The False Narrative: Democratic Political Operative Slashed To Death By Black Assailant on Washington Metro

Democratic political strategist slaughtered on Washington Metro

By Hunter Wallace

Here’s an example of the bullshit that Kevin Sutherland was spouting on his Facebook page on June 18 about Dylann Roof’s shooting spree in Charleston:


Did you hear that? According to Kevin Sutherland, the American flag represents a “more perfect Union,” and it was institutionalized racism that “cultivated” Dylann Roof. Sutherland was obviously a progressive who bought into the SPLC’s notion that the C of CC has spread a “false narrative of a victimized white majority under siege by allegedly violent people of color in the United States.”

Two weeks later, Kevin Sutherland was probably in a festive mood when he fatefully boarded the Washington Metro on July 4th in his beloved Washington, DC, along with one of those “allegedly violent people of color,” Jasper Spires:

“Jasper Spires boarded the Red Line Metro train at Rhode Island Avenue shortly before 1 p.m. on Saturday, joining fellow passengers from the District and elsewhere headed to various July 4 festivities, among them the Foo Fighters concert at RFK Stadium.

As the train rumbled toward its next stop at NoMa-Gallaudet, a three-minute ride, D.C. police said the 18-year-old Spires — who might have been high on synthetic drugs — tried to grab a cellphone tucked into the waistband of a recent American University graduate headed to a gathering with friends.

Police and a witness interviewed said passengers trapped in the moving train huddled at both ends of the car and watched in horror as Spires allegedly punched 24-year-old Kevin Joseph Sutherland until he fell to floor, then stabbed him until he was dead. Court documents say the victim was cut or stabbed 30 or 40 times in the chest, abdomen, back, side and arms. Police said the assailant then threw the victim’s cellphone and returned to stomp on Sutherland’s body.”

Here’s what Kevin Sutherland had to say about gun control on his own personal website:

“Since I am in politics, there is one phrase coined by our Founding Fathers that really strikes me. When they founded this nation, they set out to create a “more perfect Union.” The important distinction in this phrase is that our Union is not perfect. More than 225 years later, despite so much change, this is still true. It is likely that we will never achieve absolute perfection, but I believe that the heart of American exceptionalism is that we never stop trying. If history is any guide, the forces for progress always succeed eventually, no matter how formidable their opposition is. Our fight is not merely for new gun control measures or even new mental health programs. It is for the creation of an even more perfect Union.

That is why I am a liberal and that is why I am in Newtown.”

As he was stabbed to death almost forty times by a black career criminal, one has to wonder whether in his last seconds on earth that it ever occurred to Kevin Sutherland that segregation or a gun may have saved his life, or that he would end up being featured on this website as a victim of black-on-white crime.

RIP Kevin Sutherland, martyr for “an even more perfect Union.” Gone, but not forgotten.

Note: The video below comes from his YouTube account.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I am truly sorry for him. Sometimes the whirlwind we reap, in our ignorance, is overwhelming.

  2. The phrase, “a more perfect union,” obviously refers to the Constitution’s supposed improvements on the Articles of Confederation. That it is now taken to be an open-ended invitation to root out all the “evils” of racism, gun-ownership, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc., ought to tell us all we need to know about the public education provided by our wonderful federal government.

  3. After reading what Sutherland wrote I was pleased to learn the contemptible dumb ass received the recompense of his labors.

  4. Chickens coming home to roost for a liberal, a victim of Jewish lies. He probably would have said we deserved if it happened that one of us were murdered in such a horrible way.

  5. Pages 56-57 from Wade are relevant here and indeed to all of these counter-narrative incidents.

    Of the African American men in the sample, 5% carried two MAO-A promoters, the condition that Shih had found to be associated with higher levels of delinquency. Members of the two-promoter group were significantly more likely to have been arrested and imprisoned than African Americans who carried three or four promoters. The same comparison could not be made in white, or Caucasian, males, the researchers report, because only 0.1% carry the two-promoter allele.

    – Nicholas Wade (pg 56-57)

    A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History

  6. Diversity makes for “a less Perfect Union”, and does not “Insure the Domestic Tranquility”

  7. ?Anonymous  07/07/15 (Tue) 03:47:33 9de922 No.2548998>>2557837 >>2557948

    >>2548619 (OP)

    American blacks have been taught from birth that whites are different from them because of institutional blah blah blah.

    It dehumanised whites in their eyes.

    No wonder some of them have no problem with doing this.

