When Big Business Rules Dixie

If you want to understand what has happened across the South over the past two weeks, then you need to take a look at this:

“Big business was on the winning side in the U.S. Supreme Court’s two major cases of the year, with hundreds of employers pushing hard in favor of gay marriage and the healthcare industry backing the insurance subsidies available under Obamacare.

The court on Thursday rejected a conservative challenge to President Barack Obama’s healthcare law on a 6-3 vote and, a day later, ruled 5-4 that gay marriage should be legal nationwide.

Both cases were largely seen through the lens of national ideological wars, with liberals backing gay marriage and Obamacare and conservatives opposing them.” But the cases could also be seen as pro-business rulings by a court with a reputation as friendly to corporate interests under Chief Justice John Roberts. …”

See also this:

“After the killings in Charleston, the business leaders saw their chance. The chairman of the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce, an old friend of Ms. Haley’s named Mikee Johnson, polled his 56 board members about the future of the flag. Everyone who responded was of the same opinion. He called Ms. Haley and told her: If she was ready to bring down the Confederate banner, they were behind her.

So was the South Carolina Manufacturers Alliance, the muscular association that represents giant international companies like BMW and Bridgestone Tire. Over the weekend after the shootings, its president, Mr. Gossett, urged members to draw up a strategy for finally ridding the State House of the flag. …”

Read this too:

“By the time they had finished their work, Gov. Robert Bentley, who had ordered the removals the previous afternoon, was in a small town in the state’s northern hills to make an announcement. Google was coming to Alabama, building a $600 million data center to be powered completely by renewable energy.

“We have so many premier automobile and aerospace industries in the state, and I want this progress to continue,” the governor said in an interview. “I don’t want anything to be a distraction to my ability to recruit jobs.”

He continued, “A flag is not worth a job.” …

We’ve met the enemy … and the enemy is the latest incarnation of the “New South.” It’s the same enemy we faced in the 1960s too.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Pretty depressing, but it does demonstrate that you have to win the culture war, you have to win hearts and minds. The side that will forgo business opportunities for political reasons, in this case Google et al, will always trounce those who won’t.

    But why? Why are the gays and their fellow travelers filled with zeal, where traditional folks just want to crouch down in their fox holes? The old faith is dead. It has happened before, in ancient Rome, also in Zoroastrian Persia, perhaps in Vedic India as well.

    A new faith is rising, but it won’t manifest over night. Folks need to suffer some first.

  2. Self respect is not worth a job
    History is not worth a job
    Tradition is not worth a job
    Civility is not worth a job
    Justice is not worth a job
    Pride is not worth a job
    Truth is not worth a job
    faith is not worth a job?

    Hang Bently’s political career on ‘a flag is not worth a job’
    The cravenness is breathtaking,!

  3. Why do white Southerners love big business so much?

    There is something I and many other racially aware Northerners find creepy about the way Southerners seem to fall head over heels for big business, the Israel lobby, the military industrial complex, anti-white college football programs, neocon/NWO foreign policy etc.

    Very few people here up north with non-PC views do this. Almost all of us are anti-globalist, anti-corporate and anti-neocon. But a lot of Southerners who are at least somewhat racially aware do not see a contradiction in opposing third world immigration and other anti-white policies while supporting the very actors who push these policies.

    There are larger issues with Southern culture at work here.

  4. Everyone wants to Croon about the new South; which is the yankee transplants and immigrant vermin which have been imported to replace us. The new south is nothing but the same old north.

  5. Bentley is obviously your typical “pimp style” politician. He’s out there selling Alabama under the guise of economic development and jobs. Haley is a little different she’s more of the “prostitute style”—pay her and she will do it.

  6. Lackawanna,

    I’d like to answer your question but it would take up too much space. Perhaps Hunter can do a column on it sometime.

