Horrifying: OD Speaks To The Media

In the wake of Charleston, the CofCC is being misrepresented
In the wake of Charleston, the CofCC is being misrepresented

I spoke to the media about Charleston because I believe that these are the times when our convictions are tested. We must stand firm and explain our principles to the public and tell them why our cause is moral and just:


Bradley Griffin, a Council board member, called the Charleston attack “horrifying,” And attempted to distance the organization from the killings. “No one in our group has ever said, ‘Go pick up a gun and shoot random people.’ I don’t know where this guy got that idea from,” he said in an interview.

But he also said he’s sympathetic to Roof’s anger. “If anyone touches a hair on a black person, it’s international news, whereas the most horrific crimes imaginable are inflicted on whites all the time, and I think the media kind of wants to downplay that,” he said. The Council’s website, which has since been taken down, described the group “as the only serious nationwide activist group that sticks up for white rights” and warned against “modern Negro thuggery.” …

Griffin, whose father-in-law founded the Council, frets about the tendency of younger people to keep their separatist beliefs private.

“They hide on the Internet. They don’t organize,” he said. Violence could be avoided, he added, if “people have older men above them to show them discipline like they used to.”

Asked how he formed his views, Griffin pointed to his childhood in Eufaula, Alabama, a short drive from the birthplace of George Wallace, a former Alabama governor who tried to block desegregation at the University of Alabama in 1963.

“The political, the cultural views that I have are not surprising at all considering where I’m from,” he said. “There’s a long history of this.”

Note: Naturally, the interviews were much longer than this and only a small excerpt of what I said was used. Still, I am pleased that I was able to make a small impact on the gross misrepresentation of my organization.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yes!

    “But he also said he’s sympathetic to Roof’s anger. “If anyone touches a hair on a black person, it’s international news, whereas the most horrific crimes imaginable are inflicted on whites all the time, and I think the media kind of wants to downplay that,”

  2. For whatever reason, the media likes to smear white advocates by constantly lumping them into the likes of the Ku Klux Klan and the Nationalist Socialist Party. Here, we have OD/CoCC getting sandwiched right in between. They’ve gotten to the level where it’s like some Maury Povich show. They should play some pre recorded cat calls, boos, and jeers on the website to go along with their yellow journalism.

  3. The point about the young men going off the rails lacking the discipline of hierarchy is spot on. Recall that Lanza’s (Newton) father basically abandoned his son, despite having the financial wherewithal to help him. He was one of the guys that runs General Electric’s tax dodging department.

    Good fathers make good people.

  4. Hunter and all true blue Southern boys raised in Southern soil, OK it s ok for you to challenge Midwestern boys/guys like me who might “bother” some beautiful Southern gals (guilty as charged) but please stand firm when dealing with the Brits at Reuters and other places.

    The South and z$)&)) disunited States of America have never had a Brit Queen. Ha ha , tell these Brit poofters at Reuters to take a hike!

  5. BUGS has a great post up about an interview dealing with the “White Genocide” campaign

  6. Yes, RobRoy, I read it. Genseric’s replies serve as an excellent model of how pro-Whites should always deal with the anti-White MSM. I hope Hunter and the rest of the folks here read it too.

  7. Just went to Google Maps, to check out George Wallace’s birthplace–Clio, Alabama, as it turns out–which is mentioned in the passage you excerpted from the article for which you were interviewed, Mr. W. It’s an interesting study. Basically, it looks like any simple place I’d pass through in rural New Jersey if, say, I were driving from Philadelphia to the New Jersey shore points, off the main highways. What was striking was a mural directly across the street from the one-story municipal building. That was at the routes 10 and 51 intersection, which is what Google Maps used as the markpoint (my own term) for Clio. At half-staff, outside the building itself, was an American flag, beneath which was a red-crossed flag like the black-crossed flag you fly here, at Occidental Dissent. Don’t know what that is, but maybe you do. The mural, as I say, was the eyecatcher. It showed what appeared to be George Wallace, standing at a microphone and flanked by an American flag and that red-crossed flag. To his left (mural’s right) a black man and a slender white woman are seated at a computer terminal, where the man looks to be explaining something to the woman.

    Struggling to be Southern and American simultaneously.

  8. PS Just went to Wikipedia, to confirm my guess–the obvious one: the red-crossed flag is the Alabama state flag.

  9. Bradley Griffin: “If anyone touches a hair on a black person, it’s international news, whereas the most horrific crimes imaginable are inflicted on whites all the time, and I think the media kind of wants to downplay that,”

    Excellent! Take it to em. Joe Sixpack will have his eyes opened. .

    Jared Taylor’s Al Jazeera interview hits it out of the park. That 85% figure is a sledge hammer statistic.

    Information not inspiration. So true.

    Does a good job in spite of the snarky weasel jew blaming economics instead of typcal black proclivities.


    Shuster: ‘The CoCC referred blacks to a retrograde species of humanity. Why shouldn’t somebody who is going to your web site and believes this stuff, why shouldn’t we be able to predict that they might cause violence against African Americans?’

    Just once I would like to see someone place a jew interrogator on their heels by asking the same question. The Talmud and countless of statements made by Rabbi’s declare non-jews to be beasts made only to serve jews. That is the crux of your religion. Why are you never culpable from fallout?

    Give direct quotes.

    They will change the subject so fast your head would spin.

    Damnable hypocrites!

  10. Do you think that the League of the South, being unable to ditch the Confederate Battle Flag, will try extra hard now to demonstrate that they aren’t racist? Maybe by electing some Negro officers?

    They used to have a broadcast on shortwave years ago, and their utterances seemed to be along that line.

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