About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. A member of the “liberian community” says “If you have common sense, you don’t stigmatize an entire community for a sickness”.

    It looks like the media and the “community” are going to make this an issue of
    “racism”; anybody who is concerned about the spread of the disease, or who tries to avoid contact, will be automatically “racist.”

    And I wonder what the old “American Colonization Society” of the 19th century would think if they knew what would become of the ‘nation’ they established for the returned slaves. Who could imagine that Liberia would re-colonize us.

  2. Remember also Yellow Fever, and the strain of African TB that is now thought to have been more responsible for the die-off of American Indians in the colonial period than smallpox.

  3. Sophisticated medical… first world… blah, blah, blah… Even as those lying sob’s were up there babbling away, the number of people exposed by allowing that diseased vector to fly here from nogville (AFTER HE KNOWING EXPOSED HIMSELF TO THE DISEASE) keeps climbing. Only 12(including 5 kids STILL IN CLASSROOMS) then 20 now 80…
    And now a child in RI has died from the enterovirus brought from SA and diliberately spread across the country by this administration. If my kid or grandkid died this way payback – starting with those who allowed these germ carriers into the school – would go on for as high up as I could reach for long as I lived.

  4. As if we didn’t have enough dysfunctional blacks..we have to import more?? Maybe we should send them to good old Israel.

  5. I would never trust the CDC about Ebola. They never told us the full story about AIDS, why should we trust them about this?

  6. emdfl says:

    ‘And now a child in RI has died from the enterovirus brought from SA and diliberately spread across the country by this administration.’

    It is amazing how many diseases are spreading across the USA thanks to our open borders and immigration policies.

    Perhaps , White dupes will start to wake from their slumber when they realize their families and children are suffering the consequences.

    Would be nice to hear the Republicans make a huge stink about this. Other than Jeff Sessions and a few others they are silent.

  7. Can’t we get RandPaul to hug an Ebola refugee?

    That’s completely inappropriate and such an awful thing to wish upon someone. Don’t you think the Ebola victim is going through enough pain and suffering?

    Rand Paul or Ebola…. not a choice I want to have to make in my lifetime.

  8. Last I looked at tv, they were IMPORTING people ALREADY sick w/ Ebola to treat at some hospital. This is so outrageous, really, that it has to be a sort of litmus test…like if the public doesn’t explode in reaction over this, then obviously they are totally under control.

    That’s it’s really intended in that manner is the only thing that makes sense—-as a gauge to show how utterly controlled and mindless the mobs are.

  9. Seriously,

    At what stage can policy makers simply be tried with murder?

    At what stage can they be held accountable, legally, in that way, for causing the deaths of people in the public (by knowingly producing the policies that have endangered people)?

  10. Indeed, as noted by Sam above, Republican candidates could be making a field day about this. Anti-immigration should be what they are running on to begin with, but add all the children dying from the South American diseases and now Ebola on our shores, they would be mopping up this November, particularly amongst mothers. They should be running a “fear campaign” and to hell about charges of “xenophobia” and “racism”. Say, “I’m doing this for the children and the safety of the American people.” But, alas, the Republicans are simply too paralyzed by the “more inclusive party” canard and the ultra-wealthy donors, that they will do nothing.

  11. Perhaps, White dupes will start to wake from their slumber when they realize their families and children are suffering the consequences.

    And perhaps water will start flowing uphill.

  12. I know many pro-whties think this is going to be a disaster. But there is a good reason why the feds are super calm, yet they do not want to admit it. They know Americans are not as un-hygienic as Africans. Even blacks in United States are like the Japanese in cleanliness in comparison to Africans. The ebolapocalypse in Africa is due to the fact that Africans are really dirty people. Africans touch dead bodies, eat anything from bat poop to bugs with their hands, have lots of sex that makes gay men seem puritanical in comparison, and piss everywhere.

    The Ebola outbreak is the byproduct of un-cleanliness. They even had African professor on the local TV in Dallas say in the most PC way that the disease would not spread in Texas because of hygiene practices. And I know many people will balk at what I am saying. Go into a long rant about how non-whites and people in general in the US are no different.

    However, the depravity in Africa makes San Francisco look like an Amish settlement. This disease will kill a few Africans and maybe a healthcare worker or two due to some accident. The feds are going to act like heroes in a couple of months when this blows over. However, even Nigeria was able to stop their Ebola outbreak to 20 people, even though their population is as dirty as the rest of Africa. It is not that hard when you have a few cases, and a mediocre government.