    In VERY general terms, it involves things like both northerners’ and Southerners’ patriotism being distorted and taken advantage of, although in very different ways. It goes back to Southerners being a conquered people. It goes to the end of the 19th, beginning of the 20th centuries when Southerners began to feel themselves a part of the USA again. It also has to do with the Wilsonian/Rooseveltian takeover of the Democratic party and the later Republican reaction i.e. “the Southern strategy”.

    Remember though, that the north is seen the same way by non-pc Southerners, in that northerners may recognize the problems with the things you have listed but have always had very poor racial and cultural instincts. This lack of racial and cultural instincts so widespread in the north is why northerners are more likely to either go full bore hate on blacks or not even recognize the difference, whereas in the South more effort is made to balance reality with fairness.

    This is really too general an explanation but maybe it’ll lead you in the right direction for research.

    Being more or less the inverse of each other YKW has had a field day.

  7. For jobs I am sure that are not meant for native Alabama, but for the invaders Obama and gang are bringing in.

  8. To answer Lackawanna:

    1) For Southerners, it has always been “any port in a storm”, not a winning attitude by the way. No one can win until they are first prepared to lose. Much like the attitude Hunter Wallace is advocating re elections and the GOP.

    2) Authoritarian / aristocratic culture from the Middle Ages. Northern men are Roundheads, Southern men are Cavaliers. Roundheads follow the government they think is right, Cavaliers follow the government that they think is there. That is why a Northern Man will travel south to boycott something happening in the South, but a Southerner won’t do it in his own backyard. That is why “heritage” must reach back further than 1860, to, say, 1860 BC! Back to the Aryan past. People are complaining that ZOG is trying to erase the memory of the 1860s, but aren’t even aware that the memory of a more fundamental epoch has already been obliterated.

    3) These are dog-whistles / sublimation straight out of the Nixon playbook. Can’t directly restore Jim Crow, but we can backdoor it though a War on Drugs. Can’t bomb actual niggers, so we’ll bomb sand niggers instead. Pure sublimation.

  9. Unfortunately the Southern power structure elites have brought this on. Attracting big business by offering cheap southern labor without such horrible impediments to unbridled greed like labor unions which would horrors!!! actually stand up help workers get a fair deal. Walmart is a prime example..if there is one thing they hate more than the Confederate flag, it’s a labor union! I do my best to now shop at smaller stores and avoid these sweatshops..Huey long was right..these gobalist corporations are just plain evil..

  10. I am well aware that slavery was just a secondary issue as to why the South tried to secede from the North. I am well aware of the small minority of Southerners who actually owned slaves at the time. I don’t believe that many of them would have fought a war to keep slavery if that were the issue alone.

    I was educated about this by an pro-Confederacy Yankee (Copperhead?) historian who loves to go to these seminars and make what he calls Battle Hymn of the Republic historians who try to make it all about slavery squirm by retorting that if the South had been smart enough to free their slaves and then direct them toward the Ohio river, there would be Union soldiers with bayonets stationed there to repel them back to the South.

    So, I have an imperfect understanding of how dear the flag and the monuments to the Confederate dead are to Southerners as symbols of history and heritage not “hate.”
    However, for better or worse, the victor writes history and the real reason for secession has been obliterated thanks to the secondary issue of slavery itself.

    I know this development is disheartening, but from an historical POV, it is rarely to never that any honest historical revisionism evolves within one hundred fifty years of an historical event. Look at the case of Richard III of England. It is only emerging now, six hundred and thirty years later, that he conducted himself bravely and honorably as a legitimate king. For centuries, he was remembered as something altogether different thanks to being smeared further by Shakespeare.

    The Party of Lincoln strikes again! But they still want your vote. They are willing to compromise.

    That is why I am urging Southerners to strike back now – not only get on board but advocate for the construction of well-fortified museums for which to relocate these symbols and statues as well as important historical documents. Not only to protect these symbols and statutes from vandalism or destruction. These museums will go a long way to help setting the historical record straight when the country (or what is left of it) is ready to take an honest look at the War Between The States.

