Obama Flagged In Tennessee

Irate locals organize a welcoming party for Barack Obama

By Hunter Wallace

Welcome to the Volunteer State:

“Supporters of the Confederate flag have turned out to protest President Barack Obama’s visit to Nashville.

The flag, particularly the iconic Confederate battle flag, has come under fire as a symbol of hate and racism after the apparently racially motivated shooting deaths of nine people at an African-American church in South Carolina last month. …”

I don’t know these men, but God bless them. We need more of our people out there in the streets flagging Obama and all of these craven Republican politicians. We need men like this young man in South Carolina whose Southern blood runs so strong that he is willing to be beaten in defense of our heritage.

Just yesterday, Dr. Michael Hill told the Christian Science Monitor:

“Given the recent, widespread condemnation of the flag even from traditional allies on the political right, “it looked like only one side was playing, like a football game where only one team had come out of the dressing room,” says Hill of the League of the South.

But he vows that the pro-Confederate side will come out, too.

“The real fact of the matter is, the Southern people, this sleeping giant, they’re going to take some time to mobilize, but make no mistake: They’re mobilizing right now,” Hill says. …”

That’s right.

We’re coming. We’re organizing. We’re mobilizing. We’re not going to stand for this. Don’t think we aren’t going to put up a fight over this.

WSMV Channel 4

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The protester is already on the defensive when he says that “the flag has nothing to do with hate.” Of course it doesn’t, but that is not the point.

    The point of this federal operation to eliminate the Confederate flag from Southern life is to drive a stake through its heart given that it remains a symbol of white resistance to Judaic tyranny.

    Claiming that the flag equals ‘hate’ is simply a rhetorical device designed to paralyze its supporters from identifying the true nature of the operation being waged against it.

    If you accept the basic premises of the enemy, you lose completely because you will always be on the defensive and defensive tactics never win! It’s like accepting the word “racism” instead of rejecting it out of hand as a smear term.

    When will Western man learn?

  2. Actually, I would say that the flag is a symbol of hate, specifically the hatred of federal tyranny. That’s hate that any decent American should love.

  3. >The protester is already on the defensive when he says that “the flag has nothing to do with hate.” Of course it doesn’t, but that is not the point.

    The Tariff of 1828 had /far/ more to do with the Southern secession than the slavery issue. In short, Northern manufacturing hid behind protective tariffs while Southern agriculture was forced to compete globally in the open commodities market. This meant that Boston could buy its cereals and cotton at international wholesale prices–thereby driving down the South economically–while Dixie was forced to buy ploughs from Northern forges and materials from New England sawmills rather than competitively from Germany or Great Britain. The North enforced tariffs in the South’s harbors, hence the Federal occupation of Ft. Sumter in the port of Charleston triggered the war.

    For more information, see here: http://www.emarotta.com/protective-tariffs-the-primary-cause-of-the-civil-war/

  4. The press edited him him in.

    They can edit him out.

    Don’t be defeatist.

  5. It’s interesting that the left loves a good theory about war for profit and dominance, yet they insist white men from the factories were benevolently concerned about slavery and picked up rifle and bayonet.
    Could it just have been about tax structures and industrialization?


  6. This white Southern movement will fizzle out when they realize that violent black people are waiting to confronting them. If there is anything white people fear it’s black violence. Driving a convoy of pickups adorned with the flag is frankly a cowardly protest. After a week or so we will find out that Southerners are a bunch of internet warriors.

  7. Cagney is, unfortunately, very correct. This stuff always fizzles out with conservatives(not just the Southern variety), and they tend to go right back to rallying around the same social issues that have done nothing but pit White against White. The second you throw violence or the threat of violence and race into the mix, these same conservatives will fight each other to prove who isn’t a racist or who hates someone the least.

    I want to stand up and demand someone take notice of the depravity of blacks and report on black-on-White violence, but I don’t want to be called a racist. I want to stand up and wave my flag with pride, but I don’t want anyone to think I hate other people.

    You don’t win with that kind of attitude. If ever there was a time for Southern groups to be loud, boisterous, unapologetic and even confrontational, this is it.

  8. The turkey sandwich I had for lunch also had nothing to do with hate, but the turkey didn’t like it much all the same…

  9. Celestial Time says:

    ‘The second you throw violence or the threat of violence and race into the mix, these same conservatives will fight each other to prove who isn’t a racist or who hates someone the least.
    I want to stand up and demand someone take notice of the depravity of blacks and report on black-on-White violence, but I don’t want to be called a racist. I want to stand up and wave my flag with pride, but I don’t want anyone to think I hate other people.’

    Your assessment is 100% accurate.

    The other side does not believe in loving their enemies, that is why they are kicking our backsides to hell and back!

    They mouth platitudes pretending to forgive and love knowing it sets us back on our altruistic heels while they assault us in every way at every turn using all weapons at their disposal until we are totally decimated.

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