“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; in so much that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”
– Matthew 24:24 (King James Version)
Occidental Dissent readers should be familiar with the multitude of fake conservative, patriot, and “Christian” movements, organizations, and leaders in the United States.
From the “neoconservatives” to the Christian Zionists to the Rainbow Confederates, all kinds of movements target regular White Americans and pretend to be on our side, but nefariously work for an open borders immigration policy for hostile aliens or endless foreign wars for foreign interests like Israel. One year they have us fighting expensive foreign wars against secular Arabs in Iraq, Syria, and Libya. A few years later, it’s drone attacks and expensive new wars for the Kurds or for the handful of remaining secular Arabs against Islamic extremists.
The main argument of the neoconservative warmongers are using now goes something like this: “We must fight these terrible Islamic extremists in the Middle East, ISIS, before they launch terrible terrorist attacks in the United States.”
Real conservatives and nationalists argue that we should just prevent the Islamic extremists from immigrating to the United States and other Western countries in the first place. We should start deporting those that are already here. OTOH, the fake conservatives and fake Christians always manage to see to it that we don’t control immigration, and we are slandered and marginalized as terrible, disreputable RACISTS.
Since our national governments and “mainstream” conservative organizations are so corrupt, a growing number of “our people” are looking to separate and form smaller independent nations where we are actually in control of things, and which will protect the legitimate rights of our people in our historic lands.
Many Southern Nationalists and real American conservatives looked with hope and inspiration to the Scottish independence movement, but Scotland’s vote to secede from Great Britain just went down to defeat.
Was it real Scottish nationalism that was defeated? No.
A closer examination of the Scottish independence program shows they wanted to secede from Britain to be ruled from Brussels by the European Union, and submit to EU dictates on finance, labor and even hate speech/thought crimes tribunals. On the live or die issue of mass immigration, the Scottish National Party favored leftwing Swedish policies. Yes, they basically were inviting the entire world, including the Islamic Third World, to move to Scotland and be recognized as Scots!
It seems these Scottish Nationalists wanted independence from the English, but “union” with 200 million Pakistani and Algerian Muslims! This strange clan of SINO – “Scotsmen in Name Only” – were 110% opposed to RACISM. Under the twisted dictates of Cultural Marxism, only Whites, especially English Whites can be racists.
What’s going on here? It is yet another example of false nationalists profiting off popular discontent with the status quo. It appears to be the same thing with the various fake conservative and Christian movements here in the United States. The US establishment, which is anti-White, anti-Southern, anti-Christian, and anti-secession, dresses up the same politically correct, welfare state, open borders immigration, internationalist program in a conservative, patriotic, Christian jingoist disguise.
The disguise is somewhat effective – there is an implied “us” versus “them” – the “us” being ordinary, poor, White working class Scots against the “them” – evil, rich, middle class, conservative English – a historic enemy that goes way back in Scotland’s history. Under the flag of false nationalism (Ireland is another example), the enemy is always a perfectly healthy White European group, and never the nasty, child raping Pakistani Muslims, rioting negroes, black home invaders, diseased African refugees, or the Third World jihadists setting off explosions and beheading soldiers in the streets.
We’ve had quite a bit of this false nationalism in the United States over the century: corrupt elitists who wanted to go to war with Germany waved the US flag to fight the evil German Kaiser and avenge the German Huns cutting off the hands of Belgian babies, and so many of the same lies had us fighting another false patriotic World War against Germany and its allies in Finland, Italy, Croatia, and Hungary. As soon as the “Great Patriotic War” against Germany was over, we were ungulfed in another 60 year Cold War against our kinsmen the Russians (this includes two devastating hot wars against North Korea and North Vietnam), which culminated in the insanity of Reagan conservatives wasting the 1980s fighting the Russians in Afghanistan and Nicaragua, and arming nasty, cut throat jihadists.
How did that turn out for us in the long run? Not so good.
What’s the solution? The answer is real nationalism which promotes the legitimate interests of your own people while simultaneously being kind and fair to closely related groups of other White European people. Some of the most effective nationalists in Europe are doing just that right now, especially in France, Russia, and other parts of Eastern Europe. There is very little or no hatred for Germans among nationalists in France and Putin’s Russia.
Putin’s Russia pursues sound immigration policies (inviting South African Boer farmers, discouraging, evicting Muslim illegals from the Caucuses) while implementing a common sense, pro-Russian foreign policy in the Middle East by backing secular Arab forces like Syria’s Assad over throat cutting, head chopping Islamic extremists who are raping, enslaving, and exterminating Christians.
But remember … above all, avoid false Christs, false saviors, and false flags. And guys… Mel Gibson’s Braveheart isn’t honest history. All White English people aren’t cruel, evil, racists and rapists of poor, oppressed Scots. Braveheart, Schindler’s List, D’jango Unchained … that’s Hollywood stuff folks, not us.
There’s a few websites out there that debunk the Braveheart movie. At best it is anti-English propaganda, made by a fellow with a chip on his shoulder.
I would still have liked to see the Scots go, since they are what powers the Labour Party in Britain. Also, I don’t think people protected from diversity in one part of a country, should be allowed to force it on people, in another part of the country. If you vote for diversity, you should experience it first hand.
