestries and his Roman universalism and ‘feels sorry’ for ‘low church’ Christians who once predominated in the South, while claiming to support Southern culture on a Southern site!

  4. “Does anyone suspect that this drama unfolding in the middle east is mostly a pretext to get ‘us’ into that area, so ‘we’ can be ready to intervene between Russia and Ukraine/EU…and possibly between Greece/Russia and the EU?”

    NYY, that is EXACTLY what is going on.

  5. ““Truth is self evident.” No, it isn’t. The Bible says to prove all things. Even God had to prove himself to mankind by the miracles he did that were mentioned in both Testaments.”

    Dalton, alright. Here is some biblical and patristic analysis of your universalist CULT.


    Start your chewing muscles going. You’re going to be digesting this for a LONG time… if you truly are the intellect you claim to be.

    Mosin is merely standing up to your Papist BS rhetoric, and saying that the Emperor has no clothes.

    Well, he’s right.

  6. “Anyone who says democracy cannot be successfully imposed on the Arab world at the point of a depleted uranium shell is a RACIST. Anyone who says that neo-conservatives are bloodthirsty crypto-Trotskyists drunk with self-importance, narcissism and windy rhetoric is an ANTISEMITE.”

    Megalo…. your point?


  7. “Lunatic leader of world’s largest cult continues war against White people.

    Mass migration one of the world’s ‘grave issues’ says Pope Francis who calls on governments to help them reach Europe and avoid any more tragedies
    PUBLISHED: 10:03 EST, 30 May 2014”

    And this…

    “The Catholic Church from the leadership to the lay members are largely responsible for the displacement and destruction of the White citizens of this country.”

    Ssm, you are so clearly iterating the flip side of this statement, that it doesn’t even need refutation:

    ANY ROMANIST, PAPIST, ‘Vatican Ewww’ Advocate is a TRAITOR TO THE WEST.

    Not just America, not just Europe, to the entire HISTORY OF THE WEST. And they hang traitors, don’t they?

    The ROMANIST ‘faithful’ are the Judaized masses that now talk about ‘Vatican III,’ and ‘our pope’ and are the heirs of Kennedy, Obama, and all the rest, that allowed the protestant heresy of egalitarianism to run rampant, and Papists clearly now are, and always have been, ‘the first protestants,’ with their perversion of the Catholic Faith, Order, Priesthood, Sacraments, and historiography, which was ‘once given unto the saints.’

    As the Epistle from (even the modernist!) Greek Orthodox to ‘Franky the Last’ has noted, “We Orthodox desire union as determined by Christ- you Latins want union as determined by you…. And so, since you remain unrepentant and persevere in your heresies, we are obliged to sever all relations with you., etc.”

    Modern Rome is the whore that sits on the Beast of the EU. She is anathema.

  8. Well said, and a very good link, Fr John. ‘Holy Autocephalous Church of Greece’ sounds Biblical and fully ‘ethnic orthodox’ to me. While I was away, I missed the passing of your outstanding blog.

  9. Holy fucking shit! Religious posturing really is a paragon of impotence and circle jerking. pfft!

    Iraq? Muslims? White America(North or South) doesn’t need Iraq or Muslims. White America doesn’t need the Middle East or anything that doesn’t have some kind of historical or symbolic semblance of the White Western world. White America needs White Americans who want a White America. This should really be a simple matter of numbers and semantics for dummies, but religious talk always seems to fuck things up by obfuscating things to a point where the bigger picture becomes lost or pushed to the side, and pitting White man against White man for nothing more than bragging rights to whether or not one person’s superstitious crap is more relevant than the other person’s superstitious crap. Guess what? Neither person’s superstitious crap has slowed down the tsunami of non-White aggression.

  10. The only question of any significance regarding Iraq is: how do SN’s use this issue to further drive a wedge into the loyalties of most Southerners for the empire?

    That’s the first thing we should ask of any issue. It’s really the only question that matters.

  11. Celestial seasonings- are you ALWAYS this vulgar when you post on blogs?

    The discussion is about a Muslim State, and a godless state (Empire) in which we find ourselves embroiled as the de facto dhimmitude on the one side, and the fully culpable one, on the other.

