By Hunter Wallace
In my upcoming speech at the Florida League of the South State Conference in Jacksonville, I will touch upon the North’s well known fondness of “-isms” and novelties, its tradition of perpetual social revolution, and the trademark Yankee cultural characteristic of rejecting the limits of reality in favor of the unbounded will.
In the meantime, I offer you “Caitlyn Jenner” here for comment, whose ongoing “heroic transformation” into a “woman” symbolizes all of these qualities, and represents the nation we have rejected and from whom we so ardently desire to separate.
If Caitlyn Jenner is a modern American, who are we?
A picture of Caitlyn and of Bruce the Olympic champ juxtaposed tells the whole story of what has happened to America. Wow!
I would think all this “trans” business was funny if I didn’t have to raise my children around this garbage. It’s too silly to be dangerous, but it is a clear indication– maybe the clearest yet– that we are living in a godless Babylon that deserves neither our affection nor our allegiance.
I look forward to hearing your speech in Jacksonville.
Seems like Southern Nationalists are the only people with common sense these days.
The Russians and Chinese must be absolutely laughing their collective rear ends off while those of the Islamic persuasion have a new poster girl for their propaganda. Whatever this country may have been its nothing now but a broken shell covering a core of s$&t. Filth, stupidity, greed, corruption, and perversion are arcing towards their zenith (or nadir…depending on your point of view) and you sit astonished wondering how much longer it can continue.
Dear God,
In a sane nation he we would be forcibly committed to an insane asylum and treated for mental illness.
‘I will touch upon the North’s well known fondness of “-isms” and novelties, its tradition of perpetual social revolution, and the trademark Yankee cultural characteristic of rejecting the limits of reality in favor of the unbounded will.’
What a great line, Mr. Griffin!
May I make a tweak of my own, Sir, without seeming disrespectful?
‘…and the trademark Yankee cultural characteristick of rejecting the limits of reality in favour of the unfounded fiction; the side effects of its ‘medicine’ far more deleterious than the disease it purported to cure …’
I wish Jenner had kept his secret. He/it belongs in a mental ward. BTW: I was listening to podcast of oral arguments in Obergefell v. Hodges, the queer marriage case. None of the attorneys defending their states in opposition (Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee) even mentioned the 10th amendment or argued that community morals in states viewing homo marriage as deviant and damaging to public morality. All the state arguments were generally nonsensical and hard to decipher – basically the need for families and children to bond and maybe only natural parents could do that – adoption arguments quashed that line of argument and there was no direct response to the “full faith and credit” that imposes one states laws and judgements on another (or makes them effective via recognizing same). As we all know, this flawed federal constitution went off the tracks a long time ago and now all major policy issues are settled by the Supreme Soviet Court. Queer marriage is here, all the rest is noise.
He was already a sodomite/faggot/queer back in 1980.
Death Penalty. Stoning in the public square. The Final Solution.
He is forever beyond the pale, and/or the means of redemption. He has defaced the image of God as he was created, and has publicly used his perversion to drag others down into hell with him. Anathema.
Eewww. I hope It dies, during a surgery. It’s a disgrace to White men.
Those photos are so touched up the ought to be considered paintings.
Wheaties. It was the damn Wheaties.
‘Wheaties’ it was, Sir – the gluten having done strange things to the man’s brain…
This civilization corrupting, destroying filth was photographed by someone, something called Annie Liebowitz.
M’thinks the Austrian corporal turned German leader called this one:
“Was there any form of filth or shamelessness, particularly in cultural life, without at least one Jew involved in it.”
I noticed that.
I thought about adding it to the caption, but I knew someone would share that insight in the comments. Thanks, Jews.
What a sick freak!
We used to sing “A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody.” Now!?
How long until he’s in Playboy, or releases a sex tape like everyone else in his family?
I agree that Mr./Mrs. Jenner must be a dupe for the Jews, because they were most likely his psychotherapist, publicist, accountant, lawyer, agent, and surgeon, and, of course, photographer for this shot, as well as the erstwhile magazine owner.
His parents were probably Jews, too, which would, also, explain his psychick mess, and the very yiddish name, Bruce Jenner…
The swimsuit should have the Stars n Stripes airbrushed onto it.
Also, when does the sex tape emerge?
The next time America invades some hapless nation this image of this thing (I’ll bet he’s been called that in various bondage sessions already) should be the banner under which GI’s fight. The Byzantines used the image of Christ Pantocrator and the Holy Virgin when they went out to smite the heathen, the US should use Princess Caitlyn as their Icon.
“Was there any form of filth or shamelessness, particularly in cultural life, without at least one Jew involved in it.”
Here we see two in the byline.
Proving once again we need media reform. That won’t happen so the next best thing is to make sure as many people you can speak to understand that all this crap is propaganda meant to demoralize us
How long before “Sports Illustrated” puts him on the cover of their swimsuit issue?
“I’m finally free”
Free from God I wonder?
Captain John Charity Spring MA says,”The swimsuit should have the Stars n Stripes airbrushed onto it.”
Miss America…
I keep thinking that the Almighty will get enough of this disgusting crazy garbage eventually and will send in a plague of locusts of something .
“I’m finally free, Stan”
“Free of your moorings, more likely”
Annie Leibovitz. I should’ve knew there was a Jew behind this .!