  11. This is not just a Southern problem. When Indiana passed their act to protect religious freedom, they apparently were prepared for and expected the SJW backlash. What they weren’t prepared for and caused them to buckle was the assault conducted by big business such as Google, Apple, Sears, Walmart etc. We need to avoid the corporations that have made themselves our enemies. Think local and shop local.

  12. Reynauld: You’re absolutely right. We must keep our money in our own community. Many Southerners unthinkingly endorse capitalism because that is the “conservative” position. This is residual thinking from the Cold War era when supposedly the division was between capitalism and Communism. The truth is that corporate capitalism and Communism are simply different tentacles of the same one-world octopus.

  13. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his very soul? The worst places in hell are reserved for traitors.

  14. Give me a break. I seriously doubt that lower-middle and working class white Alabamans will see any of the good jobs at Google’s facility. More likely, the good jobs go to H1Bs and transplants from outside Alabama, with a large quota allotment for blacks and other non-whites in decent-paying administrative positions that don’t require a lot of brain power.

    Furthermore, it would be interesting to know what kind of tax breaks and other incentives the State of Alabama is giving to Google and these other interests. If they’re getting substantial tax breaks, that means little or no tax revenue for investment into Alabama infrastructure and other commons.

    However, I’m sure Governor Bentley, his local donors and Alabama’s local elites generally stand to gain nicely. Most or all of that grouping is probably white of course.

    Collaborators is a word that people need to start reflecting on often.

  15. And yes, Southerners need rethink their commitment to Capitalism, the US military and conservatism.

  16. “Good article about the dysgenic and devolved nature of gay marriage. ” – the 14th amendment is now the gay marriage and anchor babies amendment. who knows what it will be in the future.

  17. I’ve said this over and over : we southerners are our own worst enemies, and when we stop being that, things will get better.

    Until then, nothing improves.

    In the end, our plight is NOT the fault of Yankees, Jews, Leftists, or Negroes – but, us.

  18. Too much writing. Too much talking. People complain about the big corporations, but do almost nothing uniformly at a grassroots level. Half of you will be shopping at Walmart and buying from Amazon by next week or next month. It’s always complain about something, then sit back and see if some imaginary philanthropist steps forward to offer his monetary support to assist you with your complaints and struggles. Stop waiting for someone to come save you and start saving yourselves.

    Are you willing or able to pay a little more and possibly be a little more inconvenienced to support your beliefs?

    Do you know your local farmers and have you talked to them?

    Do you know local businesses where you can shift some of your purchasing power away from the giant corporations?

    Have you even once thought about using something like buying groups(there are many names for this) where you can approach less hostile local or family-run businesses with an incentive-driven relationship, where they can be assured of a consistent, but growing, revenue stream, whereby you get lower prices? You convincing a few others to not spend their money—let’s call it a combined $4k/month—at the mega-corporations isn’t going to put a microscopic dent in a company as large as Walmart. But that same $4k/month that can be counted on consistently can be an absolute life saver to many small businesses.

    I’ve seen the talkers. Where are the people willing to step up and actually do something? Even if you try and fail, at least you can figure out what doesn’t work and then try something else.

  19. “The truth is that corporate capitalism and Communism are simply different tentacles of the same one-world octopus.” — Southron

    Indeed! Or to put it another way, communism and capitalism are two sides of the same shekel!

  20. That is why I am urging Southerners to strike back now – not only get on board but advocate for the construction of well-fortified museums for which to relocate these symbols and statues as well as important historical documents. — Clytemnestra

    Clytemnestra, your statement contradicts itself. What you are advocating is tantamount to complete and total capitulation to the demands of the anti-humans!

    That is exactly what the corporations and their bought-and-paid-for politicians want. Don’t rock the boat, simply surrender and go away quietly.

    If Southerners surrender on these issues, it will constitute not only the final body blow of death to the legacy of the Confederacy but also yet another severe blow to the tattered remnants of the white racial resistance throughout the rest of the United States.

