Rainbowism and Dispensationalism

Food for thought: Rainbowism and Dispensationalism are two peas in a pod.

Just as Rainbowism is completely alien to the historical Confederacy and the Jim Crow-era SCV and UDC, Dispensationalism is similarly alien to Southern evangelical Christianity. In essence, Dispensationalism appears to be a 20th century corruption of evangelical Christianity, which was brought about by the rise of modernism and liberalism within the upper ranks of the clergy in the Southern Protestant churches.

Note: It’s a bizarre world. I have never looked into the apocalyptic worldview of Dispensationalism before. This is the opening scene of the HBO show, The Leftovers, which is about The Rapture:

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The scenario shown in “The Leftovers” clip was a very common thing to me as a child. Though I was not a regular church goer as a kid, the secret rapture was a common theme of all the fundamentalist churches (mostly Baptist) I was exposed to during that time. I can’t recall all the times I heard about how drivers would vanish from auto’s, little babies, like the one in that clip, would vanish from carriers, cradles, or their mother’s arms, and leave their unsaved parents behind, and to top it off, the raptured ones would leave their clothes behind when they got raptured! This idiocy aside, rapturism is a multimillion dollar industry these days. Look at all the rich prophecy teachers this wacko belief has produced. Hal Lindsey and Tim Lahaye are living high on the hog because of this silly crap!

  2. This will have you all squirming in your seats: JESUS CAMP. Some of the foulest brainwashing of children ever caught on film, courtesy of lunatic Missouri Pastor Becky Fischer’s Pentecostal summer camp. Frankly, these people should be arrested and charged with child abuse. I mean, this is the kind of warped stuff you might expect from Islamic Jihadists prepping their children for suicide bomb attacks. Scary stuff!

  3. @BGriffin…

    ‘These people believe the end of the world is imminent.’

    Sir, this is my mama : extremely pious, rapturous, judeophilick, and very very apocalyptick.

  4. @MCushman…

    ‘I see it as utter lunacy but it is hard to tell that to people raised on these beliefs.’

    Very right, Sir. It’s damn near impossible to broach people like this. One thing in their favour ; I wish most Southerners were, philosophically, this hard to dissuade. Our culture would be much much more intact:)

    Furthermore, as life has a a certain component of ‘lunacy’ to it, it is prickly to convince another that your is ‘superior’ to theirs…

  5. As a Lutheran, I have little experience with these people. I’m talking to someone who I went to high school with though who claims he was raised in this doomsday cult.

  6. ‘These people believe the end of the world is imminent.’

    Yes, Sir, and, apropos of this, for my junior year in high school, I did my final paper on apocalyptick thinking, at the turn of the first millenium after Christ. People, in the 990sAD were quite convinced the end was upon them, and they had erected quite an impressive ‘science’ to support their state of mind…

  7. @BGriffin…

    ‘As a Lutheran, I have little experience with these people. I’m talking to someone who I went to high school with though who claims he was raised in this doomsday cult.’

    Yes, Sir – indeed, it must come as quite shock to you. My mama, and people like her, have my utmost respect for their piety and fervour, BUT, they do live in a word that verges on inscrutable mysterious…

  8. I know that, when I hearken back to being raised in a strict Episcopalian school decades ago, and compare that stoical brand of Christianity to rapturous Petnacostalist Charismaticks, it is truly like night & day.

  9. @Scipio…

    ‘This will have you all squirming in your seats: JESUS CAMP. Some of the foulest brainwashing of children ever caught on film, courtesy of lunatic Missouri Pastor Becky Fischer’s Pentecostal summer camp. Frankly, these people should be arrested and charged with child abuse. I mean, this is the kind of warped stuff you might expect from Islamic Jihadists prepping their children for suicide bomb attacks. Scary stuff! ‘

    Sir, I watched your link. While their approach to worship is not exactly mine (I’m Eastern Orthodox) I do respect their piety and fervour; I do share many of their viewpoints.

    If I do have a concern, it is that the instruction seems a bit to intense for such youngsters. Be that as it may : they will be, as a whole, much much more ready to encounter the secular Yankee world, and defy it, than those who do not have such training.