This rule always seems to hold true:
“White tolerance for diversity, is inversely proportional to their proximity to it.”
Perhaps the solution is genuine English nationalists, seceding from Scotland?
False French Nationalist Nicolas Sarkozy.
The article linked to below from the Phialdelphia Jewish Voice is quite educational. You’ll discover where his true sentiments lie.
Same ol’ story.
(snip) During Sarkozy’s childhood, his father refused to give any financial support, so the family lived in a small mansion owned by Sarkozy’s grandfather, Benedict Mallah.
According to Sarkozy, his faithfully Gaullist Jewish grandfather was more of an influence than his own father, whom he rarely saw. Sarkozy was however raised in the Catholic faith of his household but the Jewish soul of his grandfather enlightened him throughout his childhood. (snip)
Sarkozy: Anti-Semitism cannot be accepted because hatred of the Jews is unacceptable. Anti-Semitism is not the problem of the Jews. It is the problem of the French Republic and its institutions. Each time a Jew is insulted, it is spitting on the Républican values.”
Sarkozy’s efforts toward fighting anti-Semitism had been recognized by the American Jewish community: in 2003, the Simon Wiesenthal center gave him a prize to honor his courage. And in 2004, David Harris, Director of the American Jewish Committee, recognized Sarkozy as a man of charisma, vision, and dynamism.
Back home in March 2006, as Minister of Interior, he was awarded the prize of Homme Politique de l’Année, Political Man of the Year, by the UPJF, Union of Jewish Professionals of France.
Because Sarkozy showed certain continuity in his action and presented himself as a friend of Jews and of Israel, he became the natural candidate of Jewish voters. (snip)
Many false conservatives are well-off old people who want to protect their pensions. It is them who caused Scotland to lose the referendum. They are the same kind of people who got Sarkozy elected in France a few years ago and may reelect him next time. They simply want to avoid any political turmoil, and to maintain their revenues for another twenty years until they die of old age. They don’t care that there won’t be a country left for their children and grand-children. The Jewish media did everything they could to scare those old people into voting NO.
“they wanted to secede from Britain to be ruled from Brussels by the European Union”
The Scots are already ruled from Brussels as well as from London.
“they basically were inviting the entire world, including the Islamic Third World, to move to Scotland and be recognized as Scots!”
That is exactly the policy being implemented NOW all over the UK.
“It seems these Scottish Nationalists wanted independence from the English, but “union” with 200 million Pakistani and Algerian Muslims!”
Salmond supports race-replacement, and so does the UK government. But 95% of the Scots who voted for independence oppose race-replacement.
“Under the flag of false nationalism (Ireland is another example), the enemy is always a perfectly healthy White European group, and never the nasty, child raping Pakistani Muslims”
And under Jack Ryan’s false flag, the enemy is the healthy white Scottish nationalist. As if Scottish nationalists were responsible for swamping Britain with third-world immigrants. News flash: It’s the Jews! Not the Scots.
“The answer is real nationalism which promotes the legitimate interests of your own people while simultaneously being kind and fair to closely related groups of other White European people.”
Scotland is an old nation. Everywhere in the world, nationalism is a synonym for getting national independence. The idea that the real nationalists are those who want to be enslaved by the English is ridiculous. You are not being kind and fair to the Scots. You actually support English imperialism. Boo!
That’s an anti-Scottish comment!
England’s race-replacement policy is not specific to the Labour Party. It is also enforced by the Conservative Party. The reason is Jewish influence, not Scottish leftism. And the reason the Scots are a bunch of leftists is that they watch too much English TV, which is controlled by the Jews. But even though they vote for Labour, the overwhelming majority of them oppose race-replacement. The idea that they support mass-immigration to England and not to Scotland is ridiculous. They do not support mass-immigration anywhere.
The situation is the same in France and in the USA. In both countries, the two main political parties support race-replacement, even though most voters are against it.
Elaborate but Gibson was sucking up to Jews with his portrayal of Edward I.
Great piece, Jack!
Sarkozy has a lot of nerve portraying himself as some sort of “political change.”
How can someone who used to be President and was defeated two years ago be “change?”
If Marine Le Pen and the FN wasn’t polling very well, he wouldn’t be getting back into politics.
Re Syria: I have to laugh at this notion that now we’re arming “moderate” rebels in Syria, people who are supposedly against both Assad and ISIS. Maybe there are such people, and maybe they are bona fide in being against both Assad and ISIS. But it does not matter: They want to weaken and topple Assad, the disparate impact of which will be to help ISIS. Our real world choice in Syria is either Assad or ISIS.
Actually that reminds me of the several months in Russian history between the fall of the Czar and the rise of the Bolsheviks. Most people who think they know something about history thinks that the Bolsheviks directly toppled the Czar and took power from him. Some people might know that there was a placeholder between the two named Kerensky, and in fact Kerensky’s name has become an adjective for a less radical placeholder for a more radical future regime. But the truth is there were two provisional governments between the Czar and the Bolsheviks, Kerensky’s being the second one. The first one was led by Georgy Lvov, and he wanted Russia to become a democratic republic. His government did not last, probably because democratic republics of the American and northwestern European style are too weak for effective governance of Russians.
