We Shall Not Succumb: Confederate Flag Rallies Erupt Across Dixie

Confederate flag rally in Montgomery, AL draws crowd of nearly 1,000 people
Confederate flag rally in Montgomery, AL draws crowd of nearly 1,000 people

Early reports are rolling in from a wild weekend of pro-Southern activism:

1.) Nearly 1,000 people turned out to support the Confederate Battle Flag in Montgomery, AL.

2.) 40 to 50 people turned out to support the Confederate Battle Flag in Harrison, AR.

3.) 300 carloads of people turned out to support the Confederate Battle Flag in Tampa, FL.

4.) Several dozens of people rallied in support of the Confederate Battle Flag in Columbia, SC.

5.) 150 people showed up in support of the Confederate Battle Flag in Gastonia, NC.

Note: Confederate Battle Flags are flying off the shelves at small businesses all across the South. Dixie Republic and The Confederate Shop are sold out.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It seems to me that the flag bans and the sodomy ruling coming about at virtually the same time presents us with a golden opportunity to present the US flag as the symbol of Sodom and the battle flag as the symbol of resistance to it.

    The battle flag has much sympathy, even outside the South. The overwhelming majority are still against fag “marriage”, even down to most liberal churches. These two things need to be married (no pun intended), along with the other evils the US government now stands for and our flag is THE symbol of resistance to.

  2. Some way should make a flag with the Battle Flag stuck in the face of a vampire.

    Crosses and Vampires don’t mix.

  3. Hunter,

    You should feel vindicated with your flagging.

    There is a lot of support out there that is silent. Largely because that support is sporting and fair to the various opponents and subverters of the people.

    Obama and his ilk have been given the chance to fail. Now comes the concerted reaction.

  4. Bahn,

    The move against the Dukes of Hazzard really has to piss off a lot of fans of Americana.

    Even liberals can understand the veiled reference to the Robin Hood myth.

  5. Captain John Charity Spring MA says:

    ‘There is a lot of support out there that is silent. Largely because that support is sporting and fair to the various opponents and subverters of the people. Obama and his ilk have been given the chance to fail. Now comes the concerted reaction.’

    I hope you are right but I would not bank on it.

    I was just listening to a national radio sports on Espn which is all about Nascar racing. Two Southern fellows name Marty and McGee (sp) devoted the program to the flag controversy.

    After intro music of Waylon Jennings singing “Ramblin Man’ they talked about family histories. One said the flag was not just about but slavery but freedom of this that and the other. Where is this heading, I thought? Said his family owned slaves and still own the land.

    Went downhill after that.

    Shifted into shame and apology mode. Can’t change their awful history It is what it is. The flag to the blacks represents hate and slavery so it must go.

    Other callers with accents that make Brad sound like a Connecticut Yankee talked about ancestors and how they fought for what they thought was right, but the symbol of racism, slavery and hate has to go. Their black friends and neighbors would be hurt and offended by the displays.

    The host talked about MLK museum in Memphis and how the movie images of blacks mistreated and the flag made an impression on him. Flag must go.

    Some Negroes called in.

    One said this is the first time he had any respect for Southerners.

    Another said he was a descendant of a Tuskee airman and blathered on about that.

    Richard Paetty and Jr. were quoted as saying it’s time to get rid of the flag.

    It is a symbol of division, hate, the worst of our history.

    Obama and the blacks at the church service showed us how to live and come together as one. Great example of what America really is.

    Healing, healing and more healing.

    I thought they were going to cry when they said Obama led the nation in singing Amazing Grace.

    I’m thinking If they can’t even muster the courage to fight for this issue you can forget secession.

    Some older folks maybe, most of the young having been indoctrinated by Hollywood and academia since birth would rather join up with antis and place -coexist- stickers and rainbow flags on their cars.

    Oh, and one South Carolina man said the Confederate flag and the Nazi flag are in essence one and the same. Both have no place in society.

  6. Next they will be saying all guns should be confiscated just because the mulatto wants them to be.

  7. Breitbart reported a pro-flag rally of 300 in Tampa Bay, Florida, of all places. From the pictures posted, it looked like a great many were young people.