    As I have pointed out, the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia and its various CSA manifestations (1861-1865) is recognized the world over as a symbol of resistance against the New World Order system and explains why the Judeo-Liberal Establishment is seeking to drive a stake through its heart once and for all.

    It’s a thorn in the side of the Great Beast and an embarrassment to the ruling class.

    When Republican politicians order Confederate flags unceremoniously pulled down on behalf of their masters and refuse to protect the historical monuments and Confederate grave yards that are being vandalized throughout the South, they do so openly without anyone or anything to hide behind.

    If they cannot be stopped, so be it. If the Southern population is so degenerate that it will not stand and fight against this kind of naked, in-your-face tyranny, then it is moribund and will suffer the same fate of the rest of the country.

    Regardless, everyone should resist these SOBs every step of the way. Yes, make those vile politicians cast a vote on the record to remove these glorious monuments and flags from the public life. At least we will know who is responsible for carrying out these loathsome actions – and it won’t be any us as you suggest!


  21. “Bentley is obviously your typical “pimp style” politician. He’s out there selling Alabama under the guise of economic development and jobs. Haley is a little different she’s more of the “prostitute style”—pay her and she will do it.” – Earl Butz

    LOL! Great post, Earl! This is the type of rhetoric that can inflict severe psychological damage on our enemies. Derision can be a very useful tool in politics, y’ know.

  22. “The truth is that corporate capitalism and Communism are simply different tentacles of the same one-world octopus.” — Southron

    Absolutely correct!

  23. “Too much writing. Too much talking. People complain about the big corporations, but do almost nothing uniformly at a grassroots level. Half of you will be shopping at Walmart and buying from Amazon by next week or next month. It’s always complain about something. – Celestial Time

    Celestial Time, successful boycotts require organization and numbers in order to affect change at the national level. We have neither. Of course, as individuals, we should make every effort to patronize small businesses and work at the local level whenever possible.

    Avoiding the most egregious corporations is highly recommended, however, that will necessitate avoiding almost all companies listed on the Fortune 500.

    Is that even possible short of moving to the boondocks and living a self-sufficient life off the grid?

    Unfortunately, such noble intensions are contingent on the ability to afford it. The majority of working class Southerners are impoverished and cannot afford the options you recommend.

    Here in northwestern North Carolina, folks shop at Walmart because that is all they can afford! And when they are not shopping at Walmart, they are shopping at Sav-Mor or their local Dollar General Market. They are not going to spend the time and money (that they don’t even have) to shop at the French Broad Food Co-op in downtown Asheville.

    I’m sorry, but these folks are literally scraping by, paycheck to paycheck, working multiple part-time jobs, and cannot afford the options you suggest.

    The problem with your entire approach is that you are attempting to target corporations that do not formulate government policy nor mold the philosophic ideas of a nation. In that sense, they are passive, not active participants in the greater scheme of things.

    If you were to magically transport these corporations back to the United States circa 1900, do you think they would be behaving as they do today? Not a chance in hell! Indeed, many of them would be busted up and would not even exist in their current form.

    As long as you have “free trade” policies enacted by the powers-that-be along with a federal court system that refuses to enforce Antitrust laws that are already on the books combined with open borders, H1B visas and other forms of treason, no amount of boycotts or grassroots effort will put a dent in the current scheme of things.

    Our choice, which is currently a Hobson’s choice given our current political impotence, is seize the power of government and use it against our enemies or continue to suffer and die. It’s either the hammer or anvil, and right now we are being smashed to pieces!

  24. @Scipio Americanus

    If Southerners surrender on these issues, it will constitute not only the final body blow of death to the legacy of the Confederacy but also yet another severe blow to the tattered remnants of the white racial resistance throughout the rest of the United States.

    Let’s see, you allowed yourselves to be goaded into the War Between The States before you had your own industrial system. But it was the principle of the thing.

    You refused to rub the Union’s nose in the hot mess its own abolitionists had made by freeing your slaves and escorting them to the Ohio River. But it was the principle of the thing.

