OD In #Ferguson

I rode over to Ferguson this afternoon.

We had some camera issues and the weather was uncooperative (it has been raining for several days now), but we drove around the city and shot some video of the boarded up businesses on W. Florissant Avenue, the QuikTrip that was looted and destroyed by the Black Undertow, and the hundreds of “I Love Ferguson” signs which local residents have put up to protest the slanted media coverage.

Note: I will probably go back and shoot some more extensive video while I am still in St. Louis. We drove over to the Ferguson Police Department where we saw two lone protesters across the street.

Update: Here are some more videos: the mob that destroyed the QuikTrip in August, the mob that invaded Frontenac Plaza, and the New Black Panthers at the #Ferguson protests:

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. SE Ferguson, with all the apartment farms, is where all the trouble is. Back that out, and Ferguson is about half black half white and almost entirely owner occupied residential stock.

    The overall problem with Ferguson is that you don’t want to be white and start a family there, because the Ferguson-Florissant School District is very heavily black.

    • At this CofCC meeting this weekend, I talked for hours to a man who has lived in Ferguson for over forty years, and he told me pretty much the same story of how Ferguson’s decline was caused by busing and court ordered desegregation of the public schools.

  2. Another thing is that in your second video, actually going through the Fergaza Strip, you started in Jennings, not Ferguson. You crossed from Jennings into Ferguson at about the point where you saw the Family Dollar (formerly Walgreens) on your right. That’s why southeast Ferguson has more of a Jennings feel than it feels like the rest of Ferguson.

  3. This is a legitimate question.

    Are all Blacks part of the “Black Undertow” in your opinion? You write the “Black Undertow” quite frequently. It would be helpful to understand exactly who you are referring to. For instance, we know that the woman in the video peeing on the bus is part of the “Black Undertow”, according to you, but is the Black mother or father who are working hard and doing their best to provide a good life for their children part of the “Black Undertow”? In my mind, it seems to me that you a referring to Black people who cause problems. So a Black person who is a pedophile would be part of the “Black Undertow”, but what about the Black Harvard graduate who makes 6 figures and sends his children to private school, “Black Undertow”? Are you generalizing all Blacks into one category or do you make a distinction?

  4. The Black Undertow is the negative counterpart of the “Talented Tenth.”


    The term refers to the bottom quarter of the black population, the social dysfunction associated with this group, and specifically to the negative impact it collectively has on civilization as measured in things like crime rates, poverty, unemployment, public school performance, the quality of public transportation, commerce, property value, the tax base, etc.

    No, the Black Undertow doesn’t refer to every black person, but black people (and White leftists) make excuses for the Black Undertow (i.e., Michael Brown, Vonderrit Myers, Jr.) out of racial solidarity. No one is victimized more by the Black Undertow than other black people who flee the conditions created by the Black Undertow (see places like North St. Louis or Detroit which is the ultimate example) whenever they have the means to do so.

  5. I’m glad the questioned was asked.
    It is the excusing out of racial solidarity, predictable in 1960, e.g.
    before the main part of the forced integration “Civil Rights” legislation was
    enacted and enforced, which makes federally forced integration egregiously onerous
    and worthy of resistance.

  6. No one is victimized more by the Black Undertow than other black people who flee the conditions created by the Black Undertow (see places like North St. Louis or Detroit which is the ultimate example) whenever they have the means to do so.

    …….and don’t forget that when they decide to flee, they generally look for Whiter communities. When their percentages reach critical mass — the point where black people have more control and influence over the political and cultural landscape — these once safe and viable communities start to resemble the very thing that the first wave of black people moved away from. It’s a cycle that is never broken. It just keeps gobbling up street after street, neighborhood after neighborhood, city after city, on and on until it rots out the whole country. And it always starts with talk about those “decent and good” black people that just moved in to the neighborhood.

    More blacks = more crime, violence, ignorance, incompetence and atrophy. I see any kind of distinction trying to be made as to whether or not there are “good” blacks as nothing more than a distraction and diversion from this absolute truth. They are obviously not “good enough” to counter the bad elements that exist in their communities.

  7. So you do draw a distinction then. We can both agree that there are good and bad people in different ethnic groups. Is that right? I’m willing to agree that there are bad apples in every ethnic group. Could we agree on that?