    Religion ALWAYS has a place to play in any ethnic/tribal conflict- whether it is Sunni or Shia, Catholic or pagan. I didn’t start this discussion, but I sure as heck wanted to give it some direction, instead of a mudfest slung by Dalton and the others on this board, who can’t- or won’t listen to some of the cogent arguments that Mosin was making.

  12. “White America needs White Americans who want a White America.”

    I couldn’t agree more. But what KIND of America is it you are auguring for?

    A pagan, neo-con ‘multicultural paradise’ minus the darkies?

    Or a return to a moral, biblical, Christian world order?

    Like your grandparents had? Therein lies all the difference.

  13. Like your grandparents had? Therein lies all the difference.

    The difference is that you are posturing for a future world where everyone is dictated to by your own beliefs, and arguing the semantics of something that doesn’t even have legs or any kind of real-world momentum. You live in an either or world where White people are nothing more than slavish little minions who aren’t allowed to believe in something that differs from your own views. My grandparents never chastised me or anyone else for the beliefs they might or might not have had. They were nothing like you. Religion was much more personal to them. You are fucking crazy. It’s that simple. Religion is just the weapon you attack people with and the excuse you hide behind.

    So what KIND of America I’m arguing for at this point in time is a White America where religious zealots like you aren’t allowed to screw things up for everyone else. To you, I’m the anti-Christ. To me, I need no religious convictions to diagnose people like you, because I just see you as self-serving lunatics who believe in childish superstitions and fairy tales.

    John, has your god not answered your prayers? I assume people like me are cast in the same light as those “pagan/neo-cons” and “godless” people who you oppose, so shouldn’t people like you be winning and far ahead of people like me if you have god on your side? The more you pray and attack those that don’t march in lockstep to your exact standards, the further away from “winning” you get. And yet the truth is that a White America for either of us is perfectly parallel in it’s decline. Here we are in the same predicament, even though I don’t pray to people in the sky. That’s really an odd paradox for people like you. Odd, indeed! Maybe you’re not praying the right way?

  14. Dalton says:

    “Why am I allowed here? I’m an intelligent commentator.”

    Says who?

    “Now, why are you allowed here? You and certain other Yankees are our comedy relief, NYY. Your hysterical blather is extremely funny. ”

    So fair white women who complain about racial attacks against them are indeed hysterical, according to your worldview.

    “You ought to get a reality show. I’m sure the ratings would swamp Duck Dynasty. We Southron descended folks would watch it as a guilty pleasure, because it would confirm our deepest suspicions that Yankees are really nuts.”

    Since CofCC attempts to advocate on behalf of northerners, it’s unclear as to why someone who holds northerners in such contempt would be put in a position to represent them. Duck Dynasty is of no interest to me.

    The fact is, trying to bridge the gap between north and south just doesn’t work, as is demonstrated by Dalton’s post. CofCC should give up on trying to unite the regions, if that is part of it’s agenda. Schizos like Dalton or Rogers keep pretending they can speak for both northerners and southerners.

    They can’t. In the north we know that the jews are behind anti-white, just as most of us know that these hoaxes are vehicles to install total jewish supremacy. Southerners are focused mostly on battling blacks, while northerners usually see black violence as symptomatic of jewish orchestrations.

    I’ve tried to warn southerners about the powers and methods of the jew-run federal government. Southern-identified people like Dalton and Rogers (who lives in the south) only endanger my people with their lies about blacks attacking jews in NYC and in their defense the psych racket’s pathologization of whites.

  15. Southerners are focused mostly on battling blacks, while northerners usually see black violence as symptomatic of jewish orchestrations.

    If I were to use a generalization, I would say that Southerners’ focus is predicated by the amount of alien culture that is directly forced on us. We focus on blacks because there are a lot of them down here and they destroy the safety and viability of communities and cities whenever they get above 15% of the population. Death, taxes and black people bringing violence and and mayhem to communities—those are universal constants. You’re not looking over your shoulder or not walking down your street at night because of the likelihood of being robbed, raped or killed by a gang of Jews, are you?

    We also focus on illegals because there are a lot of them down here. No, they aren’t as likely to implode a community when they reach higher percentages as are blacks, but they are just as likely, if not more likely, to force their alien culture down the throats of White America. Jew fetish, whether it be pro-Jewish or anti-Jewish, is a real sickness that has done nothing positive for White people.