    As an Orthodox Christian, I believe our life here is to be one of walking closer and closer to God through the purification that comes with holding his commandments dear, prayer, and fasting.


    “While their approach to worship is not exactly mine (I’m Eastern Orthodox) I do respect their piety and fervour; I do share many of their viewpoints. Be that as it may : they will be, as a whole, much much more ready to encounter the secular Yankee world, and defy it, than those who do not have such training.” – Junius Daniel

    Piety and fervor are not virtues in and of themselves, especially when they are synonymous with brainwashing and psychological derangement.

    ISIS is currently holding its own against PAX JUDIACA in the armpit of the world currently designated as the “Middle East” yet they still must be regarded as psychopaths and enemies of the West despite their “piety” and “fervor” and their willingness to die for Allah.

    I would also point to the multiracial aspect of the children’s Pentecostal indoctrination in that film: darkies were standing arm in arm with white kids. Now, how pray tell will they be able to defy the secular “Yankee world,” as you call it, when they are unknowingly embracing one of the most destructive tenets of that world: multiracialism and therefore multiculturalism by default?

    Sir, essentially, you have identified yourself as a non-Western, religious fanatic. Don’t think, obey is your motto!

    Sorry, but that is not the way of the West. Perhaps it’s the way in Putin’s Gangland operation called ‘Russia’, but not the West.

    You continue to point out that you are a Russian Orthodox Christian. For the record, Russian Orthodox Christianity is foreign to the West. And yes, my dear sir, the Confederacy, the South, Dixie, what ever you want to designate it as, constitutes a slice of the West and therefore holds a special place in my heart.

    Given your deep seated antipathy towards the “Yankee world” and by extension the West itself, coupled with your professed admiration for psychopathology and unthinking religious fanaticism, may I suggest that you “walk the talk” and return to your homeland east of the Urals, enlist in Putin’s war machine, and fight on behalf of Russian Orthodox Christianity’s war against “Yankee imperialism” abroad.

    PS: And say hello to Vlad while your at it!

  11. @Sciprio…

    Sir, given that you are not a Southerner, yet, you feel strongly what that can, or cannot be, I must leave your presumptions and analysises be.

    That said, I read your assertions in their entirety and appreciate the strength of your convictions. You certainly are right that I am a profoundly religious Southerner, who, being a reactionary Confederate to the core, has converted to the unchanging Christianity of yore, and is very very wary of Yankee and Jewish culture, and the government and culture they conspire to produce and with which they seek to undo us.

    Sir, I thank you for your time and efforts, and interesting commentary, here.

  12. Maybe all the good, Israel worshipping Fundamentalist X’tians did get “raptured” and only the bad ones were….

    Left Behind.

    Maybe there weren’t that many good ones.

    And if you just make a slight adjustment – that it’s the bad ones who are also dumb ones, dumb goyim to be exact, the whole “rapture” thing makes more sense.

    So since those fundamentalist, Israeli worshipping X’tians who keep re electing the likes of flaming queer, lisping Lyndsey Graham and Mike the Huckster Huckabee – these are all bad, really dumb goyim rejected by the Christian God/Trinity and Left Behind, why do we have to,listen to them about anything, or even let them vote?

  13. Having grown up in a independent fundamentalist Baptist church, I knows this lunacy up close and personal. Thankfully, it never took hold and I’ve now cast my lot with the traditional Anglican parish nearby. Even then, I still argue and debate with relatives over “the Rapture”, yet never can get them to understand that not only is it a heresy, but that the ridiculous theory didn’t even come into being till the early to mid 1800’s.

  14. In holy Russia reborn, Christians are Orthodox Christian Cossack warriors fighting both mountain Muslim bandit scum and …

    Cultural marxist, liberal, femen anything Bolshevik.


    How come Christianity works so well in Russia, so bad in USA?

  15. Scipio Americanus says,”…ISIS is currently holding its own against PAX JUDIACA…”

    ISIS is a function of Israeli and (I would say American but it’s Israeli too) efforts to cut the middle east up into smaller pieces so they can manage it. ISIS is paid for and trained by the US and Israel.

