SPLC on Harrison SECEDE Billboard

harrison-secede-2The SPLC has noticed our latest SECEDE billboard in Harrison, AR.

So far, the League has put up four of these SECEDE billboards in Tallahassee, FL, Montgomery, AL, Tuscaloosa, AL, and Perry, GA. The Montgomery billboard was taken down amid great controversy, but it was quietly put back up again in Tuscaloosa.

Aside from the SECEDE billboards, the League has ties to the Mantra-inspired billboards that have gone up in Leeds, AL and Springville, AL near Birmingham. The Springville billboard was taken down under pressure earlier this month. I’m still not sure who put up the Springville billboard, but my guess would be that the same individual was responsible.

For those who are keeping score, that means we are 3 of 4 on the SECEDE billboards and 1 of 2 on the Mantra-inspired billboards. These billboards are more likely to stay up than come down. Even if SJWs succeed in getting a billboard taken down, we get our money back and have plenty of opportunities to take shots elsewhere. Ultimately, the odds of getting our message out this way work in our favor.

Whenever I am in the St. Louis metro area, I am struck by the sheer number of pro-life or pro-religion billboards. Some of these are very eye captivating. I would imagine that the groups who are putting up these billboards are succeeding in drawing attention to their cause and forcing people to consider about their message. The same principle applies here: even if they disagree with us, we want our people to start thinking about White dispossession and Southern independence.

More of these billboards are coming soon. Stay tuned.

Note: If you want to contribute to the League’s billboard campaign (we have an anonymous pro-Southern donor who will match every contribution up to $10,000), click here to donate through PayPal or send a check or money order to League headquarters at PO Box 760, Killen, Alabama 35645.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter Wallace,

    I was just reminded of fraternities at another site.

    When I was in school, a big issue was how a last few frats were whites-only. Kappa Alpha was among them. I think it’s well worded to say: “They were part frat, part ethnic group, part rich kid, part Christian.”

    If KA is still around, it might be potent for recruitment. I imagine they’re the last white frat at many schools. And of course this is another example of the South expressing a will to live where few others have it. We’re inexplicably so capable despite our reconstructed culture. There’s really something to South.

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