    A reality of laws being passed and institutions and businesses kowtowing to political correctness would not have been possible if not for a great big help from a lot of self-serving, meddling, lying, hypocritical, dysfunctional sacks of shit calling themselves White people. Truth be told, the White people in the North are much more culpable when it comes to this mess than are Southern Whites. I’m not trying to attack Northerners, just stating an undeniable fact.

    Everyone already knows about Jews. We’ve heard it a million and one times in a million and one different ways. The internet has been around for a long time now. You’re not warning Southerners of something that isn’t already known to them/us. Foreign and domestic policies are definitely disproportionally guided by Jews and Jewish interests, but Jews really are a tiny fraction of what we see as being a direct threat to our everyday lives. They really aren’t doing much more than what a bunch of sissy ass White people let them do.

  16. Celestial Times, say:

    “Jews really are a tiny fraction of what we see as being a direct threat to our everyday lives. They really aren’t doing much more than what a bunch of sissy ass White people let them do.”

    This isn’t true for northerners. Seems like every pro-white advocate who is a northerner views the problem as etiologizing in the jews. Name a northern public pro-white activist who doesn’t do this. I don’t even know any non-public ones who locate the root of the problem in blacks, hispanics or other non-whites.

    “You’re not looking over your shoulder or not walking down your street at night because of the likelihood of being robbed, raped or killed by a gang of Jews, are you?”

    Absolutely we are. The jews’ MO of hiding behind groups like the ‘italian’ or sicilian converso mafia, and the blacks and hispanics…these are machinations that are blatantly obvious to us, for the most part. Certainly they are to anyone who endeavors to challenge them. Jews are also a very different presentation in the north, especially in the northeast, as are blacks, who up here aren’t monolothic in their direct behaviors.

    If everyone knows so much about the jews, then why did Kyle Rogers parrot their obvious lies on several occasions regarding black on jewish crime in NYC? One doesn’t have to study crime in America to know that NYC is full of cameras. It has more than any other city in the country (I should look up the article citing exact stats). The CofCC didn’t know that the allegations of six jewish women being knockout gamed last fall – with not one victim’s name or video to substantiate it – were a transparent attempt by the jews to avoid whites realizing that they are the targets of black violence almost exclusively? Why is the Mad Jewess allowed on its blogroll? Would a black nationalist blog be included on there?

    You can’t really speak for how northerners see things, Celestial Times. What I see is a historical tendency on the part of the southerners to ally with jews in a regional conflict with the northerners. This stems from the perception that southern jews were on the side of southern whites in the Civil War (allegedly) and Jim Crow (a perception I’m 98% certain is false). One side is willing to unite with jews to fight blacks and other ‘coloreds.’ The other thinks the war is against the jews and that the ‘coloreds’ are more of a symptom of jewish malignancy.

    There is no real way to bridge this gap so far as I can see.

  17. Oh! I see Dalton the Jew is still Here, being a Jew.


    Once hey get there suckers in, only dynamite of Zyklon B will help….

    I am still wary of this ISIS crew – but The Neo Con War Monger JEWS are responsible for this mess. We have enough problems in the ruins of America. Most actual Americans of all Races (and that does not include Jews because Jews are Jews) want no part of this mess. WE know it’s a complete waste of blood and treasure. Actual Americans need to do what Hunter and the Missus are doing – making their own Volk.

    It is fun to behold the Big Jews go into High Hiss and Spit mode (which indicates that ISIS may be legit!). The Protocols of the Elders of Khazaria War Mongering is getting very little support. ISIS just nailed an oil field, and the possibility of ZOG inviting Iran into beddy by it just too funny – the Tea Party Patriotards are dumbfounded.

    I will applaud ISIS if they get all the way to Tel Aviv. Burn baby burn!

  18. Jordan Monasmith, blonde victim of the rape-and/or-strangle-a-white-bitch-game, has been experiencing emotional distress. Since she was attacked by a black sadist last month, she has seen some sort of reeducator twice a week. Then earlier in the week a mongoloid judge acquitted the groid, claiming Jordan’s testimony and that of the arresting cops wasn’t enough.