    It seems to be working but I predict it will fail. Once they destroy the secular Arabs what will be left? Eventually a charismatic and militarily savvy Muslim will unite them and the Israeli’s will be crushed.

    The Jews keep making the same mistakes over and over and over and over. The reason is they are a tribe of psychopaths. Not all. Not even the majority but a great many. They screw up because they don’t really understand normal humans. They say they are not normal humans. I believe them.

  16. “Sir, essentially, you have identified yourself as a non-Western, religious fanatic. Don’t think, obey is your motto! Sorry, but that is not the way of the West. Perhaps it’s the way in Putin’s Gangland operation called ‘Russia’, but not the West. You continue to point out that you are a Russian Orthodox Christian. For the record, Russian Orthodox Christianity is foreign to the West. ” – Scipio Pseudo-Americanus

    Scipio, you are an idiot.
    And uninformed about your own Nation’s history.

    1) The Orthodox were here from the time of the American Revolution- they were just on the OTHER side of the WESTERN American Continent- in Alaska and what would become San Francisco- but they were HERE.

    2) The first hierarch assigned to the American nation was Tikhon Belavin, a ‘White Russian’ who worked with the Episcopal Church, and a large number of her hierarchs, to form and construct an American ORTHODOX Church, that would have been much like the Anglo-Catholic wing of American Episcopalianism- you know, the church Geo.Washington belonged to, as well as a number of presidents, senators, and other AMERICAN politicians?

    3) His being called back to Russia, to fight the JEWISH BOLSHEVIKS, resulted in his MARTYRDOM. He is thus, America’s first Orthodox Saint, slain at the hands of the Jews. One of the greatest AMERICAN Saints, by the way, is Bishop John Maximovitch of San Francisco, and one of the greatest exponents of ‘Russian Orthodoxy’ is an AMERICAN convert named Eugene Rose.

    Orthodox don’t ‘blindly’ obey, but they DO obey their leaders- so UNLIKE the Baptist hyper individualism. Which is more corresponding to the Bible? Obey those who have the authority over you…. hmmmm.

    Putin’s Russia is the ONLY nation that is actively seeking to be MORE moral, MORE Christian, and LESS forgiving of the PERVERSION WE HAVE ENTHRONED IN THE USA. So, get off your dumb ass and stop reading the CZ/Jewsmedia Pre-digested crap you call the News’ and learn to think for yourself… if possible.

  17. The Romans should have thrown all these idiots to the lions.

    How great would that be if Europe still had many lions and there were no, absolutely no Zero mixed up, confused White people freaking out, giving up all their possessions expecting the end of the entire world next week based on some weird interpretations of some crazed Hebrews who lost 100% rebellion against sound! benevolent Roman rule.

    And don’t blame Jesus for any of this nonsense.

    Jesus preached strongly 100% against freaking out about the immanent end of the world.

    Jesus says:

    Don’t do it.

    Jesus wants us all to stop doing really stupid things.

  18. According to John Hagee the next blood moon will began the countdown to the the apocalypse. Of course, in the Bible false prophets were stoned and I seen to recall one Hal Lindsey( The Late Great Planet & The Terminal Generation) predicting the rapture would happen in 1988 since that was a generation since Israel formed. Here is it 2015.

  19. @FJagger…

    ‘I seem to recall one Hal Lindsey( The Late Great Planet & The Terminal Generation) predicting the rapture would happen in 1988 since that was a generation since Israel formed. Here is it 2015.’

    Not just modern history, Sir, but, throughout the ages, there have been those predicting the world soon to be on it’s last dying gasps. And apocalyptic thinking comes in all shapes and sizes : from environmentalists cowering in terror of the atmosphere, to KKK members thinking the ultimate race war is just right around the corner, to quite a few of my fellow Christians sure Armageddon is here, or health enthusiasts seeing gmos as a sign of the end-times…

    Of course, these things may all happen, BUT then, it’s not about the reality, I believe, but, about the angst ridden expectations, which seem to enthrall many.

  20. @Fr. John+…

    Sir, I thank you for stating some things which I just did not have the energy to state.