    • It would be more accurate to say there are bad apples, bad oranges, and bad bananas within each respective group. The amount of “senseless violence” (that’s always the term that is used) within the White community or Asian community varies radically from the amount within the black community. This is due to qualities like intelligence, impulsiveness, future time orientation, etc.

      In Birmingham and Atlanta, for example, I discovered that every single person arrested for homicide in the year that I looked was black. Last time I checked, the last White person arrested for homicide in Birmingham was a drunk driver. I’m not sure how it has changed in the years since then, but I don’t imagine it has changed that much. I’m sure blacks are still committing violent crime there at an extraordinary disproportionate rate.

  8. When you say “conditions created by the Black Undertow”, do you mean to say that the conditions created in some parts of present day Baltimore for instance, only Blacks are responsible? It sounds to me that you believe the conditions that exist in some blighted areas can be attributed to Blacks and Blacks only, is that a correct statement?

  9. “Talented” Tenth in black terms is relative. Assume median IQ 85 standard deviation 12, and 101 IQ puts you at the top ten percentile of blacks. Which means an average white person is a talented tenth black person.

  10. Just a point of clarification, do you mean to say that Whites for instance are apples, Blacks are oranges, or do you mean to say that within the White group there are apples, oranges, bananas, pears… I think I was referring in my case to the former. I would like to point out though, that in the case of the former, there are also bad apple/orange hybrids. Would you agree?

    Without having numbers in front of me, I suspect that on your point of the amount of “senseless violence” disparity, you’re probably right.

    If you don’t mind me asking, which year was it that you looked at and would you mind sharing where you looked. I’d prefer to agree on these points before we discuss them.

    Also, before we go any further, have you ever known me to make excuses for groups of people or individuals?

  11. Celestial Time says:

    ‘…….and don’t forget that when they decide to flee, they generally look for Whiter communities. When their percentages reach critical mass — the point where black people have more control and influence over the political and cultural landscape — these once safe and viable communities start to resemble the very thing that the first wave of black people moved away from. It’s a cycle that is never broken. It just keeps gobbling up street after street, neighborhood after neighborhood, city after city, on and on until it rots out the whole country. And it always starts with talk about those “decent and good” black people that just moved in to the neighborhood.

    More blacks = more crime, violence, ignorance, incompetence and atrophy. I see any kind of distinction trying to be made as to whether or not there are “good” blacks as nothing more than a distraction and diversion from this absolute truth. They are obviously not “good enough” to counter the bad elements that exist in their communities.’

    The undeniable truth!

    This should be a sticky on every message board.

  12. Actually that didn’t make any sense. When one refers to rotten apples, I do think they are referring to for instance in a large group of Whites, there will be good and bad. You will find the same thing in a large group of Blacks, good and bad people. Can we agree? Forget the fruit, there are just good and bad people in all different ethnic groups. I’m quite sure there are good and bad Asians as well.

    • Blacks, Whites, and Asians are more analagous to apples, oranges, and bananas. There are bad bananas like the VA Tech shooter, Seung-Hui Cho, but a South Korean minority is not going to create the same social problems that we associate with the Black Undertow.

      When I talk about the Black Undertow, I am referring to the impact it has on civilization, namely the sort of abandonment that can be seen in Detroit. There are White murderers, rapists, burglars, pedophiles, drunk drivers and so on, but “bad oranges” don’t exist on a scale here in St. Charles necessary to bring down civilization itself.

  13. there are just good and bad people in all different ethnic groups.

    Well fucking duhhh!! Like I was saying, nothing but a diversion and distraction from the undeniable truth. Where on planet Earth are White people a smaller percentage of the population compared to blacks, but responsible for a majority of the violent crimes?

  14. Ok, I understand what you are saying. But you believe that the problems of the Black community are caused by Blacks and Blacks only. Going back through time, you think that Whites play no role in setting up the current situations that you’re so upset about. Is that correct? Or would it be more accurate to say that historically, Whites who were predominantly in control up to a certain point helped to create a hard to escape cycle and still to this day help to perpetuate the cycle. White flight for instance plays no role in setting up the current situations we find in predominantly Black areas? Is that your contention?