And that’s relevant to Syria, because even if these moderate rebels take power, the system they set up, while it will sound like music to our ears, will be too weak for actual day to day governing in Syria, and eventually fall, most likely to ISIS.
Thomas Paine says:
September 25, 2014 at 12:38 am
Great piece, Jack!
Jack replies:
Thanks Thomas, I am indeed honored by the support of my faithful readers… which I can count on my left hand.
I thought this was one of my best, but I must credit my editor Hunter Wallace who cut this down to the essentials.
My original piece was rambling all over the place and actually included one of the Protocols of Zion specifying a false opposition to their dictatorship.
Glad, I didn’t try to post that on my own.
Did you like the New Testament quote from Matthew about “False Christs”?
I like to include Biblical references to Southern readers. I thought I nailed that disgusting filthy rich CEO of Tyson Foods with the NT quote of Jesus getting in the face of selfish rich people.
Thanks again Thomas – I do really appreciate my few readers/supporters, as I have significantly more enemies, internet trolls.
I didn’t realize you wrote this article, Jack. I really liked it.
Jack, I appreciate Scripture reference although I’m NOT a Southern reader (and even if Scripture is not always applied or interpreted accurately, it is still true-in-itself and never ‘irrelevant’); the centre of the ‘Bible Belt’ might have drifted southward through the twentieth century, but it still crosses the border!
Re: identifying ‘false nationalists’:
Did you know the probably-false-WN internet clown ‘Ram Z Paul’ recently implied that Robert Ransdell is a clown and false WN?
I think William Wallace was one of the best subjects ever chosen for a Hollywood movie, although Hollywood is never accurate historically and was bound include the fabricated fornication scene (which I did not watch) to corrupt White viewers and smear the reputation of the otherwise upright White hero. But who can fault the choice of key question ‘What will you do without freedom’ and the final death cry? What will we do without freedom? If we lose the last trace of freedom that remains?
Of course Hollywood creates NOTHING but toxic, Talmudistic waste. Disconnect TV service permanently now if you haven’t already done so, and start picketing the local movie theatres, and join the fight against internet porn.
Edward the First was certainly one of the worst Norman tyrants. He invaded and conquered the remains of Cymru (Wales) and began centuries of cruel oppression of my fatherland — besides his cruel oppression of the Gaelic people of Scotland — and he disowned his English (Jewish) bankers ONLY to squeeze out every last drop of their money to pay for his extremely expensive, unjust wars — and only after he had made arrangements with some fresh new lenders on the Continent.
Quite a surprise to see a piece dealing with the Scottish ‘nationalist’ movement which is NOT anti-English. Thanks for this.
And it’s good to see that you got a couple of ‘Amens’ in addition to the usual anti-English grudge-bearing responses.
Someone mentions the need for English nationalism, but English nationalists (real ethnic English, not ”British”) are few and far-between, and are marginalised far more than the Celtic ‘nationalists’ who are given legitimacy and a voice in the controlled media. Yes, the real ethnic English need to have a voice, and weigh in on what is being done to their nation. Theirs is a voice that never gets heard somehow.
‘Real conservatives and nationalists argue that we should just prevent the Islamic extremists from immigrating to the United States and other Western countries in the first place. We should start deporting those that are already here. ”
Mr. Ryan- nice article. And I am that odd duck- a Scot who appreciates and loves the English culture, historic Church (Anglicanism), and her music… while remaining a Scot.
But your comment above, and the articles that HW writes, NEVER ADDRESS WITH OVERT STRATEGIES, exactly HOW, WHERE, WHEN, and with WHOM we are going to ‘take our culture back’!
For instance: If the South wants to secede, then we should all be working to MOVE TO THE SOUTH, to effect a ‘critical mass’ to be the voters that work for ‘change,’ much as the sodomites and lesbians moved to MN. to help the ‘gay (cough, hack) marriage’ thing to recently pass. They MOVED HERE TO DISPLACE the NATIVES.
Next, if one wants to unified, we need to leave the sodomite-friendly, and heretical church assemblies that are ‘rainbow’ affiliated: that means (at the very least) EACH AND EVERY WCC/NCC ‘synagogue of Satan’; (UCC, ELCA, UMC, PCUSA, TEC) and, as well, the Roman Cult (for Bergoglio is nothing but a tool of either Satan, the Modernists, or the Sodom clique… or all three. – Read Ann Barnhardt, if you prefer her to me, but you need to follow a spiritual leader with balls!) and, close to HW’s heart (for the articles he’s posted here on OD) the SBC, who has made worship of the Nigger (via ‘anti-[sic] racism’ blather) their first article of Faith. See Cambria’s column for confirmation of that fact.
Next, we need to start working toward something resembling a National/Social party platform, that excludes the darkies, and enfranchises the Whites, at all costs. You can call it whatever the hell you like (14 words, restoration of Christendom, the South shall rise again, Enoch Powell’s vision, Southrons, etc.) but you have to DO IT!
Oh yes. Holding protests with flags is one thing, but you still are on enemy territory, as long as you maintain the fiction that FEDGOV has a RIGHT to rule OVER US.
I’ve been waiting for three decades for a LEADER to come along, and yet, all we have is this internet ‘circling the wagons.’ I’m willing to do my part (and that part is the religious, submit to your elders, worship God, part) but y’all need to DO something, and not just talk about how Scottish independence was derailed by a Jewish multicultural bastard. We all know that, already. We need a solution, not a kaffeeklatsch.