    The cops washed the groid’s clothes upon arresting him. Celestial Times, do you really believe this wasn’t intentional? Did the white cops who did this somehow collude with the perp? If not, then who was responsible for this purposeful destruction of the evidence that would have delivered justice to Jordan and safety to potential victims? Are you aware of how typical this sabotaging of white victims’ right to justice is by the cops, prosecutors and judges? Most of the guilty parties aren’t black, or hispanic.

    Now Jordan is even more emotionally traumatized. She knew this wasn’t ‘random’ or a ‘crack in the sidewalk.’ She had been jogging in a ‘safe’ area in the middle of the day when she was jumped from behind and almost choked to death; she was truly lucky to have been able to fight/scare off the teenage groid. But deep down Jordan knew that she was being targeted purposely and racially right in the light of the ‘safe by day’ public arena. She also knew, imo, that the cops had sabotaged her drive for justice when they destroyed the evidence by washing the perp’s clothes.

    The psych system will tell her she’s ‘mentally ill’ and genetically defective to heed and honor the inner sense of self preservation that knows she was attacked as a blonde WHITE NOT JEWISH woman and that the cops and the entire legal system is responsible for this racially motivated attack.

    And Dalton is in full agreement with them, and so is Kyle Rogers. This is why there can be no deals made with jew appeasers. It isn’t the foot soldier who wages war; he is only a pawn at the end of the day.

  19. Well Denise, I see your back. BTW, are you ever going to apologized for your libel of claiming the CoCC was being taken over by Jews, or are you going to continue spreading BS like you always do?

  20. http://www.scs.illinois.edu/~mcdonald/WorldHaplogroupsMaps.pdf Groups closely related to the relatively pure, nomadic ‘reindeer stock’ of Sami include the Nenets and Yakuts. Norway, Sweden and Finland all worked to destroy the Sami culture, and forbade the use of Sami language in schools, just as Cymric (Welsh) was forbidden in Britain, in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries — and Sweden went so far as to sterilize Sami women.

  21. An interesting subject: A compulsory sterilization project for Sami women may have continued in Sweden until 1975, and the Statens Institut for Rasbiologi (Race Biology) dug up Sami graves for research and museum specimens, and living Sami were sometimes forced to disrobe (sometimes at gunpoint) to take body measurements to prove racial theory. (Who says Scandinavian Whites are naturally non-racist?) Sami were also exhibited in zoos around the world along with their reindeer.

  22. In Norway, sterilisation policy in the early twentieth century focused mostly on the Roma people.

  23. “In Norway, sterilisation policy in the early twentieth century focused mostly on the Roma people.”

    As well it should have.

  24. The best option is probably to let these untermenschen savage Islamic sects slaughter each other. Show lots of ugly scenes of what these people do to each other as evidence why we shouldn’t let them in to our countries.

  25. President Obama has just sent 300 military “advisors” into Iraq. The Maliki government is asking the U.S. for tactical air support. John Kerry says the request “is not off the table.”

  26. What Mosin refers to as “ethnic Christianites” are (many of them) the national churches of the Chaldean Rite in Iraq, the Byzantine Rite in Armenia and Marionite Rite in Lebanon and Syria – all Rites of the Roman Catholic Church.

    So why don’t we hear anything about this from Pope Francis? Why didn’t we hear anything about this when he was in Israel banging the wall and laying the wreath at Yad Vashem? Why didn’t we hear anything from him on the subject of the Church in Palestine – Palestinians who worship according to the Latin Rite of the West.

    The answer to this subject is rather clear. Pope Francis wants to extinguish the holy faith of Tradition. The conversion of church buildings to refugee centres is only a cover story.

    He is a Marxist Jew and a Destroyer of the Tradition of the faith and Christians.

  27. The dreaded ‘ISIS’ is another Western backed, trained and Jew financed Western insurgency through Saudi proxies. It is Al CIA ‘duh on steroids and it will destroy the Church in Iraq – that is the Iraqi Christians of the ancient tradition of the Chaldean Rite of the Roman Catholic Church in Iraq.

    Pope Francis, that anti-Christ Marxist Jew, who weeps loud tears over the African pagans being immigrated into Europe won’t even deign to mention this terrible (glorious) martyrdom for the holy faith. He makes the angels weep and the Saviour of men vomit.

    Michael Chussudovsky of the Institute of Global Research sets it out for the sheeple.