  15. Spelunkers writes:

    “Going back through time, you think that Whites play no role in setting up the current situations that you’re so upset about. Is that correct?”

    J replies: no, certain White in the past are definitely to blame the bad racial situation we have now. Those Whites who allowed hundreds of thousands of Black slaves to be brought to North America. That was the absolute worst thing Whites did in the last, as bad as Whites who enable mass Third world immigration now, including horrors like Ebola infected Liberians coming to Texas.

  16. Good old Spelunker and his “it’s whitey’s fault” Jew propaganda. Why shouldn’t whites flee instead of becoming crime victims? Why are Palestinians involved in violent acts of rebellion? Are Jews at bottom responsible? Of course they are.

  17. I ask politically incorrect questions, not as a rhetorical device, but because I genuinely both do not know and want to know.

    Out of the total recorded number of ebola deaths, how many are White versus how many Black? Out of the total number of ebola survivors, once again, how many White versus how many Black?

  18. Don’t forget about the White Liberals coddling them, and keeping them on an endless/generational Welfare system.

    Man, I wish I could post images. This is one of the reasons I like Disqus better.

  19. Re: Spelunker

    These problems seem to follow blacks like their shadow.

    No, I don’t believe that history has much to do with it. Under slavery, blacks were prevented from owning firearms, abusing alcohol, killing each other, learning to read, owning land, getting married, eating certain foods, and forming their own separate religious denominations, among other things.

    Insofar as there was any environmental impact of slavery, it quickly washed out after emancipation. Literacy is the best example of this. Obesity is another example. If there was a “legacy of slavery,” it would show up in all kinds of ways.

  20. Re: ‘These problems seem to follow blacks like their shadow’:

    Black churches do preach hard against the typical sins of the Black community and are solidly anti-homosexual, yet the moral discipline of even church-going Blacks is unstable — which reminds me of reports I hear from German Anabaptist colonies in Hispanic countries that have taken in local Hispanic converts, including some very dark Negro-mulattoes — that these non-Germans ALWAYS fail to live up to church standards over time, falling back into lying, fornication and theft, and always end up being excommunicated — and that some have said as they leave ‘because you Germans have “thicker blood” than we do is why you can live this way’. Note they attribute their failure to ‘different blood’.

  21. Slavery is only one aspect of history. I am not referring to slavery, and slavery only, but i think you’re well aware of that. I think you purposely are forgetful of an overwhelming amount of factual history of White supremacism, which you admit to. You created an entire Facebook page just so you could post documentation of this history of White supremacy to throw in the faces of “Rainbows”, but oddly enough when someone else wants to talk about White supremacy, you’re all, “White supremacy, what’s that?” I think you know exactly what I am referring to. The fact of the matter is that whether you agree with Blacks being introduced here, they are here and we all live together. I’m not telling you that you have to agree with it, but it’s just the facts. You, nor anyone else is going to, or has any plan to remove them. This is why your best and only bet is secession, removal of “undesirables”, and creation of an ethnostate. If secession ever happens, it will not be because of your efforts, and you will have zero say in anything, so don’t kid yourself. I’m actually not opposed to your efforts to bring about secession, it’s your plans and schemes of what you’d like to see done to certain people and groups following secession I’m opposed to. I think it’s a really dumb idea, and since you asked I’ll tell you why. Throughout history, show me just one civilization that created a government that everybody liked. No one has. Even if you secede, all you are doing is buying yourself a little more time. No form of government pleases everyone. So no matter which form of government you create after hypothetical secession, it’s just going to naturally revert back (over time) to the same thing you’re running away from in the first place. You are only buying time, that’s it. Now you can argue with that statement if you want, but it’s very truthful and logical, and you would be foolish to argue with that which you know to be true.

    You all do have another option. You can return to YOUR ancestral lands, if you even know where that is. You know, you’re so proud of being “White Europeans” that you don’t want to leave a place that’s not Europe. You’re so proud of your “White European” ancestors accomplishments in creating such a marvelous and wondrous civilization, that you want nothing to do with it now. Hilarious. “Yeah me! I’m White. I’m European. I’m proud.” No you’re not. You’re questionably “White”, you’re a descendant of a European (maybe), and you’re stupid. If you like Europe soooooo much, why aren’t you beating feat?

