League of the South Participates In Lee-Jackson Day In Lexington, VA


Here’s a write up of the League of the South’s participation in the recent Lee-Jackson Day festivities in Lexington:

“League of the South members attended the annual pilgrimage to Lexington Va. Lexington is the final resting place for two of South’s greatest men, Robert E Lee and Thomas Stonewall Jackson. League members attended the wreath laying service at the Jackson monument in Stonewall Jackson Cemetery. There were many Southern People in attendance, The League of the South, The Virginia Flaggers, The SCV, The UDC, SCV Mechanized Cavalry, Order of the Confederate Rose, and many people who support their Southern Heritage. There was a parade that followed the wreath laying ceremony. After the parade League members distributed many Free Magnolias. The Southern Nationalist flag was flown alongside the Unreconstructed Virginia flag. The SN flag received a lot of attention. Many folks enquired about what the Flag stood for and it’s origins. Josh Newcomb was interviewed by channel 12 news. We were also briefly interviewed by a professor from Virginia Tech, with a more in-depth interview to come. We renewed connections with some longtime members of the League and people who have attended our demonstrations in Richmond. It’s my opinion that this was a great opportunity for recruitment. There’s seems to be a growing interest in Southern Nationalism, especially within the younger generation.”

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Note: This is another example of how the controversy over the Confederate Battle Flag has been blown out of proportion. The League has used the Confederate Battle Flag several times at these heritage events. Last August, I drove to Mississippi where my wife used the Confederate Battle Flag at an event in Oxford.

Those who want to use the Confederate Battle Flag in public have always been free to do so. It’s their responsibility to organize their own events and invite people to participate in demonstrations. There are any number of heritage related issues such as the controversies in Lexington, at Ole Miss in Mississippi, or the renaming of the Confederate parks in Memphis where using the Confederate Battle Flag would be warranted.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s really nice to see some sharp young fellows from the League of the South taking part in the Lee – Jackson Day memorial.

    Thank you.

  2. I was there. It was a wonderful celebration of Southern pride, as around 250 of us marched with flags flying through politically correct Lexington.

    One negative note: At the chapel service following the march, a speaker from the national SCV praised Martin King. How painful it was to hear him extolled in the same breath as Robert E. Lee. After the service, I told the speaker what I thought of King.

    We have a real problem with so many of our people embracing the principles and icons of our enemies.

  3. @Southron: Glad you expressed your opinion of Michael King.

    In the early 70’s you could have bought the “flat top” 63 acres off of the interstate at Princeton, WV for around $43,000 dollars. Today it’s covered with hotels and restaurants. I considered buying it. There was a barn on the property too. LOL.

    Today is Stonewall Jackson’s birthday: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/jan21.html?loclr=twtea

    As far as these costume groups go, we are generations removed from the Civil War, and any claim of ancestry is getting pretty thin. LOL.

  4. I would have loved to be there. Last year I attended the protest in Richmond, while on a visit to America. Brought along my Virginian daughter, a refugee from South Africa. We met Josh Newcomb, a real gentleman who made a huge impression on my daughter. As did the whole group. She said afterward that that was the nicest group of people she’s ever met (take a bow, Hunter, Renee et al).

    I’m sure Josh did the movement proud in that interview.

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