  28. Jesus of Nazareth lived in the Roman province of Palestine located in the Eastern Roman Empire.

    Like everyone else in the East – he spoke Greek. This is the language of the Empire and the language of Palestine in the 1st century. The N.T. is written in this language and this document is written by those whose first language is the Greek of the Empire.

    Latin was the language of Rome itself and the language of its law and jurisprudence.

    Hebrew was the language of the synagogue and Judea and the Temple. Aramaic was the language of the Idumean Pharisees from Babylon. This is not to say that Judahite families of the House of David did not also converse in Aramaic.

    Aramaic speaking peoples of the East from the old Babylonian provinces of Lydia, Persia etc probably spoke Aramaic as a use language and when the Church was founded in those ethne they retained the use of Aramaic. The Chaldean Rite of the Roman Catholic Church has liturgies in old Aramaic.

  29. The Church has many Rites from the time of its founding. These Rites are according to ethnic / national identity. And you worship according to which Rite, Mosin?

  30. Dashing off comments too quickly, I failed to capitalise ‘He’. A mistake not a sin, Lynda.

  31. lol, one of them has accused me of being a jew…. that made me laugh. Mosin is a jew, Earl is jew…

  32. Mosin, two books.

    Hebrew is Greek, by Yahuda.
    Impossible to find. Borrow it from a library, and make a ‘reference copy’ for yourself.


    “The Orthodox Septuagint” by Dale E. Heath


    The first by a Jew, the second by a Protestant. Both clearly point to the fact that Christ did speak Greek as his ‘lingua franca,’ as well as the Predestinating hand of God via the H.S. in writing the LXX and the Greek N.T. in the same language.

    Hebrew should have NO PART in the Holy Books of the People of God.
    Let the Jewish dead bury the Jewish ‘Tanakh.’

  33. Actual Americans need to do what Hunter and the Missus are doing – making their own Volk. Words of a wise woman.
    BTW the baby is lovely.

  34. What do I admire about Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Oman?

    In each of these countries the governments demonstrate more dedication to improving the wellbeing and protecting the interests of their citizens than is seen in countries like the United States of America.
    To enter and to work in any of these countries the governments have set up stringent systems to prevent the inundation of their countries by immigrants or expatriate workers.

    These countries defend their frontiers against illegal immigrants. The idea that vast multitudes of foreigners could creep across their frontiers and freely take up residence in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Oman is unthinkable. Illegal immigrants who are detected quickly discover the penalties are draconian and the deportation process does not tolerate delays.

    In the United Arab Emirate merely overstaying one’s tourist visa by accident incurs a substantial daily fine. The fine must be paid before one can exit the country or obtain a new visa.

    Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Oman recognize immigrants and expatriate workers are possible sources of health risks for their citizens. Although citizens of advanced nations can enter the United Arab Emirates and Oman as tourists without a prior medical examination, Saudi Arabia is less liberal. All of these countries require foreigners who seek work to pass a medical examination.

    Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Oman also recognize foreigners might pose a security risk. Don’t expect to be allowed to live or work in these countries without providing them with an official report from the police in your home country proving you do not have a criminal record.

    Criminal behavior by non-citizens is subjected to the normal legal penalties. Serious misbehavior additionally entails prompt post-punishment deportation.

    Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Oman do not advertise for random immigrants on the Internet. They are not seeking to dilute their citizenship with unrestricted immigration from the four corners of the earth. They all share a common policy of replacing foreign workers with citizens in skilled and professional jobs.
    Saudi, Emirati and Omani employers must obtain government approval for any foreign employees they want to hire. The governments do not want immigrant workers taking jobs away from Saudis, Emiratis or Omanis.

    Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Oman are always opening more and more universities, colleges and technical training institutes for their citizens. They all subsidize the educations of their citizens abroad when the specialized training is not yet available in country.

    Education and training are available for non-citizens, but they are not free.
    Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Oman believe their national cultures and traditions are worth preserving. Students at all levels in state sponsored educational institutions are required to observe the national customs and traditions in dress and behavior. They do not dress, talk or walk like American gangbangers and prostitutes.

    Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Oman agree that the primary goal of government policies is to improve the lives of the members of the national community. 