    Really I thought to say so many things to Scipio, I did not know where to begin, and, thus, I did not even start, beyond to thank him for his attention and passions. Yet, now that you have begun, Sir, if I may, I would like to make one thing publick…

    When people would ask me what a Tarheel Confederate is doing in the Serbian/Russian Orthodox church, I am reminded of Ronald Reagan; who, when, in his first unsuccessful run at the Yankee presidency in 1976 against Gerald R. Ford, was askt…

    ‘Mr. Reagan ; why did you leave the Democratick party?

    Reagan’s answer? … ‘I didn’t leave the Democratick party – it left me’.

    This was, and is, why, having attended all major denominations at least several times, I can only be with the Orthodox Church – because, if you believe that Christ was right, and that the church he establisht was right – that Christianity was right – then you (I) want to drink that nectar uncut by culturalisms – not Henry VIII’s marriage insanity, not the Protestant distrust of anything not ‘sola scriptura’, and very definitely NOT the Judeophilick condition of many otherwise fine evangelical Southern churches, or the leftist leanings of traditional Protestantism.

    This has been inconvenient, both in getting to church, in weekly fasting, and in learning how to pray in olde Slavonick, BUT – what I have received back is something I cannot speak in words. It has been priceless.

    When I attend service I am unaccosted by modernity, evolution, devolution, politicks, time, fashion, sectarianism, Americanism, Federalism, Imperialism etc, etc…

    And all that being the case, my wife and I are left with an inner radiance contemplating the sublime beauty of Our Lord, in the midst of rose incense, candles amid natural light, our priests quietly dignified prayers, the cantors singing our ancient hymns, and a liturgy, quite a bit of which early Christians could recognize.

    Our relationship to Our Lord is such an important thing to get right – I just could not, and cannot, risk being anywhere but the church that has continued unbroken, right from the very beginning.

  21. ‘“Sir, essentially, you have identified yourself as a non-Western, religious fanatic. Don’t think, obey is your motto! Sorry, but that is not the way of the West.’

    For those who suspect or believe the aforementioned; that being a Christian is an ‘individual thinking matter’ – there is always this concise yet entertaining televised sermon given by the late great Bishop Fulton Sheen, in the late 1960s…

  22. Feric Jagger says:
    June 15, 2015 at 4:48 am
    According to John Hagee the next blood moon will began the countdown to the the apocalypse. Of course, in the Bible false prophets were stoned and I seen to recall one Hal Lindsey( The Late Great Planet & The Terminal Generation) predicting the rapture would happen in 1988 since that was a generation since Israel formed. Here is it 2015

    Pastor Hagee has asserted that the four blood moons is God speaking to Israel. He also has asserted that this prophesy of his is divinely inspired. However, these moons are not visible from the state of Israel. The look on this assclown’s face is priceless. Of course Hagee wasn’t divinely inspired to write his Four Blood Moons book. Most likely he was satanically and/or financially inspired. But certainly not divinely inspired.


  23. It’s amazing how people get so up in the air about blood moons being a prophetic sign. They’re a completely natural phenomenon that has nothing to do with the supernatural. But people who are dispensational, fundamentalist, or Pentecostal-charismatics seem to be addicted to this nonsense. And these folks laugh at savages who get excited over a solar eclipse!

  24. It’s amazing how people get so up in the air about blood moons being a prophetic sign. They’re a completely natural phenomenon that has nothing to do with the supernatural. But people who are dispensational, fundamentalist, or Pentecostal-charismatics seem to be addicted to this nonsense. And these folks laugh at savages who get excited over a solar eclipse!

  25. My experience with the likes of the Hagees and Zionist worshipping “rapture” X’tians is pretty much logic, reason or appeals to White racial/cultural loyalties are pretty much useless:

    Why care much about mass 3rd world immigration if all the good Christians are going to get “raptured” this year and only bad people will be “left behind”?

    One thing that still works is these fundi X’tians don’t much like be insulted and threatened by invading Muslims, so their constituencies and even corrupt “leaders” like mike the Huckster Huckabee and lisping Lyndsey Graham will give lip service to oppose Muslims replacing their wacky out version of Christianity in the South.