I’m reminded of that saying of a Founding Father:
“We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” Statement at the signing of the Declaration of Independence (1776-07-04), quoted as an anecdote in The Works of Benjamin Franklin by Jared Sparks (1840).
They knew they were engaged in a WAR against the PTB in their days; do we?
Good comment, Formerly Known As. I for one am not anti-English, but anti-Tyranny. The Anglo-Saxon English majority of Britain has suffered even more than the ‘Celtic fringe’ minorities under the Norman-Roman-Talmudic yoke.
Logan Smith says:
September 25, 2014 at 4:17 am
I didn’t realize you wrote this article, Jack. I really liked it.”
Jack responds:
Thanks Logan. And please put in a good word for me with OD’s publisher/editor Hunter Wallace as I am always about one bad review away from getting fired/banned from OD.
I call em as I see them and I have been very vocal opposing things like the Ron and Ran Paul Libertarian cult. This R&R Paul Libertarian cult has made great inroads in to the minds and souls of otherwise solid White Americans. So often it’s like trying to convince proud Viet Nam War veterans that former Viet Nam War POW John McCain is really bad on immigration, Neo Con Jew wars – he’s their guy, a brave American warrior patriot and they just won’t hear anything bad about him. It’s the same with the R&R Paul Libertarians, or just Libertarians.
Did anyone else read Rand Paul’s ridiculous commentary in the Time Magazine Cover story on the Ferguson MO Black riots?
What a &$*&% idiot, traitor!
In this case, we’re dealing with a lifetime of propaganda, resentment – where Scottish and Irish people aren’t allowed to express their loyalty to their people and their culture, unless it is packaged in a PC resentment, hatred of middle class English, WASPs. Sadly, ZOG and cultural propaganda against the English, WASPs works.
Plus, Irish people, Scottish people, Irish Americans/Scottish Americans enjoy being on TV, enjoy being in the in crowd, going with the flow. Look how long regular Irish Americans stuck with the Kennedy family, even with the noxious Ted Kennedy out of tribal loyalty to their Irish clan.
As usual, Hunter has “nailed it.” His analysis of the whole Scottish Independence
movement is, in my opinion, on target. I watched the debate on C-Span. I read
commentary on the SNP website. I tried to slough off my original repulsion at the
socialism aspect of the movement. I suppose, along with progressive socialism,
inevitably comes the recruitment of multicultural and diverse hordes to widen the
(false) nationalist base of Scotland…had they won. I was still pulling for their
movement…..for selfish reasons: a successful nationalist movement would give
courage to other groups. But, I retained pessimism because of vote-rigging
that is rampant in all democratic societies. And, videos have emerged to show
the high probability of Scottish vote-rigging. Anyhow, your analysis is astute!
You mentioned authentic ethnic nationalism and pro-european organization and cooperation. NPI is helping to host a conference for identitarians next week:
Another key point to understand here is that poor White people in Scotland, poor White people in the USA, unemployed White people, White people on the welfare dole – they resent and hate middle class, Conservative White people who look down on them, they want their failure, their low status in life to be blamed on “the system” and they are very, very receptive to appeals of resentment and class envy from Marxists, socialists etc. And this is very important to understand:
The White poor, White unemployed hate the White middle class – not super wealthy people, who thay want to be rich. The White poor, Whites on the dole want to be like Donald Trump and bully employees – saying “your fired”. The unemployed, Whites on the welfare dole envision some way that they or their chldren will become wealthy soccer stars, pop musicians (including rap singers) or successful criminals, gangsters, drug dealers, or just win the lottery.
It’s reality that poor, lower class Scottish people vote Labor party instead of Conservative Torrie.
So any posibly successful nationalist movement, party is going to have to be more socialistic, populist – tap in to this class envy and hatred. Libertarianism, economic conservatives stuff, this will have abot zero appeal to lower class Scots or really any poor Whites anywhere.
The British National Party tried to tap in to this. The very successful German National Socialist party did this and competed with the Communists for the hearts and minds of undemployed German workers.
Our folks in the US South, Southern Seperatists who think poor Whites in the South will always be on our side and resist socialist Lib Dem appeals for resentment of healthy, successful middle class – if the economy really tanks, watch us lose the White poor, including Southern White poor.
The White poor, Whites on the dole, want to be like Donald Trump and bully employees – saying “your fired”. The unemployed Whites on the welfare dole envision some way that they or their chldren will become wealthy soccer stars, pop musicians (including rap singers) or successful criminals, gangsters, drug dealers, or just win the lottery’:
I think you underestimate the wisdom of the majority of true, unmixed Whites, especially rural Whites who really are White, and Christian, who MUST live below the poverty line because they don’t have the right ‘skill’ to ‘create immense wealth’ in the cosmopolitan rat race. Many of us know all about the wealthy and powerful ‘1%’, and we really DON’T want to be like Them.
The Ron Paul candidacy though flawed and deficient was still far superiour to the Talmudistic, Muslim-hating Neocon warmonger Republican (Romney) that YOU supported — and just because a better candidate ‘can’t possibly win’ (like Robert Ransdell) doesn’t make him wrong and unworthy of support.
jean allen says:
September 25, 2014 at 1:38 pm
As usual, Hunter has “nailed it.”
