About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The overall percentage of 24% is statistically driven by 34% of Hispanics in the Southwest wanting it, and they want it not for reasons we like.

  2. I suspect as America turns majority non-white that many Blue States will turn red as whites flee majority non-white areas and many Red States will turn blue due to Mexican immigration and/or the low birthrate of whites.Secession is inevitable. Today’s oddity will become tomorrow’s reality.

  3. Question Diversity: Any port in a storm.

    Any practical game plan would focus on Partition, rather than mere secession. Mexicans get their cut, blacks get their cut, conservative whites get their cut, and the cultural Marxists get their cut.

    The trouble as I see it is that every passing moment makes our slice of the pie smaller; “take back America” has failed, but they are slow to move on to Partition. Thus, the deal we could get today would look like pie in the sky 20 years from now. The definition of tragedy?

  4. Almost 1/2 of the whites in the south then.

    The map is slightly deceptive that way. The black respondents must have recoiled in horror at the question.

  5. The histrionics in the black population are reaching a peak in places like ST Louis.

    The crack up isn’t far off. There is something in the air.

    It’s impossible to have a jumped up black in the whitehouse commanding white boys in combat regiments in the ME and while the nigs are running amok in every city hating on WT. Something will give… The situation is utterly laughable.

  6. I agree with Afterthought. Whites in the South West need to move to Texas or some similar State, where they can bolster up the majority Southrons. There is no point for the remaining whites to stay in an 80% Hispanic California. Let them have the South West, because it will only weaken the United States and open the door for our own independence.

  7. @Afterthought

    “Blockbuster editorial in the New York Times:”

    Secession in Europe is the dismantling of the Nation State. That explains the NYT jerk-off to the idea.

    It’s not a surprise at all. they have to estroy Europe once and for all, so the more fragmented it is, the more occupied with infighting it is, the better.

    @Captain John

    “Almost 1/2 of the whites in the south then.
    The map is slightly deceptive that way. The black respondents must have recoiled in horror at the question.”

    Wht percentage of the US South is black? Looking at the individual states it’s less than 30%.

    Claiming that almost half of the whites is pro-secession -based on this statistics-, is simply factually wrong.

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