  13. What more is there to say about this guy other than even without ebola, he never should have been allowed to set foot in this country. Nothing about his application for a visa didn’t scream red flag.

  14. Hysteria over the Ebola virus in 2014, like the hysteria over the BP oil spill in 2010 (that some WNs expected would contaminate the entire Atlantic Ocean, and bring down The System!) is due to lack of science education. Ebola fear is another distraction from the main business at hand.

  15. Now there is a suspected Ebola carrier associated with Howard University in the hospital in Washington DC, and another suspected carrier in the Cobb County jail in Georgia, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution. This maybe harder to control than anyone knows.

  16. LiberalismFailed says:

    ‘Indeed, as noted by Sam above, Republican candidates could be making a field day about this. Anti-immigration should be what they are running on to begin with, but add all the children dying from the South American diseases and now Ebola on our shores, they would be mopping up this November, particularly amongst mothers. They should be running a “fear campaign” and to hell about charges of “xenophobia” and “racism”. Say, “I’m doing this for the children and the safety of the American people.” But, alas, the Republicans are simply too paralyzed by the “more inclusive party” canard and the ultra-wealthy donors, that they will do nothing.’

    Karl (loser) Rove doing his best to foil a winning hand, yet again.



    GOP establishment strategist and talking head Karl Rove conspicuously omitted illegal immigration in his advice to GOP Senate candidates on how to close the sale to voters in this year’s midterm elections.
    In a column in the Wall Street Journal, Rove urges Senate candidates to talk about “pro-growth policies like tax reform and regulatory relief, spending restraint to reduce the debt, health-care reforms to replace ObamaCare and energy policies like the Keystone XL pipeline” in addition to national defense.
    Republican Senate candidates like Scott Brown in New Hampshire and Tom Cotton in Arkansas started to surge after they made illegal immigration a campaign issue. Democrats like Sens. Kay Hagan (D-NC) and Mary Landrieu (D-LA) begged President Barack Obama to delay his executive amnesty because it was so unpopular with voters.
    A Gallup poll has found that illegal immigration is the top priority among Republicans. More Democrats are upset that the party is moving too quickly in trying to grant amnesty than are not and a majority of Democrats think illegal immigrant juveniles who have flooded across the border should not be eligible for taxpayer-funded government benefits. In a recent speech to the Congressional Black Caucus dinner, Obama made no mention of amnesty legislation, perhaps acknowledging that black voters are opposed to massive amnesty programs that would lower their wages and take away their jobs.
    Rove, who declared war on the Tea Party along with the pro-amnesty Chamber of Commerce and vowed to field candidates to defeat conservatives, recently whined that his establishment-approved candidates are struggling in races they should be leading and not raising enough money because voters are not enthusiastic about their tame, moderate candidacies.

  17. Can’t we get RandPaul to hug an Ebola refugee?

    That’s completely inappropriate and such an awful thing to wish upon someone.

    Why would you even PRETEND to consider the traitor Rand Paul to be worthy of ANY humanitarian sentiment, after his complete JEWIFICATION and utter repudiation of the family name that GOT HIM THAT SENATE SEAT, in the first place!?

    I laughed out loud at the idea, and applauded it. The Scripture have scorn as one of its primary means to mock the ungodly. Consider Psalm 2, a Messianic (Jesus) psalm:

    4″ He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
    5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
    8Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.
    9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.
    10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.
    11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
    12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.”

    The utter gracelessness of Rand Paul’s volte-face renders him one of the ‘heathen’ with which YHWH God laughs to scorn. Paul’s antics mock conservatism, the Bible Belt that voted him in, and the commandment NOT to ‘bear false witness.’

    He deserves every insult and imprecatory prayer that can be offered.

  18. Obama has ordered five thousand or more US troops into Ebola Land, as soon as enough of these troops are infected with Ebola Obama will order them back to the US so that they can infect this country with Ebola.

  19. When it has run its course through global-cosmopolitan urban areas, it will continue to smolder in its original natural reservoir of African bats and primates — and the hygiene and separation practiced by traditional rural Whites will continue to protect us.

  20. Goodness gracious!

    What convoluted thinking. We are so fortunate to have this (j-word) as director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


    Tom Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on Friday said restricting travel between the U.S. and West Africa would likely “backfire” and put Americans more at risk of contracting Ebola. (snip)

    “Even if we tried to close the border, it wouldn’t work,” the top health official added. “People have a right to return. People transiting through could come in. And it would backfire, because by isolating these countries, it’ll make it harder to help them, it will spread more there and we’d be more likely to be exposed here.”

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