    You ultimately went to the same sharecropping system you could have adapted without having your farms and plantations and cities devastated. But it was the principle of the thing.

    Little Rock had two years advance notice to organize the Whites and put up a network of private schools in place when the SCOTUS inevitably desegregated the schools. Imagine the fun if the Yankee media showed up gleefully expecting to catch racist, rioting rednecks picking on the poor little Black children only to find the public schools were open to them, but empty of Whites. But you gave them the fight they were looking (hoping, and praying) for. But it was the principle of the thing.

    You have a narrow window of opportunity to get the symbols of the Confederacy you say are sacred to you into well-fortified museum. (It’s an election year). In that way, you can save them from destruction by vandals. But if it is still the principle of the thing, I don’t know what to say. I’d like these things to be preserved, but they aren’t my heritage; they’re yours.

    Has anyone here ever seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail? Because the Black Knight is what Southerners remind me of:


    Loony bastards, indeed, LOL. But seriously, there must be some kind of Southern code that dictates losing on principle. Losing with honor is still … LOSING. I HATE losing. But my people hail from a part of the world where an insult offered eight hundred years ago is stronger than one offered eight minutes ago. We constantly had to fight to keep territory only to surrender it and fight to get it back.

    You see, while I don’t understand the whole Southern mythos, I do come from a line of people who have had to beat a retreat from territory and see it partitioned into parts of other countries, only to ultimately take it back. There was no Glorious Cause dictating that we fight to the bitter end; we performed triage and preserved what we could with the ultimate goal of taking it back and then some.

    There was one big difference. Our invaders spoke a foreign tongue and along with our symbols, they tried to strip us of our language. But no that doesn’t make sense when we remember that the Canadians successfully repelled an American attempt at territorial expansion at one point.

    So, I am wondering if this need to stand on principle and lose with honor has something to do with the South’s implicit belief that the South represents what the founders originally intended and is, in a sense the REAL America? That would explain this subconscious need to shoot yourselves in the foot. The Confederacy didn’t exist long enough for the Southerners to see the South as its own NEW country.

    Inspired by all those Civil War reenactments, you still fight out in the open, waving your flag and wearing your uniform when the situation calls for guerrilla warfare. Now many here may despise the very concept of a weak man’s weapon of choice. And it is, but it is the only answer when you are outgunned and facing overwhelming odds. And guerrilla warfare has worked for the indigenous people of Vietnam and Afghanistan and everywhere the people have faced an enemy with higher tech weapons.

    Now, my take on it is that you can get out on the streets and wave the flag and protest and even get into street skirmishes while vandals continue to deface and ultimately destroy all your symbols to the point that there isn’t a trace of people alive who remember what the Confederacy was really about … OR

    You can use all your energy NOW to make sure those symbols are preserved for later public use once those who have infected the country with all this politically correct garbage are toppled from power as they inevitably will be … not because of some Hitleresque type figure but because of their own stupid, arrogant hubris and that day is coming sooner than anyone thinks.

    From someone whose ancestors hail from a country that suffered from invasion and occupation, consider this: save as much as your symbols and heritage as you can. Then focus on regrouping and when you have the upper hand, THEN kick the crap out of them!

    But it is still up to you. It’s your heritage, not mine. But for what it’s worth, I wish you every success in your endeavors.

  25. According to the article, the entire board of the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce supports the removal of the flag! Every single board member!! This is what the South’s new ruling class has degenerated into — a regional microcosm of the nation’s business community as a whole. Yep, the business of America is business . . . and Dixie too!!!

  26. Clytemnestra has a very good logical point. We don’t control these territories any more and are not likely too in future unless you contemplate serious violence. What are you going to do when someone takes a chisel to these statues?

    We should be more like the Jews and back up when we have too while pushing forward everywhere else. I hate the Jews and believe they’re a tribe of psychopaths but it doesn’t mean we can’t learn from them.