    So, go ahead and pose as swarthy Muslims and insult the &$&@ Hell out of the fundi Rapture X’tians. Put out the word that their churches are mostly led by homosexual child abusers and that Islam is the one true faith as evidenced by the Muslims winning everything in the holy Land.

    Also insult fundi X’tians for not resisting Zionist porn, Holywood, Lib Lesbian politics.

    So have some fun messing with these idiots.

    And just accept the reality it is pointless to try to use reason and logic with this crowd.

  26. Here, Archbishop Sheen (televised in 1955) gives a brief lecture on HOW TO THINK – he going into the traps of statisticks, the tyranny of fashionable thinking, the illusions of propriety (with regards to academick and ‘independent laboratories’, and science) and, all in all, how ‘our thinking’ is oft used to get us to marginalize and hurt ourselves.

  27. @SDalton…

    ‘It’s amazing how people get so up in the air about blood moons being a prophetic sign. They’re a completely natural phenomenon that has nothing to do with the supernatural. But people who are dispensational, fundamentalist, or Pentecostal-charismatics seem to be addicted to this nonsense. ‘

    Sir, for most, when one enters into a very intimate relationship with Our Lord, one begins to see so many ways which he speaks, and has been speaking, to us, that we neither heard nor even realize could be possible before.

    At that time we become ‘supersticious people’ , because, less & less, we take a thing, an act, a sentence, an existence, as a sign of itself in an arbitrary vacuum.

    For the the very faithful, I suspect that it has always been this way, and so will remain

    However, the dilemma can be that we begin to ‘project’ our own most cherished longing on The Almighty. Those of us who are ‘supersticious’ have to wrestle with this, so that we do not fall into the vanity of seeming to ‘understand’ God at every turn.

    Indeed, perils, follies, & outrageous fortune attend us on every path – yet, no matter what those might be, walking with Our Saviour is so beautiful that it utterly negates whatever suffering is incurred.

    A pious life is a life that is much like a dense and wide forest at the edge of a tobacco field – you cannot see what it is, within, from without.

  28. @JRyan…

    I went to see your link. Fillt my heart full of joy to see the traditional defenders of Eastern Christendom recouping their traditions and strength. Thank you, Sir.

    It was no mistake that Cossacks were given such a place of pride in Czarist Russia.

    ??? ???? ???????

  29. Junious,

    I recommend you get to know regular White American bikers – not 1% clubs left over from the 1970s.

    Lot s of these bikers are ex military, have some affiliations with law enforcement of some kind.

    To be a biker you have to have some courage and you will not have problems of arse kissers, briefcase carriers, glad handlers, country club golfers.

    I wouldn’t recommend you trying to make your local bikers into open a White racialist so just finesse race a bit and always go local.

    We have men with b&$&@ and women who will be with men with b&$&@s.

    Be a biker, it’s a good thing.

    When I am on the bike, dressed appropriately I generally don’t have to Rory about PC, Lib feminist nonsense anymore than Cossacks in another Russia .

  30. @JRyan…

    Thank you, Sir – I am ‘a biker’ – but restrict myself to puttering solo, along little country roads, so that I can take in all Mother Nature has to provide, and think about how to resolve work problems.

    By the way, I lykt your analogy. Spot on, Sir.

  31. ‘Dispensationalism is alien to Southern evangelical Christianity’:

    It is equally alien to Christian churches that exist NORTH of the vaunted division LINE. When I first heard of the ‘rapture and millennium’ nonsense as a teenager, it was being preached against as yet another false teaching, like ‘eternal security’ and ‘tongues’, that were being spread by Southern Baptists and Pentecostals.

  32. In my background and upbringing, that is NOT south of the Line, the only true Israel is the Church, no others at all are recognised.

  33. Junius Daniel says:
    June 15, 2015 at 4:57 pm

    Thank you, Sir – I am ‘a biker’ – but restrict myself to puttering solo, along little country roads, so that I can take in all Mother Nature has to provide, and think about how to resolve work problems.

    By the way, I lykt your analogy. Spot on, Sir.”