    P.S. News flash. I’m not Jewish. My actual DNA analysis is posted on my blog, and it is 100 percent real. I am not a traitor. I don’t hate Whites. I don’t hate myself. I don’t hate Brad Griffin.

  22. Look at that pig shit ignorant nurse. She gets on a plane after treating an Ebola case.

    Stupid coon.

  23. Don’t tailgate splunker he is leading you to another PC dead end of speech limits. He should answer to your audience

  24. Re: Spelunker

    1.) We don’t live under anything close to “white supremacy.” In the South, we haven’t done so since the 1960s, and other parts of the US like the Northeast were integrated long before the Civil Rights Movement.

    2.) Far from living under “white supremacy,” we live under a government that has spent far more trying to elevate blacks than it has on the Manhattan Project, World War II, the Apollo space program, the Hoover Dam, and the Panama Canal combined. Every single aspect of American society from top to bottom is run with the purpose of uplifting blacks in mind.

    3.) If blacks were held down by white supremacy, then Haiti would be a paradise, and so would places like Chad, Liberia, and Ethiopia. Instead, it is the places where white supremacy lasted the longest like South Africa in Africa, Barbados in the Caribbean, and the United States where blacks are the best off.

    4.) If you have read what I have said about blacks so thoroughly, then you would know that “my plan” is to do nothing about the problem.

    That’s right. After seceding from the United States and restoring power to the states, the plan is to do nothing about the blacks. Why? Because we never created this society ourselves in the first place. By dismantling the coercive power of the federal government, it will “unwind” naturally.

    Sever the South from the North and each section will find its own equilibrium. In the South, that will almost certainly be a society that DOES NOT favor blacks with “civil rights” laws that punish Whites and systematically redistribute their wealth to blacks. The end of the society that exists now, BRA, will prove intolerable to blacks who will emigrate en masse to the Northeast which after secession will assuredly create a society that is even more negrophile than the one that exists now.

    5.) The BUGSters are fond of saying, “Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, White countries for everyone.” Surely, you must know that the UK and Germany and Sweden and so on are “melting pots” too, and are far more extreme in their “anti-racism” than the United States.

  25. That’s so weird. I just passed a Starting Point Narcotics Treatment Facility in SW Baltimore. Everyone in the line for methadone was White. Very strange.

  26. Maybe we should agree on a definition of White supremacy so that we know we are talking about the same thing? But for grins, in terms of the here and now, you are saying that you find that government is pretty equally divided between Whites and Blacks in the South, right? Blacks probably have a big say in things that affect their community. Now that’s just the governmental level we are speaking about. Furthermore, I think if you re-read what I wrote, I did say historically. I am talking more about the past and history then I am present day. As a matter of fact, the Facebook page you created that I referred to deals only with historical White supremacism, but I think it’s clear that you feel that even though you acknowledge the history of White supremacism, it’s safe to say that you don’t believe it has anything to do at all with the present day Black community and it’s problems. Is that correct?

  27. The Jim Crow South, which was unraveled 50 years ago by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, was based on white supremacy. The Northeast and Midwest were integrated in the aftermath of the “Civil War” and the Western states desegregated in the years that followed the Second World War.

    The United States as a whole moved into a new historical era, which I call “Black Run America” (i.e., America run for the benefit of black people), in the mid-1960s after the triumph of the Civil Rights Movement.

  28. In the United States, the problems of the black community like fatherlessness, interpersonal violence, unemployment, poverty and obesity stem from much more recent causes, and have little to with the “legacy of slavery” or segregation.

    They are actually a product of the “legacy of freedom.” Liberals cannot envision “freedom” as being anything but a good thing. In the United States, the Caribbean, and sub-Saharan Africa, we can see what blacks are capable of accomplishing in a state of freedom and liberal democracy.