  8. I don’t believe in karma. But I do believe that God is sovereign, and I don’t believe anyone dies randomly or before their time. I’m very serious when I say that people ought to consider the wrath that came upon this man and strive to avoid a similar fate. This man was a racial masochist second, chiefly he was an idolator of state power.

    I’m sincere when I say that mourning for this cursed, doomed soul is totally in vain. You might think that is harsh, but that doesn’t really change the facts.

    Naturally, the doomed will sympathize with the damned. At least until they meet in the Hellfire and begin cursing each other for the rest of eternity.

    We’re not waiting for the “moderate” insider rats to ‘wake up’ they only play the role they’re meant to play, everything is as it should be, there are no ‘flaws’ in the divine decree of God.

  9. As the killing boot kick landed on his pathetic skull, was he convincing himself to not generalize about Blacks?

  10. That is why I am a liberal and that is why I am..



    That little pause right there; yeah, that was my moment of silence for Kevin. That’s all he gets. Luckily, Kevin’s Leftist malignancy finally turned fatal before he had a chance to further spread his affliction among healthy members of society.

    If anyone decides to phone Kevin in the afterlife, be sure to ask him if, in the final moments of his life as the knife was penetrating his flesh, he wouldn’t have minded having a gun to defend himself, or having a very large White racist sitting next to him, or maybe even both. If I would have been sitting next to Kevin, he’d probably still be alive. But considering his policies and anti-White rhetoric, I’m not so sure that would be a good thing.

  11. Gone, forgotten and a good thing too.

    Sadly these Eloi are lining up to sacrifice on the Molech Altar.

  12. Where was John Derbyshire when this too smart for his own good liberal needed him and “The Talk?”

  13. Are we sure Kevie was White? Look at him.

    I’m glad that you are publishing the “Poetic Justice” reactions. This Kevin Sutherland DEFINES the concept.

  14. Thanks for posting this and saving it for posterity, he was no doubt a lunatic ideologue. What I found interesting is that not one person on that train car stepped forward to help, true Eloi. There you are white liberals, you are meat, too bad.

  15. Keep that hate spiral spinning. You are all despicable. Leave this poor man and his grieving family and friends alone and stop posting your vile garbage to Twitter. Hunter, that goes for you and all your racist little shut-in acolytes.

    • Someone who knew Kevin,

      From what I have seen, Kevin had a lot to say about Sandy Hook, Baltimore, and Charleston, so we are just nothing the irony that he should have had his eye on the thug with the knife on the Metro.

      I was reading through Kevin’s tweets last night. He retweeted an article by the Baltimore Sun decrying the use of the word “thug” to describe those who people who were burning down Baltimore.

  16. In Mr Sutherland’s honor I suggest that we bury/hide the story of his death and focus on the real victim, Jasper Spires, and ask how White Privlege and institutional racism led to the frustration that caused him to lash out at society. I’m sure Mr Sutherland would have treated other White victims of black violence the same way.

  17. His/her friend is dead and murdered in a horrible way by a black animal and STILL he/she lays down the platitudes. Sad, sad, sad.

  18. If Kevin were here, he would be the first to tell us that too many young black men like Jasper Spires are locked up in prison by the racist criminal justice system. In fact, he was sounding off on that topic less than two months ago.

  19. A friend and family member is dead. Killed by his own blindness about race. Yet they continue to encourage the same blindness in others as if ignorance were a virtue.

  20. Pure, anti-White, PC bullsh*t Kevin. You thought it would protect you from Diversity running you down.

    Your arrogance prevented you from realizing that your race, not your ideology, is your uniform.

  21. I for one salute Kevin’s sacrifice to the cause of removing the white race cancer. The sooner blacks execute whites obviously the better for peace and love. His obliviousness to the blindingly obvious nature of the feral black should be widely imitated by all liberals of good will. Someone who knew Kevin, you should atone for your exists fence by walking around a project in Newark or Oakland with a sign around your neck:

    I Must Atone for My Existence.

  22. Denise, given his political activism in Texas, we can speculate that he has significant Hispanic blood. In one of the pictures where he has put on weight, he looks unambiguously Hispanic. To turn it around, did his killer hone in on that nuance? Probably not. What disturbs me is the absence of a single heretical thought. This person’s soul was completely colonized by the hive mind, which was why he couldn’t identify danger to himself.

  23. If Kevin were here, he would be the first to tell us that too many young black men like Jasper Spires are locked up in prison by the racist criminal justice system.