Jack replies:
This was my article. Hunter edited it.
Hunter Wallace and Jack Ryan are two different people. Hunter went to Auburn, I went to Vanderbilt.
Hunter is happily married, the proud father of a healthy son – George. I am a confirmed bachelor. I don’t particularly care for the mis -educated, no fun Chicago women, they in return don’t like me.
‘Southern Seperatists who think poor Whites in the South will always be on our side and resist socialist Lib Dem appeals for resentment of healthy, successful middle class – if the economy really tanks, watch us lose the White poor, including Southern White poor’:
You are certain that the majority of Southern Whites are that thoroughly corrupted?
It’s as if a music channel only shows musicclips.
Southrons will never accept Socialism, because it goes against our very character.
I don’t know about poor whites hating the middle class and listening to Marxists. Never heard of this. Some poor whites work hard at crummy jobs and some poor whites don’t work and don’t worry about anything but smoking dope and drinking. But most whites know you have to get up and go to work to make money and if they do they get ahead.
If I may speak up for the Zionists, I argued loud and long against the intervention in Libya. I argued against the intervention in Syria too but there, you’re right, too many fellow Zionists had sore memories of the Hizbu’llah. (Even Zionists make mistakes.)
The reason to oppose Islam is because Islam has been opposing the West since “the West”‘s border was marked at Amida, Nisibis, and Nineveh. The didn’t stop at Amida, Nisibis, and Nineveh. They didn’t stop at Damascus. They didn’t stop at Antioch. They didn’t stop at Constantinople, at Toledo. They did stop at Poitiers and Vienna but only because non-Muslims united to stop them.
If stopping Islam means supporting the Jews when they are on our side, so be it. We can tell the Jews off to the extent they are not.
Zimriel – there are so many problems with White Gentile/Jewish relations that differences in Middle Eastern wars/foreign policy are fairly low down on the list.
The main issue/problem is that the American/Diasporah Jewish elite (media elite, financial elite, academic elite) overwhelmingly supports the demographic replacement of White Gentiles in the United States and everywhere remaining in the world.
It’s the “SERVES THEM RIGHT” Jewish mentality for our supposed passed sins in World War II, slavery, segregation, immigration quotas in the 1920s, quoatas for Jews at the Ivy League up through the 1960s.
Just notice the reality that Weinstein Brothers opened Django Unchained on Christmas Day – that was hate White people, genocidal sadistic porn movie that was opened nationally on Christmas Day! We’re talking extreme hatred here.
Here at OD we’ve documented the near universal F immigration grades of virtually all US Jewish Congressmen and US Senators – included the recently departed Jewish Senate Majority leader Eric Cantor – that as* *&$# was pulling an F immigration grade working for mass amnesty for 11-10 million illegals.
American Jews are so #($*&#((@ on immigration that the Jewish political/media elite even supports mass Muslim immigration in to the USA and Europe? Why would the Jews do that?
Why did multi multi $ millionaire Jewish financiers in New York like Jacob Schiff fund the Bolshevik revolution/coup/reign of terror?
The answer is that powerful Jewish elites do a lot of very hateful destructive things to White Gentiles – this was before World War II, so the justification was the Middle Ages, Spanish Inquisition or something – maybe Roman policies in the 1st century BC/AD.
The creation of the Jewish homeland in Palestine was supposed to solve most of these problems, but it apparently hasn’t.
We’re open to supporting, working with decent regular Jewish people here in the disunited states, in Europe – Apparently Jews in France are finally FINALLY starting to support French Nationalists against Algerian Arab Muslim throat cutters, rapists, mobs looking to do anti Jewish pogroms in France. Maybe that is what it takes.
I’ve written about the Al Sharpton led Black mob pogrom against Jewish people in Crown Heights Brooklyn NY in the early 1990s, that seemed to finally do the trick in New York City as NY Jews help vote in Mayor Guiliani and the Black criminal mob anarchy was ended, that is until now.
Jews always ask, why they are hated, or feared or resented. Well, I would say that now Jewish power elite support of mass 3rd world immigration including mass Muslim immigration is a leading cause.
Yeah, a lot of White Gentile Americans are pretty much dumb goyim, but others have figured things out.
We are firm but fair with Jews, Blacks, Asians even Muslims. The Bottom line is we are resisting our destruction, we will not suffer the fate of Whites in Santo Domingo/Haiti, Zimbabwe, Algeria, Constantinople without resistance.
We are resisting. We are doing what sane, nationalist Jews are doing in Israel – fighting for the survival of our people, our culture. And we don’t really care if Jews or anyone else like the National Council of LaRasa (THE RACE) calls us “RACIST”.
Armor writes
“England’s race-replacement policy is not specific to the Labour Party. It is also enforced by the Conservative Party. The reason is Jewish influence, not Scottish leftism.”
Jack replies:
No. You are simply wrong on this. It is a huge cop out to blame all of our problems on Jews, who are a very small (though powerful) minority in Great Britain and the United States.