    I am a bit similar , but try to be a little social, hang out in places with other bikers. Bikers tend to be independent , but sometimes we need groups like when running off the New Black Panthers.

  34. Beliefs in ghosts, goblins, and evil spirits makes sense and can make us live in fear. But Security can be guaranteed by believing in the great defender: Jesus Christ. He is everywhere, but only prayer can fill your bank accounts and make your money buy great sex.

  35. “Scipio, you are an idiot. . . . And uninformed about your own Nation’s history. . . The Orthodox were here from the time of the American Revolution- they were just on the OTHER side of the WESTERN American Continent- in Alaska and what would become San Francisco- but they were HERE” – Fr. John+

    This is a great example of a non sequitur combined with an argumentum ad hominem (“you’re an idiot”) to boot! A logical fallacy double whammy. Tell me, what does Orthodox Christianity’s presence in Alaska have to do with the fact that it is non-Western?


    So-called “Native Americans” were present here too and yet no sane person would describe them belonging to the West.

    And to think that this is what passes as intelligent discourse on the net these days.

    Of course Orthodox Christianity was present in Alaska given that Alaska was part of Russia and the territory wasn’t incorporated into the United States until after its purchase in 1867, an event which came to be known as ‘Seward`s Folly.’

    And you criticize me for my lack of understanding of history? The rest of your statements concerning this topic are part of your non sequitur and unworthy of discussion.

    “Orthodox don’t ‘blindly’ obey, but they DO obey their leaders- so UNLIKE the Baptist hyper individualism. Which is more corresponding to the Bible? Obey those who have the authority over you…. hmmmm.

    I agree, they certainly DO obey their leaders as History so aptly demonstrates. Did not the Russians obey that Jewish-Bolshevik monster Ilja Ehrenburg’s commands to rape German women and children during the Second World War? And rape they did – over a million victims, ages 7 to 70. Regardless of their deficiencies, the hyper-individualistic Baptists who you disparage would never engage in such savagery nor would any true civilized man of the West.

    “Putin’s Russia is the ONLY nation that is actively seeking to be MORE moral, MORE Christian, and LESS forgiving of the PERVERSION WE HAVE ENTHRONED IN THE USA. So, get off your dumb ass and stop reading the CZ/Jewsmedia Pre-digested crap you call the News’ and learn to think for yourself… if possible.

    ROFL! Commandments to ‘think for myself’ coming from a man who peddles logical fallacies as coherent argumentation. Unbelievable!

    Tell me, are you familiar with the story of Sergei Magnitsky? Probably not given the unbelievable praise you heap on Russia and its “Christian” leader. Here’s a link to the story, HOW RUSSIANS KILLED MY LAWYER:


    “He was held in custody for 358 days and tortured in an effort to get him to retract his testimony. He never did. When the officials involved finally understood he would never break, they had him chained him to a bed while eight riot guards with rubber batons beat him to death. . . There was no plausible deniability to Sergei’s torture and murder. In his 358 days in detention, Sergei had written over 450 complaints documenting what had been done to him. We received copies of these complaints, and together they provided one of the most granular accounts of human rights abuse to come out of Russia in the last 35 years.”

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/02/sergei-magnitsky-murder-114878.html#ixzz3dplI8T00

    Like you, this poor man mistakenly believed he was dealing with civilized men when he attempted to expose Russian corruption at the highest levels of government and was savagely tortured and murdered for his efforts. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case.

    As I stated, Russia is nothing more than a gangland operation and acknowledging this fact in no way denies the equally tragic fact that the United States, likewise, is also a gangland operation of sorts, albeit somewhat constrained only by the residue of our once noble and now tattered Constitution and Bill of Rights. Alas, Russia has nothing so noble, such as the 2nd Amendment, to restrain its gangster leadership.

    PS: Fr. John+, you remind me of another self-proclaimed “man of Christ” who posts under the handle “Apollonian.” Like you, he also peddles logical fallacies and posts replies dripping with venomous anger and intellectual deceit when confronted with something he does not like to hear. Are you related to him in anyway? Perhaps you two share the same congregation. You know, birds of a feather . . .

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