  29. Moving on from the White supremacy you surely recognize that things like redlining, racially restrictive covenants and blockbusting, as well as White flight all contributed to the problems we find today in the Black community, would you not agree that those things, as well as the scourge of drugs have played in wrecking communities? You don’t think that real estate agents motivated by greed helped set the stage for the declines of our urban areas, do you deny this? Isn’t it weird that many of the declines in urban areas started around the same time that Whites started retreating? Very odd. There’s a large amount of proof that this is the case. I can provide you some if you would like. Keep in mind, I am not saying that there is not an amount of personal responsibility that the Black community has as well. I am not making excuses, but if you want me to recognize your points, you should recognize mine as well.

    Have you noticed that I haven’t said much about Ferguson? Have you ever wondered why? You should ask me. I’m a lot more rational than people that I am lumped together with occasionally.

    I must admit Brad, I was shocked to see your wife sucking on the joint in Amsterdam. That was probably her first one. I’m positive she never did that back home, because that would create a huge paradox. Being against crime, substantially caused by lack of opportunities coupled with the easy money of the drug trade, and at the same time being for partaking in the products which directly support the crime you’re bemoaning. Wow. Please tell me you grow your own.

    • I don’t smoke, period.

      In my entire life, I have never smoked a cigarette. I hate marijuana and tobacco. That’s just my personal preference. I find smoking disgusting. As for my wife, she smokes cigarettes, and it is true she smoked a joint in Amsterdam, but so what? It is legal there. Marijuana has also been decriminalized in St. Louis, Washington, Colorado and other places that come to mind.

      Personally, I think alcohol is a far greater problem than marijuana. Far more people die from drunk driving accidents and alcohol related deaths than marijuana. I don’t see the logic in outlawing marijuana while legalizing alcohol or selling alcohol only at certain times of the day. Anyway, I don’t recall ever citing marijuana as one of the problems that I associate with the Black Undertow.

      If the Black Undertow was content to sell or smoke marijuana, I wouldn’t have any cause to write about them.

    • Re: Spelunker

      No, I don’t think housing discrimination has much to do with the present state of the black community. Have you seen the neighborhood around the Shelley house here in St. Louis? I’m going to try to go down there and shoot a video before I leave.

      Restrictive covenants were banned by the Supreme Court in the Shelley v. Kraemer decision in 1948. The Fair Housing Act of 1968 outlawed housing discrimination. HUD now tears down housing projects and hands out housing vouchers in order to spread the Black Undertow to the suburbs. If systematic housing discrimination was going on, well, there would be no need for White flight from Ferguson and other cities in North St. Louis County.

      Have you seen Ferguson’s racial demographics? How about Detroit? The blacks aren’t excluded from those areas. They have taken over!

  30. Don’t gloss over the words “helped” and “contributed”. I think I’m being pretty fair. This is not an indictment on Whites.

  31. Well then you and I have something in common because I don’t smoke, don’t drink and don’t use drugs. I also don’t pass judgement on those who do unless those who do are advocating their disgust with things such as the crime which is caused by their own support of a drug trade, which in turn creates the crime they hate. Then I think they should be called out on it. I guess if that’s the ONLY time your wife indulges in pot, I don’t really have a point. I suspect that’s not been the case and devoid of any proof I’d hesitate to chastise her for it. The overarching point is that surely you are in agreement then that we have a major problem in the White community of a misinformed public who think there are no consequences to getting high. Would you agree?

    Personally, I am for the legalization of all drugs, but that’s just my own personal opinion.

    • I’m a social drinker.

      As I said above, I dislike smoking, and I detest prescription drugs. The only drug that I have a problem with is caffeine because I drink too much coffee and diet soda. I’m indifferent to the cause of marijuana legalization. In particular, I don’t see the logic in outlawing marijuana, but legalizing alcohol. I’ve never known anyone who has died from smoking a joint, but plenty of people who have died in drunk driving accidents.

      I think the problems caused by cocaine addiction are overstated, but meth and heroin are real scourges, and so is prescription drug abuse. Among White people, meth, prescription drug abuse, and alcohol seem to cause the most problems. Finally, I expect marijuana to be legalized within my lifetime (I am indifferent on legalization), but aside from dealing a blow to the underground economy, I don’t think it will change much with regards to the Black Undertow. I think it will mean less money flowing into the ghetto and that will probably worsen, rather than improve, their living conditions in inner cities, significantly worsen if cocaine is legalized too.