We (I) at OD have documented the many, many specific White Gentile traitors to our people who strongly enabled the mass immigration of dangerous, alien immigrants (illegal and legal). Terrible traitors like Tyson Foods CEO Donnie Smith, selfish rancher – Cliven Burdy (defended by idiot patriot militias!), Ron and Rand Paul open borders libertarian loons, Rep. Paul Ryan who couldn’t even win his home state of Wisconsin, but bends over backwards to bond with fellow Larasa Catholic Rep. Guiterez in the worst barrio immigrant slums of Lib Dem Chicago! Jack Kemp, Dick Lugar, Orin Hatch, Chris Cannon, George W. Bush, George HW Bush, Old Dutch Ronald Reagan, LBJ – none of these horrible immigration traitors were/are Jews.
It’s our own White people doing this to us. And most of these terrible immigration traitors have not had to pay any personal punishment for their treason. If any Japanese leaders tried to replace the Japanese people with mass third world immigration into Japan, Japanese nationalists would slice the traitors in to tiny sushi meat! But, here in the USA and in Merry Old England, White immigration traitors mostly get a free pass.
Armor, I will make a sizable donation to American Renaissance or Vdare or OD if you get off your butt, stop blaming all our terrible problems on THE JEWS and actually do some effective real world activism against terrible White immigration traitors – how about a pie in the face? Leftists did that to Pym Fortyn. Here in the US, frustrated, constant talk, talk, talkers prefer to spend thousands on AR15s that are never used. We’d rather complain – blame the Jews.
Jack Ryan: “It is a huge cop out to blame all of our problems on Jews”
We are not talking about global warming and the Ebola virus. The subject is mainly race-replacement.
Here is a KMac quote about the Jewish law that opened the United States to third-world immigration in 1965: “The Irish were at best bit players in the 1965 act. The organization and the funding were entirely a project of the organized Jewish community.” (found on Alex Linder’s VNN Forum).
Similarly, in France, the laws against “racial hatred incitement” were the work of the Jews (especially the Licra organization), and they are now used by the Jews (especially in the Licra) to prosecute the anti-race-replacement activists.
Also, most white people oppose race-replacement but it is endlessly promoted by the media, and we know that most of the American media are jewish-owned.
“We (I) at OD have documented the many, many specific White Gentile traitors to our people”
Hunter Wallace has also documented the Jewish mischief. You should read his stuff.
“Ron and Rand Paul, Rep. Paul Ryan, Jack Kemp, Dick Lugar, Orin Hatch, Chris Cannon, George W. Bush, George HW Bush, Old Dutch Ronald Reagan, LBJ – none of these horrible immigration traitors were/are Jews.”
But none of them had any wish or any reason to hurt white people, and none of them came by themselves to the crazy idea that the moral thing to do was to kill the American nation by the means of race-replacement. So, why did they betray White people? They simply yielded to Jewish pressure.
“Terrible traitors like Tyson Foods CEO Donnie Smith”
I don’t believe in the big business theory of immigration. It doesn’t make sense.
“If any Japanese leaders tried to replace the Japanese people with mass third world immigration into Japan, Japanese nationalists would slice the traitors in to tiny sushi meat! But, here in the USA and in Merry Old England, White immigration traitors mostly get a free pass.”
I would slice the Jews into sushi meat too, but you won’t let me do it! It’s beyond me why you insist on giving them a free pass. America is going down the drain because too many people like you are giving the Jews a free pass.
Equally disgusting to see the the smug Middle Class reveling while the poor are starving. Interestingly, middle-class whites have these perverse ideology, that if you are poor, then it is completely your fault, in fact, if God loves you he will make you rich, therefore if you are poor, that is the sign that God doesn’t love you.
Middle class whites’s idol is Ayn Rand (jewess), and his philosophy of “me first, screw the rest”. It is especially interesting that the Church of Satan (LaVeyan satanism) is based on Ayn Rand’s teachings.
Also interesting to see how the members of the American elite consider Ayn Rand their guiding light, from Paul Ryan to the guy who beat Eric Cantor.
This is just jewish filth poisoning the minds. Sometimes I think that the average Middle Class American is the incarnation of Ebenezer Scrooge.
Most of them certainly were/are influenced by jews.
For example the 1965 immigration act was sponsored by the jew senator Jarvis from Jew York. Jews are always at the focal point of immigration and dismantling the Nation State. Also, they are the kingpins of the porn industry, it is a well established fact. They are the heads of the greatest media-outlets as well.
A quote from the porn producer Al Goldstein : “The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that CHRIST SUCKS.”
America is a totally judaized country. One has to accept basic facts.
‘Ron and Rand Paul, Paul Ryan, Jack Kemp, Dick Lugar, Orin Hatch, Chris Cannon, George W. Bush, George HW Bush, Old Dutch Ronald Reagan, LBJ — none of these horrible immigration traitors were/are Jews’:
Do the research, Jack. You’ll find some of these were more than one drop.
‘I don’t believe in the big business theory of immigration. It doesn’t make sense’:
Do the research, Armor. Corporate agribusiness is constantly pushing for open borders and celebrating the contributions and achievements of the latest group of slave imports and the advancement of previous groups to management and ownership.
However, industrial farming and even smaller scale farming done solely or primarily for profit is a kind of money-worship, and we know WHAT is the main root of money-worship.
