Real Child Actually Gunned Down In Chicago


Just the other day, we were talking about such a scenario over at Civil War Crossroads. The shooter has been identified as Pat Hines … the Black Undertow:

“But a little boy has been gunned down by Chicago street gangs — the shooter allegedly said, “I just hit a shorty, I just hit a shorty,” and there has been precious little national outrage over it. …

But practically none over Antonio Smith, who just before he was killed argued with his mom because she wouldn’t give him a cupcake. ….

“I don’t understand why people aren’t as outraged when a young child like this is executed on a street,” Alvarez said.

I asked: I didn’t see Al or Jesse on the South Side, did you?

“I agree with you,” she said. “I think that’s wrong because it’s young children being killed in minority communities and these activists need to be just as vocal and just as outraged … as they are when there’s a police shooting …”

For some reason, I doubt that Brooks Simpson or Spelunker will be weighing in on the death of the latest “shorty” in Chicago, Antonio Smith. They didn’t have anything to say either when 13-month-old “shorty” Antonio Santiago was shot to death in his stroller by the Black Undertow in Brunswick, GA over a year ago now.

Note: Wasn’t Garry McCarthy the guy who blamed Sarah Palin and the Pilgrims for gun violence in Chicago?

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Didn’t need to see the picture of the kid, to know the victim was black and the killer was black. The silence says everything.

    Professional race hustlers all know the rule: “A black life has no value, unless a white man takes it.”

  2. Liberal types only care about Blacks insofar as they can exploit them for political gain. Or use them as political weapons against other whites, whom they hate, and wish to dominate.

  3. The usual suspects (Sharpton et al) don’t say anything because they are at war and we are the enemy. Are “we” White America at war? Yes, with Putin and ISIS!

  4. Does it really matter that bad news about Blacks is not fully reported in the media, if ‘Black-run America’ thinking is really a blind alley distraction from the real problem?

  5. ‘Wasn’t Garry McCarthy the guy who blamed Sarah Palin and the Pilgrims for gun violence in Chicago’:

    Yes, chief Chicago law enforcer McCarthy said ‘this goes back 200-300 years to the time when the Pilgrims came here, and things developed from that’.

  6. “Didn’t see Al or Jesse”

    Hmph, I’m scratching my head wondering why Al or Jesse won’t show up at something which won’t help them accumulate fame or money or peddle anti-white narratives.

    I’m also scratching my head wondering why the police chief of a heavily black city, pretty much a politician in his own right, albeit a politician wearing a uniform with a badge, blames everyone but the black undertow for the crime that the black undertow causes.

  7. Southerners slandering my fair city of Chicago – saying we have brutal Black gang members that murder little children…

    How dare you!

  8. Question Diversity says:
    ‘I’m also scratching my head wondering why the police chief of a heavily black city, pretty much a politician in his own right, albeit a politician wearing a uniform with a badge, blames everyone but the black undertow for the crime that the black undertow causes.’

    Garry McCarthy was appointed Chicago Police Superintendent by Mayor Rahm Emanuel after his election.

    The chief is a marionette. Guess who pulls his strings?

  9. Sam

    I was being entirely facetious. Most big city police chiefs are stuck on the same kind of stupid because they are de facto politicians who are given their jobs by de jure politicians.

    This is why state control of the St. Louis City Police Department (until recently, unfortunately) was so beautiful. The Governor appointed four of the five commissioners, the fifth being the Mayor ex officio. Sure, Missouri has had some stinker Governors, present company included, but it’s also had some decent ones.

  10. Nope, sorry. No matter how young they are, no matter how hard they try to portray them as “cute”, they’re always and forever revoltingly ugly creatures.

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