      Selling illegal drugs is just one solution that the Black Undertow finds in an economy that is permanently mismatched to their skills. Robbery is another. Rioting is another still. I’ve often wondered if the decriminalization of marijuana in St. Louis is connected to Knockout King and the rioting that has been going on here.

  32. HR: “Every single aspect of American society from top to bottom is run with the purpose of uplifting blacks in mind.”

    I think the purpose is to bring white people down. There is an alliance between the jewish-led anti-white forces and their white collaborators who think like this: “I don’t think this is going to work, but I’m going to do everything I’m told to do for black people, even if it kills the white race. Then, if it doesn’t work, no one can blame me for being racist.”

    No one really wants to uplift black people. The crusade to uplift black people is due to the constant intimidating accusations of racism. The problem comes from the jewish infested government and media. The jews themselves don’t care about blacks. White people only care about blacks to the extent that they want to avoid doing them any wrong. But without the jewish interference, white people would have no reason to dedicate their lives to uplifting blacks.

    “the UK and Germany and Sweden and so on are “melting pots” too, and are far more extreme in their “anti-racism” than the United States.”

    Until the US air force bombed the shit out of Germany in WWII, those countries had never thought of replacing their population with non-whites. If not for the jews in France and the United States (as well as in Sweden too), genocidal “anti-racism” would not be a problem in Sweden.

    The idea that genocidal “anti-racism” suddenly, simultaneously, spontaneously, and independently popped up in every white country doesn’t make sense. There has to be a cause.

    “which I call “Black Run America” (i.e., America run for the benefit of black people)”

    It is Jewish run. Not for the benefit of Blacks, but for the harming of Whites.

  33. What if white protesters against forced diversity did the same in a local shopping mall? I don’t think the morbidly obese white cops would sit idly by watching from a distance.Of course, one can protest your heart out when you are unemployed and on food stamps. There is not danger of loss of funds, whereas your white employer will sacrifice you to the gods of diversity if it impacts negatively on your employment. And rest assured there are agencies in America that do just that and specialize in career destruction. They will find out your employer and agitate for your economic destruction.

  34. This is not surprising:

    “Drug use rates have historically been highly correlated with educational status, and remain so. College graduates have the lowest rates of current drug use (4.8%).

    Drug use is more prevalent in metropolitan than non-metropolitan areas, and higher in the West (7.9%) than in the Northeast (7.4%), Midwest (6.7%), or South (5.6%).(6)”

    Education seems to be a significant indicator about drug usage. It’s interesting to note that education sucks in blighted areas and while some people would attribute the blight to racial factors, others might point out that lack of opportunities and a crumbling public education system are both part of the cycle of decline.

    I’d be curious to know how education has changed in these blighted areas since before the Whites abandoned them.

  35. Perhaps I am interpreting this data incorrectly. It seems Whites are a full percentage point lower than Blacks when it comes to illicit drug use.

    “Of the major racial/ethnic groups, the rate of drug use is highest among the American Indian/Native American population (10.6%) and those reporting mixed race (11.2%), followed by African Americans (7.7%), Hispanics (6.8%), whites (6.6%). The lowest rates are found among the Asian population. (3.2%).”

    But when you factor in population… Hmmm…

    In 2010…

    Whites 223,553,265 72.4%
    Blacks 38,929,319 12.6%
    Asian 14,674,252 4.8%
    Native American 2,932,248 0.9%

  36. Armor says:
    ‘Until the US air force bombed the shit out of Germany in WWII, those countries had never thought of replacing their population with non-whites. If not for the jews in France and the United States (as well as in Sweden too), genocidal “anti-racism” would not be a problem in Sweden.

    The idea that genocidal “anti-racism” suddenly, simultaneously, spontaneously, and independently popped up in every white country doesn’t make sense. There has to be a cause.’

    Good opportunity to educate the readers on the role jews play.

    Jewess Barba

  37. Architectural modernism used to be blamed for underclass dysfunction.

    We now know that tower blocks with few blacks in them are desirable residences leased at top dollar. See Pruitt Igoe and compare n contrast to the CWE in St Louis.

    The absence of black residents is critical.

  38. “No, I don’t think housing discrimination has much to do with the present state of the black community.”