    Clytemnestra,”…You can use all your energy NOW to make sure those symbols are preserved for later public use once those who have infected the country with all this politically correct garbage are toppled from power as they inevitably will be…”

    I think we could make a very good case to have some proper building built with security features. I also don’t see this as giving up. We should get the people of Memphis to pay for them.

  27. @Sam J.

    Thanks, Sam.

    Considering that it was an agrarian region being confronted by one that had technical superiority and an endless reserve of White immigrant labor to be drafted into its ranks, the South did an amazing job holding off the inevitable for four years.

    Imagine how differently it would have been if the South had had its own industrial base complete with its own immigrant factory base to draft.

    Now consider this. All those companies that Hunter is fulminating will be putting out the money to pay for putting down the industrial infrastructure that the every Southern state has always needed from Jump Street.

    Just as many Northerners have never visited the South and only see the South through the lens of the victor’s propaganda, many Southerners have never visited the North and have no idea what is really going on up there. Swathes of factory towns are dying up there, because the factories have been closed down. Those factories which haven’t been shipped overseas are headed South. It isn’t called the Rust Belt for nothing.

    And it’s not like a neo-Confederacy can’t do what foreign countries have done since the turn of the last century once Uncle Sucker finishes paying for and installing factories over there; NATIONALIZE THEM.

    Under coercion, you are forced to give bullies what they want; the idea is to make them pay dearly for it, with compounded interest, later!

  28. Clytemnestra,

    But seriously, there must be some kind of Southern code that dictates losing on principle. Losing with honor is still … LOSING.


    Inspired by all those Civil War reenactments, you still fight out in the open, waving your flag and wearing your uniform when the situation calls for guerrilla warfare.

    This has been said many times before and it seems to do no good. Outside of fairly impotent rallies and protests and Internet bravado and angst, there seems to be no practical plans to get a little traction and gain ground in some way. There’s not a Plan B when it’s obvious Plan A probably isn’t going to work to any great degree. It’s like people are waiting for complete failure just so they can turn around and complain about the little failures that lead up to it. I’ve been in the South all of my life and I don’t understand it.

    Of course, this isn’t really a characteristic that is exclusive to Southern people. It’s just that The South embodies most of the things that Marxists and other string-pullers view as White, and want to tear down as a result. Because of this, being seen as constantly “losing on principle” is just a matter of being fixated on a lump sum of principles. There’s no compartmentalization(triage, as you say) that Southerners can use to rally around. It’s all or nothing for them.

    I’ve said it before: Southern Nationalism in its present state has ZERO chance of combating the anti-White forces and establishing lasting enclaves that resemble Western values in some way. If you can’t regroup and rally around Race as the fundamentally most important aspect to your culture, then you will fail. Most of everything “principled” Southerners value has been built on top of Race or built from Race, not the other way around. You can build it all back as long as your foundation is mostly White.


    Clytemnestra, thanks for your reply. I must admit that it constitutes one of the most bizarre posts I’ve ever read on this site. Not only does it drip with contempt and mindless gloating over the South’s misfortunes, its pomposity is truly breathtaking!

    I especially refer to your remarks regarding the so-called solution to the Feds intervention in Little Rock given the financial and logistical impossibility of your recommendation coupled with the fact that SCOTUS would have simply issued another ruling demanding integration of your so-called “private schools” had such an endeavor actually been successful.

    Aside from constituting a form of “Monday morning quarterbacking,” your hairsplitting scheme would not have succeeded, I’m afraid, because you completely fail to understand both the nature and determination of the enemy.

    Nevertheless, I must ask: Are you kidding me?

    Who are you? Where do you hail from? Who are your ancestors? Who are the invaders you speak of ? Given the contempt displayed in your post, one must ask why are you posting here in the first place?

    Given that your handle, ‘Clytemnestra’ refers to the wife of Agamemnon, I’m assuming that you have an interest in ancient Greek mythology.

    That name is revealing because it was Clytemnestra who betrayed her husband, King Agamemnon, while he was off commanding Greek forces during the Trojan War only later to conspire with her lover to murder him upon return!