  8. I went by the Crossroads Country Store in Harrisonburg, Va (confederateshop.com) and they were doing a booming business. Of course the CBF was selling like hotcakes as well as their books and music. All this has done is motivate people to take an interest in their heritage and maybe along the way look into the real causes of the civil war rather than blindly believing the claptrap they were taught in school. Also I cannot think of a better time for a mass reprint of the book “The South Under Siege: 1830-2000” by Frank Conner. At one time the SCV bookstore offered it but I have not checked to see that is still the case.

  9. Massive, unending CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE BY THE CHRISTIANS OF THE SOUTH is now needed.

    Now. Finally. Forever.

  10. Mr. Booey, thank you.

    Now I know where to take my business.

    Deconstructed Yankee, Fr. John+

    May the St. Andrew’s Cross fly high, free, and sovereign, once more.
    Deo Volente.

  11. Speaker: ‘the politicians have betrayed them because it is true they do not represent your interests. They have stabbed you in the back. They will never stand up for you and they will never fight.’

    Well crafted speech. No wasted words. Effective, short, to the point and easily remembered.

    They have stabbed you in the back!’

  12. These rallies are all well and good and I hope there are bigger ones to come. Unfortunately, they will subside at some near future time, as will the number of flags flown from houses. I know this because I’ve seen it all before.

    I’m telling you, if you want to continue to get under the skin of the SJWs who are the only real soldiers behind the destruction of our symbols (and then us, of course) so that even more people will see what rabid dogs they are – think stickers! Mini flag stickers. Put a roll in your pocket and take them everywhere you go. They’ll stick to just about anything. For those committed enough there needn’t be any subsiding.

    Imagine the freak out when SJWs can’t look anywhere w/o seeing our flag. There has to be a concerted effort though. One person in one town ain’t gonna accomplish squat.

    Or is posting on the internet and going to a couple of rallies all we can muster?

    Btw, I don’t sell the things. It just seems like the best thing to do at this point – giving them the finger in the most annoying fashion we can.

  13. Total for today’s protest:

    1. Around 1,000 protested in Montgomery, Alabama

    2. Around 300-500 protesters in Tampa, Florida

    3. At least 75-150 protesters rallied in South Carolina

    4. Around 150-200 protesters rallied in North Carolina.

    4. Dozens of smaller rallies from Smyrna , Tennessee to Harrison, Arkansas also occurred.

    Overall, the protest today were a success. Further planning, organization, and cooperation between groups could make this a real movement.

  14. Nascar is just the Southern version of bread and circuses to take people’s money and make sure they don’t realize what’s really happening.

  15. You are very welcome Fr. John+. The owner of the store will greatly appreciate your business and you will be amazed by the selection of merchandise he has available. Best wishes sir.

  16. Reynauld says:

    ‘Nascar is just the Southern version of bread and circuses to take people’s money and make sure they don’t realize what’s really happening.’

    Nascar buffs are almost entirely White. I have friends and relatives who follow it religiously up here in Wisconsin.

    Nascar has thrown their fans under the bus for political expediency for many years now.

    I wonder what would happen if a concerted effort was made by Southerners to boycott races or if everyone showed up waving flags defiantly in protest?

  17. Huge opportunities for the Southern Nationalist movement are happening now, people should be increasing their activism as never before. A big salute to all those making that effort. Here in the Richmond, VA area (more so outside the city limits aka White areas) I see more Confederate Battle flags then I’ve seen in years.

  18. All our pro-Southern organizations need to be out there doing public activism because millions of people who have never been involved in the movement are furious. All the reports I have seen indicate that the public is coming out to join the demonstrations.

  19. Yes, there’s an enormous tsunami of agitated and angry people out there looking for an outlet. When I say people, I’m talking about the 99.9% of the most agitated and angry who just so happen to be White.

    I’m not really a Southern Nationalist(but I am pro-Southern), but I do hope that your/their message isn’t diluted by the circus of sycophants and Confederate cuckolders who will see this as an opportunity to act tough while breaking their own backs to push the narrative that the South was really an inclusive, multiracial patch of land that just so happened to be South rather than North. I’m literally watching many do this right now on various watering holes and news outlets across Internetland. It’s really, really sickening to watch these people try to pander to the fractional percentages of non-Whites(mostly talking about blacks here) who might support any kind of Southern Nationalist movement that has some kind of racialist perspective.