    You’re probably right…

    “Urban developers preyed on racial anxieties in order to maximize their profits from housing sales. In areas close to expanding black neighborhoods, real estate agents would float generous offers to the first white residents willing to sell their houses, which they would quickly sell or rent to black tenants. Then, agents would use the presence of new residents to play up fears of racial change among the remaining white residents. Often they would threaten white residents with the prospect of lower property values for those who would be the last to leave.

    One historian quotes a white former resident describing the change: “It was gradual — then a rush.… A lot of people said they would never sell their houses to blacks, and they were the first ones to do it.”12 Blockbusting is now illegal but the process was effective and extremely profitable for developers. In 1969, the Activists, a fair housing coalition, discovered that one developer, the Morris Goldseker Company, had bought homes north of Edmondson Avenue for an average of $7,320 and sold them immediately for $12,387, exacting a 69% markup from black home buyers.”


    “The effects of the two-tiered financing system were multiple. The first is that it resulted in blacks paying more for inferior housing. The combination of continuing black migration into the cities with residential segregation meant that African Americans could only find housing in deteriorating black urban communities. Landlords recognized this and often raised rents as high as they possibly could knowing full well that there was absolutely nothing blacks could do about it because there was nowhere else to move. Pietila cites an Urban League study from 1946 that showed blacks were paying an average of 170 percent over prewar levels and 75 percent above what was, then, the current market level.”


    I’m reading Pietilas book now. I think there is plenty of evidence that housing discrimination played a very large role in creating a hard to escape cycle. Many, but not all of those responsible for the housing discrimination were White. I disagree with you completely.

    • Again, I don’t think so.

      Why? Restrictive covenants have been illegal since the Shelley v. Kraemer decision in 1948. Blockbusting is illegal. Redlining is illegal. “Housing discrimination” is illegal under the Civil Rights Act of 1968, which was passed after MLK was assassinated. HUD built housing projects for blacks like Pruitt Igoe in St. Louis. When that didn’t work, HUD began to tear down the housing projects and subsidize the settlement of blacks in the White suburbs in places like Clayton County, GA and the suburbs of Memphis, where they reproduced the conditions of the projects where they had reproduced the conditions of the slums before that:


      Because of the “civil rights” laws (the system is designed to favor blacks and punish “discrimination” by Whites), the White homeowner has absolutely no legal means to protect his or her property value from the Black Undertow, which the federal government forces on White cities (as they did in Ferguson and North St. Louis County) in the name of promoting “integration.” If blacks are suffering from horrendous “housing discrimination,” why are Whites abandoning one city after another? How did Ferguson develop a black majority? How did Montgomery and Birmingham develop a black majority?

      How did blacks manage to take over Detroit? Baltimore? Philadelphia? Atlanta? New Orleans? They were only able to do that because Whites had no way to protect their net worth except by fleeing and moving elsewhere, which explains the bizarre geography of our major cities. As for “inferior housing,” blacks have taken over everything from brand new suburbs (see Clayton County and DeKalb County, GA) to some of the finest housing stock in our major cities (see Detroit and St. Louis) to small towns like Selma and Tuskegee. Just as water flows downhill, blacks trash the housing stock they inherit and lower its property value.

      The very same blighted neighborhoods attract hipsters because housing in black areas is affordable who then come in and gentrify the area. This is what Spike Lee was complaining about in Brooklyn:


      Not only are there blighted neighborhoods which are destroyed by the Black Undertow, there are entire “blighted countries” in the Caribbean and sub-Saharan Africa. Compare Leopoldville or Johannesburg in the 1950s to modern Kinshasa and Joburg in 2014. To see what kind of conditions blacks create when the evil White man who practices “discrimination” has been totally removed from power, look no further than Port-au-Prince or Kingston, or the beaches of Durban.

  39. It’s fine that you don’t “think so”. We can agree to disagree, but facts do show that at one time there was a rigged game in place and those responsible for the rigged game were a majority White. You can’t change that by saying you “don’t think so”.

    Moving on from the rigged game was a new reality in which Blacks were and still are disadvantaged. Again, you won’t agree, and that’s fine, but again, you look majorly foolish when you try to convince people that Blacks in Baltimore, for instance, have every advantage and opportunity that you do. It just isn’t true.

