About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The truth is that Islam and a majority of the Muslim world are barbaric tyrants who have no regard for true Western thought and ideals. Add to that the proclivity of black society to push the envelope in terms of crime and chaos, and you have nothing but the recipe for a vicious cycle of violence that will continue to grow until you forcefully put it down. It’s like a wild animal with rabies — by the time you notice the symptoms, it’s already far too late for a cure. The only solution is a quick and decisive measure to make sure it doesn’t infect others.

    Conservatives, unfortunately, are gigantic pussies who care more about proselytizing for their religion and other pet projects than they do about speaking candidly on the all-to-obvious reality that black people inevitably screw up everything they come into contact with.

    There are certain elements within the anti-Islam camp that will talk about the threat of Muslims becoming more numerous and how Christianity is being replaced, but will completely ignore the absolute fact that More Blacks = More Crime & Destruction even if those blacks are much, much more likely to self-label themselves Christian. I guess the ruin of large swaths of territory in areas like Detroit, Memphis, St. Louis, Baltimore, DC, Chicago, New Orleans, Philadelphia, or any black area in the country only matter if that ruin and violence can be attributed to Islam….. but it can’t, now can it?

  2. Is radical Islam our biggest concern? Or is the black undertow our biggest concern?

    The answer is yes.

    This should put to rest concerns that Mohammed-al-Mosul waving a black ISIS flag is going to sneak into the country and set off a dirty bomb off in New York. They don’t need to; they can rely on the thousands upon thousands of free roaming malcontent ex-prison domestic black men that were indoctrinated in Prislam (“Prison” + “Islam”) to do their terrorism for them.

  3. I would definitely agree with the sentiment that Islam + black should be seen as no more of a threat than simply the country in a vacuum of a distinct Muslim population and a distinct black population who never cross paths. Even as completely separate entities, we all know what happens when either of those two gain a foothold in any area or sphere of influence. And even with the Muslims magically wiped from the continent, we’d still have the sucking chest wound of violence, chaos and atrophy caused by the rest of black society. It’s wasted energy to worry about which one is worse or how much worse it could get when these two primitive destroyers of logic and reason connect. They both need to be culled from civilized society with the same force.

    True racial nationalists(or anyone who holds themselves to higher standards of truth and reason) should be extremely skeptical of those people who put a lot of emphasis on Islam, while ignoring the mountain of evidence against black society.

  4. ‘It is interesting to see how the members of the American elite consider Ayn Rand their guiding light’:

    That shows they have no root of true Faith in themselves. The only possible reaction of a true Christian to Rosenbaum’s ‘philosophy’ of ‘virtuous’ Self-ishness is extreme revulsion.

  5. I noticed that white radical activists from Chicago and other places in the deep North were trying to stir up violence in Ferguson, Missouri. The last thing we need is more disaffection being sowed among the Black masses. Blacks left to their own devices are more of a threat to themselves, than anyone else. Yankees are always scolding Southerners for not letting go of the war, but apparently, as Ferguson has shown, they’re still fighting it. To their harm, as well as ours.

  6. And conservatives are always falling into the trap baited by leftists because conservatives always end up trying to perfect liberalism. Doesn’t matter if white conservatives are perfect or better than whomever it matters greatly if we are free from oppressive Political Correctness and the menace of Islam and idiot coloreds like this POS

  7. James Owen wrote:

    I noticed that white radical activists from Chicago and other places in the deep North were trying to stir up violence in Ferguson, Missouri.

    I respond:

    Sure, they might have gone there to get in on the action, to have pictures of themselves taken while there so they can put up on their websites, all to help fill their tip jars. But they weren’t anywhere near the cause of the violence. That was entirely the fault of the local black undertow.

    Some of our people or our kind of people or our kind-ish of people have this fancy notion that black riots only start when far left white do-badders swoop in and stir things up. As if blacks are so peaceful and serene that they need that much provocation.

  8. The question yet to be asked, is this: ” IF Islam is a counterfeit religion, totally devoted to the eradication of the ‘blue-eyed’ (Yes, that term is in the Koh-ran for Christians)

    cf: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/english/english-koran-20-102-says-gather-the-blue-eyed-for-punishment-kissinger-organized-euromed-concept-in-1973-to-flood-europe-with-muslims

    then clearly, what we have with the joining of the sons of the Niger with the Hagarenes is purposeful, pre-meditated GENOCIDE of Whites. Can we launch a class action lawsuit to deport all members of these two HATIN’ groups?

    Just sayin’……

  9. Question Diversity, I had seen that Gregory Hood treatment of Rosenbaum before. It begins: ‘The story is clichéd. A teenager discovers a book. It challenges his religion. It rips apart his morality. He radically changes his behavior within days. The path of his life is forever altered. As Jerome Tuccille titled his book about the libertarian movement, “It Usually Begins with Ayn Rand”. Even a casual glance at the American scene shows Rand’s influence is growing. Sales of Atlas Shrugged are brisk, and Rand’s magnum opus is consistently ranked in polls as one of the most influential books in Americans’ lives, just behind the Bible’.