  35. Ignoring the many and various contributions i assume are all from the SPLC.

    What’s interesting about the Iraq thing is the US neocons seem to be playing a different game to the Israelis. The neocons are still prattling on like it’s 2003 but i get the feeling the Israelis have moved on to thinking that they’ll never get the US to attack Iran and so are angling to magnify the Shia-Sunni civil war and undermine Iran that way instead.

    I’m not sure if it matters to us but if you start seeing Israelis cautioning against US involvement while neocons are still screeching for US attacks on Isis then that will be why.

  36. Us well educated Northerners who have experience inside of elite academic institutions, finance, law, the arts or media see with our own eyes how Jewish ethnic networks work to monopolize resources and undermine our interests.

    People who shop at Wal-Mart, not so much.

  37. “The destruction of Iraq … has made Iran into a regional superpower.”
    Iraq might look one way to WNs and a very different way to those who run things.
    1000 years ago Jews in Christian countries owned Muslim slaves and Jews in Muslim countries owned Christian slaves. Now Jews in Christian countries want to own Christian countries and Muslim countries. Divide and conquer financially.

  38. Mosin, I think it is known by anyone seriously interested in the subject, that in the ‘Galilee of the Gentiles’, the Koine Greek of the Eastern Empire (from the time of Alexander) was spoken. The Alexandrian Empire simply morphed into the Roman.
    It is not unusual for nations to be multi-lingual.

    It is fatuous to argue whether Jesus spoke Greek or Latin or Hebrew. In a multi-lingual society such as Palestine of the 1st century, the setting and situation would have determined the language or languages used.

    It is realistic to think that Jesus spoke the common language (Greek) to the crowds at the Decapolis. And he spoke Hebrew in the synagogues and in the Temple or in the debates with the Pharisees. He may even have spoken Latin at his trial under Pontius Pilate.

    I regard you, Mosin, as someone who simply has ideas about Christianity as an ideology. You argue in religious debates for the sake of arguing.

    Christianity is a Covenant and it has an order – the Church – which is composed of many Rites – some of those Rites belong exclusively to nations, like the Chaldean Rite . Extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

    Of course, Pope Francis, the Jew thinks Jesus was a Jew who was limited in his discourse to Hebrew and Aramaic. The Church is at present in the exact same situation as the Covenant of the people of Israel at the time of Christ when the Jews had captured the Chair of Moses in Jerusalem. The mess they created then is the mess they have created now.

  39. ‘He may even have spoken Latin’:

    Lynda, I agree that the Lord was/is multi-lingual, and God knows all things. He was not ‘limited in his discourse’, but He may have limited his discourse to what language the hearers could understand. It is possible He might have spoken Koine to Greek-speaking Gentiles.

    ‘You argue in religious debates for the sake of arguing’:

    I merely posted for your interest an Aramaic hymn that I like or appreciate, and noted that the ‘PROBABLE first language’ of Jesus and Palestine in the time of Jesus is becoming extinct, thanks to Crusades and Globalist interventions. Lynda, you work hard in your arguments here to convince Southern people and the world that there is no salvation without acknowledgement of the supremacy of ‘Peter’, the Roman Papal cultus — that everyone else, including ethno-national Orthodox Christians, who refuse to submit, and even consider it heresy, are really NOT Christian (‘extra ecclesiam’) and are bound for Hell (‘nulla salus’) without the aid of ‘Peter’.

    This is required reading for Southern Christian readers who think they want a religiously diverse future ethnostate including ‘good Southern Roman’ and ‘good Southern Talmudic’ elements: http://www.traditioninaction.org/religious/m013rpProtestantsChristians.html

    ‘Pius XII stated unequivocally: To be Christian one must be Roman. One must recognize the oneness of Christ’s Church that is governed by one successor of the Prince of the Apostles who is the Bishop of Rome, Christ’s Vicar on earth’.

  40. Enough of this historically ignorant speculation. The native tongue of Galilee in the first century A.D. was Aramaic and it remained the predominant language of the Near East up until the time of Muhammed. As a humble carpenter from rural Nazareth this would have been Jesus’s first tongue.

    All this talk of Greek is nonsense stemming from the fact that The Gospels were written in Greek decades after the stories they presume to tell. Even at that the early Greek versions are studded with Aramaic words especially of place names e.g. “Golgotha” and “Gethsemane”, especially in the Gospel of Mark.

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