‘It’s beyond me why you insist on giving them a free pass’:
Confirmed city dwellers who love urbanism give them a free pass because they are the main, key ingredient that makes urban life what it is. The continued existence of Hollywood, Talmudvision, pornography, free ‘love’ and divorce, usury, insurance and other forms of gambling, practical atheism, and everything else that city people love depends on continuing to give that free pass.
‘It is interesting to see how the members of the American elite consider Ayn Rand their guiding light’:
European Light, that proves they have no root of true Faith in themselves. The only possible reaction of a true Christian to Rosenbaum’s ‘philosophy’ of ‘virtuous’ Self-ishness, the exact opposite of Christ’s teaching and example, is extreme revulsion.
Zimriel says:
‘If stopping Islam means supporting the Jews when they are on our side, so be it. We can tell the Jews off to the extent they are not.’
Watch this very brief (3:48) and sickening video to discover who it is that orchestrates the massive influx of Muslims, Negroes and non-Whites into European countries.
Malmo Sweden is NOW the rape capital of the world.
Thanks Jews! We appreciate all you do for us.
Isn’t it time to – TELL THEM OFF?
“Corporate agribusiness is constantly pushing for open borders” (–Mosin Nagant)
How many millions in bribes did American politicians recently receive from agribusiness people? Probably not as much as they received from Sheldon Adelson.
By the way, the trade unions, which are supposed to defend the farm workers’ interests, are probably pushing for open borders too. That isn’t a sign that race-replacement is good for the workers. It’s a sign of Jewish interference.
What about the American Farm Bureau Federation, for example? No Jewish interference there? No federal interference either? What would happen to the agribusiness concern that starts a campaign against immigration? A lot of trouble, in my opinion.
Why would the Jews try to subvert Christianity if contemporary Christians treat them so well?
Exactly, Comrade.
It’s the result of a long process. I think the “opening the floodgates”-moment was this:
see also:
Of course the White Southern Christian Zios were always pro-jew, the State of Alabama recognized Israel in 1944.
Mosin, I did the research that you asked Jack to do on your ‘one drop Jews’ and guess what? As usual, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Surprise, surprise! The only thing that’s remotely ‘Jewish’ about these individuals is that they were friendly toward Jews or Jewish causes or interests. There’s absolutely no real proof any of these men have any Jewish ancestry. You are, because of your ridiculous biases and bigotries, are seeing Jews where there aren’t any.
comment deleted
If Scottish nationalism is false then why do Jews like Paul Krugman oppose it?
“The WASPs are the ultimate traitors of whites and should be treated as such.”
Jack responds:
This is typical and deadly.
Instead of closing ranks and fighting real aliens in our midsts we turn on some closely related White group say “It’s the ENGLISH, THE WASPS, THE MORMONS, CATHOLICS, YANKEES”.
In this case the English, WASPs are suppposedly to blame because they are on the side of the Jews – like so many White groups haven’t gone alone with the worst Jewish programs.
Did Southern poor boy Texan LBJ resist the anti White Jewish programs in 1965? Who signed the Civil Rights Bill? Who pushed through the 1965 Immigration Act that opene the flood gates.
Did the Irish Catholic elites in Massachusetts resist the 1960s Leftists, anti White Jewish programs? How about Ted Kennedy – did he resist forced busing in South Boston. Is the White leadership of the Catholic Church in America taking principled stands against mass illegal immigration.
ha, ha.
Folks, in these terrible, fallen world days – the key is to find any Whites who are actually on our side and who are doing something, anything effective to resist our replacement, our genocide.
League of the South is doing a good job.
Vdare.com is doing a good job.
NumbersUSA is doing a good job.
Nationalists in France, Switzerland and Russia are doing good jobs.
We have to stop whining and pointing fingers at perfectly decent groups of closely related White people.
No. Sorry – Scottish fake nationalists who spread hatred towards decent English people, but who embrace political servitude to the European Union and who welcome mass Pakistani Muslim immigration – these are not brave nationalists. They are fools and cowards – embracing false Christs.
Joe Walker writes:
“If Scottish nationalism is false then why do Jews like Paul Krugman oppose it?”
Jack responds.
Because Jews with access to the Lib media will write anything, be for and against anything. Why does the SPLC consider some milk toast Conservative group like Focus on the Family a “HATE GROUP”? A: they’ll smear any group of mostly White people.
These anti White Leftists groups even smear American Renaissance traitor of the year Rand Paul as an evil White Racist!
Joe Walker writes:
“The Anglo-Saxons are not a perfectly healthy white European group. They are the lackeys and allies of the Jews who are trying to destroy white people everywhere. It wasn’t the Irish or the Scots who made Benjamin Disraeli British prime minister. The WASPs are the ultimate traitors of whites and should be treated as such.”
Jack replies:
I debated simply deleting this terrible anti English, anti-WASP rant but decided to leave it up so other OD readers can understand what we are dealing with.
Instead of promoting the legitimate rights, culture of our own distinct White Indo European people and closing ranks against brutal, murderous, rapist 3rd world aliens, too many supposedly on our side fall down in to hating other groups of very closely related White Indo European peoples.
In this case – Scottish people and Irish people are supposed to yes HATE English/WASP people because….