    But the reason WHY the ‘clichéd teenagers’ fall for Rosenbaum’s hypnosis is that they lack, don’t read, or don’t believe the Bible. For another example, similar but on a much lesser scale, ‘Roy Masters’ (Reuben Obermeister) has been able to deceive unregenerate Whites with a similar Talmudic sophistry — and there are many other examples of this ‘strong delusion’ I could cite! I don’t agree with Hood that she had ‘a heretical kernel of a White nationalist sense of life’ — nor that ‘it remains for White advocates to take her ideas to conclusions she could not have expected, including White identity and racial nationalism’. ‘Rand’ was no more a ‘proto-WN’ than ‘Masters’ is a heretical Christian.

  10. Re: ‘Shoebat’:

    Pamela Geller and other pro-Zionist Muslim bashers also think he’s great. Our tax dollars and some churches’ offerings pay him to stir up Whites to greater fear and hate against Muslims to make us want to continue, and even to expand, the bankrupting, unjust, anti-Christian, endless global war. Ron Paul has rightly noted that there was never even one ‘act of Muslim terrorism’ against Americans on American soil until 1968, when the Kennedy was shot, which was AFTER the U.S.A. became the main military supporter and weapons supplier for Israel in its war against the Palestinians.

  11. Fr. John+,

    wow thanks for that tip! I had never heard Islam uses that term. However, if I blind a brown-eyed man, his eyes do turn bluish. So, perhaps this isn’t truly ethnic? I’m sure Nation of Islam reads it as meaning “white people” regardless (Farrakhan, who received an award from Obama’s church, explicitly called for genocide of whites in South Africa).

    Anyway our position has to be to drive the Muslims from our lands, not to defeat Islam itself. Globalism, whatever you want to call it, is our mutual enemy. Islam only threatens us if we let them in our societies. The Muslims would be an even greater threat if they became atheist globalists, which is what the neocons seem to want.

  12. Ah, Khalid Muhammad was apparently the one calling for genocide. He was at least Farrakhan’s assistant.

    Imagine if a white leader talked like him… The guy is bloodthirsty.

  13. Well, Weaver, I look at it this way. I read that someone on this forum thinks of the Greeks wanting to take Constantinople back as being a bit ‘extreme.’ But WHY?

    Constantinople was Greece’s greatest city for 1000 years. And the Greeks have long memories.

    The Hagarenes (what the Orthodox rightly call Muslims- sons of Hagar (the slave)) want to rule us, why should we not want to rule them? I don’t believe that ANY non-White has a claim to ANY part of the lands of this globe, as Scripture says, ‘The Earth and all its fulness is the Lord’s.’ Not Buddha’s, Mo-hammed, or the Rothschilds.

  14. ‘I don’t believe that ANY non-White has a claim to ANY part of the lands of this globe’:

    Even so, the crises of our declining numbers and loss of our own native lands continue unsolved.

    Otherwise, white skin and blue eyes belong naturally to higher latitudes with cool climates and long dark winters where our ancestral diet can be grown, and the diseases and parasites to which we are adapted exist.

  15. Mosin, I don’t agree with everything the Shoebat’s say, but they tell the truth about the demonic cult of Islam. And as from your claim the Shoebat’s are encouraging an endless war with Islam, balderdash! The Quran encourages an endless war with all Non-Muslims. The Shoebat’s are only sounding the alarm about the true nature of this hell-spawned sect. If, they as former Muslims, now Christians, didn’t tell the truth, they would be covering for a work of darkness.

  16. ‘The Shoebat’s are only sounding the alarm’:

    If it wasn’t for such Zionists, Zionist shills and miscellaneous war racket profiteers always ‘sounding the alarm’ to misinform Whites about Islam, we’d have much fewer enemies (perhaps none at all) willing to attack us at home, and thousands more White Southerners (and white northerners and white westerners) would not be dead or crippled now, and trillions of our hard-earned dollars would not have been stolen from us (directly through taxation and indirectly through inflation), wasted and lost forever — just to kill hundreds of thousands (and soon it could be millions) of mostly innocent Muslims (and Near Eastern Christians) to support Israel.

  17. The Palestinians (Muslim and Christian), the Iranian people, Saddam Hussein’s Iraq (a former ally against Iran), the peoples of Afghanistan, and Qaddafi’s Libya, etc. were great threats to our security here in the states, weren’t they?

  18. Fr. John+,

    I just want to preserve what territory we can. Imagine if Eastern European nations each fought for lands they’ve held before.

    If you only serve whites, who is white? Are Finns white? What about Huns?

    I don’t hold the racial positions you hold. I want to preserve the biodiversity. I want each nation to have pride and come to Christ at its own pace.