    Yes, your pseudonym certainly seems to fit your personality. Treachery is your middle name.

    Despite your pontifications on these matters, you readily admit that you have no understanding of the Southern mythos, and by extension, that of the West.

    That is interesting because your admission reminds me of an exchange I had with several “white nationalists” over at Alex Linder’s Vanguard News Network many years ago regarding their lack of understanding of the spiritual facet of this very issue.

    While I’m obviously sympathetic with the purported aims of white nationalism, I do not embrace it in its past or present form given its lack of guiding principles, dearth of quality leadership, debased standards of personal conduct and incessant pandering to the lowest common denominator. Furthermore, many white nationalists display open hostility towards our heritage and demonstrate not even a modicum of respect for the West’s past greatness and the noble constancy of purpose that made it possible.

    This exchange involved an inspirational quote I posted from Oswald Spengler that attracted not praise and understanding but ridicule and defeatism!

    Here is the Spengler quote:

    “We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the destined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to hold on to the lost position, without hope, without rescue, like that Roman soldier whose bones were found in front of a door in Pompeii, who, during the eruption of Vesuvius, died at his post because they forgot to relieve him. That is greatness. That is what it means to be a thoroughbred. The honorable end is the one thing that can not be taken from a man.” — Oswald Spengler, Men and Technics

    And here is a snippet from my reply to the VNN crowd who failed to comprehend its meaning, including potty-mouth himself, Alex Linder:

    “. . . Of course what Spengler was praising was our intrepid soldier’s character which was non-negotiable; he perished with his soul intact! It’s about high standards of personal honor and knightly virtues which mean more to a man than life itself because life is simply not worth living without them . . . we can certainly choose to remain loyal to our race’s spiritual ideals and instinctive values, even in the face of a diseased, degenerate and dying culture.”

    And here is the great classical philologist Revilo P. Oliver’s response, from beyond the grave, that I also posted in my reply to those so-called defenders of our race who were so spiritually diseased that they couldn’t grasp the meaning of the passage:

    “Now, whether or not the stern prognostication that lies back of that conclusion is correct, no man fit to live in the present can read those lines without feeling his heart lifted by the great ethos of a noble culture — the spiritual strength of the West that can know tragedy and be unafraid. And simultaneously, that pronouncement will affright to hysteria the epicene homunculi among us, the puling cowards who hope only to scuttle about safely in the darkness and to batten on the decay of a culture infinitely beyond their comprehension.”


    So there you have it, Clytemnestra, murderer of Agamemnon. What is clear is that you have an entirely different world view that is incompatible with that of the South and by extension, the West, either because you are not an Aryan or because you are spiritually diseased, much like the white nationalists cited above. You are a shining example of “the epicene homunculi among us, the puling cowards who hope only to scuttle about safely in the darkness and to batten on the decay of a culture infinitely beyond their comprehension.”

    I needn’t expatiate on this matter any further.

    (Through difficulty to the stars)

  30. Clytemnestra executed her treacherous husband when it became all too clear that his plans for facing his family (after his murder of Iphigenia) was to simply get a new family. If you recall, Agamemnon had taken the Trojan Cassandra for his wife and begat twin sons on her who would have challenged HER son (and rightful heir since the throne came through her) Orestes. It was not treachery on her part; it was a preemptive strike.

    Though the play conveniently sweeps it under the table with the Furies and Artemis, it was Clytemnestra’s own father, Tyndareus who brought Orestes up on trial – not for killing her lover, Aegisthus, because he represented a threat to Orestes. But the way Tyndareus saw it was that Orestes had no business killing his mother to avenge a father who would have stabbed him in the back anyway. The reason why Orestes wasn’t executed was because the jury was evenly split for conviction/acquittal.

    I like the handle, because I see the Western elite as modern day, double-dealing, backstabbing Agamemnons. And, in my own modest way, I want to avenge/fight for our children much the way she did.