This is sort of a new spin for White Irish and Scottish people should hate White English People, White WASPS – usually it’s some idiotic PC marxist lie that the Irish and Scottish are another oppressed minority group, oppressed by evil White English colonialists, evil ENGLISH RACISTS who also oppress Blacks in South Africa and Rhodesia. Blacks in America, Native American Indians, gays, lesbians, Muslim immigrants , womyn and transgendered something or other.
So if the Irish and Scots #1 enemy are White English/White American WASPs why do millions of Irish and Scots choose to immigrate to North America where Ehnglish/WASPs set up American civilization? Why did my ex wife Joan’s Irish family choose to move to yes –
Manchester England!
Yeah, the Irish are the largest minority group in England! The Irish must love English oppression, or else they would join their fellow oppressed 3rd world people in liberated Zimbabwe or the New South Africa (or Detroit, Birmingham AL, Memphis etc). I note that working class Irish prefer to live in English areas that are mostly working class English or middle class English – few choose to live in Pakistani Muslim areas – what gives? Why do the Irish choose to live amongst their English oppressors?
What are the Irish secretly RACISTS like the English. Do Irish Whites want to stay clear of Pakistani Muslim rape gangs, Black African polygamist immigrants infected with Ebola?
In their own personal lives – yes the Irish are practical White racialists like us.
But, in the PC political/media world – too many Irish and Scots insist they just HATE THE ENGLISH, or is it THE FRENCH, White Latter Day Saints, Mormons.
Or maybe….
THE AMISH! I hear some America Jew TV cable station is making propaganda shows about the Amish mafia – maybe some Irish and Scots can jump on that bandwagon.
But, real nationalists here on OD or in Scotland, will have non of this nonsense.
The English have treated Celts, “white monkeys”, as inferior to Teutons at times. Ireland clearly has a slightly lower IQ, but this is likely due to brain drain or the elite being killed off at some point as happened in Poland. And it’s rare that English celebrate the Celtic part of their heritage, which they would do if they were truly proud to be part Celtic.
English libertarianism today tends to assume the English are superior to the poor Celts who should simply work rather than call for socialism. And the English continue to praise divisive figures like Cromwell.
I think these sources of conflict should be acknowledged and then resolved. The English are part Celtic, and the path forward as a hammer, rather than an anvil, is for the English to embrace a complete British heritage while downplaying divisive figures of the past.
I’m part English, part Scottish, part Ulster, small part French. So I’m myself quite mixed, and I very much like what remains of the Celts. I wish more had endured from both the English and the Celts. Tolkien wrote LotR so we’d have a mythology.
But this conflict will never be resolved until the English step forward and embrace the Celts. Rather than dismissing Celtic heritage as fictional romanticism, they should embrace what of it exists.
Since the English language has become global, I recommend the British adopt Gaelic or Welsh as their ethnic language, a way to be distinct from the rest of the world. If everyone is an Englishman, then no one is.
Scottish support for mass immigration though is hatred. I don’t believe they support immigration for economic means. I believe they support it because they feel partly excluded as a fringe ethnicity rather than the core English ethnicity.
If Celtic nationalism is a divisive plot to divide the British, well the English response has been equally divisive.
No solution is possible until the English admit they’re capable of making a mistake, until the English make it clear that they embrace a complete British heritage, not exclusively English. As things stand, I doubt the English are capable of admitting they could ever make a mistake. They love their libertarianism. They love their divisive figures. And they have no respect for what little remains of the Celtic past. Prove me wrong. It is extremely important to me that these foreign hordes are thrown out of the British Isles and never again allowed to step foot on the sacred soil.
Weaver says:
September 28, 2014 at 3:20 pm
“Scottish support for mass immigration though is hatred. I don’t believe they support immigration for economic means. I believe they support it because they feel partly excluded as a fringe ethnicity rather than the core English ethnicity.”
Jack responds:
Or in other words….
Cutting off their nose to spite their (English/British) face!
Committing ethnic, cultural suicide to get back at some closely related White Indo European people who supposedly looked down on them in the past….
In other words, doing REALLY STUPID anti nationalism and dressing up this Ebola plagued, Islamic rapist, throat cutting genocide in some Hollywood fake nationalist Braveheart disquise!
If these dumb Scotts really want to get their heads cut off by nasty Muslim scum, they can go hiking in Algeria like the French guy did this week!
Hey Scotts, Irish – remember, you’re White!
Don’t lose your head on false nationalism, false Christs.
“Committing ethnic, cultural suicide to get back at some closely related White Indo European people who supposedly looked down on them in the past….”
If the English are not part-Celtic, then they should break away from the Scots and Welsh.
It’s up to the English. They say they’re Brits. They say they’re English. Which is it? They contradict themselves.
But it’s English vanity that is causing the break-up.
Nations should rule themselves. The English seem to want all of the British Isles to become English. At the same time, the English say that Brits aren’t like Continentals. So which is it? They don’t know. All they know is they blame the Celts.
Weaver, please lose your hatred of perfectly decent White English people.
Go hang out in Ebola infected Liberia , or Ferguson MO.
Go to the exact same spot White hating Amy Biehl was brutally murdered in the New South Africa.
These petty differences between English, Scotts, Irish – they are not in the grand scheme of things important at all.
Stop cutting off your nose to spite your face.