  19. Question Diversity says:
    September 26, 2014 at 8:43 pm
    Is radical Islam our biggest concern? Or is the black undertow our biggest concern?

    The answer is yes.

    This should put to rest concerns that Mohammed-al-Mosul waving a black ISIS flag is going to sneak into the country and set off a dirty bomb off in New York. They don’t need to; they can rely on the thousands upon thousands of free roaming malcontent ex-prison domestic black men that were indoctrinated in Prislam (“Prison” + “Islam”) to do their terrorism for them.”

    Jack replies:

    I use nasty, throat cutting, sexually grooming Paki Muslim, Jihad terrorist as my main propaganda enemy because it works. Virtually all sane Whites oppose this enemy.

    Only crazed White haters like Tim Wise and loon Libertarians like Ron and Rand Paul want to give full US Citizenship to Al Qaeda terrorist leaders Lin Yemen based on the technicality of birth right citizenship.

    When we oppose bad non White immigration, just point to 9-11-01 Mohamed Ata crew let in to our country on student visas, which they overstayed to become illegal immigrants. Ask regular Whites if they want that. We are the ones leading the movement to keep these people out, expel those that are here. We’re doing what the Swiss People’s Party does- that’s why the Swiss People’s Party is #1.

    Only conspiracy theory TRUTHER loons don’t get 9-11 right.

    I was out on Chicago overpasses with US Flag, Chicago flag and sign “Remember 9-11-01” .I received overwhelming support.

    Life isn’t complicated. Why make it so?

  20. Mosin, your claim that the Shoebat’s are misinforming people about Islam is a hoot! All they do is report on what the Muslims believe and do. And your claim that we would have fewer enemies if it wasn’t for those Zionists, their shills, and those war profiteers is pure fantasy. None of these groups existed when Islam has started to march against us from the time of Ol’ Mo himself. Their hellish creed makes them the enemies of every nation, race, religion, and ethnic group that isn’t Muslim. They must wage war on us, for we’re the house of war. And as for your argument from pity about all the people killed in our engagements with the Islamics, remember, they fired the first shot on 9/11. Our leadership may not be what we desire, but if they didn’t respond to that act of war, they would have been derelict in their duty not to respond to that attack. And sadly Mosin, blood has to be spilled by our side to get the job done. Hopefully, more muslim blood will soak the earth than ours.

  21. It is the same kind of innocent-appearing ‘just reporting what they believe and do’ that stirred up White emotions against the Germans and Japs (while the Italians invading Albania and Ethiopia were mostly overlooked) so much that it was possible to enter a World War.

    ‘Remember, they fired the first shot on 9/11’:

    You mean to distract us from recognising WHO designed and loaded that ‘shot’?

    ‘blood has to be spilled by our side to get the job done. Hopefully, more muslim blood will soak the earth than ours’:

    There is no such ‘job to be done’, or it will become a self-fulfilling false prophecy.

  22. It is notable that this Black beheader, and the 9/11 ‘pilot’ scapegoats, and the ISIS false flaggers were/are all extremely atypical, disobedient ‘Muslims’. Look further because neither Blacks nor Muslims will ever run Amerika or the world.

  23. “were all extremely atypical, disobedient Muslims.” Big whoop! To the best of my knowledge, the worldwide Muslim community still cheered their acts.
    As for your remarks in your other post, anyone who believes that the Muslims weren’t responsible for “that shot” isn’t living in the real world. A typical 9/11 ‘truther”.

  24. The religion of peace has in fact destroyed and assimilated whole civilizations. Everyone should be hoping the twin beasts of Islam and Judaism destroy each other.

  25. ‘Everyone should be hoping the twin beasts of Islam and Judaism destroy each other’:

    Supremacy manages ‘Submission’ (Islam) like Sauron managed Saruman to work together to destroy all that is GOOD. The ‘spirit of Mordor’ never self-destructs, and it IS endless war, and the U.S.A. is led by it.

    ‘the worldwide Muslim community still cheered their acts’:

    Of course they did, since New York City is in fact the second Tel Aviv. To help you understand why they cheered: a partial record of the destruction of Muslim Arabs by their Israeli ‘deathmasters’: http://occupiedpalestine.wordpress.com/2010/10/03/the-deathmasters-israeli-massacres-on-palestinians/

  26. Endless stories about Blacks running Amerika and The Muslim Threat are worse than boring. ‘They are diverting attention from the key problem to side problems (…) you can talk for a million years about black violence or arab immigration and it won’t change a thing’: http://www.dailystormer.com/shut-it-down-hungarian-government-attempts-to-ban-spencerfest-2014/comment-page-1/#comment-1214551 — and the same goes for placing ultimate blame on ‘Yankee’ north-of-the-Line Whites.

  27. I’m not a sympathiser, but someone who calls out those who use Muslims for a DISTRACTION tactic — and someone who opposes all those who wage these unjust wars against Muslims on behalf of Talmudism and force us to pay the TAXES for these new CRUSADES!

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