    The country where my people hail from is Poland. For several years, Poland was partitioned and occupied by Austria, Hungary, and Russia. During that time, a Pole caught speaking his native tongue was in serious trouble and every aspect of Polish culture was suppressed if not destroyed.

    Monday morning quarterbacking:

    If the Democrats of 1952 had run on the same platform they are running today, there wouldn’t be a single Democrat politician who wouldn’t be swinging from some lamp post, because everything they did had to be done incrementally.

    It is highly unlikely that SCOTUS and the federal marshals would have forcibly integrated Little Rock’s private schools. It would put the whole country in an uproar, because they’d be tackling religious freedom and the right of free association too quickly. You probably don’t know that, at the time, the North was still populated with a lot of enclaves of White ethnics who sent their kids to parochial schools.

    My thoughts are that the self-righteous saps and the federal marshals who showed up to protect the little Black children as they walked through quiet streets up to the school only to find it empty and silent would look and feel like idiots; they’d have so much egg on their faces.

    Prohibition (against alcohol) was once the law of the land, but FEDGOV was forced to repeal it. Because Americans all over the country didn’t incite a crackdown by rioting in the streets. They quietly disregarded the law, they brewed their own alcohol and they went to speakeasies. Prohibition proved to the powers that be that they only undermine their own authority by creating laws that people basically ignore.

    The underlying goal of the Little Rock order was integration of the races NOT desegregation of a public school system that was paid for by White and Blacks alike. Had the good White people of Little Rock all worked together to have their children in private or parochial schools, the letter of the law would have still been observed so the SCOTUS would have had no Constitutional standing to integrate private schools.

    Moreover, if the miscegenation maniacs been faced with a cool, composed, organized group of Whites working relentlessly as a collective to keep all of their children out of their clutches, they would have been forced to retreat lest the racial collective spread all over the country.

    If I came off contemptuous, I apologize. I don’t hate the South or Southerners at all. I love how gracious their culture is, I find Southern history and people fascinating for the most part and I find most Southern accents very pleasing to the ears. When I meet a man with the right accent coupled with the perfect pitch, well all I can say is a voice like that makes putty out of me.

    I have a lot of respect and a certain grudging admiration for you crazy Southerners.
    I mean the Monty Python satire as a form of affectionate teasing. Believe it or not, I see a win for you as a win for Whites everywhere in the country.

    These monuments are already being defaced. By Blacktivists, no doubt. How much longer before one of them decides to take a jackhammer or a wrecking ball to these historical artifacts as some Femen bitch did to a cross that was constructed as a monument to the people who died of starvation in the Holodomor in the Ukraine?

    How do you propose to stop them without resorting to the kind of physical force that could land you in the penitentiary for several years on “hate crimes” against an historically oppressed but now federally protected populace?

    Again, this is your heritage, not mine. But as someone who genuinely wants your history to be preserved, I would not consider myself a sympathize if I did not yell at you to lookout when I see you racing toward a sinkhole. It’s totally up to you whether you want to swerve to avoid it or flip me off and drive on, full speed ahead. Either way, I’m satisfied that I did all due diligence by you.

  31. “It’s the same enemy we faced in the 1960s too.”

    It makes sense for big business to rally around social issues. An “enemy”? Might as well tear down the capitalist system entirely.

    “Had the good White people of Little Rock all worked together to have their children in private or parochial schools, the letter of the law would have still been observed so the SCOTUS would have had no Constitutional standing to integrate private schools.”

    You are forgetting that private and parochial schools are funded by tuition costs. Most people at that time could not afford the price. Besides, why would “high-minded” southrons want their “dim-witted” cousins to attend the same school? Because “white power”? No, silly, it was a social class issue.

    “Moreover, if the miscegenation maniacs been faced with a cool, composed, organized group of Whites working relentlessly as a collective to keep all of their children out of their clutches, they would have been forced to retreat lest the racial collective spread all over the country.”

    Now you are simply dreaming. People have the liberty to marry and procreate with whomever they please, regardless of race or ethnicity.

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