    Yep. Did you get a real good look at his Facebook and Twitter? Like most other social justice warriors of the White persuasion, his ensemble of fellow travelers and shape-shifters is extremely lacking in the diversity department. His descent into the cultural and racial Melting Pot that he promoted for everyone else was very controlled, calculated and, apparently, an exclusivity based on how White you acted and looked.

    The Jasper Spires types of the country are the ones Kevin wanted to defend so passionately. He wanted to blame White people and society for not embracing them because we are all just too ignorant and racist. But if you look at his pictures, you don’t see any Jasper Spires types on there. In fact, you don’t even see that many black people in photos or added as “friends.” Kind of like the Timmy Wise Syndrome, where the ones who attack Whites the most for being intolerant and racist seem to be just as exclusive in their personal lives and lacking in the diversity department.

    I firmly believe in the adage that you only deserve what you are willing to tolerate. Black depravity, media distortion and lies, chaos, and large numbers of black-on-White violence day in and day out is what Kevin was willing to ignore and tolerate. It was all like a big game to him. Congratulations, Kevin! You won first prize.

  24. Since in their own ways both the killer and the victim were working to destroy “white supremacy,” shouldn’t this be classed as a friendly fire incident?

  25. Afterthought says:

    ‘Denise, given his political activism in Texas, we can speculate that he has significant Hispanic blood. In one of the pictures where he has put on weight, he looks unambiguously Hispanic.’

    Could be but I think he looks more middle eastern. Sporting a beanie he’d pass as a jew.
    Wearing a rag and brandishing a knife he could pose for pictures with ISIS.

  26. “… a dumbass, sheltered liberal conformist …” The liberals get rewarded for the welfare side of the welfare/warfare scam whilst the neocons get rewarded for the warfare side of the welfare/warfare scam. Liberals need to be drafted to teach high school in black neighborhoods whilst neocons are drafted to dig foxholes in the Mideast.

  27. @Someone who knew Kevin:

    Fine, I will keep the ‘hate spinning’ as it will keep us out of sitatuons like your foolish friend Kevin didn’t think to avoid. Personally, I don’t feel sorry for these white traitors like Kevin. They constantly work against their own race and hate on us for speaking out against this anti-white agenda. No sympathy for people like him. Is that cold to say? Maybe, but I don’t care.

  28. Two Worlds Collide On A Train. See How Diversity Became Their Greatest Strength

    Jasper Spires was a young, black former college student, struggling under the weight of systemic oppression and screaming in his soul for justice. Kevin Southerland was privileged white man who fought bravely for social justice on Twitter and Facebook every day.

    When the two met on a train, Spires showed Southerland just how beautiful diversity can be by stabbing him over a dozen times and stomping on his head until he died. I don’t know what Sutherland was thinking as his blood culturally enriched the floor of the car, but I’m sure it was #BlackLivesMatter.

  29. “Pure, anti-White, PC bullsh*t Kevin. You thought it would protect you from Diversity running you down.?Your arrogance prevented you from realizing that your race, not your ideology, is your uniform.” Study the wars of the past 200 years. You will find that that a certain group is over-represented in finance and medicine whilst under-represented in military combat and military engineering.

  30. @wjwl

    You mean it will keep you out of situations like being in public? On public transit? Okay, yes, please do stay out of the real world. And yes, please keep spinning down that hate spiral in the toilet bowl of society with the other racist shut-ins that agree with you.

    And Hunter, point not taken. Just stop it.

    Thanks, and goodbye.

  31. Check out this photo.

    No, it’s not the guns, bricks, baseball bats, fists, kicks or knives that must be controlled or banned.

    I’m sure these dupes will continue in their foolish ways not having learned a damned thing from this experience.

    True believers to the end.

    I have no pity for them, only contempt.

    It is right they get a taste of the savagery that Obama’s sons and daughters inflict on the rest of us on a daily basis.

    As Leonard Pitts once said: ‘Cry me a river.’

  32. Interesting link on WN, Rodney. I’ve never been involved in any movements because they usually seem dysfunctional. I also remember Jared Taylor from his Last Ditch days, and balked at the Jewish involvement–that’s my red line.

    The one thing that can be said for WNs is they do face potential harm for being identified that members of LaRaza , NAACP, JDL, etc don’t face.If anything, being a non-white activist is a feather in the cap for most, and the foot soldiers can rely on patronage jobs that many WNs can’t get in this economy.

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