    I’m curious what means you used to pay for your college degree. Are you carrying massive student loan debt or did mommy and daddy foot the bill? Maybe you’ll just cash in some of your CoCC chips? Methinks you know nothing of what a hard life is. I don’t.

    • I agree the system is rigged.

      The system is rigged in favor of blacks. The law works against the White homeowner. That’s why blacks take over neighborhood after neighborhood, which they proceed to blight and destroy, and Whites are constantly fleeing and moving elsewhere. It is because Whites have no legal means to defend their property value. They are not able to “discriminate” against the Black Undertow – if they did so, they would be hauled into court and prosecuted – so they either sell out at a loss, or cut their losses and abandon their property altogether. Lots of houses in blighted neighborhoods are just abandoned to be reclaimed by nature.

      Housing integration is achieved all the time. In Ferguson, for example, it was achieved in the late 1990s. It doesn’t last though because the Black Undertow introduces social and economic conditions into cities like Ferguson that Whites find intolerable: corruption and waste in government, decline in public services, violent crime, and above all else, their children take over the public schools, which become “failing schools.” In order to send their children to the “good schools” (i.e., the White schools), White middle class and working class parents have to cough up private school tuition.

      What’s it like to be a White homeowner in Ferguson? It is certainly not a position anyone would wants to be in. It is to live in a world of declining property value, shuttered businesses, rising violent crime, decaying infrastructure, blight spreading across your community, an excellent school district being transformed into a failing school district, and so on, with no legal recourse. Understandably, Whites don’t want to live in such conditions (there is no social or economic incentive to do so, staying means destroying your own net worth), so they move across the Missouri River to St. Charles County.

      There’s nothing wrong with the “environment” in Ferguson which used to be a great place to live. The problem is the people who used to live in the Pruitt Igoe housing projects who have brought their culture with them to Ferguson. Mysteriously, that dysfunctional culture follows them like their shadow everywhere they go, just as the culture of the Whites who used to live in North St. Louis County followed them to the prosperous suburbs. Sometimes, Whites move back to the cities which were wrecked by the Black Undertow, and gentrify and transform those areas. See, for instance, the hipster enclave in Detroit with its Whole Foods grocery store, in an area which is otherwise a “food desert.”

      Finally, I don’t come from a family like the Black Undertow. I know the name of my father, my grandfather, my great grandfather, and so on. I know when my family settled in Alabama. I know where they came from before that.

  40. So what is wrong with the environment in Curtis Bay, Maryland? You should have Shane take a drive over and take a look at the squalor Blacks and Whites live in there. There are quite a few White hookers who can be found on Fairhaven and Patapsco.

    I am not alleging that housing discrimination is the entire cause of the current condition in many Predominantly Black communities, nor am I alleging that slavery is. What I am alleging is that Whites have historically controlled and still to this day mostly control all of the mechanisms that made or continue to make those communities remain the way a lot of them are. Again, I’m not placing blame on Whites and Whites only. The Black community certainly has a set of problems just as the White community does. As I pointed out yesterday and you did not refute, the White community has a very large problem with buying and using illicit drugs. The drug trade that they participate in as a buyer also has a seller, and in some cases, the sellers are Black. It’s no secret that a lot of Black on Black crime comes from the drug trade. So it’s a supply AND demand issue to be solved. Unfortunately, you are so biased in your opinions, you are not even able to admit a simple fact. Personally I don’t think it’s that your biased, I think it’s just that you don’t like your arguments being destroyed. But your arguments don’t need to be destroyed, because they are only partially valid (in a lot of cases) to begin with.

  41. Spelunker, if eugenic/anti-dysgenic policies had continued to be practiced the problems of both black and white communities would today be much diminished. Mass-multiracialism and integration with blacks would still be failed social models, though. Thankfully, with growing awareness and political resolve it will be possible to reverse these disasters.

  42. Spelunker.. u need to keep it simple. Where ever blacks settle, property values go down. Blacks move in, whites move out for fear of the innevitable.. that blacks lower property balues. Stop bringing in all your bullshit and call it what it is. Man you are as bad as the media, putn a spin on the simple stuff .

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