    I hope you are much more active and assertive than they are.

  20. Come on! Make these back stabbers pay. They owe their fame and riches to White fans who spend their hard earned cash on them. Blacks as a rule hate it. Don’t watch or support Nascar any more.

    Tell em to make their millions from negro fans which can’t be more than 2-3.

    SONOMA, Calif. (AP) — Calling the Confederate flag an ”insensitive symbol” he personally finds offensive, NASCAR chairman Brian France said the sport will be aggressive in disassociating the symbol from its events.

    ”We want to go as far as we can to eliminate the presence of that flag,” France told The Associated Press on Saturday. ”I personally find it an offensive symbol, so there is no daylight how we feel about it and our sensitivity to others who feel the same way.

    ”We’re working with the industry to see how far we can go to get that flag to be disassociated entirely from our events.”

    Dale Earnhardt: Dale Earnhardt Jr.’s viewpoint that the Confederate flag is offensive has not wavered over the years, and NASCAR’s most popular driver again left no room for interpretation speaking Friday at Sonoma Raceway.

    “I think it’s offensive to an entire race,” Earnhardt said. “It belongs in the history books and that’s about it.”

  21. @hunter
    I would love to, and will be attending similar events in the future. I do have other plans on the 4th and a business trip flying out Sunday morning unfortunately. I am on the guest list for the NPI event in DC this fall and will be there.

  22. Denise, what connection do you make between the Reich and the traditional South. Fo you even feign sanity?

  23. Hunter Wallace says:
    ‘I think drivers like Dale Earnhardt, Jr. look ridiculous stamped with all those corporate logos.’

    Yes, but Nascar and the drivers have become enormously wealthy due to corporate sponsors, TV, advertising revenues and fan base.

    They have no qualms bitch-slapping devoted redneck toadies and Whites in general because there are no downsides to crossing them. Never, ever.

    Same story all across this land in every field of activity and venue, from sports, to business to politics and the pulpit on Sunday in most cases.

  24. TJ – do you ever feign intelligence?

    “Heil” is German for “Hail”.

    Why does German freak you out? Do you hate Germans? Why?

  25. Please Circulate photos of the Negress taking down the flag in Columbia, the Marxists burning the Confederate Flag in New Orleans, and the Lefties burning both CS and US flags in Denver.

  26. I was a big NASCAR fan. Loved working on, and driving cars when I was young.

    NASCAR has killed itself. First, with all of the homosexual/lesbian/feminist friendly propaganda. Now banning the Confederate Flag.

    Just remember: An Irish Roman Catholic, a Hispanic Roman Catholic and 3 Jews made homosexual marriage the law of the land.

  27. The self parodying cuck whites such as the NASCAR types are basically reading a script that was written for the 3×5 flag that represented the 5 decade long white man’s Days of Rage.

    The LoS has since updated itself out of the reactionary tar pits and in fits and starts is taking the moral high ground out from the joke of an establishment.

    This is my opinion from a Copperhead point of view. Those people flying that 3×5 flag at that rally are behind the curve, they mean well and they are solid citizens. But, the Days of Rage flag mainly IMO projects optics that applies mainly to the kooks who just want to poke someone’s eyes out than build a nation.

    • In Forrest Park.

      The rally is against the mayor of Memphis who wants to tear down Nathan Bedford Forrest’s statue and literally dig him up from his grave. Marcus wrote about it.

      There’s another rally coming up in Jackson, MS. I will post details soon.

  28. The people who are coming to these rallies instinctively oppose this wave of cultural genocide, but they have a very low, degraded sense of Southern identity, which they have probably never seen articulated except on a few Rainbow Confederate Facebook pages.

  29. Hunter, is there going to be a CBF rally in the St. Louis area soon? I’d like to come, and wave my new CBF !

  30. Mr. Butz, the Catholics on the SCOTUS who voted for queer marriage are Catholics in name only. The Jews who voted for it revolted against traditional Judaism. Traditional Judaism, in spite of it’s grave differences with Christianity, is not sodomite friendly. This is what you need to remember.

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