NAACP’s Journey for Justice Enters Rosebud, Missouri

Next time I am in Missouri, I will have to go distribute Citizen’s Informers and Free Magnolias there:

“GASCONADE COUNTY, Missouri — About 50 activists marching from Ferguson to Jefferson City encountered a hostile counter-protest Wednesday in Rosebud.

About 200 people met the marchers as they reached Rosebud around noon, activists said. A display of fried chicken, a melon and a 40-ounce beer bottle had been placed in the street. A Confederate flag flew. Counter-protestors shouted racial epithets. (Read more about the march on Thursday through Osage County, which was calmer.)

Rhea Willis of Velda City, Missouri, said she saw a boy she estimated to be 8 years old holding a sign that read, “Go home.”

Note: Lots of White people in the South are beyond fed up with the mainstream media and its glorification of thugs like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown and whoever this latest martyred negro criminal is in NYC.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I guess there isn’t a dot on the map along Highway 50 between I-44 and Jefferson City that this undertow doesn’t want to terrorize.

  2. Where the Ferguson Protestors are carefully separated from the “looters” and “rioters” and prefaced constantly with the adjective “peaceful” by the media, we see that these counter protestors are all lumped together as being responsible the soul food display and shouting of racial epithets.

  3. I’m on the Upper East Side of Manhattan New York City enjoying a very, very White Christmas in New York – just got back from a best ever Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular – the Radio City Rockettes have to be THE sexiest, but wholesome pro Christmas force in Western Christian Civilization! There was absolutely zero, pro multi culturalism , war against Chrismas propaganda here – just one scene where a black boy and his older brother shopping for a Christmas gift for their sister, the older brother didn’t believe Santa Claus was real, then they were flown to the North Pole and after lots of White elves and Rockettes dancing they found the perfect gift.

    This great Christmas Pagent was finished with a Christ- mas Pagent where the Kingsof the East saw the Christmas Starand came. To honor the birth of Christ, the Prince of Peace, King of the Jews, Son of God.

    Glad to see no mention of Chanikuh.

    I’m representing OD at the Vdare New York City Christmas Party in two hours. Wish me luck.

    NYC is looking 100% better than when I lived here in the mid 1980s.

  4. They hadn’t spent a whole lot of time on the two police shootings in Ohio. Not even a fraction of the time they spent on Missery. I wonder why?

  5. Anyone who has read any of my postings knows I have no love for Negros but we should realize that maybe we are being manipulated. The case of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown were clear examples of the Negro Black undertow in progress. Did you ever wonder why those cases got so much press? What about Eric Garner who the cops strangled to death and the 12 year old kid in Cleveland shot by the cops. Why not wall to wall coverage on these? The reason, I believe, is that they want to control everyone and by scaring the Whites they allow the police to get away with murder. There’s plenty of cases of Whites treated the same way. Google …unarmed white killed by police… you’ll get a LOT of links. They’re just opening up on everyone with no warnings at all.


    I don’t think the Staten Island black guy should have been choked to death. The cop who had him by the neck has been sued twice for illegal strip searching…it looks like he’s the culprit in this one. Mere petty non-violent crime doesn’t deserve the death penalty. While the black guy died of cardiac arrest, it does appear the cop may have used undue and overbearing force. Who really know what caused the black guy to die, at the end of the day…would he have avoided a heart attack had the cop not been so choking of him?

    I’m not sure I’ll know for sure, but I do think a further investigation might have been appropriate.

    Not all blacks are evil or worthless or malicious. Many cops are evil, and worthless and malicious. As many know, I’m not much of a fan of many of the Italians, and as one who lives in NYC/NJ and knows Staten Island somewhat, I can say the cops and people generally there are fairly brutish and crooked.

    This black guy deserved a fair shot at justice. White liberationists would do better to preach separation, not supremacy and degeneracy. I don’t want to live in a society which allows police brutality as some matter of course.

  7. NYYankees says:
    ‘Not all blacks are evil or worthless or malicious. Many cops are evil, and worthless and malicious. ‘

    It’s a matter of perspective.

    In my opinion, not all blacks are evil or worthless or malicious, but the majority most certainly are.

    Most cops are not evil or worthless or malicious, but a few are.

    We need cops.

    Their jobs are incredibly difficult and dangerous. Cops are the barrier between decent humans and scum. Can anyone imagine hordes of feral nigger beasts freely roaming the streets without a force deterring them?

    Negrogeddon indeed!

  8. Who really know what caused the black guy to die, at the end of the day…would he have avoided a heart attack had the cop not been so choking of him?

    He probably would not have died if the cop had just stayed in his car.

    Some people just don’t understand that a state can not pursue only “cost-effective” prosecutions and maintain respect for the law. The Romans understood that. Go and have a look at the ramp at Masada. That will still be there thousands of years from now. All this for a small group of bandits?

    No, for the principle that nobody can be allowed to get away with criminality.

    The question of illegitimacy of the government is a separate issue, and there’s a prescription for that, too. Something about watering a tree.

  9. Lots of White people in the South are beyond fed up with the mainstream media and its glorification of thugs like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown and whoever this latest martyred negro criminal is in NYC.

    Eric Garner, the person who died at the hands of the NYPD, in my opinion was no real criminal. He violated a state statute related to selling individual cigarettes on the street but he committed no real crime (i.e. there is no victim). Many folks violate numerous government statutes on a daily basis but I don’t see these people as criminals.

  10. Instead of a simple “Go home,” the sign designer should have totally flummoxed the undertow (and had a bit of fun) with “Africani ite domum!”

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